NPC Natural Product Communications: Linalool - A Review of A Biologically Active Compound of Commercial Importance
NPC Natural Product Communications: Linalool - A Review of A Biologically Active Compound of Commercial Importance
NPC Natural Product Communications: Linalool - A Review of A Biologically Active Compound of Commercial Importance
Since the earliest times fragrant materials have been used in rituals. Today, a lucrative industry has developed to produce and
deliver fragrances and aromatic chemicals with various applications in modern society. Linalool, a much sought after
compound in the flavor and fragrance industry is a monoterpene alcohol which occurs naturally in many aromatic plants.
Linalool and linalool-rich essential oils are known to exhibit various biological activities such as antimicrobial, anti-
inflammatory, anticancer, anti-oxidant properties and several in vivo studies have confirmed various effects of linalool on the
central nervous system. The applications of linalool are not confined to simply adding or enhancing a specific scent to domestic
products such as soaps, detergents and shampoos. Linalool also plays an import role in nature as a key compound in the
complex pollination biology of various plant species to ensure reproduction and survival. Linalool is also a key compound for
the industrial production of a variety of fragrance chemicals such as geraniol, nerol, citral and its derivatives, as well as a lead
compound in the synthesis of vitamins A and E. The repellent properties of linalool on various crop-destroying insects has been
well documented accentuating the application of this molecule in eco-friendly pest management. This review aims to highlight
the various biological properties of linalool and to emphasize the value of linalool and linalool-rich essential oils in
mouthparts and collect nectar from the perianth hairs. inhibitory concentration) method [4] indicates that
In the orchids, nectar is secreted as droplets on long linalool exhibits some degree of activity against
floral hairs. The fragrance from plants in three Escherichia coli (MIC value: 51.9 µM) and C.
different populations, analyzed by gas albicans (MIC value: 38.9 µM).
chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry,
confirmed the dominance of linalool [17]. Like most chemotherapeutic agents, linalool exhibits
specificity for certain pathogens. Results from an in
A study was conducted to explore whether or not vitro assay (Ames with and without S9 activation) of
there are convergent patterns in floral scent linalool exposed to Salmonella thyphimurium strains
composition among plant species that rely (TA92, TA94, TA98, TA100, TA1535 and TA1537)
(completely or partially) on butterflies for pollination. showed that linalool was not capable of inhibiting the
Floral scent compounds were analyzed from 22 growth of this microbe [21-23].
flowering butterfly-pollinated plant species,
representing 13 families (originating mainly from The influence of (R)-(−)-linalool on airborne
temperate North Europe, tropical and temperate microbes when vaporized with an air washer has
America). It was postulated that the benzenoids been reported. The average reduction in germ count
phenylacetaldehyde and 2-phenylethanol, the was above 40% [24]. When water devoid of volatile
monoterpenes linalool and linalool oxide (furanoid) I compounds was applied, the colony forming units
and II serve as a signal to attract pollinating increased. These results show the positive effect of
butterflies, and these compounds may have evolved selected aromatic compounds (including linalool) on
in conjunction with the sensory capabilities of the reduction of airborne pathogens.
butterflies as a specific group of pollinators [18].
Various essential oils containing linalool have shown
5. The pharmacological properties of linalool promising activity against Plasmodium falciparum
[25,26]. However, the antiplasmodial activity of
5.1. Infectious diseases: Despite the progress in
linalool as a single compound exhibited poor activity
understanding the life cycle and control of many
when tested in vitro on P. falciparum FCR-3 strain
pathogens, the majority of diseases affecting millions
(IC50 value: 254.4 µM) using the 3[H]-hypoxanthine
of people in developing countries are caused by
incorporation assay [4]. Therefore it may be
micro-organisms. Although a plethora of papers are
postulated that linalool probably may act in a
available on the anti-infective properties of essential
synergistic manner with other essential oil
oils, very few studies have explored the activity of
components to inhibit the in vitro growth of the P.
individual oil constituents (e.g. linalool). The
falciparum FCR-3 strain.
essential oil of Bursera aloexylon which contains
high levels of linalool (96%) was shown to be
The in vitro leishmanicidal effects of Croton
effective against Rhodococcus equi (0.60 mg/mL)
cajucara rich in linalool was investigated against
and Staphylococcus epidermides (0.15 mg/mL) [19].
Leishmania amazonensis [27]. The LD50 values for
The essential oil of Croton cajucara (linalool-rich
promastigotes were 8.3 ng/mL for the linalool-rich
chemotype) inhibits the growth of Candida albicans,
essential oil and 4.3 ng/mL for purified linalool,
Lactobacillus casei, S. aureus, Streptococcus
respectively and the LD50 values for amastigotes
sobrinus, Porphyromonas gingivalis and
were 22.0 ng/mL, respectively for the essential oil
Streptococcus mutans cell suspensions. All of these
and 15.5 ng/mL for purified linalool. Morphological
pathogens are associated with oral cavity disease
changes in L. amazonensis promastigotes treated with
[20]. These results may provide some scientific
15 ng/mL of essential oil were observed by
evidence for the inclusion of linalool as an ingredient
transmission electron microscopy. Leishmanial
in several mouthwash and gargle products claimed to
nuclear and kinetoplast chromatin destruction,
provide symptomatic relief of sore throats, mouth
followed by cell lysis, was observed within 1 h.
ulcers and tender gums. The effects of linalool on the
Mouse peritoneal macrophages pretreated with 15
cell biology of C. albicans were further studied by
ng/mL of essential oil reduced the interaction
electron microscopy, which showed that linalool
between these macrophages and L. amazonensis by
induced a reduction in cell size and germination [20].
50% [27].
The antimicrobial activity of linalool against various
pathogens using the microtitre plate assay (minimum
1186 Natural Product Communications Vol. 3 (7) 2008 Kamatou and Viljoen
5.2. Anti-oxidant activity: The anti-oxidant (51%, P = 0.03 and 38%, P = 0.02) and 5 h (45%, P =
properties of essential oils have been of great interest 0.01 and 34%, P = 0.04).
in recent years. Their possible use as natural additives
has emerged from a growing tendency to replace 5.4. Anticancer activity: Cancer is a worldwide
synthetic anti-oxidants with natural compounds [28]. public health concern, with more than 11 million
Cinnamomum osmophloeum (Lauraceae) oil people being diagnosed with the disease every year.
displayed the ability to scavenge the DPPH radical It is estimated that by 2020, there will be 16 million
(IC50 value: 29.7 µg/mL) and this activity was new cases annually [33]. Plants and plant products
correlated to the major compound, linalool (73%) (including essential oils) have a long and established
[29]. Although, the anti-oxidant activity of essential use to prevent or treat symptoms associated with
oils has mainly been correlated with the presence of cancer. Studies were conducted on cancer cells
the major compounds in some plants (e.g. linalool), derived from eight human organs, using ten related
van Zyl et al [4] demonstrated that linalool as a pure compounds from common vegetables and fruits
single component has little anti-oxidant activity (IC50 including linalool and flavonoids (e.g. luteolin) [34].
value > 648 µM) against the DPPH radical. Linalool showed the strongest activity against a broad
range of cancer cells, such as carcinoma of the cervix
5.3. Anti-inflammatory activity: Inflammation is the (IC50: 0.37 μg/mL), stomach (IC50: 14.1 μg/mL), skin
normal physiological response which occurs when (IC50: 14.9 μg/mL), lung (IC50: 21.5 μg/mL) and bone
the body is exposed to infective agents or to physical, (IC50: 21.7 μg/mL). In another study, the effects of
or chemical change [30]. Some essential oils are linalool on tumor cells were investigated [35]. The
used in aromatherapy for their therapeutic benefits results obtained confirmed that linalool inhibited
such as their anti-inflammatory, anticancer and tumor cells (CD50 = 82.3, 90.7 and 113.6 μ g/mL for
antiplasmodial properties. A number of linalool and A-549, HeLa e HT-29 cell lines, respectively), while
linalyl acetate-producing species are used in linalool did not exhibit any cytotoxicity against non-
traditional medicine systems to relieve symptoms and tumor cells.
cure a variety of ailments, both acute and chronic [5].
Linalool-producing species have been reported to The chemopreventive activity of linalool was also
possess good anti-inflammatory activity and exhibit a studied using the 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene
peripheral analgesic effect [31,32]. These (DMBA) induced rat mammary carcinogenesis
pharmacological activities were attributed to the model. Rats were fed with a diet containing 1%
content of alcohols such as linalool and its linalool for a period of 20 weeks. A fortnight after the
corresponding ester (linalyl acetate) [32]. Linalyl initiation of the dietary regimen, a single dose of 65
acetate is mentioned here as it is considered a pro- mg/kg DMBA in 0.5 mL sesame oil was
drug in the sense that this ester is metabolized to the administered to each rat by gastric intubation. Results
alcohol. The inhibitory effect of (–) linalool, (±) showed no significant reduction in the total number
linalool and linalyl acetate, on carrageenin-induced of tumors and no significant extension of the tumors
edema in rats was studied. (–) Linalool at a dose of when compared to the controls [36,37]. The ability of
25 mg/kg body (wt), did not exhibit any activity 1 h linalool to inhibit large bowel and duodenal tumor
after administration of carrageenin, but after 3 and 5 formation using the azoxymethane-induced neoplasia
h, a significant inhibition of oedema (28%, P = 0.008 in rats produced no significant decrease in
and 25%, P = 0.0004, respectively) was observed. adenocarcinomas of the duodenum [38].
The administration of higher doses (50 and 75 mg/kg Furthermore, no epidemiological or case reports
body wt.) resulted in the higher inhibitory effect investigating the association of exposure to linalool
against oedema, which appeared 1 h after the and cancer risk in humans have been identified [10].
carrageenin injection (58%, P = 0.008 and 60%, P =
0.006, respectively) [5]. (±)-Linalool at 12.5 mg/kg Linalool has been examined for potential
failed to produce any effect and exhibited a antimutagenic and antitumorigenic activity. It was
significant anti-oedematous effect (55%, P = 0.03) 1 not effective against the activity of 4-nitroquinoline
h after carrageenin administration. At 50 and 75 1-oxide in Escherichia coli strain WP2s at 200
mg/kg body wt the racemate however failed to ng/mL [39]. In Drosophila melanogaster, linalool
produce any obvious effect 1 h after carrageenin had no effect on tumour expression in the melanotic
induction, but displayed a positive effect after 3 h strain, tu bw; +s-tu, but it caused retardation in
development [40].
Linalool: A Review Natural Product Communications Vol. 3 (7) 2008 1187
5.5. The effects of linalool on the central nervous Methods used to control insect pests include chemical
system (CNS): The psychopharmacological activity and biological treatment [49,50]. Essential oils
of linalool in mice, showed marked dose-dependent contain a variety of compounds which are known to
sedative effects on the central nervous system. This aid the plants’ defense mechanisms against plant
includes protection against pentylenetetrazol, enemies [51]. Herbs and their constituents as a source
picrotoxin and transcorneal electroshock-induced of alternative fumigants have been suggested by
convulsions, hypnotic and hypothermic effects [41- many contributors [52,53] and the insecticidal
45]. A study was conducted using 40 different properties of numerous essential oils and some
extracts including 9 essential oils, to observe their monoterpenes have been extensively studied on
ability to decrease the motility of test animals [46]. various insects [54,55].
Results showed that linalool decreased the motor
activity (more than 60%) of 6-8 week old mice after Ecologically, insects (e.g. mosquitoes) are important
inhalation (1 h). components of the aquatic and terrestrial food chain.
With respect to human well-being, mosquitoes pose a
Several plant species rich in linalool are used as potential health risk as they may cause skin allergies,
anticonvulsants by practitioners of traditional and are vectors of a number of serious diseases, such
medicine in the Brazilian Amazon [42]. Thus, it is as malaria, yellow fever, dengue and West Nile Fever
not surprising that CNS depressant activity was [56,57]. Despite prevention and protection measures
observed with linalool. Various mental disorders to curb diseases transferred by mosquitoes, disastrous
have traditionally been treated with plant-derived outbreaks still occur in Africa and the rest of the
natural products [47]. Using the Vogel and Geller world often resulting in a humanitarian crisis.
conflict tests, Umezu et al [47] tested linalool which
produced significant anticonflict effects in both the Several aromatic plants are used as natural repellents
Geller and Vogel tests at 400 mg/kg. Thus, although in many African countries where traditional practices
linalool alone could not completely account for the remain the first option of health [58]. In most of the
anticonflict effects of lavender oil, it nevertheless aromatic plants studied, linalool, eugenol, geraniol
could be a major contributor to the observed effects. and terpineol have been identified as contributing
positively to the repellent action. Larvicidal assays
Studies have demonstrated that people with were conducted to evaluate the LC50 and LC90 after
Alzheimer’s disease have decreased brain levels of 24 and 48 h of the essential oils and some of their
acetylcholine. The inhibition of the major constituents against the seaside mosquito
acetylcholinesterase enzyme favors the accumulation Ochlerotatus caspius. All tested oils proved to have
of acetylcholine. Therefore, an increase in the amount strong larvicidal activity (LC50: 15–156 ppm), with
of acetylcholine may reduce mental decline in people coriander fruit oil (which is rich in linalool) as one of
with Alzheimer’s disease and related conditions. The the most potent oils [59].
in vitro anticholinesterase activity of terpenes
including linalool was examined and results indicated An experiment to determine the fumigant toxicities of
that linalool inhibited the acetylcholinesterase 10 monoterpenes against the mature mushroom
enzyme in a dose-dependent manner with 18% sciarid, Lycoriella mali was conducted. The results
inhibition of the enzyme at a concentration of 0.5 indicated that the monoterpene linalool (LD50 value:
mg/mL, while the inhibition by 1,8-cineole, α-pinene 21.15 µg/mL) exhibited the highest toxicity [53].
and β-pinene was higher than 50% at the same Oxygenated monoterpenes (e.g. linalool), were also
concentration [48]. toxic to the rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae [60].
6. The fumigant and insect repellent properties of Several monoterpenes (e.g. carvacrol, linalool,
linalool eugenol, thymol, cinnamaldehyde, α-pinene,
camphor) when tested against Acanthoscelides
There is growing evidence that many biological
obtectus (bean weevil) showed that linalool (log IC50
pesticides can adversely affect the environment and
value: 0.5 mg/L) was the most toxic of all the
the identification of safer means of pest management
compounds investigated [61]. Linalool was found to
has become crucial. Therefore, the use of safe, low
be highly effective and produced 100% mortality of
toxicity botanical pesticides is now emerging as one
Rhyzopertha dominica (lesser grain borer) and 85%
of the prime means to protect crops, their products
mortality on the rice weevil (Sitophilus oryzae) after
and the environment from pesticide pollution.
1188 Natural Product Communications Vol. 3 (7) 2008 Kamatou and Viljoen
Clinical studies have demonstrated that linalool and enantiomeric forms. A solid body of evidence has
specifically its oxidation products may be potential been generated to corroborate the various biological
allergens [81]. For this reason the European Union properties of linalool with the in vitro and in vivo
legislation requires a labeling obligation for any results, with the proof of CNS effects providing most
product containing linalool at certain concentrations. promising potential for treatment of disorders. The
repellent properties of linalool together with
9. Concluding comments negligible toxicity and low tendency to
bioaccumulation, justifies further research to
Due to the abundance of linalool in nature and its
investigate the feasibility of linalool as a
occurrence as a major constituent in plants with an
phytobiocide. Despite the positive results obtained in
established history of use (e.g. lavender), this
the various assays, the mechanism of action by which
monoterpene alcohol has been extensively studied.
linalool (and essential oils in general) exert their
Although it is the tendency to ascribe the biological
specific action remains poorly explored and may
activity of a complex mixture (such as an essential
prove to be a rewarding challenge to future
oil) to the main constituents this should be done with
researchers in this field of study.
caution, as the role of minor constituents and the
possible synergistic interaction between molecules
Acknowledgements - We appreciate the financial
cannot be ignored. Several studies have however
support from Tshwane University of Technology and
confirmed the activity of linalool specifically and
the National Research Foundation (South Africa) and
future investigations should explore the possible
Dr Gill Enslin is thanked for editing the manuscript.
effect of stereochemistry, as linalool exists in two
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