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EngTech, IEng and CEng

Engineering Technician, Incorporated Engineer and Chartered Engineer Standard

Third edition
Foreword 3

The Purpose of UK-SPEC 4

The EngTech Standard 10

The IEng Standard 16

The CEng Standard 24

Professional and ethical behaviour 33

Glossary 36

Table of competence and

commitment standards for EngTech,
IEng and CEng registration 38

Operating under a Royal Charter, the Engineering Council is charged with

regulating the engineering profession in the United Kingdom, setting the standard
for the practice of engineering, and maintaining the registers of professional
engineers and technicians. The Engineering Council is governed by a Board
representing the professional engineering institutions in the UK, together with
individuals drawn from industries and sectors with an interest in regulation of the
engineering profession. This internationally recognised UK Standard is published by
the Engineering Council on behalf of the UK engineering profession. First published
in 2003, it was developed in collaboration with the profession and is kept under
review. It was most recently reviewed in 2013.

Engineering is all around us, satisfying everything from our
basic needs to our more complex dreams and ambitions.
The engineers and technicians who make this possible
enjoy contributing to teams through technical endeavour to
sustain and improve lives. They possess an incredible range
of creative talent that is underpinned by their enquiring
minds and balanced by their intellect and judgement.

Society rightly places great faith in the engineering

profession, trusting engineers and technicians to regulate
themselves on its behalf. This trust can only be delivered
through significant individual commitment that is publicly
demonstrated by the attainment of the professional
competence and behaviours that are described in
this Standard.

The men and women who aspire to be recognised as

professional engineers and technicians require independent
assessment of their competence and commitment, and the
UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence
(UK-SPEC) provides the means to achieve this.

UK- SPEC has been developed collaboratively by members

representing the breadth of the profession, from industry
and academia, and from the many different disciplines and
specialisms that make up the ‘Universe of Engineering’.


Professional registration with the Engineering Council is based on demonstration

of competence and commitment. The UK Standard for Professional Engineering
Competence (UK-SPEC) describes the competence and commitment
requirements that have to be met for registration as an Engineering Technician
(EngTech), Incorporated Engineer (IEng) or Chartered Engineer (CEng). It
includes examples of activities that could demonstrate achievement of the
requirements, to enable individuals and employers to find out whether they or
their staff can meet the registration requirements. Qualifications that exemplify
the required knowledge and understanding are listed, however it should be
noted that there are other ways of demonstrating achievement.

This document also explains the steps necessary to achieve professional

registration; the requirement to maintain and enhance competence once
registered; and the obligations to act with integrity and in the public interest that
are placed on registrants through their membership of a licensed professional
engineering institution.

A glossary of terms is included on page 36 and a matrix comprising requirements

for all three titles is provided as an Annex.

Career development and progression

Registration in any category demonstrates valued recognition of an individual’s
engineering competence and commitment. However, experiential or other
learning and professional development may also enable individuals to progress,
from EngTech to IEng and from IEng to CEng, as their career develops. Evidence of
competence and commitment is the key requirement for registration, and normally
there will be a need for additional education and training before an individual can
be registered for a different title.

Why register?
Professional registration underpins the systems and processes that ensure the
current and future safeguarding of society. It provides employers, government and
society, in the UK and overseas, with the confidence that professionally registered
engineers and technicians possess and maintain the knowledge, skills and
commitment required to meet the engineering and technological needs of today,
whilst also catering for the needs of future generations.

Registration sets individual professionals apart from engineers and technicians

who are not registered. It establishes their proven knowledge, understanding and
competence. In particular, registration demonstrates a commitment to professional
standards, and to developing and enhancing competence.

Employers of registered engineering professionals have the assurance of knowing

that their employees have had their competence independently assessed,
their credentials verified, and their commitment to Continuing Professional
Development (CPD) established. They will have gained the recognition of
their peers as meeting UK standards for knowledge and experience, which
are internationally recognised. Maintaining registration requires continued
membership of a professional engineering institution, which ensures that
registrants are exposed to new developments in their profession, and provides
opportunities to benefit from these. It also means that they are governed by
a professional code of conduct, and receive assistance in determining their
obligations under this code.
In some cases, evidence of employing registered engineering professionals will be
necessary for the award of contracts, both in the UK and internationally.

Some employers use the framework offered by UK-SPEC as a basis for their own
organisational needs, and rely on achievement of registration to demonstrate
readiness for promotion.

Further benefits for individuals can be found at: and

for employers at:

International context
Many Engineering Council registrants are nationals of, or working in, countries
outside the UK. The standing of Engineering Technicians, Incorporated Engineers
and Chartered Engineers as defined by UK-SPEC is widely recognised around
the world. In some cases professional registration is required for particular work.
Professional registration can therefore be helpful when applying for jobs and
tendering for work abroad.

As well as reflecting the requirements of global engineering in UK-SPEC, the

Engineering Council is active within a number of multilateral mutual recognition
agreements with national engineering bodies in other countries. In particular,
the organisation was a founder member of the Washington Accord, which since
1989 has extended well beyond the original six English-speaking countries.
The Engineering Council has subsequently worked with international partners
to develop the Sydney and Dublin Accords, the International Engineering
Technologists Agreement and the International Professional Engineers Agreement.
Together with the APEC Engineers Agreement, governance of these now sits
within the International Engineering Alliance. In addition, the Engineering Council
has worked within the European Federation of National Engineering Associations
(FEANI) to strengthen the voice of engineers at the European level.

The Engineering Council continues to be committed to helping engineers and

technicians whose registration was in the UK, to contribute to engineering in other
countries, as well as to admitting to its register those who have developed their
professional engineering competence in other countries and can demonstrate that
they meet the UK Standard.

How to register
Professional registration is open to all engineers and technicians who can
demonstrate competence and commitment to perform professional work to the
necessary standard.

Anyone wishing to be registered must apply through one of the professional

engineering institutions licensed by the Engineering Council. Institutions can
provide advice about the process and typical timescales for the review. A list of
institutions can be found at:

The assessment process is known as a professional review. The process starts with
an application made in accordance with the requirements of the chosen institution.
A detailed description of the format for this will be provided by the institution, but
any claim of qualifications, experience or training will need formal documented
evidence. When submitting details, applicants will need to show how this relates to
the required competences and commitment.

To assist potential registrants, their advisers and professional review assessors

in deciding the most appropriate category of registration, a matrix comparing
requirements for all three titles is provided as Annex A.

Members of a Professional Affiliate (see glossary) that has an agreement with a

licensed institution to process its members for registration may apply through the
institution. For a current list of Professional Affiliates please see:

What is competence?
Competence is the ability to carry out a task to an effective standard. To achieve
competence requires the right level of knowledge, understanding and skill, and
a professional attitude. Competence is developed by a combination of formal
and informal learning, and training and experience, generally known as initial
professional development. However, these elements are not necessarily separate
or sequential and they may not always be formally structured.

Pages 10 – 31 of this document set out the threshold generic competence and
commitment standards for registration as an Engineering Technician, Incorporated
Engineer or Chartered Engineer, and include some examples of the kind of
evidence that would help to demonstrate these. The list of examples is not
intended to be exhaustive. There may be other examples and local equivalents.

There are five generic areas of competence and commitment for all registrants,
broadly covering:

A Knowledge and understanding

B Design and development of processes, systems, services and products

C Responsibility, management or leadership

D Communication and inter-personal skills

E Professional commitment

For each category of registration, the formal education qualification to demonstrate
the necessary knowledge and understanding that underpins competence is
also given. Applicants without exemplifying qualifications may demonstrate the
required knowledge and understanding in other ways, and increasingly, workplace
learning is contributing to this.

What is commitment?
Registered engineers and technicians demonstrate a personal and professional
commitment to society, their profession and the environment. They are required to
show that they have adopted a set of values and behaviours that will maintain and
enhance the reputation of the profession. Specific evidence is required in the
areas of:

• Complying with codes of conduct

• Managing and applying safe systems of work

• Undertaking engineering activities in a way that contributes to sustainable


• Carrying out CPD necessary to maintain and enhance competence

• Actively participating within the profession.

This revision of UK-SPEC includes a requirement to exercise responsibilities in an

ethical manner (see standard E5). The Statement of Ethical Principles developed by
the Engineering Council and the Royal Academy of Engineering
( sets a standard to which members of the
profession should aspire in their working habits and relationships. The values on
which it is based should apply in every situation in which engineers and technicians
exercise their judgement.

Further information on the required standards is available from a variety of

sources. Each institution will have its own Code of Conduct, in line with the generic
framework on page 33 of this document, and supporting guidance.

The Engineering Council has published a CPD Code for Registrants, (see page 9),
as well as guidance on risk and sustainability (see page 34).

Assessment of competence and commitment
To become professionally registered, applicants must have their competence and
commitment assessed through a process known as professional review. This is a
peer review process, by registrants who are competent and trained to undertake
this kind of assessment. Applicants are assessed against the standards listed in
this document, which may be adapted by the institution to relate specifically to the
particular technologies or industries with which it is concerned.

There is no prescribed time period for the development of competence and

commitment – it depends on many factors such as prior qualifications or
experience, job role and personal circumstances. Following a review of the
documented evidence, the institution will decide whether the applicant is ready.
For would-be Incorporated Engineers and Chartered Engineers, a formal interview
with the assessors is always a part of the process. For those seeking to become
registered Engineering Technicians, the assessment may be on the basis of
documentary evidence. For all three titles, the institution will be able to advise how
best to present evidence of training and experience. Where shortfalls in evidence
emerge, institutions will usually be able to suggest ways in which they can be
addressed. This may involve further training or additional experience.

On completion of the professional review, a decision will be made by the relevant

committee of the institution. A positive decision will result in registration of the
candidate as an Engineering Technician, Incorporated Engineer or Chartered
Engineer. Retention of the title requires continued membership of the admitting
institution or another licensed for that title, or a Professional Affiliate which has a
registration agreement with an institution licensed for that title, and payment of an
annual fee.

Maintaining and enhancing competence

Candidates applying for professional registration must be committed to
maintaining and enhancing their competence. They will be required to show
evidence that they have taken steps to ensure this, and that they intend to
continue to do this in line with the CPD Code for Registrants. This is an important
part of recognition as a registered engineer or technician, and it is important that
anyone seeking registration recognises that this will entail obligations and an
ongoing commitment.

CPD Code for Registrants
Engineering Technicians, Incorporated Engineers and Chartered Engineers should
take all necessary steps to maintain and enhance their competence through
Continuing Professional Development (CPD). In particular they should:

1 T
 ake ownership of their learning and development needs, and develop a plan
to indicate how they might meet these, in discussion with their employer, as

2 U
 ndertake a variety of development activities, both in accordance with this plan
and in response to other opportunities which may arise.

3 Record their CPD activities.

4 R
 eflect upon what they have learned or achieved through their CPD activities and
record these reflections.

5 E
 valuate their CPD activities against any objectives which they have set and
record this evaluation.

6 R
 eview their learning and development plan regularly following reflection and
assessment of future needs.

7 S
 upport the learning and development of others through activities such as
mentoring, and sharing professional expertise and knowledge.

Further information on CPD can be found on page 34.


Engineering Technicians apply proven techniques and

procedures to the solution of practical engineering

Engineering Technicians are required to apply safe systems

of work and are able to demonstrate:

• Evidence of their contribution to either the design, development,

manufacture, commissioning, decommissioning, operation or
maintenance of products, equipment, processes or services

• Supervisory or technical responsibility

• Effective interpersonal skills in communicating technical matters

• Commitment to professional engineering values.

The Competence and Commitment The examples given below are intended to
Standard for Engineering help you identify activities you might quote
Technicians. to demonstrate the required competence
and commitment for EngTech registration.
These are not exhaustive. Moreover,
you are not required to give multiple
examples to demonstrate competence and
Engineering Technicians must be competent Tell us about your career, education and training. Explain
throughout their working life, by virtue of their how the experience you have gained has made you more
education, training and experience, to: competent.

A Use engineering knowledge and The reviewers will be looking for evidence that you have
understanding to apply technical and the know-how to do the job, and were able to go beyond
practical skills. the immediate requirements and use your initiative and
experience to solve a problem or improve a process.

This includes the ability to:

Review and select appropriate techniques, Describe:
procedures and methods to undertake tasks. • an example of work you did that went well, the choices you
made and the outcome
• or something in your work that you were involved in which
didn’t quite work and explain why
• or a technique, procedure or method you improved upon
and explain why.

Use appropriate scientific, technical or Drawing from your direct experience, this might be an
engineering principles. explanation of how a piece of equipment, system or
mechanism works.

B Contribute to the design, development, Explain how you contribute to one or more of these
manufacture, construction, commissioning, activities.
operation or maintenance of products,
equipment, processes, systems or services.

In this context, this includes the ability to:

Identify problems and apply appropriate Show an example of how you have used measurement,
methods to identify causes and achieve monitoring and assessment to:
satisfactory solutions. • identify the source of a problem
• or to identify an opportunity
• or to propose a solution.

Identify, organise and use resources Illustrate how you make decisions about:
effectively to complete tasks, with • what information, material, component, people or plant to
consideration for cost, quality, safety, security use
and environmental impact. • or how to introduce a new method of working
• or what precautions you took.

Describe how you have contributed to best practice methods

of continuous improvement, eg ISO 9000.

C Accept and exercise personal Describe an experience or instance where you have had
responsibility. to accept personal responsibility for seeing a process
through to completion within agreed targets.

This includes the ability to:

Work reliably and effectively without close Your evidence should show how you identified and agreed
supervision, to the appropriate codes of what had to be done and to what standards on a typical
practice. project.

Accept responsibility for work of self or Your evidence could include:
others. minutes of meetings; site notes and instructions; Variation
Orders; programmes of work; specifications, drawing and
Accept, allocate and supervise technical and reports; or appraisals. Activity not associated with your job
other tasks. can contribute evidence.

D Use effective communication and You will need to show you can: contribute to discussions;
interpersonal skills. make a presentation; read and synthesise information; or
write different types of documents.

This includes the ability to:

Use oral, written and electronic methods for Your evidence could include: letters; reports; drawings;
the communication in English1 of technical emails; minutes, including of progress meetings; appraisals;
and other information. work instructions; and other task planning and organising
documents. Your application itself will be relevant.

Work effectively with colleagues, clients, Show examples of how this has occurred, and your role at the
suppliers or the public, and be aware of the time.
needs and concerns of others, especially Describe your role as part of a team.
where related to diversity and equality. Describe a situation where you put your awareness into

E Make a personal commitment to an Your commitment will be to become part of the profession
appropriate code of professional conduct, and uphold the standards to which all members subscribe.
recognising obligations to society, the You need to show that you have read and understood
profession and the environment. your institution’s Code of Conduct.

Comply with the Code of Conduct of your The professional review involves demonstration of, or
institution. discussion of, your position on typical ethical challenges.

Manage and apply safe systems of work. Provide evidence of applying current safety requirements,
such as risk assessment and other examples of good practice
you adopt in your work. You will need to show that you have
received a formal safety instruction relating to your workplace
(such as a CSCS safety test in the UK), or an update on
statutory regulations. In the UK an example would be COSHH

Undertake engineering work in a way that Show examples of methodical assessment of risk in specific
contributes to sustainable development. projects; actions taken to minimise risk to society or the
This could include an ability to:
• Operate and act responsibly, taking account
of the need to progress environmental,
social and economic outcomes

1 Any interviews will be conducted in English, subject only to the provisions of the Welsh Language Act 1993 and any Regulations which may be made in
implementation of European Union directives on free movement of labour.

Carry out and record CPD necessary to This means demonstrating that you have actively sought
maintain and enhance competence in own to keep yourself up to date, perhaps by studying new
area of practice including: standards or techniques, or made use of magazines, lectures
• Undertake reviews of own development organised by professional engineering institutions, and other
needs opportunities to network in order to keep abreast of change.
• Plan how to meet personal and
organisational objectives
• Carry out planned (and unplanned) CPD
• Maintain evidence of competence
• Evaluate CPD outcomes against any plans
• Assist others with their own CPD.

Exercise responsibilities in an ethical manner. Give an example of where you have applied ethical principles
as described in the Statement of Ethical Principles on
page 33.

Give an example of where you have applied/upheld ethical

principles as defined by your organisation or company, which
may be in its company or brand values.

Knowledge and understanding are important components of professional
competence. The following qualifications exemplify the required knowledge and
understanding for Engineering Technicians:

• An Advanced/Modern Apprenticeship or other work-based learning programme

approved by a licensed professional engineering institution;

• or an Edexcel/Pearson Level 3 BTEC Diploma or Extended Diploma in

Engineering or in Construction and the Built Environment;

• or a qualification, approved by a licensed professional engineering institution,

in engineering or construction at level 3 (or above) in the Qualifications and
Credit Framework or at level 6 (or above) in the Scottish Credit and Qualifications

• or equivalent qualifications approved by a licensed professional engineering


Many qualifications may be acceptable as evidence that part or all of the necessary
competence has been acquired. Please check the Engineering Council’s
searchable database of approved qualifications and programmes for information
about current approved status:

Many potential Engineering Technicians have not had the advantage of formal
training, but are able to demonstrate that they have acquired the necessary
competence through substantial working experience. Thus individuals without
the types of qualifications described above may apply for an Individual Route
assessment. This process, administered by the applicant’s institution, includes
assessment of prior learning and of current performance. Evidence of employer
recognition of competences and relevant skills may be helpful.

Applicants should consult their institution for advice on the most appropriate

Professional development
This is the other key part of developing competence. It is how potential
Engineering Technicians learn to apply their knowledge and understanding and
begin to apply professional judgement. It can happen at the same time as some
of the formal education or training referred to above, for example through an
apprenticeship scheme.

Many organisations run well-established apprenticeship or employer training and

development schemes. While these schemes are of course geared to the specific
needs of their organisations, they are frequently designed to help individuals
on the way to registration, and may have been approved by one or more of the
professional engineering institutions.

Potential Engineering Technicians in organisations without schemes of this type
will need to develop profiles of competence and professional activity to help
them prepare for registration. In some cases employers will use occupational
standards or competence frameworks in determining job descriptions and
staff development, and these may assist in developing a competence profile.
Otherwise, aspiring registrants should use the competence and commitment
statements and seek advice and guidance from the relevant institution, which may
be able to put them in touch with a mentor to assist them through the process and
help them address any gaps in their development.

Those seeking Engineering Technician registration should maintain a detailed

record of their professional development, responsibilities and experience, verified
by supervisors or mentors, to provide best evidence for the professional review
(see page 8).


Incorporated Engineers maintain and manage applications of current and developing technology, and
may undertake engineering design, development, manufacture, construction and operation.

Incorporated Engineers are able to demonstrate:

• The theoretical knowledge to solve problems in developed technologies using well proven analytical

• Successful application of their knowledge to deliver engineering projects or services using established
technologies and methods

• Responsibility for project and financial planning and management together with some responsibility for
leading and developing other professional staff

• Effective interpersonal skills in communicating technical matters

• Commitment to professional engineering values.

The Competence and Commitment The examples given below are intended to
Standard for Incorporated help you identify activities you might quote
Engineers. to demonstrate the required competence
and commitment for IEng registration.
These are not exhaustive. Moreover,
you are not required to give multiple
Incorporated Engineers must be competent
throughout their working life, by virtue of their
examples to demonstrate competence and
education, training and experience, to: commitment.

A Use a combination of general and

specialist engineering knowledge and
understanding to apply existing and
emerging technology.

Maintain and extend a sound theoretical
approach to the application of technology in
engineering practice.

This could include an ability to:

• Identify the limits of own personal Engage in formal learning. Learn new engineering theories
knowledge and skills and techniques in the workplace, at seminars, etc. Broaden
• Strive to extend own technological your knowledge of engineering codes, standards and
capability specifications.
• Broaden and deepen own knowledge base
through new applications and techniques.

Use a sound evidence-based approach
to problem-solving and contribute to
continuous improvement.

This could include an ability to:

• Use market intelligence and knowledge Manage/contribute to market research, and product and
of technological developments to process research and development. Involvement with cross-
promote and improve the effectiveness of disciplinary working. Conduct statistically sound appraisal
engineering products, systems and services of data. Use evidence from best practice to improve
• Contribute to the evaluation and effectiveness. Apply root cause analysis.
development of continuous improvement
• Apply knowledge and experience to
investigate and solve problems arising
during engineering tasks and implement
corrective action.

B Apply appropriate theoretical and practical

methods to design, develop, manufacture,
construct, commission, operate, maintain,
decommission and re-cycle engineering
processes, systems, services and products.

Identify, review and select techniques,
procedures and methods to undertake
engineering tasks.

This could include an ability to:

• Establish users’ requirements for Contribute to the marketing of and tendering for new
improvement engineering products, processes and systems. Contribute
• Select a review methodology to the specification and procurement of new engineering
• Fully exploit and implement current products, processes and systems. Develop decommissioning
technology processes. Set targets, and draft programmes and action
• Review the potential for enhancing plans. Schedule activities.
engineering practices, products, processes,
systems and services, using evidence from
best practice
• Establish an action plan to implement the
results of the review.

Contribute to the design and development of
engineering solutions.

This could include an ability to:

• Contribute to the identification and Contribute to theoretical and applied research. Manage/
specification of design and development contribute to value engineering and whole life costing. Work
requirements for engineering products, in design teams. Draft specifications. Find and evaluate
processes, systems and services information from a variety of sources, including online.
• Identify operational risks and evaluate Develop and test options. Identify resources and costs of
possible engineering solutions, taking options. Produce detailed designs. Be aware of IP constraints
account of cost, quality, safety, reliability, and opportunities.
appearance, fitness for purpose, security,
intellectual property (IP) constraints and
opportunities, and environmental impact
• Collect and analyse results
• Carry out necessary tests.

Implement design solutions and contribute to
their evaluation.

This could include an ability to:

• Secure the resources required for Follow the design process through into product manufacture.
implementation Operate and maintain processes, systems etc. Contribute to
• Implement design solutions, taking account reports on the evaluation of the effectiveness of the designs,
of critical constraints, including due concern including risk, safety and life cycle considerations. Contribute
for safety and sustainability to product improvement. Interpret and analyse performance.
• Identify problems during implementation Contribute to determining critical success factors.
and take corrective action
• Contribute to recommendations for
improvement and actively learn from
feedback on results.

C Provide technical and commercial


Plan for effective project implementation.

This could include an ability to:

• Identify factors affecting the project Manage/contribute to project planning activities. Produce
implementation and implement procurement plans. Contribute to project
• Carry out holistic and systematic risk risk assessments. Collaborate with key stakeholders. Plan
identification, assessment and management programmes and delivery of tasks. Identify resources and
• Prepare and agree implementation plans costs. Prepare and agree contracts/work orders.
and method statements
• Secure the necessary resources and confirm
roles in project team
• Apply the necessary contractual
arrangements with other stakeholders
(client, subcontractors, suppliers, etc).

Manage tasks, people and resources to plan
and budget.

This could include an ability to:

• Operate appropriate management systems Manage/contribute to project operations. Manage the
• Work to the agreed quality standards, balance between quality, cost and time. Manage contingency
programme and budget, within legal and processes. Contribute to the management of project funding,
statutory requirements payments and recovery. Satisfy legal and statutory obligations.
• Manage work teams, coordinating project Manage tasks within identified financial, commercial and
activities regulatory constraints.
• Identify variations from quality standards,
programme and budgets, and take
corrective action
• Evaluate performance and recommend

Manage teams and develop staff to meet
changing technical and managerial needs.

This could include an ability to:

• Agree objectives and work plans with teams Carry out/contribute to staff appraisals. Plan/contribute to
and individuals the training and development of staff. Gather evidence from
• Identify team and individual needs, and colleagues of the management, assessment and feedback
plan for their development that you have provided. Carry out/contribute to disciplinary
• Reinforce team commitment to professional procedures.
• Manage and support team and individual
• Assess team and individual performance,
and provide feedback.

Manage continuous quality improvement.

This could include an ability to:

• Ensure the application of quality Promote quality. Manage/contribute to best practice methods
management principles by team members of continuous improvement, eg ISO 9000, EFQM, balanced
and colleagues scorecard. Carry out/contribute to quality audits. Monitor,
• Manage operations to maintain quality maintain and improve delivery. Identify, implement and
standards evaluate changes to meet quality objectives.
• Evaluate projects and make
recommendations for improvement.

D Demonstrate effective interpersonal skills.

Communicate in English2 with others at all

This could include an ability to:

• Contribute to, chair and record meetings Reports, letters, emails, drawings, specifications and
and discussions working papers (eg meeting minutes, planning documents,
• Prepare communications, documents and correspondence) in a variety of formats.
reports on technical matters Engaging or interacting with professional networks.
• Exchange information and provide advice
to technical and non-technical colleagues.

2 Any interviews will be conducted in English, subject only to the provisions of the Welsh Language Act 1993 and any Regulations which may be made in 19
implementation of European Union directives on free movement of labour.
Present and discuss proposals.

This could include an ability to:

• Prepare and deliver appropriate Presentations, records of discussions and their outcomes.
• Manage debates with audiences
• Feed the results back to improve the
• Contribute to the awareness of risk.

Demonstrate personal and social skills.

This could include an ability to:

• Know and manage own emotions, strengths Records of meetings. Evidence from colleagues of your
and weaknesses personal and social skills. Contribute to productive working
• Be aware of the needs and concerns of relationships. Apply diversity and anti-discrimination
others, especially where related to diversity legislation.
and equality
• Be confident and flexible in dealing with
new and changing interpersonal situations
• Identify, agree and work towards collective
• Create, maintain and enhance productive
working relationships, and resolve conflicts.

E Demonstrate a personal commitment

to professional standards, recognising
obligations to society, the profession and
the environment.

Comply with relevant codes of conduct.

This includes an ability to:

• Comply with the rules of professional Contribute to the affairs of your institution. Work with a variety
conduct of own institution of conditions of contract.
• Manage work within all relevant legislation
and regulatory frameworks, including social
and employment legislation.

Manage and apply safe systems of work.

This could include an ability to:

• Identify and take responsibility for own Undertake formal health and safety training. Work with health
obligations for health, safety and welfare and safety legislation and best practice. In the UK, examples
issues include HASAW 1974, CDM regulations, OHSAS 18001:2007
• Manage systems that satisfy health, safety and company safety policies.
and welfare requirements
• Develop and implement appropriate hazard Carry out safety audits. Identify and minimise hazards. Assess
identification and risk management systems and control risks. Deliver health and safety briefings and
and culture inductions.
• Manage, evaluate and improve these
• Apply a sound knowledge of health and
safety legislation.

Undertake engineering activities in a way that
contributes to sustainable development.

This could include an ability to:

• Operate and act responsibly, taking account Carry out/contribute to environmental impact assessments.
of the need to progress environmental, Carry out/contribute to environmental risk assessments.
social and economic outcomes Manage best practice environmental management systems,
simultaneously eg ISO 14000. Manage best practice risk management
• Provide products and services which systems eg ISO 31000. Work within environmental legislation.
maintain and enhance the quality of the Adopt sustainable practices. Contribute to social, economic
environment and community, and meet and environmental outcomes.
financial objectives
• Understand and encourage stakeholder
involvement in sustainable development
• Use resources efficiently and effectively.

Carry out and record CPD necessary to
maintain and enhance competence in own
area of practice including:
• Undertake reviews of own development Keep up to date with national and international engineering
needs issues. Maintain CPD plans and records. Involvement with
• Plan how to meet personal and the affairs of your institution. Evidence of your development
organisational objectives through on-the-job learning, private study, in-house courses,
• Carry out planned (and unplanned) CPD external courses and conferences.
• Maintain evidence of competence
• Evaluate CPD outcomes against any plans
• Assist others with their own CPD.

Exercise responsibilities in an ethical manner. Give an example of where you have applied ethical principles
as described in the Statement of Ethical Principles on
page 33.

Give an example of where you have applied/upheld ethical

principles as defined by your organisation or company, which
may be in its company or brand values.

Knowledge and understanding are important components of professional
competence. Formal education is the usual, though not the only, way of
demonstrating the necessary knowledge and understanding, and the following
qualifications exemplify the required knowledge and understanding for
Incorporated Engineers:

• An accredited Bachelors or honours degree in engineering or technology

• or a Higher National Diploma or a Foundation Degree in engineering or

technology, plus appropriate further learning to degree level*

• or an NVQ4 or SVQ4 which has been approved for the purpose by a licensed
professional engineering institution, plus appropriate further learning to degree

*See for qualification levels and HE reference points.

The Engineering Council website provides searchable databases of accredited

programmes. Please check the Engineering Council website:

Applicants who do not have exemplifying qualifications may demonstrate

the required knowledge and understanding in other ways, but must clearly
demonstrate they have achieved the same level of knowledge and understanding
as those with exemplifying qualifications.

Ways to demonstrate this include:

• Taking further qualifications, in whole or in part, as specified by the institution to

which they are applying

• Completing appropriate work-based or experiential learning

• Writing a technical report, based on their experience, and demonstrating their

knowledge and understanding of engineering principles

• Until 2011, taking Engineering Council examinations.

Applicants should consult their institution for advice on the most appropriate

Professional development
This is the other key part of developing competence. It is how potential
Incorporated Engineers learn to apply their knowledge and understanding and
begin to apply professional judgement. It can happen at the same time as some
of the formal education referred to above, for example through an industrial
placement during a higher education course, through a Higher Apprenticeship
scheme or alongside part-time study.

Many larger employers run well-established apprenticeship or graduate

training and development schemes. While these schemes are of course geared
to the specific needs of their organisations, they are frequently designed to
help apprentices and graduates on the way to registration, and may have
been approved or accredited by one or more of the professional engineering

Potential Incorporated Engineers in organisations without schemes of this type

will need to develop profiles of competence and professional activity to help
them prepare for registration. In some cases employers will use occupational
standards or competence frameworks in determining job descriptions and
staff development, and these may assist in developing a competence profile.
Otherwise aspiring registrants should use the competence and commitment
statements and seek advice and guidance from the relevant institution, which may
be able to put them in touch with a mentor to assist them through the process
and help them address any gaps in their development.

Those seeking Incorporated Engineer registration should maintain a detailed

record of their professional development, responsibilities and experience, verified
by supervisors or mentors, to provide best evidence for the professional review
(see page 8).


Chartered Engineers develop solutions to engineering

problems using new or existing technologies, through
innovation, creativity and change and/or they may
have technical accountability for complex systems with
significant levels of risk.

Chartered Engineers are able to demonstrate:

• The theoretical knowledge to solve problems in new

technologies and develop new analytical techniques

• Successful application of the knowledge to deliver innovative products and services and/or take
technical responsibility for complex engineering systems

• Accountability for project, finance and personnel management and managing trade-offs between
technical and socio-economic factors

• Skill sets necessary to develop other technical staff

• Effective interpersonal skills in communicating technical matters.

The Competence and Commitment The examples given below are intended to
Standard for Chartered Engineers. help you identify activities you might quote
to demonstrate the required competence
and commitment for CEng registration.
These are not exhaustive. Moreover,
you are not required to give multiple
Chartered Engineers must be competent
throughout their working life, by virtue of their
examples to demonstrate competence and
education, training and experience, to: commitment.

A Use a combination of general and

specialist engineering knowledge and
understanding to optimise the application
of existing and emerging technology.

Maintain and extend a sound theoretical
approach in enabling the introduction
and exploitation of new and advancing

This could include an ability to:

• Identify the limits of own personal Engage in formal post-graduate academic study. Learn and
knowledge and skills develop new engineering theories and techniques in the
• Strive to extend own technological workplace. Broaden your knowledge of engineering codes,
capability standards and specifications.
• Broaden and deepen own knowledge base
through research and experimentation.

Engage in the creative and innovative
development of engineering technology and
continuous improvement systems.

This could include an ability to:

• Assess market needs and contribute to Lead/manage market research, and product and process
marketing strategies research and development. Cross-disciplinary working
• Identify constraints and exploit involving complex projects.
opportunities for the development and
transfer of technology within own chosen Conduct statistically sound appraisal of data. Use evidence
field from best practice to improve effectiveness.
• Promote new applications when
• Secure the necessary intellectual property
(IP) rights
• Develop and evaluate continuous
improvement systems.

B Apply appropriate theoretical and practical

methods to the analysis and solution of
engineering problems.

Identify potential projects and opportunities.

This could include an ability to:

• Establish and help develop solutions to Involvement in the marketing of and tendering for new
meet users’ requirements engineering products, processes and systems. Involvement
• Consider and implement new and in the specification and procurement of new engineering
emerging technologies products, processes and systems. Set targets, and draft
• Enhance engineering practices, products, programmes and action plans. Schedule activities.
processes, systems and services
• Use own knowledge of the employer’s
position to assess the viability of

Conduct appropriate research, and undertake
design and development of engineering

This could include an ability to:

• Identify and agree appropriate research Carry out formal theoretical research. Evaluate numerical
methodologies and analytical tools. Carry out applied research on the job.
• Allocate and manage resources Lead/manage value engineering and whole life costing. Lead
• Develop the necessary tests design teams. Draft specifications. Develop and test options.
• Collect, analyse and evaluate the relevant Identify resources and costs of options. Produce concept
data designs, and develop these into detailed designs.
• Undertake engineering design Be aware of IP constraints and opportunities.
• Prepare, present and agree design
recommendations, with appropriate
analysis of risk, and taking account of cost,
quality, safety, reliability, appearance, fitness
for purpose, security, intellectual property
(IP) constraints and opportunities, and
environmental impact.
Manage implementation of design solutions,
and evaluate their effectiveness.

This could include an ability to:

• Ensure that the application of the design Follow the design process through into product or service
results in the appropriate practical outcome realisation and its evaluation. Prepare and present reports on
• Implement design solutions, taking account the evaluation of the effectiveness of the designs, including
of critical constraints, including due concern risk, safety and life cycle considerations. Manage product
for safety and sustainability improvement. Interpret and analyse performance. Determine
• Determine the criteria for evaluating the critical success factors.
design solutions
• Evaluate the outcome against the original
• Actively learn from feedback on results to
improve future design solutions and build
best practice.

C Provide technical and commercial


Plan for effective project implementation.

This could include an ability to:

• Systematically review the factors affecting Lead/manage project planning activities. Produce and
the project implementation including safety implement procurement plans. Carry out project risk
and sustainability considerations assessments. Collaborate with key stakeholders, and
• Define a holistic and systematic approach negotiate agreement to the plans. Plan programmes and
to risk identification, assessment and delivery of tasks. Identify resources and costs. Negotiate and
management agree contracts/work orders.
• Lead on preparing and agreeing
implementation plans and method
• Ensure that the necessary resources are
secured and brief the project team
• Negotiate the necessary contractual
arrangements with other stakeholders
(client, subcontractors, suppliers, etc).

Plan, budget, organise, direct and control
tasks, people and resources.

This could include an ability to:

• Set up appropriate management systems Take responsibility for and control project operations. Manage
• Define quality standards, programme the balance between quality, cost and time. Manage risk
and budget within legal and statutory register and contingency systems. Manage project funding,
requirements payments and recovery. Satisfy legal and statutory obligations.
• Organise and lead work teams, Lead/manage tasks within identified financial, commercial and
coordinating project activities regulatory constraints.
• Ensure that variations from quality
standards, programme and budgets are
identified, and that corrective action is
• Gather and evaluate feedback, and
recommend improvements.

Lead teams and develop staff to meet
changing technical and managerial needs.

This could include an ability to:

• Agree objectives and work plans with teams Carry out/contribute to staff appraisals. Plan/contribute to
and individuals the training and development of staff. Gather evidence from
• Identify team and individual needs, and colleagues of the management, assessment and feedback
plan for their development that you have provided. Carry out/contribute to disciplinary
• Reinforce team commitment to professional procedures.
• Lead and support team and individual
• Assess team and individual performance,
and provide feedback.

Bring about continuous improvement
through quality management.

This could include an ability to:

• Promote quality throughout the Plan and implement best practice methods of continuous
organisation and its customer and supplier improvement, eg ISO 9000, EFQM, balanced scorecard. Carry
networks out quality audits. Monitor, maintain and improve delivery.
• Develop and maintain operations to meet Identify, implement and evaluate changes to meet quality
quality standards objectives.
• Direct project evaluation and propose
recommendations for improvement.

D Demonstrate effective interpersonal skills.

Communicate in English3 with others at all

This could include an ability to:

• Lead, chair, contribute to and record Reports, letters, emails, drawings, specifications and
meetings and discussions working papers (e.g. meeting minutes, planning documents,
• Prepare communications, documents and correspondence) in a variety of formats.
reports on complex matters Engaging or interacting with professional networks.
• Exchange information and provide advice
to technical and non-technical colleagues.

Present and discuss proposals.

This could include an ability to:

• Prepare and deliver presentations on Presentations, records of discussions and their outcomes.
strategic matters
• Lead and sustain debates with audiences
• Feed the results back to improve the
• Raise the awareness of risk.

3 Any interviews will be conducted in English, subject only to the provisions of the Welsh Language Act 1993 and any Regulations which may be made in
implementation of European Union directives on free movement of labour.

Demonstrate personal and social skills.

This could include an ability to:

• Know and manage own emotions, strengths Records of meetings. Evidence from colleagues of your
and weaknesses personal and social skills. Take responsibility for productive
• Be aware of the needs and concerns of working relationships. Apply diversity and anti-discrimination
others, especially where related to diversity legislation.
and equality
• Be confident and flexible in dealing with
new and changing interpersonal situations
• Identify, agree and lead work towards
collective goals
• Create, maintain and enhance productive
working relationships, and resolve conflicts.

E Demonstrate a personal commitment

to professional standards, recognising
obligations to society, the profession and
the environment.

Comply with relevant codes of conduct.

This includes an ability to:

• Comply with the rules of professional Work with a variety of conditions of contract. Demonstrate
conduct of own institution initiative in and commitment to the affairs of your institution.
• Lead work within all relevant legislation and
regulatory frameworks, including social and
employment legislation.

Manage and apply safe systems of work.

This could include an ability to:

• Identify and take responsibility for own Undertake formal health and safety training. Work with health
obligations for health, safety and welfare and safety legislation and best practice. In the UK, examples
issues include HASAW 1974, CDM regulations, OHSAS 18001:2007
• Ensure that systems satisfy health, safety and company safety policies.
and welfare requirements
• Develop and implement appropriate hazard Carry out safety audits. Identify and minimise hazards. Assess
identification and risk management systems and control risks. Evaluate the costs and benefits of safe
and culture working. Deliver strategic health and safety briefings and
• Manage, evaluate and improve these inductions.
• Apply a sound knowledge of health and
safety legislation.

Undertake engineering activities in a way that
contributes to sustainable development.

This could include an ability to:

• Operate and act responsibly, taking account Carry out environmental impact assessments. Carry out
of the need to progress environmental, environmental risk assessments. Plan and implement best
social and economic outcomes practice environmental management systems, eg ISO
simultaneously 14000. Manage best practice risk management systems
• Use imagination, creativity and innovation eg ISO 31000. Work within environmental legislation.
to provide products and services which Adopt sustainable practices. Achieve social, economic and
maintain and enhance the quality of the environmental outcomes.
environment and community, and meet
financial objectives
• Understand and secure stakeholder
involvement in sustainable development
• Use resources efficiently and effectively.

Carry out and record CPD necessary to
maintain and enhance competence in own
area of practice including:
• Undertake reviews of own development Keep up to date with national and international engineering
needs issues. Maintain CPD plans and records. Involvement with
• Plan how to meet personal and the affairs of your institution. Evidence of your development
organisational objectives through on-the-job learning, private study, in-house courses,
• Carry out planned (and unplanned) CPD external courses and conferences.
• Maintain evidence of competence
• Evaluate CPD outcomes against any plans
• Assist others with their own CPD.

Exercise responsibilities in an ethical manner. Give an example of where you have applied ethical principles
as described in the Statement of Ethical Principles on
page 33.

Give an example of where you have applied/upheld ethical

principles as defined by your organisation or company, which
may be in its company or brand values.

Knowledge and understanding are important components of professional
competence. Formal education is the usual, though not the only, way of
demonstrating the necessary knowledge and understanding, and the following
qualifications exemplify the required knowledge and understanding for
Chartered Engineers:

• An accredited Bachelors degree with honours in engineering or technology,

plus either an appropriate Masters degree or Engineering Doctorate (EngD)
accredited by a professional engineering institution, or appropriate further
learning to Masters level*;

• or an accredited integrated MEng degree.

*See for qualification levels and HE reference points.

The Engineering Council website provides a searchable database of accredited

programmes. Please check the Engineering Council website:

Applicants who do not have exemplifying qualifications may demonstrate

the required knowledge and understanding in other ways, but must clearly
demonstrate they have achieved the same level of knowledge and understanding
as those with exemplifying qualifications.

Ways to demonstrate this include:

• Taking further qualifications, in whole or in part, as specified by the institution to

which they are applying

• Completing appropriate work-based or experiential learning

• Writing a technical report, based on their experience, and demonstrating their

knowledge and understanding of engineering principles

• Until 2011, taking Engineering Council examinations.

Applicants should consult their institution for advice on the most appropriate

Professional development
This is the other key part of developing competence. It is how potential Chartered
Engineers learn to apply their knowledge and understanding and begin to apply
professional judgement. It can happen at the same time as some of the formal
education referred to above, for example through an industrial placement during a
higher education course, or alongside part-time study.

Many larger employers run well-established graduate training and development

schemes. While these schemes are of course geared to the specific needs of
their organisations, they are frequently designed to help graduates on the way to
registration and may have been accredited by one or more of the institutions.

Potential Chartered Engineers in organisations without schemes of this type will

need to develop profiles of competence and professional activity to help them
prepare for registration. In some cases employers will use occupational standards
or competence frameworks in determining job descriptions and staff development,
and these may assist in developing a competence profile. Otherwise aspiring
registrants should use the competence and commitment statements and seek
advice and guidance from the relevant institution, which may be able to put them in
touch with a mentor to assist them through the process and help them address any
gaps in their development.

Those seeking Chartered Engineer registration should maintain a detailed record

of their professional development, responsibilities and experience, verified by
supervisors or mentors, to provide best evidence for the professional review (see
page 8).

Statement of Ethical Principles
This Statement of Ethical Principles, published by the Engineering Council and
the Royal Academy of Engineering, lists four fundamental principles to guide
engineers and technicians in achieving the high ideals of professional life:

• Accuracy and rigour

• Honesty and integrity
• Respect for life, law and the public good
• Responsible leadership: listening and informing

These express the beliefs and values of the profession and are amplified in the
Statement of Ethical Principles:

Guidelines for Institution Codes of Conduct

All registrants are expected to observe the requirements of the Code of Conduct
of the institution they have joined.

The Code of Conduct of each licensed professional engineering institution should

place a personal obligation on its members to act with integrity and in the public
interest. It should be worded in such a way as to encourage members to act in
accordance with the Statement of Ethical Principles. Institutions shall ensure that
they have appropriate disciplinary processes in place to deal with breaches of
their Codes of Conduct.

Specifically, Codes of Conduct should oblige members to:

1 Act with due skill, care and diligence and with proper regard for professional
2 Prevent avoidable danger to health or safety.
3 Act in accordance with the principles of sustainability, and prevent avoidable
adverse impact on the environment and society.
4 Maintain and enhance their competence, undertake only professional
tasks for which they are competent, and disclose relevant limitations of
5 Accept appropriate responsibility for work carried out under their supervision.
6 Treat all persons fairly and with respect.
7 Encourage others to advance their learning and competence.
8 Avoid where possible real or perceived conflict of interest, and advise
affected parties when such conflicts arise.
9 Observe the proper duties of confidentiality owed to appropriate parties.
10 Reject bribery and all forms of corrupt behaviour, and make positive efforts to
ensure others do likewise.
11 Assess and manage relevant risks and communicate these appropriately.
12 Assess relevant liability, and if appropriate hold professional indemnity
13 Notify the Institution if convicted of a criminal offence or upon becoming
bankrupt or disqualified as a Company Director.
14 Notify the Institution of any significant violation of the Institution’s Code of
Conduct by another member.

Guidance on Risk
This guidance, published by the Engineering Council, lists six principles to guide
and motivate professional engineers and technicians in identifying, assessing,
managing and communicating about risk.

1 Apply professional and responsible judgement and take a leadership role

2 Adopt a systematic and holistic approach to risk identification, assessment
and management
3 Comply with legislation and codes, but be prepared to seek further
4 Ensure good communication with the others involved
5 Ensure that lasting systems for oversight and scrutiny are in place
6 Contribute to public awareness of risk

For more information please see:

Guidance on Sustainability
This guidance, published by the Engineering Council, lists six principles to guide
and motivate professional engineers and technicians when making decisions for
clients, employers and society which affect sustainability.

1 Contribute to building a sustainable society, present and future

2 Apply professional and responsible judgement and take a leadership role
3 Do more than just comply with legislation and codes
4 Use resources efficiently and effectively
5 Seek multiple views to solve sustainability challenges
6 Manage risk to minimise adverse impact to people or the environment

For more information please see:

Professional engineering institutions may use these documents to assist them in

developing guidance for their members.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Policy Statement
In addition to the CPD Code for Registrants published earlier in this document,
in 2013 the Engineering Council published a policy statement about CPD. A
supporting explanatory note for professional engineering institutions is available

CPD is understood across most professions as the systematic acquisition of

knowledge and skills, and the development of personal qualities, to maintain
and enhance professional competence. All members of professional engineering
institutions have an obligation to undertake CPD, and to support the learning
of others. For Engineering Council registrants, this obligation underpins the
value of the professional titles of Engineering Technician, Incorporated Engineer,
Chartered Engineer and ICT Technician, as well as serving society and enabling it
to have confidence in the engineering profession.

CPD has several purposes, which will vary in relation to registrants’ circumstances,
their needs and their career progression. Very often registrants will do CPD to
assure their continuing competence in their current job. At other times, CPD may
be done to enable a different role within or outside their organisation (which may
have more management content or which may not be a pure engineering role).
Equally, CPD may help them follow a longer term career development plan, or
to enhance their professionalism in a wider context than a specific job role. The
focus of registrants’ learning may therefore be on different areas of competence
at different times.

CPD can also take a variety of different forms. At its heart is informal learning
through the challenges and opportunities of working life, and interaction with
others (eg colleagues, customers, suppliers) including professionals from other
disciplines. However, this may be supplemented by structured activities such
as courses, distance learning programmes, private study, preparation of papers
and presentations, mentoring, involvement in professional body activities, or
relevant voluntary work. (This list is not intended to be exhaustive). Individual
registrants are best placed to determine their needs and how to meet them.
Often, employers or experienced colleagues will play a significant part in this,
but individuals should be responsible and proactive in seeking professional
development opportunities.

While most engineering professionals undertake CPD, this is often on a casual

basis, without any deliberate planning, recording of activities, or conscious
reflection. Whatever its purpose or nature, learning through CPD should be
reflective and should relate to specific objectives even if these are only to
maintain their professional engineering competence. Having a regularly reviewed
development plan will facilitate learning, although there will always be a place
for unplanned activities. Registrants should record both their CPD activities and
what they have learned or achieved through them, and relate this to any planned
objectives. Doing this will help them to determine their future needs and plan
accordingly, as part of a cyclical process. It will also encourage an outcome-based
approach which is more appropriate to professional learning than relying solely
on quantitative measures such as hours or points.

One of the main functions of a professional body is promoting and supporting

the professional development of its members. The professional engineering
institutions licensed by the Engineering Council advise and support their
members on CPD in a number of ways, such as providing guidance, resources
and mentoring programmes. A number provide CPD planning and recording
systems, and review their members’ CPD from time to time. They should in future
strengthen their support by reviewing a random sample of their professionally
active registrants’ CPD records each year and providing appropriate feedback.
The sample need not include retired registrants or those on career breaks for any
reason (eg maternity or paternity leave, parenthood, unemployment etc).


APEC: Asia Pacific Economic An agreement in place between a number of APEC countries for the purposes of
Cooperation recognising substantial equivalence of professional competence in engineering.
Chartered Engineer (CEng) One of the professional titles available to individuals who meet the required standard
of competence and commitment.
Competence The ability to carry out a task to an effective standard. Its achievement requires the
right level of knowledge, understanding and skill, as well as a professional attitude.
It is part of the requirement (along with commitment) that must be demonstrated in
order for an individual to be admitted to the Engineering Council’s register at the
relevant level.
Continuing Professional The systematic acquisition of knowledge and skills, and the development of personal
Development (CPD) qualities, to maintain and enhance professional competence. All members of
professional engineering institutions have an obligation to undertake CPD, and to
support the learning of others.
Dublin Accord Similar to the Washington Accord, for Engineering Technicians (see below).
Engineering Council The UK regulatory body for the engineering profession that sets and maintains
internationally recognised standards of professional competence and ethics, and
holds the UK register of professional engineers and technicians.
Engineering Technician (EngTech) One of the professional titles available to individuals who meet the required standard
of competence and commitment.
Exemplifying qualification An educational or vocational qualification that demonstrates the knowledge,
understanding and skills to meet or partly meet the requirement for registration in a
particular category. Other qualifications may be permitted if they achieve (or exceed)
the same level.
FEANI The European Federation of National Engineering Associations of which the
Engineering Council is the UK partner.
Incorporated Engineer (IEng) One of the professional titles available to individuals who meet the required standard
of competence and commitment.
National Vocational Qualification Qualifications developed and accredited according to criteria set out nationally,
(NVQ) and that are achieved through assessment and training. In Scotland, they are known
as Scottish Vocational Qualification (SVQ). To achieve an NVQ, candidates must
prove that they have the ability (competence) to carry out their job to the required
standard. NVQs are based on National Occupational Standards that describe the
‘competences’ expected in any given job role.
Professional Affiliate An incorporated body/engineering institution which is closely associated with, but
not licensed by, the Engineering Council. It may enter into an agreement with a
professional engineering institution to process its members for registration. For a list
of Professional Affiliates see:
Professional development The process by which an individual gains professional competence. It may take place
through formal and informal learning, and workplace training and experience.
Professional engineering Membership organisation which is licensed by the Engineering Council to assess
institution candidates for professional registration. Some institutions also have a licence to
accredit degree programmes and/or company training schemes. For a list see:
Professional registration The process whereby an individual is admitted to the Engineering Council’s Register
as an Engineering Technician, Incorporated Engineer or Chartered Engineer
based on the individual demonstrating, via a peer review process by a licensed
professional engineering institution, that he/she has met the profession’s standards of
commitment and competence. Award of the EngTech, IEng or CEng title permits the
use of the relevant post-nominal.
Professional review A peer assessment process to decide whether an individual has met the requirements
for registration. It is a holistic assessment of the applicant’s competence and
commitment against the relevant sections of UK-SPEC. For candidates seeking IEng
or CEng registration, this will include a professional review interview (PRI). Some PEIs
include an interview for EngTech candidates.
Professional review interview (PRI) Part of the professional review process undertaken by registrant peers who are
trained and competent to do so. It is mandatory for IEng and CEng candidates. For
EngTech candidates, the interview is at the discretion of the institution.

Quality Assurance Agency for Safeguards standards and drives improvement in the quality of UK higher education
Higher Education (QAA) across all subjects. The QAA works closely with the Engineering Council and
professional engineering institutions to support the Engineering disciplines.
QCF Qualifications and Credit Framework. For HE reference points see:
Royal Academy of Engineering The UK’s national academy for engineering that works to advance and promote
(RAEng) excellence in engineering. RAEng provides analysis and policy support relating to
business and education, invests in the UK’s research base to underpin innovation, and
works to improve public awareness and understanding of engineering.
Royal Charter A formal document issued by the monarch granting rights and powers to an
individual or an organisation.
SCQF The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework. For HE reference points see:
Sydney Accord Similar to the Washington Accord, for Incorporated Engineers (in the UK) or
Engineering Technologists (see below).
UK-SPEC: The UK Standard The UK standard which sets out the competence and commitment requirements for
for Professional Engineering registration with the Engineering Council as an Engineering Technician, Incorporated
Competence Engineer or Chartered Engineer.
Washington Accord An international agreement among bodies responsible for accrediting engineering
degree programmes, recognising the substantial equivalence of such programmes
for entry to the practice of engineering. In the UK this is at Chartered Engineer status.

Table of competence and commitment standards for EngTech, IEng and CEng

Engineering Technician Incorporated Engineer Chartered Engineer

Engineering Technicians apply proven techniques and procedures to Incorporated Engineers maintain and manage applications of current Chartered Engineers develop solutions to engineering problems using
the solution of practical engineering problems. and developing technology, and may undertake engineering design, new or existing technologies, through innovation, creativity and change
development, manufacture, construction and operation. and/or they may have technical accountability for complex systems with
Engineering Technicians are required to apply safe systems of work and significant levels of risk.
are able to demonstrate: Incorporated Engineers are able to demonstrate:
Chartered Engineers are able to demonstrate:
• Evidence of their contribution to either the design, development, • The theoretical knowledge to solve problems in developed
manufacture, commissioning, decommissioning, operation or technologies using well proven analytical techniques • The theoretical knowledge to solve problems in new technologies and
maintenance of products, equipment, processes or services • Successful application of their knowledge to deliver engineering develop new analytical techniques
• Supervisory or technical responsibility projects or services using established technologies and methods • Successful application of the knowledge to deliver innovative
• Effective interpersonal skills in communicating technical matters • Responsibility for project and financial planning and management products and services and/or take technical responsibility for complex
• Commitment to professional engineering values. together with some responsibility for leading and developing other engineering systems
professional staff • Accountability for project, finance and personnel management and
• Effective interpersonal skills in communicating technical matters managing trade-offs between technical and socio-economic factors
• Commitment to professional engineering values. • Skill sets necessary to develop other technical staff
• Effective interpersonal skills in communicating technical matters.

The Competence and The examples given below The Competence and The examples given below are The Competence and The examples given below
Commitment Standard for are intended to help you Commitment Standard for intended to help you identify Commitment Standard for are intended to help you
Engineering Technicians. identify activities you might Incorporated Engineers. activities you might quote Chartered Engineers. identify activities you might
quote to demonstrate the to demonstrate the required quote to demonstrate the
required competence and competence and commitment required competence and
commitment for EngTech for IEng registration. These commitment for CEng
registration. These are are not exhaustive. Moreover, registration. These are
not exhaustive. Moreover, you are not required to not exhaustive. Moreover,
you are not required to give multiple examples to you are not required to
give multiple examples to demonstrate competence and give multiple examples to
demonstrate competence and commitment. demonstrate competence and
commitment. commitment.

Engineering Technicians Tell us about your career, Incorporated Engineers must Chartered Engineers must
must be competent education and training. Explain be competent throughout be competent throughout
throughout their working life, how the experience you have their working life, by virtue of their working life, by virtue of
by virtue of their education, gained has made you more their education, training and their education, training and
training and experience, to: competent. experience, to: experience, to:

A Use engineering knowledge The reviewers will be looking A Use a combination of A Use a combination of
and understanding to apply for evidence that you have general and specialist general and specialist
technical and practical skills. the know-how to do the engineering knowledge engineering knowledge and
job, and were able to go and understanding to apply understanding to optimise
beyond the immediate existing and emerging the application of existing
requirements and use your technology. and emerging technology.
initiative and experience to
solve a problem or improve a
This includes the ability to: process.
Engineering Technician Incorporated Engineer Chartered Engineer
A1 Review and select appropriate Describe: A1 Maintain and extend a sound A1 Maintain and extend a
techniques, procedures and • an example of work you did theoretical approach to the sound theoretical approach
methods to undertake tasks. that went well, the choices application of technology in in enabling the introduction
you made and the outcome engineering practice. and exploitation of new and
• or something in your work advancing technology.
that you were involved in This could include an ability to:
which didn’t quite work and • Identify the limits of own Engage in formal learning. This could include an ability to:
explain why personal knowledge and Learn new engineering • Identify the limits of own Engage in formal post-graduate
• or a technique, procedure or skills theories and techniques in the personal knowledge and skills academic study. Learn and
method you improved upon • Strive to extend own workplace, at seminars, etc. • Strive to extend own develop new engineering
and explain why. technological capability Broaden your knowledge of technological capability theories and techniques in
• Broaden and deepen own engineering codes, standards • Broaden and deepen the workplace. Broaden your
knowledge base through and specifications. own knowledge base knowledge of engineering
new applications and through research and codes, standards and
techniques. experimentation. specifications.

A2 Use appropriate scientific, Drawing from your direct A2 Use a sound evidence-based A2 Engage in the creative and
technical or engineering experience, this might be an approach to problem-solving innovative development of
principles. explanation of how a piece and contribute to continuous engineering technology and
of equipment, system or improvement. continuous improvement
mechanism works. systems.
This could include an ability to:
• Use market intelligence Manage/contribute to This could include an ability to:
and knowledge of market research, and product • Assess market needs and Lead/manage market research,
technological developments and process research and contribute to marketing and product and process
to promote and improve the development. Involvement strategies research and development.
effectiveness of engineering with cross-disciplinary working. • Identify constraints and Cross-disciplinary working
products, systems and Conduct statistically sound exploit opportunities for the involving complex projects.
services appraisal of data. Use evidence development and transfer of
• Contribute to the evaluation from best practice to improve technology within own chosen Conduct statistically sound
and development of effectiveness. Apply root cause field appraisal of data. Use evidence
continuous improvement analysis. • Promote new applications from best practice to improve
systems when appropriate effectiveness.
• Apply knowledge and • Secure the necessary
experience to investigate intellectual property (IP) rights
and solve problems arising • Develop and evaluate
during engineering tasks and continuous improvement
implement corrective action. systems.

B Contribute to the Explain how you contribute B Apply appropriate B Apply appropriate theoretical
design, development, to one or more of these theoretical and practical and practical methods to
manufacture, construction, activities. methods to design, develop, the analysis and solution of
commissioning, operation manufacture, construct, engineering problems.
or maintenance of products, commission, operate,
equipment, processes, maintain, decommission
systems or services. and re-cycle engineering
processes, systems, services
In this context, this includes and products.
the ability to:

Engineering Technician Incorporated Engineer Chartered Engineer
B1 Identify problems and apply Show an example of how you B1 Identify, review and select B1 Identify potential projects and
appropriate methods to have used measurement, techniques, procedures opportunities.
identify causes and achieve monitoring and assessment to: and methods to undertake
satisfactory solutions • identify the source of a engineering tasks. This could include an ability to:
problem • Establish and help develop Involvement in the marketing
• or to identify an opportunity This could include an ability to: solutions to meet users’ of and tendering for new
• or to propose a solution. • Establish users’ requirements Contribute to the marketing requirements engineering products,
for improvement of and tendering for new • Consider and implement new processes and systems.
• Select a review methodology engineering products, and emerging technologies Involvement in the specification
• Fully exploit and implement processes and systems. • Enhance engineering and procurement of new
current technology Contribute to the specification practices, products, engineering products,
• Review the potential for and procurement of new processes, systems and processes and systems. Set
enhancing engineering engineering products, services targets, and draft programmes
practices, products, processes and systems. • Use own knowledge of the and action plans. Schedule
processes, systems and Develop decommissioning employer’s position to assess activities.
services, using evidence from processes. Set targets, and the viability of opportunities.
best practice draft programmes and action
• Establish an action plan to plans. Schedule activities.
implement the results of the

B2 Identify, organise and Illustrate how you make B2 Contribute to the design and B2 Conduct appropriate research,
use resources effectively decisions about: development of engineering and undertake design and
to complete tasks, with • what information, material, solutions. development of engineering
consideration for cost, component, people or plant solutions.
quality, safety, security and to use This could include an ability to:
environmental impact. • or how to introduce a new • Contribute to the Contribute to theoretical This could include an ability to:
method of working identification and and applied research. • Identify and agree Carry out formal theoretical
• or what precautions you took. specification of design and Manage/contribute to value appropriate research research. Evaluate numerical
development requirements engineering and whole life methodologies and analytical tools. Carry
Describe how you have for engineering products, costing. Work in design teams. • Allocate and manage out applied research on the
contributed to best practice processes, systems and Draft specifications. Find and resources job. Lead/manage value
methods of continuous services evaluate information from a • Develop the necessary tests engineering and whole life
improvement, eg ISO 9000. • Identify operational risks variety of sources, including • Collect, analyse and evaluate costing. Lead design teams.
and evaluate possible online. Develop and test the relevant data Draft specifications. Develop
engineering solutions, options. Identify resources • Undertake engineering and test options. Identify
taking account of cost, and costs of options. Produce design resources and costs of options.
quality, safety, reliability, detailed designs. Be aware of IP • Prepare, present and agree Produce concept designs, and
appearance, fitness for constraints and opportunities. design recommendations, develop these into detailed
purpose, security, intellectual with appropriate analysis of designs.
property (IP) constraints risk, and taking account of Be aware of IP constraints and
and opportunities, and cost, quality, safety, reliability, opportunities.
environmental impact appearance, fitness for
• Collect and analyse results purpose, security, intellectual
• Carry out necessary tests. property (IP) constraints
and opportunities, and
environmental impact.
Engineering Technician Incorporated Engineer Chartered Engineer
B3 Implement design solutions B3 Manage implementation of
and contribute to their design solutions, and evaluate
evaluation. their effectiveness.

This could include an ability to: This could include an ability to:
• Secure the resources Follow the design process • Ensure that the application Follow the design process
required for implementation through into product of the design results in through into product or service
• Implement design solutions, manufacture. Operate and the appropriate practical realisation and its evaluation.
taking account of critical maintain processes, systems outcome Prepare and present reports
constraints, including due etc. Contribute to reports • Implement design solutions, on the evaluation of the
concern for safety and on the evaluation of the taking account of critical effectiveness of the designs,
sustainability effectiveness of the designs, constraints, including due including risk, safety and life
• Identify problems during including risk, safety and concern for safety and cycle considerations. Manage
implementation and take life cycle considerations. sustainability product improvement. Interpret
corrective action Contribute to product • Determine the criteria and analyse performance.
• Contribute to improvement. Interpret for evaluating the design Determine critical success
recommendations for and analyse performance. solutions factors.
improvement and actively Contribute to determining • Evaluate the outcome against
learn from feedback on critical success factors. the original specification
results. • Actively learn from feedback
on results to improve future
design solutions and build
best practice.

C Accept and exercise Describe an experience or C Provide technical and C Provide technical and
personal responsibility. instance where you have commercial management. commercial leadership.
had to accept personal
responsibility for seeing
a process through to
completion within agreed
This includes the ability to: targets.

Engineering Technician Incorporated Engineer Chartered Engineer
C1 Work reliably and effectively Your evidence should show how C1 Plan for effective project C1 Plan for effective project
without close supervision, you identified and agreed what implementation. implementation.
to the appropriate codes of had to be done and to what
practice. standards on a typical project. This could include an ability to: This could include an ability to:
• Identify factors affecting the Manage/contribute to project • Systematically review the Lead/manage project
project implementation planning activities. Produce factors affecting the project planning activities. Produce
• Carry out holistic and and implement procurement implementation including and implement procurement
systematic risk identification, plans. Contribute to project safety and sustainability plans. Carry out project risk
assessment and risk assessments. Collaborate considerations assessments. Collaborate with
management with key stakeholders. Plan • Define a holistic and key stakeholders, and negotiate
• Prepare and agree programmes and delivery systematic approach to risk agreement to the plans. Plan
implementation plans and of tasks. Identify resources identification, assessment and programmes and delivery of
method statements and costs. Prepare and agree management tasks. Identify resources and
• Secure the necessary contracts/work orders. • Lead on preparing and costs. Negotiate and agree
resources and confirm roles agreeing implementation contracts/work orders.
in project team plans and method statements
• Apply the necessary • Ensure that the necessary
contractual arrangements resources are secured and
with other stakeholders brief the project team
(client, subcontractors, • Negotiate the necessary
suppliers, etc). contractual arrangements
with other stakeholders
(client, subcontractors,
suppliers, etc).

C2 Accept responsibility for work Your evidence could include: C2 Manage tasks, people and C2 Plan, budget, organise, direct
of self or others. minutes of meetings; site notes resources to plan and budget. and control tasks, people and
and instructions; Variation resources.
Orders; programmes of work; This could include an ability to:
specifications, drawing and • Operate appropriate Manage/contribute to project This could include an ability to:
reports; or appraisals. Activity management systems operations. Manage the • Set up appropriate Take responsibility for and
not associated with your job • Work to the agreed quality balance between quality, cost management systems control project operations.
can contribute evidence. standards, programme and and time. Manage contingency • Define quality standards, Manage the balance between
budget, within legal and processes. Contribute to programme and budget quality, cost and time. Manage
statutory requirements the management of project within legal and statutory risk register and contingency
• Manage work teams, funding, payments and requirements systems. Manage project
coordinating project recovery. Satisfy legal and • Organise and lead work funding, payments and
activities statutory obligations. Manage teams, coordinating project recovery. Satisfy legal and
• Identify variations from tasks within identified financial, activities statutory obligations. Lead/
quality standards, commercial and regulatory • Ensure that variations from manage tasks within identified
programme and budgets, constraints. quality standards, programme financial, commercial and
and take corrective action and budgets are identified, regulatory constraints.
• Evaluate performance and and that corrective action is
recommend improvements. taken
• Gather and evaluate
feedback, and recommend
Engineering Technician Incorporated Engineer Chartered Engineer
C3 Accept, allocate and Your evidence could include: C3 Manage teams and develop C3 Lead teams and develop staff
supervise technical and other minutes of meetings; site notes staff to meet changing to meet changing technical and
tasks. and instructions; Variation technical and managerial managerial needs.
Orders; programmes of work; needs.
specifications, drawing and This could include an ability to:
reports; or appraisals. Activity This could include an ability to: • Agree objectives and Carry out/contribute to staff
not associated with your job • Agree objectives and Carry out/contribute to staff work plans with teams and appraisals. Plan/contribute to
can contribute evidence. work plans with teams and appraisals. Plan/contribute to individuals the training and development
individuals the training and development • Identify team and individual of staff. Gather evidence from
• Identify team and individual of staff. Gather evidence from needs, and plan for their colleagues of the management,
needs, and plan for their colleagues of the management, development assessment and feedback
development assessment and feedback • Reinforce team commitment that you have provided. Carry
• Reinforce team commitment that you have provided. Carry to professional standards out/contribute to disciplinary
to professional standards out/contribute to disciplinary • Lead and support team and procedures.
• Manage and support team procedures. individual development
and individual development • Assess team and individual
• Assess team and individual performance, and provide
performance, and provide feedback.

C4 Manage continuous quality C4 Bring about continuous

improvement. improvement through quality
This could include an ability to:
• Ensure the application Promote quality. Manage/ This could include an ability to:
of quality management contribute to best practice • Promote quality throughout Plan and implement best
principles by team members methods of continuous the organisation and its practice methods of continuous
and colleagues improvement, eg ISO 9000, customer and supplier improvement, eg ISO 9000,
• Manage operations to EFQM, balanced scorecard. networks EFQM, balanced scorecard.
maintain quality standards Carry out/contribute to quality • Develop and maintain Carry out quality audits.
• Evaluate projects and audits. Monitor, maintain and operations to meet quality Monitor, maintain and improve
make recommendations for improve delivery. Identify, standards delivery. Identify, implement
improvement. implement and evaluate • Direct project evaluation and and evaluate changes to meet
changes to meet quality propose recommendations quality objectives.
objectives. for improvement.

D Use effective communication You will need to show you D Demonstrate effective D Demonstrate effective
and interpersonal skills. can: contribute to discussions; interpersonal skills. interpersonal skills.
make a presentation; read
and synthesise information;
or write different types of
This includes the ability to: documents.

Engineering Technician Incorporated Engineer Chartered Engineer
D1 Use oral, written and Your evidence could include: D1 Communicate in English1 with D1 Communicate in English1 with
electronic methods for the letters; reports; drawings; others at all levels. others at all levels.
communication in English1 emails; minutes, including of
of technical and other progress meetings; appraisals; This could include an ability to: This could include an ability to:
information work instructions; and other • Contribute to, chair and Reports, letters, emails, • Lead, chair, contribute to Reports, letters, emails,
task planning and organising record meetings and drawings, specifications and and record meetings and drawings, specifications and
documents. Your application discussions working papers (eg meeting discussions working papers (e.g. meeting
itself will be relevant. • Prepare communications, minutes, planning documents, • Prepare communications, minutes, planning documents,
documents and reports on correspondence) in a variety of documents and reports on correspondence) in a variety of
technical matters formats. complex matters formats.
• Exchange information Engaging or interacting with • Exchange information and Engaging or interacting with
and provide advice to professional networks. provide advice to technical professional networks.
technical and non-technical and non-technical colleagues.

D2 Work effectively with Show examples of how this has D2 Present and discuss proposals. D2 Present and discuss proposals.
colleagues, clients, suppliers occurred, and your role at the
or the public, and be aware time. This could include an ability to: This could include an ability to:
of the needs and concerns Describe your role as part of a • Prepare and deliver Presentations, records of • Prepare and deliver Presentations, records of
of others, especially where team. appropriate presentations discussions and their outcomes. presentations on strategic discussions and their outcomes.
related to diversity and Describe a situation where • Manage debates with matters
equality. you put your awareness into audiences • Lead and sustain debates with
practice. • Feed the results back to audiences
improve the proposals • Feed the results back to
• Contribute to the awareness improve the proposals
of risk. • Raise the awareness of risk.

D3 Demonstrate personal and D3 Demonstrate personal and

social skills. social skills.

This could include an ability to: This could include an ability to:
• Know and manage own Records of meetings. Evidence •K  now and manage own Records of meetings. Evidence
emotions, strengths and from colleagues of your emotions, strengths and from colleagues of your
weaknesses personal and social skills. weaknesses personal and social skills. Take
• Be aware of the needs and Contribute to productive •B  e aware of the needs and responsibility for productive
concerns of others, especially working relationships. Apply concerns of others, especially working relationships. Apply
where related to diversity diversity and anti-discrimination where related to diversity and diversity and anti-discrimination
and equality legislation. equality legislation.
• Be confident and flexible •B  e confident and flexible
in dealing with new and in dealing with new and
changing interpersonal changing interpersonal
situations situations
• Identify, agree and work • Identify, agree and lead work
towards collective goals towards collective goals
• Create, maintain and •C  reate, maintain and
enhance productive working enhance productive working
relationships, and resolve relationships, and resolve
conflicts. conflicts.

1 Any interviews will be conducted in English, subject only to the provisions of the Welsh Language Act 1993 and any Regulations which may be made in
implementation of European Union directives on free movement of labour.
Engineering Technician Incorporated Engineer Chartered Engineer
E Make a personal Your commitment will be to E Demonstrate a personal E Demonstrate a personal
commitment to an become part of the profession commitment to professional commitment to professional
appropriate code of and uphold the standards to standards, recognising standards, recognising
professional conduct, which all members subscribe. obligations to society, obligations to society,
recognising obligations to You need to show that you the profession and the the profession and the
society, the profession and have read and understood environment. environment.
the environment. your institution’s Code of

E1 Comply with the Code of The professional review E1 Comply with relevant codes of E1 Comply with relevant codes of
Conduct of your institution. involves demonstration of, or conduct. conduct.
discussion of, your position on
typical ethical challenges. This includes an ability to: This includes an ability to:
• Comply with the rules of Contribute to the affairs of your • Comply with the rules of Work with a variety of
professional conduct of own institution. Work with a variety professional conduct of own conditions of contract.
institution of conditions of contract. institution Demonstrate initiative in and
• Manage work within all • Lead work within all relevant commitment to the affairs of
relevant legislation and legislation and regulatory your institution.
regulatory frameworks, frameworks, including social
including social and and employment legislation.
employment legislation.

E2 Manage and apply safe Provide evidence of applying E2 Manage and apply safe E2 Manage and apply safe systems
systems of work. current safety requirements, systems of work. of work.
such as risk assessment and
other examples of good This could include an ability to: This could include an ability to:
practice you adopt in your • Identify and take Undertake formal health and • Identify and take Undertake formal health and
work. You will need to show responsibility for own safety training. Work with health responsibility for own safety training. Work with health
that you have received a formal obligations for health, safety and safety legislation and best obligations for health, safety and safety legislation and best
safety instruction relating to and welfare issues practice. In the UK, examples and welfare issues practice. In the UK, examples
your workplace (such as a CSCS • Manage systems that satisfy include HASAW 1974, CDM • Ensure that systems satisfy include HASAW 1974, CDM
safety test in the UK), or an health, safety and welfare regulations, OHSAS 18001:2007 health, safety and welfare regulations, OHSAS 18001:2007
update on statutory regulations. requirements and company safety policies. requirements and company safety policies.
In the UK an example would be • Develop and implement • Develop and implement
COSHH requirements. appropriate hazard Carry out safety audits. Identify appropriate hazard Carry out safety audits. Identify
identification and risk and minimise hazards. Assess identification and risk and minimise hazards. Assess
management systems and and control risks. Deliver management systems and and control risks. Evaluate
culture health and safety briefings and culture the costs and benefits of safe
• Manage, evaluate and inductions. • Manage, evaluate and working. Deliver strategic
improve these systems. improve these systems health and safety briefings and
• Apply a sound knowledge of • Apply a sound knowledge of inductions.
health and safety legislation. health and safety legislation.

Engineering Technician Incorporated Engineer Chartered Engineer
E3 Undertake engineering work E3 Undertake engineering E3 Undertake engineering
in a way that contributes to activities in a way that activities in a way that
sustainable development. contributes to sustainable contributes to sustainable
development. development.
This could include an ability
to: This could include an ability to: This could include an ability to:
• Operate and act responsibly, Show examples of methodical • Operate and act responsibly, Carry out/contribute to • Operate and act responsibly, Carry out environmental
taking account of the need assessment of risk in specific taking account of the need environmental impact taking account of the need impact assessments. Carry out
to progress environmental, projects; actions taken to to progress environmental, assessments. Carry out/ to progress environmental, environmental risk assessments.
social and economic minimise risk to society or the social and economic contribute to environmental social and economic Plan and implement best
outcomes simultaneously. environment. outcomes simultaneously risk assessments. Manage outcomes simultaneously practice environmental
• Provide products and best practice environmental • Use imagination, creativity management systems, eg ISO
services which maintain and management systems, eg ISO and innovation to provide 14000. Manage best practice
enhance the quality of the 14000. Manage best practice products and services which risk management systems
environment and community, risk management systems maintain and enhance the eg ISO 31000. Work within
and meet financial objectives eg ISO 31000. Work within quality of the environment environmental legislation.
• Understand and encourage environmental legislation. and community, and meet Adopt sustainable practices.
stakeholder involvement in Adopt sustainable practices. financial objectives Achieve social, economic and
sustainable development Contribute to social, economic • Understand and secure environmental outcomes.
• Use resources efficiently and and environmental outcomes. stakeholder involvement in
effectively. sustainable development
• Use resources efficiently and

E4 Carry out and record CPD E4 Carry out and record CPD E4 Carry out and record CPD
necessary to maintain and necessary to maintain and necessary to maintain and
enhance competence in own enhance competence in own enhance competence in own
area of practice including: area of practice including: area of practice including:
• Undertake reviews of own This means demonstrating • Undertake reviews of own Keep up to date with national • Undertake reviews of own Keep up to date with national
development needs that you have actively sought development needs and international engineering development needs and international engineering
• Plan how to meet personal to keep yourself up to date, • Plan how to meet personal issues. Maintain CPD plans • Plan how to meet personal issues. Maintain CPD plans
and organisational perhaps by studying new and organisational objectives and records. Involvement with and organisational objectives and records. Involvement with
objectives standards or techniques, • Carry out planned (and the affairs of your institution. • Carry out planned (and the affairs of your institution.
• Carry out planned (and or made use of magazines, unplanned) CPD activities Evidence of your development unplanned) CPD activities Evidence of your development
unplanned) CPD activities lectures organised by • Maintain evidence of through on-the-job learning, • Maintain evidence of through on-the-job learning,
• Maintain evidence of professional engineering competence development private study, in-house competence development private study, in-house
competence development institutions, and other • Evaluate CPD outcomes courses, external courses and • Evaluate CPD outcomes courses, external courses and
• Evaluate CPD outcomes opportunities to network against any plans made conferences. against any plans made conferences.
against any plans made in order to keep abreast of • Assist others with their own • Assist others with their own
• Assist others with their own change. CPD. CPD.
Engineering Technician Incorporated Engineer Chartered Engineer
E5 Exercise responsibilities in an Give an example of where you E5 Exercise responsibilities in an Give an example of where you E5 Exercise responsibilities in an Give an example of where you
ethical manner. have applied ethical principles ethical manner. have applied ethical principles ethical manner. have applied ethical principles
as described in the Statement as described in the Statement as described in the Statement
of Ethical Principles on page 33. of Ethical Principles on page 33. of Ethical Principles on page 33.

Give an example of where you Give an example of where you Give an example of where you
have applied/upheld ethical have applied/upheld ethical have applied/upheld ethical
principles as defined by your principles as defined by your principles as defined by your
organisation or company, which organisation or company, which organisation or company, which
may be in its company or brand may be in its company or brand may be in its company or brand
values. values. values.

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First published 2003. Reviewed 2013. Published January 2014.

The Engineering Council encourages publication of extracts from this Standard, subject to attribution to Engineering Council.


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