Ultraviolet Keratitis: From The Pathophysiological Basis To Prevention and Clinical Management

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Volume 16, Number 4, 2015

ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/ham.2015.0109

Ultraviolet Keratitis:
From the Pathophysiological Basis
to Prevention and Clinical Management

Gabriel Willmann1,2


Willmann, Gabriel. Ultraviolet keratitis: From the pathophysiological basis to prevention and clinical management.
High Alt Med Biol 16:277–282, 2015.—Ultraviolet keratitis is caused by the toxic effects of acute high-dose
ultraviolet radiation (UVR) reflecting the sensitivity of the ocular surface to photochemical injury. The clinical
syndrome presents with ocular pain, tearing, conjunctival chemosis, blepharospasm, and deterioration of vision
typically several hours after exposure, lasting up to 3 days. Mountaineers, skiers, and beach recreationalists are
particularly at risk to suffer from ultraviolet (UV) keratitis as the reflectivity of UVR in these environments is
extremely high. The aim of this review is to raise awareness about the potential of UV damage on the eye with an
emphasis on UV keratitis, to highlight the pathophysiological basis of corneal phototoxicity, and to provide practical
guidance for the prevention and clinical management of UV keratitis commonly known as snow blindness.

Key Words: cornea; high altitude; keratitis solaris; snow blindness; ultraviolet keratitis

Introduction is the leading cause of blindness in the developed world with sun
exposure, specifically blue light, as a major contributing risk

T he human eye is constantly exposed to ultraviolet radi-

ation (UVR). On the one hand, the eye depends on visible
light energy to ensure subsequent visual processing, but on the
factor (Sui et al., 2013). While most UV-related ophthalmic
diseases of the cornea require cumulative UVR exposure, UV
keratitis is the result of acute high-dose or suprathreshold UVR
other, it can be damaged by the very same light in the form of (Pitts and Tredici, 1971; Zuclich, 1989). Here, mountaineering
acute high-dose or chronic UVR (Wald, 1945; Tang et al., at high altitude poses an extremely high risk for overexposure to
2013). Associated ocular pathologies include ultraviolet (UV) natural UVR. Many early mountaineering expeditions in the
keratitis, climatic droplet keratopathy, dry eye disease, pin- Himalayas have reported of climbers suffering from snow
guecula, pterygium, cataract formation, solar maculopathy, age- blindness, and Atkinson (1921) observed many cases during the
related macular degeneration (AMD), and eyelid malignancies exploration of the Antarctic continent (Herrligkoffer, 1958). In
such as basal cell carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma (Yam addition to natural UVR, artificial sources of acute UVR ex-
and Kwok, 2014). Among these, age-related cataract formation posure such as during welding can also cause severe UV kera-
presents the leading cause of blindness worldwide, while AMD titis unless sufficient eye protection is used (Cullen, 2002).

Eye Hospital, Katharinenhospital, Stuttgart, Germany.
Centre for Ophthalmology, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany.


FIG. 1. Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) can be divided into UV-A (320–400 nm), UV-B (280–320 nm), and UV-C (100–
280 nm). Visible light ranges from about 400 to 700 nm and infrared light from 700 to 1200 nm. Extremely short and high-
energy UV-C rays are almost completely absorbed by the ozone layer. The cornea absorbs a high fraction of all UV-B rays
reaching the ocular surface, making it vulnerable to develop UV keratitis upon acute exposure. Cataract formation of the
lens is mainly attributed to chronic UV-A radiation. Chronic UVR may also be responsible for other ocular surface diseases,
while age-related macular degeneration is thought to be associated with the blue light fraction of the visible light.

The energy of the radiation determines the degree of oxi- compared with decades ago (Behar-Cohen et al., 2014).
dative photodegradation on the ocular surface of the cornea. Figure 1 provides an overview of the various effects of UVR
Usually severe ocular pain, tearing, conjunctival chemosis, on the eye.
blepharospasm, uncontrolled blinking of the eyelid, and de- Cogan and Kinsey (1946) have first reported the action
terioration of vision characterize the clinical syndrome with a spectrum of UVR for UV keratitis. At a wavelength of about
delayed onset typically several hours after exposure (Cullen, 270 nm, only relatively little energy (0.005 J/cm2) is required
2002). While the course of the disease is often self-limiting to produce UV keratitis (Kolozsvari et al., 2002). Hence, a
and aiding treatment options are available, the only option to short wavelength of around 280 nm surmounts the damage
prevent corneal epithelial cells from degenerating from high- potential of longer wavelengths of about 300–320 nm by a
energy UVR is to minimize radiation exposure. factor 600·, indicating that spectral energy increases as
After an initial overview on UVR, the pathophysiological wavelength decreases (Reme et al., 1996; van Norren and
basis of phototoxicity, followed by measures of prevention Gorgels, 2011). For this reason, the International Organiza-
and clinical management in respect to UV keratitis, will be tion for Standardization (ISO) 8990/3 norm defines a cutoff
discussed. for potential ocular damage of 380 nm, which has been
adopted by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Pathophysiological Basis of UV Keratitis As direct sunlight only contributes about 50% to the am-
bient UVR, scatter and reflection play a key role in overall
Ultraviolet radiation
ambient UVR (Sliney, 1997; Sydenham et al., 1997). Ac-
UVR is invisible to human perception and presents the cording to Rayleigh’s law, the shorter the wavelength, the
shortwave electromagnetic spectrum of 100–400 nm. In greater the amount of scattered UVR, indicating that on a
contrast, visible light ranges from about 400 to 700 nm and bright sunny day, the main proportion of UV-B incident to the
infrared light from 700 to 1200 nm (Bachem, 1956). UVR can eye and especially the cornea is largely contributed by diffuse
further be divided into UV-A (320–400 nm), UV-B (280– scatter. Cloud cover or haze may further increase the amount
320 nm), and UV-C (100–280 nm) (Bachem, 1956; Pitts and of scatter. Another key component of the total ambient UVR
Tredici, 1971; Norren and Vos, 1974). The ozone layer, in is ground reflection, which greatly varies depending on the
addition to water vapor and oxygen/carbon dioxide, is able to surface. While grass and rocks reflect at low rates (2%–5%),
absorb almost all of UV-C and >90% of UV-B radiation water reflects at higher (10%–25%), and snow cover at much
(Norval et al., 2007). However, with a diminishing ozone higher rates (>90%) (Atkinson, 1921). High altitude and low
layer, the amount of UV-B radiation today reaching the oc- latitude further increase the ambient UVR burden, putting
ular surface has an increased potential for biological damage high altitude mountaineers at great risk for the development

of acute phototoxic diseases such as UV keratitis. UVR in- bases and the deoxyribose backbone to alter DNA structure
creases with altitude at a rate of *4% per 1000 feet as a result (Liu et al., 1996; Cai et al., 1998; Halliwell, 1998). Finally,
of decreased atmospheric absorption (Ellerton et al., 2009). proteins are targeted by ROS. Specifically, amino acids,
Other environmental factors such as season of the year have cysteine, and methionine are affected by oxidative stress,
been shown to influence the peak ocular exposure time as the resulting in structural and functional inactivation (Dean et al.,
total amount of UVR reaching the eye largely depends on the 1997). Furthermore, high-dose UVR causes upregulation of
actual solar angle (Sasaki et al., 2011; Chao et al., 2013). proinflammatory cytokines by activation of nuclear factor
Compared with summer, it shifts to actual solar noon in kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-jB) and
winter because the maximum daily solar altitude drops below leads to apoptosis in corneal cells by direct cell membrane
the occlusion angle (Sliney, 1999; Sasaki et al., 2011). For the damage through necrotic receptor activation (Black et al.,
very same reason, the UVR burden to the eye may be as much 2011). Figure 2 presents an overview of the pathophysio-
as twice as high in the morning compared with noon (Chao logical mechanism of UV keratitis.
et al., 2013). Finally, anatomical features as the upper orbital
rim composition, the brow, and the nose also influence the The antioxidant defense system
amount of direct and reflected radiation entering the eye
(Merriam, 1996). The cornea together with the tear film and aqueous humor
present the first barrier against UVR. Thus, the ocular surface
has developed a cellular defense system to protect the eye.
Pathophysiological basis of phototoxicity to the cornea Various enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidants play a key
Oxidative photodegradation is largely dependent on three role in protecting ocular tissues against oxidative damage by
factors: radiation exposure at a specific wavelength, tissue scavenging and neutralizing ROS. An antioxidant is a molecule
type containing a specific chromophore for that wavelength, that inhibits the oxidation of other molecules. To terminate the
and oxygen. The degree of damage depends on time of ex- process of oxidative photodegradation, antioxidants remove
posure and energy of radiation. Due to its high content in free radical intermediates by being oxidized themselves.
protein and nucleic acid, the cornea, particularly the corneal Therefore, antioxidants are often reducing agents.
epithelium, absorbs predominantly UV-B in the range of An important factor in protecting the cornea from UVR
280–300 nm, acting as a major protection shield against UVR insult is the corneal crystalline aldehyde dehydrogenase,
for the eye. However, when the threshold radiation dose for ALDH3A1 (Chen et al., 2013). It comprises a large portion of
biological damage is reached, absorption of UVR leads to the soluble proteins of the cornea and acts through metabolism of
generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) as a result of an toxic aldehydes, generation of reduced nicotinamide adenine
imbalance between ROS generation and antioxidant defense dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH), scavenging of ROS, and
(Cullen, 2002; Chao et al., 2013). chaperone-like activity (Estey et al., 2007). It may even ab-
The production of ROS leads to the disruption of important sorb UV light directly. Another important small-molecule
cellular components such as cellular membranes, DNA, and antioxidant is glutathione, which is differentially distributed
proteins with the consequence of biological dysfunction and within the cornea with highest levels reaching in the epithe-
damage (Bergendi et al., 1999). Mainly hydroxyl radicals lium (Dalton et al., 2004). In conditions of oxidative stress, it
induce the oxidative degradation of cellular membranes in can counteract against free radicals as well as regenerate
the form of lipid peroxidation (Esterbauer et al., 1991). In other antioxidants, such as vitamin C and E, and protect the
addition, upon UVR, the hydroxyl radical can react with a integrity of cellular membranes (Watson et al., 2003). As-
number of DNA components targeting purine and pyrimidine corbic acid itself (vitamin C) is known to promote healing of
damaged corneal tissue by serving as a cofactor for collagen
synthesis (Piatigorsky, 2001; Pappa et al., 2003). Other im-
portant antioxidants of the cornea include L cysteine, L-
tyrosine, a-tocopherol, retinol, albumin, ferritin, superoxide
dismutase, and catalase (Marchitti et al., 2011).

Prevention and Clinical Management

UVR generally poses a risk for the eye throughout life.
However, when acute high ocular UV exposure is encoun-
tered during high altitude mountaineering or skiing, one is at
great risk of developing UV keratitis unless preventative
measures are in place. Less than two hours of UV radiation
reflected from snow has been reported to be enough to cause
FIG. 2. The mechanisms involved in phototoxicity to the UV keratitis (Dolin and Johnson, 1994).
cornea include oxidative stress by reactive oxygen species Individual predisposition factors such as orbital anatomy,
(ROS) formation, induction of inflammation with the pro-
corneal thickness, or pupil size also determine the overall UV
duction of proinflammatory cytokines, and apoptotic cell
death through necrotic receptor activation. Evidence sug- burden to the eye. Photosensitizing drugs such as tetracy-
gests that multiple enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxi- clines or chloroquine may also increase the susceptibility to
dants of the cornea and tear film play a crucial role in UVR damage and should be avoided. General prevention
protecting the ocular surface from the damaging oxidative strategies to avoid the risk of UV keratitis include wearing a
effects of UVR. hat to block exposure from above and more importantly the

use of sunglasses or contact lenses, also to block low-angle pain, lacrimation, chemosis, blepharospasm, and decreased
and reflected UV radiation (Sasaki et al., 2011). visual acuity. Interestingly, the clinical syndrome is charac-
While all sunglasses have at least some UV-blocking terized by a lag time between exposure and beginning of
characteristics, the amount of UV absorption varies widely clinical symptoms. While increased redness of the conjunc-
(Borgwardt et al., 1981). In one study, 75% of all lenses tiva, chemosis, foreign body sensation, and lacrimation may
tested failed to provide the 95% UV-A protection re- occur quite rapidly after exposure, the absence of ocular pain
commended by the US Food and Drug Administration for about 6–12 hours is characteristic for UV keratitis. This
(Velpandian et al., 2005). In addition, neither brand nor price phenomenon has been attributed to the loss and return of
seems to predict the quality of UV protection available in corneal sensitivity in an experimental study (Millodot and
sunglasses (Bazzazi et al., 2015). The type of sunglass should Earlam, 1984). Due to the fast reepithelialization of the
be chosen according to the environmental terrain and planned cornea, the resolution of clinical symptoms is often rapid and
activity (Butler, 1999). Respective dark lens sunglasses, permanent damage is extremely rare.
which transmit much less visible light in combination with Apart from the primary strategy of avoiding further UV
side shields, should be used in snowy conditions or at high exposure, there are several therapeutic approaches to aid
altitude. However, dark lens sunglasses may also cause pupil clinical symptoms and gain faster recovery. Vision is usually
dilation and have been shown to actually increase UV blurred due to epithelial trauma, resulting in constant tearing.
transmission into the eye (Pitts and Tredici, 1971; Sliney, Moreover, uncontrollable blinking over the exposed corneal
2011). Nevertheless, sunglasses without side shields signifi- surface causes pain and blepharospasm. The frequent use of
cantly increase UV exposure as UVR coming in from the topical lubrication, ideally with preservative artificial tears
sides is not blocked and therefore back reflection from containing antioxidative properties such as Artelac EDO
the antireflective coatings of the sunglasses is increased (Bausch+Lomb, Bridgewater, NJ), is recommended (Rieger,
(Rosenthal et al., 1988; Sliney, 2001). This increase in back 2001). Indeed, artificial tears should also be used as a mea-
reflection adds to the overall UVR burden. Finally, under sure of prevention, especially when at high attitude, as tear
extreme environmental conditions (wind, cold), snow gog- film stability due to increased evaporation is significantly
gles with respective UV filters may also be useful and can be reduced (Willmann et al., 2014). Topical anesthetics should
recommended. not be used as they delay and prevent corneal re-
UV-blocking soft contact lenses that completely cover the epithelialization (Burstein, 1980; Patel and Fraunfelder,
pupil and limbus seem to be a particularly good option to 2013). However, in emergency situations, for example, when
prevent UV rays from damaging the cornea and reaching a stricken climber at high altitude needs to descend to safety,
internal structures of the eye (Walsh and Bergmanson, 2011). short-term application of topical anesthetics may be consid-
UVR coming in from the sides is totally blocked and back ered to stop the crucial pain and constant blinking (Sliney,
reflection is not an issue (Kwok et al., 2003). The initial 2001). Otherwise, for comfort and relief of pain, a bandage
development of contact lenses years ago showed variable UV contact lens in addition to lubrication is usually sufficient. In
absorption in respect to UV-A (Anstey et al., 1999). How- addition, topical antibiotic ointment (e.g., erythromycin
ever, the characteristics of newer soft contact lenses available drops) should be used in moderate and severe cases to prevent
today are much improved and some even exhibit enhanced infection. In severe cases, additional nonsteroidal anti-
UV-filtering capabilities up to a wavelength of about 390 nm. inflammatory eye drops and oral acetaminophen or other
One example of a soft contact lens capable of filtering all of narcotic analgesics can be used to alleviate symptoms of
UV-B and a major portion of UV-A is the Acuvue Ad- discomfort and redness of conjunctival tissue. Cycloplegic
vanve (Lira et al., 2009). Nevertheless, the use of contact eye drops (cyclopentolate 1%) may also be considered for
lenses has to be carefully assessed in remote wilderness areas pain relief, but result in a wide pupil, altering visual acuity
or at high altitude as these conditions provide a challenge for and increasing glare. Although very efficient for pain relief,
appropriate contact lens wear and care with a potential risk of they may not be appropriate for use in a wilderness setting.
infections (Bauer, 2015). People at risk, particularly mountaineers travelling to re-
mote snow-covered areas or to high altitude, should be fa-
Clinical manifestation and management
miliar with the prevention and clinical management of UV
In the event of UV keratitis, the primary strategy is to avoid keratitis as this usually benign condition may result in inca-
further exposure to UVR. One should reassess if all measures pacitation, requiring assistance in severe cases. Therefore, a
of appropriate prevention have been applied and avoid any first aid kit should always contain at least spare sunglasses
further exposure to damaging UVR. It is important to note and/or contact lenses, artificial tears for lubrication, and a
that all symptoms usually resolve within 24–72 hours de- topical antibiotic ointment. In Addition, a topical anesthetic
pending on the degree of UV damage (Dolin and Johnson, for emergency use only may be considered.
1994; McIntosh et al., 2011).
The clinical manifestation of the typically bilateral oc-
curring UV keratitis ranges from a mild superficial punctate
keratitis to severe cases with total epithelial desquamation. Acute suprathreshold UVR ultimately leads to UV keratitis
Severity may also vary between individuals as light- versus unless appropriate protective measures are applied. With a
dark-skinned humans or individuals with pre-existing ocular diminishing ozone layer, preventing the eye from UVR be-
conditions, such as dry eye syndrome, keratokonus, or post- comes even more important. When wearing sunglasses, side
operative refractive surgery (e.g., LASIK), may even be more shields should be used to avoid back reflection caused by
likely to develop severe forms of UV keratitis. While mild antireflective coatings and dark versus light lenses should be
forms may only present with a red eye and increased foreign chosen depending on environmental conditions. UV-filtering
body sensation, severe cases usually have significant ocular contact lenses might be a particularly good option as they

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