Ib DP English B HL: The Individual Oral (Mock)
Ib DP English B HL: The Individual Oral (Mock)
Ib DP English B HL: The Individual Oral (Mock)
Read the passage below from Arthur Miller’s The Crucible and
prepare a presentation of 3-4 minutes based on the below passage;
engage in a follow-up discussion of 4-5 minutes based on your presentation;
engage in a conversation of 5-6 minutes based on one of the themes.
Elizabeth: I promise nothing. Let me speak Danforth brushes past Hale and walks out.
with him. Hale follows. Cheever stands and
(A sound - the sibilance of dragging feet follows, Hathorne behind. Herrick goes.
on stone. They turn. A pause. Herrick
enters with John Proctor. His wrists are Parris: If you desire a cup of cider, Mr.
chained. He is another man, bearded, Proctor, I am sure I - Proctor turns an
filthy, his eyes misty as though webs had icy stare at him, and he breaks. Parris
overgrown them. He halts inside the raises his palms toward Proctor. God
doorway, his eye caught by the sight of lead you now. Parris goes
Elizabeth. The emotion flowing between
them prevents anyone from speaking for Alone. Proctor walks to her, halts. It is as
an instant. Hale, visibly affected, though they stood m a spinning
goes to Danforth and speaks quietly.)
Discuss the following topic: INTERNATIONAL ADOPTIONS (core topic: identities)