Dynamic Ground Support - Design Methodologies and Uncertainties
Dynamic Ground Support - Design Methodologies and Uncertainties
Dynamic Ground Support - Design Methodologies and Uncertainties
© 2017 Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, ISBN 978-0-9924810-6-3
The design of ground support needs to account for a number of uncertainties relating to loading conditions,
rock mass variability, rock mass response and ground support performance. When designing ground
support for dynamic conditions, the uncertainties are magnified due to significant gaps in our understanding
of how the rock mass responds to dynamic loading as well as limitations in available design methodologies
(conceptual uncertainty).
In reality, the fundamentals of dynamic ground support design have changed little over the last three
decades and there are many assumptions and limitations. This paper will discuss some of these limitations,
as well as highlight how uncertainty around significant parameters, such as peak particle velocity and
design magnitude, impact on the design. Comparisons will be made on how dynamic ground support design
is approached in Australia and South Africa.
A case study that demonstrates both our general lack of understanding and how variable the rock mass
loading and response can be over a short distance will be presented. Suggestions will be made on how to
address some of the shortcomings and uncertainties in the design of ground support for dynamic conditions.
Keywords: ground support, dynamic, uncertainty, design
1 Introduction
Ground support is critical in ensuring the stability of underground mining excavations thereby contributing
to safety and uninterrupted production. The design of ground support in underground mining needs to
follow a sound and auditable design process, and should consider a range of uncertainties both in the
design and implementation processes. Dunn (2013) provides a detailed overview of the various
uncertainties associated with ground support design in underground mining.
When designing ground support to cater for dynamic conditions, the uncertainties are magnified due to
significant gaps in our understanding of how the rock mass responds to dynamic loading as well as limitations
in available design methodologies. This paper will explore, in some detail, the uncertainties in the design of
ground support for dynamic conditions from the perspective of a geotechnical engineering practioner.
Interaction of the scheme with the rock will change the kinetic energy demand. To illustrate this,
consider that as movement develops during an event, some support types (e.g. fibrecrete) apply
restraint at small displacement, while others (e.g. mesh) do not respond to the displacement until
it has become substantial.
Uncertainty, with respect to size and thickness of failures, can be reduced if there are sufficient high quality
survey data from previous rockbursts. By using detailed observations and instrumentation, it is also
possible to calibrate numerical models to provide a more reliable estimate of the possible failure thickness.
Recently, Kaiser and Cai (2013a, 2013b) suggested that it was time to rethink some of the assumptions
when designing ground support for burst-prone ground. They noted four main areas that needed attention:
The assumed direct relationship between ground motion (ejection energy) and yielding support
demand is overly simplistic. Overstressed and highly strained, brittle rock breaks into cohesionless
blocky ground; it can bulk gradually or suddenly, resulting in large deformations. While the
solution may be the same, i.e. a need for yielding bolts, the design criterion is not energy demand
but strain or displacement demand.
Damage in mining excavations is mainly due to seismically triggered strainbursts or falls of
ground; the load or deformation demand should be independent of the source characteristics but
entirely dependent on the locally releasable energy. Hence it is more important to maintain a
Factor of Safety (FS) that influence strainbursts (stress level, mining system stiffness, depth of
stress fracturing or depth of failure) and factors that influence falls of ground (geological
structures, extent of rock mass fracturing, etc.). The effect of ground motions with respect to
support design and energy demand requirements may be overrated.
Only for excavations very close to a large fault‐slip event will the dynamic loading impact
dominate over the demand from locally stored energy. In this case, damage will be affected by
the dynamic load imposed by the event as well as by the energy transferred from the event, and
the commonly adopted relationships between ground motion intensity and support energy
capacity are applicable.
Actual and design ground motions are not identical; the former are affected by radiation patterns
and wave transmission modifiers and are needed for forensic analyses, whilst the latter are needed
for design, i.e. it is necessary to estimate ground motions that could damage an excavation.
Alternatives to this method are complex numerical modelling (Lilly et al. 2013), but most mines do not have
sufficient information to confidently apply this approach. Empirical methods can also be applied; these
include rockburst simulation using blasting (Heal & Potvin 2007), excavation vulnerability potential (EVP)
methods using mXrap (Harris & Wesseloo 2016) and empirical design charts (Mikula 2012). At this stage,
rockburst simulation using blasting has a number of logistical difficulties and weaknesses and is not a
practical design tool. Aspects of the EVP method are applied at some mine sites, specifically the
probabilistic determination of peak particle velocity (PPV). The use of empirically derived design charts, as
described by Mikula (2012), cannot be widely applied as the database at many mines is too limited to be
considered reliable, however, efforts to expand and improve databases should be continued.
2.2.1 Australia
In broad terms, the following approach is applied when using the kinetic and potential energy method for
ground support design under dynamic loading and seismic ejection conditions:
A design event magnitude is estimated based on statistical hazard analysis.
A critical distance between the design event (source) and the excavations is assumed, or back
Using either generic scaling law or a site specific scaling relationship for PPV, the PPV is estimated
using the design magnitude and critical distance.
A site amplification factor is applied (typically in the range one to three) to calculate the ejection
The ejection thickness is generally estimated based on observations of previous incidents or from
observed failures in the excavation walls.
A Factor of Safety between 1.5 and 2.0 is applied to account for input parameter uncertainty.
Whilst there is normally a reasonable basis for estimating the design magnitude, the assessment of the
distance from the source and the site amplification factor is challenging.
There are also uncertainties related to how different support elements (bolts and surface support) interact
with each other and how they interact individually and as a system with the rock mass.
There are also uncertainties associated with future seismic event locations, expected maximum magnitude,
PPV variation, and site amplification factor. In addition to the known uncertainties, there are likely to be
several unknown uncertainties (epistemic) and this is demonstrated by the following example.
Sometime ago, the author was involved in a rockburst investigation on a deep level South African gold
mine. A local magnitude 2.2 seismic event occurred on a geological structure resulting in significant
rockbursting, approximately 120 m away from the source location. Damage was associated with two
tunnels, a return airway (RAW) and the main haulage. The tunnels were sited approximately 2,250 m below
surface and about 100 m below the stoping horizon; this was sufficiently far away from the stoping front
for the tunnels not to be directly influenced by stress changes associated with stoping. The two tunnels
were parallel to each other and were spaced 18 m apart with dimensions of 3.5 by 3.0 m.
The rock mass was typical for Witwatersrand quartzite with a uniaxial compressive strength in the range of
180 to 220 MPa. Bedding planes and joints were present. Typical of this environment, there was a
well-defined fracture zone of ~2 m thickness around the tunnels. The virgin principal stress
(pre-development) is vertical and in the region of 60 MPa; stresses around the excavation would be
significantly higher resulting in the well-defined fractured or failed zone.
The RAW was supported with primary support, which consisted of 1.5 m long mechanically anchored
rockbolts on a 1.5 by 1.5 m pattern; no surface support was installed. Damage was scattered seismic
induced rockfalls from in between the bolts; the RAW was still serviceable and accessible.
Damage to the main haulage consisted of major bursting (rock mass bulking) and total closure over
distance of approximately 88 m. The haulage was supported with the same primary support that had been
upgraded with a 50 mm thickness fibre reinforced shotcrete (FRS).
This incident highlighted several issues: firstly, the tunnel with less ground support suffered less damage,
secondly, there was a huge difference in the observed damage for what should have been similar loading
conditions. The obvious question was why? The different response was partially explained by the presence
of a dyke that day-lighted along a portion of the northern wall of the main haulage. It could also be argued
that the installed support was inadequate for the loading conditions experienced but this does not
satisfactorily explain the different rock mass responses.
Thirdly, the severity and extent of damage observed in the main haulage could not be related to any PPV
calculated using a scaling relationship. Possibly this was a seismically induced strainburst on a rather
large-scale or there was a secondary event triggered by the first event. No evidence of a secondary event
could be found, although possibly this was because of the seismic network configuration and limitations.
This incident raised many questions that could not be answered at the time and highlighted the limitations
of design methodologies available at the time as well as how much is unknown about rockbursts. The
distribution of damaged and undamaged areas was particularly perplexing and has been observed by the
author in several other cases.
This has been noted by Hagan et al. (2001) that the severity of rockburst damage often varies greatly over
small distances. Other researchers (Spottiswoode et al. 1997; Milev et al. 1999) found that ground motions
measured at points about 1 m apart on a stope hanging wall showed variations of up to a factor of five in
kinetic energy and this could possibly explain differences in damage.
demand for highly stressed rocks and have defined displacement and energy absorption criteria for each
category. This has been combined with the Western Australian School of Mines reinforcement dynamic
capacity database (Player 2012) to create a chart that can be used to assist with the design of ground
support for dynamic loading conditions.
The reality is that many mines that experience rockbursts are dependent on the kinetic and potential
energy method (Wagner 1984; Kaiser et al. 1996) for dynamic ground support design under ejection
conditions. For strainbursting and seismically triggered shakedown mechanisms, the methodologies
outlined in Kaiser et al. (1996) are generally used.
It can be seen that varying these factors can have a significant impact on the required energy absorption.
A ground support system with an energy absorption capacity of 20 kJ/m² has been assumed and FS have
been calculated for each scenario. This demonstrates how variations in ejection thickness and ejection
velocity have a significant impact on FS.
assess the energy absorption capacity of FRS, however, because of completely different boundary
conditions it is difficult to relate these tests to an in situ FRS lining performance.
Some dynamic drop testing systems are capable of limited testing of ground support systems (e.g. bolts,
mesh and shotcrete) but none are capable of testing a complete system that includes surface support
connections and overlaps. The loading system is generally simplified (axial loading) and does not reflect the
complexities experienced in a rockburst. Generally, this sort of testing can be considered as index testing
and provides useful insight into some aspects of how support systems behave and is good for comparison
purposes. However, the results are applicable to the specific testing machine setup and loading conditions.
Currently, there is no accepted way of converting these index values into design values; also the number of
tests are generally limited making it difficult to compile reliable statistics.
Limited underground simulations using blasting have been undertaken to assess how ground support
systems behave (Hagan et al. 2001; Haile & Le Bron 2001; Heal & Potvin 2007). Again these simulations are
useful and provide some insight into how support systems behave under the test loading conditions;
typically much higher frequency waves and introduced gasses are experienced making true comparison to
seismic loading questionable. These simulations are difficult to set up and only a small number have been
undertaken and no accepted method is available to convert the test results into design values.
Conventional pull testing and data on steel characteristics can be used to assess the likely energy
absorption for different types of bolts. However, the majority of this testing is under axial loading
conditions and does not adequately consider asymmetrical loading and shear loading.
Whilst there are established methods of assessing the energy absorption capacity of FRS, there are no
accepted methods of converting these values into design values. Papworth (2002) related energy absorption
to rock mass classes defined by the Q-system (Barton et al. 1974), however, this does not specifically consider
dynamic loading. More recently, Joughin et al. (2012) developed design charts relating applied energy
absorption at different thicknesses to the EFNARC beam and the round determinate panel testing.
Once you have determined the energy absorption for different support elements using a variety of sources,
these need to be combined to determine the system energy absorption capacity. Currently, this is done by
summing the energy absorption for individual units and normalising it over the wall area (Scott et al. 2008;
Fuller 2010; Drover & Villaescusa 2016). This is a simple and pragmatic approach but is not necessarily correct
as it does not take into account the complex interactions between the different elements and it does not
consider the weak links such as mesh overlaps. However, no alternative methods are available and this is a
reasonable approach, provided consideration is given to factors not explicitly included or understood.
This simple example demonstrates how FS varies and provides valuable information on how much the FS
can vary; this information also allows for the probability of failure to be calculated. This approach provides
information on the design reliability as well as accounting for uncertainty in design inputs. This example
was simplified down to two variables, however, as most design calculations are typically done in
spreadsheets, it is relatively easy to account for a number of key variables.
It could be argued that undertaking sensitivity or probabilistic analysis is of limited value when the design
methodology is flawed. The author is of the view that there are no viable alternative design methods
currently available; and there is unlikely to be a significant breakthrough in the short to medium term.
Geotechnical engineers have to take a pragmatic approach to the design of ground support for dynamic
conditions and this should include improved accounting for variability and uncertainty in key inputs.
6 Conclusion
There are significant uncertainties in the design of ground support from dynamic and rockburst conditions.
These range from natural and spatial variability for known parameters to significant gaps in our
understanding of rockburst mechanisms and PPV at the excavation skin and the associated ejection PPV.
This is demonstrated by observation of how variable rockburst damage can be spatially.
By applying a rigorous design process and appropriate methodologies, some these uncertainties can be
catered for in the design calculations. This allows for the calculation of more reliable Factor of Safety as
well as improved understanding of how it varies, which is an important input into risk assessments. Any
design process needs to be supported by quality observations and data from rockbursts.
The use of numerical modelling, statistical seismic hazard assessments and probabilistic assessment of PPV
in time and space are, in the authors’ opinion, better than the more commonly used deterministic
approach; using this approach it is easier to incorporate elements of risk based design and related directly
to the risk assessment process and matrices commonly used in the mining industry.
The limitations of current design methods are well known, however, until alternatives are developed we
need to take a pragmatic approach and apply them in a sensible manner and attempt to reduce uncertainty
in the key inputs.
Improved understanding of rockburst mechanism will be developed through better characterisation of the
seismicity and detailed forensic analysis of rockburst events. Forensic analysis should also be expanded to
include areas where damage was expected but did not occur.
There is need for in situ monitoring of ground support and the rock mass behaviour under dynamic
conditions so that laboratory index tests can be calibrated against measured behaviour. This will assist in
deriving design values from these index tests as well as the calibration of numerical models.
Currently, the assessment of ejection PPV is based on using scaling relationships and a site amplification
factor based on back analysis of a limited number of cases or engineering judgement. There is a need to
undertake widespread measurements of PPV at the excavation skin to allow for this area of uncertainty to
be narrowed. Technological improvements in instrumentation and communications need to be harnessed
to enable to better understand PPV on the excavation skin. This should be considered as an integral part of
forensic investigations as well as to improve understanding of ground support systems. This is a research
opportunity that needs to be taken up by the mining industry.
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