PIA Handbook 00093

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Division of Licensing

Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

Charles H. Bronson
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

A message from the Commissioner:

To be licensed as a private investigator in the State of Florida

is to assume an important public trust. The private
investigator has a special obligation to maintain high ethical
standards and to adhere strictly to the requirements of the
law governing his or her professional practice. The
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division
of Licensing, is authorized under Chapter 493, Florida
Statutes, to regulate the private investigative industry in an
effort to ensure that the regulated activities carried out by
individuals and agencies licensed in accordance with that
chapter are performing their duties in a manner that is
consistent with the general welfare.

This handbook is intended to serve as a convenient

reference guide to applicants and licensees on the
requirements and the restrictions contained in the law. I
hope it will be helpful to you.

If you have any questions, the Division of Licensing staff will

be happy to assist you.






Law .......................................................................... 1
Regulated Activity ..................................................... 1
Types of Licenses ...................................................... 2
In-House Investigators .............................................. 5
Training and Test Requirements................................ 5
Firearms ................................................................... 8
Firearms Training ..................................................... 9
Use of Force ............................................................ 11
Sponsorship of Interns ............................................ 12
Identification Cards................................................. 13
Applying for a License ............................................. 14
Cancellation/Inactivation of License ........................ 15
Agency Advertisements Require License Number ..... 16
Other Prohibited Acts.............................................. 16
Use of State Seal Prohibited .................................... 20
Badges.................................................................... 21
Unlawful Symbols of Authority ................................ 21
The Department of ACS, Division of Licensing ......... 22
Disciplinary Action/Penalties .................................. 23
Confidentiality ........................................................ 25
Divulging Investigative Information.......................... 25


TELEPHONE NUMBERS................................. 27

Regional Office Territories ...................... 29


I. LAW – Chapter 493, Florida Statutes

The following explanations of the law are presented
to assist applicants and licensees in understanding the basic
requirements and restrictions of Chapter 493, Florida
Statutes. Please note that this handbook does not constitute
the entirety of the law. Individuals seeking a more
comprehensive understanding of the law are directed to
carefully read and study Chapter 493, Florida Statutes, as
well as Chapter 5N-1, Florida Administrative Code.

II. REGULATED ACTIVITY – Private Investigation

Regulated Activity
Definition — The investigation by a person or
persons for the purpose of obtaining information with
reference to any of the following matters:

a. Crime or wrongs done or threatened against

the United States or any state or territory of the United
States, when operating under express written authority of
the governmental official responsible for authorizing such

b. The identity, habits, conduct, movements,

whereabouts, affiliations, associations, transactions,
reputation, or character of any society, person, or group of

c. The credibility of witnesses or other persons.

d. The whereabouts of missing persons, owners of
abandoned property or escheated property, or heirs to

e. The location or recovery of lost or stolen


f. The causes and origin of, or responsibility for,

fires, libels, slanders, losses, accidents, damage, or injuries to
real or personal property.

g. The business of securing evidence to be used

before investigating committees or boards of award or
arbitration or in the trial of civil or criminal cases and the
preparation therefor.

Section 493.6101(17), F.S.

h. A Class “C” or Class “CC” licensee may perform

bodyguard services without obtaining a Class “D” license.

Section 493.6201(8), F.S.


Types of Licenses
a. Private Investigator — Class “C” license — Any
individual, except an “in-house” investigator, who performs
investigative services must have a Class “C” Private
Investigator license and must own or be employed by a
licensed Class “A” Private Investigative Agency or Class “AA”
or “AB” branch office. Class “C” licensees may not engage in
investigative services except through a licensed agency.
Class “C” licensees may not subcontract.

Sections 493.6201(4) and (5), F.S.

For “in-house investigators” see Section IV.

b. Private Investigator Intern — Class “CC”

license — Any individual who performs investigative services
as an intern under the direction and control of a designated
sponsoring Class “C” licensee or designated sponsoring Class
“M” or “MA” Agency Manager licensee. Class “CC” licensees
may not subcontract; they must work for a Class “A” agency
or branch office.

Section 493.6201(6), F.S.

c. Private Investigative Agency — Class “A”

license — Any company that engages in business as an
investigative agency must possess a Class “A” license. A
Class “A” license is valid for only one location. A Class “A”
agency cannot subcontract with a Class “C” Private
Investigator or Class “CC” Private Investigator Intern, but
that agency may subcontract with another Class “A” agency.

Section 493.6201(1), F.S.

d. Branch Office — Class “AA” license — Each

branch office of a Class “A” agency shall have a Class “AA”

Section 493.6201(2), F.S.

e. Agency Managers — Class “M” or “MA” license

— Any individual who performs the services of a manager for
a Class “A” Investigative Agency or a Class “AA” Branch
Office must have a Class “M” or “MA” Agency Manager
license. A Class “C” licensee may be designated as a manager
in lieu of the Class “M” or “MA” license. Class “M” or “MA”
licensees cannot subcontract; they must work for a Class “A”
Private Investigative Agency.

Section 493.6201(3), F.S.

f. Each agency or branch office shall designate a

minimum of one appropriately licensed individual to act as
manager, directing the activities of the Class “C” or Class
“CC” employees.

g. The owner of a Class “A” Private Investigative

Agency who is licensed as a Class “C” Private Investigator
can designate himself/herself as the agency manager and
does not have to apply for Class “MA” licensure.

h. All licenses are valid for two (2) years, except

Class “A”, Class “AB”, or Class “AA” agency licenses, which
are valid for three (3) years, unless suspended or revoked by
the Division of Licensing. The Division sends renewal
notices/applications to each licensee approximately 90 days
prior to the date on which that licensee's license is scheduled
to expire. However, it is the responsibility of each licensee to
renew his/her license in a timely manner, even if the licensee
does not receive that renewal notice.

Sections 493.6111(2) and 493.6113, F.S.

i. The Class “C” Private Investigator license or

Class “CC” Private Investigator Intern license or Class “M” or
“MA” Agency Manager license must be in the possession of
the individual license while engaged in regulated activities.

Section 493.6111(1), F.S.

In-House Investigators
Definition — An unarmed investigator who is
solely, exclusively, and regularly employed as an investigator
in connection with the business of his/her employer when
such employer does not provide, or advertise as providing,
investigative services for a fee. An unlicensed investigator
may not provide investigative services to any person or
business other than his/her employer.

Section 493.6102(3), F.S.

Example: An individual may be employed to

investigate matters specifically related to his/her employer’s
business such as employee theft, background checks on
potential employees, etc.

Example: Investigators working in-house for a

Class “A” Agency must have a Class “C” license and are not
exempt under Section 493.6102(3), F.S.


Training R
a. An applicant for a Class “CC” Private
Investigator Intern License is not expected to have
investigative experience. Internship is intended to serve as a
learning period during which the intern works under the
direction and guidance of a trained and licensed investigator.
However, there are training and examination requirements
for Class “CC” applicants.

b. Effective September 1, 2008, an applicant

for a Class “CC” Private Investigator Intern license must
complete at least 24 hours of a 40-hour training course.

This course, which is offered by a state university or by a
school, community college, college, or university under the
purview of the Department of Education, focuses on general
investigative techniques and Chapter 493, F. S. The
applicant must also pass an initial examination. The 24–
hour course and the examination must be completed prior to
applying for the license. The applicant must submit
documentation confirming that he/she has completed the
course and passed the exam with the application for
licensure. Proof of having completed the remaining 16
hours of training and of having passed a second examination
must be filed with Division within 180 days of the date the
application was filed.

c. The 40–hour training course can be

administered to students in a number of ways: in a
traditional classroom setting, through an online course made
available via the Internet, or through a home study-
correspondence training course.

d. This examination and course requirement will

not apply to applicants for the Class “CC” license who have
submitted their applications to the Division AND whose
licenses have been issued by September 1, 2008. In other
words, the exam and course requirement will apply to all
applications that are PENDING as of the date on which the
law takes effect.

e. If a Class “CC” license becomes invalid as a

result of expiration or administrative action and remains
invalid for more than one year, the person applying for re-
licensure must retake both the training and the two
Section 493.6116(3), F.S.

f. An applicant for a Class “C” license shall have
two (2) years of lawfully gained, verifiable, full-time
experience or training in one, or a combination of more than
one, of the following:

1. Private investigative work or related fields

of work that provided equivalent experience or training.

2. College course work related to criminal

justice, criminology, or law enforcement administration, or
successful completion of any law enforcement-related
training received from any federal, state, county, or
municipal agency, except that no more than one (1) year may
be used from this category.

Sections 493.6203(2)(a), (d) and (e), F.S.

3. Work as a Class “CC” licensed intern.

Example: An applicant for Class “C” licensure

cannot claim investigative experience obtained when the
applicant or the employer/sponsor was not properly licensed
because this would be unlawfully gained experience.

Section 493.6203(2)(b), F.S.

g. Effective January 1, 2008, an applicant for

the Class “MA”, Class “M”, or Class “C” license must pass an
examination that covers the provisions of Chapter 493, F.S.
This examination is administered by the Department or by a
provider approved by the Department. The applicant must
pass the examination prior to applying for licensure; proof of
successful completion of the exam must be submitted with
the application. Applications received by the division prior
to 1/1/08 are not required to submit proof of completion of
the exam.

h. This examination requirement will not apply to
individuals who already hold a Class “MA”, Class “M”, or
Class “C” license as of January 1, 2008.

i. If a Class “MA”, Class “M”, or Class “C” license

becomes invalid as a result of expiration or administrative
action and remains invalid for more than one year, the
person applying for re-licensure must take and pass the
examination a second time.

a. A Class “C” Private Investigator or Class “CC”
Private Investigator Intern must obtain a Class “G” Statewide
Firearm License in order to carry a firearm in the course of
his/her duties. A Class “C” or Class “CC” licensee has
authority to carry a .38 caliber revolver; or a .380 caliber or
a 9-millimeter semiautomatic pistol; or a .357 caliber
revolver with .38 caliber ammunition, while performing
duties authorized under Chapter 493, Florida Statutes. No
licensee may carry more than two (2) firearms upon his/her
person when performing his/her duties. A licensee may
carry only a firearm of the specific type and caliber with
which he/she is qualified in accordance with the firearms
training requirements. Licensees may not carry a concealed
firearm under the authority of a concealed weapon license
obtained pursuant to Section 790.06, Florida Statutes, while
engaged in activities regulated by Chapter 493.

b. A Class “C” Private Investigator, a Class “CC”

Private Investigator Intern, a Class “M” or “MA” Manager,
age twenty-one (21) years or older, who possesses a Class
“G” Statewide Firearm License may carry a concealed
firearm if required by his/her duties AND if the armed duty

assignment is made and approved by his/her employer (the
licensed agency). The Class “G” license is valid throughout
the state. Open-carry of a firearm is not permitted at any

Section 493.6115(4), F.S.

c. Licensed agencies shall allow licensed

employees to use only standard (factory) ammunition of a
type and load which is appropriate for the location and duty
requirements of armed employees, with the exception of the
following types of prohibited ammunition:

1. Glaser-type or any other pre-fragmented-

type bullets
2. Exploding bullets
3. Full-metal-jacket (fmj)/full-metal-case
(fmc) bullets (except this type may be used in semiautomatic
pistols only).
4. Teflon-coated (ktw-type) or any other type
of armor-piercing bullets
5. Full wadcutter bullets (except on firing
6. Reloads (except on firing range)

Sections 493.6115(2), (5) and (6), F.S.

Rule 5N-1.129, F.A.C.


Firearms Training
a. An applicant for a Class “G” Statewide Firearm
license must have a minimum of twenty-eight (28) hours of

range and classroom training within the past twelve (12)
months. This training must be taught and administered by a
Class “K” Firearms Instructor.

Section 493.6115(8), F.S.

b. Class “G” licensees must obtain four (4) hours

of firearms range recertification training during each year of
the 2-year licensure period (eight hours of total training
required for recertification/renewal). Range recertification
must be taught and administered by a Class “K” Firearms
Instructor. Renewal of the Class “G” license will be denied if
a licensee has failed to fulfill the four (4) hour annual
training requirement. If the 4 hours of annual training is not
completed each year during the 2-year licensing period, the
individual must re-take the training required at initial

Example: A licensee who is issued his Class “G”

license on March 1, 2007, which expires February 28, 2009,
must receive four (4) hours of firearms recertification
training between March 1, 2007 and February 28, 2008,
and four (4) hours between March 1, 2008, and February
28, 2009.

Section 493.6113(3)(b), F.S.

c. Investigative agencies are required to notify the

Division of Licensing within five (5) working days of any
discharge of a firearm by an employee other than on a range
during range training. Reports are to be made on a form
prescribed by the department and can be obtained from any
division regional office.

Section 493.6115(9), F.S

Example: An accidental discharge by an employee

must be reported.

d. Deadly force may be used only in the defense of

one’s self or another from imminent serious bodily harm.
The discharge of a firearm under any other circumstances,
such as firing a warning shot, is grounds for disciplinary
action, including revocation of the Class “G” license.


Use of Force
a. Private investigators are not law enforcement
officers and are not granted any police powers regarding
arrest or use of force.

Section 493,6118(1)(i), F.S.

b. Deadly force may never be used by a private

investigator except in self-defense or defense of another from
imminent death or great bodily harm. The use of deadly
force to protect property or to prevent property loss is
prohibited by law.

Section 776.012, F.S.

c. Non-deadly force may be used by private

investigators to the extent necessary for self-defense or
defense of another against the use of unlawful force or to
prevent or terminate trespass or “interference” with persons
he/she has a legal duty to protect.

Section 776.031, F.S.

d. Firing a warning shot for any reason, including
an attempt to stop a person suspected of the commission of a
crime, is prohibited.

Section 493.6118(1)(f), F.S.


Sponsorship of Interns
a. Only a Class “C”, Class “MA”, or Class “M”
licensee may sponsor a Class “CC” Private Investigator

b. An internship may not commence until the

intern is licensed, or has submitted a completed application
and the sponsor has submitted the notice of intent to
sponsor to the department. Such notice shall be on a form
provided by the department.

c. Internships are intended to serve as a learning

process. Sponsors shall assume a training role by providing
direction and control of interns. Sponsors shall only sponsor
interns who in fact and routinely operate from an office,
which is within a 50-mile distance of the sponsor’s place of
business and shall not allow interns to operate
independently of such direction and control, or require
interns to perform activities, which do not enhance the
intern’s qualification for licensure. In order to acquire the
training requisite to obtain the Class “C” license, the intern
must in fact and on a routine basis be physically under the
direction and control of his/her sponsor. “Physically”
contemplates in-person contact on a routine basis with the
sponsor and is not accomplished by contact solely by
telephone, fax or computer.

d. A Class “C”, “M”, or “MA” licensee may not
sponsor more than six (6) interns at the same time.

e. A sponsor shall certify completion or

termination of an internship to the department within
fifteen (15) days of such occurrence. The certification shall
be on a form provided by the department.

Sections 493.6116(1) - (5), F.S.

Identification Cards
a. Every licensed investigative agency must
furnish to its partners, principal corporate officers, and all
licensed employees, an identification card with the name and
license number of the holder of the card and name and
license number of the agency. The identification card must
be signed by the individual licensee and a representative of
the agency. The identification card must be in the possession
of the licensee at all times while engaged in regulated

Section 493.6111(5)(b), F.S.

b. Agency identification cards are issued solely for

the purpose of identifying the licensee and his/her employer.
The use of the state seal or the terms “State of Florida”,
“Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services”, or
“Division of Licensing” are forbidden. Such terms are often
misinterpreted as implying the bearer has some official

Section 493.6118(1)(i), F.S.

Applying for a License
a. Any person applying for a license must be at
least eighteen (18) years of age; be a citizen of the United
States or a legal resident of the United States or have been
granted authority to work by the U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services (USCIS); have no disqualifying
criminal history; be of good moral character; have no history
of mental illness or history of use of illegal drugs or
alcoholism, unless evidence is presented showing successful
completion of a rehabilitation program, or current mental
competency, as appropriate.

Section 493.6106, F.S.

b. The applicant must provide the following:

name, date of birth, Social Security number, place of birth,
residence addresses for the past five (5) years, occupations
for the past five (5) years, a statement of all criminal
convictions (including dispositions of adjudication
withheld), a statement whether he/she has been adjudicated
incapacitated or committed to a mental institution, a
statement regarding any history of illegal drug use or alcohol
abuse, one (1) full-face color photograph, a full set of prints
on the division’s fingerprint card, a personal inquiry waiver
and the appropriate fees. The submission of the Social
Security number is voluntary and is requested pursuant to
sections 119.071(5)(a)2, 493.6105(3)(d), 493.6304(2)(a),
and 493.6406(2)(a), Florida Statutes, for identification
purposes, to prevent misidentification, and to facilitate the
approval process. Applications are available from the
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Division
of Licensing, or any regional office. Applications can also be
requested on-line at http://www.mylicensesite.com.

Section 493.6105(3), F.S.

c. An applicant for a Class “CC” Private
Investigator Intern license must be sponsored by a Class “C”,
“M”, or “MA” licensee. The sponsor must submit a notice of
intent to sponsor for each Class “CC” licensee under his
direction or control.

Section 493.6116(2), (3), (4) and (5), F.S.

Also see Section IX in this Handbook.

d. A criminal history record check will be

performed by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement
and the Federal Bureau of Investigation on each applicant to
determine if he/she has a disqualifying criminal history.

Cancellation/Inactivation of License
a. In the event the licensee desires to cancel
his/her license, he/she shall notify the department in writing
and return the license to the department within ten (10)
days of the date of cancellation.

b. The department, at the written request of the

licensee, may place his/her license in inactive status. A
license may remain inactive for a period of three (3) years, at
the end of which time it shall automatically be cancelled if
the license has not been renewed. If the license expires
during the inactive period, the licensee shall be required to
pay license fees before the license can be made inactive. No
late fees shall apply when a license is in inactive status.

Section 493.6114, F.S.

Agency Advertisements Require License Number
A licensed agency must include its agency license
number in any advertisement in any print medium, or
directory, and must include its agency license number in any
written bid or offer to provide services.

Example: An agency’s license number must be

included on bids, Yellow Page listings, trade journals, etc.;
however, employment advertising does not require the
agency license number.

Section 493.6111(6), F.S.


Other Prohibited Acts
a. Impersonating, or permitting or aiding and
abetting an employee to impersonate, a law enforcement
officer or an employee of the state, the United States, or any
political subdivision thereof by identifying himself/herself as
a federal, state, county, or municipal law enforcement officer
or official representative, by wearing a uniform or presenting
or displaying a badge or credentials that would cause a
reasonable person to believe that he/she is a law
enforcement officer or that he/she has official authority, by
displaying any flashing or warning vehicular lights other
than amber-colored or by committing any act that is
intended to falsely convey official status.

Section 493.6118(1)(i), F.S.

Also see Sections XV - XVII in this handbook.

b. Fraud or willful misrepresentation in applying

for or obtaining a license.

Section 493.6118(1)(a), F.S.

c. Use of any fictitious or assumed name by an

agency unless the agency has Division of Licensing
approval and has registered that name with Department of
State, Division of Corporations pursuant to Section
865.09, F.S.

Section 493.6118(1)(b), F.S.

d. Being found guilty of or entering a plea of

guilty or nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, or
being convicted of a crime which directly relates to the
business for which the license is held or sought. A plea of
nolo contendere shall create a rebuttable presumption of
guilt to the underlying criminal charges, and the department
shall allow the individual being disciplined or denied an
application for a license to present any mitigating evidence
relevant to the reason for, and the circumstances
surrounding, his/her plea.

Section 493.6118(1)(c), F.S.

e. A false statement by the licensee that any

individual is or has been in his/her employ.

Section 493.6118(1)(d), F.S.

f. A finding that the licensee or any employee is

guilty of willful betrayal of a professional secret or any
unauthorized release of information acquired as a result of
activities regulated under this chapter.

Section 493.6118(1)(e), F.S.

g. Conducting activities regulated under Chapter
493 without a license or with a revoked or suspended

Section 493.6118(1)(g), F.S.

h. Proof that the applicant or licensee is guilty of

fraud or deceit, or of negligence, incompetency, or
misconduct in the practice of the activities regulated under
Chapter 493.

Section 493.6118(1)(f), F.S.

Example: It is misconduct to refuse to provide a

copy of an investigative report to a client upon demand when
such report resulted from investigative activity paid for by
the client.

Example: It is deceit in the practice of regulated

activities to refuse to provide a client a bill itemizing all
charges upon demand by the client.

i. Commission of an act of violence or the use of

force on any person except in the lawful protection of one’s
self or another from physical harm.

Section 493.6118(1)(j), F.S.

j. Knowingly violating, advising, encouraging, or

assisting the violation of any statute, court order, capias,
warrant, injunction, or cease and desist order, in the course
of business regulated under Chapter 493, F.S.

Section 493.6118(1)(k), F.S.

k. Soliciting business for an attorney in return for

Section 493.6118(1)(l), F.S.

l. Transferring or attempting to transfer a license

issued pursuant to Chapter 493.

Section 493.6118(1)(m), F.S.

m. Employing or contracting with any unlicensed

or improperly licensed person or agency to conduct activities
regulated under this chapter when such licensure status was
known or could have been ascertained by reasonable inquiry.

Section 493.6118(1)(n), F.S.

n. Failure or refusal to cooperate with or refusal

of access to an authorized representative of the department
engaged in an official investigation pursuant to Chapter 493.

Section 493.6118(1)(o), F.S.

Also see Section XVIII in this Handbook.

o. Failure of any partner, principal corporate

officer, or licensee to have his/her agency identification card
in his/her possession while on duty.

Section 493.6118(1)(p), F.S.

p. Failure of any licensee to have his/her license

in his/her possession while on duty, as specified in Section
493.6111(1), F.S.

Section 493.6118(1)(q), F.S.

q. Failure or refusal by a sponsor to certify
completion or termination of an internship to the
department within 15 working days.

Section 493.6118(1)(r), F.S.

r. Failure to report to the Department any person

whom the licensee knows to be in violation of this chapter or
the rules of the department.

Section 493.6118(1)(s), F.S.

s. Violating any provision of Chapter 493.

Section 493.6118(1)(t), F.S.

t. Felony convictions unless ten (10) years has

expired since release from supervision and civil rights have
been restored by the state or jurisdiction of conviction.

Section 493.6118(4)(a), F.S.

u. Being found guilty of, entering a plea of guilty

to, or entering a plea of nolo contendere to a felony and
adjudication of guilt is withheld until a period of three (3)
years has expired since final release from supervision.

Section 493.6118(4)(c), F.S.


Use of State Seal Prohibited
No agency or licensee may use the Great Seal of the
State of Florida on any badge, patch, credential,
identification card, correspondence, advertisement, business

card, or any other means of identification used in connection
with investigative services.

Section 493.6124, F.S.

a. Florida law establishes that five-pointed star
badges are reserved for wear by sheriffs and deputy sheriffs
in this state. Any badge or insignia of such similarity to the
official sheriff’s badge which is indistinguishable at a
distance of twenty (20) feet is prohibited for use by
individuals licensed under Chapter 493, F.S.

b. Licensed private investigators and private

investigator interns should be especially aware that the use
of any badge in the course of investigative activity creates a
very strong suggestion of impersonation of a law
enforcement officer, an act that would constitute misconduct
in the course of regulated activities. ONLY the agency
identification card and the Class “C” or “CC” license are
needed for identification purposes while on the job.

Sections 30.46, 493.6118(1)(i), and 843.085, F.S.


Unlawful Symbols of Authority
The unauthorized exhibition, wear or display of any
indicia of authority including any badge, insignia, emblem,
identification card, uniform or any colorable imitation
thereof which could deceive a reasonable person into
believing that such item is authorized by a law enforcement
agency or the bearer is a law enforcement officer is
prohibited. All non-official persons and agencies are

prohibited from the use of the words “police”, “patrolman”,
“agent”, “sheriff”, “deputy”, “trooper”, “highway patrol”,
“Wildlife Officer”, “Marine Patrol Officer”, “state attorney”,
“public defender”, “marshal”, “constable”, or “bailiff” when
the use of such words or combinations thereof could deceive
a reasonable person into believing that such person or
agency is a law enforcement officer or agency.

Sections 843.085 and 493.6118(1)(i), F.S.


The Department of ACS, Division of Licensing
a. The Department of Agriculture and Consumer
Services, Division of Licensing is charged with the duty of
regulating the private investigative industry and has
authority over both licensed and unlicensed persons and
businesses engaged in the field of investigative activity. Such
activities are regulated by Chapter 493, Florida Statutes.

Sections 493.6100 and 493.6118, F.S.

b. The department shall have the power to

enforce provisions of this chapter, irrespective of the place or
location in which the violation occurred, and, upon the
complaint of any person or on its own initiative, to cause to
be investigated any suspected violation thereof or to cause to
be investigated the business and business methods of any
licensed or unlicensed person, agency or employee thereof,
or applicant for licensure under Chapter 493, F.S.

Section 493.6121(1), F.S.

c. During an investigation by the division, each
licensed or unlicensed person, applicant or agency is
required by law to provide records and truthfully respond to

Section 493.6121(2), F.S.

d. In the conduct of its enforcement responsibility

the division is granted the authority to subpoena any person
or records, to take sworn depositions, to issue an order to
cease and desist, and to seek injunctive relief from the
Circuit Court to assure compliance with the law.

Sections 493.6121(3) and (4), F.S.

e. Failure or refusal to cooperate with or provide

access to an investigator of the division is prohibited by law.

Section 493.6118(1)(o), F.S.


Disciplinary Action/Penalties
a. When the division finds any violations of
Chapter 493, it may do one or more of the following:

⎯ Deny an initial or renewal application for


⎯ Issue a reprimand;

⎯ Impose an administrative fine up to

$1,000 per count or separate offense; or

⎯ Place a licensee on probation or suspend
or revoke a license.

Section 493.6118(2), F.S.

b. Any person who violates the provisions of

Chapter 493 commits a misdemeanor of the first degree.

Section 493.6120(1), F.S.

c. Any person who is convicted of a violation of

Chapter 493 is not eligible for licensure for five (5) years.

Section 493.6120(2), F.S.

d. Any person who violates or disregards any

cease and desist order issued by the department commits a
misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in
Section 775.082 or 775.083, F.S. In addition, the
department may seek the imposition of a civil penalty not to
exceed $5,000.

Section 493.6120(3), F.S.

e. Any person who was an owner, officer, partner,

or manager of a licensed agency at the time of any activity
that is the basis for revocation of the agency or branch office
license and who knew or should have known of the activity
shall have his/her personal licenses or approval suspended
for three (3) years and may not have any financial interest in
or be employed in any capacity by a licensed agency during
the period of suspension.

Section 493.6120(4), F.S.

The residence telephone number and residence
address of any Class “C”, Class “CC”, Class “E”, or Class “EE”
licensee maintained by the department is confidential and
exempt from the provisions of Section 119.071(4)(d), F.S.,
except that the department may provide this information to
local, state, or federal law enforcement agencies. When the
residence telephone number or residence address of such
licensee is, or appears to be, the business telephone number
or business address, this information shall be public record.

Section 493.6122, F.S.


Divulging Investigative Information
a. Except as otherwise provided by this chapter or
other law, no licensee or any employee of a licensee or
licensed agency shall divulge or release to anyone other than
his/her client or employer the contents of an investigative
file acquired in the course of licensed investigative activity.
However, the prohibition of this section shall not apply when
the client for whom the information was acquired, or his/her
lawful representative, has alleged a violation of this chapter
by the licensee, licensed agency, or any employee, or when
the prior written consent of the client to divulge or release
such information has been obtained.

b. Nothing in this section shall be construed to

deny access to any business or operational records, except as
specified above, by an authorized representative of the
department engaged in an official investigation, inspection,
or inquiry pursuant to the regulatory duty and investigative
authority of this chapter.

c. Any licensee or employee of a licensee or
licensed agency who, in reliance on section (a) above, denies
access to an investigative file to an authorized representative
of the department shall state such denial in writing within
two (2) working days of the request for access. Such
statement of denial shall include the following:

1. That the information requested was

obtained by a licensed private investigator on behalf of a
client; and

2. That the client has been advised of the

request and has denied permission to grant access; or

3. That the present whereabouts of the client

is unknown or attempts to contact the client have been
unsuccessful but, in the opinion of the person denying
access, review of the investigative file under conditions
specified by the department would be contrary to the
interests of the client; or

4. That the requested investigative file will

be provided pursuant to a subpoena issued by the

d. No licensee or any employer or employee of a

licensee or licensed agency shall willfully make a false
statement or report to his/her client or employer or to an
authorized representative of the department concerning
information acquired in the course of activities regulated by
this chapter.

Section 493.6119, F.S.

Any comments or suggestions regarding this handbook
may be submitted to:
Division of Licensing
Post Office Box 6687
Tallahassee, Florida 32314-6687
Internet Address: http://www.mylicensesite.com

For questions or inquires regarding applications, the

application process, or the status of an application or
license, please contact:

Division of Licensing
Bureau of License Issuance
Post Office Box 6687
Tallahassee, Florida 32314-6687
(850) 245-5691 – Fax (850) 245-5655

You may also contact the regional office in your area:

Fort Walton Regional Office

212 Eglin Parkway S.E., Suite A
Fort Walton Beach, Florida 32548
(850) 833-9146 – Fax (850) 833-9149

Jacksonville Regional Office

7825 Baymeadows Way
Suite 106A, Center Building
Jacksonville, Florida 32256
(904) 448-4341 – Fax (904) 448-4345

Miami Regional Office
401 N.W. Second Avenue, Suite 720-N
Miami, Florida 33128
(305) 377-5950 – Fax (305) 377-5129

Orlando Regional Office

400 West Robinson Street, Room 110
Orlando, Florida 32801
(407) 245-0883 – Fax (407) 317-7324

Punta Gorda Regional Office

230 Bal Harbor Boulevard, Suite 111
Punta Gorda, Florida 33950
(941) 575-5770 – Fax (941) 575-5775

Tampa Regional Office

1313 Tampa Street, Suite 712
Tampa, Florida 33602
(813) 272 2552 – Fax (813) 272-2252

West Palm Beach Regional Office

The Forum, Tower A, Suite 100
1675 Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
(561) 640-6144 – Fax (561) 640-6149

*For Walk-In Service Only*

Tallahassee Regional Office

2520 North Monroe Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32303
(850) 245-5498 – Fax (850) 245-5505


DACS-P-00093 REV. 7/08
Division of Licensing
July 2008

Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services

Charles H. Bronson

DACS-P-00093 REV. 7/08

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