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The Other Side of Value: Good Growth

and the Gross Profitability Premium

Robert Novy-MarxŽ
University of Chicago and NBER
October, 2010


Profitability, measured by gross profits-to-assets, has roughly the same power as

book-to-market predicting the cross-section of average returns. Profitable firms gen-
erate significantly higher returns than unprofitable firms, despite having significantly
higher valuation ratios. Controlling for profitability also dramatically increases the
performance of value strategies, especially among the largest, most liquid stocks.
These results are difficult to reconcile with popular explanations of the value premium,
as profitable firms are less prone to distress, have longer cashflow durations, and have
lower levels of operating leverage. Controlling for gross profitability explains most
earnings related anomalies, and a wide range of seemingly unrelated profitable trading

Keywords: Profitability, value premium, factor models, asset pricing.

JEL Classification: G12.

Financial support from the Center for the Research in Securities Prices at the University of Chicago
Booth School of Business is gratefully acknowledged.
University of Chicago Booth School of Business, 5807 S Woodlawn Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637. Email:
1 Introduction
Profitability has roughly the same power as book-to-market predicting the cross-section
of average returns. It is also complimentary to book-to-market, contributing economically
significant information above that contained in valuations. These conclusions differ dra-
matically from those of other studies (Fama and French (1993, 2006)), which find that
profitability adds little or nothing to the prediction of returns provided by size and book-
to-market. The difference is that “profitability” here is measured using gross profits, not
earnings. Gross profitability represents “the other side of value.” Strategies based on gross
profitability generate value-like average excess returns, despite being growth strategies that
provide an excellent hedge for value. Because the two effects are closely related, it is useful
to analyze profitability in the context of value.
Value strategies hold firms with inexpensive assets and short firms with expensive as-
sets. When a firm’s market value is low relative to its book value, then a stock purchaser
acquires a relatively large quantity of book assets for each dollar spent on the firm. When
a firm’s market price is high relative to its book value the opposite is true. Value strate-
gies were first advocated by Graham and Dodd in 1934, and their profitability has been
documented countless times since.
Berk (1995) argues that the profitability of value strategies is mechanical. Firms for
which investors require high rates of return (i.e., risky firms) are priced lower, and conse-
quently have higher book-to-markets, than firms for which investors require lower returns.
Because valuation ratios help identify variation in expected returns, with higher book-to-
markets indicating higher required rates, value firms generate higher average returns than
growth firms.
A similar argument suggests that firms with productive assets should yield higher av-
erage returns than firms with unproductive assets. Productive firms for which investors
demand high average returns to hold should be priced similarly to less productive firms
for which investors demand lower returns. Variation in productivity therefore helps iden-
tify variation in investors’ required rates of return. Because productivity helps identify this

variation, with higher profitability indicating higher required rates, profitable firms gener-
ate higher average returns than unprofitable firms. This fact motivates the return-on-asset
factor employed in Chen, Novy-Marx and Zhang (2010).
Gross profits is the cleanest accounting measure of true economic profitability. The far-
ther down the income statement one goes, the more polluted profitability measures become,
and the less related they are to true economic profitability. For example, a firm that has both
lower production costs and higher sales than its competitors is unambiguously more prof-
itable. Even so, it can easily have lower earnings than its competitors. If the firm is quickly
increasing its sales though aggressive advertising, or commissions to its sales force, these
actions can, even if optimal, reduce its bottom line income below that of its less profitable
competitors. Similarly, if the firm spends on research and development to further increase
its production advantage, or invests in organizational capital that will help it maintain its
competitive advantage, these actions result in lower current earnings. Moreover, capital
expenditures that directly increase the scale of the firm’s operations further reduce its free
cashflows relative to its competitors. These facts suggest constructing the empirical proxy
for productivity using gross profits.1 Scaling by a book-based measure, instead of a market-
based measure, avoids hopelessly conflating the productivity proxy with book-to-market. I
scale gross profits by book assets, not book equity, because gross profits are not reduced by
interest payments and are thus independent of leverage.
Determining the best measure of productivity is, however, ultimately an empirical ques-
tion. I therefore also consider profitability measures constructed using earnings and free
cashflows. Popular media is preoccupied with earnings, the variable on which Wall Street
analysts’ forecasts focus. Financial economists are generally more concerned with free
cashflows, the present discounted value of which should determine a firm’s value.
In a horse race between these three measures of productivity, gross profits-to-assets is
Several studies have found a role for individual components of the difference between gross profits and
earnings. For example, Sloan (1996) and Chan et. al. (2006) find that accruals predict returns, while Chan,
Lakonishok and Sougiannis (2001) argue that R&D and advertising expenditures have power in the cross-
section. Lakonishok, Shleifer, and Vishny (1994) also find that strategies formed on the basis of cashflow,
defined as earnings plus depreciation, are more profitable than those formed on the basis of earnings alone.

the clear winner. Gross profits-to-assets has roughly the same power predicting the cross-
section of expected returns as book-to-market. It completely subsumes the earnings based
measure, and has significantly more power than the measure based on free cash flows.
Moreover, demeaning this variable dramatically increases its power. Gross profits-to-assets
also predicts long run growth in earnings and free crashflow, which may help explain why
it is useful in forecasting returns.
Consistent with these results, portfolios sorted on gross-profits-to-assets exhibit large
variation in average returns, especially in sorts that control for book-to-market. More prof-
itable firms earn significantly higher average returns than unprofitable firms. They do so
despite having, on average, lower book-to-markets and higher market capitalizations. That
is, profitable firms are high return “good growth” stocks, while unprofitable firms are low
return “bad value” stocks. Because strategies based on profitability are growth strategies,
they provide an excellent hedge for value strategies, and thus dramatically improve a value
investor’s investment opportunity set. These results contrast strongly with those of Fama
and French (2006), who find that profitability, as measured by earnings, adds little or noth-
ing in economic terms to the prediction of returns provided by size and book-to-market.
These facts are also difficult to reconcile with the interpretation of the value premium
provided by Fama and French (1993), which explicitly relates value stocks’ high average
returns to their low profitabilities. In particular, they note that “low-BE/ME firms have per-
sistently high earnings and high-BE/ME firms have persistently low earnings,” suggesting
that “the difference between the returns on high- and low-BE/ME stocks, captures variation
through time in a risk factor that is related to relative earnings performance.”
My results present a similar problem for Lettau and Wachter’s (2007) duration-based
explanation of the value premium. In their model, short-duration assets are riskier than
long duration assets, and generate higher average returns. Value firms have short durations,
and consequently generate higher average returns than longer duration growth firms. In the
data, however, gross profitability is associated with long run growth in profits, earnings,
and free cashflows. Profitable firms consequently have longer durations than less profitable
firms, and the Lettau-Wachter model therefore predicts, counter-factually, that profitable

firms should underperform unprofitable firms.
The fact that profitable firms earn significantly higher average returns than unprofitable
firms also poses difficulties for the “operating leverage hypothesis” of Carlson, Fisher, and
Giammarino (2004), which drives the value premium in Zhang (2005) and Novy-Marx
(2009, 2010a). Under this hypothesis, operating leverage magnifies firms’ exposures to
economic risks, because firms’ profits look like levered claims on their assets. In models
employing this mechanism, however, operating leverage, risk, and expected returns are
generally all decreasing with profitability. This is contrary to the profitability/expected
return relation observed in the data.
The paper also shows that most earnings related anomalies, as well as a large num-
ber of seemingly unrelated anomalies, are really just different expressions of three basic
underlying anomalies, mixed in various proportions and dressed up in different guises.
A four-factor model, employing the market and industry-adjusted value, momentum and
gross profitability “factors,” performs remarkably well pricing a wide range of anomalies,
including (but not limited to) strategies based on return-on-equity, free cashflow growth,
market power, default risk, net stock issuance and organizational capital.
Finally, the prediction that profitable firms should outperform unprofitable firms can be
motivated just as easily on behavioral grounds, with an argument that is again closely re-
lated to “value.” The popular behavioral explanation for the high average returns observed
on value stocks, consistent with Graham and Dodd’s original concept and advocated by
Lakonishok, Shleifer, and Vishny (1994), is that low book-to-market stocks are on average
overpriced, while the opposite is true for high book-to-market stocks. If stocks are not
perfectly priced in the cross-section, then buying value stocks and selling growth stocks
represents a crude but effective method for exploiting misvaluations. While there is cer-
tainly large variation in the true value of book-assets, and this drives the great majority of
the observed variation in book-to-market ratios, value strategies nevertheless produce value
and growth portfolios biased toward under- and over-priced stocks, respectively.
A similar argument suggests that firms with productive assets should generate higher
average returns than firms with unproductive assets. If stocks are not perfectly priced in

the cross-section, then among firms with similar book-to-market ratios, productive firms
are on average underpriced, while the opposite is true for unproductive firms. A trading
strategy that buys firms with productive assets and sells firms with unproductive assets
should generate positive abnormal returns because the long and short sides of the strategy
will be biased toward under- and over-priced stocks, respectively.
Distinguishing between competing stories for the observed profitability premium is,
however, beyond the scope of this paper. This paper is primarily concerned with docu-
menting the fact that gross profits-to-assets has power predicting the cross section of aver-
age returns that both rivals, and is complimentary to, that of book-to-market.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides a simple theo-
retical framework for the prediction that it is gross profits, and not earnings, that is strongly
associated with average returns. Section 3 presents evidence that gross profitability has
power predicting long term growth in gross profits, earnings, and free cashflows. Section
4 shows that gross profits-to-assets is a powerful predictor of the cross-section of expected
returns, even among the largest, most liquid stocks. Section 5 investigates the relation
between profitability and value more closely. It shows both that controlling for book-to-
market significantly improves the performance of profitability strategies, and that control-
ling for gross profits-to-assets significantly improves the performance of value strategies.
Section 6 shows that the results are robust to controlling for earlier, known results regard-
ing accruals and R&D expenditures. Section 7 considers the performance of a four-factor
model that employs the market and industry-adjusted value, momentum and gross prof-
itability “factors.” The model performs much better than canonical models pricing a wide
array of anomalies. Section 8 concludes.

2 The relation between profitability and expected returns

Fama and French (2006) illustrate the intuition that book-to-market and profitability are
both positively related to expected returns using the dividend discount model in conjunction
with clean surplus accounting. In the dividend discount model a stock’s price equals the

present value of its expected dividends, while under clean surplus accounting the change
in book equity equals retained earnings. Together these imply the market value of equity
(cum dividend) is

Mt D Et ŒYtC dBtC  =.1 C r/ ; (1)

where Yt is time-t earnings, dBt D Bt Bt 1 is the change in book equity, and r is the
required rate of return on expected dividends. Holding all else equal, higher valuations
imply lower expected returns, while higher expected earnings imply higher expected re-
turns. That is, value firms should outperform growth firms, and profitable firms should
outperform unprofitable firms.
Fama and French (2006) test the profitability/expected return relation with mixed re-
sults. Their cross-sectional regressions suggest that earnings is related to average returns
in the manner predicted, but their portfolio tests suggest that profitability adds little or
nothing to the prediction of returns provided by size and book-to-market. These empirical
tests, however, employ current earnings as a simple proxy for future profitability. A deeper
examination of equation (1) suggests that this proxy is poor.
To see why earnings is a poor proxy for future profitability, note that current earnings
consist of the economic profits created by the firm, less investments treated as operating
expenses (e.g., R&D, or advertising). Letting S denote economic profits (or “surplus”) and
X denote investments treated as operating expenses, the previous equation can be written,
recursively, as
Et MtC1 ˇX D Xt ; dB D dBt
Mt D .St Xt / dBt C : (2)

This equation makes explicit the fact that the earnings process in equation (1), and conse-
quently the expected firm value tomorrow, are linked directly to decisions the firm makes
today, some of which have a material impact on current earnings. That is, when consider-
ing changes to earnings in equation (1), it makes no sense to “hold all else equal.” Higher

expensed investment directly reduces earnings without increasing book equity. These ex-
penses should be associated, however, with higher future economic profits, and thus higher
future dividends.
The previous equation implies
Et MtC1 ˇX D 0; dB D 0
Mt D St C C Nt (3)

where Nt is the rents to expensed earnings and retained investment,

 ˇ   ˇ 
Et MtC1 ˇX D Xt ; dB D dBt Et MtC1 ˇX D 0; dB D 0
Nt  .Xt C dBt / :

Equation (3) only depends on current expensed earnings and retained investment through
Nt , the rents they generate. If the rents to “plow back” are small, then Nt is small. A dollar
of expensed investment or retained earnings increases the expected present value of future
dividends by roughly a dollar, has essentially no effect on the cum dividend price of the
stock, and is thus uninformative. Economic profitability is, however, highly informative. It
is strongly associated with prices today, both directly through its inclusion of the right hand
side of 3, and indirectly because profitability is highly persistent, and thus a component of
prices tomorrow. The data support this prediction. Gross profitability correlates much more
strongly with contemporaneous valuation ratios than do earnings.
It is consequently economic profitability, not earnings, that is related to expected re-
turns. Conditional on economic profitability, higher valuations imply lower expected stock
returns, while conditional on valuations, greater economic profitability implies higher ex-
pected stock returns. That is, value firms should outperform growth firms, and profitable
firms should outperform unprofitable firms, where “profitable” means firms that generate
large economic profits, not those with high earnings.

3 Profitability and profitability growth
Before considering the asset pricing implications of profitability, I first present evidence
that current profitability, and in particular gross profitability, has power predicting long
term growth in gross profits, earnings, and free cashflows, all of which are important de-
terminants of future stock prices. Gross profits-to-assets in particular is strongly associated
with contemporaneous valuation ratios, so variables that forecast gross profit growth may
be expected to predict future valuations, and thus returns.
Table 1 reports results of Fama-MacBeth (1973) regressions of profitability growth on
current profitability. The table considers both the three and ten year growths, and employs
three different measures of profitability: gross profits, earnings before extraordinary items,
and free cashflow.2 Earnings variables are scaled by assets, though scaling by book eq-
uity, as in Fama-French (2006), yields similar results. Regressions included controls for
valuations and size (ln(B/M) and ln(ME)). They also include controls for prior year’s stock
performance and the three year change in the dependent profitability variable (control coef-
ficients not reported). The sample excludes financial firms (those with one-digit SIC codes
of six). To avoid undue influence from outlying observations, I trim independent variables
at the 0.5 and 99.5 percent levels. To avoid undue influence from small firms, I exclude
firms with market capitalizations under $25 million. Test-statistics are calculated using
Newey-West standard errors, with two or nine lags. The data are annual, and cover 1962 to
The first column of Table 1 shows that current gross profits have power predicting three
year growth in gross profits, earnings, and free cashflow. Holding all else equal, an increase
in current gross profits of one dollar is associated with a 20 cent average increase in gross
profits three years in the future, a four cent average increase in earnings three years in the
Gross profits and earnings before extraordinary items are Compustat data items GP and IB, respectively.
For free cashflow I employ net income plus depreciation and amortization minus changes in working capital
minus capital expenditures (NI + DP - WCAPCH - CAPX). Gross profits is also defined as total revenue
(REVT) minus cost of goods sold (COGS), where COGS represents all expenses directly related to produc-
tion, including the cost of materials and direct labor, amortization of software and capital with a useful life
of less than two years, license fees, lease payments, maintenance and repairs, taxes other than income taxes,
and expenses related to distribution and warehousing, and heat, lights, and power.

Table 1. Profitability and profitability growth
This table reports results of Fama-MacBeth regressions of three and ten year growth in profitability, mea-
sured by gross profits (GP), earnings before extraordinary items (IB), and free cashflow (FCF = NI + DP -
WCAPCH - CAPX), on current profitability, valuations (ln(B/M)) and size (ln(ME)). Regressions include
controls for prior year’s stock price performance and the three year change in the dependent profitability
variable (coefficients not reported). Profitability variables are scaled by total assets (AT). Independent vari-
ables are trimmed at the 0.5% and 99.5% levels. Test-statistics are calculated using Newey-West standard
errors, with two or nine lags. The sample exclude financial firms (those with one-digit SIC codes of six) and
firms with market capitalizations smaller than $25 million, and uses accounting data for fiscal years ending
between 1962 to 2009, inclusive.
slope coefficients and [test-statistics] from regressions of the form yt D ˇ 0 xtj C tj
regressions predicting three-year growth ( D 3) regressions predicting ten-year growth ( D 10)
GP/A IB/A FCF/A ln(B/M) ln(ME) GP/A IB/A FCF/A ln(B/M) ln(ME)
Panel A: regressions predicting gross profit growth, yt D ATt

0.20 -0.09 -0.01 0.91 -0.40 -0.06

[5.83] [-8.75] [-4.30] [3.54] [-14.1] [-3.31]
-0.03 -0.11 -0.01 -0.32 -0.47 -0.07
[-0.40] [-10.5] [-6.03] [-0.48] [-13.4] [-5.35]
-1.01 -0.11 -0.01 -4.23 -0.50 -0.06
[-5.25] [-10.1] [-4.35] [-2.04] [-14.3] [-5.88]
0.26 0.09 -0.56 -0.09 -0.01 1.19 -1.68 -0.69 -0.42 -0.05
[11.4] [0.29] [-1.55] [-9.94] [-3.18] [5.87] [-3.01] [-2.79] [-11.8] [-3.29]
Panel B: regressions predicting earnings growth, yt D ATt

0.04 -0.00 0.00 0.13 -0.05 0.01

[2.40] [-0.10] [1.32] [3.72] [-1.83] [1.56]
-0.06 -0.00 0.00 0.13 -0.06 0.01
[-1.19] [-0.07] [1.85] [1.44] [-2.46] [1.21]
0.12 -0.00 0.00 -0.38 -0.06 0.01
[1.38] [-0.02] [1.23] [-0.79] [-2.42] [1.27]
0.06 -0.21 0.06 0.00 0.01 0.13 0.17 -0.21 -0.05 0.01
[3.12] [-5.08] [3.07] [0.12] [2.17] [3.53] [0.99] [-1.46] [-1.81] [1.55]
Panel C: regressions predicting free cashflow growth, yt D ATt

0.08 0.03 0.01 0.25 0.01 0.03

[4.55] [4.60] [3.63] [6.07] [0.59] [4.42]
0.11 0.03 0.01 0.61 -0.00 0.02
[1.61] [3.89] [3.06] [5.56] [-0.16] [4.29]
-0.15 0.02 0.01 -0.09 -0.02 0.02
[-1.58] [3.72] [3.81] [-0.71] [-1.31] [4.21]
0.09 0.22 -0.34 0.04 0.01 0.24 0.85 -0.75 0.02 0.02
[4.00] [2.70] [-3.20] [5.70] [3.63] [5.13] [3.95] [-2.84] [1.57] [4.72]

future, and an eight cent average increase in free cashflows three years in the future. In
contrast, the second and third columns show that current level of earnings and current free
cashflows are generally associated with lower future profitability. The fourth column shows
that high valuation ratios are associated with higher gross profit growth, but lower free
cashflow growth, after controlling for other variables. The last rows of each panel shows
that including all three measures of current profitability as explanatory variables increases
the power of gross profits to predict the three year growth in gross profits, earnings, and
free cashflow. Holding all else equal, and controlling for current earnings and current free
cashflows, an increase in current gross profits of one dollar is associated with a 26 cent
average increase in gross profits three years in the future, an six cent average increase in
earnings three years in the future, and a nine cent average increase in free cashflows three
years in the future.
The right half of the table repeats the tests of the left half, using ten year growths in
profitability, as opposed to three year growths, as the dependent variables. The results are
basically consistent with the test employing three year profitability growth. Current gross
profits have power predicting ten year growth in gross profits, earnings, and free cashflow.
Holding all else equal, an increase in current gross profits of one dollar is associated with
a 91 cent increase in gross profits ten years in the future, a thirteen cent average increase
in earnings ten years in the future, and a 25 cent average increase in free cashflows ten
years in the future. These results are little changed controlling for current earnings and free
Untabulated results employing total payouts (dividends plus stock purchases) yield sim-
ilar results. High gross profits and high valuations (as well as high earnings) have signifi-
cant power predicting payout growth at both three and ten year horizons.
Including financial firms leaves the results of Table 1 qualitatively unchanged. Deflating
future profits (i.e., letting the dependent variable be yt D .YtCN =.1Cr/N Yt /=ATt ) some-
what weakens the power that current profitability has predicting gross profit growth, but
generally increases the power it has predicting earnings growth and free cashflow growth.

4 Profitability and the cross-section of expected returns
Table 1 shows that current profitability, particularly as measured by gross profits, has power
predicting long term growth in gross profits, earnings, and free cashflow. This section
shows that current profitability also has power predicting the cross-section of expected

4.1 Fama-MacBeth regressions

Table 2 shows results of regressions of firms’ returns on gross profits, earnings, and free
cashflow, each scaled by assets. Regressions include controls for book-to-market (log(bm)),
size (log(me)), and past performance measured at horizons of one month (r1;0 ) and twelve
to two months (r12;2 ).3 Time-series averages of the cross-sectional Spearman rank corre-
lations between these independent variables are provided in Appendix A.1, and show that
gross profitability is negatively correlated with book-to-market, with a magnitude similar
to the negative correlation observed between book-to-market and size. Independent vari-
ables are Winsorized at the one and 99% levels. I employ Compustat data starting in 1962,
the year of the AMEX inclusion, and lag accounting data to the end of June of the fol-
lowing year. Asset pricing tests consequently cover July 1963 through December 2009.
The sample excludes financial firms (i.e., those with a one-digit SIC code of six), though
results including financials are qualitatively identical. The table also shows results employ-
ing gross profits, earnings, and free cashflow demeaned by industry, where the industries
are the Fama-French (1997) 49 industry portfolios.
The first specification of Panel A shows that gross profitability has roughly the same
Book-to-market is book equity scaled by market equity, where market equity is lagged six months to
avoid taking unintentional positions in momentum. Book equity is shareholder equity, plus deferred taxes,
minus preferred stock, when available. For the components of shareholder equity, I employ tiered definitions
largely consistent with those used by Fama and French (1993) to construct HML. Stockholders equity is as
given in Compustat (SEQ) if available, or else common equity plus the carrying value of preferred stock
(CEQ + PSTX) if available, or else total assets minus total liabilities (AT - LT). Deferred taxes is deferred
taxes and investment tax credits (TXDITC) if available, or else deferred taxes and/or investment tax credit
(TXDB and/or ITCB). Prefered stock is redemption value (PSTKR) if available, or else liquidating value
(PSTKRL) if available, or else carrying value (PSTK).

power as book-to-market predicting the cross-section of returns. Profitable firms generate
higher average returns than unprofitable firms. The second and third specifications replace
gross profitability with earnings and free cashflow, respectively. Each of these variables has
power individually, though less power than gross profitability. The fourth and fifth specifi-
cations show that gross margins completely subsumes earnings, and largely subsumes free
cashflow. The sixth specification shows that free cashflow subsumes earnings. The seventh
specification shows that free cashflow has incremental power above that in gross profitabil-
ity after controlling for earnings, but that gross profitability is still the stronger predictive
The appendix performs similar regressions employing several other earnings-related
variables. It particular, it considers regression employing earnings before interest, taxes,
depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) and selling, general and administrative expenses
(XSGA), which together represent a decomposition of gross profits. EBITDA-to-assets
and XSGA-to-assets each have significant power predicating the cross section of returns,
both individually and jointly, but gross profits-to-assets subsumes either variables. The
appendix also considers regressions employing a decomposition of gross profits-to-assets
into asset turnover (sales-to-assets) and gross margins (gross profits-to-sales). These vari-
ables also have power predicating the cross section of returns, both individually and jointly,
but again lose their power when used in conjunction with gross profitability. The analysis
does suggest however that high asset turnover primarily drives the high average returns of
profitable firms, while high gross margins are the distinguishing characteristic of “good
growth” stocks. Detailed results of these tests are provided in Appendix A.2.
Panel B repeats the tests of panel A, employing gross profits-to-assets, earnings-to-
assets and free cashflow-to-assets demeaned by industry. These tests tell the same basic
story, though the results here are even stronger. Gross profits-to-assets is a powerful pre-
dictor of the cross-section of returns. The test-statistic on the slope coefficient on gross
profits-to-assets demeaned by industry is more than one and a half times as large as that on
variables associated with value and momentum (log(BM) and r12;2 ). Free cashflows also
has some power, though less than gross profits. Earnings convey little information regard-

Table 2. Fama-MacBeth regressions of returns on measures of profitability
Panel A reports results from Fama-MacBeth regressions of firms’ returns on gross profits (revenues minus
cost of goods sold, Compustat REVT - COGS), income before extraordinary items (IB), and free cashflow
(net income plus amortization and depreciation minus changes in working capital minus capital expenditures,
NI + DP - WCAPCH - CAPX), each scaled by assets (AT). Panel B repeats the tests of panel A, employing
profitability measures demeaned by industry (Fama-French 49). Regressions include controls for book-to-
market (log(bm)), size (log(me)), and past performance measured at horizons of one month (r1;0 ) and twelve
to two months (r12;2 ). Independent variables are Winsorized at the one and 99% levels. The sample excludes
financial firms (those with one-digit SIC codes of six), and covers July 1963 to December 2009.
slope coefficients (102 ) and [test-statistics] from
regressions of the form rtj D ˇ 0 xtj C tj
variables (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
Panel A: straight profitability variables
gross profitability 0.67 0.67 0.61 0.62
[5.06] [5.27] [4.88] [4.94]
earnings 0.77 0.22 0.07 -0.28
[1.77] [0.49] [0.15] [-0.55]
free cashflow 0.65 0.31 0.91 0.73
[2.52] [1.20] [2.97] [2.44]
log(BM) 0.32 0.30 0.26 0.33 0.29 0.28 0.31
[5.42] [5.36] [4.80] [5.93] [5.39] [5.12] [5.71]
log(ME) -0.14 -0.15 -0.16 -0.13 -0.14 -0.15 -0.14
[-3.22] [-3.97] [-3.95] [-3.55] [-3.63] [-4.02] [-3.62]
r1;0 -6.10 -6.09 -6.08 -6.19 -6.18 -6.14 -6.23
[-15.1] [-15.3] [-15.2] [-15.6] [-15.5] [-15.5] [-15.8]
r12;2 0.61 0.62 0.63 0.57 0.59 0.61 0.56
[3.28] [3.34] [3.42] [3.09] [3.18] [3.30] [3.07]
Panel B: profitability variables demeaned by industry
gross profitability 0.91 0.83 0.76 0.78
[8.54] [8.82] [7.89] [8.38]
earnings 0.87 0.28 0.09 -0.32
[2.21] [0.69] [0.20] [-0.70]
free cashflow 0.98 0.62 1.05 0.89
[5.01] [3.24] [4.37] [3.72]
log(BM) 0.32 0.29 0.27 0.32 0.30 0.27 0.30
[5.50] [5.01] [4.74] [5.38] [5.11] [4.75] [5.13]
log(ME) -0.13 -0.15 -0.15 -0.14 -0.14 -0.15 -0.14
[-3.13] [-3.76] [-3.72] [-3.48] [-3.51] [-3.81] [-3.53]
r1;0 -6.09 -6.08 -6.08 -6.12 -6.11 -6.10 -6.13
[-15.0] [-15.0] [-15.0] [-15.2] [-15.1] [-15.1] [-15.2]
r12;2 0.62 0.63 0.63 0.60 0.61 0.62 0.60
[3.32] [3.37] [3.39] [3.24] [3.27] [3.34] [3.21]

ing future performance. The use of industry-adjustment to better predict the cross-section
of returns is investigated in greater detail in section B.
Finally, it must be noted that while earnings performed poorly in Table 2, the annual
accounting variables employed there are relatively stale (lagged at least six months from
fiscal year end, and used for a full year), and the most recent quarterly earnings have signif-
icantly more power predicting returns than the old annual earnings employed here. Much
of this additional power is not related to basic profitability, however, but can instead be at-
tributed to post earnings announcement drift. Firms with the highest earnings over the last
quarter are more likely to have quarterly earnings higher than their recent past earnings, and
thus are more likely to be those with high standardized unexpected earnings (SUE, defined
as the difference between the most recent quarter’s earnings and earnings from the same
quarter of the previous year, scaled by the standard deviation of earnings over the previous
eight quarters). The time-series average cross-sectional Spearman rank correlation between
quarterly ROA (quarterly earnings scaled by assets lagged one quarter) and SUE is 48.6%.
High frequency return-on-assets strategies are thus formed by assigning firms to portfolios
on the basis of a noisy measure of standardized unexpected earnings, and this fact partly
explains their performance.
Because gross profitability appears to be the measure of basic profitability with the most
power predicting the cross-section of expected returns, it is the measure I focus on for the
remainder of the paper.

4.2 Sorts on profitability

The Fama-MacBeth regressions of Table 2 suggest that profitability predicts expected re-
turns. These regressions, because they weight each observation equally, put tremendous
weight on the nano- and micro-cap stocks, which make up roughly two-thirds of the market
by name but less than 6% of the market by capitalization. The Fama-MacBeth regressions
are also sensitive to outliers, and impose a potentially misspecified parametric relation be-
tween the variables, making the economic significance of the results difficult to judge. This

section attempts to address these issues by considering the performance of portfolios sorted
on profitability, non-parametrically testing the hypothesis that profitability predicts average
Table 3 shows results of univariate sorts on gross profits-to-assets ((REVT – COGS) /
AT) and, for comparison, valuation ratios. The Spearman rank correlation between gross
profits-to-assets and market-to-book ratios is 18%, and highly significant, so strategies
formed on the basis of these two criteria should be quite similar. Portfolios are constructed
using a quintile sort, based on New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) break points, and are
rebalanced at the end of each June. The table shows the portfolios’ value-weighted average
excess returns, results of the regressions of the portfolios’ returns on the three Fama-French
factors, and the time-series average of the portfolios’ gross profits-to-assets (GPA), book-
to-markets (BM), and market capitalizations (ME), as well as the average number of firms
in each portfolio (n). The sample excludes financial firms (those with one-digit SIC codes
of six), and covers July 1963 to December 2009.
The table shows that the gross profits-to-assets portfolios’ average excess returns are
generally increasing with profitability, with the most profitable firms earning 0.33 percent
per month higher average returns than the least profitable firms, with a test-statistic of
2.63. This significant profitable-minus-unprofitable return spread is observed despite the
fact that the profitable firms tend to be growth firms, while the unprofitable firms tend to be
value firms. As a result, the abnormal returns of the profitable-minus-unprofitable return
spread relative to the Fama-French three-factor model is 0.55 percent per month, with a
test-statistic of 4.75.4
Consistent with the variation in HML loadings, the portfolios sorted on gross prof-
itability exhibit large variation in book-to-market. Profitable firms tend to be growth firms,
while unprofitable firms tend to be value firms. In fact, the portfolios sorted on gross prof-
Including financial firms reduces the profitable-minus-unprofitable return spread to 0.25 percent per
month, with a test-statistic of 1.86, but increases the Fama-French alpha of the spread to 0.63 percent per
month, with a test-statistic of 5.71. Most financial firms end up in the first portfolio, because their large
asset bases result low profits-to-assets ratios. This slightly increases the low profitability portfolio’s average
returns, but also significantly increases its HML loading.

Table 3. Excess returns to portfolios sorted on profitability
This table shows monthly value-weighted average excess returns to portfolios sorted on gross
profits-to-assets ((REVT - COGS) / AT), employing NYSE breakpoints, and results of time-series
regressions of these portfolios’ returns on the Fama-French factors. It also shows time-series aver-
age portfolio characteristics (portfolio gross profits-to-assets (GPA), book-to-market (BM), average
firm size (ME, in $106 ), and number of firms (n)). Panel B provides similar results for portfolios
sorted on book-to-market. The sample excludes financial firms (those with one-digit SIC codes of
six), and covers July 1963 to December 2009.

Panel A: portfolios sorted on gross profits-to-assets

FF3 alphas and factor loadings portfolio characteristics
Low 0.28 -0.20 0.95 0.04 0.15 0.10 1.11 715 864
[1.45] [-2.79] [56.7] [1.68] [6.08]
2 0.38 -0.12 1.02 -0.07 0.19 0.20 0.97 1,058 644
[1.91] [-1.78] [65.5] [-3.17] [8.25]
3 0.49 0.01 1.02 -0.01 0.12 0.30 1.01 1,061 718
[2.45] [0.17] [68.0] [-0.24] [5.33]
4 0.39 0.06 1.01 0.04 -0.24 0.43 0.53 1,072 835
[1.82] [0.89] [68.7] [1.99] [-11.0]
High 0.61 0.35 0.92 -0.05 -0.30 0.69 0.33 1,057 1,020
[3.04] [5.18] [56.7] [-2.07] [-12.2]
H-L 0.33 0.55 -0.03 -0.08 -0.45
[2.63] [4.75] [-1.24] [-2.24] [-10.9]
Panel B: portfolios sorted on market-to-book
FF3 alphas and factor loadings portfolio characteristics
Low 0.79 0.07 1.01 0.26 0.53 0.21 5.49 349 755
[3.81] [1.05] [60.3] [11.2] [20.8]
2 0.64 -0.01 0.96 0.11 0.53 0.21 1.12 615 694
[3.45] [-0.19] [74.0] [5.87] [27.1]
3 0.53 0.02 0.96 0.04 0.22 0.26 0.79 797 675
[2.81] [0.34] [61.3] [1.94] [9.53]
4 0.44 -0.01 0.99 0.05 0.04 0.31 0.54 1,103 733
[2.22] [-0.23] [77.2] [2.82] [2.33]
High 0.37 0.14 0.98 -0.09 -0.40 0.43 0.25 1,841 1,022
[1.75] [2.97] [87.7] [-5.61] [-23.7]
H-L -0.42 0.07 -0.04 -0.35 -0.92
[-3.00] [0.76] [-1.75] [-12.4] [-30.3]

itability exhibit roughly half the variation in HML loadings and book-to-markets as the
portfolios sorted on market-to-book, presented in Panel B. While the high gross profits-
to-assets stocks resemble typical growth firms in both characteristics and covariances (low
book-to-markets and negative HML loadings), they are extremely dissimilar in terms of
average returns. That is, while the are growth firms under the standard definition, they are
“good growth” firms, which tend to outperform despite their low book-to-markets.
Because the profitability strategy is a growth strategy it provides a great hedge for value
strategies. The monthly average returns to the profitability and value strategies presented
in Table 3 are 0.33 and 0.42 percent per month, respectively, with standard deviations of
2.96 and 3.30 percent. An investor running the two strategies together would capture both
strategies’ returns, 0.75 percent per month, but would face no additional risk. The monthly
standard deviation of the joint strategy, despite having long/short positions twice as large as
those of the individual strategies, is only 2.90 percent. That is, while the 33 basis point per
month gross profitability spread is somewhat modest, it is a payment an investor receives
(instead of pays) for insuring a value strategy. As a result, the test-statistic on the average
monthly returns to the mixed profitability/value strategy is 6.11, and its realized annual
Sharpe ratio is 0.90, nearly three times the 0.32 observed on the market over the same
period. The strategy is orthogonal to momentum.
Appendix A.3 presents similar results using international data. The evidence from de-
veloped markets outside the US supports the hypothesis that gross profits-to-assets has
roughly the same power as book-to-market predicting the cross-section of expected returns.

4.3 Performance over time

Figure 1 shows the performance over time of the profitability strategy presented in Table 3.
The figure shows the strategy’s realized annual Sharpe ratio over the preceding five years
at the end of each month between June 1968 and December 2009 (dashed blue line). It also
shows the performance of a similarly constructed value strategy (dotted green line), and a
50/50 mix of the two (solid black line).

Trailing Five−Year Sharpe Ratios
2 value
50/50 mix
Sharpe Ratio (annualized)





1969 1974 1979 1984 1989 1994 1999 2004 2009


Figure 1. Performance over time of strategies based on GP/A and B/M

The figure shows the trailing five-year Sharpe ratios of profitability and value strategies (dashed blue
and dotted green, respectively), and a 50/50 mix of the two (solid black). The profitability and value
strategies are long-short extreme value-weighted quintiles from sorts on gross profits-to-assets and
book-to-market, respectively, and correspond to the strategies considered in Table 3. The sample
excludes financial firms, and covers June 1963 to December 2009.

The figure shows that while both the profitability and value strategies generally per-
formed well over the sample, both had significant periods in which they lost money. Prof-
itability performed poorly from the mid-1970s to the early-1980s and over the middle of
the 2000s, while value performed poorly over the 1990s. Profitability generally performed
well in the periods when value performed poorly, however, while value generally performed
well in the periods when profitability performed poorly. As a result, the mixed profitability-
value strategy almost never had a loosing five year period.

4.4 Gross profitability spread by size

The portfolio results presented in Table 3 suggest that the power that gross profits-to-assets
has predicting the cross section of average returns is economically as well as statistically

Table 4. Size portfolio time-series average characteristics
This table reports the time-series averages of the characteristics of quintile portfolios sorted on
market equity. Portfolio break points are based on NYSE stocks only. The sample excludes financial
firms (those with one-digit SIC codes of six), and covers July 1963 to December 2009.

(small) (2) (3) (4) (large)

number of firms 2,429 752 485 385 334
percent of firms 55.4 17.1 11.1 8.8 7.6
average capitalization ($106 ) 37.6 196 484 1,214 9,119
total capitalization ($109 ) 91 147 234 467 3,045
total capitalization (%) 2.3 3.7 5.9 11.7 76.4
portfolio book-to-market 2.63 1.35 1.05 0.88 0.61
portfolio gross profits-to-assets 0.27 0.28 0.26 0.25 0.27

significant. By analyzing portfolios double sorted on size and profitability, this section
shows that its power is economically significant even among the largest, most liquid stocks.
Portfolios are formed by independently quintile sorting on the two variables, using NYSE
breaks. The sample excludes financial firms, and covers July 1963 to December 2009.
Table 4 reports time-series average characteristics of the size portfolios. More than
half of firms are in the small portfolio, but these stocks comprise less than three percent
of the market by capitalization, while the large portfolio typically contains fewer than 350
stocks, but makes up roughly three-quarters of the market by capitalization. The portfolios
exhibit little variation in profitability, but a great deal of variation in book-to-market, with
the smaller stocks tending toward value and the larger stocks toward growth.
Table 5 reports the average returns to the portfolios sorted on size and gross profits-
to-assets. It also shows the average returns of both sorts’ high-minus-low portfolios, and
results of time-series regressions of these high-minus-low portfolios’ returns on the Fama-
French factors. It also shows the average number of firms in each portfolio, and the average
portfolio book-to-markets. Because the portfolios exhibit little variation in gross profits-to-
assets within profitability quintiles, and little variation in size within size quintiles, these
characteristics are not reported.

Table 5. Double sorts on gross profits-to-assets and market equity
This table shows the value-weighted average excess returns to portfolios double sorted, using NYSE
breakpoints, on gross profits-to-assets and market equity, and results of time-series regressions of
both sorts’ high-minus-low portfolios’ returns on the Fama-French factors. The table also shows
the average number of firms in each portfolio, and each portfolios’ average book-to-market (the
portfolios exhibit little gross-profits to asset variation within size quintiles, and little size variation
within profitability quintiles). The sample excludes financial firms (those with one-digit SIC codes
of six), and covers July 1963 to December 2009.

Panel A: portfolio average returns and time-series regression results

gross profits-to-asset quintiles profitability strategies
L 2 3 4 H r ˛ ˇmkt ˇsmb ˇhml
S 0.36 0.60 0.76 0.85 1.03 0.67 0.62 0.06 -0.13 0.15
[4.53] [4.11] [1.78] [-2.59] [2.73]
2 0.33 0.69 0.66 0.70 0.87 0.54 0.54 0.02 0.05 -0.07
size quintiles

[3.94] [3.91] [0.58] [1.19] [-1.40]

3 0.35 0.69 0.70 0.64 0.77 0.42 0.40 0.09 0.18 -0.16
[2.92] [2.85] [2.82] [4.02] [-3.14]
4 0.42 0.57 0.57 0.62 0.80 0.38 0.46 0.02 0.21 -0.35
[2.75] [3.60] [0.81] [5.01] [-7.66]
B 0.26 0.34 0.46 0.34 0.55 0.29 0.54 -0.06 -0.05 -0.53
[2.05] [4.22] [-1.84] [-1.22] [-11.6]
re 0.10 0.26 0.29 0.51 0.49
small-minus-big strategies

[0.37] [1.29] [1.43] [2.52] [2.20]

˛ -0.16 -0.16 -0.11 -0.04 -0.09
[-0.97] [-1.62] [-1.06] [-0.36] [-0.79]
ˇmkt -0.05 0.01 -0.01 0.02 0.07
[-1.17] [0.53] [-0.36] [0.75] [2.87]
ˇsmb 1.53 1.34 1.34 1.33 1.45
[28.5] [40.6] [38.6] [39.5] [41.2]
ˇhml -0.26 0.20 0.17 0.49 0.42
[-4.38] [5.51] [4.55] [13.4] [10.8]

Panel B: portfolio average number of firms (left) and portfolio book-to-markets (right)
gross profits-to-asset quintiles gross profits-to-asset quintiles
L 2 3 4 H L 2 3 4 H
number of firms book-to-market
S 420 282 339 416 517 4.21 4.65 2.63 1.82 1.07
size quintiles

2 123 106 123 143 161 1.49 1.92 1.87 1.14 0.69
3 84 76 80 88 104 1.26 1.46 1.2 0.93 0.54
4 76 68 65 67 77 1.15 1.05 0.99 0.72 0.43
B 63 64 59 61 72 0.97 0.81 0.93 0.42 0.27

The table shows that the profitability spread is large and significant across size quin-
tiles. The spreads are decreasing across size quintiles, but the Fama-French three-factor
alpha is almost as large for the large-cap profitability strategy as it is for small-cap strate-
gies, because the magnitudes of the negative HML loadings on the profitability strategies
are increasing across size quintiles. That is, the predictive power of profitability is eco-
nomically significant even among the largest stocks, and its incremental power above and
beyond book-to-market is largely undiminished with size.
Among the largest stocks, the profitability spread of 29 basis points per month (test-
statistic of 2.05) is considerably larger that the value spread of 16 basis points per month
(test-statistic of 1.06). The two strategies have a negative correlation of -0.59, and conse-
quently perform very well together. While the two strategies’ realized annual Sharpe ratios
over the period are only 0.30 and 0.16, respectively, a 50/50 mix of the two strategies had
a Sharpe ratio of 0.49. While not nearly as large as the 0.90 Sharpe ratio observed in the
previous section on the 50/50 mix of the value-weighted profitability and value strategies
that trade stocks of all sizes, this Sharpe ratio still greatly exceeds the 0.32 Sharpe ratio
observed on the market over the same period. It does so despite trading exclusively in the
largest two-thirds of the fortune 500 universe.

4.4.1 Fortune 500 profitability and value strategies

While the Sharpe ratio on the large cap mixed value and growth strategy is 0.49, one and
a half times that on the market, this performance is driven by the fact that the profitability
strategy is an excellent hedge for value. As a result, the large cap mixed value and growth
strategy has extremely low volatility (standard deviations of monthly returns of 1.59 per-
cent), and consequently has a high Sharpe ratio despite generating relatively modest av-
erage returns (0.23 percent per month). This section shows that a simple trading strategy,
based on gross profits-to-assets and book-to-market, generates average excess returns of al-
most eight percent per year. It does so despite trading only infrequently, in only the largest,
most liquid stocks.

Table 6. Performance of large stock profitability and value strategies
This table shows the performance of portfolios formed using only the 500 largest non-financial firms
for which gross profits-to-assets (GPA) and book-to-market (BM) are both available. Portfolios are
tertile sorted on GPA (Panel A), BM (Panel B), and the sum of the firms’ GPA and BM ranks within
the sample (Panel C). It also shows time-series average portfolio characteristics (portfolio GPA,
portfolio BM, average firm size (ME, in $106 ), and number of firms (n)). The sample covers July
1963 to December 2009.
Panel A: portfolios sorted on gross profits-to-assets
FF3 alphas and factor loadings portfolio characteristics
Low 0.34 -0.17 1.02 -0.03 0.23 0.13 1.02 5,529 150
[1.70] [-2.18] [54.1] [-1.25] [8.07]
2 0.54 -0.00 1.13 0.11 0.08 0.31 0.85 7,536 200
[2.37] [-0.01] [72.7] [5.12] [3.48]
High 0.63 0.25 1.03 0.08 -0.17 0.64 0.41 8,940 150
[2.90] [3.80] [66.6] [3.78] [-7.53]
H-L 0.28 0.42 0.00 0.11 -0.40
[2.38] [3.90] [0.05] [3.20] [-10.5]
Panel B: portfolios sorted on book-to-market
Low 0.35 0.07 1.10 0.04 -0.49 0.51 0.25 10,086 150
[1.40] [1.05] [68.0] [1.91] [-19.9]
2 0.49 -0.01 1.07 0.07 0.09 0.34 0.58 7,004 200
[2.33] [-0.22] [78.7] [3.66] [4.33]
High 0.68 0.02 1.02 0.06 0.53 0.22 1.54 5,092 150
[3.49] [0.28] [71.9] [3.06] [24.9]
H-L 0.34 -0.06 -0.08 0.02 1.02
[2.22] [-0.72] [-4.49] [0.68] [37.0]
Panel C: portfolios sorted on average gross profits-to-assets and book-to-market ranks
Low 0.15 -0.22 1.13 0.01 -0.27 0.22 0.45 7,499 150
[0.59] [-2.43] [52.5] [0.26] [-8.27]
2 0.57 0.10 1.01 0.03 0.10 0.38 0.68 8,518 200
[2.89] [1.90] [85.3] [1.53] [5.31]
High 0.78 0.16 1.08 0.15 0.30 0.45 1.20 5,669 150
[3.68] [2.69] [75.1] [7.72] [13.8]
H-L 0.64 0.39 -0.05 0.15 0.56
[5.21] [3.77] [-1.92] [4.38] [15.6]

The strategy I consider is constructed within the 500 largest non-financial stocks for
which gross profits-to-assets and book-to-market are both available. Each year I rank these
stocks based on their gross profits-to-assets and book-to-market ratios. At the end of each
June the strategy buys one dollar of each of the 150 stocks with the highest average of
the profitability and value ranks, and shorts one dollar of each of the 150 stocks with the
lowest average ranks.5 The performance of this strategy is provided in Table 6. The table
also shows, for comparison, the performance of similarly constructed strategies based on
profitability and value individually.
This simple strategy generates average excess returns of 0.64 percent per month, and
has a realized annual Sharpe ratio of 0.76, almost two and a half times that observed on the
market. All together these large firms yielded average excess returns of 0.41 percent per
month over the period, so the strategy makes 58 percent of its profits on the long side and
42 percent on the short side (0.37 vs. 0.27 percent per month). The strategy requires little
rebalancing, because both gross profits-to-assets and book-to-market are highly persistent.
Only one-third of each side of the strategy turns over each year.

5 Profitability and value

The negative correlation between profitability and book-to-market observed in Table 3 sug-
gests that the performance of value strategies can be improved by controlling for profitabil-
ity, and that the performance of profitability strategies can be improved by controlling for
book-to-market. A univariate sort on book-to-market yields a value portfolio “polluted”
with unprofitable stocks, and a growth portfolio “polluted” with profitable stocks. A value
strategy that avoids holding stocks that are “more unprofitable than cheap,” and avoids
selling stocks that are “more profitable than expensive,” should outperform conventional
Well known firms among those with the highest combined gross profits-to-assets and book-to-market
ranks at the end of the sample are Astrazeneca, SAP, Sun Microsystems, Sears and JC Penny, while the lowest
ranking firms include Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Plum Creek Timber, Marriott International, Lockheed Martin
and Delta Airlines. Among the largest firms held on the long side of the strategy are Intel, ConocoPhillips,
CVS, Home Depot and Time Warner, while the short side includes IBM, Apple, GE, Oracle and McDonalds.

value strategies. Similarly, a profitability strategy that avoids holding stocks that are prof-
itable but “fully priced,” and avoids selling stocks that are unprofitable but “cheap,” should
outperform conventional profitability strategies.

5.1 Double sorts on profitability and book-to-market

This section tests these predictions by analyzing the performance of portfolios indepen-
dently double sorted on gross profits-to-assets and book-to-market. Portfolios are formed
by independently quintile sorting on the two variables, using NYSE breaks. The sample
excludes financial firms, and covers July 1963 to December 2009. Table 7 shows the double
sorted portfolios’ average returns, the average returns of both sorts’ high-minus-low port-
folios, and results of time-series regressions of these high-minus-low portfolios’ returns on
the Fama-French factors. It also shows the average number of firms in each portfolio, and
the average size of firms in each portfolio. Because the portfolios exhibit little variation
in gross profits-to-assets within profitability quintiles, and little variation in gross book-to-
market within book-to-market quintiles, these characteristics are not reported.
The table confirms the prediction that controlling for profitability improves the perfor-
mance of value strategies and controlling for book-to-market improves the performance
of profitability strategies. The average value spread across gross profits-to-assets quintiles
is 0.71 percent per month, and in every book-to-market quintile exceeds the 0.42 percent
per month spread on the unconditional value strategy presented in Table 3. The average
profitability spread across book-to-market quintiles is 0.56 percent per month, and in every
book-to-market quintile exceeds the 0.33 percent per month spread on the unconditional
profitability strategy presented in Table 3.
Appendix A.4 presents results of similar tests performed within the large and small cap
universes, defined here as stocks with market capitalization above and below the NYSE
median, respectively. The large cap results are largely consistent with the all-stock results
presented in Table 7. Among large stocks, controlling for profitability greatly improves
the performance of value strategies, and controlling for book-to-market greatly improves

Table 7. Double sorts on gross profits-to-assets and book-to-market
This table shows the value-weighted average excess returns to portfolios double sorted, using NYSE
breakpoints, on gross profits-to-assets and book-to-market, and results of time-series regressions of
both sorts’ high-minus-low portfolios’ returns on the Fama-French factors. The table also shows the
average number of firms, and the average size of firms, in each portfolio (the portfolios exhibit little
gross-profits to asset variation within book-to-market quintiles, and little book-to-market variation
within profitability quintiles). The sample excludes financial firms (those with one-digit SIC codes
of six), and covers July 1963 to December 2009.

Panel A: portfolio average returns and time-series regression results

gross profits-to-asset quintiles profitability strategies
L 2 3 4 H r ˛ ˇmkt ˇsmb ˇhml
L -0.13 0.13 0.23 0.23 0.55 0.68 0.86 -0.25 -0.27 -0.00
[3.71] [4.88] [-6.03] [-4.67] [-0.07]
book-to-market quintiles

2 0.17 0.27 0.38 0.70 0.88 0.71 0.70 -0.13 0.26 -0.00
[4.09] [4.02] [-3.19] [4.54] [-0.02]
3 0.36 0.35 0.72 0.66 0.85 0.49 0.27 0.09 0.52 0.10
[2.74] [1.66] [2.21] [9.72] [1.76]
4 0.45 0.59 0.90 1.02 0.94 0.49 0.37 0.06 0.65 -0.16
[2.69] [2.33] [1.61] [12.65] [-2.78]
H 0.62 0.82 0.95 1.12 1.03 0.42 0.35 -0.05 0.50 -0.09
[2.36] [2.09] [-1.25] [9.19] [-1.53]
re 0.75 0.69 0.72 0.89 0.49
book-to-market strategies

[3.58] [3.65] [3.84] [4.94] [2.56]

˛ 0.43 0.31 0.41 0.43 -0.08
[2.60] [1.91] [2.36] [3.07] [-0.54]
ˇmkt -0.17 -0.06 -0.05 -0.05 0.03
[-4.36] [-1.51] [-1.13] [-1.67] [0.90]
ˇsmb -0.02 0.27 0.33 0.76 0.75
[-0.39] [5.00] [5.78] [16.8] [16.2]
ˇhml 0.95 0.81 0.58 0.70 0.87
[16.2] [13.8] [9.42] [14.2] [17.2]

Panel B: portfolio average number of firms (left) and average firm size (right, $106 )
gross profits-to-asset quintiles gross profits-to-asset quintiles
L 2 3 4 H L 2 3 4 H
number of firms average firm size
L 194 102 128 194 342 620 1,367 1,802 2,581 2,315
BM quintiles

2 104 95 129 169 191 950 1,652 1,550 1,140 617

3 112 104 127 144 142 921 1,352 1,165 500 261
4 144 129 127 127 118 881 1,056 583 247 170
H 174 151 135 120 108 509 385 419 182 92

the performance of profitability strategies. The average large cap value spread across gross
profits-to-assets quintiles is 0.64 percent per month, and in every book-to-market quin-
tile exceeds the 0.29 percent per month spread generated by the unconditional large cap
value strategy. The average large cap profitability spread across book-to-market quintiles
is 0.54 percent per month, and in every book-to-market quintile exceeds the 0.36 percent
per month spread generated by the unconditional large cap profitability strategy. The small
cap results differ somewhat from the all-stock results presented in Table 7. While both
the profitability and value spreads are larger within the small cap universe, controlling for
profitability has little impact on the average performance of small cap value strategies, and
controlling for book-to-market has little impact on the average performance of small cap
profitability strategies. The results do suggest, however, that the value effect is stronger
among unprofitable stocks, while the profitability effect is stronger among growth stocks.

5.2 Conditional value and profitability “factors”

Table 7 suggests that HML would be more profitable if it were constructed controlling for
profitability. This section confirms this hypothesis explicitly. It also shows that a “prof-
itability factor,” constructed using a similar methodology, has a larger information ratio
relative to the three Fama-French factors than does UMD.
These conditional value and profitability factors are constructed using the same ba-
sic methodology employed in the construction of HML. Instead of using a tertile sort on
book-to-market, however, they use either 1) tertile sorts on book-to-market within gross
profitability deciles, or 2) tertile sorts on gross profitability within book-to-market deciles.
That is, a firm is deemed a “value” (“growth”) stock if it has a book-to-market higher
(lower) than 70 percent of the NYSE firms in the same gross profitability decile, and is con-
sidered “profitable” (“unprofitable”) if it has a gross profits-to-assets higher (lower) than
70 percent of the NYSE firms in the same book-to-market decile. Table 8 shows results
of time-series regressions employing these HML-like factors, HML j GP (“HML condi-
tioned on gross profitability”) and PMU j BM (“profitable-minus-unprofitable conditioned

Table 8. HML constructed conditioning on gross profitability
This table shows the performance of HML-like factors based on 1) book-to-market within gross profitability
deciles (HML j GP), and 2) gross profitability within book-to-market deciles (PMU j BM). That is, a firm is
deemed a “value” (“growth”) stock if it has a book-to-market higher (lower) than 70% of the NYSE firms in
the same gross profitability decile, and is considered “profitable” (“unprofitable”) if it has a gross profits-to-
assets higher (lower) than 70% of the NYSE firms in the same book-to-market decile. The strategies exclude
financial firms (those with one-digit SIC codes of six). The table shows the factors’ average monthly excess
returns, and time series regression of the strategies’ returns on HML and the three Fama-French factors. The
sample covers July 1963 to December 2009.

dependent variable
independent HML j GP PMU j BM HML PMU
variables (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
intercept 0.54 0.22 0.22 0.49 0.49 0.52 0.42 -0.06 0.33 0.03
[5.00] [4.37] [4.29] [5.40] [5.41] [5.66] [3.34] [-1.12] [3.37] [0.83]
MKT -0.03 -0.07
[-2.22] [-3.15]
SMB 0.05 0.04
[3.32] [1.48]
HML 0.77 0.77 -0.01 -0.03
[45.4] [42.9] [-0.42] [-1.07]
HML j GP 1.04 -0.32
[47.3] [-21.3]
PMU j BM -0.16 0.97
[-6.26] [53.1]
adj.-R2 (%) 78.7 79.1 0.0 1.3 80.0 84.6

on book-to-market”), over the sample July 1963 to December 2009.

The first specification shows that controlling for profitability does indeed improve the
performance of HML. HML j GP generates excess average returns of 0.54 percent per
month over the sample, with a test-statistic of 5.00. This compares favorably with the
0.42 percent per month, with a test-statistic of 3.34, observed on HML. The second and
third specifications show that HML j GP has an extremely large information ratio relative to
HML and the three Fama-French factors (abnormal return test-statistics exceeding four). It
is essentially orthogonal to momentum, so also has a large information ratio relative to the
three Fama-French factors plus UMD.
The fourth specification shows that the profitability factor constructed controlling for

book-to-market is equally profitable. PMU j BM generates excess average returns of 0.49
percent per month, with a test-statistic of 5.40. The fifth and sixth specifications show that
PMU j BM has an enormous information ratio relative to HML and the three Fama-French
factors. In fact, its information ratio relative to the three Fama-French factors exceeds that
of UMD (abnormal return test-statistics of 5.41 and 5.66, respectively). It is essentially
orthogonal to momentum, so has a similarly large information ratio relative to the three
Fama-French factors plus UMD.
The seventh and eighth specifications show that while canonical HML has a high real-
ized Sharpe ratio over the sample, it is inside the span of HML j GP and PMU j BM. HML
loads heavily on HML j GP (slope of 1.04), and garners a moderate, though highly sig-
nificant, negative loading on PMU j BM (slope of -0.16). These loadings explain all of
the performance of HML, which has completely insignificant abnormal returns relative to
these two factors. Including the market and SMB as explanatory variables has essentially
no impact on this result.
The last two specifications consider a profitability factor constructed without control-
ling for book-to-market. They show that this factor generates significant average returns,
but is much less profitable than the factor constructed controlling for book-to-market. This
factor is also long “real” profitability, with a 0.97 loading on PMU j BM, but short “real”
value, with a -0.32 loading on HML j GP.

6 Relation to results in the literature

Previous studies have found a role for individual components of the difference between
gross profits and earnings. In particular, Sloan (1996) finds that accruals predict returns,
while Chan, Lakonishok and Sougiannis (2001) show that R&D expenditures have power
in the cross-section. While both accruals and R&D expenditures represent parts of the
wedge between earnings and gross profits, the results of Sloan and Chan et. al. cannot
explain those presented here. This is not to say that the results of Sloan and Chan et. al.
do not exist independently, but simply that gross profitability’s power to predict returns

persists after controlling for these earlier, well documented results.
The next two sections show this, by presenting results from double sorts on gross prof-
itability and accruals, and gross profitability and R&D expenditures. In both cases the prof-
itability results are as strong within accruals and R&D expenditures quintiles as they are
unconditionally. The appendix also provides evidence, from Fama-MacBeth regressions,
that gross profits-to-assets retains power predicting returns after controlling for accruals
and R&D expenditures (Table 20).

6.1 Controlling for accruals

Sloan (1996) hypothesizes that “... if investors naively fixate on earnings, then they will
tend to overprice (underprice) stocks in which the accrual component is relatively high
(low)... [so] a trading strategy taking a long position in the stock of firms reporting rela-
tively low levels of accruals and a short position in the stock of firms reporting relatively
high levels of accruals generates positive abnormal stock returns.” This accruals effect is,
however, strongly concentrated in small stocks, suggesting that the profitability spread,
which is present among the largest stocks, cannot be driven by accruals. Even so, this
section considers this possibility explicitly, by investigating the performance of portfolios
double sorted on gross profitability and accruals.
Accruals are defined, as in Sloan (1996), as the change in non-cash current assets, minus
the change in current liabilities (excluding changes in debt in current liabilities and income
taxes payable), minus depreciation.6 Following Sloan, accruals are scaled by “average
assets,” defined as the mean of current and prior year’s total assets (Compustat data item
Table 9 shows value-weighted average excess returns to portfolios double sorted, using
NYSE breakpoints, on gross profits-to-assets and accruals-to-average assets, and results of
Specifically, this is defined as the change in Compustat annual data item ACT (current assets), minus
item CHECH (change in cash/cash equivalents), minus the change in item LCT (current liabilities), plus the
change in item DLC (debt included in liabilities), plus the change in item TXP (income taxes payable), minus
item DP (depreciation and amortization). Variables are assumed to be publicly available by the end of June
in the calendar year following the fiscal year with which they are associated.

Table 9. Double sorts on accruals-to-average assets and gross profits-to-assets
This table shows value-weighted average excess returns to portfolios double sorted, using NYSE breakpoints,
on gross profits-to-assets and accruals-to-average assets, and results of time-series regressions of both sorts’
spread portfolios’ returns on the Fama-French factors. The sample, which covers July 1963 to June 2010, ex-
cludes financial firms (those with one-digit SIC codes of six) and firms for which accruals data is unavailable.
Portfolio average returns and time-series regression results
Accrual-to-average asset quintiles Accrual strategies
All H 4 3 2 L r ˛ ˇmkt ˇs mb ˇhml
All 0.35 0.42 0.47 0.48 0.49 0.14 0.05 -0.06 -0.08 0.33
[1.39] [0.54] [-2.76] [-2.76] [10.3]
gross profits-to-asset quintiles

L 0.30 0.23 0.44 0.36 0.26 0.24 0.01 -0.04 0.03 -0.02 0.11
[0.05] [-0.24] [0.64] [-0.40] [1.79]
2 0.36 0.13 0.31 0.44 0.46 0.39 0.26 0.26 -0.06 -0.36 0.28
[1.45] [1.54] [-1.41] [-6.70] [4.81]
3 0.49 0.27 0.24 0.45 0.64 0.52 0.25 0.18 -0.05 -0.32 0.41
[1.53] [1.23] [-1.45] [-6.53] [7.87]
4 0.38 0.38 0.22 0.53 0.66 0.48 0.10 0.06 0.00 -0.14 0.20
[0.66] [0.37] [0.00] [-2.73] [3.57]
H 0.58 0.52 0.64 0.64 0.47 0.80 0.28 0.21 -0.11 0.10 0.20
[1.90] [1.47] [-3.30] [2.15] [3.95]
re 0.28 0.29 0.20 0.27 0.21 0.56
[2.25] [1.66] [1.31] [1.69] [1.29] [2.91]
profitability strategies

˛ 0.51 0.57 0.47 0.44 0.37 0.82

[4.44] [3.38] [3.22] [2.87] [2.22] [4.36]
ˇmkt -0.02 -0.04 -0.05 0.02 -0.04 -0.18
[-0.93] [-1.12] [-1.44] [0.50] [-1.06] [-4.16]
ˇs mb -0.07 -0.40 -0.18 0.03 -0.05 -0.27
[-1.94] [-7.27] [-3.67] [0.65] [-0.90] [-4.39]
ˇhml -0.48 -0.37 -0.49 -0.45 -0.30 -0.29
[-11.8] [-6.32] [-9.49] [-8.24] [-5.14] [-4.27]

time-series regressions of both sorts’ spread portfolios’ returns on the Fama-French factors.
The sample, which covers July 1963 to June 2010, excludes financial firms (those with one-
digit SIC codes of six) and firms for which accruals data is unavailable.
The table shows that gross profits-to-assets’ power to predict returns is undiminished
after controlling for accruals. Within accrual quintiles the average profitability spread, and
the spreads’ average three-factor alpha, are as large as the unconditional profitability spread
and three-factor alpha in the sample.
Equal-weighting portfolio returns greatly strengthens the results in both directions (re-

sults untabulated). The equal weighted long/short strategies all have highly significant
average returns and three-factor alphas in both directions. Equal-weighting portfolio re-
turns does not, however, weaken the conclusion that gross profits-to-assets has power pre-
dicting returns. The average equal-weighted profitability spread (three-factor alpha) across
accruals quintiles is as large as the unconditional equal-weighted profitability spread (three-
factor alpha).

6.2 Controlling for R&D expenditures

Chan, Lakonishok and Sougiannis (2001) show that “companies with high R&D to equity
market value (which tend to have poor past returns) earn large excess returns.” As with
accruals, however, this effect is concentrated in small stocks, again suggesting that the
profitability spread cannot be driven by R&D expenditures. Even so, this section considers
this possibility explicitly, by investigating the performance of portfolios double sorted on
gross profitability and R&D expenditures.
Table 10 shows value-weighted average excess returns to portfolios double sorted, us-
ing NYSE breakpoints, on gross profits-to-assets and R&D-to-market, and results of time-
series regressions of both sorts’ high-minus-low portfolios’ returns on the Fama-French
factors. The sample, which covers July 1973 to June 2010, excludes financial firms (those
with one-digit SIC codes of six) and firms that fail to report R&D expenditures or report
expenditures of zero.
The table shows that gross profits-to-assets’ power to predict returns is undiminished
after controlling for R&D expenditures. The average profitability spread across R&D quin-
tiles, and the spreads’ average three-factor alpha, are as large as the unconditional prof-
itability spread and three-factor alpha in the sample.
Equal-weighting portfolio returns again greatly strengthens the results in both direc-
tions (results untabulated). The equal weighted long/short strategies all have highly signif-
icant average returns and three-factor alphas in both directions. Equal-weighting portfolio
returns does not, however, weaken the conclusion that gross profits-to-assets has power

Table 10. Double sorts on R&D-to-market and gross profits-to-assets
This table shows value-weighted average excess returns to portfolios double sorted, using NYSE breakpoints,
on gross profits-to-assets and R&D-to-market, and results of time-series regressions of both sorts’ high-
minus-low portfolios’ returns on the Fama-French factors. The sample, which covers July 1973 to June 2010,
excludes financial firms (those with one-digit SIC codes of six) and firms that fail to report R&D expenditures
or report expenditures of zero.
Portfolio average returns and time-series regression results
R&D-to-market quintiles R&D strategies
All L 2 3 4 H r ˛ ˇmkt ˇs mb ˇhml
All 0.36 0.49 0.51 0.66 0.82 0.46 0.02 0.18 0.66 0.40
[2.14] [0.10] [4.23] [11.0] [6.36]
gross profits-to-asset quintiles

L 0.32 0.02 0.19 0.32 0.57 0.94 0.92 0.47 -0.06 1.17 0.33
[2.24] [1.22] [-0.66] [9.56] [2.53]
2 0.43 0.23 0.58 0.58 0.50 0.74 0.51 0.12 0.20 0.45 0.40
[1.76] [0.41] [3.21] [5.00] [4.24]
3 0.57 0.47 0.64 0.59 0.73 0.74 0.27 -0.19 0.37 0.58 0.30
[0.99] [-0.76] [6.62] [7.31] [3.55]
4 0.39 0.42 0.33 0.47 0.62 0.91 0.49 0.10 0.17 0.47 0.41
[1.90] [0.41] [3.11] [5.87] [4.93]
H 0.51 0.53 0.61 0.47 0.89 0.92 0.39 0.01 0.12 0.77 0.26
[1.48] [0.03] [2.28] [9.90] [3.12]
re 0.19 0.51 0.42 0.16 0.32 -0.02
[0.96] [2.02] [1.33] [0.54] [1.15] [-0.06]
profitability strategies

˛ 0.61 0.82 0.94 0.46 0.54 0.36

[3.46] [3.29] [3.25] [1.73] [2.02] [0.96]
ˇmkt -0.25 -0.22 -0.40 -0.06 0.02 -0.04
[-6.28] [-3.91] [-6.17] [-1.01] [0.39] [-0.44]
ˇs mb -0.39 -0.18 -0.73 -0.85 -0.56 -0.58
[-6.83] [-2.23] [-7.92] [-9.95] [-6.53] [-4.89]
ˇhml -0.47 -0.38 -0.29 -0.08 -0.18 -0.46
[-7.89] [-4.58] [-2.99] [-0.87] [-1.94] [-3.63]

predicting returns. The average equal-weighted profitability spread and three-factor alpha
across R&D quintiles are as large as their unconditional counterparts.

7 Explaining anomalies
This section considers how a set of alternative “factors,” constructed on the basis of industry-
adjusted book-to-market, past performance and gross profitability, perform “pricing” a
wide array of anomalies. While I remain agnostic here with respect to whether these factors

are associated with priced risks, they do appear to be useful in identifying underlying com-
monalities in seemingly disparate anomalies. The Fama-French model’s success explaining
long run reversals can be interpreted in a similar fashion. Even if one does not believe that
the Fama-French factors truly represent priced risk factors, they certainly “explain” long
run reversals in the sense that buying long term losers and selling long term winners yields
a portfolio long small and value firms, and short large and growth firms. An investor can
largely replicate (or even improve on) the performance of value strategies using the right
“recipe” of Fama-French factors, and long run reversals do not, consequently, represent a
truly distinct anomaly.
In much the same sense, regressions employing these industry-adjusted factors suggest
that most earnings related anomalies (e.g., strategies based on price-to-earnings, or free
cashflow growth), and a large number of seemingly unrelated anomalies (e.g., strategies
based on default risk, or net stock issuance), are really just different expressions of just three
underlying basic anomalies (industry-adjusted value, momentum and gross profitability),
mixed in various proportions and dressed up in different guises.
The anomalies considered here include:

1. Anomalies related to the construction of the factors themselves: strategies sorted on

size, book-to-market, past performance, and gross profitability;

2. Earnings related anomalies: strategies sorted return-on-assets, earnings-to-price,

changes in free cashflow, asset turnover, gross margins, and standardized unexpected
earnings; and

3. The anomalies considered by Chen, Novy-Marx and Zhang (2010): strategies sorted
on the failure probability measure of Campbell, Hilscher, and Szilagyi (2008), the
default risk “O-score” of Ohlson (1980), net stock issuance, asset growth, total ac-
cruals, and (not considered in CNZ (2010)) the organizational capital based strategy
of Eisfeldt and Papanikolaou (2009).

7.1 Explanatory factors

The factors employed to price these anomalies are formed on the basis of book-to-market,
past performance and gross profitability. They are constructed using the basic methodology
employed in the construction of HML. Because Table 2 suggests that industry-adjusted
gross profitability has more power than gross profitability predicting the cross-section of
expected returns, and the literature has shown similar results for value and momentum, the
factor construction employs industry adjusted sorts, and the factors’ returns are hedged for
industry exposure.7 Specifically, the primary characteristic on which they are tertile sorted
(log book-to-market, performance over the first eleven months of the preceding year, or
gross profitability-to-assets) is demeaned by industry (Fama-French 49). The strategies’
are then hedged of any remaining industry exposure, by offsetting each position with an
equal and opposite position in the corresponding stock’s value-weighted industry portfolio.
The construction of these factors is discussed in greater detail in Appendix B.
The characteristics of these factors, industry-adjusted high-minus-low (HML ), up-
minus-down (UMD ) and profitable-minus-unprofitable (PMU), are shown in Table 11.
All three factors generate highly significant average excess returns over the sample, Jan-
uary 1972 to June 20098 It fact, all three of the industry-adjusted factors have Sharpe ratios
exceeding those on any of the Fama-French factors. The table also shows that while the
four Fama-French factors explain roughly half the returns to HML and UMD , they do
not significantly reduce the information rations of any of the three factors.
Cohen and Polk (1998), Asness, Porter and Stevens (2000) and Novy-Marx (2009, 2010a) all consider
strategies formed on the basis of industry-adjusted book-to-market. Asness, Porter and Stevens (2000) also
consider strategies formed on industry-adjusted past performance. These papers find that strategies formed
on the basis of industry-adjusted book-to-market and past performance do outperform their conventional
This sample is determined by the availability of the quarterly earnings data employed in the construction
of some of the anomaly strategies investigated in the next table.

Table 11. Alternative factor average excess returns and Fama-French factor loadings
This table shows the returns to the factors based on book-to-market, performance over the first eleven months
of the preceding year, and gross profitability scaled by book assets, where each of these characteristics are de-
meaned by industry (the Fama-French 49 industry), and the resultant factors are hedged for industry exposure
(HML , UMD and PMU ). The table also shows each factor’s abnormal returns relative to the Fama-French
four-factor model, with factor loadings. The sample covers January 1972 to June 2009.
four-factor loadings
HML 0.48 0.26 0.02 0.10 0.42 0.01
[6.67] [5.76] [1.56] [6.97] [26.8] [0.76]
UMD 0.62 0.28 -0.07 -0.07 -0.1 0.58
[4.49] [6.52] [-6.77] [-5.39] [-6.68] [63.9]
PMU 0.26 0.31 -0.08 -0.11 -0.07 0.05
[4.51] [5.97] [-6.92] [-6.55] [-3.97] [4.17]

7.2 Explaining anomalies

Table 12 shows the average returns to the sixteen anomaly strategies, as well as the strate-
gies’ abnormal returns relative to the canonical Fama-French three-factor model plus UMD
(hereafter referred to, for convenience, as the “Fama-French four-factor model”), the three
factor model employing the market and industry-adjusted HML and UMD, and the four
factor model employing the market and industry-adjusted HML, UMD and UMD.
The first four lines of the Table investigate anomaly strategies related directly to the
construction of the Fama-French factors and the profitability factor. The strategies are con-
structed by sorting on size, book-to-market, performance over the first eleven months of
the preceding year, and industry-adjusted gross profitability-to-assets. All four strategies
are long/short extreme deciles of a sort on the corresponding sorting variable, using NYSE
breaks. Returns are value weighted. The profitability strategy is hedged for industry expo-
sure. The sample covers January 1972 through June 2009.
The second column of Table 12 shows the strategies’ average monthly excess returns.
All the strategies, with the exception of the size strategy, exhibit highly significant av-
erage excess returns over the sample. The third column shows the strategies’ abnormal
returns relative to the Fama-French four-factor model. The top two lines show that the
Fama-French four-factor model prices the strategies based on size and book-to-market. It

Table 12. Anomaly strategy average excess returns and abnormal performance
This table reports the average excess returns (EŒr e ) to strategies formed by sorting on 1) the variables used
in factor construction (market capitalization, book-to-market, performance over the first eleven months of
the preceding year, and gross profits-to-assets demeaned by industry and hedged for industry exposure);
2) earnings related variables (return-on-assets, earnings-to-price, the one year change in free cashflow-to-
assets, asset turnover, gross margins, standardized unexpected earnings); and 3) failure probability, default
risk (Ohlson’s O-score), net stock issuance, asset growth, total accruals, and organizational capital. Strate-
gies are long-short extreme deciles from a sort on the corresponding variable, employing NYSE breaks, and
returns are value-weighted. Momentum, return-on-assets, return-on-equity, SUE, failure and default proba-
bility strategies are rebalanced monthly, while the other strategies are rebalanced annually, at the end of June.
Strategies based on variables scaled by assets exclude financial firms. The table also reports abnormal returns
relative to the Fama-French four-factor model (˛FF 4 ), the model employing the market and industry-adjusted
value and momentum factors (˛Al t3 ), and the the model employing the market and industry-adjusted value,
momentum and profitability factors (˛Al t4 ). The sample covers January 1972 to June 2009.
sorting variable
used in strategy four-factor loadings
construction EŒr  ˛FF 4 ˛Al t3 ˛Al t4 MKT HML UMD PMU
market equity -0.10 0.05 -0.10 -0.45 0.04 -0.41 0.45 0.98
[-0.44] [0.37] [-0.44] [-1.90] [0.79] [-2.84] [6.06] [5.06]
book-to-market 0.55 0.00 -0.27 -0.14 -0.03 1.70 -0.03 -0.38
[2.93] [-0.02] [-1.83] [-0.90] [-1.03] [17.8] [-0.57] [-2.98]
prior performance 1.56 0.55 -0.08 -0.10 0.06 0.46 2.26 0.06
[4.70] [4.21] [-0.53] [-0.64] [1.89] [4.82] [45.9] [0.47]
ind. adj. profitability 0.23 0.32 0.35 -0.00 -0.06 -0.05 0.06 0.98
[2.60] [3.96] [3.98] [-0.06] [-3.94] [-1.21] [2.57] [16.9]
return-on-assets 0.71 0.76 0.73 -0.02 -0.08 -0.10 0.43 2.08
[3.07] [4.23] [3.31] [-0.08] [-1.91] [-0.83] [6.99] [13.0]
return-on-equity 1.10 0.73 0.44 -0.05 -0.08 1.11 0.48 1.38
[4.70] [3.49] [1.93] [-0.22] [-1.77] [8.07] [6.77] [7.49]
free cashflow growth 0.44 0.43 0.40 0.21 0.06 0.01 0.10 0.54
[3.42] [3.26] [2.85] [1.46] [1.86] [0.12] [2.18] [4.53]
asset turnover 0.50 0.44 0.61 -0.09 0.27 0.09 -0.12 1.99
[2.71] [2.31] [3.02] [-0.52] [7.08] [0.85] [-2.16] [13.6]
gross margins 0.10 0.49 0.50 0.19 -0.04 -0.56 -0.04 0.87
[0.70] [3.94] [3.33] [1.29] [-1.28] [-6.12] [-0.83] [7.07]
SUE 0.78 0.60 0.57 0.48 0.06 -0.36 0.64 0.26
[4.42] [4.02] [3.55] [2.85] [1.57] [-3.50] [12.1] [1.93]
failure probability -1.29 -1.16 -0.79 0.33 0.25 -0.63 -0.96 -2.91
[-3.48] [-4.56] [-2.44] [1.14] [4.06] [-3.47] [-10.3] [-12.3]
Ohlson’s O-score -0.72 -0.74 -0.58 0.20 0.12 0.17 -0.69 -2.21
[-2.60] [-4.28] [-2.28] [0.88] [2.39] [1.13] [-9.34] [-11.6]
net stock issuance -0.52 -0.45 -0.33 -0.13 0.10 -0.50 -0.07 -0.57
[-4.33] [-4.09] [-2.70] [-1.04] [3.70] [-6.53] [-1.88] [-5.64]
total accruals -0.54 -0.53 -0.41 -0.38 0.14 -0.26 -0.11 -0.10
[-2.88] [-2.82] [-2.04] [-1.79] [3.15] [-1.95] [-1.64] [-0.57]
asset growth -0.83 -0.42 -0.24 -0.27 0.11 -1.19 -0.11 0.09
[-4.58] [-2.74] [-1.40] [-1.51] [2.79] [-10.6] [-1.95] [0.58]
organizational capital 0.44 0.28 0.33 0.21 -0.00 0.05 0.19 0.33
[3.52] [2.41] [2.45] [1.52] [-0.07] [0.61] [4.39] [2.91]
r.m.s. pricing error 0.76 0.57 0.46 0.25

struggles, however, with the extreme sort on past performance, despite the fact that this is
the same variable used in the construction of UMD. The model Fama-French model fails
to help in the pricing of the profitability based strategy. The fourth column shows that
the three-factor model employing the market and industry-adjusted HML and UMD gener-
ally performs similarly to the canonical Fama-French four-factor model, though it performs
much better pricing the momentum. It prices the momentum strategy better than the canon-
ical four-factor model primarily because the momentum strategy loads much more heavily
on UMD than it does on UMD (loadings of 2.30 and 1.40, respectively). This reflects,
at least partly, the fact that selection into the extreme deciles of past performance are little
influenced by industry performance. Canonical UMD, which is constructed using the less
aggressive tertile sort, is formed more on the basis of past industry performance. It con-
sequently exhibits more industry driven variation in returns, and looks less like the decile
sorted momentum strategy. The fifth column shows that industry-adjusted PMU somewhat
worsens the pricing of the size strategy, but greatly improves the pricing the strategy based
on gross profitability. As in Table 8, the conventional value strategy is long “real value”
(HML ), and but significantly short profitability.
The next six lines of Table 12 investigate earnings-related anomalies. These strategies
are constructed by sorting on return-on-assets, earnings-to-price, the one year change in
free cashflow (scaled by assets), asset turnover, gross margins, and standardized unexpected
earnings. They are again long/short extreme deciles of a sort on the corresponding sorting
variable, using NYSE breaks. The return-on-assets, asset turnover, gross margin strate-
gies exclude financial firms (i.e., those with one-digit SIC codes of six). Returns are value
weighted. Portfolios are rebalanced annually, at the end of June, except for the strategy
based on return-on-assets, return-on-equity and standardized unexpected earnings, which
are rebalanced monthly. The sample covers January 1972 through June 2009, and is deter-
mined by the availability of monthly earnings data. The strategy based on SUE requires
earnings from the same quarter one year prior to portfolio construction, and consequently
this return series starts later, in October 1972.9
I construct SUE here directly from the most recent quarterly earnings, as the difference between the

The second column shows the strategies’ average monthly excess returns. All of the
strategies, with the exception of that based on gross margins, exhibit highly significant
average excess returns over the sample. The third column shows that the canonical Fama-
French four-factor model performs extremely poorly pricing earnings related anomalies.
This is admittedly tautological, as the Fama-French model’s failure to price these strate-
gies is what makes them anomalies. The fourth column shows that the three-factor model
employing the market and industry-adjusted HML and UMD performs similarly to the
canonical Fama-French four-factor model pricing the earnings related anomalies, though it
does perform somewhat better pricing the earnings-to-price strategies.
The fifth column shows that the model that includes the industry-adjusted profitability
factor explains the returns to all of the strategies, with the exception of post earnings an-
nouncement drift. All of the strategies have large, significant loadings on PMU , especially
the return-on-assets, earnings-to-price and asset turnover strategies. The model prices the
free cashflow growth strategy primarily through the virtue of a large positive loading on
the profitability factor. It does well pricing the strategy based on gross margins, despite the
fact that the high margin firms tend to be growth firms, which drives the strategy’s large
Fama-French alpha, because the high margin firms also tend to be profitable. The result-
ing large positive PMU loading effectively offsets the pricing effect of the large negative
HML loading.
The last panel of Table 12 consider the five strategies considered, along with value, mo-
mentum, and post earnings announcement drift, by Chen, Novy-Marx and Zhang (2010).
These five strategies are based on the failure probability measure of Campbell, Hilscher,
and Szilagyi (2008), the default risk “O-score” of Ohlson (1980), net stock issuance, as-
set growth, and total accruals. The table also analyzes the performance of Eisfeldt and
Papanikolaou’s (2009) organizational capital based strategy.10 All six anomalies are con-
most recent quarter’s earnings and earnings from the same quarter of the previous year, scaled by the standard
deviation of earnings over the previous eight quarters. This strategy performs better, and is more difficult to
explain, than that formed on the basis of earnings per share, like that employed in Chan, Jegadeesh, and
Lakonishok (1996).
This strategy is based on their accounting based measure of organizational capital, which accumulates
selling, general and administrative expenses (XSGA), the accounting variable most likely to include spending

structed as long/short extreme decile strategies, and portfolio returns are value-weighted.
The strategies based on failure probability and Ohlson’s O-score are rebalanced monthly,
while the other four strategies are rebalanced annually, at the end of June. The perfor-
mance of the first five strategies comes from the Chen-Zhang Data Library. The sample
covers January 1972 through June 2009, and is determined by the availability of quarterly
earnings data. Due to more stringent data requirements, the failure probability series is not
available until mid-1975.
The second and third columns of Table 12 shows the six strategies’ average monthly
excess returns, and their abnormal returns relative to the Fama-French four factor model.
All of the strategies exhibit highly significant average excess returns and four-factor al-
phas over the sample. The fourth column shows that the three-factor model employing the
market and industry-adjusted HML and UMD performs only slightly better than the canon-
ical Fama-French four-factor model. The fifth column shows that the four-factor model
employing the market and industry-adjusted HML, UMD and PMU explains the perfor-
mance of all six strategies. The model explains the poor performance of the high failure
probability and high default probability firms primarily through large, negative loadings
on the industry-adjusted profitability factor. That is, firms with extremely low industry-
adjusted gross profits-to-assets tend to be firms that both the Campbell, Hilscher, and Szi-
lagyi (2008) and Ohlson (1980) measures predict are more likely to default. The fact that
the model performs well pricing these two strategies is especially remarkable given that
these anomalies only exist at the monthly frequency, in the sense that strategies based on
the same sorting variables do not produce significant excess returns when rebalanced an-
nually. The model explains the net stock issuance anomaly primarily through negative
loadings on HML and PMU . That is, net issuers tend to be industry-adjusted growth
stocks with low industry-adjusted profitability. The model explains the out-performance of
high organizational capital firms primarily through a positive loading PMU , suggesting
on the development of organizational capital. The stock of organizational capital is assumed to depreciate
at a rate of 15% per year, and the initial stock is assumed to be ten times the level of selling, general and
administrative expenses that first appear in the data. Results employing this measure are not sensitive to these
choices. The trading strategy is formed by sorting on the organizational capital measure within industries.

that firms with large stocks of organizational capital, at least as quantified by the Eisfeldt
and Papanikolaou (2009) measure, are more profitable than those with small stocks of or-
ganizational capital. Direct investigation of portfolios underlying organizational capital
strategy confirms this prediction. Decile portfolios sorted on organizational capital show
strong monotonic variation in gross profitability.
The alternative four-factor model also performs well in the sense that it dramatically
reduces the strategies’ root-mean-squared pricing error. The root-mean-squared average
excess return across the sixteen anomalies is 0.76 percent per month. The root-mean-
squared pricing error relative to the alternative four-factor model is only 0.25 percent per
month, less than half the 0.57 percent per month root-mean-squared pricing errors observed
relative to the canonical Fama-Fench four-factor models, and much smaller than the 0.46
percent per month relative to the three-factor model employing the market and industry-
adjusted HML and UMD.11

8 Conclusion
Profitability, as measured by gross profits-to-assets, has roughly the same power as book-
to-market predicting the cross-section of average returns. Profitable firms generate signif-
icantly higher average returns than unprofitable firms, despite having, on average, lower
book-to-markets and higher market capitalizations. Controlling for profitability also dra-
matically increases the performance of value strategies. These results are robust to con-
trolling for accruals or R&D expenditures. They are difficult to reconcile with popular ex-
planations of the value premium, as profitable firms are less prone to distress, have longer
cashflow durations, and have lower levels of operating leverage, than unprofitable firms.
Controlling for gross profitability explains most earnings related anomalies, as well as a
wide range of seemingly unrelated profitable trading strategies.

The root-mean-squared pricing error of the sixteen strategies relative to the Chen, Novy-Marx and Zhang
(2010) three-factor model is 0.45 percent per month.

A Additional results

A.1 Correlations between variables employed in the FMB regressions

Table 13 reports the time-series averages of the cross-sectional Spearman rank correlations between
the independent variables employed in the Fama-MacBeth regressions of Table 2. The table shows
that the earnings-related variables are, not surprisingly, all positively correlated with each other.
Gross profitability and earnings are also negatively correlated with book-to-market, with magnitudes
similar to the negative correlation observed between book-to-market and size. Earnings and free
cashflows are positively associated with size (more profitable firms have higher market values), but
surprisingly the correlation between gross profitability and size is negative, though weak. These
facts suggest that strategies formed on the basis of gross profits-to-assets will be growth strategies,
and relatively neutral with respect to size.

Table 13. Spearman rank correlations between independent variables

This table reports the time-series averages of the cross-section Spearman rank correlations between the in-
dependent variables employed in the Fama-MacBeth regressions of Table 2: gross profitability ((REVT -
COGS)/AT), earnings (IB/AT), free cashflow ((NI + DP - WCAPCH - CAPX)/AT), book-to-market, market
equity, and past performance measured at horizons of one month (r1;0 ) and twelve to two months (r12;2 ). The
sample excludes financial firms (those with one-digit SIC codes of six), and covers 1963 to 2009.
IB/A FCF/A BM ME r1;0 r12;2
gross profitability (GP/A) 0.45 0.31 -0.18 -0.03 0.02 0.09
[58.8] [17.6] [-16.7] [-2.44] [1.81] [6.93]
earnings (IB/A) 0.59 -0.26 0.36 0.07 0.23
[16.4] [-8.85] [30.0] [6.06] [14.9]
free cashflows (FCF/A) -0.03 0.19 0.07 0.18
[-1.23] [10.6] [6.92] [10.6]
book-to-market (BM) -0.26 0.02 -0.09
[-12.8] [1.39] [-4.88]
market equity (ME) 0.13 0.26
[9.01] [11.2]
prior month’s performance (r1;0 ) 0.08

A.2 Tests employing other earnings variables
A.2.1 Regressions employing EBITDA and XSGA

Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization is gross profits minus operating ex-
penses, which largely consist of selling, general and administrative expenses. Table 14 shows
results of Fama-MacBeth regressions employing gross-profits-to-assets, and a decomposition of
gross-profits-to-assets into EBITDA-to-assets and XSGA-to-assets. Earnings before interest, taxes,
depreciation and amortization is gross profits minus operating expenses, which largely consist of
selling, general and administrative expenses. EBITDA-to-assets and XSGA-to-assets, have time-
series average cross-sectional Spearman rank correlation with gross profits-to-assets of 0.51 and
0.77, respectively, and are essentially uncorrelated with each other. The table shows that both vari-
ables have power explaining the cross-section of average returns, either individually or jointly, but
neither has power in regressions that include gross profits-to-assets. Because gross profits-to-assets

Table 14. Fama-MacBeth regressions employing EBITDA and XSGA

This table reports results from Fama-MacBeth regressions of firms’ returns on gross profits (revenues minus
cost of goods sold, Compustat REVT - COGS), earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amorti-
zation (EBITDA), and selling, general, and administrative expenses (XSGA), each scaled by assets (AT).
Regressions include controls for book-to-market (log(bm)), size (log(me)), and past performance measured
at horizons of one month (r1;0 ) and twelve to two months (r12;2 ). Independent variables are Winsorized at
the one and 99% levels. The sample excludes financial firms (those with one-digit SIC codes of six), and
covers July 1963 to December 2009.
slope coefficients (102) and [test-statistics] from
regressions of the form rtj D ˇ 0 xtj C tj
variables (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
gross profitability 0.67 0.58 1.27
[5.06] [4.40] [4.17]
EBITDA-to-assets 0.99 0.49 1.30
[3.26] [1.53] [4.01]
XSGA-to-assets 0.68 -0.43 0.79
[4.42] [-1.39] [5.34]
log(BM) 0.32 0.30 0.36 0.33 0.35 0.35
[5.42] [5.40] [6.57] [6.07] [6.20] [6.16]
log(ME) -0.14 -0.16 -0.11 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14
[-3.22] [-4.24] [-2.58] [-3.79] [-3.60] [-3.66]
r1;0 -6.10 -6.12 -6.18 -6.23 -6.31 -6.32
[-15.1] [-15.4] [-15.2] [-15.7] [-15.7] [-15.8]
r12;2 0.61 0.61 0.62 0.57 0.58 0.58
[3.28] [3.30] [3.36] [3.07] [3.17] [3.17]

is essentially EBITDA-to-assets and XSGA-to-assets, all three variables cannot be used together.

A.2.2 Tests employing gross margins and asset turnover

Gross profitability is driven by two dimensions, asset turnover and gross margins,

gross profits sales gross profits

D  ;
assets assets sales
„ ƒ‚ … „ ƒ‚ …
asset gross
turnover margins

a decomposition known in the accounting literature as the “Du Pont model.” Asset turnover, which
quantifies the ability of assets to “generate” sales, is often regarded as a measure of efficiency.
Gross margins, which quantifies how much of each dollar of sales goes to the firm, is a measure
of profitability. It relates directly, in standard oligopoly models, to firms’ market power. Asset
turnover and gross margins are generally negatively related. A firm can increase sales, and thus
asset turnover, by lowering prices, but lower prices reduces gross margins. Conversely, a firm
can increase gross margins by increasing prices, but this generally reduces sales, and thus asset
Given this simple decomposition of gross profitability into asset turnover and gross margins, it
seems natural to ask which of these two dimensions of profitability, if either, drives profitability’s
power to predict the cross-section of returns. The results of this section suggest that both dimensions
have power, but that this power is subsumed by basic profitability. That is, it appears that the
decomposition of profitability into asset turnover and gross margins does not add any incremental
information beyond that contained in gross profitability alone. The results do suggest, however, that
high asset turnover is more directly associated with higher returns, while high margins are more
strongly associated with “good growth.” That is, high sales-to-assets firms tend to outperform on
an absolute basis, while firms that sell their goods at high mark-ups tend to be growth firms that
outperform their peers.
Table 15 shows results of Fama-MacBeth regressions of firms’ returns on gross profitability,
asset turnover, and gross margins. These regressions include controls for book-to-market (log(bm)),
size (log(me)), and past performance measured at horizons of one month (r1;0 ) and twelve to two
months (r12;2 ). Independent variables are Winsorized at the one and 99 percent levels. The sample
The time-series average of the Spearman rank correlation of firms’ asset turnovers and gross margins
in the cross-section is -0.27, in the sample spanning 1963 to 2009 that excludes financial firms. Both asset
turnover and gross margins are strongly positively correlated with gross profitability in the cross-section
(time-series average Spearman rank correlations of 0.67 and 0.43, respectively).

Table 15. Fama-MacBeth regressions with asset turnover and gross margins
This table reports results from Fama-MacBeth regressions of firms’ returns on profitability (gross profits-to-
assets, measured as revenues minus cost of goods sold (REVT - COGS) scaled by assets (AT)), asset turnover
(REVT / AT), and gross margins (GP / REVT). Regressions include controls for book-to-market (log(bm)),
size (log(me)), and past performance measured at horizons of one month (r1;0 ) and twelve to two months
(r12;2 ). Independent variables are Winsorized at the one and 99% levels. The sample covers July 1963 to
December 2009, and excludes financial firms (those with one-digit SIC codes of six).
slope coefficients (102) and [test-statistics]
from regressions of the form rtj D ˇ 0 xtj C tj
variables (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
profits-to-assets 0.67 0.79 0.77 0.86
[5.06] [6.57] [5.65] [5.59]
asset turnover 0.10 -0.05 0.13 -0.04
[2.28] [-1.28] [2.96] [-0.91]
gross margins 0.33 0.19 0.36 0.11
[3.41] [1.68] [3.46] [0.66]
log(BM) 0.32 0.29 0.32 0.32 0.35 0.31 0.34
[5.42] [5.00] [5.59] [5.56] [5.98] [5.43] [5.95]
log(ME) -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.14 -0.13 -0.14 -0.13
[-3.22] [-3.23] [-3.42] [-3.27] [-3.17] [-3.21] [-3.15]
r1;0 -6.10 -6.09 -5.98 -6.14 -6.10 -6.08 -6.15
[-15.1] [-15.2] [-14.7] [-15.3] [-15.1] [-15.1] [-15.3]
r12;2 0.61 0.62 0.67 0.60 0.60 0.62 0.60
[3.28] [3.34] [3.57] [3.23] [3.25] [3.36] [3.23]

covers July 1963 to December 2009, and excludes financial firms (those with one-digit SIC codes
of six).
Specification one, which employs gross profitability, is identical to the first specification in Table
2. It shows the baseline result, that gross profitability has roughly the same power as book-to-market
predicting the cross-section of returns. The second and third specifications replace gross profitability
with asset turnover and gross margins, respectively. Each of these variables has power individually,
especially gross margins, but less power than gross profitability. The fourth specification shows that
gross margins completely subsumes asset turnover, but that including asset turnover increases the
coefficient estimated on gross profitability, and improves the precision with which it is estimated.
The fifth specification shows that gross margins has some incremental power after controlling for
gross profitability. The sixth and seventh specifications show that asset turnover and gross margins
both have power when used together, but neither has power when used in conjunction with gross
Table 16 shows results of univariate sorts on asset turnover and gross margins. These tests

Table 16. Excess returns to portfolios sorted on asset turnover and gross margins
This table shows monthly value-weighted average excess returns to portfolios sorted on asset turnover (REVT
/ AT, Panel A) and gross margins ((REVT - COGS) / REVT, Panel B). It also shows results of time-series
regressions of these portfolios’ returns on the Fama-French factors, and time-series average portfolio charac-
teristics (portfolio gross profits-to-assets (GPA), book-to-market (BM), average firm size (ME, in $106), and
number of firms (n)). The sorts employ NYSE breakpoints. The sample excludes financial firms (those with
one-digit SIC codes of six), and covers July 1963 to December 2009.
FF3 alphas and factor loadings portfolio characteristics
panel A: portfolios sorted on asset turnover
Low 0.25 -0.12 0.92 -0.05 0.00 0.13 0.93 954 908
[1.34] [-1.57] [49.6] [-2.10] [0.15]
2 0.43 0.09 1.00 -0.06 -0.15 0.26 0.71 1,408 718
[2.13] [1.51] [71.2] [-3.25] [-7.09]
3 0.49 0.10 1.01 0.00 -0.09 0.34 0.79 1,287 709
[2.43] [2.05] [85.4] [-0.02] [-4.91]
4 0.53 0.08 1.01 0.04 0.01 0.37 0.61 838 801
[2.59] [1.39] [73.7] [2.32] [0.64]
High 0.62 0.17 0.96 0.17 -0.01 0.48 0.57 602 945
[2.96] [2.03] [47.5] [6.13] [-0.19]
H-L 0.36 0.30 0.04 0.22 -0.01
[2.66] [2.18] [1.17] [5.05] [-0.20]
panel B: portfolios sorted on gross margins
Low 0.41 -0.17 1.03 0.28 0.17 0.16 1.07 498 906
[1.93] [-2.76] [72.3] [14.5] [8.18]
2 0.48 -0.04 1.00 0.04 0.21 0.26 0.87 1,072 672
[2.43] [-0.59] [62.7] [1.97] [8.64]
3 0.45 -0.04 1.04 -0.03 0.13 0.27 1.04 952 674
[2.23] [-0.80] [84.3] [-1.58] [7.18]
4 0.44 0.04 0.97 -0.03 -0.01 0.29 0.68 976 763
[2.29] [0.74] [79.0] [-1.76] [-0.28]
High 0.44 0.21 0.94 -0.10 -0.35 0.36 0.44 1,461 1,027
[2.19] [4.59] [86.4] [-6.40] [-21.64]
H-L 0.02 0.38 -0.09 -0.38 -0.53
[0.22] [4.38] [-4.42] [-13.5] [-17.3]

employ the same methodology as that employed in Table 3, replacing gross profitability with asset
turnover and gross margins. The table shows the portfolios’ value-weighted average excess returns,
results of time-series regression of the portfolios’ returns on the three Fama-French factors, and
the time-series averages of the portfolios’ gross profits-to-assets (GPA), book-to-markets (BM), and
market capitalizations (ME), as well as the average number of firms in each portfolio (n).
Panel A provides results for the five portfolios sorted on asset turnover. The portfolios’ average

excess returns are increasing with asset turnover, but show little variation in loadings on the three
Fama-French factors. As a result, the high-minus-low turnover strategy produces significant average
excess returns that cannot be explained by the Fama-French model. The portfolios show a great deal
of variation in gross profitability, with more profitable firms in the high asset turnover portfolios.
They show some variation in book-to-market, with the high turnover firms commanding higher
average valuation rations, but this variation in book-to-market across portfolios is not reflected in
the portfolios’ HML loadings.
Panel B provides results for the five portfolios sorted on gross margins. Here the portfolios’
average excess returns exhibit little variation across portfolios, but large variation in their loadings
on SMB and especially HML, with the high margin firms covarying more with large growth firms.
As a result, while the high-minus-low turnover strategy does not produce significant average excess
returns, it produces highly significant abnormal returns relative to the Fama-French model, 0.42 per-
cent per month with a test-statistic of 4.77. The portfolios show less variation in gross profitability
than do the portfolios sorted on asset turnover, though the high margin firms are more profitable,
on average, than the low margin firms. The portfolios sorted on gross margins exhibit far more
variation in book-to-market, however, than the asset turnover portfolios, with high margin firms
commanding high valuations ratios. These firms are emphatically growth firms, both possessing the
defining characteristic (low book-to-markets) and garnering large negative loadings on the canoni-
cal value factor. These growth firms selected on the basis of gross margins are “good growth” firms,
however, which dramatically outperform their peers in size and book-to-market.

A.3 International evidence

Table 17 shows results of univariate sorts on gross profits-to-assets and book-to-market, like those
presented in Table 3, performed on international stocks, including those from Australia, Austria,
Belgium, Canada, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, Great Britain, Hong Kong, Italy,
Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Singapore, Sweden, and Switzerland. The data
come from Compustat Global. The sample excludes financial firms and covers July 1990 to October
2009. The table shows that the profitability spread in international markets is larger than the value
spread, and the two strategies have similar Sharpe ratio over the sample. The two strategies’ returns
are 24 percent correlated.

Table 17. Returns to portfolios sorted on GP/A and B/M, international evidence
This table shows monthly value-weighted average excess returns to portfolios of stocks from developed mar-
kets outside the US sorted on gross profits-to-assets ((REVT - COGS) / AT) and book-to-market, and results
of time-series regressions of these portfolios’ returns on the Fama-French factors. It also shows time-series
average portfolio characteristics (portfolio gross profits-to-assets (GPA), book-to-market (BM), average firm
size (ME, in $106), and number of firms (n)). The sample excludes financial firms (those with one-digit SIC
codes of six), and covers July 1990 to October 2009.
Panel A: portfolios sorted on gross profits-to-assets
FF3 alphas and factor loadings portfolio characteristics
Low -0.11 -0.49 0.83 0.03 -0.00 0.09 0.93 914 1,517
[-0.26] [-1.31] [9.47] [0.23] [-0.01]
2 0.20 -0.20 0.78 0.09 0.10 0.2 0.74 1,574 1,517
[0.54] [-0.67] [11.2] [1.01] [1.01]
3 0.27 -0.10 0.82 0.07 -0.05 0.33 0.79 1,752 1,516
[0.72] [-0.35] [12.7] [0.85] [-0.61]
4 0.47 0.08 0.81 0.02 0.05 0.57 1.03 1,858 1,517
[1.49] [0.37] [16.4] [0.39] [0.79]
High 0.58 0.14 0.75 0.23 0.18 1.05 1.42 1,007 1,517
[1.75] [0.55] [13.0] [3.1] [2.29]
0.70 0.63 -0.08 0.20 0.18
[2.08] [1.86] [-1.06] [2.01] [1.69]
Panel B: portfolios sorted on book-to-market
FF3 alphas and factor loadings portfolio characteristics
Low 0.12 -0.21 0.81 0.01 -0.09 0.31 0.18 2,213 1,517
[0.34] [-0.78] [12.8] [0.11] [-1.01]
2 0.32 -0.10 0.77 0.10 0.14 0.29 0.46 2,049 1,517
[0.91] [-0.35] [12.0] [1.15] [1.60]
3 0.35 -0.06 0.78 0.01 0.15 0.28 0.71 1,476 1,516
[1.04] [-0.24] [13.1] [0.18] [1.82]
4 0.44 0.03 0.78 0.02 0.14 0.32 1.09 914 1,517
[1.29] [0.12] [12.8] [0.25] [1.62]
High 0.64 0.20 0.81 0.11 0.15 0.40 7.66 537 1,517
[1.89] [0.81] [13.9] [1.41] [1.91]
H-L 0.52 0.42 0.00 0.10 0.24
[2.14] [1.70] [0.06] [1.33] [3.09]

A.4 Double sorts on profitability and book-to-market split by size
Table 7 shows that profitability strategies constructed within book-to-market quintiles are more
profitable than the unconditional profitability strategy, while value strategies constructed within
profitability quintiles are more profitable than the unconditional value strategy. The book-to-market
sort yields a great deal of variation in firm size, however, especially among the more profitable
stocks, making the results more difficult to interpret. The next two tables address this by double
sorting on profitability and book-to-market within the large and small cap universes, respectively,
where these are defined as firms with market capitalizations above and below the NYSE median.
The gross profits-to-assets and book-to-market breaks are determined using all large or small non-
financial stocks (NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ).
Table 18 shows the large cap results, which are largely consistent with the all-stock results pre-
sented in Table 7. Again, controlling for profitability improves the performance of value strategies
and controlling for book-to-market improves the performance of profitability strategies. The aver-
age large cap value spread across gross profits-to-assets quintiles is 0.64 percent per month, and in
every book-to-market quintile exceeds the 0.29 percent per month spread generated by the uncon-
ditional large cap value strategy. The average large cap profitability spread across book-to-market
quintiles is 0.54 percent per month, and in every book-to-market quintile exceeds the 0.36 per-
cent per month spread generated by the unconditional large cap profitability strategy. These results
should be treated cautiously, however, as among large cap stocks there are very few unprofitable
growth or profitable value firms, and the low-low and high-high corners are consequently very thin.
Table 19 shows the small cap results, which differ somewhat from the all-stock results pre-
sented in Table 7. Here controlling for profitability has little impact on the performance of value
strategies, and controlling for book-to-market has little impact on the performance of profitability
strategies. The average small cap value spread across gross profits-to-assets quintiles is 0.87 percent
per month, only slightly higher than the 0.83 percent per month spread generated by the uncondi-
tional small cap value strategy. The average small cap profitability spread across book-to-market
quintiles is 0.60 percent per month, slightly less than the 0.63 percent per month spread generated
by the unconditional small cap profitability strategy. The value effect is stronger, however, among
unprofitable stocks, while the profitability effect is stronger among growth stocks.

Table 18. Double sorts on gross profits-to-assets and book-to-market, large stocks
This table shows the value-weighted average excess returns to large cap portfolios double sorted on gross
profits-to-assets and book-to-market, and results of time-series regressions of both sorts’ high-minus-low
portfolios’ returns on the Fama-French factors. Large cap is defined as bigger than the NYSE median. The
table also shows the average number of firms, and the average size of firms, in each portfolio (the portfolios
exhibit little gross-profits to asset variation within book-to-market quintiles, and little book-to-market vari-
ation within profitability quintiles). The sample excludes financial firms (those with one-digit SIC codes of
six), and covers July 1963 to December 2009.
Panel A: portfolio average returns and time-series regression results
gross profits-to-asset quintiles profitability strategies
L 2 3 4 H r ˛ ˇmkt ˇs mb ˇhml
L -0.13 0.00 0.20 0.20 0.53 0.65 0.84 -0.38 -0.20 0.05
book-to-market quintiles

[2.50] [3.33] [-6.43] [-2.45] [0.61]

2 0.10 0.22 0.38 0.44 0.69 0.59 0.57 -0.14 0.01 0.18
[2.80] [2.69] [-2.87] [0.14] [2.43]
3 0.15 0.28 0.41 0.72 0.59 0.44 0.37 -0.04 0.09 0.13
[2.25] [1.89] [-0.86] [1.44] [1.91]
4 0.29 0.41 0.79 0.55 0.80 0.50 0.31 0.15 0.26 0.16
[2.66] [1.65] [3.41] [4.20] [2.35]
H 0.49 0.66 0.85 1.03 0.99 0.50 0.49 0.05 0.26 -0.19
[2.06] [2.02] [0.95] [3.33] [-2.25]
re 0.62 0.66 0.65 0.83 0.46
book-to-market strategies

[2.15] [2.87] [2.87] [4.06] [1.83]

˛ 0.33 0.26 0.28 0.35 -0.03
[1.39] [1.46] [1.40] [1.98] [-0.12]
ˇmkt -0.39 -0.20 -0.06 0.02 0.04
[-7.11] [-4.68] [-1.29] [0.39] [0.79]
ˇs mb 0.01 0.08 0.05 0.64 0.47
[0.15] [1.34] [0.79] [11.2] [6.22]
ˇhml 1.10 1.12 0.92 0.76 0.85
[13.2] [17.8] [13.1] [12.2] [10.2]

Panel B: portfolio average number of firms (left) and average firm size (right, $106)
gross profits-to-asset quintiles gross profits-to-asset quintiles
L 2 3 4 H L 2 3 4 H
number of firms average firm size
L 16 18 26 47 89 2,753 2,858 3,568 6,842 6,435
BM quintiles

2 20 30 41 54 51 4,609 3,427 4,118 4,621 2,901

3 28 38 50 49 30 2,535 3,506 3,464 2,729 1,656
4 50 52 46 30 16 2,399 3,116 2,898 1,584 1,344
H 80 57 32 15 8 2,302 2,667 2,329 1,373 1,180

Table 19. Double sorts on gross profits-to-assets and book-to-market, small stocks
This table shows the value-weighted average excess returns to large cap portfolios double sorted on gross
profits-to-assets and book-to-market, and results of time-series regressions of both sorts’ high-minus-low
portfolios’ returns on the Fama-French factors. Small cap is defined as smaller than the NYSE median.
The table also shows the average number of firms, and the average size of firms, in each portfolio (the
portfolios exhibit little gross-profits to asset variation within book-to-market quintiles, and little book-to-
market variation within profitability quintiles). The sample excludes financial firms (those with one-digit SIC
codes of six), and covers July 1963 to December 2009.

Panel A: portfolio average returns and time-series regression results

gross profits-to-asset quintiles profitability strategies
L 2 3 4 H r ˛ ˇmkt ˇs mb ˇhml
L -0.43 -0.08 0.15 0.37 0.68 1.12 1.12 -0.00 -0.23 0.13
book-to-market quintiles

[5.69] [5.68] [-0.10] [-3.52] [1.85]

2 0.42 0.37 0.50 0.76 1.02 0.60 0.49 0.02 -0.23 0.39
[2.79] [2.30] [0.44] [-3.32] [5.16]
3 0.36 0.65 0.74 0.92 1.19 0.82 0.68 0.12 0.09 0.17
[4.80] [3.90] [3.00] [1.61] [2.83]
4 0.77 0.93 1.12 1.02 0.85 0.08 0.00 0.01 0.19 0.06
[0.50] [0.03] [0.29] [3.44] [1.06]
H 0.75 0.94 0.99 1.22 1.12 0.36 0.41 -0.15 0.17 -0.05
[2.04] [2.27] [-3.64] [2.92] [-0.82]
re 1.19 1.02 0.84 0.85 0.43
book-to-market strategies

[4.62] [4.66] [4.30] [4.27] [2.10]

˛ 0.82 0.75 0.59 0.63 0.10
[4.27] [4.30] [4.03] [3.94] [0.66]
ˇmkt 0.02 -0.14 -0.16 -0.17 -0.13
[0.34] [-3.40] [-4.56] [-4.54] [-3.66]
ˇs mb -0.52 -0.22 -0.20 -0.17 -0.12
[-8.28] [-3.93] [-4.19] [-3.16] [-2.32]
ˇhml 1.18 0.93 0.89 0.79 1.00
[17.4] [15.2] [17.0] [13.9] [18.1]

Panel B: portfolio average number of firms (left) and average firm size (right, $106)
gross profits-to-asset quintiles gross profits-to-asset quintiles
L 2 3 4 H L 2 3 4 H
number of firms average firm size
L 140 75 76 97 139 79 92 104 112 102
BM quintiles

2 86 84 105 125 131 78 110 111 105 91

3 79 101 120 125 105 83 111 101 90 77
4 85 126 123 108 84 80 93 79 64 57
H 118 143 110 82 67 58 64 55 46 38

A.5 Regressions employing accruals and R&D expenditures

Table 20. Fama-MacBeth regressions with accruals and R&D expenditures

This table reports results from Fama-MacBeth regressions of firms’ returns on gross profits (REVT - COGS)
scaled by assets (AT), accruals (ACT - CHECH - LCT + DCT + TXP - DP) scaled by average assets
(AT/2 + lag(AT)/2), and research and development expenditures (XRD) scaled by market value. Regressions
include controls for book-to-market (log(bm)), size (log(me)), and past performance measured at horizons of
one month (r1;0 ) and twelve to two months (r12;2 ). Independent variables are Winsorized at the one and 99%
levels. The sample excludes financial firms (those with one-digit SIC codes of six), and covers July 1973 to
December 2009, a period determined by the availability of high quality data on R&D expenditures.
slope coefficients (102) and [test-statistics]
from regressions of the form rtj D ˇ 0 xtj C tj
variables (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
profits-to-assets 0.73 0.73 0.68 0.67
[4.67] [4.74] [3.96] [3.89]
accruals-to-assets -1.32 -1.38 -1.37 -1.40
[-5.59] [-6.04] [-5.01] [-5.22]
R&D-to-market 1.20 1.08 0.94 0.97
[3.42] [3.16] [2.65] [2.77]
log(BM) 0.31 0.25 0.27 0.27 0.28 0.23 0.23
[4.79] [4.02] [3.50] [4.25] [3.73] [3.02] [3.00]
log(ME) -0.15 -0.15 -0.16 -0.14 -0.16 -0.16 -0.15
[-3.30] [-3.25] [-3.31] [-3.11] [-3.34] [-3.26] [-3.21]
r1;0 -5.98 -6.00 -6.43 -6.11 -6.60 -6.61 -6.73
[-13.1] [-13.0] [-13.6] [-13.4] [-14.5] [-14.2] [-14.6]
r12;2 0.43 0.44 0.44 0.38 0.36 0.35 0.30
[2.10] [2.13] [2.09] [1.89] [1.80] [1.71] [1.48]

B Factors constructed controlling for industries

Table 2 suggests that industry-adjusted gross profitability has more power than gross profitability
predicting the cross-section of expected returns. This fact suggests that strategies formed on the ba-
sis of industry-adjusted characteristics should outperform similar strategies constructed on the basis
of unadjusted characteristics. If this is true, then the industry-adjusted strategies might “explain” the
performance of conventional strategies, in the sense that the conventional strategies might not gen-
erate abnormal returns relative to the industry-adjusted strategies, while the conventional strategies
have no hope of explaining the performance of the industry-adjusted strategies.
Cohen and Polk (1998), Asness, Porter and Stevens (2000) and Novy-Marx (2009, 2010a) all

consider strategies formed on the basis of industry-adjusted book-to-market. Asness, Porter and
Stevens (2000) also consider strategies formed on industry-adjusted past performance. These pa-
pers find that strategies formed on the basis of industry-adjusted book-to-market and past perfor-
mance do outperform their conventional counterparts. These industry-adjusted strategies do not,
however, generate higher average returns. Their improved performance is driven by a reduction
in the strategies’ volatilities. While this is undeniably an important determinant of performance,
it raises questions regarding whether the industry-adjusted characteristics are really more strongly
associated with expected returns. Strategies formed on the basis of industry-adjusted characteristics
are much more balanced across industries. It is possible that the improved performance of industry-
adjusted value and momentum strategies comes simply from reducing the strategies’ exposure to
industry related-volatility unrelated to average returns.
While I consider strategies formed on the basis of industry-adjusted characteristics, I also con-
sider an alternative adjustment for industry exposure. This alternative adjustment simply involves
hedging away the industry exposure from strategies formed on the basis of conventional charac-
teristics. That is, these strategies are formed by assigning stocks to the portfolios on the basis of
unadjusted characteristics, and holding offsetting positions of equal magnitudes in each stocks’ in-
dustry (i.e., the Fama-French 49 value-weighted industry portfolios). This helps identify the true
importance of industry adjusting characteristics, by quantifying the extent to which performance
can be improved by simply reducing industry driven volatility unrelated to expected returns. The
strategies hedged of industry exposure and the hedge portfolios also represent a clean decomposition
of the conventional strategies’ returns into intra-industry and industry components, which makes it
simple to quantify how much of the conventional strategies’ variation is due to industry exposure.
Table 21 presents the performance of 1) strategies formed on the basis of unadjusted characteris-
tics; 2) strategies formed on the basis of unadjusted characteristics but hedged for industry exposure;
3) the previous strategies’ industry-hedges; 4) strategies formed on the basis of characteristics de-
meaned by industry; 5) strategies formed on the basis of the mean industry characteristics; and
6) strategies formed on the basis of characteristics demeaned by industry and hedged for industry
exposure. All strategies are formed using the procedure employed in the construction of HML or
UMD. Panel A employs book-to-market as the primary sorting characteristic. Panel B employs per-
formance over the first eleven months of the preceding year. Panel C employs gross profits-to-assets
and, because the strategies are constructed employing industry adjustments, includes financial firms.
The first column of Table 21 shows the average excess returns to HML-like factors constructed
on the basis of unadjusted book-to-market, past performance and gross profitability. That is, it

Table 21. Factors constructed with industry controls
This table reports the average excess returns to industry-adjusted “factors,” constructed employing the HML
construction methodology, and the results of regressions of the canonical factors on these alternative factors’
returns. Panels A, B and C show results for strategies formed on the basis of book-to-market, performance
over the first eleven months of the preceding year, and gross profits-to-assets, respectively. The first column
presents the canonical strategies (i.e., no industry adjustments). The second column shows strategies hedged
for industry exposure, where each stock position is off-set with an opposite position in the firm’s industry
(Fama-French 49, value-weighted). The third column shows the industry hedge. The fourth and fifth columns
show strategies constructed using a tertile sort on the primary sorting characteristic demeaned by industry,
and sorted on the industry characteristic, respectively. The sixth column shows strategies constructed by
sorting on the characteristic demeaned by industry and hedged for industry exposure. The sample covers July
1963 to December 2009.
methodology used in strategy construction
y e sor nd
g ed rt a n s
i nd
u hed j u st
t so r
al fo r str
y -ad sor ed tu
o ni c g ed i n du st ry st ry d j ust ed re
u u a edg
can hed t he i nd i nd h
panel A: alternative HMLs, and results from regressions of HML on these alternatives
EŒr e  0.42 0.37 0.05 0.39 0.06 0.43
[3.34] [6.24] [0.72] [5.11] [0.43] [6.78]
˛ -0.20 0.34 -0.03 0.37 -0.24
[-2.60] [6.22] [-0.33] [5.32] [-2.98]
ˇ 1.66 1.67 1.14 0.78 1.54
[31.0] [49.2] [23.1] [34.9] [29.3]
adj.-R2 (%) 63.3 81.3 48.9 68.6 60.6
panel B: alternative UMDs, and results from regressions of UMD on these alternatives
EŒr  0.72 0.63 0.17 0.63 0.62 0.62
[3.90] [5.36] [2.34] [5.13] [4.00] [5.21]
˛ -0.21 0.35 -0.13 0.10 -0.19
[-3.14] [3.73] [-1.56] [1.00] [-3.12]
ˇ 1.49 2.23 1.36 1.01 1.48
[63.2] [41.2] [48.0] [35.9] [69.3]
adj.-R2 (%) 87.8 75.3 80.5 69.8 89.6
panel C: alternative PMUs, and results from regressions of PMU on these alternatives
EŒr  0.23 0.15 0.08 0.26 0.16 0.25
[2.36] [3.60] [0.82] [4.13] [1.24] [4.98]
˛ 0.15 0.16 0.12 0.14 0.06
[1.51] [3.82] [1.22] [2.20] [0.61]
ˇ 0.57 0.92 0.45 0.59 0.70
[5.94] [50.4] [7.01] [28.3] [9.01]
adj.-R2 (%) 5.8 82.0 8.0 59.0 12.6

shows the performance of the canonical Fama-French factors HML and UMD, and a profitable-
minus-unprofitable factor, PMU. Over the sample, which covers July 1963 to December 2009, HML
generates average excess returns of 0.42 percent per month, with a test-statistic equal to 3.34, and
has a realized annual Sharpe ratio of 0.49. UMU generates average excess returns of 0.72 percent per
month, with a test-statistic of 3.90, and has a realized annual Sharpe ratio of 0.57. PMU generates
average excess returns of 0.23 percent per month, with a test-statistic equal to 2.36, and has a
realized annual Sharpe ratio of 0.35.
The second column shows the performance of the strategies hedged of industry exposure. Hedg-
ing the strategies decreases the average returns generated by all three strategies, but increases all
three strategies’ Sharpe ratios. While hedged HML, UMD and PMU generate excess average re-
turns over the sample of only 0.37, 0.63 and 0.15 percent per month, respectively, the strategies’
realized annual Sharpe ratios are 0.91, 0.79 and 0.53, far in excess of their conventional counter-
parts. In all three cases the strategies either “price” or “over-price” their conventional counterparts.
HML and UMD have significant negative abnormal returns relative to the hedged strategies, while
PMU has statistically insignificant returns relative to the hedged strategy.
The third column shows the performance of the hedges. The results here contrast strongly with
those presented in the second column. Only the momentum strategy generates significant excess av-
erage returns, and these are relatively modest. That is, while there is some momentum at the industry
level, industry average book-to-market and industry average profitability appear totally unrelated to
expected returns. Even so, the industry related components contribute most of the volatility of HML
and PMU. While contributing only 10% (0.05/0.43) of HML’s average excess returns, industry ex-
posure drives 49% (81.3%/1.67) of the factor’s variation. Similarly, industry exposure contributes
only 34% (0.08/0.23) of PMU’s average excess returns, but drives 89% (82.0%/0.92) of its variation.
The fourth and fifth columns show the performance of the strategies constructed on the basis
of characteristics demeaned by industry, and industry average characteristics, respectively. Col-
umn four shows that sorting on industry-adjusted characteristics improves the performance of the
value and momentum strategies. This improvement is slightly less pronounced, however, than that
achieved by simply hedging for industry exposure. This suggests that much of the benefit realized
by forming strategies on the basis of industry-adjusted book-to-market and past performance comes
simply from reducing the strategies’ industry exposures.
With gross profitability the situation is very different. Industry-adjusting gross profitability does
reduce the volatility of the associated factor, but it also increases its average returns, suggesting that
industry-adjusted profitability is truly more strongly associated with average excess returns. The

strategy formed on the basis of industry adjusted gross profitability generates excess average returns
a third higher than the unadjusted strategy, 0.26 percent per year with a test-statistic of 4.13, and has
a higher Sharpe ratio of 0.61.
The sixth column shows that hedging the remaining industry exposure of the strategies formed
on the basis of the industry-adjusted characteristics further improves the strategies’ performances.
This is especially true for PMU and, to a lesser extent, HML. The average annual Sharpe ratios of
the strategies formed on the basis of industry-adjusted book-to-market, past performance and gross
profitability, and hedged for industry exposure, are 0.99, 0.76 and 0.73, respectively, much higher
than the 0.49, 0.57 and 0.35 achieved by their conventional counterparts. The performance of these
strategies suggests that it is worthwhile investigating whether they have any power to “explain”

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