Client Side PDF
Client Side PDF
Client Side PDF
A web site can be defined as set of web pages that has been designed for specific organizational purpose.
A web site consists of many web pages and can be hosted on one or more web servers, with a single web
domain name. In general, the default web page of the web site is called an index page and can be
accessed using the Uniform Resource Locator (URL). For example, you access IGNOU web site can be
accessed using the URL- / which displays the index page of the IGNOU web site
in your browser. From this page then you can access many other links provided by IGNOU’s web
site.Thus, a web site involves two aspects – client and the server. The client of a web site is a browser
program which accesses the web site hosted on a web server through the Internet. The access of a web
page by a client from a server, in addition to TCP/IP protocol which is the base protocol for Internet,
would require additional protocol. The protocol for web page access involving transfer of a web page
from web server to client browser is called HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP). In case, you are
accessing a secure web page of a web site such as your bank account, then a secure HTTP called HTTPS
is used. This protocol uses encryption of data to ensure security of data transfer. For more details on these
concepts, you may go through the course BCS-052.
Web programming is the art of creating web pages of a web site. Web programming has two aspects –
client side programming and server side programming. A client side program may be written in Markup
languages like HTML. The display of these markup languages is controlled by a style sheet called
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). In addition, a browser can also run simple programs that may be written in
a scripting language like JavaScript. Basic introduction to HTML and JavaScript has already been given
to you in MCS016: Internet Concepts and Web Design Course.
The first Block of this course discusses the Client Side languages. This Block introduces the concept of
Web 2.0 and HTML5. Web 2.0 has brought dynamisms to web site such that you are able to interact with
the web sites or other users of the web sites. CSS are a flexible way of changing the look and feel of a
web site. A good web site must use CSS. This block explains how you can create and use CSS. XML has
become a standard for information interchange. It also has been discussed in this Block. You can make
your website dynamic, if you are able to access its component and process them. Such processing would
require interaction of the user in the form of events. This block explains the Document Object Model
(DOM) that defines the component hierarchy and Events. You can use DOM, Events and JavaScript
commands to create dynamic client pages. This block also covers aspects of Wireless markup language.
The second block of this course discusses the server side programming. When you access a web page, the
browser displays the HTML code of that page under the control of CSS. The web page may also contain
other scripts like JavaScript. These pagesare transferred from the server to the browser on your request.
Are these web pages stored at the web server as same HTML, CSS, XML, JavaScript etc.pages or they
are generated with the help of a programming language? Web sites on the server side use scripting
languages that are used to create pages for clients as per their requirements. The languages that are used
to create client pages at the server, based on clients requirements are called Server Side Scripting
Languages. Some of the common server side scripting languages are PHP, JSP, SERVLET, ASP.NET,
PYTHON and many more. In the second Block, we have explained the use of JSP as the server side
scripting language.
Block Introduction
A web site is displayed on a web browser. Every browser provides an option by which you can view the
page source of the web page that is being displayed. Look into it closely, you will find that the web page
you have opened may consist of HTML, JavaScript and other code. This Block is an introduction about
the code that is displayed on the client browser. In case you want to make good website then you
should learn about these concepts in details. Please note that by just reading through the block you will
not be able to learn. You must perform the practical as suggested in BCSL057:Web Programming Lab, in
order to take best advantage of these Blocks.
The Unit 1 explains the Web 2.0 technology. It provides information about some of the newer products
that have developed over the years. Some of these include applications like Rich Internet Applications,
widgets, mashups, social networking, web services, blogs etc. The Unit also describes features of HTML
5. It also gives an example of use of different tags of HTML 5.
Unit 2 is devoted to Cascading Style Sheet (CSS). Style sheets are very important for creating flexible,
consistent web pages along a web site. The Unit provides details on differnt ways of attaching style
sheet to a web page. It also gives list of different kind of properties of styles. In addition to these, this
Unit introduces the concept of box model. It also discusses two important tags <div> and <span> which
are very useful in logical division of the content of a web page on a single display window. This Unit also
demonstrates the use of style sheet with the help of an example.
Unit 3 provides a basic introduction to XML. XML has become a standard data format for exchange of
data over the net. it allows you to create your own tags. Since you can create your own custom tags in
XML, therefore, they need to be validated. You can define the XML validations using Document Type
Declarations (DTD) or XML Schema. This Unit introduces both these mechanism. The Unit also discusses
the ways of displaying XML documents.
Unit 4 introduces you to the concept of Document Object Model (DOM) which defines the structure of a
HTML document. The elements of the document then can be consistently accessed and changed using
event driven programming of JavaScript. This mechanism thus helps in updating specific portion of a
document of a web page that is displayed in the browser.
Unit 5 of this Block introduces the concept of Wireless Markup Language (WML). WML are used for
creating web pages for display on wireless devices. Although utility of such applications has reduces with
the advent of high end smart devices, still many older web pages uses these concepts.
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Objective
1.2 Web 2.0 : An Introduction
1.2.1 Search
1.2.2 Content Networks
1.2.3 Blogging
1.2.4 Social Networking
1.2.5 Social Media
1.2.6 Rich Internet Applications
1.2.7 Web Services
1.2.8 Mashups
1.2.9 Widgets and Gadgets
1.2.10 Podcasting, Message Board and Data Streaming
1.3 Introduction to XHTML/HTML5
1.4 Syntactic differences between HTML and XHTML
1.5 Standard XHTML/HTML5 Document Structure
1.6 Example of HTML5
1.7 Summary
1.8 Solutions/Answers
1.9 Further Readings
1.0 Introduction
Since the advent of World Wide Web (WWW) in 1990, the Internet and its uses are growing
rapidly. The Web Programming technologies have changed in the past substantially. You
have already been introduced to the process of designing web pages in the course MCSL-016.
The collection of web pages is website. The way of writing a web page is web programming.
Web development refers to building, creating, and maintaining websites. It includes aspects
such as web design, web publishing, web programming, and database management. A web
developer may use web programming languages viz., HTML, JavaScript, XML, ASP, JSP,
PHP and maintains a database used by dynamic websites. The initial web was focussed on
information. There was no or little need for user interaction. With the advent of Web 2.0,
communication has changed. There are more than two billion Internet users worldwide
exchanging ideas through social networking sites or using chat or any other two way or group
communication software. Blogs, Wikis and Web Services are also components of Web 2.0. In
this unit, you will learn about the concepts and characteristics of Web 2.0. This unit also
explains the use of HTML5 tags for creating static web pages.
1.1 Objectives
Web 2.0 is a second generation of the World Wide Web. Web 2.0 refers to the transition from
static web pages to dynamic web. Web 2.0 is more organized and is based on creating web
applications to the specific needs of the users. Web 2.0 has improved communication among
the users, with an emphasis on Web-based communities of users and more open sharing of
information. Web 2.0 concepts highlight services that allow user to find and manipulate
How is Web 2.0 different?
In early days of Web (Web 1.0), there was no or little need for different web applications to
communicate and share data with each other. It was concerned with only creating and
viewing online contents. However, web 2.0 has changed this scenario. Web 2.0 offers
services that allow user to find and manipulate contents, coupled with all types of media
services. Examples of web 2.0 are social networking sites, blogs, video sharing, wikis, web
application, mashups etc. The basic idea of each of these websites is
user interaction. On blogs, you can post comments; on social
networking site, you can make a friend; on social news, you can
vote for article and on wikis, you can create, edit and share information. The concept of web
2.0 is based on participation of user. This design encourages user interaction and community
Web 2.0 provides user with more interaction, better communication and storage facilities
through their browsers. The client-side technologies used in Web 2.0 development include
Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), JavaScript, XML (eXtensible Markup Language-
basis for XHTML), SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), JSON (JavaScript Object
Notation). Ajax is used to create web application using XHTML, CSS, the DOM (Document
Object Model) and XMLHttpRequest. You can use Ajax to create more dynamic and
interactive Web pages without needing to refresh or reload the page. SOAP is an XML based
protocol to allow you to activate an application across the internet. During the user’s
communication to the web, data is fetched by an Ajax application which is formatted in XML
or JSON format; the two widely used structured data formats. JavaScript programs use DOM
to dynamically update the web page data. For example, Google Docs uses this technology to
create web based word processor.
In addition to Ajax and JavaScript, Adobe Flex is another technology often used in web 2.0
applications. It is used to populate large data grid, charts and other user interactions. It is used
as a plugin component. Application build in flex is displayed as Flash in the browser. Now,
HTML5 is capable for doing such things. HTML5 is used for gaming, mobile and business
On server side, you can use technologies like PHP, Ruby, ASP.Net and Java Server Pages for
developing web applications. Over time Web 2.0 has been used more as a marketing term
than a computer-science-based term.
One of the key points of web 2.0 development is the availability of open content access
which means that you can modify the content with few or no restrictions. Some of the key
web 2.0 websites are Google, YouTube, Twitter, Wikipedia etc. MySpace, Flickr and
Wikipedia are the websites that provide platforms for users to create and modify the content.
Figure-1 shows the characteristics and techniques of web 2.0. The following subsection
explains some of the important web 2.0 technologies.
1.2.1 Search
The term “Search” syntactically means to look over carefully in order to find something. In
the context of Web, it is defined as - to obtain information on the Internet using search
engines. Some of the popular search engines are Google, Yahoo, MSN, ASK, Bing, Alta
Vista, Hot Bot etc. Search engines are the primary tools to find information on the web like
text, images, news, videos, blogs and more. When you enter a keyword or phrase, the search
engine finds the relevant web pages and shows in the order of ranking of pages. But, how
does these search engines work?
In early days, search engines used text based ranking system to decide which pages are more
relevant to given query. Modern search engines used different ranking methods to give best
result. Google search is based on a priority rank called a PageRank. The PageRank algorithm
considers the web pages that match a given search string and display the sites with the highest
PageRank at the top of the search results. Google’s PageRank algorithm is based on the
premise that a good page is the one that is pointed to by good pages. A detailed discussion on
this algorithm is beyond the scope of this Unit.
1.2.3 Blogging
A blog or weblog is an informational website maintained by its blogger (or author). It
contains discrete entries or post. It is displayed in reverse chronological order (the most
recent post appears first). A typical blog contains text, images and links to other blogs or web
pages. Most of the blogs are textual. Other blogs are on art (art blogs), music (MP3 blogs),
videos (video blogs or ‘vlog’), photographs (photoblogs) and audio (podcasts). In education,
blogs can be used as instructional resources. These blogs are called as edublogs. WordPress
and Blogger are the names of websites that enable anybody to start their own blog.
WordPress is one such advanced blogging tool and it provides a rich set of features, through
its administrative panels, you can set options for the behaviour and presentations of your blog
and easily compose a blog post, push a button and be published on the internet instantly.
Micro-blogging is another type of blogging but it contains very short post. Micro-blogging is
used in Twitter. The blogs are interactive as they allow readers to leave comments. Bloggers
or blog author do not only produce content to post on their blog but also build social
Social Bookmarking: allow internet users to organize and store to online resources.
For example, Delicious, Blinklist. Some of the Bookmarking websites are free and
some provide paid services. It allows users to save links to web pages with these
bookmarking sites to remember and share.
Social News: You may interact by voting for articles and commenting on them. For
example, Digg, Propeller.
Social Photo and Video Sharing: You may interact by sharing photos and videos.
For example, YouTube, Flickr.
Wikis: multi-lingual, web-based encyclopaedia Wikipedia. You may interact by
adding and editing articles.
ons related to data manipulation are operated on the server side
interaction activity is performed on the client side within a special area of the client
desktop called sandbox.
The basic idea of this approach is to decrease the frequency of client – server traffic for
handling local activity, calculations and so forth.
For implementing the Rich Internet Applications, you can use different types of software
such as Ajax, JavaScript, Adobe Flex, Flash, Ajax with PHP and many more. Using these
technologies, Rich Internet Applications (RIA) solutions provide good interactivity to the
In Web 2.0, some of the websites are facing more user interaction such as YouTube and
Facebook. Basically, these websites are facilitates the user for free interpersonal content
sharing, it means that it involves person-to-person interactions through these websites that
enables the users for content creation, sharing and manipulation. This is the key feature of
the web 2.0. When these interactions are between two or more people and other resources on
the Web, then the role of web services come. The Web services provide the improvements in
terms of interactions or interconnections that may exist between two or more different web
resources and hence between those organizations that deliver them. For example, if any
organisation wants to include a feature of credit card payments online, it can either set its
own setup or can integrate the web service of a Payment Service Provider e.g. Paypal into the
website. The user will make their purchase from the Company’s website but for payment, the
control is automatically transferred to the Service Provider’s website. All of this will happen
automatically between two organisations.
Web services combines’ different protocol to allow all components to interoperate entirely
under the control of computer, without human intervention. It means that when a system
requires a service, computer can implicitly find that service on the web. For example: In
client/server model, a client sends a request to web service (in the server) for weather
information. The web service return forecast through service response to the client as shown
in the following figure3.
Service request
Service response
Web service has three roles for providing interaction between different components over
web. These are:
e requestor,
e registry and
e provider.
These three roles are combined with find, publish and bind operation as seen in the following
figure4. Different protocol and languages are used in web services such as XML, SOAP,
WSDL and UDDI open standards over an Internet protocol backbone. The service provider
for providing services, write the services in WSDL (Web Services Definition Languages) and
service registry uses UDDI (Universal Description Discovery and Integration Service) to
listing what services are available. The service requestor for requesting service uses XML
and SOAP standards over Internet Protocol backbone. XML is used to tag the data; SOAP is
used to transfer the data. On the web, there are number of web services that use different
1.28 Mashups
Mashups is a web application that retrieved data from two or more external sources to create
entirely new and innovative services as shown in figure5. This is a new breed of web based
data integration application. There are many types of mashups such as consumer mashups,
data mashups and business mashups. Consumer mashups combine visual elements such as
maps and data from multiple sources. For example, Wikipediavision is a site that combines
Google Map and a Wikipedia API. Business mashups define applications that combine their
own data and application with external web services to create single presentation. Data
mashups combine data from multiple sources into single source on a similar type of media
and information. Mash-ups are often created by using a development approach called Ajax.
Fig.5: Mashups
1.29 Widgets and Gadgets
Widgets are also referred to as Gadgets. A web widget is a small piece of code that can be
placed on a webpage, social media or blog. Widgets are useful application in the form of on-
screen device viz., clocks, auction-trickers, event countdowns, flight arrival information and
daily weather. A common example of a widget on a website is ad blocks such as Google Ads.
YouTube also provides a widget, allowing you to make play list of your favourite videos.
These dynamic widgets can be used in your website to enhance its appeal to the users.
A message board or forum is a Web 2.0 application that puts students in a web-based place
where they can post a comment about any subject, and other students on the same message
board or form can respond to the comments or post comments of their own. The message
board is a good place for teachers and students for discussing a particular topic.
Data Streaming is a technique for transferring data at high speed rate so that it can be
processed as a steady and continuous stream. The client side computers do not have fast
access to download heavy media files quickly. With data streaming, the client browser can
start displaying the data before the entire file has been transmitted.
As discussed earlier, a web page is a document that contains information that is displayed on
a browser. These web pages are created using the markup languages XHTML/HTML5. You
have already gone through the basic concepts of HTML in MCSL-16 course. This section
describes some of the basic entities used in the HTML in more details.
HTML5 supports most interesting new features like <canvas> element for 2D drawing,
<video> and <audio> elements for media playback, scalable vector graphics (SVG) content
(that replaces the use of <object> tags) and MathML for mathematical formulas. In addition
to this, some new content-specific elements like <header>, <footer>, <section> and <nav>
are used to enrich the content of documents. Other new form controls such as calendar, date,
time, email and search are to be added to the functionality of HTML5. A detailed discussion
on all the features of HTML5 is beyond the scope of this Unit. You may refer to further
readings for more details. Before explaining the new features of HTML5, let us first define
some basic tags.
<!DOCTYPE html> Tag: In HTML5, there is only one <!doctype> declaration. This
declaration must be first statement in your HTML document that is even before <html> tag. It
is not a HTML tag rather it is an instruction to the browser about the version of HTML in
which the page is written.
<HTML> Tag: This is root element. It defines the content of web page. The opening
HTML tag that is <html> immediately follows the DOCTYPE declaration and closing tag
that is </html> is placed at the end of the document. The html element must contain head and
body element.
<HEAD> Tag: In head portion of the document, you can write information about the
document. You can define title, meta, style, script and link element. You will learn about the
style, script and link element in the next units of this block. The head element is written
immediately after the opening html tag and end with closing tag appears before the body tag.
<TITLE> Tag: It displays text at the top of browser window.
<META> Tag: The <meta> tag is used for declaring metadata (i.e. data about data) for
html document. This element is placed between the head element and the basic use of meta
element is to provide information about the page to search engine (i.e. Goggle, Yahoo),
browsers and other web services. If you want top search engine rankings, just add meta tag in
your web pages. You can use multiple meta element with different attributes on same page.
Some examples of usage of meta tags are given in the following three examples:
<BODY> Tag: This tag contains the body of the web page that is displayed in the browser
display area. In body tag, you can write those tags which are specific to the contents to be
displayed in browser.
You can now create a simple web page with minimum but required tags. You can simply use
a Notepad as a text editor to create a file of a webpage and save file with an .html file
extension. To see the result of your work in one of the two ways:
1) Find the respective location of html file (prg1.html) and double click on it.
2) In your browser, click on File/Open File and browse to the name of file.
Figure 7: Display of a simple web page and the source code of this web page prg1.html
HEADING Elements: <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5> and <h6> heading elements are
used for different level of heading. <h1> is the highest level of heading and <h6> is the
lowest level of heading. <h1> is used once in web page and headings should be used in order.
The output and source code of the program are as follows:
Figure 9: Web page and source code for a table
In the above example, two attribute colspan and rowspan of <TD> element are used. The
colspan attribute is used to create a cell that spans more than one cell. The last row or footer
of the table shows the result of colspan attribute - two cells are merged into one. The rowspan
attribute is similar to colspan, except, it span across rows rather than columns.
ANCHOR Elements: If your website has several pages, you need to provide links between
HTML pages, the tag is used to create link is called <a> which stands for anchor. The anchor
<a> element is used to create a hyperlink which provides a link from one page to another or
within the same page. The syntax of this tag is as follows:
<a href=”url of page” target=” _top| _blank| _parent| _self” name=”defines an anchor” >
In the above syntax, href attribute defines the url of linked resources or web page and target
specifies where to open a linked file and name specify the name of intra link which is used
within same page.
Some examples of usage of <a> element are given in the following two examples:
Example 1:
<!—linking to other pages-->
< a href=”head.html”> Header page</a>
Example 2:
<!—links within a page-->
<p><a name=”top”></a> The above example is used to provide links from one
page to another page. Now, this example shows you how to use the same element
to links within a page. This is used at top of the page and at end of the page, you
can use following statement which transfer control back to top.</p>
<a href=”#top”>Back</a>
You can use the following two tags that enable you to add comments within the HTML code.
These comments are not displayed by the browser.
<!--This is a HTML comment -->
<comment> This is also a comment </comment>
FORM Elements:
Form elements, as the name suggests, contain predefined field names with blank or default
values which you can fill and submit to their respective website. You can create a form for
your website using form elements such as input, password, text area, radio button, submit
button, select with option, label, fieldset and legend. Forms can be used for filling
information online. Some examples of forms include online examination form, feedback
forms and so on. Forms are useful tool for client interaction on a website.
<INPUT> Element: The INPUT element is most important element. You can build an entire
form using no other element due to its type attributes which have wide variety of values. The
syntax is as follows:
< INPUT [type=text| password| checkbox| radio| submit| reset| image| button| hidden]
[name=controlName] [value=controlValue] [checked] [size=controlWidth]
[maxlength=word Length] >
In the above syntax, name attribute is used to define a name of control element and value
attribute specifies value of input control element. The size attribute is used to define width of
control element and maxlength attribute indicates a length of input element in characters. The
type attribute is defined in the following sections:
The text value: The text value of type attribute enables you to input single line text in
a text box. For example, define text box using input element
The password value: It is similar to text attribute except that the visible portion of
text on screen is masked with other character so that no one can read the password.
For example,
In the above example, name attribute specify the name of input element and
maxlength attribute specify the maximum numbers of characters allowed in input
password control. The size attribute indicates width of input element.
In similar way, you can change only value of attribute type of input element for
creation of other elements.
<TEXT AREA> Element: This element is similar to INPUT elements text type. Using this
tag, user can type a larger section of text in multiple lines rather than a single line text in text
boxes. The rows attribute of textarea is used to specify the viewable row and cols attribute is
used to specify the viewable columns of the text. For example:
<SELECT> Element: The select form control element is used in conjunction with optgroup
and option element to create a list of choices that the user can choose from. It may be drop
down menu or list box. The optgroup (option group) is used to define group of elements in a
<select> form element.
For this, you can see the following program. Three <select> elements are used in this
example. The first <select> statement is used in conjunction with <optgroup> to define group
of elements. The label attribute of <optgroup> element specifies the two names such as
Maruti Cars and Germans Cars as group header. Each option group element have <option>
element to describe the further options in the list such as Wagon R and Swift Dzire in Maruti
Cars header. The second <select> element is displayed a simple drop down menu with two
option i.e. male and female. The third <select> element is used as a list box.
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>
<h2>Example for select element</h2>
<select><optgroup label="Maruti Cars">
<option value="wagon R">Wagon R</option>
<option value="Swift Dzire">Swift Dzire</option>
</optgroup> <optgroup label="German Cars">
<option value="mercedes">Mercedes</option>
<option value="audi">Audi</option>
<select name="Gender">
<option value="">Male</option>
<option value="">Female </option></select>
<select name="country" size="2">
<option value="">India</option>
<option value="">Nepal</option>
<option value="">Canada</option>
Figure 10: Source code and output screen for select element
<FIELDSET> Element: This element is used for grouping related form elements by
drawing a box around the related elements.
<LEGEND> Element: It is used to display a title or caption for group of elements which is
grouped by <fieldset> element. It is also used in conjunction with <figure> and <details>
element. By using the both elements <fieldset> and <legend>, you can make your web page
easier to understand for your user.
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body>
<legend><b>Personal Information</b></legend>
Name: <input type="text" size="20">
Address<input type="text" size="20">
Figure 11: A web page showing Personal information and source code
The above example shows that the legend element creates a caption as ‘Personal Information’
for fieldset element. The fieldset element is used as grouping the form elements i.e. name and
A detailed example of these elements is given in section 1.6. In the remaining section, you
can learn about the new features of the HTML5 markup language:
<ARTICLE> Tag: This tag is used to represent an article. It is used in blog for post entry,
a newspaper article. The following example shows the result for anchor, article and paragraph
Figure 12: A web page and source code for article and anchor element
<HEADER> Tag: The <header> element is used to define section’s heading. The <header>
tag cannot be placed within a <footer>, <address> or another <header> element. It is used in
a search form or any relevant logos.
<FOOTER> Tag: The HTML <footer> tag is used for defining the footer of an HTML
document or section.
<HGROUP> Tag: It is used to group a set of <h1> to <h6> heading elements when a
heading has multiple levels.
Figure 13: A web page and source code for different HTML5 tags
<AUDIO> Tag: The <audio> tag is used to specify audio on an HTML document.
<VIDEO> Tag: The HTML5 <video> tag is used to specify video on an HTML document.
Both the tag audio and video accepts attributes i.e. control, preload, autoplay, loop, src that
specify how the video/audio should be played. The description is as follows:
This is an example of how you can make use of the HTML5 <video> and <audio> tag in a
web page to include a video clip without the need of Flash or Silverlight to be installed in the
Figure 14: A web page for Audio and video tag
<SVG> Tag: Scalable Vector Graphics is used for describing 2D-graphics application. It is
useful for vector type diagrams like Pie charts; Two-dimensional graphs in an X, Y
coordinate system etc. For example:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h3>HTML5 SVG Circle & Rectangle</h3>
<svg >
<circle cx="100" cy="50" r="40"
stroke="green" stroke-width="2"
fill="yellow" />
<svg >
<rect width="200" height="50" fill="cyan"
stroke="black" stroke-width="3" />
Figure 15: HTML5 program and output screen for Circle & Rectangle
The above program shows circle and rectangle which has drawn by <svg> element. For the
creation of circle, a keyword ‘circle’ and x, y coordinate is defined. The <circle> element is
written inside the <svg> element. In this example, cx attribute of circle specifies x coordinate,
cy is y coordinate of the circle and r represents radius of the circle. The attribute stroke is
used for fill the color and attribute stroke-width is used for defining the width size of
outermost area of circle. The color of inner circle is filling using the fill attribute. In the same
way for creation of rectangle, a keyword ‘rect’ and width, height is defined. The <rect>
element is written inside the <svg> element.
<CANVAS> Tag: This element is used to for creating graphics via scripting (usually
JavaScript). Canvas has several methods for drawing boxes, characters, path and adding
images. Canvas is a rectangular area on which you can draw object using JavaScript.
<TIME> Tag: This tag is used for declaring the date/time within an HTML document.
<MENU> Tag: The HTML menu tag is used for specifying a list of commands.
<MARK> Tag: This tag is used for indicating text as marked or highlighted for further
Consider the following code for <mark>, <time> and <menu> Tag.
Figure 16: A HTML page with source code
<EMBED> Tag: If you want to play a video in a web page, you can upload the video to
YouTube in proper HTML code to display the video.
for embed tag
In the above code, src attribute define the url of the video file and using width, height
attribute, you can defined the width and height of the video clip.
<DETAILS> Tag: This tag specifies additional details that the user can view or hide on
demand. It can be used in conjunction with <SUMMARY> tag to provide a heading that can
be clicked on to collapse/expand the details as required. You could use <details> to toggle
the comments section of a blog, member profiles, and details of a download, complex forms,
or in web applications. Only browser Chrome supports the <details> and <summary>
For Example:
<!DOCTYPE html><html>
<details> <summary><label for="name">Name:</label></summary>
<input type="text" id="name" name="name" />
</details> </body></html>
In this program, detail element create a collapse/expend toggle mark on the page, whenever
you clicked on this mark, it show/hide the text.
<ASIDE> Tag : This tag is used for defining the content aside from the page content.
Basically this tag is used to represent quotation text that is related to page.
<MATHML> Tag: The MathML standard is used for mathematical notations on web page.
<BDI> Tag: This tag can be useful when the text direction is unknown such as in the case
with user generated content.
<FIGURE> Tag: This tag is used for annotating illustrations, photos and diagrams. The
<figure> tag is used in conjunction with <FIGCAPTION> tag to provide a caption to the
Consider the following code for <aside>, <bdi>, <figure>, <figcaption> and <nav> tags.
2. Explain the SVG element in HTML5 with Example?
3. Write a HTML5 program using <details> and <summary> tag.
4. Differentiate between SVG and Canvas tag?
5. What is the purpose of aside tag in html5?
2. Closing tags: Closing tags are often optional in HTML but are always required in
XHTML. For example, every paragraph must begin with <p> tag and end with a </p>
tag. Likewise, every <tr> table row must have a closing </tr> and so forth.
3. HTML tags that do not enclose any content such as <hr>, <br> and <img>. In
XHTML, it must contain a slash. For example, <hr />, <br />, <img src=”pic.gif” />.
These statements are treated by XHTML interpreter as a closing tag.
4. Quoted attribute values: In XHTML, all attribute values must be enclosed in quotation
marks regardless of what characters are included in the value. For example
6. id attribute : The id attribute is used to identify objects. For example,
The previous section discussed rules for writing XHTML/HTML. In this section, you will
learn about the structure of the document. Each document is structured into two parts, the
HEAD, and the BODY. The head contains information about the document whereas the body
contains the body of the text, and is where you place the document content to be displayed.
Both of these are contained within the HTML element.
Three features in figure 19.0 are characteristic of XHTML/HTML5 documents. These are:
1. Every XHTML document must begin with an XML declaration. All XML documents
should begin with the following line: <?xml version =”1.0” encoding = “utf-8” ?>
This declaration states that the rest of the document is XML. The version attribute
specify the version number, which is still 1.0. The encoding property defines the
encoding in which the document is stored on a computer.
2. XHTML documents require a DOCTYPE declaration just after the XML declaration.
A DOCTYPE declaration is the XML mechanism for specifying the document type
declaration (DTD) relevant to the document. The DTD specifies the rules used by the
markup language. You will learn more about the XML and DTD in the unit 3 of this
For example,
<?xml version =”1.0” encoding = “utf-8” ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//w3c//DTD <html>
XHTML 1.1//EN” <head> <title>Document Name</title>
xhtml11.dtd> <link href="name_of_cssFile "
<html rel="stylesheet" />
<head> <script src="name of js
…….. <title>Standard
</head> </head>
content of the document……….. <body>
…….. .....
content of the document…………
Figure 19.0: Standard XHTML and HTML5 Document Structure
3. XHTML document must include the four main tags <html>, <head>, <title> and
<body>. The <html> tag identifies the root element of the document and this element
must use the xmlns attribute to declare the location of the namespace for XHTML
syntax. The only allowed form is :
<html xmlns=>
In the same way, HTML5 document must contain <html>, <head>, <title> and
<body>. Its also include <script> and <link> tag. The link tag is used to include
cascading style sheet and script tag is used for java script file.
The following program creates an Application Form which includes fields such as name,
gender, address, qualification and some other information.
In the example, numbers of elements are used such as title, meta, table, select, fieldset,
legend, optgroup, option, input, textarea, label, footer and anchor. The title and meta elements
are defined in the head portion of the HTML page and rest of the tags are defined in the body
tag. The title tag tells to the users and search engine what the topic of a particular page. The
meta tag is used to provide information about the page to search engine. The method, name
and action attributes are defined within the form element. The name attribute is used to define
a name of the form. It is used to reference form data after the form is submitted. The action
attribute is used to send form data after the form submission. The get method of form element
is used to get requests data from the specified resource which is defined in action attribute.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html><head> <title>IGNOU</title>
<meta name="keywords" content="HTML5, IGNOU, application">
</head><body ><h3><a name="top"> Application Form</a></h3>
<form name="HTMLForm” method="get" action="">
<table border="0">
<tr><td>Name of Applicant:<input type="text" name="FName" size="20" maxlength="50">
<select name="Gender">
<option value="">Male</option><option value="">Female</option>
</td></tr><tr><td >
<fieldset ><legend>Address Details</legend>
Current Address: <input type="text" name="caddress" size="40" maxlength="50" >
<br />
Parmanent Address :<input type="text" name="Paddress" size="40" maxlength="50">
</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>City :
<optgroup label="Assam">
<option value ="">Dibrugarh</option>
<option value ="">Jorhat</option></optgroup>
<optgroup label="Punjab"><option value ="">Amritsar</option>
<option value ="">Jalandhar</option></optgroup>
<select name="country" size="2">
<option value="">India</option><option value="">Nepal</option>
<option value="">Canada</option></select>
<tr><td colspan="2"><table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
width="40%"><tr><td >Examination</td><td >University/Board</td>
<td >Year of Passing</td> <td >Division/Marks</td></tr>
<tr><td >10th</td><td >
<input type="text" name="10_univ" size="20" maxlength="50"></td><td >
<input type="text" name="10_year" size="20" maxlength="50"></td><td >
<input type="text" name="10_div" size="20" maxlength="50"></td></tr>
<tr><td>12th</td><td >
<input type="text" name="12_univ" size="20" maxlength="50"></td><td >
<input type="text" name="12_year" size="20" maxlength="50"></td><td >
<input type="text" name="12_div" size="20" maxlength="50"></td></tr></table>
<td>Other Information<textarea rows="3" cols="40">Enter text
here.....</textarea></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2"><input type="submit" value="Submit"
<footer><hr>© 2013 IGNOU </footer>
<p align="right"><a href="#top" >Return to Top</a></p></body></html>
The table tag is used in conjunction with <tr>, <td> tag for creating row and column. The
border attribute is used to specify border of the table. The value “0” indicates the table is
displayed without border. The <td> element is used to create a table cell. The table cell can
span across more than one column or row by using the rowspan and colspan attributes. The
<select> element is used with option group/option element to create drop down or list box.
When the value of attribute type of <input> element is text, it create a text box for users input
and when the value is submitted, it creates a submit button for submitting page. The
<textarea> element is used for creation of multiple lines of text box for entering some other
information which are not included in the form. The rows and cols attributes of <textarea> is
used to create a larger section for input data.
1. What do you mean by HTML? Differentiate between HTML and XHTML.
2. Write program for header section of the page which include name of IGNOU as heading
and menu bar as Unit1, Unit2, Unit3.
3. Write an html5 program for highlighted text “I am student of IGNOU”.
4. Create footer for web page with copyright symbol.
5. Write a complete web page including header and footer.
1.7 Summary
Web 2.0 is the popular term for advanced internet technology and applications. It allow to
users to actually interact with each other in the form of blogs, social networking site, social
media, wikis and many more. An important part of web 2.0 is the social media, which is the
way to enable people to create social networks online. This network provides online tools for
sending individual messages, photo sharing and online chat. The most famous social
networking site is Facebook. Related to social media is social bookmarking site. Wikis are
website that allows users to add and modify content. Wiki is the multi-lingual, web-based
encyclopaedia Wikipedia.
You have learned more elements and attributes about HTML5. Now, you can able to create a
new webpage using this technology.
1.8 Solutions/Answers
Ans1: Web 2.0 is online communication platforms that facilitate online sharing and
interaction. Tools like blogs, podcasts and message boards are common Web 2.0
Ans2: Search engines are programs that search web page for given keywords and returns a
list of the web pages where the keywords were found. It enables users to search for
web pages on the Internet. The search engines are Google, Yahoo, Bing and many
Ans3: Social media is type of online media where it provides online conversations between
users. It also delivers content but does not allow users to participate in creation or
development of the content. It provides a platform where users are interact by
sharing photos and videos and commenting on them. For example, YouTube, Flickr.
Ans4: Mashups is a web application that retrieved data from two or more external sources to
create entirely new and innovative services. This is a new breed of web based data
integration application
Ans5: Web widget is a component of web and it require web browser. On the other side,
desktop widget is a small application that resides on computer desktop and does not
require web browser.
Both languages HTML/XHTML are used for displaying web pages. XHTML is an
extended version of HTML. XHTML contains all the html tags that follow the rules
of XML because it is a family of XML. The main differences between XHTML and
HTML are as follows:
L provides a shorthand notation for empty elements. For example, you
could use <br/> instead of <br> or </br> which HTML does not.
L elements must always be closed whereas closing tags are often optional in
3. Other
differences between XHTML and HTML are case sensitivity. In XHTML, all
tags must be lowercase. In HTML, it does not matter whether tags are
lowercase, uppercase or a mixture of both.
L documents must have one root element.
L elements must be properly nested.
1) Beginning Web Programming with HTML, XHTML and CSS by Jon Duckett.
Publisher: Wrox.
2) Internet and the World Wide Web by Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel
3) Programming the World Wide Web by Robert W. Sebesta. Publisher:Pearson
4) HTML 4 Unleashed by Rick Darnell. Publisher: Techmedia
5) XHTML 1.0 by S. Graham. Publisher: Wiley
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Objective
2.2 Cascading Style Sheet
2.3 Style Sheet Types
2.3.1 Inline Styles
2.3.2 Embedded Style Sheets
2.3.3 Linking External Style Sheets
2.4 Some Basic Properties in CSS
2.4.1 Font Properties
2.4.2 List Properties
2.4.3 Color Property Value Forms
2.4.4 Alignment of Text
2.5 Selector Forms
2.5.1 Simple Selector
2.5.2 Class Selector
2.5.3 id Selector
2.6 The Box Model
2.7 Background Image
2.8 The <div> and <span>Tags
2.9 CSS Complete Example
2.10 Summary
2.11 Solutions/Answers
2.12 Further Readings
2.0 Introduction
In the previous Unit, you were introduced to some of the tags of HTML5. In each tag of
HTML, you can define a number of attributes that may define the display characteristics,
such as font, color, etc. of the content in the tag. However, this model of putting the display
characteristics inside the tags makes a web site inflexible, inconsistent and difficult to
change. There was a need of separating content of a web page from its presentation (display
in browser). This was made possible by Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). CSS allows
separation of content of web pages from their presentation. The content can be part of an
HTML page, whereas the presentation related information can be moved to CSS. In fact, a
CSS can be used to control the style and layout of multiple html pages all at once. Cascading
Style Sheet is a mechanism for adding style such as background color, font color to web
pages or documents. The W3C, an organization that oversees the development of web
technologies, has released three versions of CSS, namely CSS1 in 1996, CSS2 in 1998 and
the latest version CSS3.
This unit introduces you to CSS and their types. It also explains how style sheet can be
created and used to control the display of web pages on a browser. An external style sheet is a
file that contains only CSS code and it will allow you to change the formatting style in
multiple pages at once. This unit provides a complete example to demonstrate this concept.
You must use CSS while designing web pages as they allow the web pages - to be portable
across browsers; to have a uniform look and feel; to have simpler design. The Websites that
uses CSS are also easier to maintain. Please note that a complete discussion on CSS is
beyond the scope of this Unit, you may refer to further readings and the site for more details on CSS.
2.1 Objectives
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are used to control the presentation of a single or many web
pages. In the earlier web pages, the display attributes were put in the particular tags. One of
the major problems of such a situation was that if you have to insert same style to number of
occurrences of that tag in same or different pages, you have to enter that style in every tag.
Not only this was tedious and time consuming but also are difficult to change. But, if you use
Cascading style sheet, you can set same formatting style to all such tags or elements using a
single rule. This rule can then be applied to all the occurrences of that element.
A style sheet consists of rules that specify how formatting should be applied to particular
elements in a document. In general, a style sheet contains many such rules. Each CSS rule
contains two parts. The first part is selector and the other part is declaration. The selector
indicates which element or elements the declaration applies. In the selector part, the elements
can be separated by commas. The declaration specifies formatting properties for the element.
Figure-1 shows you how to use CSS rule within your document:
In above example, the rule says that all the paragraphs, that is, <p> elements should appear in
Verdana font. Notice that the declaration part is split into two parts namely property and
value separated by colon. The declaration part is always written inside the curly brackets { }.
Semicolon marks the end of a declaration.
A property defines the property of the selected element(s); in this example the property that is
defined is font-family property, which is used for defining a set of fonts that may be used for
display of an element. A value which specifies the value of this property, in this example, it is
Verdana fontface is the value.
The CSS rule given in Figure-2 applies to several elements such as <h1>, <h2> and
<h3>elements. Note that in the example, selector is h1, h2, h3 (separated by comma). The
declaration of the rule specifies several properties for these elements with each property-
value pair separated by a semicolon and all properties are kept inside the curly brackets.
h1, h2, h3{ font-family: verdana, tahoma, arial; font-weight: bold; font-style:italic;}
In Figure 2, the font-family property specifies the font for a heading element. The font-family
property can hold several fonts. This rule specified that the content of each heading element
<h1>, <h2> and <h3> of the related web page will be displayed in bold, italic and Verdana
font. If the Veranda font is not installed on the computer then it will look for Tahoma and
even if Tahoma is not installed then Arial font will be used.
CSS can be attached to a web page in three different ways as discussed in the next section.
More details on CSS properties will be provided in the latter sections.
2.3 Style Sheet Types
In previous section, we have discussed about the CSS rule. A style sheet contains a number of
such rules. In this section, you will learn how to use a style sheet for your documents.
There are three different types of style sheets namely Inline Style, Embedded Style and
Linked External Style Sheets. The inline style sheet is used to control a single element;
embedded style sheet is used to control a single page, while the linked external style sheet is
used to control the entire site. This is discussed in more details in the following sub-sections.
The above syntax appears as a value of the style attribute of any opening tag. Figure 3 shows
an example of an inline style.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<table border="2"><tr><td>Normal TD Cell</td>
<td style="font-family: arial; border-style: solid; background-color: red">
The style given in Figure 3 is application for td tag. It will display cell data in Arial font with
background color red and solid border. The output of Figure3 is as follows:
The following Inline Style Sheet of Figure 4 sets the background color of a paragraph. Please
note that text color and paragraph elements background color have been specified using
hexadecimal numbers.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p style="text-transform: capitalize; background-color:#00FFFF; color:#3300CC;">
css examples for inline style sheet</p>
Using Inline definition, paragraph’s data is converted from lowercase to sentence case form
style with cyan background and blue text color.
The type attribute of the <style> element tell the browser the type of style specification which
is always text/css and rule is written in the following form:
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>
<style type="text/css">
body { background-color: #FF0000; color: #000000;}
h2, h3 {font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #ffffff;}
p { color: #3300FF; font-size:20px;}
<header> HTML: Version 5.0
<h2>New features should be based on HTML, CSS and JavaScript</h2>
<h3>Reduce the need for external plugins (like Flash) </h3>
<p>HTML5 should be device independent</p>
<p>The development process should be visible to the public</p>
<footer><hr>© 2013 IGNOU</footer>
Figure 5: HTML with Embedded stylesheet
The program in Figure 5 demonstrates how you can override the color of one element by
other elements. The color property is defined for body, heading and paragraph elements. The
heading is defined within the section heading element named <header> in white color,
content of paragraph element is displayed in blue color and footer is in black color. The color
of heading and paragraph element overrides the body color. If it is not defined then whole
body text is displayed in black color. The <h2> and <h3> are defined within the <hgroup>
tag. The <hgroup> tag is used to group heading elements when the heading has multiple
levels. The paragraph element is defined within <article> tag. The article tag is used to write
text in article form like newspaper and blog. The <hr> element is used to write a horizontal
row or line as a separator. The copyright symbol is defined using ampersand sign (‘&’) and
2.3.3 Linking External Style Sheets
As discussed earlier the Inline style are applied within the tag and embedded style apply at
document level. In those cases, when style specifications is required in more than one
documents then it must be copied in each document. This is not a good practice. Instead, for
such cases Linked External Style Sheet can be used. Linked External style exists as a separate
file that is linked to a page with the <link> element inside the <head> tag. This file has .css
extension and is referenced with URL. Inside the .css file, all style specifications are written
which are applicable for the document(s). For linking an external style sheet in a web page,
the following command is included:
The <link> element is used to create a link to css style sheets. The rel attribute specifies the
relationship between the document containing link and the document being linked to. The
href attribute specify the URL of the css file.
External style sheets are created with a similar syntax as document level style sheet.
Figure 6 contains an external style sheet which can be linked to an HTML document.
Save these rules into a text file with the extension .css. In this way, you can write many more
elements in .css file. Now, you need to link it to your Web pages.
In example given above, there are defined style sheet rule for only two elements i.e. body and
h1. You can define in .css file as many rule as per your requirements. When you include this
external sheet in your web page, the heading text is displayed in red bold color and times new
roman font with size in 17 pixels. The background-color property is used to display the body
color of the web page, in this example, it is white color. The background-image property is
used to display an image in background of the body of the page. For this, you can define a
path with name of image as a URL of the background-image property.
Precedence of styles
There are several rules that apply to determine the precedence of style sheets. The level of
priority depends on the style definition which is closer to the tag. For this order, linked
external style sheets have lower priority than embedded style sheets, which are of lower
priority than inline style sheets. If the browser did not find any style specification then it uses
default property values of its own.
Figure 7 shows a CSS file and related HTML code as well as display of HTML file in a
browser window.
HTML file
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="ignou.css" type="text/css" >
<style>p{ color:green;}</style>
<p style="color:red;">BCA:BCS053</p>
Consider the following example for the above definition. In this case, content of heading will
be display in red with light grey background.
For more rules, you may please refer to the website
2. Define the term ‘Rule’ in respect of CSS.
3. What are different ways to apply styles to a Web page?
4. What is embedded style sheet? Explain with example.
5. What is external Style Sheet? How to link?
2.4 Some Basic Properties in CSS
In the previous sections, you have gone through the basics of style sheet and how to use them
along with the web document. This section and next section provides details on some of the
properties relating to font, lists, color and alignment of text. A detailed discussion on all the
properties is beyond the scope of this Unit. However, you may refer to for more details on various properties.
font-family Property:
The font-family property allows you to specify typefaces that should be used for the text. The
typeface is the name of font.
For example:
In this case, the browser will use arial if it support that font. If not, it will use verdana if it
supports it. If the browser supports neither arial nor verdana, it will use sans-serif. If the
browser does not support any of the specified fonts then it will use a default font of its own. If
font name has more than one word like Times New Roman, the whole name should be
delimited by single quotes as ‘Times New Roman’.
font-size Property:
The font-size property is used to specify a size of the text. You can specify a size value for
this property in several ways:
Absolute Size: xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large
Length: px, pt, em, cm, mm
Relative Size: smaller, larger
Percentage: 2%, 10%, 25%, 50%
You can use any of the above value for this property. The most common unit is px for pixels.
The pt (points) may also be used. For other ways you may refer to further readings.
The following example shows font-size property using different units for heading <h1> to
h1 { font-size: medium; }
h2 { font-size: 18px; }
h3 { font-size: 14pt; }
h4 { font-size: 10%; }
font-weight Property:
This property is used to define a degree of boldness of text. Some value for this property is
normal, bold, bolder, lighter, 100 and 200.
For example: The following example shows font-weight property using normal and bold as
an value for heading element <h4> and <h5>.
h4{font-weight: normal ;}
h5{font-weight: bold ;}
font-style Property:
The font-style property is used to specify a normal and italic font for the text.
In following example, normal font style is defined for heading 5 and italic font style for
heading 6.
h5{ font-style: normal; }
h6{ font-style: italic; }
font Property:
This font property is used as shorthand to declare all of the font properties at once. Consider
the following specifications:
<p style="font: bold italic 12pt verdana">BCS053</p>
This specifies that the font weight should be bold, font style should be italic, font size should
be 12 points in verdana typeface.
list-style-type Property:
The list-style-type property is used for specifying the ‘list style type’. Using this property,
you can set different list item marker for ordered and unordered lists.
For example: In the following example, there are two classes are defined i.e. ‘a’ and ‘b’
which is used with ordered list and another two classes ‘c’ and ‘d’ is used with <li> element
of unordered list. When you are used class ‘a’, the list item of ordered list is displayed in
lower-roman form. Using class ‘b’, list item are marked as upper-alpha. For unordered list,
using class c and d, list markers are displayed in square and circle form.
list-style-position Property:
The list-style-position property indicates position of the list item marker. This property
contains two values: inside and outside. The inside value places the marker inside the display
box and outside places them outside the box. By default, the value of list-style-position
property is outside.
The following example shows that the list style positions for ordered and unordered list. For
unordered list, list style position of item marker are placed inside the box and for ordered list,
position of item marker are outside the box.
ul {list-style-position: inside ;}
ol {list-style-position: outside ;}
list-style-image Property:
Using this property, you can specify an image as list item marker for unordered list. This
property takes precedence over the type of marker specified by the list-style-type property.
For example: When you are applied the following rule in your page, list item marker are
displayed as an image for unordered list.
ul { list-style-image: url(; }
list-style Property:
This property is used to set all the properties of list in one declaration.
For example:
ul { list-style: circle inside url(; }
ol { list-style: upper-roman outside ; }
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h3> Example of Color property</h3>
<ul><li style="color:red"> as name</li>
<li style="color:#6600CC"> as hexadecimal number</li>
<li style="color:rgb(40%,70%,20%)"> as RGB Form in percentage</li>
<li style="color:rgb(176,48,96)"> as RGB Form in decimal number</li>
Figure 9 uses the color property using inline style sheet for unordered list. The color code is
defined in different forms such as simple color name, hexadecimal number and RGB form.
<!DOCTYPE html>
h2 {text-align:center}
h3 {text-align:right}
p {text-align:justify}
<h1>CSS text-align Example</h1>
<h2> Alignment of text is centre</h2>
<h3>Alignment of text is right</h3>
<b>By default, it is left</b>
<p>The Alignment of text is <span style="font-weight:bold;"> justified</span>.
stretches the lines so that each line has equal width. </p>
Figure 10: Styles of Text Alignment
The above CSS text-align property example shows the all forms of text alignment such as
left, right, centre and justify.
As the names indicate that the selectors are used to ‘select’ element or group of elements on
an HTML page. In other words, you can say that selector is a pattern which can apply to
different element(s). By using the selector, you can select elements in several ways. The
general form of selector is as follows:
Selector{property: value;}
In the above case, rule is written for all the <p> elements in a page. The text is displayed in a
bold and green color. The following rule is described for grouped selectors in which rule is
written once but it apply to more than one selector. This is way of shorthand writing of CSS
rule. The rule is applied to both the heading elements.
Class selector is used to apply same style specifications to the content of more than one kind
of elements with HTML class attribute. In style specification definition, the class attribute is
defined with a name which is preceded with a period. Then, in the body of pages, you refer to
these attribute name to activate the element tag. The general syntax for a Class selector is:
.ClassSelectorName {Property:Value;}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<style type="text/css">
<h3 class="bgcolor_tag">Heading is display with background color yellow.</h3>
<p class="bgcolor_tag">Paragraph is defined with background color yellow.</p>
In Figure 11, same class selector is used for heading and paragraph element. You have seen
both the elements <h3> and <p> have background-color in yellow. Class selector is also used
when you want to specify the style definition to a specific element then you can use element
name followed by dot and class selector name. Consider the following example,
<!DOCTYPE html>
<style type="text/css">
p.format {color:red; text-decoration:underline;font-size:20px; font-family:algerian; }
<p>This is normal paragraph</p>
<p class="format">This paragraph is defined with style specification</p>
</BODY></HTML> Figure 11: Class selector for an element
2.5.3 id Selector
The id selector is used to select any element in an html page with specific or unique id. In
style definition, id attribute is defined with hash character “#”. ID selectors are similar to
class selectors. The difference between an ID and a class is that an ID can be used to identify
one element, whereas a class can be used to identify more than one element. The general
syntax for an ID selector is:
For example:
Source code for id selector:
<!DOCTYPE html>
color:red; font-weight:bold;
<body><p id="para1">This is an example of id selector.</p>
Result: The paragraph text is displayed in red color with yellow background and text-
transform property is converted the lowercase letter to uppercase.
5. Explain different forms of color notation in External Style Sheet definition.
2.6 The Box Model
In a document, each element is represented as a rectangular box. In CSS, each of these
rectangular boxes is described using the box model. Each box has four edges: the margin
edge, border edge, padding edge, and content edge. Each edge may be broken down into a
top, right, bottom, and left edge. This model is shown in the Figure 14.
The innermost area of box model is content area where the text and images appears. The
content area is measured by width and height in terms of pixel and percentages. The padding
is the space between the content area of the box and its border which is affected by the
background color of the box. The border is surrounding area of padding and content. The
border is affected by the background color of the box. Every element has a property, border-
style. You can set the four sides of element with border-left-style, border-right-style, border-
top-style and border-bottom-style. The outermost area of box model is margin which is
completely invisible. It has no background color. Like border edge, margin edge has the
properties margin-top, margin-bottom, margin-left, margin-right and padding have
padding-left, padding-right, padding-top and padding-bottom which is applies to all four
sides of an element.You can set these properties in following manner for any element:
<!DOCTYPE html>
p { background: white; border: 20px solid blue;
margin-top: 20px; margin-right: 20px;
margin-bottom: 20px; margin-left: 20px;
padding-top: 20px; padding-right: 20px;
padding-bottom: 20px; padding-left: 20px; }
<h1>BOX Model Example</h1> 16
<p> Content Area.........</p>
Figure 14: An example of text style specification using Box Model
You can set all four values using the following shorthand:
For example :
padding: 0 0 0 0;
p{padding:20px 15px;} means top and bottom padding are 20px, right and left padding are
15px. In shorthand, you can write p{padding:15px;} means all four paddings are 15px.
In the similar way, you can define the margin property also.
Background image, as the name implies, are part of the BACKGROUND of a web page. In
HTML page, the most common place to add a background image is the body tag.
The background-image property is used to place an image in the background of an element.
You can set the background image for a page in CSS like this:
body {background-image:url(;}
By default, the image is repeated so it covers the entire element. This repetition is called
tiling. Tiling is controlled by the background-repeat property which take the value
repeat(by default), repeat-x, repeat-y and no-repeat. The repeat-x value means that the
image is to be repeated only horizontally, repeat-y means to be repeating vertically and no-
repeat specifies that only one copy of the image is to be displayed. You can also set the
position for an image by using the background-position property which includes values
top, center, left, right and bottom. You can set these values in different combinations i.e. right
top, top left, bottom right and top center.
<!DOCTYPE html>
background-position: top left;
<h1>CSS Background Example</h1></body></html>
In the above example, only one copy of image named ‘logo.jpg’ will be display in top left
corner of the screen. You can also use the shorthand property for the above CSS code:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>CSS Background Example</h1>
<p> The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), established by an Act of
Parliament in 1985, has continuously striven to build an inclusive knowledge society
through inclusive education. It has tried to increase the Gross Enrollment Ratio
(GER) by offering high-quality teaching through the Open and Distance Learning
(ODL) mode. 18
<p>The University began by offering two academic programmes in 1987, i.e.,
Diploma in Management and Diploma in Distance Education, with strength of 4,528
Figure 16: Using Background Image
In the above example of background, only one copy of image will be display in the centre of
the page. The background-attachment property is used to fix the position of the image. If the
length of content is large, then page will be scroll but the image position is fixed in the centre.
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>BCA:BCS-053</title>
.format{color:#FF0000; background-color:#99FFCC;}
#edit{background-color:#9966CC; color:#FFD700;}
<h2>Div& Span Tags Example</h2>
<div id="edit"> 19
<ul><li><span class="format">Republic Day </span>
of India which is celebrated on 26<sup>th</sup> January. </li>
<li> India gained its independence on
Figure 17: Example of use of <div> and <span> tags
In the above program, the highlighted text ‘Republic Day’ and ‘15thAugust 1947’ are
displayed in red text color and cyan background by <span> element and rest of the yellow
text with purple background by <div> element. Div tags can be used for organising different
sections of a web page using different position attributes. A detailed discussion on this is
beyond the scope of this Unit. However, we explain the essence of this with the help of
example in the next section.
In earlier websites, frames and tables were used to organise contents of different web pages.
However, div tag and float property provides an alternative to such web page design. The
following example explains such a design in more details. Sometimes it is referred to as table
less web layout. It is a method of web design and development without the use of HTML
tables for page layout control purposes. Using the DIV-based layout, you can change the
entire look of the website by just changing the definitions in the CSS file. The CSS float
property is a very important property for layout. You cannot float every element on a Web
page. It can be used only for block-level elements such as images (<img>), paragraphs (<p>),
divisions (<div>) and lists (<ul>).
The float property is used to specify an element to float either left or right in a web page. It
has different property values such as left - the element floats to the left and right - the element
floats to the right. Another CSS property, clear is used to clear the floated elements. It has
three options such as left – clears all left-floated elements, right – clears all right–floated
elements and both - clears all floated elements.
In the given example, the web page contains five sections i.e. Header - display a heading,
Left – used for menu like navigation, Content - text of the web page, Right – display events
details and Footer - for copyright information. The external style sheet is created for this
example named CSSLayout.css. Another file main.html is also created for the web page. The
CSSLayout.css file is included in main document using link element. Inside the
CSSLayout.css file, all style specifications are written which applicable for the main
.container{width:100%; }
Please note that .container, .left, .header, .content and .footer are all classes. The property of
these classes has been defined in the CSS given above. Please also note how are they refered
in the main.html file.
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="CSSLayout.css" /></head><body>
<div class="container">
<div class="header">Indira Gandhi National Open University<br>SOCIS</div>
<div class="container">
<div class="left"><menu>
<li><a href="About.html">About Us</a></li>
<li>Contact Us</li>
<div class="content"><h3>Table Less DIV Based Layout using Float</h3>
Content within a div tag will take up as much space as it can, namely 100% of
the width of the current location, or the page. So, to affect the location of a
section without forcing it to a fixed width, you can change the padding or the
margin elements. </div>
<div class="right">Event<br>
<p>Unit 1: Web 2.0 and HTML5<br>
Unit 2: Style Sheets<br>Unit 3: XML<br>
Unit 4: JavaScript<br>Unit 5: WAP & WML</p></details>
<p>Datesheet for BCA students</p></details>
<p>Prospectus for BCA students</p></details>
Figure 18: HTML2013
<div class="footer"><footer><hr>© file with CSSIGNOU. Design&
developed by PoonamTrikha</footer></div>
Figure 19 : HTML File - main.html
Figure 20: Output of Figure 19 HTML file using CSS of Figure 18
In the above output screen-1, header part shows the heading of the page and left column show
the navigation item names such as About Us, Programme, Results and Contact Us. The
navigation names are displayed by using the menu element. (You can remove the dots in this
list using a CSS property; it is left as an exercise for you.) Please note that each of these
navigation elements is pointing to another html file. The centre part is for writing the text of
the web page and right column is displayed the events & schedule for the students by using
details and summary tags. The <summary> tag defines a visible heading for the <details>
element. You can click on the heading to view/hide the details. In this example program, the
heading BCS053 and Date sheet is displaying the summary information and prospectus
heading hide the details. The second output screen shows the same information regardless the
position of the left and right column. For the second program, you can write the same
program and just exchange the position of left and right column.
The difference between the following program and the above program is that the position of
left column is replaced with the right column and vice versa. You can run the above and
following program to see differences. Please note that the program is run only in Google
Chrome due to the <summary> and <details> tags.
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="CSSLayout.css" />
<div class="container">
<div class="header">Indira Gandhi National Open University<br>
<div class="container">
<div class="left">Event<br>
<p>Unit 1: Web 2.0 and HTML5<br>Unit 2: Style Sheets
<br>Unit 3: XML<br>Unit 4: JavaScript
<br>Unit 5: WAP & WML</p></details>
<p>Datesheet for BCA students</p></details>
<p>Prospectus for BCA students</p></details>
Figure 21: An HTML program
2.10 Summary
You have learned more about the Cascading Style Sheet. It is a mechanism for adding styles
such as font, color, images in background to web pages. The CSS specifications are
maintained by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). There are three ways to include
CSS code in your web pages viz., inline, embedded and external. In inline style definition,
you can include the style definition within the tag. Inline styles are easy and quick to add.
You do not need to create a whole new document as with external style sheets. The inline
style sheet has high precedence over the other embedded and external style sheet. But, Inline
style is not the best way to design a web page because it can be more difficult to find out
where a style definition or rule is being set. Instead of using Inline style, you can use
embedded style definition in your page. It is placed within the head section of the page. But
the best way to include style in your web pages is external style sheet. In external style sheet,
you can write style rules once and it is reflected in all the web pages in your site. You have
also learned about the font, list, color property and box model. In CSS, box model is used for
the layout of the web page. The div is most of the important element in html because in
combination with CSS properties, it can give more effect in web pages. You can use any
element in div tag. By using div tag, you can create a block level section in the web page.
Each section can have its own formatting. Span is similar to div element. Both divide the
content into individual sections. The difference is that span goes into a finer level, so you can
span to format a single character if needed. In this unit, there is more exercise for you in form
of questions.
You have learned HTML5 (in previous unit) and CSS rules. Now, you can design simple web
page using CSS. Try to develop web sites by linking various web pages.
2.11 Solutions/Answers
The CSS rule is a way of writing a code that allows web designers to define styles definition
easily and effectively for HTML pages. For example, <p style=”font-weight: bold”>some
There are three ways to insert CSS into web pages by using inline, document or embedded
level and external style sheet. In inline style definition, you can include the style definition
within the tag. In document level, it is placed within the head section of the page. But the best
way to include style in your web pages is external style sheet. In external style sheet, you can
write style rules once and it is reflected in all the web pages in your site.
Check Your Progress 2
The text-align property is used for horizontal alignment of the text. By default, it is left. Text
can either be aligned to the left, right, centred and justify.
The font-family property specifies the font for an element. The font-family property can hold
several font names such as arial, Tahoma and many more. If the browser does not support the
first font, it tries the next font and so on.
<p style="font-family: verdana, tahoma, arial;">
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Welcome to 5th Semester</title>
Ans.4:<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>BCA:BCS053</title></head><body>
<b>This line is BOLD</b><br><u>This line is UNDELINED</u><br>
<i>This line is ITALICS</i><br><small>The font of this line is small </Small><br>
You can use different color notation for the web page such as color name, hexadecimal form
and RGB form. You can use the following program for the color notation. You can write
external style sheet for the program as the following named style.css:
Now, you can include the above style.css file in the following program:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" >
</head><body><h3> Example of Color property</h3>
<b><p class="a">Color property as name</p>
<p class="b">Color property as hexadecimal number</p>
<p class="c">Color property as RGB Form in decimal number</p>
<p class="d">Color property as RGB Form in percentage</p></b>
You can placed anything between /* and */ in CSS is considered as a comment. Comments
are ignored by the web browser.
The term ‘box model’ is used in CSS-based layout and design. Every element in HTML can
be considered as a box, so the box model applies to all html and xhtml elements. Each box
has four edges: the margin edge, border edge, padding edge, and content edge. Each edge
may be broken down into a top, right, bottom, and left edge.
body { background-image:url(; background-repeat:no-repeat;
background-attachment:fixed; background-position:center; }
The <div> element is used to define the style of whole sections of the HTML page whereas
the <span> element is used to style a part of a text. Div is a block-level element, while span is
an inline element.
The CSS padding properties define the space between the element border and the element
content. In CSS, it is used to specify different padding to all four sides of an element. For
example :
1) Beginning Web Programming with HTML, XHTML and CSS by Jon Duckett.
Publisher: Wrox.
2) HTML & CSS :design and build website by Jon Duckett.
3) Programming the World Wide Web by Robert W. Sebesta. Publisher:Pearson
4) HTML 4 Unleashed by Rick Darnell. Publisher: Techmedia
Unit 3: Introduction to XML
3.0 Introduction
3.1 Objectives
3.2 What is XML?
4.2.1 Need of XML
4.2.2 Various Terms of XML
4.2.3 XML Document Structure
4.2.4 XML Namespaces
3.3 Validating XML Documents
4.3.1 Document Type Definitions (DTD)
4.3.2 XML Schemas
3.4 Displaying XML files
4.4.1 XML CSS
4.4.2 XML XSLT
3.5 Summary
3.6 Answers to Check Your Progress
3.7 References
3.0 Introduction
In the first two Units of this Block you have gone through the concepts of
HTML and Stylesheets. HTML is a Markup Language that uses standard tags,
XML extends those tags to the domain of user defined tags. Therefore, this
Unit will help you to go deeper into the aspects of topics covered in Unit1
and Unit 2. To design a cleaner HTML pages, knowledge of XML is useful.
This unit will help you to write the valid xml, with formatting features using
style sheets, that you have studied in the Unit 2.
3.1 Objectives
XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language. Very much like HTML, XML is
also a markup language. The essence of XML is in its name:
It lets you define your own tags. Tags are displayed in the same order as
they are defined in your xml document.
The basic building block of any xml document is its tags, also called as
elements. These are very much similar to the ones which are being used at
XML is a language similar to HTML, though more flexible giving you option to
create your own custom tags. Basically we can call it as meta-language also
as it allows us to define or create other languages.
XML provides users the flexibility to define their own tags. Using meaningful
tags you can structure the data, which makes it easier to transport later on
and define their document structure
XML, as a document, does not do anything. It is the software which uses this
document to connect with the Database and does the processing of data.
XML is recommended by W3C as well, in Feb’98 for the purpose of storing
and transporting data. XML is so flexible and powerful that it was used for
creating other Internet Languages such as XHTML(Extensible HyperText
Markup Language), WML(Wireless Markup Language), SMIL(Synchronized
Multimedia Integration Language) etc. In HTML, users are supposed to use
pre-defined tags only such as <p>, <table>, <b>, <i> etc. thus providing
limited flexibility to the users.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Write this text in simple notepad and save it with the extension “.xml”. Now,
open this file using Internet Explorer (or any other browser) and you will see
the output as:
Figure 2: Display of XML program of Figure 1 in a Browser
Unlike in HTML, in XML you have to put an end tag to close open element
tag, use similar capitalization in opening and closing tags, and don’t use
improperly nested tags. Please note that XML tags are case sensitive, that
is.<text1> tag is different from <Text1> or <TEXT1> tag. If opening tag is
<text1> and closing tag is </Text1>, document will be incorrect.
A markup construct begins with < and ends with >. Tags are defined as:
An element is logical part of a document that begins with start tag and ends
with a matching end-tag. It can also contain an empty- element tag. The
characters between start-tag and end-tag are the element’s content, and
may also contain other elements which are called as child elements.
For Example:
<para1>sample text1</para1>
<para2>sample text2</para2>
Here, <document> is the element and <para1>, <para2> are the child
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Figure 4: Modified version of Figure 3
The First line is the XML declaration. This line identifies the XML version
and the encoding used. In Figure 6, XML version is 1.0 and the encoding
is ISO-8859-1, a standard coding close to ASCII.
The next line is the root element of the document. It describes that this
document defines a document structure named test.
Next 2 lines contain the 2 child elements of the root element test.
The last line describes the end of the root element.
Comments can be written in XML document in the same way as are
written in an HTML document. For example, <!—This is a comment-->
All the XML documents must have the ROOT Element. An XML document can
be described as a tree. The ROOT element marks the beginning and end of
the document tree. Each XML document may have the nested level of the
sub-elements, attributes, text. For Example:
</ Node1>
<subNode1.1>Text Here!!!<subNode1.1>
</ Node2>
Here < subNode1> and < subNode2> are the sub-elements of <Node1>.
<subNode1> and <subNode2> are the 1st level of nesting for <Node2>.
Another important point is that Attribute values shall always be quoted. For
Empty-Element tag
Some elements are said to be empty like <br>, <img>. In <img> all
information is contained in its attributes. <br> doesn’t signify any value or
attributes, it just means a line break. For empty elements, we need not
specify their closing tags. For example,
The / at the end signifies that the element starts and ends here. It is an
efficient shortcut method to mark up empty elements.
<car type=”MUV”>
<car type=”SEDAN”>
<name>Honda City</name>
In this example,
<car> also has one attribute - “type” having various values such as ”SUV”,
“MUV” & “SEDAN”. Based on their attribute values, text contents for the
following sub-elements are mentioned:
While designing the XMLs, you shall follow certain rules as mentioned below:
Now, while naming the XML documents also, you shall follow certain rules
such as:
Names cannot start with the letters xml (or XML, or Xml, etc.).
Other than these, any name can be used, as no words are reserved.
XML allows you to define your own documents freely thus providing flexibility
and open scope. But it is a strong possibility that, when combining XML
contents from different sources, there could be inconsistencies between
codes in which the same element name may serve very different
purposes. For example, if you are creating xml document for a bookstore,
your use of <title> tag may be used for book’s title. A doctor may use the
<title> to track patient’s formal titles (like Mr., Mrs., Dr., Ms. etc.) on the
medical records. While trying to combine these xmls in one system, problem
will arise.
For Example:
<f:bookname>You can Win!!!</f:bookname>
<f:author>Shiv Kheda</f:author>
eference :
In this example, the xmlns attribute in the <title> tag give the h: and f:
prefixes a qualified namespace. So there will not be any name conflict due to
same <title> - element name, both having different contents and meanings.
When a namespace is defined for an element, all child elements with the
same prefix are associated with the same namespace. Namespaces can be
declared in the elements where they are used or in the XML root element.
You can also define default namespaces, which will help you in not prefixing
any element in the xml document, e.g.:
<root xmlns=
Reference :
An XML document can be created by you using your own tags. Therefore,
there should be a way by which you can find if the created document is valid
that is uses correct tags as defined by you. XML provides two major ways of
validating XML documents - Document Type Definitions and XML Schema.
For validations or any other processing an in-built XML parser is used. Parser
is used for “reading” the xml file, analyzing the markup and getting its
contents according to the structure, in a program. Let us explain this by the
following example:
Here is the structure of an XML file:
The data structure is a class, having 2 string variables (soup, vegetable) and
you parse the xml with tag values such as :
Parse(xml, obj)
It will be interpreted as :
Obj[soup:’tomato’; vegetable:’cabbage’ ]
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE test [
Now, run this XML in the browser and the result would be displayed like this:
Figure 11: Display of XML file of Figure 10
You can see the source for the doctype definition. The DTD shown in Figure
10 can be interpreted as:
•!DOCTYPE test defines that the root element of this document is test
•!ELEMENT text1, !ELEMENT text2 and ELEMENT text3 define that text1,
text2 and text3 elements are of the type "#PCDATA" (explained later)
The test.dtd is :
Please note the use of term PCDATA in Figure 10 and 12. It means parsed
character data. PCDATA is text that WILL be parsed by a parser. The text
will be examined by the parser for entities and markup. Tags inside the text
will be treated as markup and entities will be expanded.
However, parsed character data should not contain any &, <, or >
characters; these need to be represented by the & < and >
entities, respectively.
Some time you will find the term CDATA. It means character data. Think of
character data as the text found between the start tag and the end tag of an
XML element. CDATA is text that will NOT be parsed by a parser. Tags inside
the text will NOT be treated as markup and entities will not be expanded.
<!ATTLIST car price CDATA "100000">
Valid XML:
<car price ="1000000" />
In this example, the ”car” element is defined to be empty element with price
attribute of TYPE CDATA . If no price is specified, it has default value of 1 L.
<!ELEMENT car >
Valid XML:
<car price ="1000000" />
Here “car’ element is defined WITH REQUIRED attribute value. If no price is
specified, XML parser will throw an error. So, user is forced to specify the
<!ELEMENT car >
Valid XML:
<car price ="1000000" />
Here “car’ element is defined with IMPLIED attribute value. It means user is
not forced to specify any price value nor any default value is available for
You can also used FIXED keyword in the attributes. The following is the
syntax of this element.
<!ATTLIST element-name attribute-name attribute-type #FIXED "value">
Valid XML:
Invalid XML:
Use the #FIXED keyword when you want an attribute to have a fixed value
without allowing the author to change it. If an author includes another value,
the XML parser will return an error.
Limitations of DTDs:
XML Schemas are eXtensible, because they are written in XML. So they can
be used in:
XMLs schemas also support data types, so with this support it is simple to:
Here XML date data type requires the format as “yyyy-mm-dd”, thus avoid
any chances of confusion.
XML Schema has a lot of built-in data types. The most common types are:
- xs:string
- xs:decimal
- xs:integer
- xs:Boolean
- xs:date
- xs:time
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs=""
<xs:element name="test">
<xs:element name="text1" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="text2" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="text3" type="xs:string"/>
In this XSD file, <schema> element is the root element of every XML
schema It has following attributes.
it says that the data types and elements are from this default namespace.
it indicates that the elements defined by this schema
(test,text1,text2,text3) come from the “”
it indicates that the default namespace is “”
it says that any element declared in this schema, shall be used by only those
XML instance document which use the same namespace i.e.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<test xmlns=""
xsi:schemaLocation=" test.xsd">
<test xmlns=””>
the default namespace is “”.
the elements(test, text1, text2, text3) and data types used in the schema
are from the “” namespace.
It also specifies that elements and attributes that come from the
“” namespace shall be
prefixed with xsi:
xsi:schemaLocation=" test.xsd">
First value is the namespace used for all the elements in the xml file and
second value is the location of the xml schema used for that namespace.
XML elements can contain values for various data types available.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<toyType>Cartoon Characters</toyType>
In the previous section, you have gone through the methods of validating
XML document. You must have noticed that an XML document is plain text
file just like HTML files and is displayed in a browser, in a tree-like structure.
Browser does not contain any information about the way content inside a tag
may be displayed. Therefore, to enhance the readability, you can add some
style to it. This can be done using css i.e. Cascading Style Sheets. CSS files
are applied to HTML as well to enhance the readability. An XML document
can be displayed in a web browser using a CSS and a XSLT. The following
sections describe them in details:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="ss.css"?>
<text1>My First XML with style!!!</text1>
<text2>Let's have coffee after dinner!</text2>
<text3>After that, shall we go for a long drive?</text3>
You can enhance the css by adding more formatting features, and that shall
reflect on the xml document. Similarly you can also try code using
embedded or inline style sheets like you do in HTML. A detailed discussion of
this topic is beyond the scope of this Unit. You may refer to further readings
for more details on this topic.
- On the server
- On the client (for example, web browser)
- With a standalone program
The following example explains how the transformation takes place on the
client, this time instead of css, you will link xml document with the xsl file.
The code for the xml file is as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="transform.xsl"?>
<text1>My First XML with style using XSLT!!!</text1>
<text2>Let's have coffee after dinner!</text2>
<text3>After that, shall we go for a long drive?</text3>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:template match="/">
<title>XML XSL Example</title>
<style type="text/css">
<h2>XML Transformation into HTML</h2>
<xsl:template match="test">
<span class="test-text1"><xsl:value-of select="text1"/></span>
<span class="test-text2"><xsl:value-of select="text2"/></span>
<span class="test-text3"><xsl:value-of select="text3"/></span>
i. 2.
<text1>XML formatting with XSLT!!!</text1>
<text2>Let's have coffee after dinner!</text2>
<text3>After that, shall we go for a long drive?</text3>
3.5 Summary
In this unit, you have studied a basic introduction of XML and its document
structure. XML is a useful language that has immense potential in storing
and transmitting data. An XML document needs to be checked, if it is as per
some defined tagging format. You have seen how to validate and display any
XML document and how are namespaces being used in these. Finally you
have gone through the concept of conversion of XML document to a simple
HTML document for the purpose of display. Please note that this Unit only
introduces you to XML, however, if you want more details on XML, you must
refer to some of the web sites specified in the further readings.
Names cannot start with the letters xml (or XML, or Xml, etc)
2. Limitations of DTDs:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<toyType>Cartoon Characters</toyType>
And the code for XSD is :
<xs:element name="toyFactory">
<xs:element name="toyType" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="toyName" type="xs:string"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE toyFactory SYSTEM "toyDTDExample.dtd">
<toyType>Cartoon Characters</toyType>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:template match="/">
<title>XML XSL Example</title>
<style type="text/css">
<p>- A very Interesting example!!!</p>
<xsl:template match="test">
<span class="test-text1"><xsl:value-of
<span class="test-text2"><xsl:value-of
<span class="test-text3"><xsl:value-of
<text1>XML formatting with XSLT!!!</text1>
<text2>Let's have coffee after dinner!</text2>
<text3>After that, shall we go for a long drive?</text3>
3.7 References
Document Object Model
4.0 Introduction
4.1 Objectives
4.2 DOM Levels
4.2.1 HTML DOM
4.2.2 HTML DOM Nodes
4.2.3 HTML DOM Node Tree
4.2.4 Node Parents, Children and Siblings
Check Your Progress 1
4.3 Accessing Element in Java script
4.3.1 Method
4.3.2 Property
4.4 Traversing a DOM Tree
4.4.1 Node List
4.4.2 Node List Length
4.4.3 Node Relationship
4.4.4 Root Nodes
4.4.5 childNodes and nodeValue
4.5 Modifying a DOM Tree
4.5.1 Modifying HTML Content
4.5.2 Modifying HTML Style
4.5.3 Creating New Elements
4.5.4 Removing Existing Elements
4.5.5 Replacing Elements
4.6 DOM Collections and Styles
Check Your Progress 2
4.7 Events
4.7.1 How Events Work
4.7.2 Reacting to Events
4.7.3 HTML Event Attributes
4.7.4 Assign Events Using the HTML DOM
Check Your Progress 3
4.8 Dynamic Documents using JavaScript
4.9 About AJAX
Check Your Progress 4
4.10 Summary
4.11 Answers to Check Your Progress
4.12 Further Readings
Document Object Model
In the first two Units of this block you have gone through the concepts of Web 2.0,
HTML and CSS. Every web browser window displays a HTML document. The
window object represents a window. This window has a document property which
refers to a document object. The document object has objects that represent the
content of the document. The HTML documents can contain text, hyperlinks, images,
forms etc. All this content of the document can be directly accessed and manipulated
by JavaScript code. A DOM is an API that defines how to access the objects that
compose a document.
"Dynamic HTML" was the immediate ancestor of the Document Object Model.
DHTML was thought of largely in terms of browsers. The DOM originated as a
specification to allow JavaScript scripts and Java programs to be portable among Web
This Unit explains the Document Object Model in details. It also explains the
concepts of events and how JavaScript can be used to handle DOM and events.
After going through this unit, you should be able to:
define the Document Object Model
write JavaScript code to handle HTML DOM
create documents and navigate through their structures
handle events using JavaScript
add, modify and delete elements and content;
The Level 0 DOM – these are by all browsers which are Netscape 2 and onwards.
The two Intermediate DOMs- these are supported by NS 4 and IE 4 and 5.
The Level 1 DOM (W3C DOM) – these are supported by Mozilla, IE 5 and
"DOM is language and platform independent interface which permits programs and
scripts to dynamically access/ update the content, structure, and style of a document."
Core DOM
Document Object Model
In this unit, we will be discussing about HTML DOM only.
The HTML DOM defines the objects and properties of all HTML elements. It also
defines the methods required to access HTML elements. In other words “The HTML
DOM is a standard for how to fetch, modify, add, or delete HTML elements.”
With the HTML DOM, all nodes in the tree can be accessed, modified, deleted and
created by JavaScript.
Document Object Model
Except the root, each node has one parent.
There is no limit on the number of children, a node can have.
Sibling nodes are the nodes with the same parent.
The following image illustrates a part of the node tree and the relationship between
the nodes:
Root Element
Parent Node Parent Node
First Child
Last Child
Next Sibling
<title>Welcome to IGNOU</title>
<h1>Courses Offered</h1>
<p>Computer Science</p>
Document Object Model
4. Describe the HTML DOM with an example?
4.3.1 Method
A method is an action, we can take. The action can be to add or modify an element.
Refer to table given below for methods used to access an HTML element in different
Method Purpose
Example: Get the element with id as “university” from the given document.
Example 2: Retrieve a list of all <p> elements that are descendants (children,
grand-children, etc.) of the element with id="university" from the given document.
4.3.2 Property
A property is a value that we can fetch or set , e.g. it can be the name or content of a
Property Description
Document Object Model
To fetch the content of an element
innerHTML Useful for getting or replacing the content of
HTML element
Following code gets the innerHTML from the <p> element with id="university":
< html>
< body>
< script>
var txt=document.getElementById("university").innerHTML;
< /script>
< /body>
< /html>
The nodeName property specifies the name of a
nodeName is read-only
nodeName of an element node is the same as
the tag name
nodeName of an attribute node is the attribute
nodeName of a text node is always #text
nodeName of the document node is always
Following example retrieves the text node value of the <p id="university"> tag
from the given document.
< html>
< body>
< p id="university"> Welcome to IGNOU </p>
< script type="text/javascript">
Document Object Model
< /script>
< /body>
< /html>
The nodeType property returns the type
of node. nodeType is read only.
if(n.nodeType == 3 /*Node.TEXT_NODE*/ =;
We can traverse the DOM tree using node relationships in HTML DOM.
Example: Select all <p> element nodes in a document and access the second <p>
var x=document.getElementsByTagName("p");
y= x[1]; //as the index starts at 0.
The “length” property defines the number of nodes in a node-list. We can loop
through a node-list by using the “length” property.
Document Object Model
Example: Get all <p> element nodes. For each <p> element, output the value of its
text node
var x=document.getElementsByTagName("p");
for (i=0;i<x.length;i++) // loop through <p> elements, no. of <p> nodes =x.length
document.write(x[i].innerHTML); // output the value of text node
document.write(“<br />”);
< html>
< body>
< /body>
< /html>
Example: This example demonstrates the use of “firstChild” property to access the
text of an element. The output of this script will be Welcome to IGNOU, which is the
text of the <p> element (the firstChild of the <body> element).
< html>
< body>
< p id="university">Welcome to IGNOU</p>
< script>
< /script>
< /body>
< /html>
Document Object Model
We can access the full document by using these two special properties :
< html>
< body>
< script>
< /script>
< /body>
< /html>
childNodes and nodeValue properties can also be used to get the content of an
element, in addition to the innerHTML property.
The following code gets the value of the <p> element with id="university":
< html>
< body>
< script>
var txt=document.getElementById("university").childNodes[0].nodeValue;
< /script>
< /body>
< /html>
Document Object Model
Example: This example demonstrates how to change the HTML content of a <p>
element. Here the content Welcome to IGNOU has been changed to IGNOU provides
innovative Learning!
< html>
< body>
< p id="university">Welcome to IGNOU</p>
< script>
document.getElementById("university").innerHTML="IGNOU provides innovative
< /script>
< /body>
< /html>
With the HTML DOM we can access the style object of HTML elements. In the
following example the HTML style of a paragraph has been changed.
< html>
< body>
<p id="university">Welcome to IGNOU</p>
< /script>
< /html>
Document Object Model
To add a new element to the HTML DOM, we must create the element (element node)
first, and then append it to an existing element.
Below HTML document contains a <div> element with two child nodes (two <p>
var para=document.createElement("p"); //creates a new <p> element
var node=document.createTextNode("This is new paragraph."); //create a text node
para.appendChild(node); //append text node to <p> element
The appendChild() method in the above example, appended the new element as the
last child of the parent.
If we want that the child should be inserted before a specific node and not as the last
child, we can use the insertBefore() method:
var para=document.createElement("p");
var node=document.createTextNode("This is new paragraph.");
var element=document.getElementById("div1");
var child=document.getElementById("p1");
< /script>
To delete/ remove an HTML element, we must know the parent of the element. In this
example below HTML document contains a <div> element with three child nodes
(three<p> elements).
In this script the child node with id as p1 (This is first paragraph.) is removed from
the parent i.e. <div> element.
Document Object Model
< /div>
var parent=document.getElementById("div1"); //find the element with id “div1”
var child=document.getElementById("p1"); //find the <p> element with id “p1”
parent.removeChild(child); //remove the child from the parent
< /script>
Find the child that is to be removed and use its parentNode property to find the parent.
The following code lines also achieve the same.
var child=document.getElementById("p1");
In the script below HTML document contains a <div> element with three child nodes
(three <p> elements). Here we replace the first child with id as p1 (This is first
paragraph) with the newly created <p> element para having a text node node as a
child (This is new paragraph.).
< /div>
var para=document.createElement("p");
var node=document.createTextNode("This is new paragraph.");
var parent=document.getElementById("div1");
var child=document.getElementById("p1");
parent.replaceChild(para,child); // p1 gets replaced by para.
< /script>
The groups of related objects on a page are known as Collections in the Document
Object Model. DOM collections are accessed as properties of DOM objects such as
the document object or a DOM node. The document object has properties containing
the collections of images, links, forms and anchors. These collections comprise of all
the elements of the corresponding type on the page. To find the number of elements in
the collection, the length property is used. The variable currentLink (a DOM node
Document Object Model
representing an a element) has a specialized href property to refer to the link's href
attribute. An easy access to all elements of a single type in a page is provided by
DOM collections. This is useful for gathering elements into one place and for
applying changes in entire page. For example, the forms collection could be used to
disable all form inputs after a submit button has been pressed to avoid multiple
submissions while the next page loads.
An individual style statement is represented by the Style object. We can access the
Style object from the document or from the elements on which that style is applied.
Example : The following example changes the background color of the <body>
element using style object’s backgroundColor property when a button is clicked
< script>
function ChangeBackground()
< /script>
The Style object property has various categories like: Background, Border/Outline,
Generated Content, Text, List, Positioning/Layout Printing, Margin/Padding , Table
Misc etc.
For a detailed description on the style object property you can visit
Document Object Model
The document.styleSheets collection has all stylesheets available. An easy way to
check if a browser supports some amount of DOM Style Sheets is by checking for the
existence of the document.styleSheets collection. It can be checked simply by
if( document.styleSheets ) {
// If the browser supports styleSheets,DOM stylesheets will be available.
Each stylesheet has a number of properties that give details of the stylesheet. These
properties can be URL (, title (title), type (type, usually 'text/css'), the media
types it applies to (media), and if the property is disabled or not (disabled). The
disabled property can be set to true or false. All other properties are read-only. Only
the properties that are applicable to the stylesheet in question are available. For
example, if a link element does not have the title attribute set, then its associated
StyleSheet object will not have a title.
Check Your Progress 2
1. Write a function that converts all the Text node data of a node and its descendants
to uppercase?
2. Write a function to find all the tables in a document.
3. Explain How to change HTML Attribute using HTML DOM?
4. Write a function for searching a specific table in a document and count its rows?
5. Write a function to return all name/value pairs of cookies in a document?
6. Write a script to toggle the visibility of a para element on the click of a button.
Events are generated by the browser when "things happen" to HTML elements. The
HTML DOM allows you to execute code when an event occurs. For example clicking
of the mouse, loading of the web page / image, moving the mouse over an element or
submission of a HTML form etc. are HTML events.
When events happen to an HTML element in a web page, it checks to see if any event
handlers are attached to it. If the answer is yes, it calls them in respective order, while
sending along references and further information for each event that occurred. The
event handlers then act upon the event. DOM elements can be nested inside each
Document Object Model
other. And somehow, the event handler of the parent works even if we click on its
child. The reason for this is event bubbling. There are two types of event order:
Event bubbling
Event capturing
Event bubbling: It begins by checking the target of the event for any attached event
handlers, and then bubbles up through each respective parent element until it reaches
the HTML element. The main principle of bubbling states that after an event triggers
on the deepest possible element, it then triggers on parent s in nesting order.
Event capturing starts with the outer most element in the DOM and works inwards to
the HTML element the event took place on and then out again. For example, a click in
a web page would first check the HTML element for onclick event handlers, then the
body element, and so on, until it reaches the target of the event.
We can choose whether to register an event handler in the capturing or in the bubbling
phase. This is done through the addEventListener() method . If its last argument is
true the event handler is set for the capturing phase, if it is false the event handler is
set for the bubbling phase. Bubbling or capturing can be stopped by
event.cancelBubble=true for (IE < 9) and event.stopPropagation() for other browsers.
In all browsers, except (IE < 9), there are two stages of event processing .The event
first goes down - that’s called capturing, and then bubbles up. This behavior is
standardized in W3C specification.
< body>
< h1 onclick="this.innerHTML='IGNOU'">Click here!</h1>
< /body>
< /html>
Document Object Model
Example 3: In the following example we change the text of the <p> element from
“Let us learn Event Handling” to “I have learnt Event Handling” when a button is
< html>
< body>
<p id="p1">Let us learn Event Handling.</p>
< script>
function ChangeText() {
document.getElementById("p1").innerHTML="I have learnt Event Handling.";
< /script>
< input type="button" onclick="ChangeText()" value="Change text">
< /body></html>
In the example above, a function named displayMonth will be executed when the
button is clicked.
Event Description
These events are triggered when the user enter or leaves
the page
onload event can be used check browser type/ version
onload and load the proper version of web page
onunload onload and onunload can be used to deal with cookies
<body onload=”checkCookies()”
often used in combination with validation of input
< input type="text" id="fname" onchange="upperCase()">
Document Object Model
Document Object Model
be influenced by features of the current Web page. As a technique, it is very useful for
displaying information from Web pages and creating new HTML documents.
Let us look at this example that uses write to display today's date to an otherwise static
HTML document.
<script type="text/javascript">
var today = new Date()
var mon = today.getMonth() + 1
"<html><head><title>Dynamic Document</title></head>\n"
+ "<body bgcolor=yellow>\n <h1 align=center>Today is "
+ mon + "/" + today.getDate() + "/" + today.getYear()
+ "</h1>\n</body></html>")
We can also use the write method in conjunction with the open() and close() methods
of the Document object, to create entirely new documents in other windows or frames.
The function given below opens a pop up widow to display the date the document is
accessed on. Invoke this function from an event handler.
Function recent( ) {
var w = ); // Create a new window with no content
var d = w.document( ); // Get its Document object
var today = new Date( ); ); //Start a new document
d.write(“<p> Document recently accessed on: “ + today.tostring( ));
d.close( ); // Close the document
4.9 AJAX
AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. AJAX is a new technique for
creating better, faster, and more interactive web applications with the help of XML,
HTML, CSS and Java Script. It uses XHTML for content and CSS for presentation, as
well as the Document Object Model and JavaScript for dynamic content display.
In standard Web applications, the interaction between the customer and the server is
synchronous. This means that one has to happen after the other. If a customer clicks a
link, the request is sent to the server, which then sends the results back.
With Ajax, the JavaScript that is loaded when the page loads handles most of the basic
tasks such as data validation and manipulation, as well as display rendering the Ajax
engine handles without a trip to the server. At the same time that it is making display
changes for the customer, it is sending data back and forth to the server. But the data
transfer is not dependent upon actions of the customer.
Document Object Model
The Ajax engine works within the Web browser through JavaScript and the DOM. It
renders the Web application and handles any requests of web server’s client. While
the Ajax engine is handling the requests, it can hold most information in the engine
itself. At the same time Ajax engine allows the interaction with the application and the
customer to happen asynchronously and independently of any interaction with the
server. The key feature of Ajax application is that it uses scripted HTTP to
communicate with a web server without causing pages to reload. Since the amount of
data exchanged is often small and the browser does not have to parse and render a
document. As a result, the response time is greatly improved and this results in
making web applications feel more like desktop applications.
Here is the list of famous web applications which are using AJAX
Gmail (
Gmail is a new kind of webmail, built on the idea that email can be more intuitive,
efficient and useful.
1. What is AJAX? List out the differences between AJAX and JavaScript.
2. What are the advantages of AJAX?
3. Name the browsers that support AJAX?
4. What are the limitations of Ajax?
In this unit we have learnt how to use the HTML DOM to make our web site more
dynamic and interactive. We have also learnt the ways to manipulate HTML elements
in response of different scenarios and created dynamic web pages by using scripts on
the client (in the browser). We got to know about AJAX which is a new technique for
creating better, faster, and more interactive web applications with the help of XML,
HTML, CSS and Java Script.
Document Object Model
One important objective for the Document Object Model is to provide a standard
programming interface that can be used in a wide variety of environments and
3. The name "Document Object Model" was chosen because it is an "object model" is
used in the traditional object oriented design sense: documents are modeled using
objects, and the model encompasses not only the structure of a document, but also the
behavior of a document and the objects of which it is composed.
1. function uppercase(n) {
if (n.nodeType == 3) /* Text Node */ = );
var children = n.childNodes;
/* loop through children, recursively call
for ( var i=0; i<children.length; i++)
uppercase(children[i] );
Document Object Model
<img id =”image” src =”oldclip.jpg”>
<script type = “ javascript”>
document.getElementById(“image”).src = “newclip.jpg”
In the above example we load an image on HTML document by using id="image".
Using DOM we get the element with id="image". This script will change the src
attribute from oldclip.gif to newclip.jpg
5. <html>
Cookies associated with this document:
<p id="p1"> Welcome to IGNOU Welcome to IGNOU Welcome to IGNOU.
Welcome to IGNOU </p>
<input type="button" value="Hide text"
onclick="document.getElementById('p1').style.visibility='hidden'" />
<input type="button" value="Show text"
onclick="document.getElementById('p1').style.visibility='visible'" />
<input type="button" onclick="document.body.bgColor='green';"
value="Change background color" />
2. onload() and onUpload() are two functions that get activated or the event gets
triggered when the user enters or leaves the page. The onload() event is used to verify
and check the user’s visit according to the browser’s type and it loads a version of the
Document Object Model
event. It provides the web page information that allows easy access to the website and
consists of the information regarding the event that is triggered. Onload() and
onUpload() events use the cookies to hold down the values given by the users when it
enters or leaves the page.
3. <html>
function beforeclose()
alert("Welcome to IGNOU!");
4. <html>
function codeKey(event)
function bgChange(bg)
<b>Mouse over the squares and the background color will change!</b>
<table width="200" height="100">
<td onmouseover="bgChange('red')"
Document Object Model
<td onmouseover="bgChange('blue')"
<td onmouseover="bgChange('green')"
</td> </tr>
6.function getTypeOfEvt(event)
Use of Ajax can reduce connections to the server since the script has to be requested
It saves memory when the data is fetched from the same page. So, bandwidth
utilization is better.
It provides more interactivity.
Using Ajax data retrieval takes less time.
Document Object Model
Netscape 7.1 and above
Safari 1.2 and above
4. Limitations of AJAX:
Back functionality cannot work because the dynamic pages don’t register
themselves to the browsers history engine
The page cannot be bookmarked if implemented using Ajax.
If java script is disabled, Ajax will not work.
Because different components of the pages are loaded at different times it
may create confusion for the user.
Deitel, H. M., & J., D. a. (2008). Internet & World Wide Web How to
Program, 4/e. Pearson Education
Sebesta, R. W. (2011). Programming the World Wide Web, 6/E. Addison-
Wesley / Prentice Hall
Unit 5: Introduction to WAP and WML
Internet’s penetration and expansion into fields such as finance, research, medicine, education,
business etc. has initiated new ways of providing services to customers and conducting business.
WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) is simply acommunication protocol by which a wireless
device talks to a server installed in a wireless network. It is an open, global specification, which gives
mobile users with access to wireless devices the opportunity to easily access the Internet or other
computer applications, defined by the WAP forum.
WAP Forum, founded in 1997, is the industry association of carriers, handset manufacturers,
infrastructure providers, software developers etc. dedicated to make internet other information
services available to handheld wireless devices.
WAP is an emerging industry standard which aims at providing wireless internet services and
information access using handheld devices having limited display capabilities and over limited
bandwidth wireless channels. How successful this effort has been can be seen by the fact today more
than 95% of the global hand set makers are members of the WAP Forum.
WAP stack has inherited most of the characteristics of the ISO OSI reference model
It consists of five layers, namely: application layer, session layer, transaction layer, security
layer and datagram layer
WAE provides an application environment intended for the development and execution of portable
applications and services. WAE User Agents are designed to understand text in encoded WML
(Wireless Markup Language) and compiled WMLScript. WAE consists of WML and WMLScript as
the two main building blocks of the user agents located on the client side
WSP supplies methods for the organized exchange of content between client/ server applications.
WTP is responsible for providing reliable transmission of WSP data packets between the client and
the server over a wireless medium.
WTLS is an optional layer and is the solution to the security issue, provided by the WAP Forum.
WTLS is based on SSL(Secure Socket Layer)and when present provides services that ensure privacy,
server authentication, client authentication and data integrity.
WDP is the bottom most layer of the WAP stack. It is modelled after User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
and is a datagram oriented protocol.WDP shields the upper layers from the bearer services like SMS,
CMD etc. provided by the network and hence allows applications a transparent transmission of data
over different bearers. WDP must have bearer specific implementation since it is the only layer that
has to interface various bearer networks.
Standard HTML content cannot be effectively displayed on the small-size screens of pocket-sized
mobile phones and pagers.WAP utilizes binary transmission for greater compression of data and is
optimized for long latency and low bandwidth. The lightweight WAP protocol stack is designed to
minimize the required bandwidth and maximize the number of wireless network types that can deliver
WAP content.
Below figure shows the WAP programming model. You can clearly see the similarities with the
Internet model i.e. the two models would have been practically identical without the WAP
A markup language - the Wireless Markup Language (WML) has been adapted to develop optimized
WAP applications. In order to save valuable bandwidth in the wireless network, WML can be
encoded into a compact binary format. Encoding WML is one of the tasks performed by the WAP
1. The user selects an option on their mobile device that has a URL with Wireless Markup
language (WML) content assigned to it.
2. The mobile device uses phone network to send the URL request to a WAP gateway, using
the binary encoded WAP protocol.
3. This WAP request is translated into a conventional HTTP request for the specified URL,
and sent to the Internet by the WAP gateway.
4. This HTTP request is now picked up by the appropriate Web server.
5. The request is processed by the server. If the URL refers to a static WML file, the server
delivers it. If a CGI script is requested, it is processed and the content is returned as usual.
6. The HTTP header is added to the WML content and returned to the gateway by the Web
7. The WML is compiled intobinary form by WAP gateway.
8. The WML response is sent back to the phone by WAP gateway.
9. The WML is received by the mobile device via the WAP protocol.
10. The WML is processed and the content is displayed on the screen by micro-browser.
• Wireless network operators can decrease churn, cut costs and increasesubscriber base.
• Content providers can have access to customers who seek enhanced services.
• End users can have more value and functionality from their mobile devices.
The topmost layer in the WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) architecture is made up of WAE
(Wireless Application Environment), which consists of WML and WML scripting language. WML is
the markup language defined in the WAP specification. WML is an application of XML, which is
defined in a document-type definition. WAP sites are written in WML, while web sites are written in
HTML. WML is based on HDML and is modified so that it can be compared with HTML. WML is
very similar to HTML. Both of them use tags and are written in plain text format. WML takes care of
the small screen and the low bandwidth of transmission.
WAP Forum has released a latest version WAP 2.0. Most of the new mobile phone models released
are WAP 2.0-enabled. The markup language defined in WAP 2.0 is XHTML Mobile Profile (MP).
The WML MP is a subset of the XHTML. A style sheet called WCSS (WAP CSS) has been
introduced along with XHTML MP. The WCSS is a subset of the CSS2.WML 1.x is an earlier
technology and a lot of wireless devices that only supports WML 1.x are still using it. Latest version
of WML is 2.0 and it is created for backward compatibility purposes.
Developing in WML is slightly different from developing for the web. As far as the development for
the web is concerned, each HTML file constitutes one HTML page. In WML, since each page or
screen is very small, it does not make much sense for each page to constitute a separate file. WML
pages – content viewed on separate screens – are cards and the cards are all placed within a deck of
related pages that constitute one single file. So, a main difference between HTML and WML is that
the basic unit of navigation in HTML is a page, while that in WML is a card. A WML file can contain
multiple cards and they form a deck.
When a WML page is accessed from a mobile phone, all the cards in the page are downloaded from
the WAP server. So if the user goes to another card of the same deck, the mobile browser does not
have to send any requests to the server since the file that contains the deck is already stored in the
wireless device.Logically, a user navigates through a set of cards. WML decks can be stored in ‘static’
files on an origin server, or the content generator that is running on an origin server can dynamically
generate them. Each card, in a deck, contains a specification for a particular user interaction. We can
put links, text, images, input fields, option boxes and many other elements in a card. WML comments
use the same format as HTML comments.
Note that comments are not compiled or sent to the user agent, and thus have no effect on the size of
the compiled deck.
A WML program is typically divided into two parts: the documentprolog and the body. Consider the
following code:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card id="one" title=" My First Card">
<p> Welcome to IGNOU!</p>
<card id="two" title=" My Second Card">
<p>Let us learn to make a Wireless World...</p>
The first line of this text says that this is an XML document and the version is 1.0. The second line
selects the document type and gives the URL of the document type definition (DTD).One WML deck
(i.e. page) can have one or more cards as shown above.
The first line of this text says that this is an XML document and the version is 1.0. The second line
selects the document type and gives the URL of the document type definition (DTD). The DTD
referenced is defined in WAP 1.2, but this header changes with the versions of the WML. The header
must be copied exactly so that the tool kits automatically generate this prolog.
The prolog components are not WML elements and they should not be closed, i.e. we should not give
them an end tag or finish them with />
The body is enclosed within a <wml></wml> tag pair. The body of a WML document can consist of
one or more of these, namely Deck,Card,Content to be shown and Navigation instructions.
5.2.4Testing Program
Firstly the above code is put in a file called test.wml file, and then this WML file is put locally on the
hard disk. Now it can be viewed using an emulator.
This is by far the most efficient way of developing and testing WML files. If our aim is, however, to
develop a service that is going to be available to WAP phone users, we should upload our WML files
onto a server once WML files have been developed locally and test them over a real Internet
connection. Before accessing any URL, we should make sure WAP Gateway Simulator is running on
the PC.
When WAP program is downloaded then only the first card is seen at the mobile. Following is the
output of the above example on Nokia Mobile Browser 4.0. This mobile supports horizontal scrolling.
The text can be seen off the screen by pressing the "Left" or "Right" button.
First Card
Welcome to IGNOU!
When the right button is pressed then second card will be visible as follows:
Second Card
Options Back
WML has a set of elements that specify all markup and structural information for a WML deck.
Elements are identified by tags, which are each enclosed in a pair of angle brackets. Unlike HTML,
WML strictly adheres to the XML hierarchical structure and hence elements must contain a start tag
and an end tag. WML is a case sensitive language. The Card and card are different things. Elements
have one of the following two structures:
5.3.1Line Break:
The <br /> element defines a line break and almost all WAP browsers support a line break tag.
Following is the example showing usage of <br /> element.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card title="Example showing line break">
<p align="center">This is a <br /> aparagraph showing a line break.
This will produce following result:
This is a
paragraph showing a line
Options Back
5.3.2Text Paragraphs:
The <p> element defines a paragraph of text and WAP browsers always render a paragraph in a new
line.In WML, all text to be displayed on the main part of the screen must be inside a paragraph
element.A <p> element is required to define any text, image or a table in WML.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card title="Paragraph Example">
<p align="center">The first paragraph is about IGNOU.</p>
<p align="right">The second paragraphis about the courses offered by IGNOU.</p>
Paragraph Example
The first paragraph is about
The second paragraph is about
the courses offered by IGNOU.
Options Back
The <table> element alongwith<tr> and <td> is used to create a table in WML. WML does not allow
the nesting of tables.A <table> element should be put with-in <p>...</p> elements.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card title="WML Tables">
<p><table columns="3" align="LCR">
<td>Col 1</td><td>Col 2</td><td>Col 3</td>
WML Tables
Options Back
The <pre> element is used to specify preformatted text in WML. Preformatted text is text of which
the format follows the way it is typed in the WML document. This tag preserves all the white spaces
enclosed inside this tag. We have to make sure that we are not putting this tag inside <p>...</p>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card title="Preformatted Text">
This preformatted
TextWelcome to IGNOUwill appear
as it is.
This will produce following result:
Preformatted Text
This preformatted
Text Welcome to IGNOU
will appearas it is.
‘A picture is worth a thousand words’. With such small screens, small images instead of text can be
very useful, allowing us to get more information across to the user in the small space available.
Images can be particularly useful when used as links. For example an application could be navigated
using small icons instead of lots of text.The <img> element is used to include an image in a WAP
card.WAP-enabled wireless devices only supported the Wireless Bitmap (WBMP) image format.The
file extension of WBMP is ".wbmp" and the MIME type of WBMP is "image/vnd.wap.wbmp".
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card id="main" title="Image">
What a beautiful image of the<br/>
<imgsrc="rainbow.wbmp" alt="rainbow"/><br/>
on a rainy day
This will produce following result:
What a beautiful image of the
on a rainy day
Options Back
Implementing good navigation around a WAP application is important since very little can be
displayed on the small screen that the device has. In WML the elements that are used for navigation
between WML cards are <do>, <a>, <anchor>and <go>. These are discussed below.
The do Element
The do element gives the user a general mechanism for performing navigation between cards. The do
element establishes a soft key which gives the user the ability to alter the path or jump to a different
card without having to navigate a full list of options.The do element may appear at both the card-level
and deck level.
The do element may appear inside a card and may be located anywhere in the text flow. If the user
agent intends to render the do element inline, it should use the element’s anchor point as the rendering
The do element may appear inside a template, indicating a deck level do element. A deck level do
element applies to all the cards in the deck. It is equivalent to specifying the do element with in each
A card level do element overrides a deck-level do element if they have the same name. For a single
card, the active do element are defined as the do elements specified in the card, plus any do elements
specified in the deck’s template and not overridden in the card.
The <anchor>...</anchor> tag pair is used to create an anchor link. It is used together with other
WML elements called <go/>, <refresh> or <prev/>. These elements are called task elements and tell
WAP browsers what to do when a user selects the anchor link. We can enclose Text or image along
with a task tag inside <anchor>...</anchor> tag pair.
<card title="Anchor Element">
<go href="nextsemester.wml"/>
Anchor Element
Options Back
The <a>...</a> tag pair can also be used to create an anchor link and always a preferred way of
creating links.We can enclose Text or image inside <a>...</a> tags.Following is the example showing
usage of <a> element.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card title="A Element">
<p> Link to Next Semester:
<a href="nextsemester.wml">Next Semester</a>
This will produce following result:
A Element
Link to Next
Semester:Next Semester
Options Back
The go element is discussed later in WML Tasks.
WML provides various options to let a user enter information through WAP application.
First of all, let us look at the different options for allowing the user to make straight choices between
items. These are usually in the form of menus and submenus, allowing users to drill down to the exact
data that they want.
The <select>...</select> WML elements are used to define a selection list and the
<option>...</option> tags are used to define an item in a selection list. Items are presented as radio
buttons in some WAP browsers. The <option>...</option> tag pair should be enclosed within the
<select>...</select> tags.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
We want to provide option to select multiple options then set multiple attribute to true as follows:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
//DTD WML 1.2//EN"
The <input/> element is used to create input fields and input fields are used to obtain alphanumeric
data from users. This element supports the following attributes:
Name Text The name of the variable that is set with the result of the user's input
maxlength Number Sets the maximum number of characters the user can enter in the field
emptyok true Sets whether the user can leave the input field blank or not. Default is
format A Sets the data format for the input field. Default is "*M".
N A = uppercase alphabetic or punctuation characters
X a = lowercase alphabetic or punctuation characters
x N = numeric characters
X = uppercase characters
x = lowercase characters
m M = all characters
*f m = all characters
nf *f = Any number of characters. Replace the f with one of the letters above
to specify what characters the user can enter
nf = Replace the n with a number from 1 to 9 to specify the number of
characters the user can enter. Replace the f with one of the letters above
to specify what characters the user can enter
Size Number Sets the width of the input field
tabindex Number Sets the tabbing position for the select element
Type text Indicates the type of the input field. The default value is "text". Password
field is used to take password for authentication purpose.
Value Text Sets the default value of the variable in the "name" attribute
<?xml version="1.0"?>
The setvar element specifies the variable to be set in the current browser context as a side effect of
executing a task. The element is ignored if the name attribute does not evaluate to a legal variable
name at runtime.
Name specifies the variable name and Value specifies the value to be assigned to the variable. Both
the attributes are required.The following element would create a variable named a with a value of
The <fieldset/> element is used to group various input fields or selectable lists.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
This will provide us following screen to enter required information. This result may differ browser to
The <optgroup/> element is used to group various options together inside a selectable list.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<option value="dbms">D.B.M.S</option>
<option value="algo">ALGORITHMS </option>
<option value="dm">DISCRETE MATHS </option>
<optgroup title="B.B.S">
<option value="marketing">Marketing</option>
<option value="ob">Organizational Behaviour</option>
<option value="hrm">Human Resource Management</option>
When a user loads above code then it will give two options to be selected:
When a user selects any of the options then only it will give final options to be selected. So if user
selects India then it will show us following options to be selected:
Similar to HTML Form WML also provide a mechanism to submit user data to web server. To submit
data to the server in WML, we need the <go>...</go> along with <postfield/> tags. The <postfield/>
tag should be enclosed in the <go>...</go> tag pair. To submit data to a server, we collect all the set
WML variables and use <postfield> elements to send them to the server. The <go>...</go> elements
are used to set posting method to either POST or GET and to specify a server side script to handle
uploaded data.
A WML task is an element that specifies an action to be performed by the browser, rather than
something to be displayed. For example, the action of changing to a new card is represented by a
<go> task element and the action of returning to the previous card visited is represented by a <prev>
task element. Task elements encapsulate all the information required to perform the action. WML
provides four elements to handle four WML tasks called go task, pre task, refresh task and noop tasks.
5.5.1 go task
A go executes a push operation on the history stack. As the name suggests, the <go> task represents
the action of going to a new card.Following is the example showing usage of <go> element.
<card title="GO Element">
Semester 1 : <go href=semester1.wml"/>
The <prev> task represents the action of returning to the previously visited card on the history stack.
When this action is performed, the top entry is removed from the history stack, and that card is
displayed again, after any <setvar> variable assignments in the<prev> task have taken effect.If no
previous URL exists, specifying <prev> has no effect. Following is the example showing usage of
<prev> element.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card title="Prev Element">
<anchor> Previous Page :<prev/></anchor>
5.5.3 The <refresh> Task:
The <refresh> task performs the variable assignments specified by its <setvar> elements and then
redisplays the current card with the new values. It is most often used to perform some sort of "reset"
action on the card. The <go> and <prev> tasks perform the same action just before displaying the new
card. Following is the example showing usage of <refresh> element.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card title="Referesh Element">
<anchor> Refresh this page:
<go href="test.wml"/>
<setvar name="x" value="100"/>
The purpose of the <noop> task is to do nothing (no operation). This attribute is useful for overriding
deck-level do elements.The only real use for this task is in connection with templatesFollowing is the
example showing usage of <noop> element.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card title="Noop Element">
<do type="prev" label="Back">
Events can be used to make WAP applications dynamic. Event in ordinary language as the name
suggests, is simply the happening of something notable.In programming event is identical in meaning,
but with one major difference. When something happens in a computer system, the system itself has
to (1) detect that something has happened and (2) know what to do about it.WML language also
supports events and we can specify an action to be taken whenever an event occurs. This action could
be in terms of WMLScript or simply in terms of WML. WML supports following four event types:
onenterbackward: This event occurs when the user hits a card by normal backward navigational
means. That is, user presses the Back key on a later card and arrives back at this card in the
history stack.
onenterforward: This event occurs when the user hits a card by normal forward navigational
onpick: This is more like an attribute but it is being used like an event. This event occurs when an
item of a selection list is selected or deselected.
ontimer: This event is used to trigger an event after a given time period.
These event names are case sensitive and they must be lowercase.
5.6.1WML – Timer
WML provides usontimer event to handle if user wants something to happen without the user
explicitly having to activate a control.
We can bind a task to this event with the <onevent> element. Here is the syntax:
<onevent type="ontimer">
A task to be performed.
A timer is declared inside a WML card with the <timer> element. It must follow the <onevent>
elements if they are present. (If there are no <onevent> elements, the <timer> must be the first
element inside the <card>.) No more than one <timer> may be present in a card.
<<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card id="card1" title="First card"
<timer value="10"/>
Welcome to IGNOU...<br/>
This is First Card
<do type = "accept" label="Next">
<go href="#card2"/>
<card id="card2" title="Second card"
<timer value = "20"/>
Let us learn to make a Wireless World <br/>
This is the Second Card
<do type = "prev" label="Back">
The first card Welcome to IGNOU... would be visible on the screen for 10 seconds. Automatically,
the second card comes on view as soon as thetimer expires. The second card,Let us learn to make a
Wireless World would be displayed for 20 seconds. At the expiry of the timer, the user is taken back
to the first card.
When a user switch from card to card in a deck, we need to store data.This mechanism is provided via
WML variables.WML variables arecase sensitive.
When someone executes a task (like go, prev, and refresh), the setvar element can be used to set a
variable with a specified value.
The following example will create a variable named k with a value of 345:
<setvar name=”k” value =”345”/>
The name and value attributes are required.
Variables can also be set through an input element (like input, select, option, etc.). A variable is
automatically created that corresponds with the named attribute of an input element.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card id="first" title="First Card">
<p align="center">
Select Any one... <br/>
<select name="coursename">
<option value="no">Select </option>
<option value="MCA">MCA Course</option>
<option value="MBA">MBA Course</option>
<do type="access" label="next">
<go href="#card2"/>
<card id="card2" title="Second Card">
<p>You selected: $(coursename)</p>
A WML deck with two cards - one for user input and one for displaying the result - can be set up, like
demonstrated in this example:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card id="card1" title="Course">
<do type="accept" label="Answer">
<go href="#card2"/>
<select name="name">
<option value="MCA">MCA Course</option>
<option value="BBS">BBSCourse</option>
<option value="BFIA">BFIA Course</option>
<card id="card2" title="Answer">
You selected: $(name)
Example Explained
The first lines in the WML document is called the prolog: The prolog defines that this is an XML
document. It defines the XML version, and the DTD to be referenced.
The deck is the WML document itself. It is embedded within <wml> tags
The Cards
Card are always displayed one at the time. The two cards named "card1" and "card2" are defined
between <card> tags
The first card has a <do> element that defines an event to be triggered. The type="accept" attribute of
the do element causes the label="Answer" to be displayed in the lower left corner of the display.
The Event
The go element triggers when the user clicks the do label. The href="#card2" attribute of the go
element causes card2 to be displayed on the screen.
The Variable
Card2 displays the $(name) variable from card1, because variables are valid across cards.
5.9 Summary
WAP is simply aprotocol – a standardised way by which a wireless device talks to a server installed in
a wireless network.WAP provides a method to communicate across wireless networks quickly,
securely and efficiently. WAPprovides the opportunity to integrate databases, dynamic content, e-
commerce and secure information trafficking through an WAP-enabled device. It takes a client sever
approach. It incorporates a relatively simple microbrowser into a mobile phone requiring only limited
resources on the mobile phone. This makes WAP suitable for thin clients and early smart phones. It is
aimed at turning a mass- market mobile phone into a “network based smart phone”. The philosophy
behind the WAP approach is to utilise as few resources as possible on the handheld device and
compensate for the constraint of the device by enriching the functionality of the network. WML is a
markup language, which is used to interface with the WAP browser. It allows a programmer to
simultaneously develop web-based applications that can be viewed both within a traditional web
browser and within a hand held device. WML supports several elements to solicit user input. The
elements can be combined into one or more cards. All requests for user input are made in abstract
terms, allowing the user agent the freedom to optimize features for the particular device. WML
includes a small set of input controls. For example, WML includes a text entry control that supports
text and password entry. Text entry fields can be masked preventing the end user from entering
incorrect character types. WML also supports client-side validation by allowing the author to invoke
scripts at appropriate times to check the user’s input. It includes an option selection control that allows
the author to present the user with a list of options that can set data, navigate among cards, or invoke
scripts. WML supports both single and multiple option selections. WMLalso includes task invocation
controls. When activated, these controls initiate navigation or a historymanagement task such as
traversing a link to another card (or script) or popping the current card off of thehistory stack. The
user agent is free to choose how to present these controls. It may for example, bindthem to physical
keys on the device, render button controls in a particular region of the screen (or inlinewithin the text),
bind them to voice commands, etc.WML allows several navigation mechanisms using URLs. It also
exposes a first –class history mechanism.Navigation includes HTML-style hyperlinks, inter-card
navigation elements, as well as history navigationelements.
Ans.2It consists of five layers, namely: application layer, session layer, transaction layer, security
layer and datagram layer.
Ans.3Network layer of WAP i.e. WDP(Wireless Datagram Protocol) shields the upper layers from the
bearer services like SMS, CMD etc. provided by the network and hence allows applications a
transparent transmission of data over different bearers. WDP must have bearer specific
implementation since it is the only layer that has to interface various bearer networks.
Ans.4Increase in subscriber base, enhanced services, low cost, more value and functionality from
mobile devices are some of the advantages of WAP. Limitations of WAP areimposed by device
limitations and by the bandwidth and mobility limitations. Some basic examples of WAP are given
1. Using WAP we can get information of train time-table.
2. Using WAP can purchase tickets like: movie,journey ticket etc.
3. Using WAP we perform task like flight check in
4.We can also view traffic information.
5.We can get information about current weather condition.
6.Using WAP we can also do trading of shares.
7.We can also display sport results on our small wireless devices.
Ans.1: WML Components consists of WML Decks and Cards. WML pages – content viewed on
separate screens – are cards and the cards are all placed within a deck of related pages that constitute
one single file.
Ans.2: In WML, since each page or screen is very small, it does not make much sense for each page
to constitute a separate file.So, a main difference between HTML and WML is that the basic unit of
navigation in HTML is a page, while that in WML is a card..
Ans.1: In WML the elements that are used for navigation between WML cards are <do>, <a>,
<anchor>and <go>.
Ans.2: The do element gives the user a general mechanism for performing navigation between cards.
These buttons give the user the ability to alter the path or jump to a different card without having to
navigate a full list of options.The do element may appear at both the card-level and deck level.
Ans.3:The <img> element is used to include an image in a WAP card.WAP-enabled wireless devices
only supported the Wireless Bitmap (WBMP) image format.The file extension of WBMP is ".wbmp"
and the MIME type of WBMP is "image/vnd.wap.wbmp".
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card id="main" title="Image">
What a beautiful image of the <br/>
<imgsrc="rainbow.wbmp" alt="rainbow"/><br/>
on a rainy day
Ans.1:The <input/> element is used to create input fields and input fields are used to obtain
alphanumeric data from users.
Ans.2:The <select>...</select> WML elements are used to define a selection list and the
<option>...</option> tags are used to define an item in a selection list. Items are presented as radio
buttons in some WAP browsers. The <option>...</option> tag pair should be enclosed within the
<select>...</select> tags.
Ans.3:The setvar element specifies the variable to be set in the current browser context as a side
effect of executing a task. The element is ignored if the name attribute does not evaluate to a legal
variable name at runtime.
<card id="main">
<do type="accept" label="Enter">
<go href="#inbox"/>
<card id="inbox">
<do type="prev"><prev/></do>
<p><anchor><go href="#c1"/>1) Inbox</anchor><br/>
<anchor><go href="#c2"/>2) Outbox</anchor><br/>
<card id="c1">
<do type="prev"><prev/></do>
<card id="c2">
<do type="prev"><prev/></do>
Ans.2: One situation where it can be useful to include variables in a <prev> task is a login page,
which prompts for a username and password. In some situations, we may want to clear out the
password field when returning to the login card, forcing the user to reenter it. This can be done with a
construct such as:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card title="Prev Element">
<setvar name="password" value=""/>
Ans.1:WML language supports events and we can specify an action to be taken whenever an event
occurs. WML supports following four event types:
onenterbackward: This event occurs when user presses the Back key on a later card and arrives
back at this card in the history stack.
onenteforward: This event occurs when the user hits a card by normal forward navigational
onpick: This event occurs when an item of a selection list is selected or deselected.
ontimer: This event is used to trigger an event after a given time period.
Ans.2:We can set Timer in WML.We express time unit of timer as 1/10 of a second.
Below given is the example which will display text on WML page for 6 seconds.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<card ontimer="timetest.wml"><timer value="60"/>
<p>Write some text here</p>
Ans.3: Use of variables in WML is that when client wants to switch over card to card in a deck, then
client stores the data into variables.
1. Can set a variable using setvar Command: Suppose that if client want to execute go,prev and
refresh type task than they can use setvar command and create a variable with a specific
2. Can set a variable with an input element: If we want to set variable with an input,select,
option etc input element.
<card id="card1">
<select name="course">
<option value="DBMS">DBMS </option>
<option value="CSA">CSA</option>
<option value="DISCRETE">DISCRETE MATHS</option>
We can use this created variable course into the card2.
<card id="card2">
<p>You have selected: $(course)</p>
In the above example we create a variable course in card1 and passed the selected course into card2
by variable course.
5.11 References