Writting Skill Tips: If You Read This Book, You Can Secure Half Preparation in The Examination
Writting Skill Tips: If You Read This Book, You Can Secure Half Preparation in The Examination
Writting Skill Tips: If You Read This Book, You Can Secure Half Preparation in The Examination
Writting Skill
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Published By
Prayagraj (Allahabad)
Exam Preparation : Writting Skill Tips
(Main & Advanced) NEET
& Other Medical
for sure selection read Develop
India Group (DIG) errorfree,
revised, updated, to the point, and
for sure selection read Develop India Group (DIG)
errorfree, revised, updated, to the point, and
syllabus based study notes
syllabus based study notes
for sure selection read
Develop India Group (DIG)
IAS errorfree, revised, updated,
to the point, and syllabus
o u p based study notes
e G
All Judicial Services Exams
India Group (DIG) errorfree,
revised, updated, to the point, and
syllabus based study notes
All type of
set a particular section of work for each study
ten ask you to cram a whole semester's worth of in-
period. A sense of achievement comes from suc-
formation into a couple of hour's work. Start your cessfully completing small tasks, and breaking
preparation early so that you feel confident going in the work up into smaller sections makes the whole
on the day. process of revision seem less daunting.
If you feel like you need extra help coping with d. Review your approach. If your study plan is not
the stress or anxiety of exams, the La Trobe counsel- helping you to revise effectively, review your
I. Be prepared
ling service provides workshops and group sessions
to develop strategies that will help you prepare.
strategies and consider making changes. For ex-
ample, you may have attempted to fit too much
into your timetable, or your timetable may not
o u p
It is important to start your exam preparation
early to give yourself the best chance of retaining
be flexible enough to accommodate unexpected
events. Resist the temptation to throw away your
plan and allow yourself to fall in a heap. Some
the information you need and giving it the meaning
minor adjustments may be all you need to stay
that will help you to excel in your exam.
on track.
q Make a study plan
e. Make sure you include some recreation time. If
It is easy to become overwhelmed by the huge-
ness of the task ahead of you and so to avoid facing
you allocate time for such activity you will be
less tempted to chuck it all in and waste time
e G
your anxieties through procrastination. Drawing up avoiding work because of the unrealistic de-
a workable study timetable will increase your sense mands you have made upon yourself.
of control over the task (and hence, reduce anxiety)
q Know what you are preparing for
and also will help you to become more efficient with
Your method of revision should consider the na-
your time. It is important to be realistic - don’t set
ture of the examination. Find out from your lectur-
impossible goals for yourself.
ers what the structure of the exam will be and what
You’ll be more likely to stick to your timetable
subject areas will probably be on the exam. Course
if you take into account the following points :
outlines and handouts can provide important infor-
a. Allow for the limitations of your attention span.
mation about exam times, locations, formats and re-
Avoid scheduling large slabs of time for one sub-
quirements. Exam review sessions are invaluable and
ject. Alternating subjects for your study will help
not to be missed! They will give you an idea of what
you to sustain your concentration and interest.
will be on the exam and will give you a chance to ask
b. Don't cram - several reviews are more effective.
questions. Former students may also be able to give
More material will be retained in memory if you
you helpful information about what to expect.
schedule several review times over an extended
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Notes for Writting Skill Tips
Exam Preparation : Writting Skill Tips
i. Use past exam papers to direct your study and i. It is easier to remember individual details when
take notes : This will give you an idea of the they are grouped into mini-sections.
sorts of questions and overall structure of the ii. Make a list of the areas you need to know in
exam; however, do not assume that the same each subject and write down headings and sub-
format will be used this year. Lecturers change headings.
their exams over the years, so double check with iii. Add material you have learned from your read-
your tutor to make sure of any changes. At this ing to your notes according to the subject area.
stage, use your lecture notes and other sources iv. Underline, highlight or write comments in or-
to give full answers to past exam questions. A der to emphasise the idea of each section.
good strategy is to practice writing responses to
past exam questions throughout the semester.
When you finish a topic, check to see if there is a
q Revise actively
Don’t fall into the trap of spending 99% of your
study time mindlessly writing out notes and 1% of
related past exam question. It will be easier to
your time actually looking at them. The more ‘ac-
prepare a response while the topic is still fresh
tive’ you are in writing notes, the better you will be
in your mind. You can use these notes later to
able to remember them. This may involve recon-
revise for the exam.
ii. Practice past exam papers under exam conditions
: Do this closer to the exam time. Without look-
structing your notes in a different format, such as:
i. Written summaries for each topic : Numbering
each point can help with recall in the exam.
ing at your prepared answers or other notes, test
your recall of knowledge and your ability to
o u
write under time constraints.
ii. Diagrams : During the exam, it is easier to recall
information which has been represented dia-
grammatically. Colours are particularly helpful
iii. Predict possible questions : Look over your lec-
ture notes and make a list of probable questions.
Think about the sorts of questions the lecturers
to stimulate the memory.
iii. Audio : Try recording your summaries or pre-
pared answers to practice questions onto a por-
asked in the subject and take note of any areas
that were highlighted as important. Prepare an-
table recording device. Comprehension improves
if you listen and read at the same time. The oth-
e G
swers for some or all of the questions you pre-
er advantage for those who like multitasking is
that you can listen while doing something else
II. Revision Tips like walking, ironing or sitting on a bus!
Effective revision enables you to get material
from your short term memory into your long term
memory. Long term memory is like a library – infor-
mation that is placed in it in a systematic way is more
q Recall vs. recognition
Many students, after having read over material
several times, assume that because it looks very fa-
miliar they have learned it. Simply being able to
likely to be retrievable. Below are some tips to help recognise material does not automatically mean that
you revise. Try to comprehend the overall structure you will be able to recall it later in the exam.
of the lectures. What were the main concepts? How The following suggestions may be useful :
did the lecturer set out her argument? Pay particular a. When learning definitions, divide a piece of pa-
attention to establishing how all the individual pieces per in two vertically and write the words on one
of information fit together to produce a coherent side and the definitions on the other. Cover the
whole. words and practise recalling them, using the def-
q Organising your notes initions. Then cover the definitions and practise
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Notes for Writting Skill Tips
Exam Preparation : Writting Skill Tips
recalling them, looking at the words. morning to study when your mind is feeling
b. Use cards with the subject on the front and the fresher. A good way to refresh a tired mind is
information to be recalled on the back. Look at to go on a brisk 15 minute walk. A 15 minute TV
the subject, practise recalling the information, break is mind numbing rather than refreshing
then look on the back of the card to check. and can easily turn into a one hour break.
c. If you need to memorise diagrams, make large vi. Set rewards for yourself : Rewards for good
ones and stick them up on your walls. progress can assist with motivation. Try setting
d. Use rhymes and mnemonics to assist recall. For yourself a goal and rewarding yourself when you
example, to remember electron loss and gain in achieve it. A reward can be as simple as a cup of
oxidation and reduction, the following may be
easy to remember: OIL RIG - Oxidation Is Loss;
Reduction Is Gain (of electrons)
tea or your favourite TV programme.
Around exam time, the La Trobe counselling ser-
vice runs group seminars/sessions on exam success.
Revise with a friend or a study group to share
knowledge and exam strategies and to practise
La Trobe's counselling service also has information
about study timetables, goal setting and planning and
Reduce anxiety and stay motivated
Keep calm and keep going...
Although a small amount of stress before exams
If you feel overwhelmed by exam stress or study
motivation problems and unable to cope, you may
like to make an individual appointment with one of
p p
may aid your performance, too much anxiety will
negatively affect your exam performance.
o u
There are several strategies you can try to re-
the counsellors.
III. Dealing with specific types of exam
duce your anxiety before and during exams:
i. Start early and stay on track with your exam
preparation to reduce your stress
Exam questions will vary greatly across facul-
ties and disciplines. Find out how to tackle these dif-
ferent forms so that you feel confident no matter
ii. Levels : If you have trouble getting organized what the exam throws at you!
and making a study plan and would like some- q Multiple choice questions
e G
one to help you, see a LAS advisor.
Many students believe that to answer a multiple
iii. Look after your health : Get plenty of sleep, eat
choice question they need only be able to recognise
healthy food and try to find time to exercise.
material and so need only do minimal revision. A
Many people find that yoga and breathing exer-
well-written multiple choice examination, however,
cises can help keep them in tune both physically
will require you not only to have a thorough knowl-
and mentally.
edge of the subject, but also to be able to integrate
iv. Keep things in perspective : Although it may
information and to discriminate between similar an-
seem at the time that the next exam will be the
most important event in your entire life, this is
a. Carefully note the connecting words as well as
probably not really the case and thinking like
the key words, in both the question stem and
this only puts more pressure on yourself.
possible answers.
v. Take a break : Notice when you are tired or los-
b. Beware of double negatives. For example, the
ing concentration. If you feel like this late at night,
question might ask, 'which of the following is
you could make more effective use of your time
true?', and the first answer may read, '(a) it is
by going to bed and getting up earlier the next
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Notes for Writting Skill Tips
Exam Preparation : Writting Skill Tips
not the case that...' ry of your argument.
c. Think carefully about sentences with words such i. Don’t rush into a question : Give yourself time
as never and always. to think about and plan your answer. Before writ-
d. If there is an answer that you think is correct, ing, make jotting notes or a brief outline: this
check to make sure that the others are incorrect. will aid your memory if you have a mental block
You may find that you’ve been a bit hasty. later.
e. Does the question contain any clues to the an- ii. If you run out of time or misjudge things and
swer? Do the alternative answers give clues? still have a question to go, then write notes/
Through careful analysis and a process of elimi- points. Set out a plan of how you would have
nation it is possible to arrive at the correct an-
swer even if at first sight you did not have any
answered the question if you’d had time.
iii. In a short answer question, content must be
strictly relevant. Make sure that your answer is
If you are not quite sure of an answer, guess.
Unless of course there is a penalty for incorrect
answers. Determine before you begin whether
clear and concise, padding only wastes time.
iv. If appropriate, include clearly-labeled graphs or
diagrams: these may help you to remember
or not there will be such a penalty.
Do not pay attention to old myths such as, ‘if
you don’t know the answer always tick the first q
things which you have forgotten or provide you
with a basis for your writing.
Problem-solving questions
box’ or, ‘always pick the shortest or the longest
answer’. An educated guess after careful con-
o u
sideration of all the options is more likely to
These types of questions are most common in
science, mathematics, engineering and accounting.
a. Read the question carefully: take note of each
score an extra point.
Another popular myth is that if you change your
answer you are more likely to change it to an
part of the question you will have to address.
b. Check carefully what data have been given and
what have been left out.
incorrect answer. In fact, studies have been done
which prove just the opposite.
c. Think about which principles could be applied
to the data. List the formulae you will need to
e G
q Short answer and essay questions answer the question, without placing the given
Your main aim is to provide a clear, logical ex- values in them: this will help to avoid unneces-
planation that can be followed easily by your exam- sary slips resulting from a faulty transcription
a. Short answer : summarize the main points in the
first sentence. This means that you will have to
carefully plan your answer first. Also, if you run
of the formulae.
d. Decide the order of the steps you will have to
take in order to get to the answer.
e. Double check your arithmetic, etc. before mov-
out of time your examiner will be able to see ing onto the next step. Make sure you haven’t
where you were heading with your answer. misplaced any decimal points or made an incor-
b. Essay : your introduction should outline the rect substitution in the formulae.
main points of your argument. The body of the f. Include all of your calculations in your answer:
essay should consist of a logical sequence of these that way even if the final outcome is incorrect,
ideas. Have one idea per paragraph and express your examiner will be able to see where the mis-
the main point of the paragraph in the first sen- take was made and may still award you some
tence. The conclusion should provide a summa- marks for your approach to the question.
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Notes for Writting Skill Tips