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03 Issue-07, (July, 2015) ISSN: 2321-1776

International Journal in IT and Engineering, Impact Factor- 4.747

EPC: An Innovative Tool for Mega Project Construction

Abhishek Raj Singh1, Dr. Sanjay Tiwari2

Dept. of Civil Engineering, Madhav Institute of Technology and Science, Gwalior,

Madhya Pradesh, India, 474005

Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Civil Engineering, Madhav Institute of Technology and Science, Gwalior,

Madhya Pradesh, India, 474005;


It is undoubtedly true that the adoption of an appropriate project delivery method is positively related to

the success of any construction project. As the construction industry expands rapidly, the need for a

variety of contracting models increases simultaneously. Taking into account the dynamic nature of mega

projects, more flexible & effective project delivery method is needed. So, as a method of project delivery,

the Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC) approach accounts for an increasing proportion of

mega project construction. The paper brought in contrast, the circumstances in which the approach

would be suitable, the pros & cons of this project delivery method & the text also comes out with the

future aspects of EPC.

Keywords: Construction, Contracts, Design, EPC, Procurement, Responsibility, Risk

A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories
International Journal in IT and Engineering
http://www.ijmr.net.in email id- irjmss@gmail.com Page 21
IJITE Vol.03 Issue-07, (July, 2015) ISSN: 2321-1776
International Journal in IT and Engineering, Impact Factor- 4.747


At present the construction industry is predominantly stuck with an innovative approach so-called EPC
contracting. This approach satisfactorily being used for Mega Project Construction. The term Mega
Project is generally adopted for the projects having costing more than 1 billion USD. Prior to the
commissioning of Mega Projects many arrangements related to engineering/designing, material
procurement & construction at site are to be made, which involves high potential risk. Thus to minimize
risk, the owner/client prefers to use the innovative mode of project delivery i.e. through the EPC.

The research concentrated on listing out the factors that have accounted for the following:

 Why EPC
 Advantages & disadvantages
 Its future

EPC: An Overview

EPC is an acronym that stands for Engineering, Procurement & Construction. In this mode of
construction the contractor agrees to deliver EPC services to the owner/client. In an EPC contract owner
hires a contractor to provide all services, till the commissioning of the project. The EPC contracts are
categorized under Integrated Engineering Contracts; as if the Lump-sum & Turnkey contracts are
merged together to results into LSTK mode of contracting. In lump-sum contract, the contractor quote a
single lump-sum figure. This lump-sum amount refers to the total sum of money for which the
contractor agrees to build the required facility, accepting all responsibility for factor relating to the
supply of raw material, uncertainties relating to construction hazards & many other(Kumar, 2011). And a
turnkey contract is one “under which contractor is responsible for design & construction of the facility
contract can be defined as a contract in which contractor bears full responsibility of designing, procuring
material & constructing facility in a lump-sum amount to which contractor & the owner agreed upon.
The diagram below shows a basic structure for an EPC delivery model. It should be noted that even
where an EPC has the in-house engineering experience, it may still need to subcontract out design works
where, for example, the facility requires specialist process engineering by a third party engineer(Cullen
& Higgins, 2011).

A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories
International Journal in IT and Engineering
http://www.ijmr.net.in email id- irjmss@gmail.com Page 22
IJITE Vol.03 Issue-07, (July, 2015) ISSN: 2321-1776
International Journal in IT and Engineering, Impact Factor- 4.747

Figure 1. Typical EPC Arrangement



Trade Site
Process Vendors
Contrctors Services

(Phil & Nick, 2007)


Prior to the 21st century the construction industry adopts the traditional approach for project delivery.
But this mode was overtaken by an EPC system of project delivery. At present, many public & private
projects are being performed on EPC basis. It is also one of the several delivery system used in public-
private partnership projects & other financed infrastructure projects. EPC is an oldest approach that is
now regarded as a new &an alternative delivery method. During ancient times in Egypt & Mesopotamia,
the master builder was solely responsible for the design, arrangement to be made for raw material &
construction of the entire project(Owusu. J. A & Ofosu. S. A, 2013). This system of project delivery has
experienced steady growth in the past few years. In present scenario the practice of EPC projects is
becoming a major management practice of large scale projects, especially for the developing Countries
like China, Ghana, Iraq, Mongolia, Mozambique, India etc.

Literature Review

Several studies relevant to the identification of factors resulting EPC project delivery method to be
prominent among the mega construction firms was done & all reported factors were considered to
establish a list of items for research. Michael E. Schneider (The International Construction Law Review,
1986) has explained the concept, liabilities, claims etc. of turnkey contracts. In the text, he provided the
description of performance guarantees; which is a main element of an EPC contract. Owusu. J. A &
Ofosu. S. A (2013) provided the factors on which a contractor is being hired by the owner. In an article
published in TEXAS LAWYER’s Energy Buzz by NatallieRegoli & Brian Polley (2014), listed the three key
drivers for an owner in implementing any mega project were, Completion of project on time, As per
specification & In budget. In a text it’s mentioned that “turnkey project is the American version of
design-build contract &commonly called Packed Deals” (Owusu. J. A & Ofosu. S. A, 2013) & as FIDIC has
same conditions for EPC/ Turnkey contracts, so it deduces that the EPC can be called as advanced

A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories
International Journal in IT and Engineering
http://www.ijmr.net.in email id- irjmss@gmail.com Page 23
IJITE Vol.03 Issue-07, (July, 2015) ISSN: 2321-1776
International Journal in IT and Engineering, Impact Factor- 4.747

Research Methodology

Comparison of case studies was the main source of data. The setting of the case study begins with the
formulation of a research question. This paper is to provide an answer for “what factors contributes to
EPC contracts dominance over other ways of contracting models.” This paper is case study based, the
focus is directed to find the most popular & successful project delivery method among the existing
contracting models in the construction industry. The case studies were assessed from the aspect of time
variation, cost variation & quality. Lastly, overall satisfaction can be calculated as an indicator to aid

Result and Discussion

The case studies reveal unique results for every single project constructed through the EPC mode of
contracting. The study aided in listing out the forms of contract used for delivering projects. The paper
also comes out with the advantages and disadvantages of EPC delivering methods.

Table 1: Summary of Case Studies.

Background Case Study 1 Case Study 2 Case Study 3

Type of Thermal Power Plant Government Thermal Power Plant

Project Polytechnic
Work BTG Administrative BOP
Assigned (Boiler, Turbine, Generator) Building (Balance of Plant),
Area & Foundation of TG, Boiler, ESP,
Workshop Coal Mill, Switchyard, NDCT,
Building Wagon Tripler, Road Drain,
3-units FOPH, CW-RW Pump house,
Reservoir, Mill, Main Building,
Service Building, All
mechanical stricture,
electrical workFirefighting
systems, etc.
Contracting EPC EPC EPC
Total Land 30,000 20,234.28 5127367
Area sq.Km sq.Mtr. sq.Mtr.
Build up Floor 75,000 4177.64 2050946.80
Area sq.Mtr. sq.Mtr. sq.Mtr.
Lump-Sum 6897 1106.80 1600
Price Crores Lacs Crores
Yearof Award 2009 2009 2010

A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories
International Journal in IT and Engineering
http://www.ijmr.net.in email id- irjmss@gmail.com Page 24
IJITE Vol.03 Issue-07, (July, 2015) ISSN: 2321-1776
International Journal in IT and Engineering, Impact Factor- 4.747

This paper served the main purpose of finding out the factors like:

1.) Why EPC

There were many projects completed using various delivery methods in the construction industry, but
the major drawbacks were 1) cost over-run & 2) time delay. To overcome these situations the
construction industry merged lump-sum contract & turnkey contract, and the fusion resulted in an
integrated form of contract EPC/LSTK contracts. This method of delivering projects differed from others,
mainly in:

A.) Design Responsibility

Relating to design responsibility the contractor is solely responsible for designing. The Employer/Owner
prepares its requirements in the form of specifications, for the sake of scope & other technical criteria,
such as performance criteria often on a fitness for purpose basis.

B.) Contract Price Determination

In terms of contract price determination, there is generally as milestone based payments. In this mode
the payments are made for the work conforming to the agreement & commensurate with the stages of
completion of works.

C.) Contract Administration Approach

For Contract Administration, the Employer/Owner has to make their own arrangements. The owner
hires consultants for monitoring the project. The consultants reduces the employer’s involvement to the
minimum during construction. This Employer’s Agent hired to coordinate all processes on professional
service agreement basis without direct responsibility for design & works.

D.) Risk Allocation

To distinguish the EPC from other traditional forms of project delivery, it is essential to understand the
Risk Allocation. US department of Transportation defines it as “the goal of an optimal allocation of risk
to minimize the total cost of risk on a project, not necessarily the costs to each party separately. Thus, it
might sometimes seem as if one party is bearing more of the risk cost than the other party. However, if
both owners & contractors take a long-term view & take into consideration the benefit of consistently
applying an optimal method to themselves &for the rest of their industry, they will realize that over time
optimizing risk allocation reduces everyone’s cost & increases the competitiveness of all parties
involved”(Lukas, 2013). Hence, in an EPC contract the risk is transferred from the owner to the

E.) Performance Guarantee

The performance guarantees undertaken by the contractor are based on certain assumptions with
respect to the quality of raw materials used & the operating conditions, such as climatic conditions,
availability & regularity in supply of utilities etc. Difficulties occur when the assumptions & the
conditions prevailing mismatches/differs. A failure to meet contractual performance guarantees is often
sanctioned by liquidated damages reflecting the degree by which guarantees have been missed.

A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories
International Journal in IT and Engineering
http://www.ijmr.net.in email id- irjmss@gmail.com Page 25
IJITE Vol.03 Issue-07, (July, 2015) ISSN: 2321-1776
International Journal in IT and Engineering, Impact Factor- 4.747

2.) Advantages & Disadvantages

As similar to an unbiased coin, every project delivery method has its advantages & disadvantages
separately for owners and contractors & sometimes competitively for both.

The advantages of the EPC mode of delivery are as follows:

 Single point responsibility

 Opportunity for innovation & faster project delivery
 Efficiency (design & construction expertise together)
 “Fitness for purposes” through performance specification
 No real alternative for proprietary technology
 The contractor bears the risk of integrating design & performance of all packages
 Streamlined contractor/consultant interface
 Fewer changes
 Implementation of changes often simplified
 Often a reduction of claims (or number of claims)
 Increased flexibility to address changing conditions
 Reduced administrative burden for the owner
 Improved risk management for owner
The disadvantages of this mode of project delivery can be listed as:

 Loss of control and reduced owner involvement in design

 Cost of risks and contingencies can result in substantial risk premium
 Environmental/Regularity processes
 The contractor has an incentive to provide minimum compliant standard to decrease cost
 Limited pool of qualified EPC-contractors
 QA/QC largely in the contractor’s hands
 Disputes tend to be larger & more complex
 Management of long term risks

3.) Its Future

Since the starting of 21st Century showed the popularity of the EPC project delivery method so its
dominance could be foreseen in the upcoming years too, as the construction industry is expanding
enormously. Presently, the construction industry to in need of a project delivery method which can fulfil
the owner’s requirement, in budget & on time. EPC serves the purpose better, than any other
contracting model; so its dominance can be expected in the construction industry for a long term.

Apart from advantages & disadvantages, the owner’s perspective to favor EPC are summarized as:

 “One-off’ project
 Low risk tolerance
 Marginal project
 No internal resources
 Need for overall performance guarantee
 The owner has limited expertise
 Single point responsibility
A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories
International Journal in IT and Engineering
http://www.ijmr.net.in email id- irjmss@gmail.com Page 26
IJITE Vol.03 Issue-07, (July, 2015) ISSN: 2321-1776
International Journal in IT and Engineering, Impact Factor- 4.747

Forms of contract used for EPC

The study revealed that, the construction industry had enormous growth in past few decades. So taking
the future need in concern the (FIDIC) provided a standard form of contract in 1999 for EPC model of
project delivery. “The Silver Book (1999)” provides conditions of contracts for EPC/ Turnkey projects,
enlightening that in early 21stCentury EPC mode prominence resulted in need of some standard forms to
monitor the conditions of the contract. The FIDIC describes EPC projects as the contracts where one
entity takes total responsibility for the design & execution of an engineering project to provide a fully
equipped facility, ready for operation. Similarly the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) analyzed the need
for the forms to monitor the EPC projects proposes “ICE conditions of contract design & construct 2nd
Edition: July 2004”. This contract also held the contractors responsible for all aspects of design &
construction. Furthermore, many organizations developed the forms, providing conditions of contract,
such as Institute of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) introduced IChemE (Red) form of contract- Lump Sum
Contracts. This form of contract provides conditions for the payment to the contractors on the Lump
Sum basis, similar to the EPC. The Joint Contract Tribunal (JCT) also produces a standard form of contract
as “MW2005 Agreement for Minor Building Works”. Considering the necessity of providing conditions to
the EPC/LSTK mode of project delivery, the Government contracts also play a vital role in monitoring the
conditions for the various contacts. The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) & The Liasion Group
of the European Mechanical, Electrical, Electronic &Metalwork Industries (ORGALIME) issued new
standard contracts, named as ICC model Major Project Turnkey Contract & the ORGALIME Turnkey
Contract for Industrial Work respectively, to regulate conditions in Turnkey contracting or Packaged


The factors indicating the reasons behind the dominance of EPC project delivery method in the
construction industry were extracted through the synthesis of the study/research carried out. These
factors also formed the basis for EPC project evaluation. From the case study analysis results, three of
the factors were found to be critical in explaining EPC dominance. Specifically, single point responsibility,
risk transfer and performance guarantee are important to bring about the successful outcome from the
EPC mode of contracting. All of these factors highlight that EPC project success rest on the commitment
and efforts input from all parties to the project.

Results from this study have shown some interesting findings about EPC projects, which has resulted in
its dominance. This research provides greater insight into the key factors/criteria relationships that may
impact the decision of choosing project delivery method & provide clients and contractors an
understanding of, ‘on what basis should a project delivery method be adopted’.

Information from the research can benefit both the education & practice of project management. In
practice, the results can assist the selection of best project delivery method, identification of, the
development in other forms of contracting and in forecasting of performance & success of the project
delivery method adopted, before the project commences. In education, the results can be used to
design the content of management education programs for project managers running EPC projects.

This research provides a lot about the EPC project delivery method, but more research should be
conducted to further explore the EPC till intuit.

A Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International e-Journal - Included in the International Serial Directories
International Journal in IT and Engineering
http://www.ijmr.net.in email id- irjmss@gmail.com Page 27
IJITE Vol.03 Issue-07, (July, 2015) ISSN: 2321-1776
International Journal in IT and Engineering, Impact Factor- 4.747

Cullen, D., & Higgins, A. (2011, December 22). The ABC of EPC and EPCM Contraction. Construction Alert.
ICC model Major Project Turnkey Contract. (2007). International Chamber of Commerce(ICC).
ICE conditions of contract design & construct 2nd Edition. (2004). Institution of Civil Engineers(ICE).
IChemE (Red) form of contract- Lump Sum Contracts. (2013). Institute of Chemical Engineers(IChemE).
Kumar, N. J. (2011). Costruction Project Management. Pearson.
Lukas, K. (2013). DELIVERY METHODS UNDER FIDIC FORMS OF CONTRACT. The Lawyer Quarterly, 164-
MW2005 Agreement for Minor Building Works. (2005). The Joint Contract Tribunal(JCT).
Natallie, R., & Brian, P. (2014, MAY 26). Build Wisely: 5 Keys for Energy Facilities Contracts. energy buzz.
Owusu, J., & Ofosu, S. (2013). Evaluation Of Turnkey Projects In Urban Water Delivery In Ghana.
Research Desk, 260- 269.
Phil, L., & Nick, H. (2007, November). Worlds Apart: EPC and EPCM Contracts: Risk issue and allocation.
Article. Washington DC, United States of America: MAYER BROWN.
The ORGALIME Turnkey Contract for Industrial Works. (2003). Liasion Group of the European
Mechanical, Electrical, Electronic & Metalwork Industries (ORGALIME).
The Silver Book. (1999). Federation Internationale des Ingenieurs Conseils.

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