Versus: Graviphoton
Versus: Graviphoton
Versus: Graviphoton
Nuclear Physics B 944 (2019) 114637
versus graviphoton
Ahmad Zein Assi
Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Bern, Sidlerstrasse 5,
CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland
Received 5 December 2018; received in revised form 7 April 2019; accepted 12 May 2019
Available online 15 May 2019
Editor: Stephan Stieberger
In this work, I study the deformation of the topological string by , ¯ the complex conjugate of the
-deformation. Namely, I identify ¯ in terms of a physical state in the string spectrum and verify that
the deformed Yang-Mills and ADHM actions are reproduced. This completes the study initiated in [1]
where we show that ¯ decouples from the one-loop topological amplitudes in heterotic string theory. Simi-
larly to the N = 2 deformation, I show that the quadratic terms in the effective action play a crucial role in
obtaining the correct realisation of the full -deformation. Finally, I comment on the differences between
the graviphoton and the -deformation in general and discuss possible ¯ remnants at the boundary of the
string moduli space.
© 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
( Funded by SCOAP3 .
1. Introduction
Little attention has been devoted to the study of the -background as a non-holomorphic
deformation at the string level. Indeed, from the gauge theory point of view, the -deformation is
a background that twists space-time in a particular way allowing for a path-integral derivation of
the partition function through localisation [2–4]. Viewed as a background, it is non-holomorphic
in the sense that it has a holomorphic as well as an anti-holomorphic part denoted . ¯ However,
the latter decouples from physical observables and this is clear from the localisation perspective
where ¯ is a Q-exact deformation of the effective action.
0550-3213/© 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
( Funded by SCOAP3 .
2 A. Zein Assi / Nuclear Physics B 944 (2019) 114637
From the string theory point of view, there is a natural topological limit that one can impose
on the -background. If one denotes 1,2 the two parameters of the latter, then, for 1 + 2 = 0
the -deformed gauge theory partition function is the field theory limit of the topological string
partition function Fg [5] which computes a class of higher derivative gravitational couplings in
the effective action [6]. The connection between string amplitudes and supersymmetric gauge
theories has been further extended beyond topological limit [7–9]. In all these studies, the anti-
holomorphic part ¯ is implicitly set to zero. This is understandable from the gauge theory side
because of the decoupling of . ¯ In string theory, however, it is not clear, a priori, that the same
property remains true. A particular instance where the breakdown, in string theory, of gauge the-
ory properties is the moduli dependence of topological amplitudes. Indeed, as shown in [10],
the topological amplitudes Fg have a non-holomorphic dependence on the moduli of the string
compactification stemming from the boundary of the moduli space only while, in gauge theory,
Fg is purely holomorphic.
The purpose of the present paper is to initiate a similar analysis for the full -deformation
(including )¯ in the topological limit. The goal is to study the possible dependence in string
theory on ¯ by identifying it in the string theory spectrum. In [1], by making a particular ansatz
¯ we showed that
for , ¯ decouples from the topological amplitudes Fg perturbatively. Here,
I prove that this ansatz is correct by showing that it leads to the correct effective actions in field
theory. This is done by coupling the open string degrees of freedom of a Dp-D(p+4) system in
type I string theory to the closed string background using similar techniques as in [8,11,12].
The paper is organised as follows. In Section 2, I review the ansatz of [1] in the context
of type I string theory compactified on a T 2 × K3 orientifold and then, in Section 3, I derive
the perturbative (Yang-Mills) and non-perturbative (ADHM) effective actions in the presence
of the string theory , -background. Finally, in Section 4, I briefly review the results of [1]
for completeness. To keep the discussion clear, several technical aspects and useful results are
presented in two appendices.
2. The stringy
In [1], starting from heterotic string theory compactified on T 2 × K3, we postulated that ¯
can be identified as a constant background for a self-dual field strength FT which is the vector
partner of the Kähler modulus T of T 2 . Here, I repeat the same analysis in the context of the
dual type I string theory.
Recall that, in ten dimensions, type I and heterotic string theories are S-dual to each other.
However, in four dimensions, there are regions in the moduli space where both theories are
weakly coupled [13]. Hence, I focus on those particular regions and consider a type I theory
compactified on T 2 × K3. Here, I realise K3 as a T 4 /Z2 orientifold which admits both D9- and
D5-branes. Tadpole cancellation restricts the number of such D-branes. However, I keep their
number generic as one could consider a non-compact K3 as well. In Table 1, I summarise the
mapping between the universal scalar fields of the vector multiplet moduli space.
Notice that the axion-dilatons are mapped to one another [13,14]. Furthermore, the complex
structure modulus U of T 2 is unchanged and the Kähler modulus T in Heterotic is mapped
to another dilaton-like field denoted S . Indeed, the presence of two dilatons in Type I is not
surprising since the theory contains D9- and D5-branes whose coupling constants are given by
the imaginary parts of two different fields, namely S and S respectively.
¯ deformation in terms of the type I physical string spectrum, I focus
In order to identify the
on the universal vector multiplet sector, i.e. the so-called STU-model. Namely, the three vector
A. Zein Assi / Nuclear Physics B 944 (2019) 114637 3
Table 1
Mapping of the universal fields
under Heterotic/Type I duality
in four dimensions.
Heterotic Type I
T S’
multiplet moduli are S, S’ and U. To keep the discussion clear, I do not consider Wilson lines. In
addition to the three vector fields associated to each scalar, there is another vector field stemming
from the N = 2 gravity multiplet, the graviphoton, so that there are four gauge fields denoted FI
with I = G, S, S , U .
Since the question under consideration is the realisation of the -deformation, recall that one
can construct it geometrically as a non-trivial T 2 fibration over space-time, in such a way that,
when one goes around the cycles of T 2 , the space-time fields are rotated with an arbitrary angle.
This geometric picture of a reduction from six dimensions on the metric with line element
ds 2 = gμν dX μ + μ ρ X ρ dZ + ¯μ ρ ν ρ ¯ν ρ
ρ X dZ̄ dX + ρ X dZ + ρ X dZ̄ + dsT 2 (2.1)
is very helpful. Here, μ, ν ∈ J0, 3K are space-time indices, Z is the complexified T 2 coordinate
and , ¯ are the space-time rotation matrices depending on two complex parameters 1,2 . Hence,
the Lorentz group SU (2)L × SU (2)R is explicitly broken. For practical purposes, redefine them
1 ± 2
± = . (2.2)
For the present matter, I work in the topological limit + = 0. From the seminal work [6], one
can show that the holomorphic part of the -deformation can be described as a constant back-
ground for the self-dual part of the graviphoton field strength. The self-duality condition means
that − ≡ is sensitive to SU (2)L only. In this convention, for + = 0, SU (2)R remains unbro-
ken. Consequently, in order to describe ¯ in type I string theory, one should turn on a constant
background for the self-dual field strength of one of the following fields.
1. FS (−) : VT = μ ∂X μ ∂¯ Z̄+RR .
2. FU (−) : VU = μ ∂X μ ∂Z+RR .
3. FS : VS = μ ∂ Z̄ ∂X μ +RR .
The superscript (−) stresses the fact that the field strengths are self-dual. Notice that I have
only written the bosonic part of the vertex operators which should be completed by the fermionic
and the Ramond-Ramond parts.1 As opposed to heterotic, the latter arises typically in orientifold
compactifications since the supercharges are combinations of left- and right-moving ones. In
addition, I have implicitly assumed that the polarisation μ is chosen in such a way to satisfy the
self-duality constraint. Recall that the graviphoton vertex operator is
¯ μ + RR .
VG = μ ∂Z ∂X (2.3)
¯ Here, ‘natural’
Consequently, one is led to choosing FS (−) and FS (−) as natural candidates for .
means that ¯ is understood, in some sense, as the complex conjugate of .
In order to rigorously make the selection, I first consider the effect of each of these states
on the gauge theory degrees of freedom. More precisely, following the ideas pioneered in [15]
and further exploited in [8,11,12], I analyse the possible couplings of the field-strengths with the
gauge theory degrees of freedom (including instantons) realised as the massless excitations of
the open strings in Dp-D(p+4) branes systems. This is naturally realised in the dual type I string
theory [8] studied in the following section.
3. -deformed effective actions
In the present section, I use the D9-branes to realise the gauge theory. By T-duality, this is
equivalent to the D3-branes realisation [15], see also [16] for a review and complete analysis.
In this setup, gauge theory instantons are realised in terms of D5-branes called D5-instantons
wrapping T 2 × K3. This configuration is summarised in the following table.
brane num. X0 X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9
D9 N • • • • • • • • • •
D5 k • • • • • •
space-time ∼ R4 T2 K3 ∼ T 4 /Z2
In this picture, the massless excitations of the open strings stretched between the D9-branes
are the gauge theory degrees of freedom whereas the massless excitations of the open strings
with at least one endpoint on a D5-instanton correspond to the ADHM moduli. Hence, besides
the D9-branes excitations that I refer to as the 9-9 sector, there are two classes of open string
excitations in the instanton sector, depending on whether the location of one endpoint of the open
string only lies on a D5-instanton (9-5, 5-9 or mixed sector) or both (5-5 or unmixed sector). The
ADHM moduli are non dynamical fields due to the Dirichlet boundary conditions in all transverse
directions. These fields are summarised in Table 2.
In the 9-9 sector, the massless excitations consist of a number of N = 2 vector multiplets, each
of which containing a vector field Aμ , a complex scalar φ as well as four gaugini ( αA , α̇A )
that are in the (2, 1) representation of SU (2)+ × SU (2)− . The bosonic degrees of freedom stem
from the NS sector, while the fermionic ones from the R sector. These fields, taken separately,
realise a Yang-Mills theory in four dimensions. Denoting ψ μ , the fermionic partners of Xμ , Z
respectively and ϕ the free boson that bosonises the superghost, their vertex operators are
Aμ (p) μ φ(p)
VA (z) = √ ψ (z) eip·X(z) e−ϕ(z) , Vφ (z) = √ (z) eip·X(z) e−ϕ(z) , (3.1)
2 2
1 1
V (z) = αA Sα (z)SA (z) eip·X(z) e− 2 ϕ(z) , V ¯ (z) = α̇A S α̇ (z)S A (z)eip·X(z) e− 2 ϕ(z) .
The spin fields S are defined in Appendix A. In the 5-5 and NS sector, there are six bosonic
moduli that can be written as a real vector a μ and a complex scalar χ . From the perspective of
the gauge theory living on the world-volume of the D9-branes, a μ parametrises the position of
A. Zein Assi / Nuclear Physics B 944 (2019) 114637 5
Table 2
Summary of the massless spectrum of the D5/D9 system and the decomposition of the scalar fields. I display the trans-
formation properties under the groups SO(4)ST × SU (2)+ × SU (2)− , while cT 2 is the charge under SO(2)T 2 .
sector field SO(4)ST cT 2 SU (2)+ × SU (2)−
9-9 Aμ (1/2, 1/2) 0 (1, 1)
αA (1/2, 0) 1/2 (2, 1)
α̇A (0, 1/2) −1/2 (2, 1)
φ (0, 0) −1 (1, 1)
5-5 aμ (1/2, 1/2) 0 (1, 1)
χ (0, 0) −1 (1, 1)
M αA (1/2, 0) 1/2 (2, 1)
λα̇A (0, 1/2) −1/2 (2, 1)
5-9 ωα̇ (0, 1/2) 0 (1, 1)
μA (0, 0) 1/2 (2, 1)
gauge theory instantons. In the Ramond sector, there are eight fermionic moduli M αA , λα̇A . The
vertex operators of these states are
Va (z) = g6 aμ ψ μ (z)e−ϕ(z) , Vχ (z) = √ (z)e−ϕ(z) , (3.3)
g6 1 1
VM (z) = √ M αA Sα (z)SA (z)e− 2 ϕ(z) , Vλ (z) = λα̇A S α̇ (z)S A (z) e− 2 ϕ(z) . (3.4)
Here, g5 is the D5-brane coupling constant. For a Dp-brane, it is given by
gp+1 = 4π(2π α )p−3 gs . (3.5)
Finally, let’s consider the mixed moduli. From the NS sector, the fermionic coordinates give rise
to two Weyl spinors (ωα̇ , ω̄α̇ ) of SO(4). They have the same chirality due to the specific choice of
boundary conditions of the D5-branes. In addition, they describe the size of the instanton. In the
R sector, one gets two Weyl fermions (μA , μ̄A ) transforming in the fundamental representation
of SO(6). The vertex operators for the mixed sectors contain the twist operators that change the
coordinates boundary conditions from Dirichlet to Neumann and vice versa. These are bosonic
fields , ¯ of conformal dimension 1/4. The vertex operators are
g1 g1
Vω (z) = √ ωα̇ (z)S α̇ (z)e−ϕ(z) , ¯
Vω̄ (z) = √ ω̄α̇ (z)S α̇
(z)e−ϕ(z) (3.6)
2 2
g1 g1
− 1 ϕ(z)
Vμ (z) = √ μA (z)SA (z)e− 2 ϕ(z) , Vμ̄ (z) = √ μ̄A (z)S A (z)e 2 . (3.7)
2 2
This summarises the complete description of the gauge theory states in terms of CFT vertex
operators. In order to study the -deformation, one must include the closed string operators
describing it. As mentioned above, the preserved supercharges are a combination of the left- and
right-moving supercharges due to the orientifold action. This implies that the vertex operators for
the vector fields have, generically, an NS-NS and a R-R part each. They can be derived explicitly
by spectral flow from the universal scalars’ vertex operators. In [7], the self-dual graviphoton and
U-vector field operators were shown to take the form
± 1
V (y, ȳ) = √ Fμν ψ μ ψ ν (y)e−ϕ(ȳ) (ȳ) + e−ϕ(y) (y)ψ μ ψ ν (ȳ)
8π 2
i − 1 (ϕ(y)+ϕ(ȳ))
± e 2 μν αβ AB
Sα (y)(σ ) Sβ (ȳ) SA (y)SB (ȳ) , (3.8)
6 A. Zein Assi / Nuclear Physics B 944 (2019) 114637
Fig. 1. Disc diagrams in the 9-9 sector. Diagram (a) involves two bosonic boundary insertions and one bulk insertion of
F̄ , diagram (b) two fermionic insertions and one F̄ , whereas diagram (c) has two bosonic boundary insertions and two
bulk insertions of a graviphoton and an F̄ .
I now calculate the deformations to the Yang-Mills effective action due to the candidates for
the -deformation. In order to achieve this, I calculate all possible tree-level couplings between
the self-dual S- and S’-vectors to leading order in α . In the type I theory under study, these are
simply disc diagrams whose boundary lies entirely on a D9-brane. In addition, I insert at least
one self-dual S- or S’-vector vertex operator in the bulk of the disc diagram (and possibly some
graviphotons) while including an arbitrary number of open string insertions at the boundary from
the 9-9 sector. In fact, the number of such insertions is highly restricted by the fact that I am only
interested in the gauge theory action.
From a practical point of view, to avoid repeating the calculations twice, I split the vertex
operator for the -deformation into an NS-NS part V1 and a R-R one V2 . It turns out that only
few disc amplitudes are potentially non-vanishing in the field theory limit and some of those are
summarised in Fig. 1.
I start by evaluating the amplitude with the gaugini. Notice that, due to the specific self-duality
of the closed string vertex, the only possible non-trivial couplings are with αA . Furthermore,
had one used the graviphoton vertex instead, the amplitude would have vanished trivially by the
non-conservation of the SO(2)T 2 -charge. Using the doubling trick, I convert the disc into the full
plane with a Z2 involution. I then split the closed string vertices into their left- and right-moving
parts which can be considered as independent. As such, the tree-point disc amplitude becomes
effectively a four-point amplitude. In addition, I soak up c-ghost zero-modes on the sphere by
A. Zein Assi / Nuclear Physics B 944 (2019) 114637 7
attaching c to three dimension-one operators in such a way that the resulting vertex operator
is BRST closed. In order to avoid subtleties due to the use of unintegrated vertex operators in
different ghost pictures as discussed, for instance, in [16], I don’t attach the c-ghost to operators
in the zero-picture. The contribution from the NS-NS part of F̄ is
√ αA βB F̄μν c(z1 )Sα (z1 )SA (z1 ) e− 2 ϕ(z1 )
cV (z1 )cV (z2 )cVF̄ (z3 , z4 ) =
8π 2
× c(z2 )Sβ (z2 )SB (z2 ) e− 2 ϕ(z2 )
¯ 3 )ψ μ ψ ν (z4 ) + (Left ↔ Right) .
× c(z3 )e−ϕ(z3 ) (z
Notice that I have denoted the left and right parts of the NS-NS vertex by two different labels. The
double brackets notation means that one should integrate over n − 3 free positions with n being
the total number of inserted points. In (3.10), one must integrate over z4 only. Performing the
contractions between the various operators using the standard results summarised in Appendix A,
I find
(−1,0) i z12
cV (z1 )cV (z2 )cVF̄ (z3 , z4 ) = − √ AB (σ )αβ F̄μν dz4
μν αA βB
16π 2 z14 z24
I have used the notation zij ≡ zi − zj . The integral over z4 is straightforward. I identify ¯ using
a particular normalisation for F̄μν :
3 ¯
F̄μν ≡ ημν , (3.12)
c being the ’t Hooft symbols. Thus, I obtain
with ημν
cV (z1 )cV (z2 )cVF̄ (z3 , z4 ) = −i √ αA β A (σ 3 )αβ . (3.13)
I now turn to the contribution of the R-R piece of the closed string operator which is
(− 1 ,− 1 )
cV (z1 )cV (z2 )cVF̄ 2 2 (z3 , z4 )
= √ αA βB F̄μν (σ μν )γ δ Ĉ D̂ c(z1 )Sα (z1 )SA (z1 )e− 2 ϕ(z1 )
16π 2
1 1
× c(z2 )Sβ (z2 )SB (z2 ) e− 2 ϕ(z2 ) c(z3 )e− 2 ϕ(z3 ) Sλ (z3 )SĈ (z3 )
× e− 2 ϕ(z3 ) Sδ (z4 )SD̂ (z4 ) + (Left ↔ Right) . (3.14)
(− 12 ,− 12 ) ¯
cV (z1 )cV (z2 )cVF̄ (z3 , z4 ) = −i √ αA β A (σ 3 )αβ . (3.16)
This is to be expected based on supersymmetry arguments. One now puts both results together
and notices a clear difference between the S- and the S -vectors. Namely, for the FS one has
V V VS = 0 (3.17)
while for FS
V V VS = −i 2 ¯ αA β A (σ 3 )αβ . (3.18)
In fact, to the leading order I am concerned by, there are no further couplings between the closed
string vertices and the fermionic fields.
¯ is realised by the S -vector as I now confirm from
This is already a clear indication that
the following calculations. Note that this type of cancellations was already observed in a similar
setup in [8] where the problem of the refinement is addressed.
Now consider the possible couplings with the bosonic open string degrees of freedom. The
first non-trivial coupling corresponds to diagram (a) in Fig. 1. As before, I split the closed string
vertex into its NS-NS and R-R parts. The setup for the vertex operators is as follows.
Vφ (z1 ) = √ c e−ϕ e2ip1 ·X (z1 ) ,
VA (z2 ) = Aμ ∂X μ − 2i(p2 · ψ)ψ μ e2ip2 ·X (z2 ) ,
VF̄ (z3 ) = c e− 2 Sα SÂ ei P̄ ·X (z3 ) ,
i ϕ
VF̄ (z4 ) = √ ÂB̂ (σ λν )αβ F̄λν e− 2 Sβ SB̂ ei P̄ ·X (z4 ) . (3.19)
16π 2
Hence, I choose to integrate over z2 only. Notice that only the fermion bilinear term of the gauge
field can lead to a non-vanishing amplitude. In addition, one can already set the momenta of
the exponentials to zero since this amplitude turns out not to stem from contact terms, i.e. the
integrals over the positions are convergent for vanishing momenta. The correlator is thus
1 1 1 ÂB̂ z13 z14 z24
Vφ (z1 )VA (z2 )V (− 2 ,− 2 ) (z3 , z4 ) = φ p2ρ Aμ F̄ αβ 1/2 1/2 1/4
16π z13 z14 z34
× ψ(z1 )ψ ψ (z2 )Sα SÂ (z3 )Sβ SB̂ (z4 ) ,
ρ μ
where I have introduced the notation F αβ ≡ (σ μν )αβ Fμν . Using the results of Appendix A, one
can calculate the CFT correlator and find
1 1 i z34
Vφ (z1 )VA (z2 )V (− 2 ,− 2 ) (z3 , z4 ) = − φ p2ρ Aμ F̄ αβ (σ ρμ )αβ . (3.21)
16π z23 z24
Integrating over the disc, one obtains
1 1
Vφ (z1 )VA (z2 )V (− 2 ,− 2 ) (z3 , z4 ) = φFμν F̄ μν . (3.22)
Including the NS-NS part, the total contribution to the action becomes
Vφ VA VS = ¯ φFμν η3μν . (3.23)
A. Zein Assi / Nuclear Physics B 944 (2019) 114637 9
Finally, I analyse the possible quadratic terms in the -deformation. I first consider possible
mass terms for the gauge fields, namely I calculate the coupling between two gauge fields, one
graviphoton and one S -vector,
VA (z1 )VA (z2 )VG (z3 , z4 )VS (z5 , z6 ) , (3.24)
and choose for convenience to fix the positions z1 , z2 and z4 to −∞, 1 and −ix with x being
real (so that z3 = ix). This is done by attaching a c-ghost to the corresponding vertex operators.
In order to keep the calculation simple, I take the gauge fields’ vertex operators in the 0-ghost
picture. However, by BRST invariance, this requires including an additional contribution to the
vertex (3.1) as discussed in [8,16]. Hence, the vertex operators are explicitly given by
VA (z1 ) = Aμ c(∂X μ + 2i p1,ν ψ μ ψ ν ) − γ ψ μ e2ip1 ·X (z1 ) , (3.25)
ρ 2ip2 ·X
VA (z2 ) = Aρ c(∂X + 2i p2,σ ψ ψ ) − γ ψ e
ρ ρ σ
(z2 ) , (3.26)
VG (z3 ) = c e− 2 Sα SA eiP ·X (z3 ) , (3.27)
i ϕ
VG (z4 ) = − √ AB (σ λκ )αβ Fλκ e− 2 Sβ SB eiP ·X (z4 ) , (3.28)
16π 2
VF̄ (z5 ) = c e− 2 Sγ SÂ ei P̄ ·X (z5 ) , (3.29)
i ϕ
VF̄ (z6 ) = √ ÂB̂ (σ ωξ )γ δ F̄ωξ e− 2 Sδ SB̂ ei P̄ ·X (z6 ) . (3.30)
16π 2
Here, I have only written the R-R parts of the closed string vertices whose contributions are
considered first. Furthermore, recall that momentum conservation along the Neumann directions
implies that p1 + p2 + P + P̄ = 0. Even though I compute a coupling at a fixed momentum
order, I keep the momenta generic in order to consistently regularise the worldsheet integrals.
Equivalently, the contribution of interest arises as a contact term of the form (pi · pj )/(pi · pj )
such that it is crucial to send the momenta to zero only at the end.
There are, in principle, several terms stemming from whether one takes the bosonic or
fermionic parts of the gauge fields. First of all, one can show that the terms needed to reinforce
BRST invariance of the gauge fields vertex operators do not lead to any non-trivial contributions.
There are thus four separate CFT correlators all of which are multiplied by
Notice that I have only kept the terms that would be non vanishing once I take into account the
polarisation vectors in A0 . However, in the gauge chosen for the worldsheet positions, this term
is zero by the transversality condition p1 Aμ = 0. The second term obtained when only the gauge
field at z2 gives its bosonic piece is
A2 = 2ip1,ν ∂X ρ (z2 ) ψ μ ψ ν (z1 )Sα SA (z3 )Sβ SB (z4 )Sγ SÂ (z5 )Sδ SB̂ (z6 )
−p1,ν AB ÂB̂ z34 z56
= 3
βγ (σ μν )αδ z14 z15 z36 + αδ (σ μν )βγ z13 z16 z45
z13 z14 z15 z16 (z34 z35 z36 z45 z46 z56 ) 4
p1 Pρ Pρ P̄ ρ P̄ ρ
× 2 − − − − (3.33)
z12 z23 z24 z25 z26
Similarly to A1 , when the gauge field at z1 only gives its bosonic piece then the correlator van-
ishes. Finally, when all vertices give their fermionic terms, one finds
A4 = −4p1,ν p2,σ ψ μ ψ ν (z1 )ψ ρ ψ σ (z2 )Sα SA (z3 )Sβ SB (z4 )Sγ SÂ (z5 )Sδ SB̂ (z6 )
2p1,ν p2,σ AB ÂB̂
= 3
z12 z13 z14 z15 z16 z23 z24 z25 z26 (z34 z35 z36 z45 z46 z56 ) 4
× δ μρ βγ (σ ν σ̄ σ )αδ z13 z15
2 2
z24 z26 z34 z36 z56
1 ν ρ
− z12 z13 z15 z24 z26 z34 z36 z45 z56 (σ σ̄ )αδ (σ σ̄ )γβ + (σ σ̄ )γβ (σ σ̄ )αδ .
μ σ ν ρ μ σ
Here, I have used the explicit results of [17] for higher point fermionic correlation function on
the disc. This can be further simplified to
A. Zein Assi / Nuclear Physics B 944 (2019) 114637 11
2p1,ν p2,σ AB ÂB̂
A4 = 3
z12 z13 z14 z15 z16 z23 z24 z25 z26 (z34 z35 z36 z45 z46 z56 ) 4
+ z13 z15
2 2
z24 z26 z34 z36 z56 δ μρ βγ (σ ν σ̄ σ )αδ + δ νσ βγ (σ μ σ̄ ρ )αδ
− δ μσ βγ (σ ν σ̄ ρ )αδ − δ νρ βγ (σ μ σ̄ σ )αδ
+ z13
2 2
z15 z24 z26 z34 z45 z56 δ μρ αδ (σ ν σ̄ σ )γβ + δ νσ αδ (σ μ σ̄ ρ )γβ
− δ μσ αδ (σ ν σ̄ ρ )γβ − δ νρ αδ (σ μ σ̄ σ )γβ
− (σ μ σ̄ ν σ ρ σ̄ σ )αδ βγ z12 z14 z15 z24 z25 z34 z36
+ (σ μ σ̄ ν σ ρ σ̄ σ )γβ αδ z12 z13 z16 z23 z26 z34 z45
+ z12 z34 z36 z45 z56 z12 z15 z26 z34 (σ μ σ̄ ν )αδ (σ ρ σ̄ σ )γβ
+ z12 z13 z24 z56 (σ μ σ̄ ν )γβ (σ ρ σ̄ σ )αδ
ν ρ
− z13 z15 z24 z26 (σ σ̄ )αδ (σ σ̄ )γβ + (σ σ̄ )γβ (σ σ̄ )αδ
μ σ ν ρ μ σ
. (3.35)
The full correlator is thus A0 (A2 + A4 ) which I now integrate over the worldsheet positions x,
z5 and z6 . For generic space-time momenta, this is a well defined integral over R × C. Instead of
performing directly the calculation using the analytic structure of the integrand, I use the beautiful
results of [18] in which this type of complex integrals is mapped to real integrals appearing in
colour ordered amplitudes in gauge theory. More precisely, it was proven that
dx d2 z(z − z̄)κ x α (1 + ix)u+n0 (1 − ix)u+n1 (1 − z)t+n2 (1 − z̄)t+n3 (z − ix) 2 +n4
s s s
× (z̄ + ix) 2 +n5 (z + ix) 2 +n6 (z̄ − ix) 2 +n7
πs πs
= 2 sin( ) sin(πs)A(1, 6, 3, 5, 4, 2) − 2 sin( ) sin(πt)A(1, 3, 5, 4, 2, 6) , (3.36)
2 2
A(1, 6, 3, 5, 4, 2)
1 s
1 s
= − (−)n4 +n5 +n7 dx x u−2−κ−n3 −n5 −n7
(1 − x) 2 +n5 dy y − 2 +n1 +n2 +n4 +1
0 0
1 s s
× (1 − y) 2 +n6 (1 − xy)κ dz zu+n1 (1 − z) 2 +n4 (1 − yz)α (1 − xyz) 2 +n7 , (3.37)
A(1, 3, 5, 4, 2, 6)
1 s s
= (−)κ+n3 +n4 dx x 2 +n6 (1 − x) 2 +n4 dy y s+α+n4 +n6 +1 (1 − y)u+n1 (1 − xy)t+n1
0 0
12 A. Zein Assi / Nuclear Physics B 944 (2019) 114637
1 s
× dz zu−κ−n3 −n5 −n7 −2 (1 − z)t+n3 (1 − yz) 2 +n6 . (3.38)
These integrals are generically quite involved. However, recall that in the present case, I am
only interested in the leading contribution in the space-time momenta. The latter stems from
contact terms arising from the worldsheet integrals, i.e. poles in s, t or u where
s = 2p1 · p2 = 2P · P̄ ,
s = 2p1 · P = 2p2 · P̄ ,
s = 2p1 · P̄ = 2p2 · P . (3.39)
Once the leading contributions from the worldsheet integrals is extracted, one evaluates the total
amplitude A0 (A2 + A4 ) in the limit of vanishing momenta. The identities for the traces of Pauli
matrices derived in Appendix A turn out to be very useful. The result takes the following simple
1 1 1 1
(− 2 ,− 2 ) (− 2 ,− 2 ) ρσ
VA (z1 )VA (z2 )VG (z3 , z4 )VS (z5 , z6 ) = Aμ Aμ FG,ρσ FS . (3.40)
One can perform the same analysis for all other possible terms, for instance when including the
NS-NS parts of the vertex operators, and I find
VA VA VG VS = ¯ Aμ Aμ . (3.41)
Before concluding this session, one should check that the full deformation does not com-
pletely break supersymmetry, even in the presence of . ¯ More precisely, this boils down to
showing that the scalar component of the gauge multiplet remains massless. In order to achieve
that, one should calculate all possible couplings between two scalars φ, φ̄ and the , ¯ defor-
mation in the field theory limit. Instead of performing the disc amplitude calculations as before,
I simply note that this precise analysis has already been done in [19] where it was shown that
the mass deformation realised at the level of the worldsheet does not lead to a mass term for the
Higgs scalar. The situation here is exactly the same by a mere exchange of the space-time C 2
and the C 2 of the internal space used in [19]. It is important to note that the role of the quadratic
deformation is crucial to ensure this property. Namely, as extensively studied in [1], the full de-
scription of the -deformation requires the introduction of a background for the scalar field S at
second order in momenta and proportional to . ¯ As reviewed in Section 4, in heterotic string the-
ory, this additional ingredient implies an exact decoupling of ¯ from the topological amplitudes
Fg as a cancellation between bosonic and fermionic degrees of freedom. In the present case, it
ensures that supersymmetry is not broken while it does not change the form of the remaining
To summarise our findings, I write down the full -deformed Yang-Mills action derived from
the realisation of the deformation as a constant background of particular string states. The action
1 1 α̇β √
LSYM = 2 Tr F 2 − 2 ¯ α̇A D
/̄ β A + i 2 φ, ¯ α̇A
gYM 2
β !
+ 2i 2 α A αβ [φ̄, βA ] + 2¯ σ 3 β A
A. Zein Assi / Nuclear Physics B 944 (2019) 114637 13
Fig. 2. Disc diagrams in the 5-5 sector. Diagram (a) involves three bosonic boundary insertions and one bulk insertion of
F̄ , diagram (b) two fermionic insertions and one F̄ , whereas diagram (c) has two bosonic boundary insertions and two
bulk insertions of a graviphoton and an F̄ .
+ Dμ φ − Aν ημν
D μ φ̄ − ¯ Aρ η3,μρ + O(α ) , (3.42)
which shows that the realisation through the graviphoton and the S -vector is consistent. In the
following section, I prove that this statement holds non-perturbatively.
I now focus on the deformation of the ADHM action stemming from the closed string vertices.
As I now show, this confirms the choice of the vertex made previously and leads to the explicit
expression of the -deformed instanton effective action as a check. As in the Yang-Mills case,
there is a limited number of couplings surviving the field theory limit and self-duality projections.
Some of these are summarised in Fig. 2.
In principle, there could as well be couplings with mixed D5/D9 boundary conditions.
However, due to the self-duality constraint, such couplings are zero. In the case of a general
-background, this is of course not any longer true [8].
I first consider the coupling involving fermionic ADHM moduli. That is, for the NS-NS part,
cVM (z1 )cVM (z2 )cVF̄(−1,0) (z3 , z4 )
= √ M αA M βB F̄μν c(z1 )Sα (z1 )SA (z1 ) e− 2 ϕ(z1 )
8π 2
× c(z2 )Sβ (z2 )SB (z2 ) e− 2 ϕ(z2 )
¯ 3 )ψ μ ψ ν (z4 ) + (Left ↔ Right) .
× c(z3 )e−ϕ(z3 ) (z (3.43)
Notice that, apart from the fact that space-time momenta are forbidden for the ADHM moduli
due to the Dirichlet boundary conditions, the calculation goes along the same lines as (3.10). In
addition, the g62 factor from the vertices (3.4) cancels with the normalisation of the D5 amplitude.
Therefore, I can immediately state the result. Namely, for the S one has
VM VM VS = 0 (3.44)
14 A. Zein Assi / Nuclear Physics B 944 (2019) 114637
VM VM VS = −i 2 ¯ M αA M β A (σ 3 )αβ . (3.45)
I now turn to the bosonic term. First consider the coupling corresponding to Diagram (a) in
Fig. 2. Once again, for simplicity, I choose the zero-picture vertices to be of dimension one (such
that their positions are integrated), and all the (−1)-picture vertices to be of dimension zero (such
that their positions remain unintegrated) so that one must insert one PCO. As I show below, the
amplitude takes the form of contact terms in the momenta of the form pi .pj /pi .pj . These con-
tact terms survive in the limit pi → 0. To be able to compute them in a well-defined manner, the
momenta pi must be kept generic as they also act as regulators of the worldsheet integrals. The
limit of vanishing momenta is only taken at the end of the calculation. Notice, however, that due
to the nature of our vertex insertions, none of the ADHM moduli can carry momenta along X μ
since the four-dimensional space-time corresponds to directions with Dirichlet boundary condi-
tions for the D5-instantons. Similarly, the S -vector insertions cannot carry momenta along T 2
because of BRST invariance. As a way out, I turn on complex momenta along the K3 directions
for all the vertices to make all integrals well-defined. Technically, this means that I first replace
K3 by R4 and compute the amplitude on the D-instanton world-volume T 2 × R4 . Since the fields
appearing in this amplitude survive the orbifold projection,2 the coupling of interest also exists
in the case where R4 is replaced by K3.
As the role of space-time and internal momenta is crucial, and for the sake of clarity, I write
the relevant vertex operators below.
For the other nonequivalent ordering Tr(aμ χ aν ), the range of integration in z3 is opposite. It is
easy to show that the sum of these two orderings gives Tr(aμ [χ, aν ]).
For definiteness, I first focus on the term Tr(aμ aν χ). The contractions of the ghosts, su-
perghosts and the exponentials in momenta yield
A0 = − Tr(aμ aν χ)λ |y − z|2 (y − z2 )
(zij )4pi ·pj |zk − z|4pk ·P (z − z̄)−Pμ P
μ +P P
× i i . (3.53)
1≤i<j ≤3 k=1
This factor multiplies each of the remaining contractions. Now consider the contribution of
∂Z(z3 ) to the amplitude. This can only contract with ∂ Z̄(y) in VPCO while (y) contracts with
(z). Hence, ψ λ (z̄) must contract with ψ ν (z2 ) and from z1 only ∂X μ (z1 ) can contribute. The
result is
iδ νλ P μ (z − z̄)
A1 = . (3.54)
(y − z3 )2 (y − z)(z2 − z̄)|z1 − z|2
Next consider the contribution of the second term in (3.48) where there are several contribu-
tions. First, if p3 · χ(z3 ) contracts with p1 · χ(z1 ), then ψ μ (z1 ), ψ ν (z2 ), ψ λ (z̄) and a space-time
fermion ψ σ (y) from the PCO must contract, leaving ∂X σ (y) to contract with the momentum
parts of the operators at z and z̄. This gives a term proportional to Pσ . Secondly, notice that the
term arising from contracting ψ μ with ψ ν is killed by the transversality condition. The total
result is
4ip1 · p3 (z − z̄) δ νλ P μ δ μλ P ν
A2 = − . (3.55)
(z3 − z)z31 |y − z|2 (z2 − z̄)(y − x1 ) (z1 − z̄)(y − z2 )
On the other hand, if the term p3 · χ(z3 ) contracts with χ(y) in VPCO , ∂Y (y) must contract with
momentum dependent parts of the vertices. Thus, ψ λ (z̄) contracts with ψ ν (z2 ) and only ∂X μ at
z1 contributes so that one obtains
4iδ νλ P μ (z − z̄) p3 · p1 p3 · p2 p3 · P p3 · P
A3 = + + + .
(z3 − z)(y − z3 )(z2 − z̄)|z1 − z|2 y − z1 y − z2 2(y − z) 2(y − z̄)
The total correlation function is thus given by
Va (z1 )Va (z2 )Vχ (z3 )VF̄NS-NS = A0 (A1 + A2 + A3 ) , (3.57)
which I now integrate over z1 and z3 . Note that all the terms in A1 , A2 and A3 come with a single
power of space-time momentum P μ which is exactly what is required to obtain a coupling to the
field strength of the closed string state. However, both A2 and A3 are quadratic in the momenta
along the Y i directions. Hence, they can only contribute to the amplitude in the zero-momentum
limit if the integration over z1 and z3 gives a pole 1/(pa · pb ). Clearly, A0 · A3 cannot give such
a pole.3 On the other hand, the integral over z3 for A0 · A2 gives a 1/(p1 · p3 ) pole. Performing
the z3 integral in the regions (3.52) yields the same result. Consequently, the z1 integral over the
entire real line reads
g2 (z − z̄) (z1 − z̄)(y − z2 ) μ νλ
A0 A2 = 6 Tr aμ aν χ dz1 λ P δ − P ν μλ
δ , (3.58)
8π |z1 − z|2 (z2 − z̄)(y − z1 )
where I have set all the momenta along the Y i directions to zero given that there are no sin-
gularities in the remaining integral. Note that the integral A0 · A2 is not gauge invariant. As for
the A0 A1 term the z3 and z1 integrals contain no singularities so that the momenta along the
Y i directions can be set to zero. The resulting z3 integral for both regions (3.52) gives the same
g2 (z − z̄) (y − z̄)z12
A0 A1 = − 6 Tr aμ aν χ dx1 λ P μ δ νλ . (3.59)
8π |z1 − z| 2 (z2 − z̄)(y − z1 )
Adding the two terms (3.58) and (3.59), the total result becomes gauge invariant and the z1
integration yields4 :
Va Va Vχ VF̄NS-NS = −2i Tr aμ aν χ λ (P μ δ νλ − P ν δ μλ ) . (3.60)
Finally, let us consider the R-R contributions. The vertex operators are the same as above, except
for the closed string vertex:
(− 12 ,− 12 ) i ϕ
VF̄ (z, z̄) = √ F̄ ρλ c e− 2 Sα SÂ ei(P ·X+P ·Y ) (z)
16π 2
× ÂB̂ (σρλ )α β c e− 2 S β SB̂ ei(−P ·X+P ·Y ) (z̄) . (3.61)
Since the total superghost charge is −2, there is no need for a PCO. The total T 2 charge implies
that only p3 · χ (x3 ) in (3.48) contributes and, thus, only p1 · χ ψ μ (x1 ) in (3.46) contributes.
This term is proportional to p1 · p3 . As before, the integral over z3 gives a pole 1/(p1 · p3 ) in the
channel where z3 → z1 . Performing the integrals over z1 and z3 gives the same result:
Va Va Vχ VF̄NS-NS = Va Va Vχ VF̄R-R . (3.62)
Finally, summing over the nonequivalent orderings of the open vertex operators gives
Va Va Vχ VF̄ = −4i Tr χ, aμ aν FS , (3.63)
4 I included an additional factor of 2 stemming from the left-right symmetrisation in the closed string vertex.
A. Zein Assi / Nuclear Physics B 944 (2019) 114637 17
SADHM = −Tr [χ † , aα β̇ ] + (σ
¯ 3 a)α β̇ [χ, a β̇α ] + (aσ3 )β̇α
1 #
+ M αA χ † , MαA + ¯ (σ3 )α β MβA . (3.64)
¯ dependent terms.
Clearly, I have only displayed the ,
I now briefly review the results of [1] for completeness. There, based on the fact that parts of
the topological amplitudes Fg can be computed perturbatively in heterotic at one-loop using the
couplings [6]
Ig = d x d 4 θ Fg (X) (Wμν
4 ij
Wij )g for g ≥ 1, (4.1)
we proposed a deformation of the latter to capture also ¯ as a constant field strength for the
2 5 ij
vector partner of the Kähler modulus of T denoted FT . Recall that Wμν is the supergravity
multiplet carrying (anti-symmetrised) indices i, j = 1, 2 for the SU (2)R R-symmetry group. It
contains the graviphoton field-strength F G , the field strength tensor Bμν
i of an SU (2) doublet of
where KT is the descendent superfield whose lowest component is FT . However, this coupling
not only breaks supersymmetry, but also does not encode the quadratic terms that are crucial in
order to obtain a good description of ¯ [1]. More precisely, one should also include an arbitrary
number of the scalar field T at two derivatives. At the level of the worldsheet sigma model, this
translates into a quadratic deformation proportional to ¯ as in type I. It would be interesting to
construct an effective coupling that includes the latter.
The couplings Fg,n are naturally calculated perturbatively at one-loop.6 For convenience, I
choose particular kinematics in which the states of interest carry space-time momenta along Z 1
and Z̄ 2 only. The vertex operators for the graviphotons are
¯ 2 ei p̄1 Z ,
VG (zi ) = (∂X − i p̄1 ψ 2 )∂Z
which corresponds to the second derivative of Fg,n with respect to T [1]. Here, Vφ is the vertex
operators of the scalar field T . After soaking up the space-time zero-modes, one finds that the
coupling is integrable in the sense that one can pull out the two derivatives with respect to T .
Furthermore, by summing over g, n and m, one can define a generating function in which all the
amplitudes with arbitrary number of fields reduce to a Gaussian deformation of the worldsheet
sigma-model! That is, the generating function
¯ = exp − d2 z ∂XZ 1 ∂Z
F (, ) ¯ 2 + ∂X Z̄ 2 ∂¯ Z̄ 1
− ¯ d2 z (Z 1 ∂Z 2 + ψ 1 ψ 2 )∂¯ X̄ + (Z̄ 2 ∂ Z̄ 1 + ψ̄ 1 ψ̄ 2 )∂¯ X̄
+ ¯ d z |Z | ∂X ∂¯ X̄ ,
2 i 2
calculates at once all the couplings Fg,n which in turn can be recovered by picking a particular
power of and ¯ .7 After a careful analysis of (4.6), one shows that the generating function is
independent of ¯ . Indeed, it is given by
1 1 $ ferm h
d 2τ 2π η̄3 − τπ ˜ 2
F () = e 2 G [g ](ˇ+ )Z[hg ] (2,2+8) (T , U, Y ) .
τ2 ˜
θ̄1 (π ) η4 η̄24 2
The details of the notation and the derivation can be found in [1]. In particular, expanding in the
deformation parameters, one finds that
5. Conclusions
In the present paper, I have realised the -deformation, the complex conjugate of the
-deformation, in string theory in terms of a physical field in the string spectrum. In type I
string theory compactified on T 2 × K3, that is the vector partner of the S scalar which describes
the coupling of the D5-branes. By coupling this field to the graviphoton as well as to all the
massless degrees of freedom of the D5-D9 system, I have derived the deformed Yang-Mills and
ADHM effective actions. As already noticed in [1], it is crucial to include a quadratic deforma-
tion which corresponds to giving a background to the S scalar at quadratic order in the momenta.
This proves that the combination of graviphoton and S -vector, together with the quadratic back-
ground, is a correct description of the full -background.
Furthermore, as already shown in [1], one can go beyond the pure field theory analysis
by calculating, in the dual heterotic theory, the topological amplitudes Fg deformed by the
-deformation. Surprisingly, not only one recovers the perturbative part of the Nekrasov par-
tition function, but also the full string result is independent of . ¯ It would be interesting to
understand this statement purely at the string level as a Q-exactness of some operator, as in the
gauge theory.
From the conceptual point of view, the present analysis shows that the graviphoton differs
from the -deformation. Indeed, it is clear that the quadratic deformation is essential to give a
correct description of the full non-holomorphic -deformation. Yet, this additional piece corre-
sponds to a different field in the string spectrum. However, and the graviphoton agree at linear
order and this is why, practically, one can neglect this subtlety.
As a natural application, it would be interesting to generalise my study beyond the topo-
logical limit. This is a priori tedious since, generically, the full -deformation in string theory
breaks topological invariance. Yet, simplifications must occur once the complete -deformation
is included since the field theory limit is purely holomorphic. It is not clear, however, that the
decoupling at the string level would still hold.
I would like to thank O. Schlotterer for useful discussions. This work was supported by the
Swiss National Science Foundation under grant number 175641.
A.1. Spinors
I present some of our notations and conventions. SO(4) spinor indices are raised and lowered
using the standard epsilon tensors
12 = 12 = 1 , 1̇2̇ = 1̇2̇ = −1 , (A.1)
such that
ψ a = + ab ψb , ψa = −ab ψ b , ψ ȧ = − ȧ ḃ ψḃ , ψȧ = +ȧ ḃ ψ ḃ . (A.2)
In addition, σ -matrices for SO(4), (σ k )a ȧ and (σ̄ k )ȧa , are defined as
σ μ = (1, −iσ ) , σ̄ k = (1, +iσ ) , (A.3)
and are related by transposition. On the other hand, I denote Sα (resp. Sα̇ ) the self-dual (resp.
anti-self-dual) spin fields of the space-time SO(4). The spin fields for the internal manifold are,
instead, SA , S A , SÂ , S Â . Notice that covariant and contravariant indices (A, Â) of SO(2)± reflect
charges ±1/2 with respect to SO(2) according to the decomposition SO(6) → SO(2) × SO(4).
Our conventions for the internal spin fields can be found in the table below.
20 A. Zein Assi / Nuclear Physics B 944 (2019) 114637
Tr(σ μν σ ρσ σ λδ )
= 2δ σ [μ δ ν]δ δ ρλ − δ ν]λ δ ρδ − ν]ρλδ − 2δ ρ[μ δ ν]δ δ σ λ − δ ν]λ δ σ δ − ν]σ λδ , (A.9)
Tr(σ μν σ ρσ σ λδ σ κτ )
= 2(δ μρ δ νσ − δ μσ δ νρ + μνρσ )(δ λκ δ δτ − δ λτ δ δκ + λδκτ )
+ 2δ σ [μ δ ν]κ δ ρ[δ − δ ν][δ δ ρκ + ν]ρκ[δ δ λ]τ
+ 2δ ρ[μ δ ν]τ δ σ [δ − δ ν][δ δ σ τ + ν]σ τ [δ δ λ]κ
− 2δ ρ[μ δ ν]κ δ σ [δ − δ ν][δ δ σ κ + ν]σ κ[δ δ λ]τ
− 2δ σ [μ δ ν]τ δ ρ[δ − δ ν][δ δ ρτ + ν]ρτ [δ δ λ]κ . (A.10)
Finally, it is useful to define the self-dual and anti-self-dual ’t Hooft symbols by decomposing
the sigma-matrices, with c = 1, 2, 3:
The operator product expansion algebra for the ten-dimensional fields can be decomposed
according to the compactified theory. Indeed, the space-time current algebra is
1 1
S α̇ (z)Sβ (w) ∼ √ (σ̄ μ )α̇ β ψμ (w) , Sα (z)S β̇ (w) ∼ √ (σ μ )α β̇ ψμ (w) , (A.12)
2 2
α̇ β̇ αβ
S α̇ (z)S β̇ (w) ∼ − , Sα (z)Sβ (w) ∼ , (A.13)
(z − w)1/2 (z − w)1/2
μ β̇
1 (σ̄ μ )α̇β Sβ (w) 1 (σ )α β̇ S (w)
ψ (z)S (w) ∼ √
μ α̇
, ψ (z)Sα (w) ∼ √
, (A.14)
2 (z − w)1/2 2 (z − w)1/2
μν α̇ β̇
1 (σ̄ ) β̇ S (w) 1 (σ μν )α β Sβ (w)
J μν (z)S α̇ (w) ∼ − , J μν (z)Sα (w) ∼ − . (A.15)
2 z−w 2 z−w
As for the internal one, it is given by
iδ A B iδA B
S A (z)SB (w) ∼ , S A (z)S B
(w) ∼ (A.16)
(z − w)3/4 (z − w)3/4
i (I )AB ψI i (I )AB ψI
S A (z)S B (w) ∼ √ , S A (z)S B (w) ∼ − √ , (A.17)
2 (z − w)1/4 2 (z − w)1/4
1 ( ¯ I )AB S B (w) 1 (I )AB SB (w)
ψ I (z)SA (w) ∼ √ , ψ I (z)S A (w) ∼ − √ , (A.18)
2 (z − w) 1/2
2 (z − w)1/2
1 ( ¯ I J )A B S B (w) B
1 (I J )A SB (w)
J I J (z)S A (w) ∼ , J I J (z)SA (w) ∼ . (A.19)
2 z−w 2 z−w
Using the algebras above, one easily derives all the necessary correlation functions used through-
out the manuscript. For instance, the correlation function an internal fermion with two spin fields
(z1 )SÂ (z2 )SB̂ (z3 ) = 1 Â1B̂ 1 , (A.20)
2 2 4
z12 z13 z23
whereas the correlator of two space-time fermions with two spin-fields is
1 σ μν αβ z342
1 δ μν αβ (z13 z24 + z14 z23 )
ψ (z1 )ψ (z2 )Sα (z3 )Sβ (z4 ) = −
μ ν
+ .
2 (z13 z14 z23 z24 ) 2 2 z12 (z13 z14 z23 z24 z34 ) 12
Another useful result is the correlation function of four spin fields:
αβ γ δ z14 z23 − αδ βγ z13 z24
Sα (z1 )Sβ (z2 )Sγ (z3 )Sδ (z4 ) = 1
. (A.22)
(z12 z13 z14 z23 z24 z34 ) 2
If one additionally inserts a space-time current, then
μ ν
ψ ψ (z1 )Sα (z2 )Sβ (z3 )Sγ (z4 )Sδ (z5 )
1 βγ (σ μν )αδ z14 z15 z36 + αδ (σ μν )βγ z13 z16 z45
= 1
. (A.23)
2 z12 z13 z14 z15 (z23 z24 z25 z34 z35 z45 ) 2
22 A. Zein Assi / Nuclear Physics B 944 (2019) 114637
Correlation functions for higher numbers of fermionic fields can be found in [17].
Finally, the two-point function for bosonic fields with Dirichlet boundary conditions is
∂ZDD (z1 )∂ Z̄DD (z2 ) = 2 , (A.24)
∂ZDD (z1 )∂¯ Z̄DD (z2 ) = − 2 , (A.25)
¯ DD (z1 )∂¯ Z̄DD (z2 ) = 1 ,
∂Z (A.26)
which can be found using
ZDD (z1 )Z̄DD (z2 ) = log |z12 |2 − log |z12̄ |2 . (A.27)
For the N-N directions, the same result holds with positive sign for all the two-point functions.
For the fermions in the NS sector, it is the opposite:
1 1
ψN N (z1 )ψN N (z2 ) = , ψN N (z1 )ψN N (z̄2 ) = − , (A.28)
z12 z12̄
1 1
ψDD (z1 )ψDD (z2 ) = , ψDD (z1 )ψDD (z̄2 ) = . (A.29)
z12 z12̄
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