IOB Training Manual PDF
IOB Training Manual PDF
IOB Training Manual PDF
End User Training Manual
Indian Overseas Bank – Finacle 10.x
End User Training Manual
Table of Contents
Indian Overseas Bank – Finacle 10.x
End User Training Manual
Indian Overseas Bank – Finacle 10.x
End User Training Manual
Centralised Database:The data of all the branches covered under the project will
bestored at one place called Data Centre. In effect, it means that all the operations at
the connected branches shall take place at one place i.e., Data Centre.
Back Office functions: The branches which will be called Service Outlets
(SOLs),Finacle Software will not need to take backup as the same will be done at Data
Centre. Many of the back office functions will be handled at Data Centre only.
Effective MIS: As the data of all connected branches shall be located at one
Centralisedlocation, the MIS information can be extracted without the same being
provided by branches. The branches can be spared the burden of providing information
by way of returns/reports etc.
This Software is functionally rich and caters to almost all the facets of banking. Some of
the salient features of the Software are as follows:
Every customer of the branch is now a customer of the bank, as all the
customers will have unique customer ID across the bank.
The Software encompasses all the retail functionalities like Savings, Current,
Cash Credit, Overdraft, Term Deposits, Term Loans, and Safe Deposit Vault etc.
The security features include Maker-Checker Concept, Audit Trail etc.
Business can be leveraged to suit ever-changing needs like introduction of
pooled accounts, commercial loans, loan syndication, multi-currency etc.
Trade Finance module includes Inland/Foreign Bills, Documentary Credits,
Guarantees, Remittances, shipment Credits and Forward Contracts.
Indian Overseas Bank – Finacle 10.x
End User Training Manual
Type your User-ID against the User Name block and press <Enter> or TAB
Type your Password and click on Login box. Upon successful login, the following
screen will appear:
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End User Training Manual
The user has to enter the initial password and then the new password and confirm the
same.The minimum requirements for the password should be :
The user has to log out of the system and then login to the application with the new
The user has to click on the Finacle Core banking button and once the user clicks on
the core banking button then the following screen is displayed:
User should select the MODULE name from drop drown to which one has to work on.
For accessing to different operations within SSO framework the user should have been
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End User Training Manual
The system displays the logged in user id on the right hand top corner. It also displays
brief details of the Password expiry, last login information of the user.
To logout from the application, the user has to click on <Logout> link.
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End User Training Manual
Single sign on framework enables the application users to access multiple applications
through a single login id and password. All the login related validations happen in SSO.
Single Sign on (SSO) framework enables application users of Finacle suite of products
(Finacle Core and CRM) to log in once and get authenticated to each application for
which the user has the valid user id and access permissions.
SSO being an authentication framework that works with unique user ID, would use only
one schema and database even when each Finacle solution integrated in SSO could
work with multiple schemas. Entity ID‟s would be stored in SSO database by the
Finacle Installer as seed data. In SSO database, User would be mapped to an entity ID.
Role Definition
Password policy configuration
User Creation
Assigning of Roles to the users
SSO profile creation
Assigning Access rights to SSO administration and applications
Creating user profile for the application
Password changes for a user
User id management(Resetting login attempts, login attempts and password
Report generation(Audit, User and Role based reports)
1. MaintainRoledetails:
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End User Training Manual
Permissions can be defined for Role, User creation, Resource and Password
configuration functions of SSO.
This enables the user to define the privileges available to the user with the specified
Role. Permissions can be defined for Role, User, Resource and Password configuration
functions of SSO. The tabs available within Administration tab are dependent on these
permissions. To get access to a specific tab at least one of the functions within each
process should have been checked.
Maximum Inactive Time: Specified in minutes. Maximum is 999 minutes. This is for
specifying the idle time after which the user is automatically logged out of the system.
Global Administrator: Yes/No.
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End User Training Manual
To logout from the core application, click on the logout icon. When the user clicks the
Logout button, then the system logs out of the core application. If the user wants to log
out of SSO Login then the user has to click on to the logout icon on the top.
Click on the Background button on the top of the bar. The Background Menu as shown
in the Screen below will be displayed. The user should enter the choice at the “Make or
print a report generated.
For quitting the Background Menu the user should click MENU Button on the top of the
Each user is associated with a work class. This work class is also associated with each
of the menu option available in the application. Since this work class is associated both
with the user and the menu, access rights for a particular person or category of persons
can be decided using this feature. Different persons in the same category can be
assigned with different responsibilities with reference to the application by assigning
different work class.
This enables the user to define the privileges available to the user with the specified
Role. This is maintained in Role Profile Maintenance (HRPM) which is discussed in
detail in Master Data.
All the possible roles (e.g. manager, clerk etc.) in the bank are created using this menu
option and are assigned to the user profiles. Access to the scheme types, scheme
codes, GL sub head codes are specified here and also the images and currencies to
which these roles should have access are specified. This is defined through the menu
option HRPM.
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End User Training Manual
System Administrator has the right to create ROLE ID for different user .Click on <Role
Administration> to create new roles.
The user with a captive status can access the data belonging to any service outlet but
can put throughhis transactions on the accounts belonging to the SOL to which he is
attached to.
The free user can access the data belonging to all service outlets and put through
transactions to accounts of all the SOLs. Accessing all menu options depends on
whether the menu is free or not.
Once the user / Role has been created or modified, verification process is required for
authentication of activity.
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End User Training Manual
During first time login by the user the system forces the user to change the password.
This facility is available in case the User is created and given permission for Finacle
core application Through SSO framework.
For creation of user for Finacle Core application, the following set ups should be
Employee record creation
Role Profile creation
Certain reference codes set up. (Work class like Manager, Clerk, Officer etc.)
The employee id is created using the menu option HEFM of Finacle Core and The
employee ID created in EFM should also be present in SSO user list. One can access
Finacle Core by clicking of Finacle Core tab
Any user who wants to log into the FINACLE CORE application should have a valid
SSO user id. This user id is created using SSO Admin. And again same user has to be
added in Finacle core through menu option HUPM of Finacle Core for access into core
banking functionality
The creation and maintenance of the user record for Finacle core application is handled
through the menu option HUPM of “Fincore‟. This record contains all the information on
the user with regard to his/her branch, work class etc.
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End User Training Manual
Indian Overseas Bank – Finacle 10.x
End User Training Manual
If the user accidentally/ forcefully closes the Finacle active window or system throws an
error then the same user cannot login to the Finacle Core again and will show the
Then another officer who has the access right can forcefully enable the login status by
deleting the USER from the active list using the Menu HSAC.
This is a small rectangle at the end that indicates the progress of the operation the
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End User Training Manual
Left side of the user menu is for favourites list. User can have the list of frequently used
menu options in the favourites. Copy the menu option that is frequently used and paste
the same in the favourite's list.
Use Ctrl+C for copying and Ctrl+V for pasting in the favourites list.
Indian Overseas Bank – Finacle 10.x
End User Training Manual
Indian Overseas Bank – Finacle 10.x
End User Training Manual
Finacle is a customer centric solution. All products and services offered in Finacle are
built around the customer. The Customer Information File where all the information
about the customer is stored. The information can be customer‟sbasic data,
segmentation, products & services offered to customer, customer preferences, financial
details, related parties, assets and liabilities, interests, hobbies and so on. The data
relating to these should have access through various backend. So, instead of capturing
the information in multiple back end systems, it is maintained at a common CIF
database in Customer Relationship Management module and linkage is provided to all
the required back end systems.
Every individual (retail) and business (corporate) customer bears a unique identity
signified as CIF ID. This gives a global flavour to conduct business transactions across
geographies, systems, channels, products, at all times. This ID is created for the
customer in the bank's database. This CIF ID is subsequently used by the Bank to
provide all types of products and services to the customer. On creation of the CIF ID,
the customers can perform banking transactions such as depositing money, availing
loan, credit or debit card or any other product of the bank. The CIF system helps the
bank to know the details of the individuals with whom they maintain certain relationship.
CIF creation is about capturing the details of the individual / corporates, doing the
required validations and storing it in the Bank‟s database for future reference. The
whole bundle of customer- related information thus captured is available in the CIF
module of the CRM.
The customers, based on whether they are individuals or business are referred to as
either Retail or Corporates.
CIF ID: Customer Information File system, in FINACLE, stores all the customer related
information, account information, preferences, segment, and profitability. Every
individual (retail) and business (corporate) customer bears a unique identity signified as
Indian Overseas Bank – Finacle 10.x
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The individuals or corporate whose information is stored in the data base are
known as “ENTITIES. The entities could be of the following types –
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End User Training Manual
A Customer ID can be -
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End User Training Manual
Retail CIF module supports creation of customer, prospect, non-customer and contact.
Itcaptures lots of entity‟s information; some of them mandatory. In case of retail
customer CIF, data capture has been split into General,Demographic, Psychographic,
Credit Card Detail and Trade Finance tabs.
There are two methods of capturing information for a CIF entity, one is Detail Data Entry
(DDE) and another one is Quick Data Entry (QDE).
Once the user clicks OK to proceed, the CIF approval process selection page pops
up which is the setup we have done under the process definition. The user can
select the appropriate process from the listing
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End User Training Manual
As shown above the fields with red asterisk/star are mandatorily to be filled by the user.
The full name gets automatically filled with first character of customer first name, first
character of the middle name and all the characters of last name.
a) General Tab
b) Contact details tab
To complete the CIF creation process user has to the screen, if any field is not entered
by the user or in case of data entry mistake system will throw appropriate error
Once the user clicks OK to proceed, the CIF approval process selection page pops up,
The user has to click on the save process selection button to move ahead for further
activity. Once it is done the CIF will move to the group tray for approval from where the
authorised person can take it to the self-tray and approve.
CRM -> FUNCTION -> CIF RETAIL -> New Entity -> Customer
In General tab:
Basic information
Identification Documents Details
Core Interface
In Demographic tab:
General Details
Employment Details
Income and Expense Details
In Psychographic tab:
Individual Profile or Preference Details
To verify the CIF created as above, the user who will verify has to select the CIF from
the entity queue. The entity queue can be viewed in the Group Tray. To verify the CIF,
the entity has to be first moved from the Group Tray to the Self Tray of the approver.
This is done by another user who will check.
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A Customer Details list will appear. Right Click on it and select Entity -> Get as Assignee.
Now the Entity has been successfully moved to Self-Tray. Again go to –
The Customer SQDE screen is the simplest and easiest means of creating a customer
ID in CRM. The difference from the QDE screen is that the entire data required for
creating the CIF ID can be captured in a single tab. Hence there is no need to enter the
identification details, contact details, household and group details through different tabs.
Also, the user is not required to enter a currency as the default currency defined in CRM
ADMIN will be considered as the Base Currency of the customer. However, if the user
needs to capture multiple currencies or multiple addresses and other details of the
customer, it has to be entered through the Edit Customer function subsequently.
The Customer SQDE screen is the simplest and easiest means of creating a customer
ID in CRM. The difference from the QDE screen is that the entire data required for
creating the CIF ID can be captured in a single tab. Hence there is no need to enter the
identification details, contact details and group details through separate tabs. Also, the
user is not required to enter a currency as the default currency defined in CRM ADMIN
will be considered as the Base Currency of the customer. However, if the user needs to
capture multiple currencies or multiple addresses and other details of the customer, it
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End User Training Manual
The Corporate Name and the Short Name has to be mandatorily captured by the user.
The Corporate Name field has a limit of 100 characters. Short name is used for
searching the customers in Finacle Core application. The incorporation date represents
the date on which the entity represented by the corporate CIF has been formed.
Once the entire data is captured either through QDE mode or SQDE mode AND WHEN
THE PROCESS step is selected the CIF will move to group tray for verification purpose.
The entity queue can be viewed in the Group Tray. To verify the CIF, the entity has to
be first moved from the Group Tray to the Self Tray of the approver. On selecting the
CIF, the user has to“GETENTITY” as assignee and thus the entity moves from
the group to the self-tray. After moving it to the self-tray, the box on the extreme right is
to be checked for the “CURRENT PROCESS STEP” to be displayed.
Once the retail/ corporate CIF is verified in CRM before creating entities like accounts,
etc. the CIF id has to be linked to Finacle Core Application. This is done using the menu
option HCCFM- CIF Core Fields Maintenance in Finacle Core application. CIF core
integration requires verification. And the verification is to be done using the same menu
HCCFM by another user who has necessary verifying powers.
Blacklisting is done for those customers of the bank against whom the court has passed
the order as they are not credit worthy or have become insolvent. The menu used here
isRetail / Corporate
CIF- > Operations -> Blacklist /Undo Blacklisting
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Indian Overseas Bank – Finacle 10.x
End User Training Manual
Inventory: Inventory means stock of items that a bank holds. From the bankingperspective,
inventory can be classified into security and non-security items.
Security items are Demand Drafts, Cheque books, Term deposit receipts,Travellers
cheques & Gift cheques of different denominations etc., where tracking of each
single unit of inventory is required.
Non security items are items like furniture, fixtures, stationary items other thansecurity
items etc.
After defining the inventory class, the sub classification of inventory i.e., the various
types of inventory under a particular Inventory Class are defined using the menu option
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End User Training Manual
specific location. For a Location Class, you can specify up to a maximum of two
authorisers. The menu option for defining the authorisers is HIMAUM.
While Location Class is defined in HRRCDM, the sub classifications of Location Class
which are referred to here as Location Code is defined through HILCM menu option.
Moving an inventory from one location to another requires following information:
Originating Location class Originating Location code To Target location class Target
location code
The first movement of inventory shall happen to “DL/DL” (Double Lock) location.
Oneofthe officers shall move the outstanding stock of security forms i.e. FD Receipts,
demand draft, pay order, cheque books into the system in “Add” (A) mode.
The officer shall <Commit>(F10) to generate an inventory transaction id. He will note
down the same.
The other official (designated vide HIMAUM menu) shall invoke HIMC (Verify) mode to
verify the above inventory transaction.
Inventory Movement Maintenance - HIMAUM
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Using HIMI menu option, the user can specify the available criteria and able to know the
actual position /location of the inventory.
If the user wants to inquire or split the inventory on others locations then the menu
option HISIA can be invoked. The screen interface and navigation will be similar to
HISAI except that the user will be in a position to change the employee location code.
The inventory merge or inquiry on own location can be done through HIMAI.
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During the cheque book issue user need to put the A/C No. of customer and type of
cheque leaves like SB, CA, CC or OD etc. , cheque available with and collect MICR
charges or not.
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Function –V (Verify)
Stop Payment:
Menu Option: HSPP (This Menu option is used to stop or revoke payment processing).
This facility is provided to stop a single cheque or multiple cheques in a series. Stop
payment or revocation charges can be collected through event based charge collection
at the time of verification process.
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The Payment which is stopped through SPP has to be authorized through HSPPAU
menuoption. Stop payment charge details can be seen through the option „C‟. Stop
payment charges are not modifiable.
Through this menu option, maintenance activities like Caution, Destroying, revoking and
acknowledgement of cheques can be done.
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This menu option can be used to change the cheque status as Unused and Paid.
Sometimes it happens that user enters the wrong cheque number and if is not actually
paidor presented, system update the cheque status when actually that cheque is
presented, system may not allow debit, as the system recordshows already paid.
Under this circumstances, if the user wants to change the paid status of the original
chequeto different number and present cheque status option.
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A report of all cheque books issued to customers can be generated by executing the
menu option HCHBIR. The screen details are shown below:
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Entered transaction: Status given when a transaction is created with no effect of
thetransaction any balance.
Posted transaction: Status given when the actual account balances get affected. It
caneither increase (credit transaction) or decrease (debit transaction) the balance in the
account. It does not affect the Sub GL balances. The person who posts the transaction
must have necessary permission or access to carry out the process.
Verified transaction: Status given when another person ensures the correctness of
thetransaction and also authorises it. The person who authorises the transaction must
have the necessary permission or access to carry out the process.
A transaction can be modified by any number of persons. The Core Banking Solution
keeps track of the last person who has modified the transaction. Once the modification
is done by a person, the Core Banking Solution overwrites the information of the first
person who has created the transaction. This is for the simple reason that the person
who is modifying the transaction might be doing with the wrong intention. The Core
Banking Solution does not keep track of person who has deletes the transaction also.
Only the status of the transaction is updated to Deleted.
Backdated transaction
This is a transaction that is initiated on an account where transaction date which is less
than BOD dates. At the end of day, the Core Banking Solution updates the Sub GL
Balances for all the previous days. You must print all statutory reports as there is a
change in the previous day's balances.
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End User Training Manual
Post-dated transaction
This transaction occurs for an account where the transaction date is greater than the
current date (Core Banking Solution date or BOD date). In this scenario you cannot
process the transaction till the date of transaction matches with the BOD date.
GL Date in a transaction
When the branches work in different time zones, SOLs need not necessarily do the
EOD / BOD operations to proceed with next day's transactions. Instead they can just
change the GL date and go ahead with their next business date transactions.
Additional Details:
Some times when a transaction is put to an account, going by nature of account and for
processing of transactions, certain additional details are required. This will be captured
as part of the entry of transaction itself. Without these details the posting of transaction
does not go through. This additional information required for processing of the
transaction is referred to as Additional details.
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There are two types of Transaction IDs. User typed transaction has a transaction ID
which is recycled every day. System generated transaction has a transaction ID which
is recycled once it reaches the maximum value. The Core Banking Solution
automatically recycles the number once it reaches maximum.
All types of transactions to any type of account are put through the menu option HTM.
(For creating a new transaction,select A from the drop down box and the rest of the
options you can select as per the function you required.)
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All mandatory and necessary fielddescriptionshave been provided according the above screen.
Here red star marked fields are mandatory. Fill the value as per the field name.
*A/c ID: The number of the account you wish to debit or credit.
*Ref CCY / Amt: Currency is displayed by system based on the account number entered. If this
ischanged then rate code or rate becomes mandatory to arrive at the value in account currency.
Rate Code / Rate: When the rate code is selected through the search icon, the relevant rate
willbe populated.
Treasury Ref No. / Rate: Type or select the Treasury Reference Number
Amt in A/c CCY: The amount in account currency must be displayed in case of multi-currency
Tran Particulars Code: The relevant code pertaining to nature of transaction can be
Instr. No: The number of the instrument is input. Here both the alpha part and numerical
partare entered. Alpha field is not mandatory.
Instr. Date: The date on which the instrument is drawn. This is validated for post-dated
chequesand stale instruments based on the validity period set for each instrument type.
Value Date / GL Date: Type the value date of the transaction. System default populates the
Head Office Tran Type: This field is valid only in case the transactions are put to an
accountwhich belongs to HOC scheme type. The valid values are
O –Originating transaction
R –Responding transaction
X –Reversal transaction
P –Parking Transaction
A - BAR Adjustment transaction
Grant TOD: If for a debit transaction for customer operative account, there are insufficient funds
then by checking the box TOD can be granted.
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Status: This is a display field. The following are the status a transaction can be associated
with:E –Entered
P –Posted
V –Verified
D –Deleted
After entering the transactions in the add mode, the transactions can be saved and the tran id
will be generated. If the user wants to enter more transactions then by visiting the next screen it
can be done.
The menu option for doing a transfer transaction between two or more accounts is through
HXFER. On invoking the option the following screen is shown.
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Function A-Add
Click on Go and the screen will appear like HTM screen. The relevant Part Tran Type for debit
or credit transaction is selected. All other details are similar to HTM as earlier mentioned
Reports based on selection criteria such as Account ID, Ref Number, Tran ID, Tran Type,Part
Tran Type, Instrument Number, Instrument Type, Transaction amount low,Transaction amount
high, GL Subhead, Value Dated, Account Status, Transaction Status and Enter User ID can be
generated through the HFTR menu option.
By providing the required criteria,click on submit and the result will be shown.
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Indian Overseas Bank – Finacle 10.x
End User Training Manual
Finacle supports all the different Savings products presently offered to customer, namely
Opening an SB account
Function: O
CCY: Select from the list which is displayed on clicking the searcher icon adjacent to
the field.
Click on <Go>
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End User Training Manual
General Details
A/C Name, A/C Short Name will populate automatically from CIF
details. A/C Open Date: Default BOD Date. This Date can be
Mode of Operation: Select from list which is displayed on clicking the searcher icon
adjacent to the field.
Other details like Staff, Native Language Details etc. can be captured here.
Interest Details
Interest Credit A/c : Original
Interest Rate Code: Select from list which is displayed on clicking the searcher icon
adjacent to the field.
Scheme Details
Chq allowed: Y/N
Nomination: Y/N
Document Details
The details of the document can be captured here.
Click on <Submit>
Modification of Savings Account (Before Verification) can be done by same user who has
created the account.
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Verification of Account
The user who has created the account will not be able to verify the account. Verification will be
done by another user.
Function: Verify
Click on <Go>
General Tab
Interest Tab
Scheme Tab
Document details
Click on <Submit>
The verification of the savings account will give you a permanent account number, which will be
used for the transaction.
Click on <GO>
Indian Overseas Bank – Finacle 10.x
End User Training Manual
CCY: Select from the list which is displayed on clicking the searcher icon adjacent to
the field.
General Details
A/C Name, A/C Short Name will populate automatically from CIF
details. A/C Open Date: Default BOD Date. This Date can be
Mode of Operation: Select from list which is displayed on clicking the searcher icon
adjacent to the field.
Other details like Native Language Details etc. can be captured here.
Interest Details
User should visit the page only, no need to put any data. Interest will not be applicable
on current account.
Scheme Details
Chq allowed: Y/N
Indian Overseas Bank – Finacle 10.x
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Document Details
The details of the document which are required for opening an account can be captured here.
Click on <Submit>
Modification of Current Account (Before Verification) can be done by same user who has
created the account.
Verification of Account
The user who has created the account will not be able to verify the account. Verification will be
done by another user.
Function: Verify
Click on <Go>
Interest Tab
Scheme Tab
Document details
Click on <Submit>
The verification of the savings account will give you a permanent account number, which will be
used for the transaction.
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The nomination details can be maintained and captured while opening or maintaining the
account. In case of Saving, Term deposit and Recurring Deposit nominee details can be
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Power of attorney, Joint Holder, Letter of authority, Authorized signatory information etc. can be
maintained and captured while opening or maintaining of an A/C.
The first record in Related Party Details is populated from the CIF Id. All other joint holders for
an account can be assigned here for specific business purposes. Relation type and Relation
code of the joint holder to the a/c has to be entered here. It is to be noted that the joint holders
need not have a CIF record.
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If the account is opened for a wrong customer, user can rectify it by changing the CIF
(Customer ID).
At the time of opening an A/C, in Scheme Details, CHEQUE BOOK facility is there. Cheque
Book is given to SBA, CCA, CAA, ODA type of accounts.
If cheque book facility is given in the scheme to the account then user can issue cheque book to
that account.
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The cheque book maintenance provides facility for Acknowledgement, Cautioning, Inquiring and
Destroying cheques.
At time of closing an account if any unused cheques are present, they have to be destroyed
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Accounts can be transferred between scheme codes of the same scheme type and
same currency code belonging to the same SOL. The accounts should falls under the
scheme Type of SBA/CCA/CAA/ODA/TDA.
The accounts can be transferred between GL Sub Heads of the same scheme type and
same currency code belonging to the same SOL.
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Transfer of accounts across SOL is supported for only those accounts belonging to
SBA/CCA/CAA/TDA/ODA/LAA/PCA type of schemes and currency should be same.
Any limit sanctioned to an account requires maintenance for increasing and decreasing
in the sanctioned limit itself or monitoring drawing power because of drop in the value of
security, bringing in more/additional security to get a higher sanctioned limit.
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Interest table code, Customer Preferential Int. (Cr) and (Dr), Minimum and Maximum
Interest (Cr) and (Dr), Account Preferential Int. (Cr) and (Dr), Interest Pegged Flag, Start
Date and End Date.
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Close of an account.
Batch closure has been enabled to close operative accounts of scheme type SBA, CAA,
ODA and CCA where balances are zero.
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Lien is nothing but linking of deposit type of account with an advance account for the
purpose of security and freezing the amount for further transaction. Once a valid lien is
placed on a bank account, it is frozen. The bank holds the money there for some period
of time without giving any to the owner or to the lien holder. Also the bank will turn the
money over to the lien holder when the time period expires. A lien will put a hold only on
the money that is in the account at the time the lien is given to the bank. Deposits made
after the lien has been filed may be given to the owner; these deposits are not subject to
the lien.
Create lien on account and make lien related inquiry. The placing of lien manually is
irrespective of balance in that account. The user cannot modify the system created
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Interest slab
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Screen 1
Enter the Interest Credit Account –Use your own current account.
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NOTE: Above mentioned tabs are mandatory tabs which the user has to
visit. Apart from the mandatory tabs there are non-mandatory tabs which can
be visited and data captured as per requirements of the bank
During verification it is not possible to make any changes to data that are already
captured. As part of verification, user is forced to view all the tabs for which data is
entered during account creation.
Invoke menu HOAACVTD.
Function – V (Verify).
Enter the TD Account Number.
Click Go.
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During verification the user is forced to visit the following details which
the user visited at the time of account creation:-
Scheme Details
General details
Related party details
Account Interest and tax details
Nomination details (in case, nomination flag is Y at the account level)
All other tabs for which data is entered during account creation
Note: - If the user clicks on view audit button the screen will display all the
tables affected.
Interest Application
Interest application using HACINT menuis to be done for the deposit opened
with back value date in order to proceed for renewal.
„From‟ A/c Id: Enter the term deposit a/c opened in previous step.
Post Tran- Yes
Frequency based Interest Run: No
See the report –HPR
Term Deposit Account Renewal
Renew the Term Deposit account maturing today. Please see what
transactions are created by system –HTDREN
Function –Renew
A/c Id: Enter the term deposit a/c opened in previous step
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Click “GO”
Print Renewal Confirmation- Immediate
Click Submit
Get it verified by another user. –HTDREN
Inquire renewal details using HRELACI (RELATED ACCOUNTS LOOKUP).
Closure of Term Deposit Accounts
Pre/Post-close a Term Deposit account for full amount.
The verification of closure of account is enabled through the menu option HCAACVTD
for online closure of accounts. The closure transactions are created only during
Reports Menu
Menu options HACDET AND HGDET are used to generate various account
wise reports based on several selection parameters
Menu option HGDET can be used to generate the list of all TD accounts
maturing next month.
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The menu is helpful to know the links to the existing account. The account ID for which
the renewed accounts has to be looked has to be entered and GO is pressed.
There is an explode button next to ID where the user can go and have further details.
Deposit Modelling
Invoke menu option HDEPMOD AND PRESS <GO>
Capture data in the following fields:
Deposit Amount – Enter Deposit Amount.
Deposit Period – Enter Deposit period in months.
Interest rate- Enter the rate of interest.
Press <COMPUTE> button
After capturing the data as above, system will automatically calculate the maturity value
of the term deposit.
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• Standing Instructions (SI) is a facility provided by the banks to its account holders who
want to make payments or remittances of a recurring nature like payment of insurance
premiums, subscriptions, transfer of funds, instalments to recurring deposits or loan
accounts and so on.
• Customers may give standing instructions to the bank to make these payments and to
make remittances on their behalf on specified dates, for specified amounts.
Standing instructions are entered into the system using menu HSSIM –Standing Instruction
Maintenance.This menu option has two sets of information.
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• However, if execution time specified by user is “Any time during the day” or
“Every Time”, then user has to invoke the SI execution menu HSIE.
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If the user is creating a pool, he has to use fun pool description pool type, mode of
regularisation. CIF ID field is not mandatory. Once the userindicates the account number,
pooldescription, pool type, mode of regularisation and clicks on“Go”, the system picks up the
primary customer ID the accounts which matches the relationship of the account indicated as
Auto regularisation: When the value is set to“M‟, then automatic regularization ofunregularized
pool will be disabled and the user will have to make a manual fund transfer to the account in
pool having deficit balance to bring it to a regularized state. However no manual interference is
allowed for FFDs. However, the operative accounts linked to the FFDs can participate in the
manual fund transfer.
Eg: If a pool has multiple operative accounts and one or more of these accounts have linked
FFDs, then system behaviour for FFD-linked operative accounts and non-FFD-linked operative
account will differ. For a non-FFD-linked account, no automatic regularization will take place.
However, for FFD-linked operative accounts, regularization funding from FFDs will take place
automatically by the existing FFD regularization.
When the value of Mode of Sweep is set as “S‟for a pool, the System will trigger regularization
by itself.
(a) Modification from “S‟to “M‟: Modification of the Mode of Sweep from System to Manual is
allowed only for a regularized pool. If the pool is in an un-regularized state, then this
modification will not be allowed.
(b) Modification from “M” to “S”: Modification of Mode of Sweep from Manual to System will be
allowed without any restrictions. However, this modification should always be done
onlyafter due regularization of un-regularized pools by manually transferring funds from
funding accounts to the deficit accounts. System will display an information message
statingthe same during such modification. However, there will be no system restrictions if an un-
regularized pool is modified from Manual to System. The probable results of such a modification
will be:
Once the system displays the eligible accounts for this pool, the user can indicate the order in
which the sweeps should happen within the scheme type. This order is based on the ascending
order of the account opening dates of the accounts in a pool for a given scheme type. There is
no restriction that the user should enter the order in the same way. He can just go on giving
whatever number he likes. But finally when the order is to be arrived, system will simply put it in
ascending order within the scheme type.
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System first displays the account. If the user wants to add some more, he can do so at the end.
If the user picks up an account which does not match with the relationship, type of the account
indicated in the function block, the exception set up at HSCFM would be raised. While selecting
an account which does not match with the relationship type of the indicated account, if that
customer ID is not enabled for sweeping, the user cannot select such accounts for the pool. If
the account is already selected for one pool such accounts cannot be included in any other pool
whether for the same customer or for a different customer. However this restriction is not
applicable for TDA type of account. All Flexi Fixed Deposits (TDA) type of accounts can be
linked to more than one pool also. If the user wants to use an account which is already in a
different pool, first the account should be removed from the pool where it is included and then
use it in the other pool. The accounts which are enabled for pool facility can only be used for
SWEEP facility.
Account Name:
This is only a display field.
Contribution to Pool:
While creating a single currency pool, accounts of the customer having currency same as the
pool currency are displayed on the detail page.If the pool type is selected as multi currency and
the next record button is clicked, all the accounts of customer irrespective of the currency are
a) Single currency pool with the value of auto regularization flag as No cannot be created.
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b) Multi-Currency Pool can be created with auto regularization flag as Yes or No.
c) TD accounts cannot be linked to a multi-currency pool.
d) Operative account having Flexi Fixed Type of deposit linked to it cannot be linked
to a multi-currency pool.
e) Operative account having its Flexi Fixed Parameters set cannot be linked to a
multi-currency pool.
f) By default, pool type is single currency and auto regularization flag as yes.
System displays the relationship of the account. The relationship could be Main
account holder, Joint account holder etc. This is a display field and protected
Here the user can decide whether the account has to be used for sweeping or not. Even if at the
account level the flag is set as “N” that account will go and update the flag at account level also.
At the account level the user cannot go and modifythe field values. It is a protected field at the
account level.
Once the pool is created, the pool needs to be verified. Only after verification the pool will be
effective. Once the pool is created, system will show the effective available balance for the
account, which is being debited taking into the account the balances from all the accounts
based on the indicator (available balance or book balance) set up at pool level. Other functions
are modification. Cancellation is to be invoked before verification. It is also possible to suspend
a pool. Suspension of the pool will result in not considering the accounts for sweeps. Revoking
of suspension of the pool is also possible. Both suspension and revoking the suspension
requires verification. Inquire is another function available for the menu.
If the user is invoking any of the above function for the pool, description field <list> is available.
The user can list for a given CIF ID and select the pool that needs to be accessed. If the pool is
suspended, then the status of the pool isshownas “Suspended” else the status would be
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Amount for Sweeps will display the Amount as zero where pool effective
available amount is negative.
Once the system arrives at the effective available balance, a debit can be done to the account.
The system tries to adjust the proceeds by pulling the amounts as explained in the
availability of the amount process. This process happens as an end of day process.
If the user wants to adjust the proceeds, he can invoke the menu SWOPS during
the day also.
In a pool it is possible to have accounts of only one currency
User can maintain any number of pools for a single customer. If accounts
are there in different currencies, the user can have different pools involving
different currencies
A frozen account is not allowed to be a part of a pool. Also freezing of an
account, which is in a pool, is not allowed.
The “Future Value DatedBalance” will not be considered duringanyoperations
ofFFDand POOL (i.e. FFD Breaking, FFD Creation, POOL Contribution, etc.)
HMPRPT: A menu option to report unregularised manual pools. It chooses all the
manual poolsand all the account in the pools and these details are the input for
script PoolScript.scr. This script identifies the A/cs having Debit balance and reports
them as Un-regularised Accounts. The output is used by the mprpt.mrt to generate
the final report.
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17. LOAN
In a loan, initially the borrower receives or borrows an amount of money from
lender, called principle and is obligated to pay back or repay an equal
amount of money to thelender at a later time. Depending on nature of
advances, loan types can be Secured, Unsecured, Demand, Term and
Rephasement of Loan
Many a times, the borrower/customer may not be able to adhere to the repayment
schedule stipulated by the Bank for various reasons. This results in overdues in that
account. After a thorough review of the account, considering the various issues
associated with it, Bank may come out with a different repayment schedule to mitigate
the hardships faced by the borrower/guarantor. This reconsideration of the repayment
schedule is known as Rephasement of the Account.
AOD means acknowledgement of Debt. AOS means Acknowledgement of Security.
Before legal proceedings are initiated against the borrower for recovery of the advance,
the Banks take care to ensure that the securities and the documents obtained for the
purpose of loan are in force. In order to ensure this at periodical intervals the Banks
would be obtaining these two documents to keep the original documents/securities
obtained in force.
Whenever the Bank makes advances, it expects the borrower to pay the same in pre-
defined period that may be equal instalments or staggered instalments. It is possible
that the borrower who takes the loan can make repayment of the loan amount much
ahead of the schedule and close the account. In many cases, especially in case of long
term loans like housing loan, the Banks does not want the customer to make early
payment because of cash management and investment management. In those cases
the Banks may even charge penalty for making early payment. Such early payment
made in front of the schedule is known as pre-payment or unscheduled payment.
Asset classification
Each advance account in a Bank is an asset to the Bank. The Bank monitors the assets
closely to ensure that it recovers the advance amount along with interest and related
charges promptly. As a part of monitoring the accounts, accounts are classified into
various categories depending upon the status of each account as to whether all the
instalments are recovered, all the interest and various charges applied are recovered,
whether the payment has come as per the schedule etc. If there is any discrepancy,
depending upon the period for which dues are not recovered, the percentage of amount
that could not be recovered etc., accounts are classified into various categories. As and
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when the accounts goes from bad to worse conditions, more and more follow up will be
required for recovery. This classification of accounts is known as Asset classification
Asset provisioning
As a step further to asset classification, Banks will have to keep a certain percentage of
the outstanding in loan accounts wherever they feel difficulty in recovering. This amount
which is kept from its income is known as provision amount for Bad and Doubtful debts.
The Central Bank of the country would be defining norms and procedure for making
such provisions depending upon the status of each account. This provision may vary
from any percentage up to a maximum of 100 percent provision.
Writing off
The accounts which have been classified as worst asset and where 100 percent
provision is done, will be written off from the books of accounts, if the Bank feels that
there is nochances of recovering the amount at all. This will be done by adjusting the
amount from the provision made. This process of making the adjustment from the
provision amount is known as Charge off/Writing off. Banks continue to put efforts for
recovering the amount subsequent to writing off also.
Flow is a code. Every Transaction either a Debit or a credit to a Loan account is
associated with a flow code/ID. Based on the flow, the system has to do some internal
storing of information, processes, validations etc. This is required to arrive at the
Demand, Collection and Balance position of an account thus reflecting the overdue
position of an account. This is also useful for classification of assets into performing and
non-performing assets.
The flows are categorised into following categories:
C – Collection
D – Demand
P – Disbursement
T – Transfer
E – Equated Instalments
Represents loan amount released to the account holder based on the sanction limit.
Normally disbursement flows will happen while opening. There can be a single or
multiple disbursements in a loan account. In case of multiple flows disbursement will
happen subsequent to account opening. Disbursement flow is associated with debit
transactions except in case of reversals of disbursement.
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demand. Demands are raised periodically during the life cycle of the loan account. As
and when an instalment becomes due, system automatically raises a demand for the
principal amount. Whenever interest is applied/capitalised (debit to account) interest
demand is raised. Whenever any other debits like payment of insurance, payment of tax
etc. are done it can be a Bank charge demand or Other Demand.
This is a transaction for recovery of amount to a loan account. Collection flows can
happen during the lifecycle of the loan account, when the customer makes a repayment.
For collection flows, it is possible to specify the offset sequence (the sequence in which
the demands raised are to be offset or adjusted (such as principal first, interest next,
charges etc.)). It is also possible to specify that the collections should be set off in the
chronological order in which the demands have been raised or in a specific way. It is
also possible to adjust various demands in the loan account over riding the definition.
Collection is associated with credit transactions to loan a/c.
A loan account can also go into credit balance in some cases. When the loan account
goes to credit balance, it needs to be debited to transfer the credit balance. This debit
cannot be treated as a disbursement, Interest or any other Charge. In such cases, the
transaction will be Classified/Identified as Transfer “flow”. “Transferflow”ispossible
onlyiftheliability of the account is nil and the interest calculation is up-to-date.
Equated instalments:
The repayment to a loan account could be done in equated instalments. The equated
instalments can be monthly, quarterly or any other specified period. If the instalments
are of equated in nature, then the amount repaid will be adjusted towards both principal
and interest.
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Click on GO.
In Interest Details…
In Loan Details Tab the following are mandatory...
In LA Interest Tab nothing to changed, just visit the Tab.
In Payment Plan Tab the following are mandatory...
In General Details….
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• In Payment Schedule Tab the following are mandatory...
Click on Amortization Schedule. System should display Amortization Schedule to the
In Loan Fees tab nothing to change. Just observe the information.
In Disbursement Schedule the following are mandatory...
• CREDIT A/C NUMBER (In case of Transfer)
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In Post Dated Cheque Tab the following are mandatory...
If the user has entered value “P” = Post Dated Cheques for “Repayment
method” in “Scheme Details” , then the user can enter the details of the PDCs received
by the Bank.
In Multi Source Instruction Tab the following are mandatory...
• A/C ID
Click on first VALIDATE then SUBMIT.
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Inquiry of Interest
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Click on SUBMIT.
Loan Inquiry
Click on Print screen to view the details
Click on CANCEL to go back.
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Repayment Process
Click on GO
Click on ACCEPT
System will take the user to the demand adjustment screen.
• Inquire on the following below details
• Principal adjustment amount and principal outstanding amount.
• Interest adjustment amount and interest outstanding amount
• Total adjustment and total outstanding amount
• Take the help of the mentor to under this behaviour of the system.
Click on SUMMARY details to view the details.
Click on BACK to go back to previous screen.
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Click on Go.
There should be enough balance in operativeAccount for the system to carry out the
MODE Click on
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Use as Primary Securities: Yes
Use as Secondary Securities: No
Loan To Value:
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Click on <Submit>
Function: Lodge
Type: I Immovable Property
Click on <Go>
Collateral Code: Created above
Ceiling Limit:
Nature of Charge:
Derive Value from:
Property doc number: Put PD number
Address: Put the address of the issuing organization
Click on <Submit>
Note Collateral ID…
Verify the Collateral Linkage
Menu option: HCLM
Function: Verify
Collateral ID
Type: Immovable Property
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Click on <Submit>
Linking of Collateral ID with the Limit Node and Account ID:
Menu Option: HSCLM
Linkage Types: The security can be linked to either an account / Limit node with
Option/ linkage type as A/c - Account or to a limit node with type as Limit Node.
Collateral Id: Enter the collateral Id number which was received during the lodging
ofthe collateral using HCLM.
After entering the apportioned Value in the respective field, and upon submitting the
record, the user would get the message Collateral Id Linked successfully to the entity,
Function Verify the Collateral Linkage
Menu Option: HSCLM
L: Link
Linkage Type: A/c Id:
Collateral Id: created above in step 3
Apportioned Value: 200000 (User defined)
Click on <Submit>
Function: Verify
Linkage Type: A/c Id:
Collateral Id:
Click on <Submit>
Customer Collateral Inquiries
Menu Option: HCOLINI
Customer Collateral Details
Click on <Go>
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The user can indicate any criteria and inquire for the information pertaining to the
criteria. In the above menu option, the user can inquire and see the details of how
exactly a parent limit ID is utilised. This menu option gives the tree structure on the
various limits that are linked to other Limits. Option has been provided to the user to
<explode> from a record to see further details of a particular Limit ID.
This option allows the user to inquire on the various accounts/limit nodes linked for a
particular Security. The user will be able to get a consolidated view of security wise
exposure of the Bank. The user has to invoke a menu SRL to have a look at the
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Lending is one of the main activities of the Bank. Through lending activity, Bank earns
major income that is referred to as Interest. Banks also earn by way of charges
collected for various activities that they carry out in relation to loans.
When Banks finance the activities of corporate houses, the loans are called Corporate
Loans. Depending upon the type of the product, quantum of loan amount, the nature,
handling and behaviour of the advances differ. Processing of the advance also differ.
Banks some time appoint individuals or an organisation to promote its product. In turn
they will be compensated with different types of commission, incentive etc. for having
brought in business to the Bank. These individuals or organisation is known as Direct
Selling Agents.
Draw Down: The process of the customer drawing the amount of the loan sanctioned.
Inother words, it is the bank disbursing the loan sanctioned.
Crystallisation: Conversion of overdue liability denominated in a Foreign Currency
intohome currency or to a designated third currency
Draw down notice: The notice given by the customer indicating that he wants money
tobe disbursed to him as per the schedule
Annualised Percentage Rate (APR): The APR is the relative cost of credit
expressedin percentage terms on the basis of one year.
Banks quote rates of interest in different ways. In addition to interest, banks also levy
certain other charges. Often the customer does not get a clear picture about the total
cost he is incurring on his loan account in a year. This clarity is all the more important
when he is trying to compare his cost of borrowing from different banks.
Therefore the customer would like to know his total cost taking into account all his
interest costs and other charges per year, as a percentage vis-à-vis his loan amount.
This would easily be able to compare cost of borrowing from different banks. This single
rate quoted for total cost is called the Annualised Percentage Rate.
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Any loan sanctioned will have a repayment schedule and the borrower has to adhere to
the repayment schedule. It is a common thing that the instalment does not get paid on
due date and the Banks wants to follow it up. Apart from just following it for recovery
purposes they also want some statistical data on what was the due date for an
instalment and when it actually got paid/recovered, Depending upon how many days of
delay was there; the account would be passing through various cycles. This updation is
done with respect to each of the instalments.
Delinquency details means, the time buckets under which overdue instalments will be
classified. That means for how many days each of the instalment was pending and into
how many cycles it moved before it was paid. This information is required to know how
the customer has repaid his instalments. The user can decide the period of each cycle.
When dues in a loan account are not recovered on due dates, the account is said to be
delinquent. In some countries, the words „Out of Order‟ or „Overdue‟ accounts are also
used for delinquent accounts. Accounts becoming delinquent have a lot of significance
forbanks because they will have to pay more attention to these accounts to see that
dues are recovered. The longer an account remains delinquent, the more the concern
for the bank. To monitor this, banks resort to what are called delinquency cycles. Each
delinquency cycle corresponds to a certain number of days that the account remained
delinquent. Finacle supports creation of up to 15 Delinquency Cycles. The concept of
delinquency cycles works on the way bank defines it at scheme level. For example the
bank may define at scheme level that all the accounts that are delinquent for a period of
15 days must be categorised under Cycle 1, all the accounts that are delinquent for a
period of 45 days must be categorised under Cycle 2, all the accounts that are
delinquent for a period of 90 days must be categorised under Cycle 3 etc.. Based
onthislogicbanks categorise accounts into various Delinquency Cycles. Suppose an
account was delinquent for 60 days. It would have been categorised in Cycle 3, by the
system. If he clears all the dues on the 60th day, his account is no more a delinquent
account. In this case, the categorisation is removed. Thus an account can be a
delinquent account at one point in time and can be a good account subsequently.
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1. If the Product is of draw-down interest met down interest method is supported only for
non-EI type of loan accounts.
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In commercial Loan Disbursement is termed as Draw Down. This is actually a
transaction creation process. Disbursement will happen based on the draw down
schedule in comparison with the notice recorded in the system. The menu option for
draw down isHCLDRDN.
If advance interest is to be collected, it would be done up to the date mentioned in the
draw down schedule. An advice can also be sent for the draw down based on the flag
ticked. On accept from the screen the user would be taken to the charge screen. All the
charges that are deductible would be shown. The user can select the ones he would like
to collect and <Accept> to proceed further.
This menu is used to do any modifications and also to add additional records even if
there are no previous records. Any modification that is done requires verification by
another user. The verification has to be done using the same menu option.
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This menu option can be used for carrying out following functions:
Interest booking is a process involving two different office accounts –Interest receivable
and the P&L (Interest income account) and financial transactions are created by the
system along with the report. In case of advance interest is collected and then system
does amortisation. The menu option for interest booking is CLBOOK.
Interest calculation is done with a menu option LADGEN which is used. This is the
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same menu option which is used for interest calculation of all loan accounts
1. This menu option cannot be used for adhoc interest calculation.
ACINT menu option should be used for adhoc interest calculation
2. Accrual and booking for retail loan & deposits are to be done using
ACACCR and ACBOOK menu option.
3. The system will not generate automatically the principal and interest
demand. User has to set up a batch job –LADGEN
4. In case of non EI accounts, if interest and principal demands are to be
generated on the same day, if interest demand generation fails for any
reason, system will raise principal demand. But in case of EI accounts
if any of the process fails –principal demand generation or interest
demand generation –entire process fails
5. Interest frequency in General Details of ACM is not used and those
fields are protected for loan accounts. The details captured in
Repayment Details are used in case of loan accounts
6. Demand generation report will show EI amount and Interest demand
amount in addition to principal amount if the account is EI account
(scheme wise and currency wise)
7. Failure Report for Principal and Interest demand generation is also
8. Interest calculation report similar to ACINT option of SB/CA/CC/OD A/cs
9. In case of rephasement of account, user has to invoke LADGEN in “Force”
10. In “Force” mode user has to enter the “Value Date”.
11. If the due of the account is extended for the immediate next instalment to be
raised, then while raising the demand, the demand overdue is populated as the
date extended to by the user during extension.
12. Interest re-calculation should be initiated if the Penal interest on principal
demand overdue flag is set to “YES” and the demand overdue date is extended
for the particular demand.
13. No validation has been put for the overdue date. The user needs to consciously
change the same.
Any holiday is there subsequent to the interest calculation date indicated; system takes
care of calculating interest based on the value set at frequency – “N” – Next day or “P” –
Previous day.
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collected upfront, would be for the entire loan period. As such, the Banks may not want
to recognise the entire collections as an income and would like to recognise only when it
is accrued and becomes due. In order to achieve this, the upfront-collected
charges/fees can be amortised as and when required. Amortisation of the fees and
charges are to be done by invoking the menu HLACAM. In order to amortise the
charges, the set up should have been done at scheme level/product level whether a
charge can be amortised or not. Only such charges can be amortised by invoking this
menu option
Amortisation can be done in two ways –Straight line method and
Proportionate to interest method.
If any of the charges at the account level is modified, next amortisation process will take
care of necessary adjustments
Criteria Page: This screen will capture the following details Function Code S-
Payment/V-Verify/X-Cancel –Drop down
CIF ID –Pick list, Tran type –Always Transfer. Disabled radio button Type of
appropriation –„S‟-System / ‟M‟–Manual –Radio button
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End User Training Manual
Details Page: This screen will capture the other details for payment.Source A/c Id
Value date Credit amount. Ref No. –For OAP type of account Tran Exchange rate,
Tran Treasury rate, Treasury ref no, CCY Code
Facility to enter maximum amount that can be accepted as prepayment apart
from the existing minimum amount for prepayment
Prepayment amount not to exceed XXX number of instalments. The total sum of
prepayment so far made should not exceed the indicated number of instalments.
The prepayment will be adjusted to the liability from last interest applied date by
first in first out FIFO method in case of multiple draw downs.
The interest calculated will be collected from the customer during the event of
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End User Training Manual
The adjustment for this interest collected amount will be done on next interest
calculation for the account.
If prepayment value date is less than last interest applied date, then interest
collection during prepayment is not allowed.
Prepayment with interest calculation YES cannot be done prior to last
prepayment date
System also shows all pending charges which are not assessed, assessed but not
recovered. User can do assessment and arrive at the closure amount including charges.
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End User Training Manual
User can select unassessed charges if he wants to collect that also by selecting the
record. Modification is permitted if allowed.
After indicating these values and <ACCEPT>, user is taken to dummy field of “Pending
fee”. From here <explode> facility is available which gives the details of the fees which
need to be recovered. Prepayment fee, if any, is set up, system calculates and shows
the prepayment fee. From here also <explode> feature is available to see the details.
Systemdisplays all the relevant data pertaining to this account. System also calculates
the pending interest that needs to be collected.
The menu is HPAYOFF. Using this menu option the user can close the account or do
an inquiry on the closed account. Inquire can be for a future date also
The functions available are “P”–pay off (close the account) and “I”–inquire onthepayoff
accounts. There is also provision to do “Reversal” of the pay off.
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The above parameters are taken for processing and validation during HPAYOFF
process. During scheme creation, the value for the field payoff int. till date flag should
be set to“User Defined Date” for enabling the project. During PAYOFF, the user will be
able to enter the user defined months and days field so that payoff amount will be
calculated with interest calc. date as:
Int. calc. date = value date + user defined months + user defined days
Inquire about closure can be done as on date or even for a future date.
System also shows all pending charges which are not assessed, assessed but not
recovered.User can do assessment and arrive at the closure amount including charges.
The user can give the Fee Waived Amt. This amount will not be considered for the
transaction but the same will be displayed in the Payoff Inquiry Report.
User can select un-assessed charges if he wants to collect that also by selecting the
record. Modification is permitted if allowed. After indicating these values and
<ACCEPT>, user istaken to dummy field of “Pending fee”. From here <explode>facility
is available which gives the details of the fees which need to be recovered. System also
calculates the pendinginterest that needs to be collected. An <accept> from here will
take the user to the option block from where the following functions are possible:
There is also a feature to take a print out of the displayed information and given to
customer. In that case, user has to click “Print system displays information of creating
the report which can be seen in the back ground.
If the option is for closure of the account, user has to select the function “Pay off If the
user invokes this process then the payoff value date cannot be greater than BOD
Date. However it can less than BOD date for a back value dated closure.
On clicking the <Go>button; system displays all the uncollected charges which are
pending. The user can <select> the charges which he wants to collect. If he does not
select, it means he is not collecting the charge at all. This is the last occasion for him to
collect the charges. On <submit> system displays information on what is the total
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Principal outstanding
Interest outstanding
Pending fees
Interest since last application
Prepayment charges
Pending Bank fees
Amount in loan payment account
Deferred interest outstanding
The user can waive interest if he wants by mentioning how much he wants to waive.
On ensuring the correctness of the information user can click on <Create transaction>
system displays the transaction it is going to create. User can verify for the correctness
of the transaction and finally submit the process
The penal interest for a loan account is handled separately for a loan account for the
recall period. Now the recall would be handled from a menu, HLARECAL. Also if an
account is recalled, the outstanding principal amount will be raised as a demand. Then
the penal interest calculation will be handled normally as any other case, but off course
depending on the penal interest parameters.
The menu, HLARECAL, also handles the reversal of recall also. In reversal of the recall,
the outstanding amount which got raised during the recall will be reverted back to the
previous stage. But if any payments happened on the loan after the recall, it will not be
possible to do the reversal of the recall.
This menu would raise a principal demand for the remaining outstanding principal (not
raised portion only). Hence, in combination with the existing principal demands, entire
loan principal amount becomes overdue immediately.
After the recall of the account, the system would calculate the penal interest based on
the penal parameters only. If an account is recalled, and customer is trying to
reschedule the account, then the recalled flag will be changed to no. The reversal of
recall will not be allowed if any payments are done in between.
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Whether the account is written off partially or in full, the system adjusts the entire
amount which is lying in interest suspense account. This is one by debiting the interest
suspense account and crediting the loan account. This is the portion of interest which is
derecognised by marking account as past due.
The system displays the transaction that is going to be created as a part of this process.
If the information is OK user can <Submit> to continue process.
Successful completion of the process is indicated as under:
History for Charge Off is enabled for both Retail Loan (LAA) and Commercial Loan
(CLA). For each charge-off / reversal system will store tran-id, charge-off / reversal date,
charge-off / reversal amount, reason code, charge-off type and mode of operation
(charge-off / reversal). System enables reversal for each charge-off transaction.
The charge off process requires verification. Transaction is actually created as a part of
verification. User will be invoking the same menu option –HCOLA –for verification.
Once an account is written off/ charged off, Banks will not inform the customer that his
accountis written off. In many cases Banks are able to recover the amount even after
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writing off. In such cases, the recovered amount goes directly to the credit of income
account as earlier expenditure account would have been debited to make provision and
write off. Banks also wants to know how much of such amounts were recovered during
the year. In Finacle it is possible to know the recoveries done on such written off
Apart from this, there is also a provision to accrue interest on a written off account. If
any such accrual has been done, then system shows accrued interest subsequent to
written off date or last interest calculated date.
Such recoveries can be by way of cash or even to the debit of an account. The
Recoveries in the written off account is done through a separate menu option HRACO.
System by default adjusts the recoveries in the account to Principal. But the user has
the option to modify the details and can indicate what is being recovered on the
account. Based on the information provided to the system, system creates appropriate
transactions to the respective accounts.
Principal recovery
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Borrowing by way of a loan facility can provide a borrower with a flexible and efficient
source of funding. If a borrower requires a large or sophisticated facility or multiple
types of facility this is commonly provided by a group of lenders known as a syndicate
under a syndicated loan agreement. A syndicated loan agreement simplifies the
borrowing process as the borrower uses one agreement covering the whole group of
2.1 Term Loan Facility: Under a term loan facility the lenders provide a
specifiedcapital sum over a set period of time, known as the "term". Typically, the
borrower is allowed a short period after executing the loan (“commitment" period),
during which time it can draw loans up to a specified maximum facility limit. Repayment
may be in instalments (facility is commonly described as "amortizing") or there may be
one payment at the end of the facility (facility is commonly described as "bullet"
repayment terms). Once a term loan has been repaid by the borrower, it cannot be re-
2.2 Revolving Loan Facility: A revolving loan facility provides a borrower with
amaximum aggregate amount of capital, available over a specified period of time.
However, unlike a term loan, the revolving loan facility allows the borrower to
drawdown, repay and re-draw loans advanced to it of the available capital during the
term of the facility. Each loan is borrowed for a set period of time, after which time it is
technically repayable. Repayment of a revolving loan is achieved either by scheduled
reductions in the total amount of the facility over time, or by all outstanding loans being
repaid on the date of termination.
A revolving loan facility is a particularly flexible financing tool as it may be drawn by a
borrower by way of straight forward loans, but it is also possible to incorporate different
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2.3 General: Syndicated loan agreements may contain only a term or revolving facility
orthey can contain a combination of. There can be one borrower or a group of
borrowers with provision allowing for the accession of new borrowers The facility may
include a guarantor or guarantors and again provisions may be incorporated allowing for
additional guarantors to accede to the agreement.
The syndication process is initiated by the borrower, who appoints a lender through the
grant of a mandate to act as the Arranger (also often called a Mandated Lead Arranger)
on the deal. There is often more than one Arranger on any transaction. The Arranger is
responsible for advising the borrower as to the type of facilities it requires and then
negotiating the broad terms of those facilities. By the very nature of this appointment, it
is likely that the Arranger will be a lender with which the borrower already has an
established relationship, although it does not have to be. Arrangers appointed by the
Borrower to act as Book runner also starts to put together a syndicate of banks to
provide that facility.
Syndication is often done in stages, with an initial group of lenders agreeing to provide a
share of the facility. This group of lenders is often referred to as Co-Arranger. The Co-
Arrangers then find more lenders to participate in the facility, who agree to take a share
of the Co- Arrangers' commitment.
Agent:To facilitate the process of administering the loan on a daily basis, one bank
fromthe syndicate is appointed as Agent. The Agent who is appointed acts as the agent
of the lenders not of the borrower and has a number of important functions:
Point of Contact: (maintaining contact with the borrower and representing the views
ofthe syndicate)
Monitor:(monitoring the compliance of the borrower with certain terms of the facility)
Paying Agent: (the borrower makes all payments of interest and repayments
ofprincipal and any other payments required under the Loan Agreement to the Agent.
The Agent passes these monies back to the banks to whom they are due. Similarly the
banks advance funds to the borrower through the Agent)
The terms of a syndicated loan agreement empower the Agent to undertake the roles
described above in return for a fee. Any decisions of a material nature (for example, the
granting of a waiver) must usually be taken by a majority, if not by the whole syndicate.
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If the syndicated loan is to be secured, a lender from the syndicate is usually appointed
to act as Security Trustee to hold the security on trust for the benefit of all the lenders.
The duties imposed upon the Security Trustee are typically more extensive than those
of an agent.
In large syndicates, it is sometimes decided that some decision making power should
be delegated to the majority from time to time (often referred to as the 'majority lenders'
or 'instructing group'). This group usually consists of members of the syndicate at the
relevant time that holds a specified larger percentage of the total commitments under
the facility. By delegating some of the decision-making, the mechanics of the loan are
able to work more effectively than if each and every member of the syndicate had to be
consulted and subsequently reach unanimous agreement on every request from the
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B. Purpose –To monitor party‟s total exposurehead like fund, non-fund etc.
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Ref Code: Click on <Go>
Click on <Submit>
Description CCY:
Limit Type: CIF----
Approval Limit: 100000
Product Code:
d. Validate
e. Visit Limit Categories Tab
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f. Click on <Submit>
Now, Go to Menu option HLTL (Limit tree Lookup) and give limit id and see the details
The user can indicate any criteria and inquire for the information pertaining to the
criteria. On indicating the criteria and click on <go> the system display the following
information as under;
In the above menu option, the user can inquire and see the details of how exactly a
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parent limit ID is utilised. This menu option gives the tree structure on the various limits
that are linked to other Limits. Option has been provided to the user to <explode> from
a record to see further details of a particular Limit ID.
j. Limit Sanct/exp date –Enter Sanction date and in exp date field enter
date of expiry. In case of Parent enter highest date among the
k. Sanction Level Code –Select the code by pressing searcher. Head
Office/ Regional Office
l. Sanct. Auth. Code –Select the code by pressing searcher.
m. Single Trans – N. If this is Y, then once the DP is utilized up to the
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Once step A.1 is done then that HCLM cannot be attached through Limit Node and if
Limit node is at all desired to be created then HCLM attached to the account shall be
deleted first and then Limit node be created and rest of the process should be followed.
In this menu option, the user can get information about the accounts that are linked to a
particular limit node. Going by the above inquiry of LTL, HLIMNDI menu option displays
following information for the limits selected Option
Option has been provided to the user to <explode> from a record in view details to see
further details of a particular entity ID.
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End User Training Manual
Finacle 10x has the following features/provision to sanction and maintain temporary
Overdrafts, which is outlined below.
Terminology Explained
TOD: TOD means Temporary Over Draft. A TOD is a limit/facility granted by the bank to
its customers to draw in excess of available balance in their operative accounts, for a
short period which is generally not backed by a formal sanction. In order to tide over the
financial crisis period/delay in getting formal sanctions and meet immediate working
capital requirements, the bank either gives clean or secured overdrafts to them.
Secured overdrafts: Secured overdrafts are those that are generally backed by
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securities like government bonds, NSCs, life insurance policies, and banks own term
deposits & shares and debentures of limited companies (in case of overdraft accounts)
or by stocks-in trade (in case of cash credit accounts), Clean TOD: Clean TODs are
granted without any security and are generally for a very short period (normally between
7 days to 15 days).
Single TOD: –A TOD granted for a specific purpose and for use only once. Once the
TOD is used, it is not available again, even if the funds are replenished.
Ex. A TOD granted for Rs.1, 00,000.00 as a single TOD on 01.01.1998 and is valid up
to 10.01.1998. The customer utilises it on 01.01.1998. On 05.01.1998 he remits a sum
of Rs.50, 000/- to the account. The user cannot reuse the amount of Rs.50, 000/-
remitted by him even though the TOD is valid up to 10.01.1998. It only allows him to
avail the balance Rs.50, 000/- on or before 10.01.1998.
Granting of TOD is done through HACTODM menu option. It is also possible to grant
TOD for a future date.
The user has to always go in the “M” –Modifymodefor creatingthe TOD. The Account ID
for which the TOD is being granted is to be entered and then click on <GO>. The user
has to click on „ADD NEW REC‟. The user has to enter thefollowing fields:
Grant Date –Effective date of TOD. The date from which the TOD is available for use by
the account. This date can be BOD date or can be future dated.
Advance amount –The amount of TOD that is being granted now. Interest: One of the
radio Buttons, i.e., A/C Level or TOD Level must be selected.
Account Level Interest –If A/C Level Int is selected, system will calculate the interest as
per the setup maintained at account level.
TOD Level Interest –If TOD Level Int is selected, system will calculate the interest as
per the setup maintained at TOD level.
TOD level int flag –The system puts a default value based on the set up done at
Schemelevel –TOD Reference Details. If the value is “Y” for thisfield, the user will be
able to indicate the Normal and Penal interest.
In order to have this feature of TOD level interest, the cust option
TOD_LEVEL_INT_ALLOWED should be set to “1” and „Collect Interest Flag‟ value as
„Y‟ in HGSPM.
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The user can select either the Account Level Interest or TOD Level Interest and Press
Expiry date –Date of expiry of the TOD (i.e., the date after which TOD amount is not
available even if it is not utilised).
Penalty Date –Date from which penal rate of interest should be applied
Advance type –Type of TOD. There are three types of TOD that can be granted. Adhoc,
Running, Single (For details refer earlier explanation)
Advance category –Whether secured or unsecured (For details refer earlier explanation)
Normal interest rate –If TOD level flag is “Y” this field table code is indicated at scheme
level –TOD reference details, system populates the
normal interest rate set for that code. This is a modifiable field.
Effective Normal Interest-This field will be populated with rate as 0 if "TOD Level Int
Flag" is "N". If "TOD Level Int Flag" is "Y" then this field is sum of Normal Interest,
Account Preferential Interest and Customer Preferential Interest. But Preferential
Interests will be included only if the "Apply TOD Pref. Interest" flag in SRGPM setup for
the scheme of the account for which TOD is generated is set as "Y". This field is not
Penal interest rate – This is populated by default, if interest table code is specified at
scheme level. It is enterable/modifiable field Permitted by –This is mandatory field and
user_id of the person who has permitted the TOD has to be entered Remarks –System
populates the value set at scheme level. User can modify this during run time.
Event: This is a display field. The system displays the appropriate value based on the
Type of TOD. The following are the valid event types
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After entering “V‟ and account number in function block, the user can click on the link
below the Grant Date to verify the details entered:
If the details are correct, the user can click on the Cancel button to come back to the
screen and then click the <Submit> button to verify the record.
The user after entry of the transaction through HTM should check Grant TOD box (HTM
sub option). “N”
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End User Training Manual
Banks receive instruments such as cheques, drafts, and pay cheques issued by
customers. These instruments are exchanged at the Clearing House. The process of
settlement of these instruments is known as Clearing.
Inward clearing is a process whereby the Bank receives various types of negotiable
instruments that are drawn on it by its customers and parts the resultant proceeds to the
presenter of the instruments.
In case of Outward clearing, the Bank gets the proceeds since it acts as a collecting
agent on behalf of its customers who have tendered the instruments for credit of their
Each bank or branch receives the list of cleared instruments payable to account
holders. The process of lodging this information and regularizing the credit is called
outward clearing. Both inward and outward clearing instruments are specified in zones
to facilitate processing.
A zone is opened for each meeting that takes place for exchange of instruments
between banks in a Clearing House. Each zone is associated with a zone code and the
date on which the meeting takes place. Thus a zone code identifies a particular days
clearing meeting.
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Opening of a zone can be done through HOZO menu option or using function (O) of
HMCLZOH and then click on <submit> button
An outward clearing zone can be opened for processing for a given day as well for the
days greater than the BOD date.
Lodging of Outward Clearing Instruments –HOCTM
NOTE: Entry of multiple instruments and multiple credits in one set is not permitted.
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The verification of instruments that are lodged through HOCTM can be done
through HOCTM itself or using the HOCIV menu option. The HOCTM menu option
facilitatesthe verification set by set whereas the HOCIV menu option facilitates bulk
verification. You can also use batch verification. This can be done by using the
HOCTV menu option. Here you have to just indicate the zone code, zone date and
the set numbers to be verified. The details of the instruments lodged are not
displayed. This is a Blind verification which can be done only after suspension of
the zone.
The mass verification of lodged instruments can be done using the HOCTV menu
option. However, using this menu option you can view all the instruments lodged but not
verified. At one stroke all such instruments can be verified. The following screens
details should be entered.
Zone Date Code: Select or type the zone date and the zone code for which sets are to
be verified.
Start Set No.: Type the range of set numbers starting from which the sets are to be
selected for verification.
End Set No.: Type the end set number must match with the last set number specified
for that zone.
A zone has to be suspended once all the instruments are lodged and verified for further
processing on the zone. The zone is suspended to avoid any further entry/lodging of
instruments. i.e., after suspending a zone, no instruments can be lodged, modified, etc.
Verification can be done even after zone is suspended. A zone has to be suspended to
ensure that no more changes are done to the
If the field - shadow balance flag is enabled, the transactions are created for crediting
the customer‟s account directly. However the balances will be in un_clear_balance and
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will be shownas “Fundsin clearing”. Bank/branch can restrict using thebalance for
withdrawal by the customer.
This process will move all the balances which are in unclear balance (Funds in
Clearing) to clear balance and will be available to the customer for withdrawal without
any restrictions. This happens when at the zone level, Shadow bal is enabled. If the
Shadow Bal flag is unchecked, then this process will debit the intermediary account
(credited during the release to shadow balances) and credit the customer‟s accounts
with clear balance.
Regularization of zone in this scenario is done by invoking HMCLZOH menu option with
function “G”orbyinvoking HRZFSBO menuoption. The regularization in this case
happens based on each zone for which the process is initiated. If there are any
instruments which are marked for pending then, regularization to that extent will not
happen i.e., the zone would have been partially regularized. The user has to revoke the
instruments which are marked for pending and then initiate the process again for
complete regularization of the zone.
Note: If there are no instruments which are marked for pending, then the zone is
closedautomatically as a part of the regularization process itself.
This menu is used to generate a report for outward clearing instrument details for any
given zone and date for a SOL or SOL set id. The screen interface is as under:
The zone is suspended to avoid any further entry/lodging of instruments and is used just
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before further processes on the zone. If the branch wants to lodge some instruments in
a suspended zone, it should revoke the suspension. Suspension of zone is also done
during the end of day to avoid unauthorized entry of instruments. Next day in order to
enable the users to lodge instruments, the suspension has to be revoked and is done
using the above option.
In the normal course, any inward clearing instruments received at the branch have to be
returned in the next day‟s outward clearing or same day depending upon the practice
prevailing at the centre. Sometimes, the Bank may not be able to adhere to this
practice. In such circumstances, the Bank informs the presenting branch about the
delay in return of instruments and requests them not to part with the money.
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The instruments which are marked pending can be revoked, if required by using the
above menu option. This is generally used when the user has wrongly marked an
instrument as pending. The instruments marked as pending should also be revoked so
that the partially regularized zone can be regularized fully.
An inquiry into the components of available balance for any account is available through
any of the above menu options.
Funds in clearing: This is the sum of un clear balance and Funds in clearing.
Float balance: This is sum of all instruments lodged for BOD date zones
Similar to outward clearing, opening of a zone is the first step in inward clearing
process. The user has to open the zone to enable entry of instruments for the zone. At
the time of opening the zone, the user has to indicate the BAR number,BAR date, BAR
amount and number of instruments. As a part of opening the zone, system populates all
the values defined for that zone defined in HICZCM and if the user wants to make any
changes to the default populated values, he can do so.
The changes could be with regard to Rate code and Rate if it is a multi-currency zone,
change in account numbers, charge event Ids for charge calculations etc. A zone could
be opened for a particular service outlet or for a number of service outlets. If it is to be
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done for a group/number of service outlets, a separate group should have been defined
using HSSTM option. Opening of zones for multiple service outlets could be done by
invoking HOICZSET menu option for the earlier defined set id. The following is the
screen interface for HMICZ menu.
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After opening of the zone is done, the user can start entry of instruments for the zone.
The following are the features that are available as a part of entry of the instrument.
Display of available balance for the account
Facility to carve the amount or not
Display ofcarved amount basedonthe above indicator
Provision to mark the cheque as rejected –inward, outwardand counter.
In case of outward rejects provision for listing of records if there are multiple
records with same Instrument number.
Entry of additional details forDD/Bankers cheque.
Population of payee‟s name in case of Banker‟s cheque, DD drawn
by a branch within the data centre or details of issue of DD has come
through IBR module
Provision to grant instant TOD at instrument level. This can be done only if “CL”
type of TOD is specified at the scheme level of the account.
Display of deficit amount for the account.
Provision to carve the required amount for passing the instrument at the time of
entry itself. This can be donebysetting value “Y” for field “Carve”.
Provision for negative carving based on zone level flag.
Provision to enter the report code and reference number if it is set as mandatory
at scheme level.
Provision to view exceptions that are encountered.
Provision to change the rate and rate code at the time of entry in case of a multi-
currency zone.
Provision to change the charges calculated for rejection of cheques for inward
and outward rejects.
Provision to mark the instrument as
Listed but not received
Received but not listed
Indicate the claim amount in respect of each instrument if there is any difference
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On clicking „Go‟, the user is taken to the following screen wherein he enters the details
of the inward clearing instrument:
Clicking <Down arrow> key will commit the record. For entering the details of the issue
bank code and branch code in case of Demand d and “Branch code” in the HICTMO
Before going to the next record, system validates for all errors and forces the user to
enter the mandatory information. User can see all the exceptions by clicking on Show
Exceptions tab.
If the carved flag is set to “Y” the carved a reject, the user will be forced to enter the
rejection details. If the currency is different andrate is not entered it will force the user to
enter rate and if there is any rate corresponding to that rate code, system displays the
same, otherwise the user has to enter the rate also. Additional details screen can be
visited for marking the instrument as listed, received, to enter claim amount if there is
any difference. This screen can also be used to indicate the rate code and rates if it is a
multi-currency zone for conversion of amounts.
If the user has not enabled the negative carving field at zone template level, system will
not allow the user to use the feature during entry of instruments, if the available amt in
the account is lesser than the cheque amount.
In case the instrument is marked as rejected, carving flag should be set to “N”. In case
of inward reject, the user has to enter the details of presenting bank and branch code or
sortcode. Also, the user has to enter the reject reason code.
The user can modify the charges by visiting the charges screen
If there is any difference between the listed amount and instrument amount, the listed
amount should be indicated in the “claim amount” field. The difference between the
actual instrument amount entered in HICTMO screen and this value will either be
reflected eitheras a short claim or an excess claim.
This is also true in case of “listed” and “received” field values.
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Facility is provided to grant instant TOD from HICTMO at each instrument level. This
can be done provided the type of TOD is “CL” –Granting of Instant Clearing TOD at the
scheme level of the account. The actual granting of TOD is done only when the part tran
related to the instrument is posted.
In order to grant the instant TOD, the user has to enter the value “Y” for the field “TOD”
in HICTMO screen and <explode>. On <explode> the user will be shown the following
screeninterface for entering the details of instant TOD.
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Between the time of granting instant TOD and initiating the posting process, if any credit
has come to the account as a result of which TOD is not required for passing the
cheque,then the system will not create any TOD record even though the user has ticked
“Grant TOD” in HICTMO.
The user can click on „Submit‟ button to accept the instrument. As mentioned earlier
<arrow down> key will commit the previous record, and before committing system does
all scheme level, account level validations and displays a message “exceptions
encountered” if any. At this stage, if the user wants to know what the exceptions are, he
can do so by clicking on “Show Exceptions” which will display alltheexceptions it has
encountered in respect of the account.
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canbe done so by entering a value “I”– inward reject or “O” – outward reject, “C” –
counter reject. Once the value is entered for reject, the user has to enter the rejection
If the reject type is outward, system will list all instruments lodged in outward clearing
which are not regularised and have the instrument number which is equal to the one
entered in inward clearing. The user can select the appropriate record for marking it as
If the reject type is inward, user has to enter the collecting bank/branch details with the
reason for rejection. The rejection screen can be invoked by clicking on the help button
and the screen which is brought up by the system is as under. The user has to enter the
presenting sort code or presenting bank & branch
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Screen for display of outward clearing instruments if multiple records are there for same
number. The user can select the appropriate records from the list displayed.
In case of outward and inward rejects, if any charges have to be collected, the system
will collect it based on the charge event ID Specified at zone level.
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If the user wants to make any changes the user can invoke the following screen by
clicking on “Charges‟buttonand modify the charges, if required. The following is the
screen displayed for charge modifications.
The user can modify the charges or accept the same. The transactions for the rejection
charges will be created as a part of closure process of the zone. In case of inward
rejects, the system will create dummy transactions to the customer‟s account to show
that an instrument had been received in clearing and was rejected. This is based on the
value setup at HICZCM level for the field “Route Reject tran through A/c.” If the flag is
checked, system will create one debit and one credit transaction to the customer
The user has to invoke the HICTMO menu for verification of the instruments lodged for
a zone. The user will use function (V) for verifying the records and furnish the other
particulars like zone code and zone date. If he does not indicate any criteria all the
records will be selected. The same user cannot verify the records. The screen interface
is given as under:
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Here the user can give various selection criteria or just accept which will list out all the
instruments entered. The screen interface is given below:
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If the user does not want to verify some of the records, he has to go and deselect the
records from verifying. The verifier can view all the details associated with the records
like additional details, charges calculated, rejected details etc. before verification.
From the above screen the user is taken to print parameter screen. A report is
generated for the validations done and user can either print it online or from the
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background based on the values indicated in print parameter screen. The user can
indicate the MRT file name to get the report the way he has defined.
A separate function for printing of validation report has been provided to enable the user
to take report whenever he wants. This can be done by invoking the menu HMICZ
withfunction “T”. This report can be taken any number of times. Generation of this report
does not carve the amount as done in validation process.
In order to invoke posting, HMICZ menu should be invoked with function (P).
In case if the number of transaction per tran id is set, transactions during posting would
be created for the intermediary account specified at zone level for crediting the
proceeds. The closure of zone process reverses the transaction put for the intermediary
account and credit the clearing credit account. If any charge is to be collected for
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rejections done, those transactions are also created as a part of closure of zone activity.
When the zone is suspended, the user cannot add any records/instruments. In order to
enable the user to enter instruments subsequently, suspension of zone should be
revoked. This is done by invoking HMICZ menu with function (R).
If for any reason during the inward clearing processes, the system results in a fatal
error,the process gets terminated abnormally and the zone gets “locked”. I will not be
able to carry out any further processes. In such a situation, the user has to
The following reports are available for inward clearing HPICW –PRINTING OF INWARD
CLEARING WASTE The report can be generated for a SOL, SOL set id.
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With the instrument set id a report can be generated for instruments lodged for accounts
belonging to a particular SOL
The user can invoke the above menu option to inquire the details of a specific zone.
Inquiry is possible on General details, Transaction details and Statistical details. All
these inquiriescan be done through sub option –G, T, and S. G - General details of the
zone. This has information on two screens
Finacle is enabled for lodging clearing instruments for credit to Loan accounts.The
following validations are required for lodging an instrument for a loan account:
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The part Tran creation should be Instrument wise (the relevant field in HCLZCM
set as "I". This is necessary, for rejection of instruments, (where there are
multiple instruments in a set) to go through correctly.
Instrument lodging for a Loan account will not be allowed if the loan account
status is not complete or if the account is charged off. The checks mentioned in
pts 1 and 2 will also hold good during the upload of outward clearing instruments.
When the transaction is created for crediting the loan account, either during
release or regularisation, the collection flow id will be chosen appropriately from
the flow ids set up in HGSPM. For normal loans the collection flow id will be the
one set in Default Collection Flow ID and for past due loans the flow id is the one
set for the parameter Past Due Collection Flow ID.
The credit to the loan account will (either through instrument wise or zone wise)
adjust the demands due.
The value date of credit will be as per zone value date or instrument value date.
The loan statement (HLAPSP) will print clearing credits and the reversal
transaction due to bounced clearing cheques (only when the shadow
balance flg = YES)
Outward clearing return for a loan account will go and reverse the credit posted
during release to shadow balance.
Payments made through clearing cheques will offset demands raised to loan
account only. It will not offset interest demands where interest is routed
through loan interest account. For such cases loan payment account will
have to be used.
Cheque return charges need to be handled manually as per the laid down norms.
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A draft is valid for specific period from the date of issue. Thereafter it has to be
revalidated by the issuing branch at the request of the purchaser.
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If the purchaser does not want to utilise the DD, he can cancel the same, by
surrendering the original DD to the issuing branch.
In case of demand drafts following events have been identified for
charge set up: DDI –Draft issue
DDD –Issue of duplicate
demand draft DDC –
Cancellation of demand
draft DDP –Payment of
demand draft
Issue of draft / banker‟s cheque are done by using a menu option HDDMI.
Value Date:The user can issue a value dated DD. This value date will be only used
fortransaction creation; however issue date will be following existing logic.Value date
will be default populated with BOD, and it has been set as mandatory input for add
operation. In other mode, this date is not modifiable.
DD A/c id: appropriate DD a/c no based on the DD type must be selected by the user.
i.e.,if the bank is using different DD a/cs for banker‟s cheques, DDs on branches within
the same Data Centre and others, the respective a/c opened for issue of these DDs
should be selected by the user.Upon clicking “Go”, the screen will appear.
This shows the details of the first DD taken. Upon clickingthekeyon the right side, the
application will take you to the next record which will be in running serialNumber.
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The above interface is a multi-record screen. The following functions are possible in the
above option
if the user wants to issue mass drafts by using a cheque proper set up should
have been done at scheme level and HSCFM level
All the drafts issued should belong to same currency
Multiple DD issued is on behalf of only one purchaser
In order to change the charges user has to click on “Fee‟and modifydetails in
theamount column.
It is possible to debit two different operative accounts for DD amount and DD
commission separately.
Click Edit fee or Fee Details to modify fee details for any or all the records. The Fee for
DD Issue screen is displayed
Click ACCEPT the view the details of the DD
Note: Demand drafts can also be issued / paid through HTM menu
option by visiting the additional details.
By selecting the appropriate record, the user will be taken to the additional details
screen where he has to enter the additional details.
The following are the points which the user has to note while making the mass payment.
The following are the operations that a user can perform by invoking the above menu
The HPFDDM menu option gives user a feature to have multiple rates for the same
remittance transaction. This is applicable while paying DD in a currency different than
that of the purchaser. The menu option HPFDDM is capable of storing the
board/contract rate details for the DD to be paid if the payment currency is not the same
as the DD currency. The screen is changed accordingly. Usage of multiple rates/tiered
rates are not possible with HDDMP menu option.
A draft/banker cheque after issue can either be paid in the normal course or the
purchaser has a right to ask for cancellation of the same by producing the instrument
and ask for refund of money.
The customer can cancel the demand draft by giving a value date. Value date is default
populated with BOD Date however the user can change the date. During posting
operation this date will not be modifiable.
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The cancellation can be done at the issuing branch or at any other branch. The bank
can collect/modify charges at the time of cancellation.
DD‟s which are issued through the HDDMI menu option involving only one exchange
rate and in the same currency can also be cancelled through the HCFDDS menu
Some Banks have the concept of rectification of DD entries. If by mistake a Draft has
been issued for either a higher amount or lower amount, one more rectification entry will
be passed to set right the situation.
In order to mark the draft as LOST the user has to invoke the menu HDDLOST.
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Modification of draft after issue or payment can be done in respect of the following fields
a) DD issue branch code and b) Payee name
The modifications can be done even after the transaction is posted and also after
EOD/BOD. This means modification is allowed even in respect of old records also.
HDDPRPT menu option is used to print the demand draft report. User can give criteria
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like issue set ID, print SET ID, from date and TO date and generate the report.
This menu Option is used to print a bank and branch-wise list of DDs or bankers
cheques that are reconciled or un-reconciled by the bank based on the criteria selected.
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Collection of bill and cheque is one of the many services that banks offer to their
customers. This service is specially designed for the benefit of the trading and business
communities. It is necessary that collection are handled expeditiously, as delay in
collection hurts the customer considerably as he cannot utilise the proceeds in time.
Types of Bills
Demand Bill
Usance Bill
Demand Bill –A demand bill is one on which payment should be made immediatelyafter
the bill is presented and amount is demanded. The documents are delivered against
Usance Bill –A usance bill is one on which payment should be made within a
specifiedperiod of time after date/sight/acceptance.
Demand Bill –can be further classified on the basis whether the document of value
ordocuments of title to goods are attached with it or not.
a) Clean Demand Bill –A clean demand bill is one with which documents of
valueor documents of title to goods are not attached.
b) Documentary Demand Bill –A documentary demand bill is one with
whichdocuments of value or documents of title to goods are attached.
a) Clean Usance Bill –A clean usance bill is one with which documents of value
ordocuments of title to goods are not attached.
b) Documentary Usance Bill –A documentary usance bill is one with
whichdocuments of value or documents of title to goods are attached.
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When Bank„A‟ opens an account with Bank „B‟ (which is located in another country),
then that account is called (from A‟s point of view) a NOSTRO account. The same
account will be called a VOSTRO account (from B‟s point of view). The account will be
generally in B Bank's country currency (In case of ACU countries, the Bank, through
situated in one of ACU countries may hold NOSTRO in USD a/c). This can be set up
through HCBAM option in Finacle.
In export bills, documents go out of the bank and proceeds come into the bank. So the
bill is referred to as Export Bill. In import bills, documents come into the bank and
proceeds go out of the bank. So the bill is referred to as Import bill.
Similarly in case of domestic bills, the bill is referred to as Inland /outward Bill.
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Menu option MEOBis be used to issue and maintainexport bills.
Function Code: It allows the user to select a specific operation. The following
operationsare possible
G –Lodge
C- Copy
T –Transfer
I –Inquire
M – Modify
V - Verify
X –Cancel
P –Purchase
A –Accept
R –Realize
K –Delink/Crystallization
N –Dishonour
U –Interest Run
W –Process Message
E–Amend Bill (erstwhile Extend Due Date #)
S –Co- Acceptance
Z –Close Bill
Y –Unclose Bill
F-Free delivery
In order to lodge a bill through MEOB menu option following tabs need
to be visited mandatorily –
General Details
Party Details
Tenor Details
The Notional Due Date is arrived at based on the bill usance, grace period and normal
transit period as stated earlier. The user will not be able to modify the Notional Due
date, but will be able to modify the due date. If the due date arrived at is not based on
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any of thebase dates available in „Due Dt Ind‟ field, then user should use „O‟ variable to
set any other due date / notional due date for the bill.
Purchase is allowed only for export. The BP account can be in any Currency. Exchange
rate applied, for purchase, can be at the spot market rates or forward booked rates.
Based on the converted amount, margin specified, commission table codes etc. the
default transactions are displayed to the user. The details can be changed for most of
the fields. However the user is not allowed to modify the BP part tran account id,
amount and part tran type or the interest collected amount etc. Interest will be
calculated based on the
MBIC set up for the period from the Date of purchase up to the„Notional Due Date
Following are the criteria fields for Purchase
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On entering the required criteria and on click of GO Purchase details screen will be
displayed and on top a panel consisting of twenty three different tabs is displayed.
In order to lodge a bill through MEOB menu option following tabs need
to be visited mandatorily –
•Purchase Details
•Event Details
•Transaction Details
Delinking / crystallisation is the process of converting the bill liability from one currency
to another. Generally the liability is converted to Home currency by the bank, if the bill is
not paid on the due date to cover themselves of exchange fluctuation.
It is possible that in the normal business scenario, a bill that is sent on collection may be
required to be purchased subsequently, on receipt of acceptance. This can be achieved
through MEOB menu option, withfunction code as „T‟ (transfer).However, theuser has to
ensure that the tenor of the register to which the bill is being transferred is of the
Note: The contingent entries in the collection will be reversed by the system upon
transferof a bill from collection to purchase in full.
The processes for lodging and performing other operations in Import bill are the same
as that of Export bills.
Menu option MIIB (maintain Import and Inland Bills) isused to issue
andmaintain import bills.
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G –Lodge
C- Copy
I –Inquire
V- Verify
X –Cancel
A –Accept
R –Realize
K –Delink/Crystallization
N –Dishonour
U –Interest Run
W –Process Message
E–Amend Bill (erstwhile Extend Due Date #)
S –Co- Acceptance
Z –Close Bill
Y –Unclose Bill
F-Free delivery
In order to lodge a bill through MIIB menu option following tabs need to be visited
mandatorily –
General Details
Party Details
Tenor details
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R returns are statutory returns in India, and are submitted to the Reserve Bank of India
every fortnight. This basically is the list of transactions, which has affected the NOSTRO
account of the Bank. It is possible that every transaction, which the bank handles, need
not affect the NOSTRO immediately.
In case of bills purchased, the NOSTRO gets credited only on the due date. So, the
transactions can be broadly divided into two categories – those affecting the NOSTRO
(cash transactions) and those, which do not affect NOSTRO (suspense transactions).
Suspense transactions are reversed to cash when the NOSTRO actually gets affected.
The report has to be prepared currency-wise.
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L - List
M - Modify
V - Verify
X –Cancel
Text description:You can type data up to 26000 characters in this field but cannot type
blank lines. You can use the script hook TextData.scr to control the number of lines and
the number of characters / line.
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As a part of the process of classification, provisioning is the first step for classification of
the asset. Each asset, which is classified, will have two classifications viz.
The classification of an asset is mainly done depending upon the overdue position of
the account, overdue period, and security available to the account. Classification is
based on individual Banks practices and procedure and differs from Bank to Bank and
Country to Country. However the basic principle of classifying the asset remains the
For each asset, the script name is obtained from the menu option „Scheme /
Register General Parameter Maintenance (HSRGPM)‟ menu option and the asset will
get classified according to the conditions given in the script.
HSASCL menu option can be run in Trial or Update mode. If the „Trial mode‟ field in the
screen is „Y‟ then only report gets generated and the database changes will not occur.
Past due movement of all accounts including Transaction Accounts is enabled in the
existing menu options of HSASCL and HMAPD.
As a part of marking the account as “PastDue” system will transfer the uncollected
interest which is lying in the interest (P&L) account and de-recognise the income. The
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incomebooking done for the non performing accounts would be reversed by the Bank.
In some cases, Bank wants to override the classification for various reasons. For this
there is a facility to modify the default/system classification. This can be done by
invoking menu option MEAC - Modify Effective Asset Classification. Any modification
done is stored along with the system classification for future inquiry/information.
User has to give the criteria and <accept> to get the following screen where he will be
able to modify the classification of all the selected records
The cursor is placed in the field “main user classification” of the first record which is
selected (indicated by “*” mark). The user can go to any of the records using the keys
<arrow Down>, <arrow up>, <page up> or <page down>and modify the classification
codes for both main and sub classification. Once the modification is over he can
<commit> for writing it to database.
Using this menu the user can change the classification code for either customer or
Provisioning is a process where in Bank set aside a portion of its profit on a periodical
basis (quarterly, half yearly, yearly etc.) for the purpose of writing off a loan which
cannot be recovered. Provisioning of amount is based on status of the account. Status
here means the classification of the account. As such provisioning is done after an
asset is classified. As there is a feature of default classification based on DPD, there is
a feature of default provisioning also based on a set up.
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The default set up for asset provisioning is done through a menu option HAPPM- Asset
Provisioning Parameter Maintenance. This is basically on the DPD counter and the
amount slabs.
Set up Menu
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Click on Go Button. The following screen will appear and fill the relevant fields.
Applicant Details
A/cid: Select the account ID of the customer from the list. Or directly type the account
Contract Details:
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Date of Booking:The date of booking of contract.It should not less than BOD Date.
Forward contract Amount: The currency and the amount in which the contract
isbooked. By default the currency is populated from the criteria screen value
Valid From: Select or type the date from which the contract is valid. Valid To: Select or
type the date up to which the contract is valid.
Contract Rate Code:Enter the contract rate code.This is the rate at which the contract
isentered into between the branch and the customer.
Charges are collected during booking, extension,cancellation and general modification.
Charge event id needs to be created for these event types at HPTTM menu level and
specified at register level.
Charge Event Id: Click on the searcher for appropriate charge event id and click on GO
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Users will be able to input and store any customer messages through the instructions
tab. The messages are entered as free text, in the message field. This message can be
used while generating the FWC Note and in Reports. The date of message is also
captured. The user can update the status of the message also.
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Bank Guarantee is an instrument issued by the Banks in which the Bank agrees to
stand guarantee against the non-performance of some activity/event of a customer. The
quantumof guarantee is called the „guarantee amount‟. The guaranteeis issuedonreceipt
of a request from „applicant‟ for somepurpose/transaction in favour of a „Beneficiary‟.
The guarantee amount will be paid by the „issuing bank‟ to the „beneficiary‟ of the
guarantee on receipt of the „claim‟ from the beneficiary i.e., when the guarantee is
Performance Guarantee
Financial Guarantee
Bid Bond Guarantee
Shipping Guarantee
Deferred Payment Guarantee
Advance Payment Guarantee
Retention Money Guarantee
Acceptances & Co-acceptances
Shipping Guarantee: Shipping guarantees are issued by the banks when the
applicant(Buyer) has not yet received the original Bill of Lading, but wants to take
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Guarantor: The person who guarantees. In case of BG,, guarantor will be Bank
whichissues the Guarantee.
Limit details: The user can view the details of limit node specified during issue of Bank
Audit details: This is available only in the verification mode.From here the user can
<explode> further to see the audit details.
Text Maintenance: At the time of issue of the Bank guarantee, the user can invoke
sub-option and go to Text Maintenance interface. From here he will be able to
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Suppose the user has entered (collect) . The fields will have the following meaning
Cash / Lien for Cash Margin and for Lien Margin.
Margin/Lien Account - This is the margin credit account (office
account) in case of cash margin and the customer operative account
in case of Lien margin. This is defaulted from the GPM level
Collected amount - Amount to be collected will be accepted here. This
amount is to be given in the Margin office account currency.
Released amount - This will be protected field and can be edited during
“Release‟ margin function.
Del Flg - Whether an entered record has to be deleted.
Oper Acct / Transfer Acct - This has meaning only for cash margin.
This is the customer operative account. It can be in any currency.
Rate Code - This will be meaningful when the margin account and
operative account are in different currencies.
Suppose the user has entered “R‟ in the function block, and held, all the earlier verified
collections will be displayed. User can decide the amount to bereleased from which of
the records.
As shipping guarantees are follow up of Documentary credits, it is possible that user
may require to “transfer‟ margin from Documentary Credits to Bank Guarantee. Event
will be Transfer. The fields will have the same meaning as in „Collect‟.All the earlier
verified collections of the Documentary Credits will be displayed.
BILL LINKED DETAILS: This option will show the bills which are linked to
shippingguarantees. This is only information and no modification is possible.
MARGIN HISTORY: All the events which have happened on the margin front will
belisted to the user in this option.
BG HISTORY: Users can see the various events which have happened on the
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Applicant Details
CIF ID: Name of applicant fetched from CIF and it is modifiable. On clicking
an icon the Swift Address screen will be populated with Swift Address if it is
maintained at CIF level.
Amount Details
*Issue Date: By default the issue date of the Guarantee would be BOD date.
Rate Code: This is the rate to be applied for conversion of BG amount to the currency
inwhich the contingent liability is maintained. This rate code is also used for updating
the limit node if limit node is in a currency other than BG currency.
Other details
Other Bank Ref.No:Optional field. User can capture the details of Account Id of
theother bank.
Paysys ID: It is an optional field. If user wants to send the message through Swift, then
itshould be entered here.
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Beneficiary Details
Address Lines 1,2 and 3
Postal Code:
Type: Government/Others
Advising/Correspondent Bank: BIC:
Party Identifier:
Guarantee Sub Type: gets defaulted from parameters. It defines the guarantee.
Guarantee class: Select or type the code that indicates the class of guarantee,
forexample, financial guarantee, and performance guarantee and so on. It is used for
MIS purpose.
*Effective Date: The date from which the guarantee is effective. Effective date cannot
beless than issue date. Issue date will be BOD and cannot be modified. A Bank
guarantee can be issued for a future date. The guarantee will be effective from that
License details
Import License No.Type the import or license number, of the customer to whom
theguarantee has been issued.
Import license Expiry date: Select or type the date of expiry of the import license.
Other Details
Charges Borne By: The user has to specify who is going to borne the charges
Applicant,Beneficiary or Others.
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Expiry details
Expiry Period: The period for which the guarantee is issued. To be entered in
Expiry Date: Date on which the guarantee expires. It can be arrived based on expiry
period and effective date. If the date specified is holiday, holiday exception arrives
during verification Claim period.
Claim Expiry date: Date on which the claim expires. It is arrived based on claim period
and expiry date.
Link to Counter Guarantee: Will be default populated with the value as Y/ N based
onthe value specified at parameter level. If the counter guarantee details have been
capturedin the application, the same can be linked to the guarantee being Guarantee
Ref. No... The following validations exist for any guarantee is issued against acounter
guarantee received:
Guarantee No. Counter Bg Number. On tab out or choosing from the Searcher
theGuarantee Amount, Expiry Date, Claim Expiry Date, Bank code, Branch Code and
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Limit Information
Limit ID: Limit Id is an enterable filed which has a searcher for value selection.
Limit Margin: This field accepts the margin percentage to be „utilised‟ from the limit
node. When a limit is utilised for margin, then the available amount in the limit will
bereduced by the margin amount. Limits can be utilised for margin only if the margin
amount is less than the available amount for the limit. During utilisation of the
guaranteefrom a bill or invocation or reversal of the guarantee the available amount for
the limit willbe increased by the margin amount. This „margin‟ is apart from the cash /
lien margin which may be held against the guarantee.
Type of margin: Cash / Lien “C” for Cash Margin andbe marked against multiple term
deposit accounts.
Margin a/c ID: This is the margin credit account (office account) in case of cash
marginand the customer operative account in case of Lien margin. This is defaulted
from the GTPM level.
Operative a/c ID: This will be the account into which the transferred margin has to
DocumentaryCredits will be displayed. The fields will have the same meaning as in
Oper Acct / Transfer Acct - This will be the account into which the transferred
margin has to be collected. This will typically be the margin credit (office
account) account for the Bank Guarantee. The transaction is created on
verification of the entity.
Release Amount: This will be protected field and can be edited during„Release‟
Rate Code and Rate: This will be meaningful when the margin account and
operativeaccount are in different currencies.
1 HBGPRINT Printing of guarantee
2 HDPGR Deferred payment guarantees print
3 HGILR Guarantee issued and liability report
4 HPRR11A Quarterly statement of guarantee
5 HPRR11B Monitoring of guarantees
6 HPRR11C Statement of guarantee
7 HBGMARGIN BG Margin Printing
8 HBGSTMNT Statement of Guarantee
9 HBNKGI CRV based Bank Guarantee Inquiry
10 HBKGURI Bank Guarantee Query
11 HGPLG General purpose letter generator
12 HGPLM General purpose letter maintenance
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End User Training Manual
Issuance of DC
Maintenance of liability of the Bank / Parties
Creation of contingent transactions
Advising of a DC
Amendment of a DC (Value / Validity / General amendment)
Reinstatement of DC
Transferring of the DC to a third party
Calculation of charges for various activities either in Home currency or in DC
Amortization of charges.
Maintenance of Margins by way of cash and lien as security
DC History maintenance
Linking with the Bills module
Linking with BG module
Linking with Forward Contract module
Maintenance DC / Amendment Texts
Generation of DC / Amendments texts in Mail / Telex / Swift formats.
Maintenance of messages of Drawee / Drawer / Negotiating Bank
Opening/Modifying/Amending/Advising/utilising DC across SOLS
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Buyer and Seller agree on the terms of a sale.
Buyer arranges for his Bank to open a letter of credit in favour of the seller.
The Bank would open the LC after taking a credit view of the buyer.
The documents normally required for opening of an LC are:
Commercial Invoice
Transport document such as Bill of lading or Airway bill.
Insurance Document
Inspection Certificate
Certificate of origin.
Prices are to be stated in the currency of the LC and document to be
supplied in the language of the LC.
Buyers Bank sends the LC to the advising Bank in seller‟s country through
SWIFT or bank.
The advising Bank forwards the LC to the seller after rechecking the authenticity
of the LC.
In case seller cannot comply with any of the terms of the LC the same is
immediately notified to the buyer through his Bank.
Seller prepares the goods and arranges for shipment to the appropriate port,
obtains bill of lading and other required documents.
The seller presents the document to the Negotiating Bank which reviews the
documents for compliance of the stipulated terms and forwards the same to the
Issuing Bank or the confirming Bank in case there is a confirming Bank.
The Negotiating Bank forwards a reimbursement claim to the reimbursing bank.
The reimbursing bank pays the Negotiating bank as per instructions of the
Issuing Bank.
On receipt of Payment by Negotiating Bank, the beneficiary or the sellers
account is credited.
Once Issuing Bank receives documents, it notifies the buyer and in case all
documents are in order he makes payment to the Bank and receives the
documents to take possession of the shipment.
In some cases the same Bank may play the role of advising, negotiating and the
confirming Bank.
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Limit Node Expired When the limit node attached to the DC has expired
Party's Limit If the party‟s liability limit is exceeded by the DC. Available
Exceeded amount of DC > (Sanctioned Limit of DC –Utilised limit)
System Charges if the charges are modified during a particular event of the DC.
Max. Validity The maximum validity period for the DC has exceeded i.e.
Exceeded (Expiry- date –open-date) > Max. Valid. allowed(days) set in
Action after DC Some action is being taken on a DC after it has expired
expiry dt
Cryst. Liability If crystallized liability (Fructified DC amount under bills +
exists Fructified DC amount without bills )> 0 exists for a particular
Margin not yet if (Cash Margin percentage + Lien Margin percentage) at time
recovered of issue < the value set in
If the usance period has exceeded the max usance period set
Usance maximum in the DCTPM option.
Max. Negot.days If the negotiation period has exceeded the max negotiation
exceeded period set in the DCTPM option
If there are no documents (no text for text type neither „C‟
No documents/ nor „D‟) attached with a DC this is raised.
Acct.Bal. not Bal. Of the party_acct < total charges collected.
Back Dated Bod_date > dc_open_date.
Party Cautioned If the party to whom the DC is being is a cautioned party then
Exception this exception is raised.
Inward DC Max Validates whether the effective maximum advance value of the
Advn exceeded Inward DC is exceeded while doing amendment or transfer
event of the DC
Outward DC Validates whether the current value of the outward DC exceeds
exceeds export advn the effective maximum advance value of the export order
linked to the DC
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Liab. Dr. A/c Pl. holder: This account is used for maintaining customer
liability as acontra to the Bank‟s liability.
Liab.Cr. A/c Pl. holder: This is the account that indicates the total amount of DC‟s
issued bythe Bank on behalf of various customers.
Margin Cr A/c Pl. holder: Wherever margin money is collected for issue of
DC, it willbe credited to this account.
P&L Account Place Holder: Account attached to this place holder is used
to credit theCommission income on amortisation. This is specified in
HPTTM option. (This is required to be created if the bank is going to
amortise the charges).
The Menu option ODCM is used to issue and maintain Documentary credits
established. In order to issue a Documentary Credit in ODCM menu option the General
details tab, related party tab and the DC details tab need to be visited mandatorily.
Applicant Details: It captures the CIF ID, name and address of the applicant and the
IDof the customer's operative account. The operative account can be used to debit
charges, recover margin amount and also for payment to be made to the bank under
import letter of credit
Amount Details: This captures the initial value of the documentary credit (DC), date
ofissue of DC, the amount of pre shipment advance extended against red clause letter
of credit and the percentage of tolerance permitted in the value of the documentary
1) DC Curr. Valuerepresents „DC open value‟ + or – „DC Amendment Amt‟
2) DC Avail value represents : {(DC_Current_Value – DC Carved Amt) * [1 +
(Tolerance Percent /100)]} – (No_bill_Utilised amount) – (No_bill_Fructified
amount) –(Advance amount) + (reinstated amount) + (Int_add_amount) – (Bills
Purchase order details: The date of issue of DC, purchase order number, the number
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End User Training Manual
ofamendments issued and the last amendment date are captured here.
Beneficiary Details: This captures the name, address and CIF ID of the beneficiary of
aletter of credit. It also captures the ID of the operative account to be used for debiting
letter of credit related charges and for making payment under the letter of credit.
Applicant Bank: This captures the name, address, bank, branch code and BIC address
ofthe applicant bank.
Issuing Bank: This captures the name, address, bank, branch code and BIC address
ofthe issuing bank.
Advising Bank: This captures the name, address, bank, branch code and BIC address
ofthe advising bank.
Drawee Details:This captures the name, address, bank, branch code and BIC address
ofthe drawee bank. The drawee bank is the one which is mentioned as the drawee of
the draftor bill of exchange to be submitted under the letter of credit. The bank
confirming the import letter of credit is the drawee bank.
Available with Bank: This captures the name, address, bank, branch code and
BICaddress of the bank with whom the letter of credit is available for negotiation.
Reimbursing Bank: This captures the name, address, bank, branch code and
BICaddress of the reimbursing bank.
Advice through Bank: This captures the name, address, bank, branch code and
BICaddress of the advice through bank.
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End User Training Manual
Tenor Details: The duration details are keyed here and the fields are Tenor,
UsancePeriod, Tenor Details, and Period for presentation.
Expiry Details: The expiry details of the DC are keyed in these fields.
Shipment Details: The mode and the last date of shipment of the goods are keyed
inthese fields. This captures Partial Shipment, Trans shipment,Latest date of shipment,
Negotiation Period, Shipment Period, Shipment Mode, Shipment terms, Place of taking
charge, Port of Loading/ Airport of departure,Port of discharge/ Airport of destination,
House Airway Bill, Consolidated/ shipping agents.
It captures the date of instruction, the person who has given the instructions (applicant,
Beneficiary, collecting bank, self and others) and the text of the instruction.
During Issue, Instruction Details tab is available in enterable mode and user can enter
the necessary details.Using this tab user can perform the following:-
1) Adding Instructions
2) Deleting Instructions
3) Modify Instructions
4)Inquiry/View Instructions
5) Filtering Instructions
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A –Applicant/Drawee Message
B –Beneficiary/Drawee Message
N –Collecting Bank Message
O –Other Messages
S –Self Messages
L –All Messages
It is important to note that during charge collection, User can either collect full amount
as immediate or part as waiver and part as later. Also during each individual event
likeIssue, Amend etc default charges will be displayed. It is important to note that the
records cannot be added and existing record cannot be deleted but only be modified.
Hence a recalculate button has been provided.
If user modifies the event Id, he has to press Recalculate button, to trigger the
calculation of charges. Further, in the same event, if user visits already visited tabs and
change some numeric value, which may affect charge calculation, then he has to visit
the Charge Tab and press Recalculate button to trigger the charge calculation again.
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End User Training Manual
Charge A/c. ID: It allows the user to enter operative a/c id.
Charges Borne By: Mandatory Field. Valid values for this field are A-Applicant, B-
beneficiary & T-Both.
Calculated Amt.: It displays the user to pay part of the system calc amount
asimmediate, part later and part can be waived off or whole of the system calc amt can
be collected as immediate, whole of it can be collected as later or whole can even be
waived off. Therefore,
Calculated Amt = Immediate Amt + Later Amt + Waiver Amt + Split Amt
Select the Message Details tab in the General Details screen of ODCM menu option to
capture message details and generate appropriate SWIFT Messages. The screen
shows the type of message, the details of the receiver of the message, mode of
transmission and the message option. The Message Type field is auto populated with
values like issuance, amendment, reimbursement instructions and so on. The S - Swift
mode is shown as the default value under the Mode of transmission field. The
Receiver field shows the name of the receiving bank or branch. The Message option
field indicates if the related message is to be generated by the system. The message
option field cannot be changed for mandatory messages. You can un-check the
message option box, if you do not want to send a non-mandatory message. Click on the
explode icon appearing under the view field to see the generated Swift message. This
does not support other transmission modes like telex and mail. The Print button
provided in the swift message screen can be used to take a print of the concerned swift
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End User Training Manual
Message details can be visited only if a valid Paysys Id is entered e.g. SWIFT in
general details page In ODCM (Outward Documentary Credits Maintenance) following
messages can be generated during different events:
In the history details tab of IDCM/ODCM menus message history is available if explode
function is clicked. On click of explode, system will open up a listing of all the verified
messages available for that entity. This listing can have multiple generated messages.
Each record is provided with another explode to message details screen. User can view
the generated message through history after verification only.
Text Details Tab can be used across various menu options of Trade Finance Module in
Finacle. The Text Details related to documentary credit are captured here. Using this
tab user can perform 1) Adding Text 2) Deleting Text 3) Modify Text 4) Inquiry/View
There are four columns namely Text Type, Template Id, Text Desc and Del Flg. To add
a text user must enter Text Type and Text Description displayed on the lower panel of
the screen. The field Module id in the lower panel gets auto populated with the module
id for which text data is being maintained, i.e. DOCCR in case of documentary credit
related menus or BNKGR in case of guarantee menu options. Template Id is not a
mandatory field, however if user enters any value for template id. Delete flag is provided
in case user has to delete any particular text record.
Text Type: Mandatory Field, user must select a value in order to add a text record.
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End User Training Manual
Text Description: It‟s a mandatory Field. It can be entered only if text type is given.
Itcan be entered using a text editor and the text length is restricted as per the Text Type
entered. Text description will be fetched by system, if user selects an existing template
from searcher. This text description further can be modified for current record. If text
data is entered in any other tab for any of the text type provided in this tab, same will be
auto populated in this tab and vice-versa.
Del Flg: Del Flag is a checkbox. If delete flag is checked during addition, the record
willnot be considered for insertion into the database. If delete flag is checked during
modification, the record will be logically deleted from database.
A Text can be added in one of the two ways listed below.
• Through Add New button
•Down Arrow
User can delete a text by selecting DEL FLG check box provided on the text screen. On
submitting this record, system will logically delete it from database and same will be
available for undelete operation. Value for delete flag column is YES for the deleted
User can modify any of the 4 fields displayed on lower panel of the Text Details Screen.
Also, a new record for the entity can be added through multirec during modification
using Add new button or down arrow.
Only Non Deleted records will be listed in the multirec. User can inquire/view a text
either by clicking on a particular record in the Multi-Rec. Details of the record will be
visible in the panel below the Multirec.
Limit Details of DC is maintained using Limit Details Tab. This screen captures details
such as the limit ID, limit margin percentage and the related limits (bank limits, country
limits). This displays the approved limit and the amount available under the limit for
further utilization. You are taken to HLNI screen on clicking on the explode button
provided against the Limit ID field. This provides additional information about the limit
under consideration.
Validation check to ensure whether user has correctly entered the limit Id field which
includes limit prefix and limit suffix, and if not respective error message is displayed on
Indian Overseas Bank – Finacle 10.x
End User Training Manual
the screen. Validation check of date for limit expiry for respective limit node entered. If
the date less than BOD then error message “Limit node has expired” isdisplayedon
the screen.
Limit Node field: It is an enterable filed which has a searcher for value selection.
Margin Account Id:This is the margin credit account (office account) in case of
cashmargin which is default populated from the register level or the customer operative
account in case of Lien margin. Lien can also be marked for more than one Term
Deposit account. Operative account - This is applicable only for cash margin. This is the
customer operative account which will be debited. It can be in any currency.
Transfer a/c id: Suppose the user wants to transfer margin from Documentary Credits
toBank Guarantee, transfer option in margin would be used. All the earlier
verifiedcollections of the Documentary Credits will be displayed. The transfer account id
will be the account into which the transferred margin would be collected.
Released amount - This will be protected in case of margin collection while during
release user has to enter the amount to be released.
Rate Code - This will be meaningful when the margin account and operative account
are in different currencies. The transaction is created on verification of the entity.
You can modify some of the details of a DC after issue. This is done by invoking the
Function - M of the ODCM menu option. The buttons enabled for Modify mode is the
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End User Training Manual
Applicant A/c, Drawee name, Address, Place of Expiry, Party Limit ID,FWC SOL. /
Contract No., Available with, details, Beneficiary address, Part ship,
Transshipment. Back to back House Air way Bill, Other Bank Reference, Back to back
DC No. Drawee details, Purchase Order No. Licence code & Licence description, Port
of Origin,Port of Destination, Available with Bank Charge Event ID, Mode of
Transmission of Messages
In case of Verify mode the details entered during the issue of the documentary credit
will be shown to the user for verification and appear in non-modifiable form. Only
Submit and Cancel buttons are enabled in Verify Mode.
The Copy function of ODCM Criteria screen is used, when some of the details of a
Documentary Credit to be issued are similar to the details contained in a documentary
credit already issued. Even an unverified DC can be copied. Select Copy function to
copy the details of an existing documentary Credit. Select or type the number of the
Documentary Credit which must be copied and also specify details in the other fields
appearing in ODCM Criteria screen. The New DC No. must be specified in ODCM
criteria screen, if the DC ID Generation field in the General Details screen of DCTPM
menu option is not enabled for generation of ID by the system You can change the
value of the various fields based on your requirement.
Amendments to the DCs established can be made effected through ODCM menu, Sub-
Option - A. Combination of three types of amendments is possible. Viz., Change in
value, validity and general. An amendment can involve (a) Enhancement/Reduction of
the value,(b) Extension of the validity and (c) General amendment: Following is the
screen shot of ODCM for Amendment:
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End User Training Manual
This captures details such as the amount by which the value of the DC must be
enhanced or reduced, changes in tolerance percentage, change in tenor (sight, usance,
mixed and so on), usance period, tenor details, the person who has to bear charges,
last date of shipment, expiry date of DC, shipment period, negotiation period and the
port of loading and port of discharge. The details related to confirmation of letter of
credit can also be amended here. The values of the fields DC Current Value and DC
Available Value get updated by the Core Banking Solution on verification of the
amendment involving change in DC value. In Amendment Details three fields have a
text area popup; these fields are Shipment Period, Narrative and Sender to Receiver
As is the case of verify mode the details entered during the amendment of the
documentary credit will be shown to the user for verification and appear in non-
modifiable form. Only Submit and Cancel buttons are enabled in Verify Mode.
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End User Training Manual
This shows the total amount of DC adjusted by submission of bills, the amount of
fructified bill liability, the shipping guarantee amount and the amount of non-bill
utilization made under the letter of credit under consideration. Click on the explode icon
appearing against Total shipping guarantee amount field. You are taken to shipping
guarantee detailsscreen which shows details such as SOL ID, Guarantee No, Currency,
Guarantee amount, Issue date, Bill of lading no and the status of the guarantee (Issued,
invoked , closed and so on . Click on the Explode icon appearing against Total bill
utilization Amt field. You are taken to bill utilization details screen which shows details
such as SOL ID, Bill ID, Currency, Bill amount, DC linked Amt, Currency Bill Liability,
Lodge date and status of the Bill.
It is possible that some of the DCs are not utilized at all for some trade reasons (Bills
not drawn / DC not linked to the related bill during purchase event in MEOB / any
residual balance in the DC). In that case the user can use this option and specify in the
particulars field, that utilization by bills has not taken place & mark the value as reversed
without utilization. This will ensure that System will pass appropriate Liability entries and
the DC value is reduced. This shows the total amount of DC adjusted by submission of
bills, the amount of fructified bill liability, the shipping guarantee amount and the amount
of non-bill utilization made under the letter of credit under consideration. Click on the
explode icon appearing against Total shipping guarantee amount field. You are taken
to shipping guarantee details screen which shows details such as SOL ID, Guarantee
No, Currency, Guarantee amount, Issue date, Bill of lading no and the status of the
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End User Training Manual
guarantee (Issued, invoked , closed and so on) . Click on the Explode icon appearing
against Totalbill utilization Amt field. You are taken to bill utilization details screen
which showsdetails such as SOL ID, Bill ID, Currency, Bill amount, DC linked Amt,
Currency Bill Liability, Lodge date and status of Bill
This operation is used to cancel the earlier changes performed on a DC like
Issuance/Modification/Reinstatement/Amendment/Non Bill Utilization etc. before its
verification. Cancel operation should be performed by the same user who has done
earlier modification to DC. On Click of Submit in the details page the previous changes
to the DCwill be reverted back. In Cancel Mode all the fields are disabled & Only Submit
and Cancel button is displayed in all the tabs which cancels previous operation on the
record & takes back control to criteria page respectively. All the data which was
entered/modified can be seen using cancel mode. Cancellation can be done only for
unverified records.
A DC may be closed at any time during the tenure of the DC or on expiry. A DC can be
closed only if no amount is outstanding. The value in the DC Avail Value field must be
Note: You cannot utilize and close a DC when outstanding bills still exist under the
DC.When you click Accept from the function block, the following error message is
displayed: “Cannot Delete / close as Outstanding Bills exist for this DC.”
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E - Advise
W- Process Message
M - Modify
C - Copy
A - Amendment
T - Amendment Status Maintenance
Q –Transfer
N - Retransfer
R - Reinstatement
U - Non-Bill utilization
X - Cancel
V –Verify
I - Inquire
Z - Close
Y –Unclose
The Documentary Credit received from the issuing bank or from the correspondent bank
is advised to the beneficiary by the bank by using IDCM menu option. The Documentary
Credit (DC) can be advised either with confirmation or without adding confirmation
basedon the instructions received and also based on the arrangement with the
correspondent bank.
One can handle various types of Documentary Credits such as Revocable DC,
Irrevocable DC, Transferable DC, Standby DC, Revolving DC, Deferred DC and Red
Letter DC. The IDCM menu option is also used to maintain documentary credits.
The contingent liability is normally created only for inward documentary credits
confirmed by the bank. No contingent liability is created for inward documentary credits
which are advised by the bank without adding confirmation.
IDCMis used to advise and maintain Documentary credits. The menu can be invoked
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End User Training Manual
On entering the required criteria and on click of GO, general details screen will be
displayed and on top a panel consisting of nine different tabs is displayed.
In order to advise a Documentary Credit in IDCM menu option following tabs need to be
visited mandatorily –
General Details
Related Party Details
DC Details
The general details screen captures the beneficiary detail, amount of documentary
credit, purchase order detail and pre advice detail. This screen shows the following
details: Beneficiary details: It shows the CIF ID of the beneficiary and captures details
likename, address and the ID of the operative account of the beneficiary.
Amount Details: This captures the initial value of the Documentary Credit (DC), date
ofadvice of DC, the date of issue of DC, the percentage of tolerance permitted in the
value of the Documentary Credit. You can specify either positive or negative value in
the Tolerance Pcnt. field. It also captures amount of advance given against DC, the
details ofpercentage of interest and any additional interest payable under the letter of
credit. This screen shows the current value of DC and also the value available under the
Purchase Order Details: This captures the details of the purchase order which
formsthe basis for issue of documentary credit.
Pre Advice Details: You can indicate if the Documentary Credit received is to be
This screen also shows other details like the ID of the payment system through which
the messages are received, reference number of the other bank, Maximum pre-
shipment advance that can be extended against Red Clause DC and the percentage of
margin to be retained on pre shipment advance granted against the DC. This captures
the details of the forward contract like forward contract number and the ID of the SOL
through which the forward contract is booked to cover payment for shipment made
against the DC.
Click on Submit to update the data base.
The fields are the same as in ODCM menu except for the following: The applicant
details are replaced by the Beneficiary details in whose favour the Dc has been issued.
The additional fields are DATE of Advice, Pre shipment margin %, Pre shipment
Max.Adv. Amount: The second and the third fields are useful to appropriate the
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End User Training Manual
Click on RELATED Party tab in IDCM General Details screen. You are taken to Party
details screen. This screen captures details of the applicant, issuing bank, advising
bank, drawee, available with bank, reimbursing bank and advice through bank.
The details in this tab are similar to the ODCM menu except that the related party
shall be the applicant on whose behalf the DC was issued.
Click on DC Details tab in IDCM General Details screen. You are taken to DC details
screen. This captures the details:
Form of Credit: This field indicates if the documentary credit under consideration
isrevocable, irrevocable, transferable, standby, revolving, deferred and red clause letter
of credit. It captures the details of revolving letter of credit such as reinstatement type,
Day of the month when it is to be reinstated, Max number of reinstatements allowed,
reinstatement amount and reinstatement date.
This screen captures details of the limit such as ID of the limit under which the DC must
be issued or confirmed and the percentage of margin to be maintained. It also displays
the amount of the approved limit and the amount available under the limit. This screen
captures details such as the limit ID, limit margin percentage and the related limits (bank
limits, country limits). This displays the approved limit and the amount available under
the limit for further utilization. You are taken to HLNI screen on clicking on the explode
button provided against the Limit ID field. This provides additional information about the
limit under consideration.
The charge calculation and collection is triggered, on clicking the Charge tab. The
Charge Details screen captures information such as the ID of the charge event, ID of
the operative account to which charges are debited, the ID of the charge account, the
person who must bear the charges (applicant, beneficiary and both), the split
percentage and the split amount (applicable to cases where charge is payable by both
the applicant and the beneficiary). The Charge Code is auto populated based on the
set up made at the parameter level. It is modifiable.
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The system calculates charges as per the specified Charge Event ID which is
displayed in the System Calculated Amount field. You can specify if the charges are
to be collected immediately or can be collected later on. There is a provision to specify
the charges to be waived.
An Explode button is made active, in case the value of Defer Schedule Applicable
field is set as Yes. A Deferred Payment Details screen is shown on clicking on the
Explode button where schedule for payment of charges can be specified. You are not
prompted to specify the data in the deferred payment details screen even if you set the
value of DeferSchedule Applicable field as Yes. There is an option to specify value in
theLater collection date field which appears in the main screen, if you do not specify
any data inthe Deferred Payment Details screen. A single deferred record is created in
the system on entering the value in the Later collection date field. No record is created
in the system if you do not specify any value in the Later Collection Date field in cases
where value of the Defer Schedule Applicable field is set as Yes and no details are
specified in the deferred payment details screen.
Select Both in the Charges Borne by field, if charges must be collected from both the
parties. The Split percentage and split amount fields are enabled on selection of
bothoptions in the charges borne by field. The user can specify either the Split Pcnt or
the Split Amt field in the main charges screen. It is mandatory for the user to enter any
one ofthese fields, if the charges must be paid by both the parties. The user is prompted
to enter the Split Amt. field if none of the two fields are specified in the system. A
screen for capturing split details is invoked on licking on the Explode button. You may
specify the amount to be immediately collected from the applicant; amount to be
collected later on from the beneficiary, the later collection date and so on.
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Advising bank-branch details for transfer sub details for each transfer record
should be entered for MT720 generation as they are the receiver of the
Date and place of expiry are mandatory for swift message generation.
Applicable rule is mandatory,if applicable rule is „OTHR‟, sub rule is
Beneficiary name-address details in swift icon should be entered.
Allocation party name-address details in the swift icon should be
entered as they are the second beneficiary for the message.
Available with…By details should beentered, i.e., available by is mandatory and
available with bic or bank-branch code or name-address details in swift icon
should be entered.
For maintaining text details in Trade Finance Module, a common module has been
developed .Using this tab user can perform following four operations:-
Adding Text
Deleting Text
Modify Text
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When you invoke IDCM, you are taken to the criteria screen. Select the Advice or
Modify function as per requirement. Specify valid data in the other fields. Click Go. You
are taken to IDCM General Details screen. Click on Assignment tab in IDCM General
Details screen.
You are taken to Assignment Details screen. This is a multi record screen. This shows
the details of assignment such as the date of assignment, settlement amount, mode of
settlement (Swift, DD and so on), CIF ID of the assignee, ID of the account related to
the assignment and the person who has to bear the charges related to assignment
(Applicant, Beneficiary and others). This screen also displays the current value available
under the documentary credit.
In case of Modify mode the details entered during the advise of the documentary credit
will be shown to the user and these details are in modifiable form. The buttons enabled
for Modify mode is the same as that for Advise Mode.
In case of Verify mode the details entered during the advise of the documentary credit
will be shown to the user for verification and appear in non-modifiable form. Only Submit
and Cancel buttons are enabled in Verify Mode.
Non Bill Utilization data of DC is maintained using Non Bill Utilization Tab. Non Bill
Utilization Tab is used in ODCM and IDCM menu options of Trade Finance Module in
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Finacle. The following five operations can be performed with Non Bill Utilization Tab –
In order to perform amendment of DC, user should select ‟A‟–Amendment as the
Function code on the criteria screen. On giving the required criteria and on pressing
GO, Amendment Details screen will be displayed. Amendment Details tab contains the
required field for a DC amendment. Fields get auto populated as per the advised DC.
There are no mandatory fields in Amendment Details tab, but there are some fields
which are mandatory while advising the DC and they get auto populated with respect to
the advised DC which is being amended.
In case of Verify mode the details entered during the amendment of the documentary
credit will be shown to the user for verification and appear in non-modifiable form. Only
Submit and Cancel buttons are enabled in Verify Mode.
Amendment Details tab in Amendment Status Maintenance mode has only one
modifiable field which is Amendment Status. Rests all other fields are auto populated
like Amendment but are disabled and cannot be modified.
Amendment Status: This is a drop down which can be set to three values:
Accepted,Waiting For Acceptance and Rejected. Based on the status of Amendment,
value is set here. A DC can be opened in Amendment Status Maintenance mode only if
the Amendment Status is waiting for Acceptance. It is mandatory to change the status
to either Accepted or Rejected during Amendment Status Change.
In case of Verify mode the amendment status changed during the amendment status
maintenance of the documentary credit will be shown to the user for verification and
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appear in non-modifiable form. Only Submit and Cancel buttons are enabled in Verify
The following are the criteria fields for Inquire:
This operation is used to cancel the earlier changes performed on a DC like
Advise/Modification/Reinstatement/Amendment/Non Bill Utilization etc. before its
verification. Cancel operation should be performed by the same User who has done
earlier modification to DC. Cancellation can be done only for unverified records.
The beneficiary of a transferable documentary credit can transfer full or part amount of
a documentary credit to one or more parties. The IDCM menu option is used to transfer
the benefits of a letter of credit to one or more parties.
When you invoke the IDCM menu option, you are taken to the criteria screen. Select the
Transfer function in IDCM criteria screen. Specify valid data in the other fields. Click
Go.You are taken to IDCM Transfer Details screen.
This is a multi-record screen. This shows the details such as the date of transfer,
reference number, transfer amount, mode of settlement (Swift, DD and so on), CIF ID of
the transferee, name and address of the transferee, ID of the transferee‟s account, the
person who has to bear the charges related to transfer (Applicant, Beneficiary, both)
and the transfer details field. You are taken to transfer details page if you click Explode
in theTransfer Details field.
The Transfer Details page shows or captures details such as the number of the
transferred DC, last date of shipment, negotiation period, date of expiry, unit price of the
goods to be shipped, the number of units of goods to be shipped, the percentage of the
value of the goods for which insurance is to be taken and the insured amount. This
shows that, if the amendment to the original DC must be advised to the transferee, then
it must be advised directly or through an advising bank. This captures the code of the
advising bank, advising branch, the type of address of the advising bank which is to be
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captured (BIC, address and name and so on) and the BIC (Bank Identifier Code) of the
advising bank
You may use Add New to transfer the documentary credit to more than one transferee.
You must enter details in all the mandatory fields. The validations that occur when you
click on Submit are:
In this operation, System displays all existing verified transfer records. User has to
select the record by one of following ways to initiate modification.All validations are
applicable as mentioned in previous section.
The Beneficiary of the DC can transfer the proceeds of the DC to a third party. However
this third party cannot further transfer the DC to another beneficiary. In case the third
party is not in a position to utilise the proceeds on account of non-execution of the
contractor other reasons he can retransfer the proceeds of the DC to the original
beneficiary through this option.
In IDCM, user is provided with a function code „Process Message (W)‟ which isused to
select an incoming swift message from the database and process the same for advising
aDC. In IDCM, as of now only MT700 is supported for processing.
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Through this sub option, you can view the disbursements made to RPCs to which this
DC is attached.
Finacle provides for recovery of charges related to DC either at the time of execution of
the transaction related to the DC or at a later date. Further the charges may be
recovered either from beneficiary or applicant. The charges are calculated at the time of
executing the transaction while the same can be recovered / collected later.
(Apart from APCHCOLL menu option the pending charges can also be recovered while
doing transactions in the bills through MEOB/MIIB menu option.)
Partial recovery of pending charges is also possible, However, the users must ensure
that charges have been either collected or waived before closure of the entity.
Either the applicant or the beneficiary can pay the charge/commission amount. This
value will be captured in field with literal Payable By. Valid values to this filed are: A
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(Applicant), B (Beneficiary).
In IDCM/ODCM during issue event Payable flag will be defaulted as A (Applicant) and
during advising the default value will be B (Beneficiary). This is only for
informationpurpose, no validation has been provided against the flag value to check
whether Account belongs to beneficiary or applicant.
In the Charge History screen, all history of a particular charge will be displayed in a
group. User can also know whether charge has been collected upfront or later.
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As the charges collected on a DC event for future period, banks may like to treat the
charges as “ADVANCE INCOME” at the time of collection and may like to amortise the
same over the period of the DC. Facility is available in the system to do the same.
Chargescan be amortized in charge collection currency only. Charges are amortized
from the issuedate of the DC. Charges are amortized up to the Expiry date of the DC.
Income account will not be credited at time of issue of DC, but will be credited only at
the end of each amortization period (depending on amortization frequency), after
amortization process is run.
Let us assume that a bank has earned an income of INR 1000 on issuance of a DC.
The tenor of the DC spans for 1 year and the bank recognizes all income falling due in a
quarter as income earned into its P&L account. Based on this, INR 750 / - needs to be
credited to the Income earned in Advance account and INR 250/- to be credited to P&L
for charges pertaining to the running quarter, on the last day of that quarter. At the end
of one year, the entire amount would have been transferred to the credit of the P&L
An example for the above process can be Let us assume that a DC with a tenor of one
year opened for USD 100000. Charges collected are INR 12000, amortized over a
period of 12 months.
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System to calculate the “Per Day” charge levied by the bank to the customer,
i.e. INR 12000 / 365 = INR 32.87 / Day
Step 2
On the date of Amortization, (derived based on the frequency specified by the user) the
amount to be transferred to the P&L account, i.e. On 31st Jan in above example,
amount to be transferred to P&L would be INR 32.87 X 30days = INR 1019.178. This
process should be continued till the expiry date. On the last day of amortization, the
remaining balance in the advance account will be completely reversed, as the entire
commission would have been transferred to the P&L.
Step 3
Amendment to the Instrument where the period can be extended/new charge can be
collected during the lifetime of the DC.
The menu option to be invoked for amortizing the charges manually/online mode is
HCAM. The Screen interface is given below:
Collect Today flag -It is default populated as „N‟. If theHCAMisrun with valuesetto “Y‟,
then the entire un amortised amount will be amortised immediately. User would resort to
this, when he does not want to wait till the next amortisationfrequency for amortising the
charges collected. Ideally this may be the case when
The amortisation process can be also automated i.e., can be set as a batch job through
the BJSTM menu option.
Documentary Credit Dr -
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2) On running HCAM
Success Report
Failure Report
Summary Report
It is also possible to set the amortisation process of a batch job, to ensure that the
amortisation happens at a pre-determined frequency. However, Bank may want to
amortise the entire commission collected in some cases, without following the frequency
defined, e.g., where a BG/DC is pre-closed or when the commission amount is equal to
minimum commission.
One job for regular amortization, (with frequency set as per the bank‟s policy).The other
job is to be set with frequency as daily and “Collect TodayFlag” = Y. Itwill pickup all the
records that are required to be amortizedcompletely, on the same day. E.g.
Charge amount is less than the minimum amount for amortization (set up in
The BG/DC is closed.
This option is used to generate the letters and advises to be sent to the opener of the
DC, advising bank, reimbursing bank, correspondent bank, and beneficiary. Based on
the choice, the letters and advises to be generated are listed.
Enter your choice of Letter to be generated. Above is the list of letters to be generated.
Above are the list of advises to be generated. The report is generated using mrt file. The
mrt file name used for all the above letters/ advises are specified using HROTM option.
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The HDCCLOSE menu option facilitates batch closure of DCs. Batch closure of DCs
can be done using this menu option or as a batch job setup through the HBJSTM menu
Party‟s Liability register with regard to DC‟s can be generated through the menu option
The HDCSTMT menu option is used to generate the statement of Documentary Credits
based on the criteria specified. The party code, currency or the DC Register can be
specified. You can also specify the type of DC that you require in the report. A
statement of the DC matching the selection criteria is generated
Through the HDCEXPRP menu option, you can generate a list of DCs that have already
expired and DCs that are going to expire
Inquiry on documentary credit can be made in Finacle using HBKDCI. It‟s a CRV option.
The report generated is based on the selection criteria input such as DC type (Sight,
Usance), Set ID, Foreign/Inland, Inward/outward, Customer ID (CIF ID), DC Number,
DC Register, DC Status (issue, advised, amendment, bill utilization, closed, deleted.
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The user can make inquiry on Export DC using HEXPDCI menu option. The report/
inquiry is made on the selection criteria input such as customer ID, set ID, DC number,
issuing bank, issuing branch, issuing bank reference, DC type etc.
The user can make inquiry on Inland Inward DC using HINDCI menu option. The
report/ inquiry is made on the selection criteria input such as customer ID, set ID, DC
number, issuing bank, issuing branch, issuing bank reference, DC type, Date issued
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Finacle stores signatures and photographs of customers and its employees through
Signature Verification System. This system can be used to scan the image of the
customer and store in the database and later use the signature for verification at the
time of doing atransaction. This also helps in automating the process of verification of
the signatures during normal business operations thus reducing the effort and time.
SVS stores photographs and signatures of banking customers in its database and
fetches them quickly when required.
SVS has multiple menus like User Group, Admin, User, Rule, Signature, Photograph,
Verify, Audit Info, Change Password and Logout in the main screen. Most of the menus
have common options like add for adding a new record, update to update an existing
record and delete for deleting a record.
Steps to create a new user in SVS for viewing and administrating signatures: -
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In SVS system each and every user has to belong to a group and only then he can have
access tomultiple options in SVS. Under the user group management bank can perform
operations like add, update, delete, purge, recover and upload.
Enter a unique name for the user group and a description. You can attach Image
Access Codes to the User Groups and unless an image access code is assigned to a
user group no user who belongs to that User Group will be able to access the images
which have the same image access code. Each User Group can have more than one
Image Access Codes. Images access codes are the codes which are created in order to
restrict a user from viewing a specific signature or photograph.
In the User Group menu, click Update. All the existing user groups along with ids and
description are displayed. User is allowed to change the name as well as description of
the user group. To update a user group, edit the name/description, check the Update
checkbox next to the user group, and click on SUBMIT.
Administrative operations can be carried out using the Admin menu. User can assign
roles and maintain Application parameter, Session, Users and Account Status. Also
User can define the Verify option for all the menu options.
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Assign Role
This option can be used to assign or remove permissions to the various user groups.
The roles are basically the permissions/access rights assigned to various user groups
based on their operations. For example a Teller is responsible only to view the signature
and he is not associated with creation of users and user groups. So he needs access to
menu related to signature like add, update, delete, etc.
In order to assign permissions or define roles select Role under the Admin menu. In the
Assign Role screen all the user groups are listed. Select the user group for which
youwant to assign permissions.
Under Administration Action, through the maintain User option, we can do the routine
user management operations like add, update, delete, purge, recover and upload. The
User ID has to be entered along with the UserGroup.
Rules are basically conditions defined by an account holder for performing a banking
transaction. These rules generally refer to the conditions required for verifying
signatures and photographs. For each banking transaction, whenever a signature
comes for verification, the operator applies these rules for verifying the signatures
and/or photographs
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The rules defined can be mapped to account signatures using the A/C. Signature Map
option. An account may be associated with more than one rule, and each rule may be
mapped to different sets of signatures. Similarly, signatures can also be mapped to
rules associated with customers or employees. From the Rule menu select A/C
1. Scan newly
2. Upload from file that is stored in local hard disk
3. Can be selected from other accounts.
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Then image access code is a mandatory field. This must be entered while adding
signature as it decides the access given to the user.
After adding signature, if user wants to modify the details of the signature can be done
through this menu option. If the user has added only signature and wants to add
photograph to that account ID/CIF id can be done through this menu option. User can
enter Account Id/CIF ID or select by clicking on the icon. And click on Find to view the
existing details.
The Signature details can be updated only when the particular user‟s User group have
permission on image access code of that signature. Otherwise the user will not be able
to edit the information.
You can know why a particular transaction failed or succeeded, the inputs that were
given for the activity, the name of the verifier who verified it and the date on which the
activity was carried out through this option. To view the transaction details, from the
Signature menu, click Trans History.
Enter Transaction ID or Transaction Date or select by clicking on the calendar icon. Click
on SUBMIT to view the transaction details. The A/C ID and Cust. ID associated with the
transaction is displayed along with the transaction ID, name of the verifier who verified
the signature or photograph and the status of the transaction. Click on PRINT to print the
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Click on Details icon. You can view the transaction ID, transaction date, CIF ID, account
ID, employee ID, image access code, SOL ID, signing power number, credit or debit,
transaction amount, status of the transaction whether failed or succeeded and the
matched rule ID.
The signature added to the account can be viewed through this menu option. When a
User is inquiring from CORE or any application, it will be displayed as displayed in this
menu option.
Select Signature Inquire from Sign maintenance, to invoke this menu. The search can be
narrowed down by entering Account ID/CIF ID/ Image access code etc.
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Scheme Type: This is a grouping / segregation based on type, nature and behaviour
ofaccount. The rule applicable for each group of accounts can be defined at this level
and any account opened under this scheme type will be applied with all the rules defined.
Scheme Code: This is one set of rules defined by the user on a scheme type for
particular behaviour of a group of account. For each scheme type the user can define
any number of scheme codes as per the banks requirements.
There are some menu options for inquiry purpose.
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It may be used as a Day Book cum trial balance since this contains opening and closing
balances at GL level. The Day Book can be generated for dates earlier than the current
date of operation.
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MENU OPTION: HOXFT- Enter the sol id of the sol for which transfer
transactionsshould be opened and commit
MENU OPTION: HOCST- Enter the sol id of the sol for which cash transaction
shouldbe opened and commit
SOL level:
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During this a message will be sent out to all logged in users warning them of impending
date change for the sol.
HSCOD - Sol Change of Operating Date. The menu option HSCOD is used to run all
thebatch jobs set up in the HSCOD event
This menu SOLCOP is Optional step in Sol Date Change Cycle To reduce the load in
EOD-BOD or to make the date change period short this functionality has been provided
in which user will proceed with date change of SOL then he can run the batch jobs for
previous day.
HSCOLD - Sol Closure of Last DayConsists of Closure validations, scold batch jobs and
Mark sol as closed. There are some pre-requisites in each step to complete the cycle
successfully. Before starting of each step all the below mentioned fields should have
proper values.
Sol Matrix
There is dependency between SOL and DC also.SOL can move from 10/01/2006 to
11/01/2006 only when either DC has closed for 09/01/2006 and moved to 10/01/2006.
The date difference between Sol Operating Date and Data Centre Operating Date
cannot be greater than 1.
Inquiry on Bank Status in Finacle is initiated using the menu option HBSI
As a part of daily operations there are certain operations that need to be carried out
during the beginning of day and End of Day. These are termed as EOD/BOD
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