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Maintenance & Inspections

SP – MS6001

Standard Practices
At all times when performing work on a Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Gas Turbine
the following general practices should be observed:
1. Keep complete records. In addition to specific inspection report forms called out,
please complete the general information requested on Forms AES/GT-FF-
6000,AES/GT-FF-6026, and AES/GT-FF-6027. Refer to the Maintenance Inspection
Forms, Section 5,of this maintenance instructions.
2. Remove and tag out electrical power from all systems/circuits upon which work is to
be per-formed.
3. Disable unit's CO2 system and provide an alternate means of fire protection while the
gas Turbine’s fire protection systems is disabled.

*** WARNING **

Carbon dioxide, in a concentration sufficient to extinguish fire, creates an atmosphere

that will not support life. It is extremely hazardous to enter the compartment after the
CO2 system has discharged. Anyone rendered unconscious by carbon dioxide should be
rescued as quickly as possible and revived immediately with artificial respiration or by
mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. The extent and type of safeguards and personnel warnings
that may be necessary must be designed to meet the particular requirements of each
situation. It is recommended that personnel be adequately trained to cope with such an

4. Purge the turbine of potentially hazardous fumes, before opening casings, by

operating the unit at crank for 5 minutes, with all fuel shut off and purged. Use
extreme care to isolate and vent gas fuel systems.
5. Clean all removed parts, and fasteners and store in separate containers, tagged to
simplify reassembly. (See Gas Turbine Cleaning in this section for cleaning

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Maintenance & Inspections

SP – MS6001

6. Use penetrating oil prior to bolt removal. (Refer to recommended solvents, sealers,
cleaners, etc. In this section for listing of acceptable penetrating oils.)
7. Protect all casing flanges from rust and mechanical damage after removal. Grease,
layout dye or commercial rust inhibitors will retard flange rusting and plywood,
masonite, or equal will prevent mechanical damage.
8. Deburr mating surfaces and eliminate flange face high spots before assembling any
casings. Carborundum stones and flat mill files are effective for these tasks.
9. Cover all open pipe and tubing. Do not stuff rags in pipes. Sheet metal or plywood are
effective covers for large pipes and duct tape will protect tubing.
10. Never use pipe wrenches or pliers on tube fittings.
11. Do Not Reuse Gaskets - unless specifically instructed to do so in the procedures.
12. Do not reuse lock plates internal to the unit or those noted with a double asterism
(**). (Refer to the Maintenance Parts Recommendations in this section.)
13. Match mark piping, fuel nozzles, couplings and casings to assist in proper orientation
during reassembly.
14. Do not mark on any combustion system or turbine components with any compounds
containing lead. Carters Marks-A-Lot, black or blue, Dixon Company black or blue,
Everhard Faber #7500 Water Color, black, Dykem Company dark blue, Dykem DSL,
light blue, Dykem DMP, high spot blue, Dykem 107, Joseph Dixon lead free yellow
lumber crayons, Wallace Pencil Company #800 blackmarker, Machine
Manufacturing Company Marco S-1141 black and Macro S-141 white are
recommended and approved markers. Nickel base alloys are subject to attack when
heated in the presence of sulfur, lead and other metals. These materials can cause
embrittlement and cracking at elevated temperatures. Some common sources of these
compounds are paint, markers and machining oil. Use of tags wired to the parts
(avoid aluminum or other low melting point alloys), and makers certified free of
injurious materials can eliminate this source of contamination. Parts which have
already been exposed should be cleaned in accordance with Gas Turbine Cleaning
later in this section.

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Maintenance & Inspections

SP – MS6001

15. Observe the following general precautions when the unit is undergoing major
inspection, maintenance checks and taking clearance readings.
A. Axial readings must be taken with the rotor positioned upstream (toward the
compressor inlet) in contact with the active face of the thrust bearing. Any
pressure applied in moving the rotor forward should be released prior to taking
rotor position or clearance measurements.
B. Parallel bars and feeler stock, when used with proper attention to detail, provide
good measurements. In order to obtain proper measurement accuracy, the total
thickness of the parallel bar and feeler stock must be measured with a micrometer.
C. Snap gages may be used to obtain measurements when proper attention is applied
to the gage orientation. Snap gages used on bevel surfaces will result in inaccurate
D. The use of taper gages is not recommended because the pointed end of the gage
often “bottoms" on an internal curved surface before an accurate reading can be
obtained. This gage should not be used to take radial clearances.
E. Never rotate the unit rotor when the unit is undergoing inspection and
maintenance checks without adhering to the below listed precautions.
1. Thrust bearing must be fully assembled in unit.
2. Lubricant from unit lube system should be applied to journals.
3. Check close clearance areas for potential interference and foreign object
4. Warn personnel working on unit.
16. To properly tighten new Swaglock stop-collar fittings, snug the nut by hand after
cleaning threads. Then tighten the nut until the stop-collar just stops turning.
17. Anti-Seize Compound.
A. Anti-seize compound shall be applied on all rotor and stator bolting threads,
dowels, rabbets and sliding fits (internal and external).
External bolting threads for mounting associated equipment, pipe flanges,
ductwork etc. Also apply on vertical flange faces of the top halves of outer
casings that may be subject to removal for maintenance.

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This usage must be restricted to a thin film such that the compound is not forced
into the inner gas path. Should this occur, it must where possible, be carefully

B. Do not apply anti-seize compound to pipe threads or bolting threads internal to

oil or water tanks.
18. Sealing Compound
A. Telfloc Sealant X9366 is to be used on all threaded connections to cast iron
castings, after control air filters and in areas over 500F. Apply to the male threads
so that the first thread is free of any compound. When a fitting is removed, the
female threads shall be cleaned to remove all loose particles of compound.
B. Tefloc Sealant X9366 shall be used on all pipe thread joints except those
described in item 18-A above. The pipe thread must be clean and free of foreign
material before applying Tefloc Sealant X9366 per instructions on container.
19. Joint Compound
A. Joint Compound shall not be used on machined joints except as follows:
1. For compressor and turbine casings apply Perfect Seal only on the surface of
horizontal joint and only for a distance of one (1) inch on both sides of the
four (4) way joint. The Perfect Seal shall not be applied on the surface of the
vertical joint.
2. Instant Seal Locktite Plastic Gasket shall be used on all bolted oil to air joints
(vertical and horizontal) that are not gasketed and on plug openings. This
includes, but is not limited to, bearing housings, continuously lubricated
coupling guards and stationary oil seals.
Instant Seal Locktite Plastic Gasket shall not be used on vertical joints of non-
bolted stationary oil seals.
B. Joint compound shall not be used on sheet metal joints except as follows:
1. Gasket tape used between exhaust skin, or plenum joints shall be coated on
both sides with perfect seal.
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SP – MS6001

2. RTV-102 silicone rubber adhesive sealant Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited

specifications A15F6M shall be used between non-gasketed joints of inlet
hoods or plenums. It shall be applied as a continuous bead of minimum of .25
wide and shall be tangent to the outboard edges of the flange bolt holes.
20. Piping Flanges
Pipe flanges must not be forced into alignment. If flanges cannot be brought to within
1/8" of parallel by hand, the piping should be reformed or replaced. When the flanges.
are parallel with a new gasket in place, insert the bolts by hand. Do not pry on the
flanges. Use antiseize compound on the bolts. Tighten the bolts in three stages on
alternately opposite bolts.
21. Bolt and Stud Torquing
A. Before torquing, remove foreign matter from bolt, nut and bolting surfaces.
B. Apply anti-seize compound to bolt and nut threads and bearing surfaces.
C. Tighten bolt/or nut to be sure threads are free, then back off until free from
surface. Snug against surface and torque to values shown in Table 2-1.
D. When using impact wrenches, torque to values in Table 2-1. Item 21-c above does
not apply to impact wrenching.
22. Classification of Joints
A. All classes of joints (oil tight, air tight and for frame rigidity) with metal to metal
contact shall have their bolt or stud elongation determined by micrometer
measurements, torque wrench or by head rotation. See Table 2-1 and 2-2.
B. All gasket joints shall have their bolt and stud elongation determined by
micrometer measurements or torque wrench. See Tables 2-1 and 2-2.
C. To insure air tight joints there must be a 50% contact over the critical area. Burrs
and high spots must be removed before assembly.
D. To insure an oil tight joint, a line of continuous contact, with 0.25 inch minimum
width, must be maintained, in addition to 50% contact over the critical area. The
50% contact must be equally distributed over the critical area. See Figure 2-1.

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SP – MS6001

Bolt, Nut, and Stud Material Specified on GE Drawings is identified as follows:


NOM DIA & B50A125E B5F5B3 SAE GR 8



#8-32 13-15 - 12-13 -
#10-32 17-19 - 15-17 -
.250-20 60-72 - 48-60 -
.375-16 204-228 - 164-186 -
.500-13 492-552 - 392-447 -
.625-11 815-912 - 720-816 -
.750-10 1761-1980 147-165 1550-1775 129-147
.875-9 - 200-222 - 170-200
1.00-8 - 348-395 - 300-348
1.25-8 - 948-732 - 564-648
1.50-8 - 1175-1320 - 1030-1175

Table 2-1 Torque values for bolt and studs

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1.50 .0022-.0017 4° .001
2.00 .0030-.0023 8° .002
2.50 .0037-.0030 12° .003
3.00 .0045-.0035 16° .004
3.50 .0052-.0040 20° .005
4.00 .0060-.0046 39° .010
4.50 .0067-.0052 60° .015
5.00 .0080-.0058
5.50 .0082-.0064
6.00 .0090-.0070
6.50 .0100-.0075
7.00 .0105-.0080
7.50 .0110-.0087
8.00 .0210-.0093
8.50 .0130-.0098
9.00 .0135-.0100
9.50 .0140-.0110
10.00 .0150-.0116
10.50 .0157-.0121
11.00 .0166-.0130
11.50 .0177-.0133
12.00 .0189-.0140

Table 2-2
Bolt and Stud Elongation Values for B5F5B3 ( ) and ClA5 ( ).
Bolts & Studs with Stress of 35,000 P. S I, Min. to 45,000 P. S.I. Max.
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Maintenance & Inspections

SP – MS6001


*** WARNING ***

Most solvents, sealants and cleaners are flammable at elevated temperatures. Read and
observe manufacture's precautions on substance. Do not substitute gasoline or unknown
substances for the following recommended items.

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited normally supplies lubricants, solvents, and sealant as
part of the lose parts for turbine installation. The listing below includes special items
recommended for use during maintenance operations. All may be procured locally or
from the manufacturer.


Dux Seal Non-hardening adhesive plastic 158A2557P1

Petrolatum Used on compartment door gaskets to 11 8A449P4

prevent sticking Atlantic Richfield,
Gulf Oil, Humble
Oil or equivalent.

Tefloc Pipe Sealant Threaded pipe joints 226A2571P1

RTV102 Adhesive Silicone rubber sealant white paste. BHEL

RTV106 Adhesive Silicone rubber sealant. Good for high BHEL

temperature areas red paste.

Locktite Plastic Oil to air sealing joints. 226A1482P1

Gasket #47

FEL PRO C-102 Bolting anti-seize compound, high 287A1397

Never Seize Bolting anti-seize compound, low temp. 248A5801

Perfect Seal Gasket sealing compound. K9692676

Contact Cement Exhaust System. 226A2449

Rubber Cement Heat exchanger head gaskets. 248A5557P1

Paint High temperature aluminum silicone. 262A3 194P1

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SP – MS6001


Paint Rust inhibitive beige primer. 262A3 195P1

Water reducible

Thinner 1500 High temperature aluminum paint BHEL

Alkyd Resin 05B7A

Thinner Carboline 33 Exhaust system paint thinner for Carbo Carboline Co.
Zinc 11 Grey. 32 Hanley Ct.
St. Louis, Mo. 63122

Primer Carbo Zinc Exhaust system paint. Carboline Co.

Grey 32 Hanley Ct.
St. Louis, Mo.63122

Galvanizing Paint Unit walkways. 21 1A8426

Uniroyal Industrial Apply on heat exch. head gaskets. 248A5557P1

Adhesive Rubber
Cement #6128

Sealing Fibre Adaco Sealing fiber for use in elecectrical 256A1201P4


Adaco #1 Sealing Sealing compound for use in 256A1200P4

Compound electrical conduits

Adhesives Quick setting type suitable for 158A7228P1

Outdoor environments.

3M2121 Strip Caulk Unit lagging, soft, nonhardening 156A1563P2 or P1


Moreland Chemical Heavy grade adhesive paste. 239A5612P19

Sodium Silicote

Careys Co. 7 M Asbestos Adhesive cement. 239A5612P19


Vimasco 136 Canvas lagging adhesive 248A5660P1

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Glass Asbestos Tape Insulation strapping. Minnesota Mining (3M)

Zyglo ZL22 Fluorescent penetrant, From Magnaflux

for crack check. Corporation
(Chicago, III.)

Plus Gas Formula "A" Penetrating oil From Dockrell Agencies

Dismantling Fluid (Scarborough, Ontario -

WD-4O Penetrating oil. WD-40 Company

1061 Cudahy Place
San Diego, CA 92116

Kano "Kroil" Penetrating oil. From KANO Laboratories

Inc.(Nashville, Tenn.)

Stoddard Solvent Cleaning solvent (petroleum spirits). Standard Oil of Ohio

Cleveland, OH 44115

Exxon Varsol I Cleaning solvent petroleum spirits). Exxon Company

Pelham, NY 10803

Exxon Varsol 18 Cleaning solvent petroleum spirits). Exxon Company

Pelham, NY 10803

Boron Fast Dry 3137 Cleaning solvent petroleum spirits). Standard Oil of Ohio
Cleveland, OH 44115

Multicleaner No.44 Cleaning solvent (petroleum spirits). Eastern Chemicals Co.,

Albany, NY

Turco Cold Spray Rust Inhibitor. Turco Products Co.

Patterson, NJ

Victaulic Lubricant Used to lubricate Dresser type Victaulic Co. of America

(Soap Base) coupling pipe ends and rubber 3100 Hamilton Blvd
seal lips inside and outside South Plainfield, NY
diameters. 07080

Heat Transfer Used in VTR temperature 235A6987

Compound, Grade z-80 regulating valve wells.
These instructions provide a lubrication guide for the MS-6001 gas turbine and its

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SP – MS6001

components. However, they do not purport to include all variations, or details in the
equipment furnished. Lubrication frequency will vary, depending on turbine operating hours
and ambient temperature. It is therefore suggested that the purchaser keep records of
lubrication intervals to determine variances between periods listed on the chart and those
scheduled for a specific installation.
The lubrication listed to do not exclude comparable products from other oil companies.
Should the purchaser wish to use an alternate lubricant not mentioned on the chart, or
recommended by the component manufacturer, approval must be requested from the
component manufacturer, not the Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited. The use of lubricant
grades other than those recommended should be first approved by the Bharat Heavy
Electricals Limited.



ACCESSORY Remove, disassemble, flush, clean and

GEAR inspect coupling every three years, or
sooner if there is evidence vibration or
Accessory gear Accessory 3 Years leakage of lubricant. To relubricate add
coupling Compartment oil conforming MIL-L-2015B to each
(oil filled) end of the coupling. Use grade SAE 140
oil for high ambience and grade SAE 90
oil for low ambience. From the required
fill amounts refer to the coupling text in
the gas turbine section of the service
manual. Replace the filled plugs.



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Inlet Filter Dirt Air inlet 4 ½ Years Remove grease relief plugs and install
Separate Blower Filter (Steady fittings if required. Apply shell Alvania
Motor(88TA1,2) compartment Duty)7 #2 grease (or equivalent) until it appears
years in open holes. For motors operating at
(periodic ambient temperature below 20 F and
duty) above +150 F, use type of grease (or
equivalent) i.e. specified on motor name
plate. Run motor 10 minutes to expel
excess grease. Replace plugs.

Diesel engine oil Accessory Each 8 Check the crankcase oil level using the
level. compartment hour period dipstick only after the engine has been
Diesel engine of diesel stopped for atleast 20 minutes. Add oil as
engine necessary to bring the level upto the “full”
operation mark on the dipstick. Refer to the diesel
engine lubrication oil specification under
the “Starting Equipment” tab of the
service manual for the proper lubricating
oil specification.
Diesel Engine oil Accessory *100 It is recommended that the new engines
and filter changes. compartment Engine be started with 100 hours oil and filter
Diesel engine operating changes. This oil and filter change period
hours. may then be gradually increased or
decreased, following the
recommendations of an independent oil
analysis laboratory or the oil supplier(
based upon sample analysis) until the
most practical oil and filter change
interval can be established for the engine.

It is good practice to drain the engine oil

while it is still hot since many of
contaminants are still in suspension and
will drain out with the oil. Refill the
crankcase to the “full” mark on the
dipstick. Refer to the diesel engine
lubricating oil specification under the
“Starting Equipment” tab of the service
manual for the proper lubricating oil

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(CONT’D) After refilling the crankcase and
changing out the filter, from the engine,
check for oil leaks and recheck the oil
level. Add oil as necessary to bring the
level “ full” mark on the dipstick.

Diesel engine diesel engine ________ Lubricated at initial assembly. When

starting motor and ever the starting motor is removed from
Bendix the engine or disassembled, remove the
clutch(88DS) pipe plugs on the outside of the motor
and apply a few drops of S.A.E. 10W
light engine oil to the oil wicks and the
over running clutch drive mechanism.

Diesel engine Diesel engine 100 Engine Lubricate the Tachometer drive with all
Tachometer drive operating purpose grease at the grease fitting
& throttle control hours located on the Tachometer. At
leakage temperatures +30 F use a number 2 grade
grease. At temperatures below +30 F use
a number 1 grade grease. Lubricate all
other control mechanisms with engine
oil, as required.

Diesel engine over Diesel engine 500 Engine Lubricate with 5 or 6 drops of engine oil
speed governor operating if equipped with a huge cap oiled or oil
hours cup. Avoid excessive lubrication and do
not lubricate the governor while the
engine is running


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SP – MS6001



Emergency /Cool Accessory 1 Year Remove cover between AC and DC

down pump compartment motors( if furnished) Remove all grease
assembly relief plugs from motors and install
Lube pump grease fittings, if required. Remove
DCmotor(88QE) grease plug from coupling ( Flake
Couplings coupling only) and install grease fittings.
Apply shell Alvania #2 grease (or
equivalent) to motors and coupling until
it appears in open holes of relief plugs.
Replace plugs in coupling only at this
time. Apply shell Alvania #2 grease or
equivalent to thrust bearings of pump in
cover page. Run motors 10 minutes to
xpel excess grease at bearings. Remove
grease fittings and replace all relief plugs
in motors.
Auxiliary lube oil Accessory 1 year Remove all grease relief plugs from
pump assembly compartment motor and coupling and install fittings if
Lube pump required. Apply shell Alvania #2 grease
AC motor (88QE) (or equivalent ) to thrust bearings of
coupling pump in cover plate. Apply same grease
to fittings in both motor and coupling
until appears in open holes or relief
plugs. Replace plugs in coupling only at
this time. Run motor 10 minutes to
xpel excess grease in bearings. Replace
motor bearing relief plugs.

Lube Oil Mist Off Base 4 years Remove grease relief plugs and install
Eliminator Fan (steady fittings if required. Apply shell Alvania
Motor (88QV) Duty) number 2 grease (or equivalent ) until it
(if applicable) 7 years appears in open holes. For motors
periodic operating in ambient air temperatures
duty below –20 F and above +120 F, use type
of grease( or equivalent) i.e. specified on
motor name plate. Run motor 10 minutes
to xpel excess grease. Replace plugs.

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SP – MS6001



Radiator Fan Accessory 9 Months Replace the upper pipe plug on each end
Motor (88FCI compartment (steady of each motor with grease fitting, if
through 6) Duty) required. Remove other plugs for grease
1½ years relief. Unless otherwise specified on
(Periodic motor nameplate, apply Shell Alvania #2
Duty) grease (or equivalent) with 4 to 6 pumps
of handgun or until new grease appears at
grease relief hole. For motors operating at
ambient temperatures below 20F and
above +150F, use grease (or equivalent)
specified on motor nameplate. After
greasing, run motor 10 minutes to expel
excess grease. Replace plugs.


Main fuel oil Accessory ----------- NO MAINTENANCE LUBRICATION

pump (Roper PF1) Gear REQUIRED

Fuel Pump
Coupling Accessory ----------- NO MAINTENANCE LUBRICATION

Fuel flow divider Accessory ----------- NO MAINTENANCE LUBRICATION


Main A.A. Accessory ------------ NO MAINTENANCE LUBRICATION
Compressor (CA1) Compt REQUIRED(Accessory Gear Lubricated)

Coupling Accessory ----------- NO MAINTENANCE LUBRICATION
Compt REQUIRED(Splined Coupling)

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Starting Accessory 3 Months Gears and gear end bearings are oil
Atomizing Air Compt (Check splash lubricated. Add oil to bring the
Compressor(CA2) level) level to half of the sight glass. Do not
overfill. Use turbine oil or a good heavy
duty motor oil with foam depressant and
oxidation inhibitor. If oil is cloudy or
discolored, change oil. Do not use gear
oil. Do not operate compressor unless oil
shows in sight glass.

Atomizing Air
CONTD) 3 months Inlet end bearings are grease lubricated.
Use a good grade of high temperature
ball bearing grease suitable to 300 F.
Regrease bearing every 250 hrs of
operation. Clean zerk fittings and remove
relief plugs. With hand gun fill Bearing
Capacity until it begins to come out of
relief fitting. Replace relief plugs.

Main Hydraulic Accessory ---------- NO MAINTENANCE LUBRICATION

Supply Pump Compt REQUIRED (Self-Lubricated Bearings).

Inlet Guide Vane Turbine 6 Months Apply Shell Alvania #2 grease (or
Ring, Actuator Compt equivalent) to actuating arm grease
Linkages and fitting until grease appears at spherical
Gears bearing. Apply same grease to guide
vane control ring grease fittings at 5
locations until grease appears under ring.
Remove one inlet guide vane gear cover
and inspect gears for lubricant coating.
Apply same grease, if required. Repeat
for remaining sections of inlet guide vane

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Compressor Air Turbine 6 Months To lubricate plunger rod, apply high

Extraction Compt temperature silicon grease to fittings.
Solinoid Valve
Plunger Rod

11th stage Turbine 1 Month Lubricate all accessible sliding and

Compressor Compt rolling surfaces of valve actuator with
Extraction Valve Dow Corning "Molycote32l Bonded
(33CB) Lubricant”. the lubricant should be
applied as a light uniform film to the
actuating lever guide, slot and rollers,
between the rollers and connecting
blocks and that portion of the piston rod
and tail rod which slide through the
guide bushings.
Compressor Bleed Turbine
Valves (VA21&2) compt 2 Months The spring and inner cylinder of the air
actuator portion of the valve should be
lubricated with several sprays of a light
spray lubricant such as WD40 or
equivalent on p1 armed shutdowns.
Remove the air connection, spray the
lubricant therein through the connection
hole and exercise the valve several times.
Turbine Exhaust Turbine
Frame Cooling Compt 1 ½ Years
Fan Motor (88TK) (steady Remove grease relief plugs and install
Duty) 4 Yrs fittings if required. Apply Shell AIvania
(periodic #2 grease (or equivalent) until it appears
Duty) in open holes. For motors operating at
ambient temperatures below 20 T and
above +150F, use type of grease (or
equivalent) that is specified on motor
nameplate. Run motor 10 minutes to
expel excess grease. Replace plugs.

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Compartment Accessory & 6 Months Reaching in through heater louvers,

space GHEaters Turbine apply three drops of No.20 SAE oil to
Fan Motors Compt tube at each end motor
Compartment Accessory & 4 Years Remove protective screening, if
Vent Fan Motors Turbine (steady furnished. Remove end caps and grease
(88BT/88DA) Compt Duty) 7 relief plugs. Install fittings, if required.
Years Apply Shell AIvania #2 grease or
Periodic equivalent unless special grease
Duty specified on motor nameplate. Apply
grease until new


Fuel forwarding Off-Base 4 ½ Years Remove grease relief plugs and install
pump motors (steady fittings if required. Apply Shell Alvania
(88FD-1, -2) Duty) 7 #2 grease (or equivalent) until it a in
Years open holes. For motors operating at
(Period ambient temperatures below 2OF and
Duty) above +150F, use type of grease (or
equivalent ) that is specified on motor
nameplate. Run motor 10 minutes to
expel excess grease. Replace plugs

Fuel Forwarding Off-Base 9 Months The sight level oil gauge must be
Pumps (steady maintained at a level which barely allows
Duty) oil to be in contact at the lowest position
1 ½ Years of the bearing. The ideal lubricant is a
(periodic straight, well refined neutral mineral oil
Duty) of the turbine type containing no free
acid chlorine, sulphur or f'ree alkalai. In
most applications SAE number ten motor
Oil will meet the specifications.
Operation at high temperatures will
require frequent replenishment and

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Fuel Forwarding Off-Base Initial 40 Remove, disassemble, flush, clean and
Pump/ Motor Hrs. There inspect coupling. Repack teeth with 2
Coupling after 1 yr. ounces of Shell Alvania EP I grease or
equivalent. Be sure lube plugs are in
place. Retorque bolts to 6 ft. lbs.


Air Cleaner Bleed

Blower motors Gen. Air 4 yrs Remove grease relief plugs and install
(88GA1,2) Cleaner (steady fittings, if required. Apply Shell AIvania
Duty) 7 Yrs #2 grease (or equivalent) unless special
(Periodic grease is specified on the motor
Duty) nameplate. Apply new grease until new
grease appears in grease relief hole. Run
motor 10 minutes to expel excess grease.
Replace plugs.

Water injection Off-Base 9 months Replace one pipe plug at each end of
Pump motor Skid (steady motor with a grease fitting, if required.
Duty) 1 ½ Remove other plug for grease relief.
yrs Apply Shell Alvania #2 grease (or
(periodic equivalent) unless special grease is
duty) specified on the motor nameplate. Apply
grease until new grease appears in grease
relief hole. For motors operating at
ambient temperatures below 20F and
above +150F, use type of grease (or
equivalent) that is -fled on motor
nameplate. Run motor 10 minutes to
expel excess grease. Replace plugs.

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Water injection Off-base Skid 9 months Fill pump gearbox through fill vent
Pump (steady fitting with automatic transmission fluid
Duty) 1 ½ or light turbine oil (approximate capacity
yrs 4½ quarts U.S.) to within ¼ inch of top
(periodic of oil level sight glass.

Water wash pump SEE WATER INJ MOTOR



MISCELLANE- Lube and At every Brush Victaulic (soap base) or equivalent

OUS water piping Assls of lubricant on pipe ends around entire pipe
Sys Dresser circumference and inside coupling
Couplings housing or brush on rubber seal lips,
Mech. Pipe inside and outside diameter of the seal.
Couplings (dresser Lubricant is available from Victaulic Co.
Type) of America, 3100 Hamilton Blvd., South
Plainfield, NJ07080

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(Source Document - GEI-41042 Rev. I)

Gas turbine performance may decline as a result of deposits on compressor blades during
operation. A decline in performance is indicated by a gradual loss of power output and an
increase in fuel consumption.
Many of the problems are a direct result of dirty or fouled axial flow compressors. Fouled
compressors result in reduced air flow, lower compressor efficiency, and lower compressor
pressure ratio. These combined parameters cause reduced compressor performance.
This article describes axial flow compressor fouling and outlines cleaning recommendations.

Types of Fouling
There are many types of compressor fouling. The type and rate of fouling depend on the.
Environment in which the gas turbine operates and the type of inlet filtration, if any.
Among the most common types of contaminants are:
1. Dirt or soil
2. Sand
3. Seashells
4. Coal dust
5. Insects
6. Salt
7. Oil
8. Turbine exhaust gas

Salt, aside from being a contaminant, also causes corrosion of blading and ductwork and
subsequent ingestion of rust and scale.
Oil increases the ability of contaminants to cling to compressor passages and airfoils.

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The type of material that is deposited on the compressor blading influences the method of its
removal. Certain materials will respond to one cleaning method while different types of
materials will require another. For this reason, both dry (solid) and liquid cleaning techniques
are covered.

Method of Detection
Two basic methods are used to determine the cleanliness of the compressor. Visual
inspection and performance monitoring are described below.

Visual Inspection
The best method for detecting a fouled compressor is to inspect it visually. This involves
shutting the unit down, removing inlet plenum inspection hatch, and visually inspecting
compressor inlet, bellmouth, inlet guide vanes, and early stage blading.
If any deposits, including dust or filmy deposits, can be wiped or scrapped off these
areas, the compressor is fouled sufficiently to affect performance. The initial inspection
also reveals whether the deposits are oily or dry. For oily deposits, a water detergent
wash is required followed by solid compound injection. Location of the source of the oil
and corrective action should be accomplished before cleaning the compressor to prevent
recurrence of the fouling.
If only dry deposits are found, cleaning by solid compound injection is generally

Performance Monitoring
A second method for detecting a fouled compressor is performance monitoring.
Performance monitoring involves obtaining gas turbine data on a routine basis which in
turn is compared to baseline data to monitor trends in the performance of the gas turbine.
The performance data is obtained by running the unit at steady state BASE load and
recording out, exhaust temperature, inlet air temperature, barometric pressure,
compressor discharge pressure and temperature, and fuel consumption. The data should
be taken carefully with he unit warmed up.

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"Field Performance Testing Procedure" can be used as a guide for assessing machine
performance both before and after cleaning the compressor. The purpose of this
particular document is to establish the performance of generator drive machines.
However, appropriate portions can be used for all machines, both generator drive and
other applications for assessing cleaning effectiveness.
Output and heat rate can be corrected to a standard condition using the turbine
performance curves and an analysis can be made of compressor pressure ratio and
efficiency. The current performance levels can be compared to baseline data and will aid
in determining the problem area.
If performance analysis indicates compressor fouling, it should be verified by a visual

Cleaning and Restoration of Performance

The compressor may be cleaned in place through the use of cleaning agents who are injected
into the compressor. There are two basic types of cleaning agents; solid compounds and

Solid Compounds
There are two types of solid compounds used: organic (nutshells and rice) inert (catalyst
supports, spent catalysts, polishing powders). Combustible compounds are preferred to
inert compounds. The organics will burn up in the combustion process while the inerts
will not and may cause erosion or blocked cooling holes.
The recommended combustible solid organic compounds, ground nutshells and uncooked
rice, are described in Table 2-3.
Inert compounds such as described in Table 2-4 are only used if the combustible
compounds are unavailable.

Liquid cleaning involves washing the compressor with water and/or detergents. Deposits,
such as salt, may be removed with potable water. Oily or varnished oil deposits require

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detergent solutions. Approved detergents are given in Table 2-5 and water quality in
Table 2-6.
Any cleaning agents not listed herein must be approved by Gas Turbine Division.

Water or Detergent Wash

While fouling from dry deposits generally requires only solid compound cleaning, it is
suggested that water/detergent solution cleaning be incorporated first for more effective
If the deposits are water soluble, for example salt, a potable water wash is sufficient. The
water should have less than 100 ppm dissolved solids, less than 25 ppm sodium plus
potassium (Na + K), and a pH of 6 to 8. Hot water at 150-200F is generally more effective
than cold water.
When the deposits are oily or varnished, a water-detergent wash followed by a clear water
rinse will be necessary. The water quality described above should be observed.

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Recommended Solid Cleaning Compounds - Organic

Name Vendor Characteristic

Jet Blast Jet Blast Co. Nutshells

Fort Worth, Texas 12/20 sieve

Shelblast Pangborn Corp. Walnut Shells

(AD-3- 3) Hagerstown, Maryland 12/20 sieve

Carboblast Turco Products, Inc. Nutshells

Wilmington, California 12/20 sieve

Pecan hells Composition Mats. Co., Inc. Pecan Shells

Stamford, Conn. 12/20 sieve

Rice Common white rice, Medium or long grain

uncooked Maximum dimensions:
Length - .251”
Cross Section - .125”

12/20 = 1680 Microns max. - 841 Microns mm.

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Solid Cleaning Compound - Inert

Product Vendor

Silica Alumina Davison Chemical Div.

Catalyst Grade 35 W.R. Grace & Co.

Baltimore, Maryland

SAP 350 Alumina Rhodia

(Non-selected) Monmouth Junction, New Jersev

HSC-130 or Houdry

HSC-130 u Air Products & Chemicals

Chemicals Group
Allentown, PA

Spent Catalyst LaGloria Gas & Oil

Tyler, Texas


Berkely Fine Dry Sand Pennsylvania Glass Sand

Floridin Company
Pittsburgh, PA

Fastblast, No.220 Exolon

Tonawanda, NY


Particle size is normally kept between 40 and 200 micron to ensure clearing action, to keep
particles airborne and to minimize blade erosion and the possibility of plugging the cooling

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Detergent Cleaners

Product Vendor Application

B&B 3100 B&B Chemical Co. 4 parts water to

Miami, Florida 1 part detergent

Penetone 19 Penetone Division Amerace 1 part detergent to

Corp. 9 parts water
Tenafly, NJ

Turco 5884 Turco Product Division of 1 part detergent

Purex Corp. with 4 parts distilled or
Erie, PA demineralized water

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Cleaning Rates



Lb/Min1 Detergent Solu- Rinse

tion Water

MS 1002 0.32 1-3 5-10

MS 3001, 3002 0.72 1-5 10-15

MS 500lA Through M
MS5001R-MS 5002A 1.40 3-10 15-20

MS 5001N, P - MS 5002B 1.75 3-10 20-30

MS 6001 2.3 4-12 25-40

MS 7001 3.50 5-15 30-50

MS 9001 5.00 7-20 45-70

1. Dispensed at a uniform rate over the cleaning period, the rate should not be higher than that
shown above.
2. Mixed at manufacturer's suggested mix ratio (Table 2-5).
3. Use these wash rates for WATER ONLY wash.
4. Water Quality
a. Less than 100 ppm dissolved solids
b. Less than 25 ppm sodium plus potassium (Na+K)
c. A pH of 6 to 8

Water rinse will be necessary. The water quality described above should be observed.

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The following steps should be accomplished prior to beginning to wash the turbine and
1. Extraction air piping to the bearing seals and atomizing air compressor should be opened
and blocked off to prevent water from entering these areas specifically those on the lower
half of the compressor casings.
2. If a unit is equipped with an offbase atomizing air compressor, the compressor should be
deenergized during the wash and rinse cycles.
3. Open inlet guide vanes, if applicable.
4. Make sure all drains are open and diverted to suitable areas.
5. Close flame detector valves. Water will foul the flame scanners and make starting
6. When regenerators are present, the gas side face must be covered and kept dry during
compressor washing to prevent wetting regenerator deposits. These deposits may change
form when wet and become extremely difficult to remove. Leave access doors open while
cranking to provide an air exhaust path.

Washing Procedure
Washing can be accomplished using a permanent system (a series of nozzles or spray ring
mounted in the inlet plenum) or with a manual system, (a hand held hose and spray nozzle).
With either system, take care to over the frill circumference of the bellmouth. The inlet
plenum and bellmouth should be cleaned first to prevent these deposits from being washed
into the compressor during the cleaning.
Washing with water or detergent should be done at crank speed or slower. This provides
more effective washing near the hub of the rotor. Flow rates are given in Table 2-6.

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1.To prevent thermal shock, wheel space temperatures must be under 200F when using water
at 50-8-F. If hot water is used (150-200F) wheel space temperature must be under 300F.
2.Observe starting device time/temperature limits during all cranking periods.

Utilize the detergent wash procedure which follows:

1. Apply a detergent at the rate specified in Table 2-6.
2. Apply the detergent at crank speed for 3 to 5 minutes, shut unit down, continue spraying
during coast down until the solution is no longer drawn into the compressor inlet
(approximately 350 RPM - MS700l and 300 RPM - MS9001; 600 RPM –MS1002, 3902,
5001, 5002 and 6001).
3. Allow the detergent to soak for 20 minutes and rinse with water at crank speed for 5 to 10
minutes following the recommended flow rates of Table 2-6.

Rinsing Procedure
The effectiveness of the wash and the rinse can most easily be evaluated by observing the
runoff from the drains during the rinse and visual inspection of the compressor inlet at the
end of a wash cycle.
1. The compressor should be rinsed until the drain water appears clean.
2. The runoff water may also be checked for the amount of impurities it contains by
measuring its electrolytic conductivity the conductivity value will decrease as washing
continues and the runoff water contains fewer dissolved impurities.
3. Another method of testing is to use an atomic absorption spectrometer for checking be
level of trace metals.

The detergent wash may be repeated depending on the amount of fouling and detergent

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1. After final rinse, crank for 20 minutes remove all water.
2. After final drying cycle
a. Reassemble extraction and atomizing air piping.
b. Open flame scanner valves
c. Close all drain valves.
d. If applicable close inlet guide vanes.
e. If applicable reenergize off-base atomizing air compressor and remove regenerator
3. Start the machine within 24 hours and run 30 minutes to assure complete dryness. This is
necessary before sold compound cleaning.

Solid Compound Cleaning

Solid compound cleaning should be conducted as described under paragraph, Water
or Detergent wash. When the deposits are hard and dry, solid compound cleaning is often

Solid Compound Cleaning Procedure

Cleaning the turbine and compressor with solid compounds.
1. Solid compound cleaning is done at frill speed and reduced load. This keeps internal
temperatures down and eliminates possible damage by cleaning material due to hot
corrosion in the turbine section. Cleaning with nutshells is preferred over the rice
cleaning method. Both the nutshell and rice cleaning methods are preferred over the inert
2. Make sure solid compound injection is done at an even rate. Recommended cleaning
agents and rates are given in table 2-3 and Table 2-6 respectively.
3. To make sure the surfaces are dry, evaporative coolers must be shut down one-half hour
before the solid compound cleaning method is started.
4. Make sure that any separators that are installed on compressor air extraction lines
(cooling and bearing sealing air lines) are functioning and that any blowdown valves

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installed on these separators are open.

5. The solid compound can be applied to the compressor either through an injection ring
permanently installed in the bellmouth for the purpose or by a manual method.
6. When the solid compound is injected manually, a location upstream of the trash screen
should be used to allow time for good dispersion in the air stream. There is no mixing
within the compressor, therefore, if the solid compound is not dispersed when it enters
the Compressor only portions will be cleaned. A hopper or other device may be helpful in
establishing an even injection.


a. Solid compound injection may cause fouling of flame scanners and a possible trip.
Following the injection rates in Table 2-6 will help prevent this.
b. It has been determined that the accumulation of combustible material in regenerator tubes
can cause burning and serious damage to the regenerator. Both nutshell and rice is in this
category. Therefore, extreme caution should be carefully and consistently maintained at
or less than flow rates given in table 2-6 for different size machines.

Use only inert cleaning compounds for units equipped with Garrett regenerators.

c. Too rapid ingestion of solids may lead to an accumulation of solids in the cooling and
sealing air lines and the No.2 bearing housing. The even injection rates shown in table 2-
6 should be observed.

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7 To determine the effect of solid compound cleaning, set the load at 20 percent, and make
note of the exhaust temperature and compressor discharge pressure.
a. Inject solid compound and maintain constant load. Use 20 pound increments of
solid compound at the proper rates. If the cleaning is effective, the exhaust
temperature will drop and the compressor discharge pressure will increase.
b. Inject solid compound until no further effect is seen. At this point, solid compound
cleaning is finished.

8. Make final inspection of inlet to determine cleaning effectiveness.

If applicable, return the evaporative coolers to normal service. Normal operation may be

Results of Cleaning
After cleaning, there should be a notice-able increase in performance. An increase in the
performance of the compressor is an indication as to what degree the compressor was fouled
prior to cleaning. An increase in base load power of 10 percent is not uncommon. This can be
confirmed by comparing restored performance data to levels of performance before cleaning,
(see Field Performance Testing Procedures this section) for generator drive machines and the
appropriate procedure for other applications as previously described under Performance
Monitoring. It should be noted that full power may not always be regained once significant
fouling occurs. Regular compressor cleaning will help maintain performance. Specific
intervals must be determined based on customer performance.

Turbine Section
Units burning heavy oils can require cleaning to remove deposits from nozzles and buckets.
The generally accepted method for removing the deposits involves water washing through
one or more specific entry points in the turbine or combustion system. The frequency
washing, as well as the detailed procedure, is dependent on type of fuel, its characteristics,

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the inhibitor used (if any), and the duty cycle of the unit. In the event of heavy fuel operation
or an accumulation of ash deposits occurring from lighter fuels, consult your local Bharat
Heavy Electricals Limit Service Representative for specific recommendations and instruc-

For proper washing procedure applicable to gas turbines equipped with cleaning and or
washing provisions, refer to Turbine Support Systems Section, Volume I of this Service


(Source Document - GEK - 28166)

This instruction specifies the methods and equipment to be used during field performance
tests of the heavy-duty gas turbines using station instrumentation. It applies only to turbine-
generator power plants.

Purpose of Test
The primary purpose of this test shall be the measurement of turbine or generator output and
fuel heat consumption at one or more load conditions.
Sufficient supporting data shall be recorded to enable he "as tested" performance to be
corrected to the standard conditions so that an accurate comparison may be made between
tested and base-line machine capability and heat rate at specified conditions.
The attached data sheets should be used to record the test data. They are designed to provide
the information requires to evaluate the aero-thermodynamic performance of the gas turbine
only. Any other operating data should be taken separately to prevent interference with the
timing required for the performance test.

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Test Procedure
These testing procedure are patterned after those specified and described by the American
Society of Mechanical Engineers Power Test Code PTC-22-1966 "Gas Turbine Power
Plants" with the following additions and/or exceptions. Figures in parenthesis refer to the
relevant paragraph in the Power Test Code. Past experience has shown that a gas turbine
operator and four (4) test assistants are required for testing. One day of set-up time and one
day of testing are usually required for each machine.
A test point will consist of four sets of instrument readings taken at ten-minute intervals over
a thirty-minute time span after steady-state conditions have been established (3.12).
The machine will be considered to be in a steady-state condition when turbine wheel space
temperatures do not change more than 5F in fifteen minutes prior to the test point.
Past experience has shown that test points for gas turbines that cover longer than one-half
hour time span are apt to experience changes in inlet air temperatures, which change the
operating characteristics of the power plant and make the test less accurate.
Speed measurements may not be required with a single-shaft generator drive unit is
connected into a large power system. When the power system is small or frequency
vibrations of more than 0.5 percent occur, then turbine speed (or frequency) must be
measured by an electronic tachometer or equivalent.
Average generator output must be measured by a polyphase watt-hour meter (4.24).
Load is to be calculated by carefully timing, with stop watch or equivalent, a fixed number of
disc revolutions throughout the test point, averaging those times and calculating the resulting
average power output by applying the appropriate factor
(pri. Kh ) stamped on the face of the meter.
n revolutions x Pri Kh x (3600/1000)
Power Output = Sec. for n rev.

Pri Kh = PTR x CTR x meter K
PTR = Potential Instrument Transformer Ratio
CTR = Current Instrument Transformer Ratio

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Ideally, the total number of disc revolutions should be counted for the entire test point. This,
however, is a most tedious task and is seldom worthwhile. instead, a count of 20 revolutions
should be made continuously throughout the point with the only interruption being the
recording of the elapsed time for each group of revolutions.
Gas Turbine exhaust temperature will be measured by the unit control thermocouples
mounted in the exhaust plenum (4.56).
It is essential that the temperature indicating system be adjusted and calibrated in place with
a known millivolt source prior to the test so that it reports reliable data. if more than 25
percent of the control thermocouples re inoperative, the performance test should not be
When liquid-in-glass manometers are used bores of smaller than 5/16 inch will be permitted
Barometric pressure at the gas turbine site shall be measured with a mercury or aneroid
borometer. A minimum reading accuracy of 0.01 inch Hg is required (4.65).
As stated in paragraph 5.33 of the Code, inlet air relative humidity has negligible effects on
power output and heat consumption. It will therefore be ignored for performance evaluation.

Fuel Consumption
For units designed to burn more than one type of fuel, liquid fuel generally yields higher test
accuracy and repeatability. More accurate test results will be obtained if the lighter type fuel
is used during fuel tests.

Liquid Fuel
Liquid fuel flow is to be measured by a positive displacement meter which has been
calibrated. The total fuel consumed during the exact 30 minute test as measured with a stop
watch must be recorded. The fuel temperature at the meter must also be measured.
A sample of the fuel consumed during the test must be taken for laboratory measurement of
higher heating value (HHV) and specific gravity. The lower heating value (LHV) will be
determined by the method specified in paragraph 4.45 of PTC 22-1966.

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If the fuel is drawn from a large storage tank a single sample will suffice for several tests
points; however, if variations in fuel characteristics are suspected a fuel sample should be
taken for each test point. Fuel samples of one pint are sufficient for HHV and specific gravity
The heat consumption will be calculated using:

Heat Consumption (Btu/hr) = gal/min x 8.33 lb/gal (H2O) x Specific Gravity (Oil) at
metering temp. x Heating Value * Btu/lb x 60 min/hr.

* Use HHV or LHV as specified by rating.

Gas Fuel
Gas fuel is to be measured with a flat plate orifice installed in accordance with ASME or
AGA standards. The upstream pressure will be measured with a precision test gauge, the
pressure drop with a manometer, the gas temperature with a thermometer or thermocouple.
See Figure2-2.
A gas sample must be taken from the fuel system during the test for laboratory measurement
of higher heating value and specific gravity. A ratio(HHV/LHV)or 1.11 will be used to
calculate the lower heating value.
Calculation of gas flow will be done in accordance with ASME or AGA standards as
described in ASME PTC 19.5, 4-1959 or AGA report No.3.
Inlet air temperature will be measured with at least two thermometers or thermocouples
installed in the inlet plenum near the gas turbine compressor inlet. The compressor inlet air
temperature must be measured with an accuracy of +/- 1.0F (4.55).
If waste heat recovery equipment is used, turbine exhaust static pressure at or near the gas
turbine flange must be measured using at least 4 disc type static pressure probes.
When the tests are performed at "Base" and “Peak” mode, the gas turbine control system
must be adjusted to operate at the correct average gas turbine exhaust temperature for the test
conditions as defined by the appropriate control curve.

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Test results are based on the averaged data taken during the test. the averaged results are
corrected to the standard conditions using the appropriate correction curves for the
installation. Performance as indicated by determining the heat rate based on the test results is
defined by:

Heat Consumption
Heat Rate = Power Output

When decisions are required based on test results, one should recognize the tolerance due to
measurement uncertainties associated with each particular test result.
The tolerances around the test results are defined as twice the estimated standard deviation (2
sigma), computed from the tolerances associated with each measured test parameter and the
influence of that parameter on the calculation of the corrected test results.
The resulting performance tolerances of a single-unit station instrumentation test when
performed as described in this document are:

Power output - + 3.01%

Heat rate (oil fuel) - + 2.09%
Heat rate (gas fuel) - + 2.32%

This procedure may be used to periodically measure unit performance in order to establish
trends and to determine the effectiveness of compressor cleaning. This data should be
retained for historical reference.

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Figure 2-2 Gas Flow Measurement Instrumentation

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STATION ____________________

Unit ID __________________________ Date _________________________

Gas Turbine S/N __________________ Operating Mode_______________
Generator S/N_____________________ Data Page
Fired Hours_______________________ Test Number_____________
Fired Starts_________________

Reading Number 1 2 3 4
Starting Time of Reading _______ _______ _______ ______

Ambient Condition
Compressor Inlet Temp. F _______ _______ _______ ______
_______ _______ _______ ______
_______ _______ _______ ______
_______ _______ _______ ______
_______ _______ _______ ______

Barometric Pressure Inches of Mercury

Compressor Discharge
Pressure PSIG Unit Gage _______ _______ _______ ______

Fuel Measurement Oil *

Fuel Meter Read: rig Gal. ______ _______ _______ ______
Elapsed Time Min ______ _______ _______ ______
Fuel Temperature F _______ _______ _______ ______
* For Gas Fuel use data under Fuel consumption.

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Reading Number (Cont’d) 1 2 3 4

Fuel Measurement – Oil*

Fuel Meter Type & S/N_______________________

Lube Oil
Turbine Header Temp. F ______ _______ _______ ______
Lube Oil tank Temp. F ______ _______ _______ ______

Recorded By _________________________

*For Gas Fuel use data under Fuel Consumption.

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Unit I.D.______________________________ Date______________________

Gas Turbine S/N ___________________ Operating Mode_____________
Generator S/N __________________ Data Page _________________
Test Number_____________

Reading Number 1 2 3 4
Starting Time of Reading _______ ______ _______ _______

Wheelspace Temperatures F

Comp. Disch. Left ______ ______ ______ _______

Comp. Disch. Right ______ ______ ______ _______
1st Stage Forward ______ ______ ______ _______
1st Stage Forward ______ ______ ______ _______
1st Stage Aft ______ ______ ______ _______
1st Stage Aft ______ ______ ______ _______
2nd Stage Forward ______ ______ ______ _______
2 nd Stage Forward ______ ______ ______ _______ 2 nd
Stage Aft ______ ______ ______ _______
2 nd Stage Aft ______ ______ ______ _______
3rd Stage Mt ______ ______ ______ _______
3rd Stage Aft When ______ ______ ______ _______
3rd Stage Forward Applicable ______ ______ ______ _______
3rd Stage Forward ______ ______ ______ _______

Exhaust Temperatures Control T/C F

1. _______ _______ _______ _______
2. _______ _______ _______ _______
3. _______ _______ _______ _______
4. _______ _______ _______ _______
5 _______ _______ _______ _______
6. _______ _______ _______ _______
7. _______ _______ _______ _______
8. _______ _______ _______ _______
9. _______ _______ _______ _______
10. _______ _______ _______ _______
11. _______ _______ _______ _______
12. _______ _______ _______ _______

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Reading Number (Cont’d) 1 2 3 4

Exhaust Average
Electrical _______ ________ ________ ________
Calculated _______ ________ ________ ________

Recorded By ___________________

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Unit I.D._______ ________________________ Date_____________________
Gas Turbine S/N ____________________ Operating Mode__________
Generator S/N__ ______________________ Data Page
Test Number___________

Reading Number 1 2 3 4
Starting Time of Reading ______ ______ ______ ______
Turbine Panel Board
Set Point ______ ______ ______ ______
VCE ______ ______ ______ ______

Generator Panel Board

Megawatts ______ ______ ______ ______
WHM (sec/20 rev) Record WHM Time on Pg4 ______ ______
Megavars ______ ______ ______ ______
Generator Voltage, KV
Phase 12 ______ ______ ______ ______
Phase 23 ______ ______ ______ ______
Phase 31 ______ ______ ______ ______
Generator Amperes KA
Phase 1 ______ ______ ______ ______
Phase 2 ______ ______ ______ ______
Phase 3 ______ ______ ______ ______
Excitation Voltage ______ ______ ______ ______
Excitation Amperes ______ ______ ______ ______
Frequency, Hz ______ ______ ______ ______

Recorded By ___________________

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Unit I.D ____________________________ Date_____________________

Gas Turbine S/N_______________________ Operating Mode___________
Generator S/N__________________________ Data Page ______________
Test Number______________

Power measurement (Cont'd)

WHM (Sec/20 Revs.) Begin Test________________
End Test__________________

Repeatedly Time 20 Revolutions of Watt Hour Meter Disc

During Entire Test Period Pri Kh Factor_____________________

1) _______ 2) _______ 3) _______ 4) ______

5) _______ 6) _______ 7) _______ 8) ______

Auxiliary WHM (Sec/Rev.)

1) _______ 2) _______ 3) _______ 4) ______

Pri Kh Factor___________________


Recorded By ________________________________

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Unit I.D.______ ___________________________ Date_____________________
Gas Turbine S/N_______________________ Operating Mode___________
Generator S/N ______________________ Test Number_____________
Data Page

Fuel Gas Flow Record data every two minutes)

Time Pressure P Temp
______ _______ _______ _______
______ _______ _______ _______
______ _______ _______ _______
______ _______ _______ _______
______ _______ _______ _______
______ _______ _______ _______
______ _______ _______ _______
______ _______ _______ _______
______ _______ _______ _______
______ _______ _______ _______
______ _______ _______ _______
______ _______ _______ _______
______ _______ _______ _______
______ _______ _______ _______
______ _______ _______ _______
______ _______ _______ _______
______ _______ _______ _______
______ _______ _______ _______
______ _______ _______ _______
______ _______ _______ _______
______ _______ _______ _______
______ _______ _______ _______
______ _______ _______ _______
______ _______ _______ _______

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Pipe Size______________________________ Pressure Tap Location____________

Orifice Size____________________________ Pressure measured upstream or
downstream of orifice_____________
Fuel Heating Value______________________
Specific Gravity________________________

* See Figure 1, Gas Flow Measurement Instrumentation

Recorded By___________________________________

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During unit disassembly many parts will require cleaning The most generally accepted
methods used for cleaning Gas Turbine parts are solvents, steam and abrasive blasting.

Do not attempt any cleaning of coated turbine buckets before consulting the local Bharat
heavy Electricals Limited Field Service Representative.

Solvent Cleaning
Petroleum based solvents are flammable. Exercise care when cleaning with these

Solvent cleaning is useful for removing organic contaminants, such as oils and greases. The
solvent should be Petroleum Spirits (Stoddard solvent, Exxon Varsol 1; except in areas where
EPA, Rule 66, is in force - California, etc - use Exxon, Varsol 18 or equivalent. Bharat
Heavy Electricals No.1500 Thinner or Multicleaner No.44, Applied by spray or with a well-
saturated clean cloth, followed by wiping with another clean cloth.

Steam Cleaning
Steam cleaning is used to remove grease and oil and water soluble contaminants. Spray the
parts thoroughly, using an inhibitor such as Turco Cold Spray to minimize subsequent
rusting, and to leave a thin protective film on the assembly after drying. Dry the parts using
an air blast.

Abrasive Cleaning
Abrasive cleaning can be used to remove almost any deposit. This process also removes
metal and should not be used on close tolerance or specially processed surfaces, such as
dovetails. The acceptable agent will be aluminum oxide and the grit will be specified for each
case. Air pressure at the nozzle should be 40 psig or less. Work the nozzle across the surface

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of the part. Do not dwell in one area, since this action may remove excessive amounts of

Small holes and gaps such as the gaps between compressor rotor stages, must be covered
with adhesive tape to prevent the entrance of abrasive materials.

Hand Cleaning Methods

Wire brushes, emery cloth, carborundum stones, steel wool and similar devices are all
acceptable for cleaning when used properly. Do not use a flat stone on a round journal. Clean
all bolt threads of old anti-seize and other contaminants. use a hand wire brush (not a power
wire wheel) and solvent (see "Solvent Cleaning” above). Keep parts separated when cleaning.
Bolts should be reinstalled in the same flange from which they were removed.


The tools and equipment required to disassemble the gas turbine and repair it if necessary are
listed below. The list of tools represent the typical quantities and kinds of tools the could be
required for worst-case condition. The list may be modified as dictated by availability. The
special tools required are provided by the Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited and are itemized
in a tool list in the Parts Lists and Drawing volume of this Service Manual.

Socket sets (6 Point)
1- 1-inch drive
1- 3/4-inch drive
2- 1/2-inch drive
2- 3/8-inch drive
Socket Set (12 Point)
2 - 1/2-inch drive sockets 1 inch
2 - 1/2-inch drive sockets 11/8 inch

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2 - 1-inch drive sockets 11/2 inch

2 - 1-inch drive sockets 1 7/8 inch
2 - 1-inch drive sockets 2 1/4 inch
1 set box wrenches - open end - to 2 inches
1 set box wrenches 12 point 11/8 inch to 2 ¼-inch.
Slugging wrenches 2 each - 1-1/2, 1-7/8, 2-1/4 inches
Slugging wrenches 12 point, - 1-1/2, 1-7/8, 2-1/4 inches
2- 6- inch adjustable wrenches
2- 8- inch adjustable wrenches
2- l0 -inch adjustable wrenches
2- 12-inch adjustable wrenches
1- l6-inch adjustable wrenches
2- 8-inch pipe wrenches
2- 12-inch pipe wrenches
2- 16-inch pipe wrenches
2 sets Allen wrenches to 1 inch
1 set straight Allen wrenches to 1 inch
Miscellaneous screw drivers, pliers, wire cutters, chisels, files, punches, snap-ring pliers
Torque wrenches 0-100, 0-300, 0-600, foot pounds.
2- 1-pound ball-peen
2- 2 1/2-pound ball-peen
1- 7-pound sledge
1- 14-pound sledge

Mallet - plastic, copper rawhide

Pry bars
2- 18-inch foot bars
2- 6-foot pry bars

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Carpenters level
Wood saw
2 Hacksaws with extra blades
Portapower - hydraulic jack set
1 - 10-foot measuring tape
Hand stones 4 coarse 4 fine
1 set of easy out (screw extractors)
1 set of taps and dies to 1-1/2 inches (1, 1-1/4, 1-1/2x8 thd)
Impact wrenches
1- ½-inch drive with sockets
2- ¾-inch drive with sockets
1- 1-inch drive with sockets
Electric or air drill with chuck to 1/24nch with bits
4 - 50-foot air hoses with ½-inch “whips"
Air grinder with grinding wheels
Dial indicators
1- Starrett "Last Word"
1- Starrert Universal
2- 0-1 inch indicator
plus magnetic bases, arms, and swivels
1- 0-1 outside
1- 0-8 outside (set)
1- 2-8 inside set)
1- 0-6 depth
Feeler gages
1 set 0.0015 to 0.030 12-inch long
2 sets 0.0015 to 0.030 4-6 inches long
1 Machinist' level
1 Telescope gauge set

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1 - 12-inch and 1 - 18-inch machinists' scale

Mobile crane
10 tons at 15 feet radius
2 tons at 20 feet radius - 30 feet high from ground
Helicoil insertion and extraction tools
Engine driven air compressor 90 psi with efficient volume to drive impact wrenches
Oxyacetylene cutting out fit
Engine driven welder
Chain hoists
1- 10 ton
1- 8 ton
1- 3ton
2- 1/2 ton
2- 1-1/2 ton
Eye bolts
8- 1/2-13 shouldered
8- 5/8-11 shouldered
8- 3/4-10 shouldered
S- 1-8 shouldered
Eye bolts special
4- 112 - 13 x 12 inches
4- 5/8 - 11 x 12 inches
4- 3/16" pin
4- 1/4" pin
4- 3/8" pin
4- 1/2" pin
4- 3/4" pin
Slings - cables

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4- 3/8 x 12 feet
4- 1/2 x 12 feet
2- 3/4 x 30 feet
2- 3/4 x 3 feet
Screw jacks (as required) 25 and 50 ton minimum capacity.
Wood blocking 6 feed long
10 - 2 x 4
10 - 4 x 4
100 feet of 1/2 diameter
100 feet of 3/4 diameter
Expendables - See Recommended Solvents, Sealants Cleaners in this section.
10 Pounds anti-seize (fuel Pro C-102)
13 cans joint compound
3 rolls masking tape
6 rolls duct tape
Barrel of solvent
14 marking pens, lead and sulfur free (Carter “ Marks-a-Lot” or equivalent) see Standard
Practices General Section.

Expendables (Continued)
100 wiping cloths
2 tubes Teflon thread sealant (liquid)
Barrel of Solvent
Weather stripping glue.
Miscellaneous item
100-foot work lights
Fire extinguishers
100-foot extension cords
Tote boxes

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Tie-on tags
Tape writer
Nitrogen cylinder, regulator with gauge and associated hoses.


Refer to the Tool Lists, line items A033 and 0104, in the Parts Lists and Drawings Volume
Service Manual for list of tools finished for your unit(s).


Guide pin For Disassembly and Reassembly 4 2-3
of Inlet Casing

Guide pin For Disassembly and Reassembly 4 2-4

of Compressor Casing

Guide pin For Disassembly and Reassembly 4 2-5

of Number One Bearing

Guide pin For Disassembly and Reassembly 4 2-5

of Number Two Bearing

Guide pin For Disassembly and Reassembly 4 2-5

of Exhaust Frame

Guide pin For Disassembly and Reassembly 4 2-6

of Compressor Discharge Casing
Guide pin For Disassembly and Reassembly 4 2-6
of Turbine Casing

Guide pin For Disassembly and Reassembly 4 2-6

of Turbine Casing

Jacking Bolt For Jacking Number One Bearing, 4 2-7

Forward and Aft Compressor Casing
(.750-10 x 4.00)

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Jacking Bolt For Jacking Compressor Discharge 6 2-7

Casing (1.50-8 x 5.00)

Jacking Bolt For Jacking Compressor Discharge 6 2-7

Casing (1.50-8 x 3.25)


Jacking Bolt For Jacking Turbine Casing 4 2-7
(1.750-8 x 6.00)

Jacking Bolt For Jacking Turbine Casing 4 2-7

(1.750-8 x 4.50)

Jacking Bolt For Jacking Turbine Exhaust 4 2-7

Frame (1.00-8 x 2.50)

Jacking Rod For Number Two Bearing 4 2-8

Bearing Disassembly

Fixture Arrangement For Disassembly and Reassembly 1 2-9

Disassembly and Reas- of Number Two Bearing and
sembly Load Coupling 1 2-9

Wrench, Fuel Nozzle For Disassembly and Reassembly 2 2-10

of Fuel Nozzles

Fuel Nozzle For Pressure Testing Fuel 1 2-11

Test Fixture Nozzle for Leakage

Tool, Alignment pin For Aligning Outer Combustion

Casing During Assly 2 2-12

Tool, Spark For Checking Spark Plug 1 2-13

plug Electrode Gap Electrode Gap Clearances

Tool, Crossfire Tube to For Checking Cross fire Tube

Combustion Liner to Combustion Liner Collar 1 2-14

Tool Forward Flow- For Checking Assembly of

sleeve to Aft Flow- Forward Flowsleeve to Aft 1 2-15
sleeve assembly Flowsleeve Clearance

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Tool, Transition Piece For Assembly of Transition Piece

Installation Aft Bracket to First-State Nozzle 1 2-16

Tool, transition Piece Measure End Clearances Between 1 2-17

Go/No gauge Adjacent Transition Pieces


Tool, transition Piece Measure Transition Piece to
Go/No Go Gauge First-Stage Nozzle Retaining 1 2-18
Ring clearances

Alignment Fixture For Aligning Accessory Gear 1 2-19

to Turbine

Tool, Crossfire tube For Checking Male to Female

Clearance Crossfire Tube Assembly Clearance 1 2-20

Fuel Nozzle Staking Stake Lockplate to Fuel Nozzle

Tool Body and Outer Tip 1 2-21

Combustion Liner For Removal of Combustion

Pulley Liners From Combustion Casing 1 2-22

Rail Fabrication For Turbine Casing Removal and 1 2-23

Hoist Installation

Beam, Lifting For Turbine Casing and Exhaust

Frame Removal and Installation 1 2-24

Sling, Cable For Turbine Casing and Exhaust

Frame Removal and Installation 4 2-25

Hoist, Trolley Used With Hoist Rail Fabrication

for Turbine Casing and Exhaust 1 2-26
Frame Removal and Installation

Shackle, Ancho Used For Turbine Casing and

Exhaust Frame Removal and Instal- 11 2-27

Hook, Clevis Used for Turbine Casing and

Exhaust Frame Removal and Instal- 4 2-28

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Ratchet, Gear Come- Used For Turbine Casing and

along Exhaust Frame Removal and Instal- 2 2-29

Link, Connection Used for Turbine Casing and

Exhaust Frame Removal and Instal- 4 2-30
Hook, Clevis Grab Used For Turbine Casing and
Exhaust Frame Removal and Instal- 2 2-31

Sling, chain Used for Turbine Casing and

Exhaust Frame Removal and 2 2-32

Rail Fabrication For Turbine Casing and Exhaust

Hoist Frame Removal and Installa- 1 2-33

Pulley For Second and Third-Stage

Nozzle Segment Removal 3 2-34

Borescope Kit Used for Borescope Inspection

on Gas Turbine 1 2-35

Rail Channel Used in the Accessory Compart- 1 2-36

Trolley ment for Component Lifts

Beam lifting Inlet Used for Lifting Inlet Silencer 1 2-37


Beam lifting Inlet Used for Lifting Inlet Transition 1 2-38

Duct Piece

Beam lifting Inlet Used for Lifting Inlet Elbow 1 2-39

Duct Section

Shackle, Anchor Used for Lifting Inlet Duct 4 2-40


Wrench Used for Adjusting Overspeed 1 2-41


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Charging Hose Used for Checking and Charging

Assembly and Hydraulic Accumulators 1 2-42
Precharging Gauge

Plate, flushing Used for Flushing Hydraulic 1 2-43

Assembly Control Oil Lines


Pliers, lose Clamp Used for Removing the Retaining
Atomizing Air Ring From the Atomizing Air 1 2-44
Compressor Compressor Quill Shaft

Tool, Insertion and Used for Disassembly and

Extraction Reassembly of Cable Connec- 1 2-45

Tubing Plastic Used for Bleeding Air From 1 2-46

Fuel System Filters

Insert, Tubine Used with Plastic Tubing and 10 2-46

Male Connector

Connector, Tube Used to Connect Plastic Tubing

Male and Insert to Fuel System Filters 10 2-46

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Spare and renewal parts orders for BHEL turbine parts should be placed with your Bharat
Heavy Electricals Limited Apparatus & Engineering Services Operations office. All vendor
orders placed on the Spare and Renewal Parts Operation will include a marking on vendor
prices for handling orders.
Those components identified in the Parts Lists and Drawing volume of this Service Manual
with a Proprietary Design statement are considered critical in design, have an affect on unit
longevity, and may impair warranties. Therefore, replacement of these components or parts
within the assemblies must be monitored by BHEL who may substitute improved designs.
When ordering parts for the Gas Turbine or Associated Equipment, include the following
information on the order:
1. Name of purchaser.
2. Complete address of where shipment of the parts is to be made.
3. The delivery requirements, method of shipment desired, and style of packaging required
(domestic, export, or long term storage).
4. Complete billing instructions and distribution instructions for correspondence.
5. Complete information from the turbine nameplate.
6. Description or function of the part being ordered and location of the part on the unit.
7. Part number (drawing number) stamped on the part or from a reference drawing
furnished with the Parts & Drawing Volume of your Service Manual for the installation.
8. If a modification type drawing applies against the assembly from which replacement
parts are being ordered, note both the assembly and modification drawing numbers and
9. When ordering vendor parts (directly or from Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited), include
complete component nameplate information, vendor item part number, nomenclature, and
the associated Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited reference drawing number for the
10. Quantity of items needed.

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Parts which form one complete working unit must be ordered together; for example shafts
and bushings, both halves of a bearing, etc. Overspeed bolts which are adjustable to the
drawing specifications on tripping speed will be furnished unless specifically ordered
Any new safety features or design improvements which have become available since the
original design of the component ordered will be incorporated in the replacement part.
If no drawing, parts list, or reference publication is available which shows the replacement
part required, a sketch or sample of the item, together with all necessary dimensions and
description of the part's function, should accompany the order.
The purchaser should store renewal parts in a suitable place to prevent loss or damage, and
should coat all finished iron or steel surfaces with oil or compound to protect them from
Prices listed for vendor parts are subject to change without notice and the Gas Turbine
Division is not liable for prices listed.
Attention to these directions will greatly expedite the shipment of spare and renewal parts.


Return for BHEL turbine parts should be shipped to:
Spares Commercial
BHEL, R.C.Puram,

The repair of accessories not manufactured by the Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited should
be handled through your BHEL service representative. He will determine the approved
location for repairs and assist with the expeditious and economical return of the repaired
The order covering the repair and return or gas turbine components or accessories to the
factory or authorized repair center should contain:
1. The appropriate information required when ordering renewal parts.
2. A complete filled out “Returned Apparatus Tag", Form AF-274, attached to the

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returned article or boxed with it. These tags can be obtained from the Bharat Heavy
Eectricals Limited Filed Service Representative. See Figure 2-47.
Be sure to include the serial number of the unit of which the return article is a part,
the description of the article, the total operating hours of the component, the explicit
reason for the return of the part, drawing (part) number, and the component serial
3. Description of the returned articles.
4. Quantity of the Returned Apparatus Tags used.
5. Date and method of returned shipment.
6. Waybill number and car number (and routing if carload shipment is made).
7. Requested date for the return of the repaired components.

On parts for which the tags may become lots or destroyed, it is advisable to paint or stencil
(lead and sulfur free) the purchaser's name and the turbine serial number on the part. This is
particularly true on parts such as wheels, diaphragms, nozzles, and heavy castings. This
practice will facilitate rapid identification when the part reaches the repair facility.
Gas Turbine Division should be notified at once of the shipment by mailing the original
paper portion of form given below as soon as it is filled out.
Returned apparatus must be properly packaged and the parts protected to prevent damage
from rust, corrosion, and handling.
Adherence to the above suggestions will facilitate checking and inspection of the returned
material and assure more expeditious repair of the material at the factory.

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The primary objective of the typical recommended spare parts listings is to minimize turbine
downtime during scheduled maintenance. Your spare parts stock is the basis for a well
planned maintenance program.
Spare Parts recommendations are provided to support scheduled combustion, hot gas path,
and. major inspections. To minimize downtime it is good maintenance practice to have the
necessary parts on site prior to the inspection. The gas turbine can then be shut down, parts
removed, new or repaired parts installed and the unit returned to service. The repaired parts
may then be inspected and termination made if they can be repaired for reuse at subsequent
These spare parts listings must be used in conjunction with the Parts List and Drawings
Volume of this Service Manual. The model list reference following each spare parts section
heading, i.e., ML0512, 0701, 1214, etc., specifies the applicable tab in the Parts Lists and
Drawings Volume, i.e. 0500, 0700, 1200, etc. The specific drawing and part numbers
required to support the planned inspection can then be obtained.
Using the typical recommended spare parts list as a guide your spare parts stock should be
reviewed at a pre-inspection planning meeting. Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Spare &
Renewal Parts personnel are available to participate in your pre-inspection meetings to assist
in planning your parts requirements for the scheduled inspection.

Single asterisk * indicates not full quantities as called for on drawings. Twenty percent of the
quantities called for are listed. These quantities should cover any hardware which may not be

Double asterisk * * indicates items are expendable (not to be reused). They must be replaced
at each inspection.

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MS-6001B - Combustion Inspection

Recommended Spare Parts

Refer to your Parts Volume Service Manual to obtain the proper drawing and/or part number
for the material listed under each arrangement or assembly drawing.

FUEL NOZZLE ASSEMBLY (ML0512, 0513,0514)
1. Tip Fuel Nozzle 10
2. Tip Inner cone 10
3. Transition piece Assembly 10
**4 Gasket (Transition piece Assembly to Fuel Nozzle Body) 10
**5 Fuel Nozzle Lock Plate 10
6. Compound, Anti seize 1


** 1. Gasket (Cover to Outer Combustion Casing and Comb. Outer)
Casing to Compressor Discharge Casing) 20
2. Bolt, Twelve Point Head (Outer Casing to Compressor
Discharge Casing) *40
3. Flow Sleeve, Aft Combustion 10
4. Flow Sleeve, Forward Combustion 10
5. Steel Machine Screw (Flow Sleeve Mounting Screws) *16
**6. Gasket (Crossfire Tube adapter Plate) 20
7. Alloy steel, Twelve Point screw (Crossfire tube Adapter Plate) *24
8. Ring Packing (Crossfire Tube) 40

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MS-6001B - Combustion Inspection

Recommended Spare Parts (Cont’d)
9. Bolt, Twelve point (Nut, Packing Gland) *16
10. Crossfire Tube Combustion (Female) 10
11. Crossfire Tube Combustion (Male) 10
12. Spring (Crossfire Tube Retainer) 20
** 13. Ring, Gasket (Fuel Nozzle Mounting Flange) 10
14. Bolt, Hex Head (Fuel Nozzle Flange) *16
**15. Gasket, Pipe Flange (Flame Detector and spark plug mounting flange ) 4
16. Bolt, Hex Head (Flame Detector and spark plug mounting flange) *4
17. Spring Dowel Pin (Flow Sleeve) *4


1. Seal, Aft-Side, Combustion Transition Piece 10
**2. Bolt, Shoulder (Transition Piece Aft Mounting Bracket) 10
**3 Lockplate (Transition Piece Aft Mounting Bracket) 10
**4 Bolt, Shoulder (Transition Piece Forward Mounting Bracket) 20
**5. Lockplate (Transition Piece Forward Mounting Bracket, R.H.) 10
**6. Lockplate (Transition Piece Forward Mounting Bracket, L.H.) 10
**7 Lockplate (Transition Piece Seal Retainer) 10
**8. Bolt, Shoulder (Transition Piece Seal Retainer) 10


I. Cap and Liner Assembly 10


1. Transition Piece Assembly 10

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MS-6001B - Combustion Inspection

Recommended Spare Parts (Cont’d)
1. Outer Combustion Case, Cover Bolts *48


1. Insulator 1
2. Terminal Extension 1
3. Gasket 2
4. Core Assembly 1
5. Washer, Spark plug 1
6. Washer Sperk Plug 1
7. Lock plate 1
8. Igniter Assembly 1


1. Ultraviolet Flame Detector 2


1. Valve, Check Fuel Oil Line 10


** 1. Gasket, Spiral Wound (Atomizing Air Line From Manifold to
Fuel Nozzle) 20
2. Bolt, Hex Head (Atomizing Air Line Flange to Atomizing
Air Manifold and Fuel Nozzles) *16
3. Nut, Self-Locking (Atomizing Air Line Flanges to
Atomizing Air Manifold and Fuel Nozzles) *16
**4 Gasket, Spiral Wound (Blind Flange Upper Half Turbine Casing) 1

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MS-6001B - Combustion Inspection

Recommended Spare Parts (Cont’d)

5. Bolt, Hex Head (Blind Flange Upper Half Turbine Casing) *2

**6. Locking Plate, Nut and Bolt 8


(If Applicable To Unit)
1. Valve, Check Fuel Nozzle Purge Line 10


(If Applicable To Unit)
**l. Gasket (Gas Line Flange to Fuel Nozzle) 10
**2. Gasket (Gas Line Flange to Gas Manifold Flange) 10
3. Bolt, Hex Head (Fuel Nozzle and Gas Manifold Flange) *16
4. Nut, Self Locking (Fuel Nozzle and Gas Manifold Flange) *16


The list of gaskets, nuts, bolts and connectors male and female shown below with varying
quantities, indicate that there are different sizes required. Using the applicable piping
arrangement cooling and sealing air piping arrangement drawing, the user should procure the
gasketing quantities shown and approximately 20% of the hardware quantities shown to
cover any hardware which may be reusable.

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MS-6001B - Combustion Inspection

Recommended Spare Parts (Cont’d)
**l. Gasket 5
**2. Gasket 5
**3 Gasket 8
**4 Gasket 6
**5. Gasket 4
6. Locking Plate, Nut & Bolt *10
7. Bolt, Hex Head (.500-13 x 2.25) *4
8. Bolt, Hex Head (.625-11 x 3.00) *15
9. Bolt, Hex Head (.625-Il x 3.25) *8
10. Bolt, Hex Head (.750-10 x 3.75) *4
11. Bolt, Hex Head (.750-10 x 10.50) *8
12. Connector; Male 2
13. Connector; Male 1
14. Connector; Male 2
15. Connector; Male 10
16. Connector, Tube Female 1
17. Elbow, Union 3
18. Elbow, Union 2
19. Elbow, Union 7
20. Union, Tube 2
21. Union,Tube 4
22. Union, Tube 7
23. Tee, Tube Union 2
24. Nut, Self Locking *5
25. Nut, Self Locking *6
26. Nut, Self Locking *6

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Maintenance & Inspections

SP – MS6001

MS-6001B - Combustion Inspection

Recommended Spare Parts (Cont’d)
1. Exhaust and Trip Thermocouples 16


1. Insert, Wire Locking (Helicoil) 4
2. Insert, Wire Locking (Helicoil) 9
3. Wire, Insert (Helicoil) 30
4. Wire, Insert (Helicoil) 1

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Hyderabad Page 96 of 117

Maintenance & Inspections

SP – MS6001

MS-6001B – Hot Gas Path Inspection

Recommended Spare Parts

Refer to your Parts Volume Service Manual to obtain the proper drawing and/or part number
for the material listed under each arrangement or assembly drawing.

FUEL NOZZLE ASSEMBLY (ML0512, 0513,0514)
1. Tip Fuel Nozzle 10
2. Tip Inner cone 10
3. Transition piece Assembly 10
**4 Gasket (Transition piece Assembly to Fuel Nozzle Body) 10
**5 Fuel Nozzle Lock Plate 10
6. Compound, Anti seize 1


** 1. Gasket (Cover to Outer Combustion Casing and Comb. Outer)
Casing to Compressor Discharge Casing) 20
2. Bolt, Twelve Point Head (Outer Casing to Compressor
Discharge Casing) *40
3. Flow Sleeve, Aft Combustion 10
4. Flow Sleeve, Forward Combustion 10
5. Steel Machine Screw (Flow Sleeve Mounting Screws) *16
**6. Gasket (Crossfire Tube adapter Plate) 20
7. Alloy steel, Twelve Point screw (Crossfire tube Adapter Plate) *24
8. Ring Packing (Crossfire Tube) 40

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Hyderabad Page 97 of 117

Maintenance & Inspections

SP – MS6001

MS-6001B - Hot Gas Path Inspection

Recommended Spare Parts (Cont’d)
9. Bolt, Twelve point (Nut, Packing Gland) *16
10. Crossfire Tube Combustion (Female) 10
11. Crossfire Tube Combustion (Male) 10
12. Spring (Crossfire Tube Retainer) 20
** 13. Ring, Gasket (Fuel Nozzle Mounting Flange) 10
14. Bolt, Hex Head (Fuel Nozzle Flange) *16
**15. Gasket, Pipe Flange (Flame Detector and spark plug mounting flange ) 4
16. Bolt, Hex Head (Flame Detector and spark plug mounting flange) *4
17. Spring Dowel Pin (Flow Sleeve) *4


1. Seal, Aft-Side, Combustion Transition Piece 10
**2. Bolt, Shoulder (Transition Piece Aft Mounting Bracket) 10
**3 Lockplate (Transition Piece Aft Mounting Bracket) 10
**4 Bolt, Shoulder (Transition Piece Forward Mounting Bracket) 20
**5. Lockplate (Transition Piece Forward Mounting Bracket, R.H.) 10
**6. Lockplate (Transition Piece Forward Mounting Bracket, L.H.) 10
**7 Lockplate (Transition Piece Seal Retainer) 10
**8. Bolt, Shoulder (Transition Piece Seal Retainer) 10


I. Cap and Liner Assembly 10


1. Transition Piece Assembly 10

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Hyderabad Page 98 of 117

Maintenance & Inspections

SP – MS6001

MS-6001B - Hot Gas Path Inspection

Recommended Spare Parts (Cont’d)
1. Outer Combustion Case, Cover Bolts *48


1. Insulator 1
2. Terminal Extension 1
3. Gasket 2
4. Core Assembly 1
5. Washer, Spark plug 1
6. Washer Sperk Plug 1
7. Lock plate 1
8. Igniter Assembly 1


1. Ultraviolet Flame Detector 2


1. Valve, Check Fuel Oil Line 10


** 1. Gasket, Spiral Wound (Atomizing Air Line From Manifold to
Fuel Nozzle) 20
3. Bolt, Hex Head (Atomizing Air Line Flange to Atomizing
Air Manifold and Fuel Nozzles) *16
3. Nut, Self-Locking (Atomizing Air Line Flanges to
Atomizing Air Manifold and Fuel Nozzles) *16
**4 Gasket, Spiral Wound (Blind Flange Upper Half Turbine Casing) 1

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Hyderabad Page 99 of 117

Maintenance & Inspections

SP – MS6001

MS-6001B - Hot Gas Path Inspection

Recommended Spare Parts (Cont’d)

5. Bolt, Hex Head (Blind Flange Upper Half Turbine Casing) *2

**6. Locking Plate, Nut and Bolt 8


(If Applicable To Unit)
1. Valve, Check Fuel Nozzle Purge Line 10


(If Applicable To Unit)
**l. Gasket (Gas Line Flange to Fuel Nozzle) 10
**2. Gasket (Gas Line Flange to Gas Manifold Flange) 10
3. Bolt, Hex Head (Fuel Nozzle and Gas Manifold Flange) *16
4. Nut, Self Locking (Fuel Nozzle and Gas Manifold Flange) *16


The list of gaskets, nuts, bolts and connectors male and female shown below with varying
quantities, indicate that there are different sizes required. Using the applicable piping
arrangement cooling and sealing air piping arrangement drawing, the user should procure the
gasketing quantities shown and approximately 20% of the hardware quantities shown to
cover any hardware which may be reusable.

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Hyderabad Page 100 of 117

Maintenance & Inspections

SP – MS6001

MS-6001B - Hot Gas Path Inspection

Recommended Spare Parts (Cont’d)
**l. Gasket 5
**2. Gasket 5
**3 Gasket 8
**4 Gasket 6
**5. Gasket 4
6. Locking Plate, Nut & Bolt *10
7. Bolt, Hex Head (.500-13 x 2.25) *4
8. Bolt, Hex Head (.625-11 x 3.00) *15
9. Bolt, Hex Head (.625-Il x 3.25) *8
10. Bolt, Hex Head (.750-10 x 3.75) *4
11. Bolt, Hex Head (.750-10 x 10.50) *8
12. Connector; Male 2
13. Connector; Male 1
14. Connector; Male 2
15. Connector; Male 10
16. Connector, Tube Female 1
17. Elbow, Union 3
18. Elbow, Union 2
19. Elbow, Union 7
20. Union, Tube 2
21. Union,Tube 4
22. Union, Tube 7
23. Tee, Tube Union 2
24. Nut, Self Locking *5
25. Nut, Self Locking *6
26. Nut, Self Locking *6

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Hyderabad Page 101 of 117

Maintenance & Inspections

SP – MS6001

MS-6001B - Hot Gas Path Inspection

Recommended Spare Parts (Cont’d)
1. First Stage Nozzle Arrangement 1


1. Insert, Wire Locking (Helicoil) 4
2. Insert, Wire Locking (Helicoil) 9
3. Wire insert (Helicoil) 30
4. Wire insert (Helicoil) 1


** 1. Insert Wire Locking (Helicoil) 18


1. Seal, Rubber Strip 2
2. Strip 1
3. Gasket, Silicone 1
4. Gasket, Dryback Adhesive 1
5. Gasket, Asbestos 1
6. Screw, Machine Round Head (#10-24 x 0.750) *5
7. Washer, Plain Regular (.375 Steel Plain Washer) *20
8. Bolt, Hex Head (.375-16 x 3.50) *15
9. Washer, Rubber *16
10. Bolt, Hex Head (.375-16 x 2.50) *4
11. Lockwasher, Spring (.625 Steel Spring Lockwasher) *12
12. Bolt, Hex Head (.625-11 x 2.00) *4
13. Nut, Hexagon (.625-11) *8
14. Bolt, Hex Head (.250-20 x 0.750) *8

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Hyderabad Page 102 of 117

Maintenance & Inspections

SP – MS6001

MS-6001B - Hot Gas Path Inspection

Recommended Spare Parts (Cont’d)
1. Bolt, Twelve Point Head (Compressor Discharge Casing to
Turbine Casing) *8
2. Nut, Twelve Point (Compressor Discharge Casing to
Turbine Casing) *8
3. Bolt, Twelve Point Head Turbine Casing to Exhaust Frame) *5

The above quantities cover approximately 20% of the top half casings bolting requirements

CASE MACHINING TURBINE (ML0705) turbine Casing Horizontal Flange Hardware)

I. Stud *1
2. Nut, Twelve Point *9
3. Bolt, Twelve Point *5
4. Bolt, Twelve Point *1
5. Stud,Body Bound *1
6. Stud *1
7. Stud *1


1. Bolt, Hex Head (.500-13 x 1.250) 28
2. Expansion Joint, Segment (Forward Section) 14
3. Gasket, Exhaust Plenum (Forward Section) 1

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Hyderabad Page 103 of 117

Maintenance & Inspections

SP – MS6001

MS-6001B - Hot Gas Path Inspection

Recommended Spare Parts (Cont’d)
** 1. Gasket, Forward Exhaust Transition Piece Removable Panel 1


1. Exhaust and Trip Thermocouples 16

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Hyderabad Page 104 of 117

Maintenance & Inspections

SP – MS6001

MS-6001B – Major Inspection

Recommended Spare Parts

Refer to your Parts Volume Service Manual to obtain the proper drawing and/or part number
for the material listed under each arrangement or assembly drawing.

FUEL NOZZLE ASSEMBLY (ML0512, 0513,0514)
1. Tip Fuel Nozzle 10
2. Tip Inner cone 10
3. Transition piece Assembly 10
**4 Gasket (Transition piece Assembly to Fuel Nozzle Body) 10
**5 Fuel Nozzle Lock Plate 10
6. Compound, Anti seize 1


** 1. Gasket (Cover to Outer Combustion Casing and Comb. Outer)
Casing to Compressor Discharge Casing) 20
2. Bolt, Twelve Point Head (Outer Casing to Compressor
Discharge Casing) *40
3. Flow Sleeve, Aft Combustion 10
4. Flow Sleeve, Forward Combustion 10
5. Steel Machine Screw (Flow Sleeve Mounting Screws) *16
**6. Gasket (Crossfire Tube adapter Plate) 20
7. Alloy steel, Twelve Point screw (Crossfire tube Adapter Plate) *24
8. Ring Packing (Crossfire Tube) 40

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Hyderabad Page 105 of 117

Maintenance & Inspections

SP – MS6001

MS-6001B - Major Inspection

Recommended Spare Parts (Cont’d)
9. Bolt, Twelve point (Nut, Packing Gland) *16
10. Crossfire Tube Combustion (Female) 10
11. Crossfire Tube Combustion (Male) 10
12. Spring (Crossfire Tube Retainer) 20
** 13. Ring, Gasket (Fuel Nozzle Mounting Flange) 10
14. Bolt, Hex Head (Fuel Nozzle Flange) *16
**15. Gasket, Pipe Flange (Flame Detector and spark plug mounting flange ) 4
16. Bolt, Hex Head (Flame Detector and spark plug mounting flange) *4
17. Spring Dowel Pin (Flow Sleeve) *4


1. Seal, Aft-Side, Combustion Transition Piece 10
**2. Bolt, Shoulder (Transition Piece Aft Mounting Bracket) 10
**3 Lockplate (Transition Piece Aft Mounting Bracket) 10
**4 Bolt, Shoulder (Transition Piece Forward Mounting Bracket) 20
**5. Lockplate (Transition Piece Forward Mounting Bracket, R.H.) 10
**6. Lockplate (Transition Piece Forward Mounting Bracket, L.H.) 10
**7 Lockplate (Transition Piece Seal Retainer) 10
**8. Bolt, Shoulder (Transition Piece Seal Retainer) 10


I. Cap and Liner Assembly 10


1. Transition Piece Assembly 10

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Hyderabad Page 106 of 117

Maintenance & Inspections

SP – MS6001

MS-6001B - Major Inspection

Recommended Spare Parts (Cont’d)
1. Outer Combustion Case, Cover Bolts *48


1. Insulator 1
2. Terminal Extension 1
3. Gasket 2
4. Core Assembly 1
5. Washer, Spark plug 1
6. Washer Sperk Plug 1
7. Lock plate 1
8. Igniter Assembly 1


1. Ultraviolet Flame Detector 2


1. Valve, Check Fuel Oil Line 10


** 1. Gasket, Spiral Wound (Atomizing Air Line From Manifold to
Fuel Nozzle) 20
4. Bolt, Hex Head (Atomizing Air Line Flange to Atomizing
Air Manifold and Fuel Nozzles) *16
3. Nut, Self-Locking (Atomizing Air Line Flanges to
Atomizing Air Manifold and Fuel Nozzles) *16
**4 Gasket, Spiral Wound (Blind Flange Upper Half Turbine Casing) 1

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Hyderabad Page 107 of 117

Maintenance & Inspections

SP – MS6001

MS-6001B - Major Inspection

Recommended Spare Parts (Cont’d)

5. Bolt, Hex Head (Blind Flange Upper Half Turbine Casing) *2

**6. Locking Plate, Nut and Bolt 8


(If Applicable To Unit)
1. Valve, Check Fuel Nozzle Purge Line 10


(If Applicable To Unit)
**l. Gasket (Gas Line Flange to Fuel Nozzle) 10
**2. Gasket (Gas Line Flange to Gas Manifold Flange) 10
3. Bolt, Hex Head (Fuel Nozzle and Gas Manifold Flange) *16
4. Nut, Self Locking (Fuel Nozzle and Gas Manifold Flange) *16


The list of gaskets, nuts, bolts and connectors male and female shown below with varying
quantities, indicate that there are different sizes required. Using the applicable piping
arrangement cooling and sealing air piping arrangement drawing, the user should procure the
gasketing quantities shown and approximately 20% of the hardware quantities shown to
cover any hardware which may be reusable.

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Hyderabad Page 108 of 117

Maintenance & Inspections

SP – MS6001

MS-6001B - Major Inspection

Recommended Spare Parts (Cont’d)
**l. Gasket 5
**2. Gasket 5
**3 Gasket 8
**4 Gasket 6
**5. Gasket 4
6. Locking Plate, Nut & Bolt *10
7. Bolt, Hex Head (.500-13 x 2.25) *4
8. Bolt, Hex Head (.625-11 x 3.00) *15
9. Bolt, Hex Head (.625-Il x 3.25) *8
10. Bolt, Hex Head (.750-10 x 3.75) *4
11. Bolt, Hex Head (.750-10 x 10.50) *8
12. Connector; Male 2
13. Connector; Male 1
14. Connector; Male 2
15. Connector; Male 10
16. Connector, Tube Female 1
17. Elbow, Union 3
18. Elbow, Union 2
19. Elbow, Union 7
20. Union, Tube 2
21. Union,Tube 4
22. Union, Tube 7
23. Tee, Tube Union 2
24. Nut, Self Locking *5
25. Nut, Self Locking *6
26. Nut, Self Locking *6

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Hyderabad Page 109 of 117

Maintenance & Inspections

SP – MS6001

MS-6001B - Major Inspection

Recommended Spare Parts (Cont’d)
1. First Stage Nozzle Arrangement 1


1. Insert, Wire Locking (Helicoil) 4
2. Insert, Wire Locking (Helicoil) 9
3. Wire insert (Helicoil) 30
4. Wire insert (Helicoil) 1


1. Support Ring First Stage 1


1. Second Stage Nozzle Arrangement


1. Third Stage Nozzle Arrangement I


1. Liner Bearing No.1 1
2. Oil Deflector No.1' Bearing 1
3. Stationary Oil Seal Assembly 1
4. Forward Stationary Oil Seal 1
5. Air Seal Assembly I
6. Pin, Shoulder, Headless I
7. Screw, Flat Head (0.375-16 x 0.750) 2
8. Washer 2
9. Pin, Dowel

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Hyderabad Page 110 of 117

Maintenance & Inspections

SP – MS6001

MS-6001B - Major Inspection

Recommended Spare Parts (Cont’d)
1. Liner Bearing No.2 1
2. Deflector, forward Bearing No.2 1
3. Seal, Stationary Oil, Bearing No.2 1
4. Pin, Anti-Rotatioii, Seal I
5. Pin, Anti-Rotation, Seal 2
6. Locking Plate 4
7. Locking Plate 4


1. Shim Loaded Thrust Bearing) 1
2. Shim (Unloaded Thrust Bearing) 1
3. Bearing Thrust, No.1 Bearing 1
4. Bearing, Loaded Thrust 1


1. First Stage Buckets (Complete Set) 1
2. Pin Shank Seal, First Stage Buckets 92
3. Pin Seal, First Stage Buckets 92
4. Wire Lock, First Stage Buckets 1
5. Pin Shank Seal, Second Stage Buckets 92
6. Pin Platform Seal, Second Stage Buckets 92
7. Wire Lock, Second Stage Buckets 1
8. Pin Dowel, First & Second Stage Buckets (Wire Lock) 12
9. Pin Shank Seal, Third Stage Buckets 92
10. Pin Platform Seal, Third stage Buckets 92
11. Lock Twist, Third Stage Buckets 92

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Hyderabad Page 111 of 117

Maintenance & Inspections

SP – MS6001

MS-6001B - Major Inspection

Recommended Spare Parts (Cont’d)


The list of gaskets, nuts and bolts shown below with varying quantities, indicates that there
are different sizes required. Using the applicable ducting and plenum arrangement inlet
drawings, the user should procure the gasketing quantities shown and approximately 20% of
the hardware quantities shown to cover any hardware which may not be reusable.

1. Bolt, Hex Head (plenum Arrangement) N22P25020 *30

2. Washer, Plain (p1enum Arrangement) N402P43 *25
3. Nut (plenum Arrangement) N235P125 *25
**4. Gasket , Duct (Plenum Arrangement) 1
**5. Gasket, Access Cover Plate (Plenum Arrangement) 4
**6. Gasket, Duct Inlet 1
**7 Gasket, Duct Inlet 1
**8. Gasket Duct Inlet 4
**9 Gasket Duct Inlet 2
10. Bolt, Hex Head N17P29028 *80
11. Nut, Hex (.5O~13) N205P29 *72
12. Bolt, Hex Head N17P29036 *9
13. Washer, Plain Wide N402P75 *45

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Hyderabad Page 112 of 117

Maintenance & Inspections

SP – MS6001

MS-6001B - Major Inspection

Recommended Spare Parts (Cont’d)

The list of gaskets, nuts and bolts shown below with varying quantities, indicates that there
are different sizes required. Using the applicable ducting and plenum arrangement exhaust
drawings, the user should procure the gasketing and the hardware quantities shown.
1. Insulation, Needlemat (Aft Side) Plenum AR
2. Expansion Joint Segment (Forward Side) Plenum 14
3. Clamp Segments, Expansion Joint Forward Side 14
**4 Gasket, Exhaust (Forward Side) Plenum I
5. Bolt, Hex Head N14P29020 56
6. Expansion Joint Segment (Aft Side) Plenum 14
7. Clamp Segments, Expansion Joint Aft Side 14
**8. Gasket, Exhaust (Aft Side) Plenum
9. Nut, Hexagon (Exhaust Ducts To Exhaust Transition Piece) N227P35 * 19
10. Bolt, Hex Head (Transition Piece To Exhaust Plenum) N24P29028 * 19
11. Gasket (Transition Piece To Exhaust Plenum)
12. Cement, Contact (Transition Piece To Exhaust Plenum) AR
13. Bolt, Vertical Exhaust Removable Door Sides & Top, N24P33044 64
14. Nut, Vertical Exhaust Removable Door Sides & Top, N227P33 64
15. Washer, Vertical Exhaust Removable Door Sides & Top, N402P47 64
16. Bolt, Exhaust Plenum Removable Door, N22P25024 28
17. Nut, Exhaust Plenum Removable Door, 974A827P6 28
18. Washer, Exhaust Plenum Removable Door, N402P43 28
**19. Gasket, Exhaust Plenum Removable Door, 238A273P324 AR

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Hyderabad Page 113 of 117

Maintenance & Inspections

SP – MS6001

MS-6001B - Major Inspection

Recommended Spare Parts (Cont’d)

The list of gaskets, nut and bolts shown below with varying quantities, indicates that there
are different sizes required. Using the applicable enclosure to base arrangement drawing, the
user should procure the gasketing quantities shown and approximately 20% of the hardware
quantities shown to cover any hardware which may not be reusable.

** 1. Gasket, Access Cover Plate 1

2. Seal1 Rubber Strip 2
3. Strip 1
4. Seal, rubber Strip 1
*5 Gasket, Panel 1
**6. Gasket, Silicone 1
**7 Gasket, Dryback Adhesive 1
**8. Gasket, Asbetos 1
9. Cement AR
10. Caulking AR
11. Adhesive AR
**12. Gasket 56
**13. Gasket, Duct I
**14. Gasket, Duct I
15. Screw, Machine Round Head *5
16 Washer, Plain Regular *2
17. Bolt,HexHead *2
18. Washer, Plain Regular *18

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Hyderabad Page 114 of 117

Maintenance & Inspections

SP – MS6001

MS-6001B - Major Inspection

Recommended Spare Parts (Cont’d)
19. Nut, Hexagon *3
20. Bolt, Hex Head *14
21. Washer, Rubber *16
22. Bolt, Hex Head *3
23. Bolt, Hex Head *8
24. Bolt, Hex Head *2
25. Bolt, Hex Head *12
26. Washer, Plain Wide *12
27. Washer, Flat *7
28. Washer; Plain Regular *7
29. Bolt, Hex Head *12
30. Washer, Plain Wide *12
31. Lockwasher, Spring *13
32. Bolt, Hex Head *4
33. Nut,Hexagon *7
34. Bolt, Hex Head *6
35. Bolt, Hex Head *3
36. Washer, Plain Regular *2
37. Nut, Hexagon *2
38. Bolt, Hex Head *7
39. Washer *7
40. Bolt, Hex Head *3
41. Nut,Hexagon *2
42. Bolt, Hex Head *8
43. Bolt, Hex Head *3
44. Bolt, Hex Head *2

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Hyderabad Page 115 of 117

Maintenance & Inspections

SP – MS6001

MS-6001B - Major Inspection

Recommended Spare Parts (Cont’d)
**l. Gasket AR
2. Bolt, Hex Head 18
3. Nut,Hex 18

CASE MACHINING TURBINE (ML0705) (Turbine Shell Horizontal Flange Hardware)

1. Stud *1
2. Nut, Twelve Point *9
3. Bolt, Twelve Point *5
4. Bolt, Twelve Point *1
5. Stud, Body Bound *1
6. Stud *1
7. Stud *1


1. Bolt, Hex Head (Compressor Casing To Inlet Casing) *6
2. Bolt, Hex Head (Compressor Casing To In let Casing) *1
3. Bolt, Twelve Point Head (Compressor Casing To Discharge Casing) *5
4. Bolt, Twelve Point (Compressor Discharge Casing To Turbine Casing)*1
5. Bolt, Twelve Point (Compressor Discharge Casing To Turbine Casing)
6. Nut, Twelve Point (Compressor Discharge Casing to Turbine Casing) *8
7. Bolt, Twelve Point (Turbine Casing to Exhaust Frame) *5

The above quantities cover approximately 20% of the top half casings bolting requirements

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Hyderabad Page 116 of 117

Maintenance & Inspections

SP – MS6001

MS-6001B - Major Inspection

Recommended Spare Parts (Cont’d)
1. Radiation Shield Thermocouples 16


1. Exhaust and Trip Thermocouples 16

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Hyderabad Page 117 of 117

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