A Brief Review of Compressed Stabilized Earth Bric PDF
A Brief Review of Compressed Stabilized Earth Bric PDF
A Brief Review of Compressed Stabilized Earth Bric PDF
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Abstract—Earth as a building material has already known for earth used is generally subsoil, thus the topsoil can be used for
centuries started with plain mud and straw utilized sun dried agriculture. Building with local materials can employ local
producing brick adobe with low strength and durability until its people, and is more sustainable in crisis [1-5].
evolved to become fired clay brick with mass rapid production in
the kiln. In the growing concern of awareness regarding One of the drawbacks using earth alone as a material for
sustainable building material and environmental issue, construction is its durability which is strongly related to its
Compressed Stabilized Earth Brick (CSEB) give the view of compressive strength [6-8]. Because most soil in their natural
energy efficient, cost reduction and environmental friendly condition lack the strength, dimensional stability and
building materials, overall contribution on the sustainable
durability required for building construction. The technique to
development. It turned out that CSEB properties can be very
easy bear comparison with other materials such as concrete block enhance natural durability and strength of soil defined as soil
or normal fired brick. stabilization. there are several types of stabilization: first,
mechanical stabilization; second; physical stabilization; and
Keywords-bricks; soil; compressed; stabilized. third chemical stabilization [2, 9].
Limited data sources regarding CSEB around the world
with different types of soils and stabilizers also the lack of
I. INTRODUCTION standard performance and criteria in most country and hence
Earth, undoubtedly is the oldest building material known. adopt standard and criteria for normal fired clay brick has
Even though building with earth once fell out of popularity moved us to give little contribution in CSEB literatures. The
when the modern building materials and methods were rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes
discovered, but then it gains its revival time following the CSEB bricks in general, brick classification, the advantage of
energy crisis. Moreover, growing concern and interest about using CSEB also production and curing method of CSEB.
environmental and ecological issue globally also increased the Section 3 describes the mix of CSEB, types of soil and
used of earth as a building material. stabilizer used and the proportion of CSEB mixes. Section 4
In comparison with another building material, CSEB describes performance of CSEB including strength, density,
offered numbers of advantages. It increases the utilization of water absorption, moisture content, shrinkage and durability.
local material and reduces the transportation cost as the Finally, the conclusion of our work is described in section 5.
production is in situ, makes quality housing available to more
people, and generates local economy rather than spending for
import materials. Faster and easier construction method II. CSEB BRICKS
resulted in less skilled labor required, good strength, insulation
Brick can be classified in several ways. ASTM standard
and thermal properties, less carbon emission and embodied
categorized brick as building brick (ASTM C 62), facing brick
energy in the production phase, create extremely low level of
(ASTM C 216), hollow brick (ASTM C 652), and thin veneer
waste and easily dispose off, cause no direct environmental
brick (ASTM C 1088) [10]. The building brick can be used in
pollution during the whole life cycle. Earth brick also have the
load bearing and non-load bearing walls and also for
ability to absorb atmospheric moisture which resulted create
insulation purpose. Brick can also be categorized as clay
healthy environment inside a building for its occupant. The
the brick matrix. Factors affecting the CSEB brick strength are plasticity index. But for plasticity index >20, it is not suitable
cement-content, types of soil (plasticity index), compaction with manual compaction [2]. Anifowose [14] found that iron
pressure and types of compaction. presents in the soil is responsible for low compressive strength
Optimum cement content for the stabilization is in the range in the soil stabilization process.
of 5% to 10% where addition above 10% will affect the Table 1 provides the summary of salient research literatures
strength of the bricks in negative way. Plasticity index of the related to the compressed earth brick comprises prominent
clay soil is usually in the range of 15 to 25. study that ranging from 1995 to 2009.
The best earth soils for stabilization are those with low
absorption rate decrease with increasing in age of earth bricks.
High rate of water absorption of a specimen may cause
The strength of the CSEB can be increased by adding swelling of stabilized clay fraction and resulting in losing
natural fibers where it can improve the ductility in tension. strength with time. As observed by Walker [15] water
The improvement is by retarding the tensile crack propagation absorption, as well as porosity, increases with clay content and
after initial formation and also the shrinkage cracking [16]. decreasing cement content.
Since there is no standard testing for CSEB, most Between cement, lime, cement-lime and cement-resin,
researchers determined the compressive strength using the combination cement and resin stabilization show the lowest
testing method used for fired clay brick and concrete masonry water absorption both in capillary absorption and total
block such as ASTM 1984, BS 6073-1:1981, BSI 1985, BS absorption [6]. Freidin and Errel [11] tried to reduce the water
EN 772-1, BS 1924-2:1990, Standard Australia 1997, uptake by adding a hydrophobic material, in this case was
Australian Standard 2733 [2, 12, 21, 22]. The unconfined siloxane-polymethylhydrohen-siloxane and combined with
compressive test needs expensive equipment and must be slag + fly ash which is highly absorbent and the result showed
carried out in the laboratory, hence some researchers suggest that the water uptake with the addition of 0.5% siloxane less
using indirect compressive test (i.e. flexural test/modulus of than a quarter of the water uptake of fly ash-slag without
rupture/three-point bending test). These indirect test provide additive.
simple, inexpensive and fast assessment of in-situ bending Sand content in the mixes apparently can reduce water
strength of the brick [23, 24]. Walker [2, 12] suggested to use absorption and weight loss even though does not affect the
factors that modulus of rupture is equivalent with one-sixth of compressive strength significantly [8]. Standard used to
its compressive strength and in his latest experiment suggested determine water absorption is ASTM C 140 (total water
that unconfined compressive strength is about five times of the absorption), BS EN 771-2 and Australian Standards 2733
bending strength. (initial rate of absorption) [15, 22, 26].
Compacting procedure also affect considerably on the Moisture contents affect strength development and
compressive strength of the CSEB brick. Guettala et al [8] durability of the material and have a significant influence on
concluded that by increasing the compacting stress from 5 to the long term performance of stabilized soil material
20 MPa, it will improve the compressive strength up to 70%. especially has an effect on bonding with mortars at the time of
His conclusion was strengthened by Bahar et al [25] observed construction. When the brick is dry, water is rapidly sucked
that by using dynamic compaction energy dry compressive out of the mortar preventing good adhesion and proper
strength increases by more than 50% but for vibro-static hydration of the cement and when the brick is very wet the
compaction increases slightly for about 5%. mortars tends to float on the surface without gaining proper
Brick strength and brick characteristic flexural bond adhesion [20, 26].
strength are the factors that limiting the bond strength between Types of compaction affect the optimum water content in
bricks and mortars in wall panels made from CSEB [26]. the stabilized mixes. Dynamic compaction can reduce the
Hence, types of bricks such as solid, interlocking or hollow optimum water content from 12% to 10% with the
and type of bond like English, Flemmish or Rat trap bond also compressive strength increased for about 50%. Bahar [25]
play an important role in flexural strength of the panels [27]. stated the optimum water content range between 10 to 13% for
static compaction, as for vibro-static compaction slightly
B. Density increase compressive strength with the same water content for
Commonly, most researchers found that the density of low compressive load. According to Osula [17] soil-lime
compressed stabilized earth bricks is within the range of 1500 mixes required higher optimum moisture content than soil-
to 2000 kg /m3. Density of the compressed earth brick is cement mixes. Standards conform to determine water content
consistently related to its compressive strength and such as ASTM D 558, Australian Standards 1289, BS 1924-2
compactive force applied during production. The dry density (1990), BS EN 1745[15, 20, 22, 26].
is largely a function of the constituent material’s
characteristics, moisture content during pressing and the D. Shrinkage
degree of compactive load applied and even in India Drying shrinkage of the bricks was primarily governed by
compressive strength is controlled by density. Types of the plasticity index and cement content. Water-loss also
compaction applied such as dynamic, static and vibro will also contributes to the shrink of the clay fraction. For low clay
affect the density. The density of brick can be determined mineral content (index plasticity below 20%), drying
through standard procedure such as ASTM C 140 and BS shrinkage showed steady increase with the increase of clay
1924-2 (1990) and others [20, 22, 23, 25, 26]. content, but for plasticity index beyond 25% – 30% drying
shrinkage increased rapidly as the clay content also increased.
C. Water Absorption and Moisture Content Soil with plasticity index <20 is good for cement stabilization
Water absorption is a function of clay and cement content with cement content 10%. And commonly used drying
and usually related with the strength and durability of earth shrinkage limit from 0.008% to 0.10% [2, 15, 26].
bricks and therefore it is important to determine the rate of Sand as part of the mix, seems has significance influence in
water absorption of earth bricks. Oti [20] stated that water shrinkage although sand content does not affect significantly
the compressive strength as stated by Guettala [8] but Rahman through experimental and theoretical method. Compressed
[28] found out it can decrease plasticity, linear shrinkage and stabilized earth bricks showed better thermal conductivity
warping. value compare to the fired clay bricks.
Bahar et al [25] reported that shrinkage increases rapidly ¾ Lime-GGBS based: 0.2545 ± 0.0350 W m-1 K-1
during the first 4 days for cement stabilized earth bricks and ¾ Cement-GGBS based: 0.2612 ± 0.0350 W m-1 K-1
the addition of sand reduces the shrinkage as sand particles ¾ Fired clay bricks: 0.4007 ± 0.0350 W m-1 K-1
oppose the shrinkage movement. He also observed that the Bahar et al [25] noted that the addition of cement and sand
addition of cement content can reduce the shrinkage until 44% content can decrease slightly the conductivity of the brick. The
for 10% cement content added. BSI 6073 and Australian advantage of having low thermal conductivity can result in
Standards 2733 can be used to measure the drying shrinkage energy efficiency, cost reduction of heating in winter and air
[2, 15]. conditioning in summer, and environmental friendly of a
building. Fired clay bricks have higher conductivity value
E. Durability because the firing process of clay bricks makes the clay to
The basic principal of the stabilization is to prevent water partially combine to form a glassy product so as to give the
attacks and it could be achieved if a durable material can be product the strength and durability. It is also a result from the
obtained with limited loss in mechanical strength in a wet breakdown of the original clay mineral and the formation of
state. From several experiments, durability associated with the new crystalline material and glass phases.
stabilizer content, clay content and compacting stress. To determine the thermal value of compressed stabilized
Basically, durable stabilized clay material building can be earth bricks can utilize the following standards such as BS EN
achieved as long as they are not saturated. The problems arise 1745 (thermal conductivity and thermal resistance), ASTM C
when the materials are subjected to the long term saturation 518-91 and ASTM C 1132-89 (thermal value) [22].
and exposed to various climatic conditions. Also it is observed
that the present of unstabilized material was likely to be
particularly detrimental to the durability. V. CONLUSION
Heathcote [7] observed that rain drop can release the kinetic In this paper, we have done a brief review on Compressed
energy that impacted the brick and causing material falling Stabilized Earth Brick (CSEB). Previous researches showed
from the surface of wall panels. He stated that wet/oven dry that compressed earth bricks demonstrate many advantages
ratio of 33% may be a suitable criterion for evaluating the compare to conventional fired bricks. Compressed stabilized
durability of cement stabilized earth specimen. earth bricks are ultimately greener, eco friendly, comparable
As observed by Oti [20] combination bricks made of clay, in strength, durability and thermal conductivity. The use of
cement, lime and Ground Granulated Blast Furnace (GGBS) compressive earth bricks also promotes healthier living for the
subjected up to 100 cycles 24 hours repeated of freezing and building dwellers. Still it has many possibilities to explore
thawing showed satisfaction result where only having more in enhancing its properties.
maximum 1.9% weight loss at the end of the 100th cycles. The Data from related works showed that an average saturated
examination after the test showed no damaged occur of any compressive strength of CSEB is 35% less than its average dry
type. compressive strength. The average density of CSEB is almost
The measurement of durability according to the standards equivalent with the common brick. Also it has shown that
such as ASTM normalization (ASTAM 1993), ASTM D 599- compressed earth brick demonstrates comparable durability
57 (resistance to water erosion), ASTM 560 and DDCENT/TS with that of normal fired clay bricks. Thermal value
772-22 (freeze-thaw test), wire brush test, Australian experiment indicated that thermal conductivity of CSEB
Standards 2002 and Doat et al (water spray test), Weisz et al showed compliance with the design thermal requirements for
(water drip test), are very severe compared to the natural clay masonry and building regulations.
condition, nevertheless, in general, clay material still have The research conducted emphasizes on the advantages of
potential to damage from rising damp, freeze/thaw cycles and using CSEB for better living. As it promote healthier building
surface erosion caused by wind-driven rain as clay mineral material and cost reducing not only in production but also in
tend to disrupt the cement action [2, 8, 12, 15, 20, 22, 26]. service cost. Although economic potential may attract more
rather than ecological reasons, the full scale production of
F. Thermal Value compressed stabilized earth bricks has demonstrated that this
In the growing concern of energy conscious and ecological kind of building material have a great potential in the future
awareness, thermal comfort in building materials is an for low to medium cost housing construction and contribute on
important aspect that attracts great attention nowadays since sustainable development.
building regulations nowadays stressing more on the thermal
performance of the buildings compare to the past. As a
building material, brick has quite excellent thermal
conductivity. Oti [22] observed that thermal conductivity is a
function of the material density and moisture content Thus
design value for thermal conductivity can be determined
ACKNOWLEDGMENT Geology, 109(3-4): p. 230-240, 2009
[22] J.E. Oti, J.M. Kinuthia, and J. Bai, “Design thermal values for unfired
The authors would like to thank the Universiti Tun clay bricks”, Materials & Design, 31(1): p. 104-112, 2009
Hussein Onn (UTHM), Johor, Malaysia for providing the [23] J.C. Morel, A. Pkla, and P. Walker, “Compressive strength testing of
international student scholarship and finally acknowledge the compressed earth blocks”, Construction and Building Materials, 21(2):
p. 303-309, 2005
research and staffing resources provided by the Faculty of [24] J.C. Morel, and A. Pkla, “A model to measure compressive strength of
Civil and Environment of the Universiti Tun Hussein Onn compressed earth blocks with the 3 points bending test”. Construction
(UTHM). and Building Materials, 16(5): p. 303-310, 2002
[25] R. Bahar, M. Benazzoug, and S. Kenai, “Performance of compacted
cement-stabilised soil”, Cement and Concrete Composites, 26(7): p.
811-820, 2004
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