2020iccglobaltradesurveyvweb PDF
2020iccglobaltradesurveyvweb PDF
2020iccglobaltradesurveyvweb PDF
About the International Chamber of Commerce 2
Acknowledgements 4
Introduction 6
Foreword 6
Sustainability 64
Survey analysis 64
Digitisation 85
Survey analysis 85
Financial Inclusion 98
Survey analysis 98
SMEs and the trade finance gap: it’s a data problem... 104
Mind the gap: why we need to think about small exporters 114
Project Manager
David Bischof – ICC Banking Commission
Editorial Committee
Dominic Broom – ICC Banking Commission
Mark Evans – ANZ
Huny Garg – SWIFT
Xu Jun – Bank of China
Ana Kavtaradze – Bank of Georgia
Alexander R. Malaket – Opus Advisory, Chair
Dave Meynell – TradeLC Advisory
Vincent O’Brien – ICC Banking Commission
Olivier Paul – ICC Banking Commission
Sponsorship Manager
Sandra Sanchez Nery
All rights reserved. ICC holds all copyright and other intellectual property rights
in this collective work.
We express our sincere appreciation to the Editorial Committee for its commitment,
engagement and invaluable contributions to shaping both the strategic direction and the
content and analysis in this flagship ICC publication:
We extend our appreciation to the 346 respondents to the Global Survey located in
85 countries for their comprehensive, considered and insightful answers to the survey, which
are at the heart of the consistently high value and quality of this report. Survey responses,
complemented by expert insight, content and commentary, underpin a publication unlike any
other in the market today, richly valuable for practitioners, policy professionals, international
development practitioners, academics, multilateral entities and a wide range of members of
the global ecosystem of trade and trade financing.
Boston Consulting Group is a critical partner to the ICC and the Banking Commission in
the conception, development and publication of two flagship ICC reports, this one and
the ICC Trade Register. Our multi-year association has progressed to encompass a wider
scope of collaboration, and has been instrumental in raising the robustness, quality and
authoritativeness of these reports. Our thanks to the BCG team for its tireless work, proactive
leadership and skilled program management: Sukand Ramachandran, Ravi Hanspal and
Noah Mayerson.
We would also like to thank TXF for their ongoing support by providing insightful market
data and analysis to the ICC Global Survey over recent years. Our thanks go the TXF team
for their dedication to the project and invaluable contributions: Tom Parkman, Alfonso Olivas,
Sergio Lopez, and Max Thompson.
The year 2020 has not unfolded as anyone This year’s Global Survey indicates that banks
would have anticipated. The rapid spread are optimistic about the long-term future of
of COVID-19 to nearly every country and trade finance and are looking to invest further
territory in mere weeks has challenged to gain new clients, offer new products
assumptions about the resilience of the global (such as supply chain finance), expand
economy and put tremendous strain on geographically and increase digital offerings.
governments, businesses, healthcare systems However, in the short term many banks
and communities. anticipate a steep decline in trade flows due
to COVID-19, with the majority expecting at
With supply lines and physical movement least a 20–30% decline in 2020 from original
often curtailed in response, global trade as forecasts. This broadly aligns with BCG’s
we knew it in ‘pre-COVID-19’ times has been analysis in the Global Survey, forecasting
significantly disrupted. The consequences a decline of between 11% and 30% in 2020
have been severe, and the IMF predicts trade flows.
unsurprisingly the greatest drop in global
growth since the Great Depression. Every day,
the ongoing pandemic threatens the viability Enabling the shift to digitalised trade
of businesses of all sizes and in nearly every ICC has already launched several initiatives
sector. And as lockdowns in many countries to ensure that its global network can be put
remain in force, the devastating combination to best use in the fight against COVID-19.
of labour constraints, travel restrictions and One aspect of our response to this crisis has
demand shocks continue to cripple business incorporated key objectives to bring greater
activity and escalate unemployment. efficiency to the paper-based global trading
system. Central to this is expediting the shift
In such times, the role of ICC as the voice of to digitalised trade, which the Global Survey
global business is vital. Our work is animated shows is already underway but will need to
by our clear priority to protect and preserve accelerate in the wake of the crisis. Already
lives and livelihoods. As the only private this year, ICC has launched the Digital Trade
sector organisation with a permanent seat at Standards Initiative, a cross-industry effort
the United Nations, ICC has a crucial role to to enable the standardisation of digital
play in supporting the international response trade. This effort will bring greater economic
to this pandemic. And with an unparalleled inclusion, connect digital islands and ensure
reach across global business, we are uniquely the all-important collective nature of formats
placed to marshal key evidence to guide and processes. We are also working with
policymakers through their vital decisions. governments to implement broader legal
Trade has been a critically important part of This temporary moment of tension in the
the human experience for thousands of years. dynamics of trade will normalise as a more
It has seen periods of tension, transition and thoughtful, strategic and informed approach
tragedy – at the core of war and colonialism, to policy returns to shape the global
at the heart of impressive progress in discourse and the actions that follow.
economic inclusion and international
development, and recently at the centre of a In the meantime, the forced, now inevitable,
political posturing and policy that can best be search for alternatives – once it succeeds –
described as controversial. will set a much more solid, inclusive and
sustainable foundation for the global
Additionally, and with some justification, architecture for trade.
trade faces questions today that have never
been levelled at this part of commerce ICC participated in the annual Trade Finance
before: questions related to its sustainability Experts’ Group Meeting hosted by the WTO
in its current form and to the carbon footprint in Geneva in March of this year. This meeting
of key components of the physical supply of senior trade leaders from around the world,
chain, such as the global shipping industry. chaired by WTO Counsellor Marc Auboin
Relatedly, questions about the importance and hosted by Deputy Director General Yi,
of supply chain visibility and traceability provides a unique forum for a far-reaching
have come to the forefront of commercial update on key initiatives and issues across the
and regulatory dialogue, with increasing industry, as well as substantive dialogue on
responsibility placed upon large global policy and advocacy priorities.
buyers, for the behaviours and actions of
their suppliers and extended supply chains. It was in this context that an
underappreciated but important reality of
As we develop content for the 2020 edition trade today was highlighted: the level of
of the ICC Global Survey on Trade Finance, zero-tariff trade concluded on the basis of
the world – including global supply chains – the WTO’s ‘Most Favoured Nation’ status has
grapples with the tragedy and as yet opaque never been higher (Figure 1).
impact of the COVID-19 crisis.
Put another way, despite active, misguided
The Bloomberg New Economy newsletter efforts to dismantle a system that has
of 7 March 2020 strikes a note of cautious contributed to global growth and prosperity
optimism by noting that “Globalization faces since the post-world war era, the reality is
a bend-but-won’t-break crisis on coronavirus” that the core purpose of the multilateral
– a statement that applies equally well to the system continues to advance.
state of globalisation linked to trade.
Trade works and is continuing to work
We have seen significant ‘bending’, and despite an onslaught of poor decisions, poor
incurred material costs around the world policy and absent leadership from those
from a spate of tariffs and ‘trade wars’ that best positioned to advance and magnify its
no one can or will ‘win’, yet the fundamental positive effects for the world.
character of the system remains resilient.
Multilateral, rules-based trade continues to be The prevailing geopolitical and policy
central to the governing of trade flows around environment forces a search for alternatives
the world, despite a slowing of global growth in leadership, in policy and in options for
to the range of 3% in 2019. achieving a more balanced, inclusive reality,
with trade making an important contribution.
2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016
All products Capital goods Consumer goods Intermediate goods Raw materials
We will soon see a period of transition to a supply chain finance (with important partners
‘new normal’ in international economics and like BAFT, the ITFA, FCI and EBA among
trade. Just as the G20 occupies a growing others) regulatory and compliance issues in
position of influence globally as a direct financial crime, advancing the development
result of its rightly more inclusive nature, of trade finance as an increasingly investable
this ‘new normal’ will be characterised by a asset class, and a wide range of other
growing appreciation for the interconnected important topics.
nature of prosperity, inclusion and security,
and will refocus on the necessary growth of Business, and trade, can and should be
multilateral engagement. powerful forces for good in the communities
and societies in which we thrive. Even the
As the ICC starts its second century most commercially disciplined, profit-oriented
under new leadership, and as the Banking organisations in the world are beginning to
Commission finds its roots in the new Finance recognise that the sands are shifting, with
for Development Knowledge Centre, we will questions around sustainability increasingly
continue to advocate – clearly, unequivocally at the core of commercial dialogue, and the
and consistently – in support of multilateral emerging framework of Economic, Social and
engagement, and inclusive, rules-based trade. Governance (ESG) likewise is increasingly an
imperative. Our work around enabling access
This means we will continue to focus on to trade finance as an element of financial and
understanding and addressing the global economic inclusion progresses through critical
gap in trade financing, while continuing to partnerships with multilateral development
engage in advocacy through partners like the banks, including ADB, EBRD and IFC among
WTO, the B20/ G20, the United Nations, the others, as well as with the Berne Union and its
Financial Stability Board, the Financial Action members around the world.
Task Force, and the Wolfsberg Group among
others. ICC, with our network of National Committees,
our more than 45 million members worldwide,
This includes our traditional areas of work, and our ecosystem of partners, is uniquely
shaping industry practice, standards and positioned to be a thoughtful voice and a
guidance, as well as emerging areas of constructive force as we shift from tension to
contribution such as digitisation of trade, transition to turning point.
The 11th edition of the ICC Global Survey to begin to understand the impacts of the
on Trade Finance took place over eight pandemic on global trade and trade finance.
weeks, from February to March 2020,
gathering insights from 346 respondents The profile of the 346 respondents varies
in 85 countries. The Global Survey was widely, from large multinational banks serving
ank is your bank?
conducted by the ICC Banking Commission, customers around the globe to small local
in partnership with Boston Consulting banks with few customers and low trade
Group (BCG), TXF, SWIFT and the Asian flows. The diversity of respondents reflects
Development Bank (ADB). BCG supported the structure of the trade finance market.
with the data collection, aggregation of The most represented regions in the survey
results and analysis of the survey data. Given are Western Europe at 32% and Asia Pacific
the rapidly advancing COVID-19 pandemic, (APAC) at 30% (Figure 3).
a supplementary survey was conducted
Figure 2
What type of bank is your bank?
Figure 3
Where is your bank headquartered?
6% Western Europe
32% Asia Pacific
Central and Eastern Europe
% Africa
Latin America and Caribbean
North America
Middle East
Figure 4
What was the total USD value of all trade finance applications your bank received in 2019?
7% USD 0-25B
USD 25-50B
8% USD 50-100B
USD 100-250B
USD 250-500B
USD 500B+
This year’s Global Survey has again provided insights into the trends shaping trade finance, and
a fact-based, data-driven view of some of the trade industry’s hypotheses on trade. In addition,
the short supplementary COVID-19 Survey has allowed us to understand some of the emerging
challenges and responses arising from the crisis across the globe.
Since 2000, global trade flows have trebled offerings”, whilst 54% indicated that they will
from USD 6.2 trillion to USD 18.1 trillion in be “expanding their market participation”.
2019 – growth now widely acknowledged
as having been enabled by trade financing, Only 3% of respondents answered that their
which provides liquidity and risk mitigation banks were planning to either reduce their
solutions for importers and exporters, product offering or their market participation –
allowing them to transact with confidence demonstrating the optimism many banks have
across borders. in their trade finance business.
The strong growth in trade finance over the These results are significant for the
past two decades looks set to continue as industry and reiterate the point that trade
we enter the 2020s. The 2020 Global Survey finance is continuing to evolve. Although
indicates that banks continue to see trade the transition to digital has been slower
finance as a growth area. Across the board, than for other banking products for well-
respondents indicated their ambitions to documented reasons, over the coming
expand their trade finance arrangements to years this digitisation will materially shape
new clients, products and geographies. how trade finance works and the types of
solutions offered.
The importance of this activity was brought
sharply into focus at the peak of the global Financial Technology firms or Fintechs will
financial crisis and in the intervening continue to expand their involvement in trade
years, where ‘real economy’ activity like financing – likely focused on SCF – over the
international trade moved to the forefront medium term. This will likely evolve through
of the recovery. The priority assigned a combination of direct funding to SMEs
to transaction banking, including trade and/ or the formation of white-labelled
considering its trade finance
financing, business
within financial model?
institutions was technology partnerships. Continued growth in
raised in consequence. open account trade and SCF will encourage
non-banks to enter the market. The growth
Respondents were asked to identify which trajectory and capacity of non-banks will bear
options they are considering in growing watching over the coming years, particularly
their business (Figure 5). 77% included in terms of these entities’ ability to bring
“transitioning to digital” in their selections balance sheet capacity to market.
(Figure 6). Encouragingly, 61% indicated
that they were planning to “expand product 54% of banks mentioned, pre-COVID-19,
that they will be expanding their market
Figure 5
Is your bank reconsidering its trade finance business model?
% No
Don’t know
Figure 6
What options are your bank considering for its trade finance model?
80 77%
60 54%
3% 3%
Transitioning Expanding Expanding Serving new Reducing Reducing market
to digital product offering market types of product offering participation
participation customers
participation despite recent geographical trade finance to grow, and 49% expecting it
retrenchment and the ongoing to decline in the coming years.
reconfiguration of trade corridors. Whether
this speaks to a growing desire to target Such expectations have been reported
the MSME client segment, or the intention despite ongoing and arguably worsening
to create net new capacity to underwrite geopolitical and ‘trade war’ dynamics, at a
business by distributing trade assets to time when trade has finally, post the 2008
interested investors, remains to be seen. global financial crisis, regained its familiar
position as an engine of economic growth.
When asked about the growth prospects for The exact nature and duration of the impact
trade finance by geography, respondents from COVID-19 remains unclear; in particular,
overwhelmingly predicted growth over the the devastating human and economic
coming two years. Growth expectations were impact of the virus on the most vulnerable
mand for tradepositive
acrosswill growwith
the board, or 86%
decline over
indicating the nextnow
but until 2 years (by region)?
highest-growth markets will
that the demand for trade finance will grow demand careful monitoring and has already
in Asia Pacific (Figure 7), while 75% said the required crisis-level response from authorities
same for Africa. Western Europe saw the around the globe. There is serious risk that
biggest split in the survey, with 51% expecting the USD 1.5 trillion annual trade finance
gap will be exacerbated by the COVID-19
Figure 7
Will demand for trade financing grow or decline over the next two years (by region)?
25% 33% 34% 41% 43% 49%
75% 67% 66% 59% 57% 51%
Asia Pacific Africa Middle East Latin North Central and Western
America America Eastern Europe
and the Europe
Figure 8
Please indicate what you consider to be the priority areas of development and strategic
focus for your bank
0% 50% 100%
Now/immediate future (next 12 months) The longer term (next 3-5 years)
The near future (next 1-3 years) Not a priority
Figure 9
What value of trade finance through DLT/ blockchain/ digital ecosystems has your bank
provided in 2019?
Figure 10
How do you expect this to change for 2020?
10% 15% 8% 5%
26% 22%
64% 63% Significant change
45% Moderate change
Figure 11
How concerned is your bank about the following potential obstacles?
0% 50% 100%
Figure 12
To what extent do you agree/ disagree that existing or anticipated trade tensions will:
0% 50% 100%
What does COVID-19 mean for international trade and trade finance?
While global trade remained at a near- drop from USD 46 billion in 2019 to USD 40
record high of USD 18.1 trillion in 2019, the billion in 2020 – growing on average at 4.1%
onset of the COVID-19 crisis is expected to per year until 2028.
dramatically impact both the world economy
and global trade in the short-to-medium Scenario 2: We assume a deeper 6-to-9-
term. The headline-grabbing developments month downturn with a slower V-shaped
in recent weeks and months – tens of millions recovery (approaching a U shape) into 2021.
unemployed, record falls in stock indices, and This implies that by end of Q4 2020, most
unprecedented government intervention – major economies will have reopened and
speak to both how profoundly and quickly some form of economic business-as-usual
the virus has challenged the presumed will have returned. We consider this scenario
strength of the global economy. And indeed, the most likely. In this scenario, we estimate
the positive growth trajectory in global trade that global trade will decline by 21% in 2020
over the past decade will doubtlessly be and only return to its pre-crisis levels in 2024.
disrupted, as well. Given this less bullish scenario, we would
expect trade finance revenues to decrease
The ultimate impact of COVID-19 on to USD 36 billion – the lowest level in over a
international trade will depend on the scale decade – subsequently growing by 1.5% per
and duration of the pandemic itself and year until 2028.
on the various governmental and policy
interventions intended to mitigate the Scenario 3: In this scenario, we assume a
economic crisis. While difficult to predict the deep widespread shock lasting more than a
precise economic impact of the pandemic, year with an L-shaped recovery that leaves
we believe that three scenarios for economic economic growth at a lower trajectory over
output are plausible, each with different the long run. This would become a distinct
implications for international trade (Figure 15) possibility if COVID-19 (and the associated
and trade finance revenues (Figure 16). lockdowns and declines in economic output)
persist throughout 2020 and/ or if the virus
Scenario 1: We assume a moderate 3-to-6- returns in the winter of 2020/ 2021. If this
month downturn, with a V-shaped recovery were the case, we project that international
into 2021 that sees the global economy trade will decline by 30% in 2020, rising
quickly return to its pre-crisis growth path. to just USD 15 trillion by 2028 – far below
This more optimistic scenario would only its pre-crisis value, and approaching levels
likely have been achieved if COVID-19 comparable to those seen at the peak of
were brought under control by most major the 2008 global financial crisis, which was
economies by the middle of 2020; given arguably less severe than COVID-19 yet still
the progress of the pandemic at the time required over a decade of recovery time.
of publishing, this unfortunately no longer
seems to be a realistic outcome. In this At the time of publication, the likelihood
scenario, we estimate that the fall in global of second and third waves of COVID-19
trade for 2020 will be around 11%, and that it is increasingly part of the medical and
will return to its 2019 value by 2021, going on economic discourse, as is the probability of
to reach nearly USD 27 trillion by 2028. We additional mutations, linked directly to the
would also expect trade finance revenues to loosening of restrictions, even controlled
Implications for trade finance Source: BCG Omnia Global Trade Finance Model 2020
The declines in trade finance These analyses represent only potential scenarios based on discrete data
from one point in time (06 April 2020).
revenues projected across the
Expect corresponding
three scenarios are clearly reduction in not
They are trade finance
changing daily.
as a prediction pools,
or forecast, with issome
and the situation slowdown in
driven in part by a wider
slowdown in global trade,
which will consequently reduce
the demand for trade finance Figure 16
products. However, declines in BCG Trade Finance Model, estimated global trade
trade finance revenues will not finance revenues, 2011-2028
Source: BCG directly
Omnia correlate to
Global Trade Finance Model
Global trade 2020
revenues in USD B
declines in the world economy
These analyses represent only potential
80 scenarios based on discrete data fromCAGR
one '19-'28
point in time (06 April
or global trade. Trade finance
They are not intended as a prediction or forecast, and the situation is changing daily.
earnings, particularly from the 66 4.1%
usage of documentary trade
products, have a small element of 60
counter-cyclicality that soften the 1 . 5%
impact of economic and financial 46
downturns. 40 40
40 36 -1 . 7%
As credit quality declines and
the global risk environment
worsens, it is normal to find 20
that the cost of risk mitigation
solutions rises; this will in part
counter the anticipated reduction
in transaction volumes and will 0
2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
contribute to offsetting declines
in trade finance-related revenue. Source: BCG Omnia Global Trade Finance Model 2020
These analyses represent only potential scenarios based on discrete data
from one point in time (06 April 2020).
Products like letters of credit They are not intended as a prediction or forecast, and the situation is
and bank guarantees, which changing daily.
Figure 17
BCG Trade Finance Model, estimated share of documentary trade vs. open account, 2011-2028
‘L’ shaped recovery ‘Extended V’/ ‘U’ recovery ‘V’ shaped recovery
50 60 1.5 % 80
46 46 -1.7% 4 .1%
1.5% 53
43 - 1.7% 51
50 66
40 48 4.1%
40 47 62
38 46 46 46 59
37 44 60
34 35 42
32 52
31 40
31 50
48 2.2%
46 46
-1.2% 52%
0 0 0
Forecast Forecast Forecast
command higher margins than open account determined to do away with the anachronistic
trade products, will likely grow in popularity and inefficient system of paper-based trade.
given their reputation for risk mitigation.
As such, we expect a temporary shift For more information, please see the
toward documentary trade across the three extended article ‘State of the Market’ in the
scenarios, with the shift increasing as the ICC Trade Register.
scenarios worsen (Figure 17).
The COVID-19 situation is rapidly evolving,
A decline in trade finance revenues and on a daily basis. This article represents a
the reduced usage of open account trade number of scenarios based on discrete data
products are not the only expected impacts from one point in time (early April 2020). It
of the pandemic on trade finance. Given the is not intended as a prediction or forecast
widescale economic disruption we expect a about the duration of lockdown, peak of viral
sharp rise in trade finance defaults, especially infections, efficacy of government or health
among SMEs (though we also anticipate that care responses to the virus, or other health or
despite this rise, relative to other banking societal impacts, and it does not represent an
products, trade finance will still be seen as ‘official’ BCG view. It also does not constitute
low risk). medical, legal or safety advice, and is not a
critique, endorsement or recommendation
Optimistically, the crisis may also help to of a particular response. As such, you are
hasten the shift toward digital solutions in advised to use this document as general
trade. As discussed later in the survey, banks guidance only in making your own continued
have struggled to navigate a system reliant assessments as to the appropriate course of
in part on paper-based documentation action, taking into account local laws, rules,
in a world under lockdown. Industry and regulations, and orders.
regulators may emerge from the crisis
We would like to acknowledge Zoltan Pozsar and James Sweeney for their original publication
‘Covid-19 and Global Dollar Funding’, that introduced some of the concepts discussed in this
article in the context of COVID-19
As COVID-19 spreads globally and we begin • A physical supply chain, involving the
to manage the immediate-term health crisis production and movement of goods
(ventilator supply, ICU capacity, access to PPE and services
and the like), our attention has increasingly
shifted to the economic crisis at hand. Given • A financial supply chain, involving the
the global reach of the pandemic, a common movement of money, financing and risk
topic for thoughtful commercial and policy mitigation as well as related transfers of
consideration is the impact on global supply ownership, plus the aforementioned
chains, pressured from both ‘supply’ and value-add
‘demand’ side challenges.
• A data and information supply chain,
What will the shutdown of industrial increasingly powered by technology, such
production and services mean for output? as remote sensors, complex financial and
What will billions being placed into self- logistics systems and others that can
isolation and banned from working, provide extensive, near real-time insight
socialising, travelling and, in many ways, into the state of a transaction and a
spending, do to demand? And, what impact shipment
will such shocks have on financial markets,
bank lending and global liquidity? To help visualise the transfer of value – which
relates directly to payment flows – along
What do we mean by supply chain? the electronics supply chain, we have used
A supply chain is the interconnected transfer a sequential chain (Figure 18), but supply
of value from one party to another as part chains can be highly complex in reality, with
of an end-to-end manufacturing process, components commonly crossing the same
often across multiple geographical borders, borders multiple times over the course of a
and commonly involving an ecosystem of production process.
hundreds, perhaps multiple thousands,
of commercial enterprises – domestic or Fundamentally, goods move from seller
international. At each stage of the supply to buyer and payments from buyer to
chain, there is an input, a ‘value add’, and an seller. If one link ‘breaks’ – through a stall
output, with the distribution of these varying in output or a stall in payment – the supply
materials across stages. A prime example is chain no longer works, and all players face
in the electronics industry: the supply chain consequences. As value is added at each
may start in Asia with intermediate producers stage of the production process, the health
in South Korea and Chinese Taipei supplying of the financial supply chain becomes
goods to China, where the final assemblers increasingly critical to completion and
add their value to the goods and ship them to delivery, driving demand for a range of trade
various destinations such as the US, Europe, financing solutions aimed at mitigating risk
South America, or elsewhere in Asia. and ensuring adequate cash flow and working
capital in the supply chain. Trade finance is,
Supply chains are increasingly viewed as in this way, the oil in the engine of global
being composed of at least three concurrent commerce.
and complementary layers:
Value add decreases as proportion of input value from immediate suppliers to final assembly to end destination
This will be further exacerbated by the fall What does this mean for
in financial markets and the ‘dash for cash’ businesses financially?
as reflected in the indiscriminate selling of As discussed, at an institutional level a
financial assets, which results in declining shock in supply and demand will translate
household wealth and falling consumption. into missed and delayed payments. If these
Even households not directly impacted will missed and delayed payments accumulate,
become cautious – with growing uncertainty and are overlaid with a need to meet
over jobs, investments, and pensions – salaries, fixed costs and debt payments, then
translating into less spending. internal cash flows are likely to come under
substantial strain. Institutions will have two
Understandably, the decline in demand choices: either they extend payment terms to
will be felt most acutely in sectors such as their suppliers, or draw down available credit
travel, and in some areas of the services lines from banks.
sector, due to the direct impact of forced
shutdowns and border closures. Given the While drawdown of bank credit lines is
increasing importance of the services sector essentially a function of a bank’s assessment
and its contribution to country GDPs, the fall of an institution’s ability and willingness to
in demand will have an adverse knock-on repay loans and the bank’s appetite to take
impact on reported GDP numbers. on more risk exposure, the ability to extend
payment terms is a function of the terms of
This will no doubt be accompanied by a trade and the bargaining power the corporate
decrease in demand for goods as the drop in has over its suppliers.
the service and travel sectors ripple across
supply chains such as those for food and Looking back at our example from the
beverages for bars, restaurants, and hotels, electronics industry, intermediate suppliers
fuel for aviation, and many others. This will in Korea, Chinese Taipei and final assemblers
• Expand USD swap lines to countries currently with no access to these swap lines. This
effectively means going beyond the 14 countries that currently have access to these swap
• Multilateral Banks raise USD funding from Global Capital Markets which can then be used as
a source of liquidity to fund Trade Transactions through targeted lending programmes.
• Relax LCR and Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) with a view toward channelling USD
liquidity to where it is needed most.
The optimistic results from the Global The COVID-19 Survey had 233 respondents,
Survey demonstrate a clear desire by banks and the participating bank profile was
to grow their trade finance businesses, somewhat different from that of the Global
reflecting an underlying confidence in Survey, with 49% from local, 28% from regional,
commercial prospects, trade flows, and and 23% from global banks (Figure 19). The
general geopolitical stability. However, many largest number of responses were received
respondents completed the survey before from banks headquartered in Central and
COVID-19 moved from a localised threat Eastern Europe (39%), Western Europe (20%)
in China and South East Asia to a global and Asia Pacific (17%) (Figure 20).
pandemic. As a result, we expect sentiment
ank is your toward trade finance to be more cautious in
bank? Responses across geographies and bank types
the short-to-medium term. were broadly similar, except where highlighted
To supplement the Global Survey, the ICC
Banking Commission launched a short Overall, banks from all geographies are
additional survey specifically aimed at already noticing the impact of COVID-19
understanding the initial impact of COVID-19 on trade flows, with 34% suffering a 0-10%
on trade finance. The findings reflect market drop in trade flows versus expectations in Q1
views as at early April 2020. (Figure 21). A further 37% indicated that their
trade flows declined from 10-30% in Q1. Only
16% of banks suffered greater than a 30%
Figure 19
What type of bank is your bank?
bank headquartered?
% 49%
Figure 20
Where is your bank headquartered?
Central and
Eastern Europe
39% Western Europe
Asia Pacific
Middle East
North America
Latin America
and Caribbean
Figure 21
How has COVID-19 impacted your Q1 trade flows versus expectations?
Total %
3. How has COVID-19 impacted
20% your Q1 trade flows versus expectations?
15 8%
5% 3%
No impact 0-10% 10-20% 20-30% 30-40% 40-50% 50%+
decrease decrease decrease decrease decrease decrease
Western Europe %
45 36%
30 19% 19%
11% 9%
15 2% 4%
Central and Eastern Europe %
45 38%
30 19% 18% 14%
15 3% 7%
Asia Pacific %
45 36%
15 8% 8%
3% 0%
Middle East %
30 21% 24%
17% 14%
10% 7% 7%
Other % (North America and Africa)
30 16% 20%
12% 8% 8% 8%
No impact 0-10% 10-20% 20-30% 30-40% 40-50% 50%+
Figure 22
What does your bank anticipate to be the COVID-19 impact on 2020 trade flows?
Total %
30 28%
4. What does your bank anticipate to be the COVID-19 impact on 2020 trade flows?
15 12%
9% 8%
No impact 0-10% 10-20% 20-30% 30-40% 40-50% 50%+
decrease decrease decrease decrease decrease decrease
Western Europe %
26% 24%
30 20% 15%
15 9% 4%
Central and Eastern Europe %
30 24%
15 6% 9% 10% 6%
Asia Pacific %
45 38%
30 26%
8% 13% 13%
15 3%
Middle East %
30 24% 24%
7% 7% 10% 10%
Other % (North America and Africa)
45 32%
30 20% 16%
12% 8% 12%
No impact 0-10% 10-20% 20-30% 30-40% 40-50% 50%+
Don’t know
• Default status may be reached by crossing Given the sharp decline in trade flows
a timeframe defined by regulatory anticipated by the responding banks, it is
standards and may therefore be reached more important than ever that both financial
as a ‘technical’ default without reflecting institutions and public bodies think creatively
commercial or transactional reality. to help facilitate global trade and mitigate
any barriers created by COVID-19. However,
• Measures aimed at mitigating the adverse the Survey reveals mixed perceptions in this
effects of the COVID-19 crisis are under area, with individual banks taking the lead on
assessment and consideration, and may implementing new measures and solutions
include, as a matter of government and to support their customers, while other key
public policy, the creation of temporary players in the trade ecosystem may need to
loan extension or forgiveness measures. accelerate their response to the crisis.
Figure 24
Has your bank put in place any measures to support customers impacted by COVID-19?
14% Yes
Don’t know
Figure 25
Has your bank rolled out any new digital solutions specifically to mitigate the disruption
caused by COVID-19?
13. Has your bank rolled out any new digital solutions specifically to mitigate the d
46% No
41% 38%
Western Asia
Europe Pacific
59% 62%
Central Other
& Middle 48% (North
50% 50% 52%
Eastern East America
Europe and Africa)
the UN, the WTO, the G20 and others will be letter of credit has not been possible due to
brought sharply into focus. ‘lockdown’ restrictions impacting carriers,
bank branches, and the like.
ICC has already responded with
unprecedented speed in developing In light of this, 54% of respondents said
communications, tools and program that their banks had introduced new digital
recommendations in the context of COVID-19 solutions to mitigate any disruption caused
and continues to work on such initiatives, by COVID-19 (Figure 25). Notably, in Asia
1. Other = North America and Africa
including in support of trade and trade Pacific, the original epicentre for COVID-19,
financing. 62% of respondents indicated that their banks
have not introduced any digital solutions, the
Concerns around the impact of COVID-19 on lowest of all regions surveyed.
trade finance are not limited to credit risk, but
also operational feasibility, for example the Taken holistically, the cases where operational
transfer of critical legal documents. To this and transactional challenges in trade finance
point, we are aware of various cases where have impeded the flow of trade have been
goods are ready to export but securing a limited in number, again illustrating the
Figure 26 Total
Has your local authority/ government provided any regulatory support to your bank to
facilitate ongoing trade?
15. Has your local authority/government provided any regulatory support (e.g. rel
bank to facilitate ongoing trade? Yes
Don’t know
20% 18%
32% 30%
Central 36% Other
& Middle (North
Eastern East America
Europe 64% and Africa)
48% 52%
ability of trade finance providers to respond and interbank relationships in trade financing
relatively well in times of crisis. Whether this is clearly illustrated under current conditions;
remains the case as COVID-19 evolves is to concretely, one survey respondent shared
be determined. Technology and digitisation that their bank was launching “agreements
will play a crucial part in ensuring access to with [other] banks that in case they are
timely and sufficient trade finance at this unable to send original documents, they can
time. instead send scanned documents via email as
a temporary solution”.
1. Other
In addition = North
to more America
general usageand Africa
of online
platforms and services for day-to-day 29% of respondents said that their local
tasks, many respondents indicated that authority has provided regulatory support
their banks have relaxed existing rules on to help facilitate ongoing trade (Figure 26).
the need for original documentation, for In contrast, Asia Pacific seems to be leading
example by allowing scanned documents the way in the public sector response to
and other e-documents, and have rolled out COVID-19, with 45% of respondents indicating
new rules and platforms to enable the use at least some public action to support trade
of e-signatures for legal documents. The (the highest of any region in the survey). As
importance of global correspondent networks observed earlier, this is likely a function of
This section of the report provides a data-driven commentary on global trade finance traffic,
based on data from SWIFT. While SWIFT trade finance traffic represents only a modest portion
of global trade by volume, it is a good barometer of trends for L/C use, since about 90% of L/C
transactions go via SWIFT.
• Asia-Pacific continued to register much higher volumes of MT 700, garnering a 76.0% share
for imports and a 78.1% share for exports. Countries using SWIFT L/Cs the most for imports
were: Bangladesh, South Korea, China, India and Pakistan.
• Country/ region using SWIFT L/Cs the most for exports were: China, Bangladesh, India,
Hong Kong and Singapore.
• Imports rose sharpest in Ethiopia and Nepal, up 10.4%, and exports rose fastest in Portugal,
up 9.6%.
• Imports fell the most steeply in Sri Lanka, down 15.8%, and exports fell sharpest from
Saudi Arabia, down 18.6%.
Figure 27
SWIFT global trade finance traffic, FY2016-FY2019
Growth rate
10 (FY 2019 vs FY 2018)
Category 7
Category 4
1 8.4%
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
2016 2017 2018 2019
Trade finance traffic continues to slide L/C volumes and values – the slump
SWIFT trade finance volumes in 2019 were continues
down 6.4%, falling more sharply than last The volume of L/Cs on SWIFT fell again
year’s drop of 2.35%, pushed down by the last year, off 3.9%. Interestingly, Q4 2019
decline in category 7 documentary credits showed an upward trend after many quarters
and guarantees of 5.9%, and an 8.4% fall in of decline. There was a decline of 8.13% in
category 4 documentary collections. MT799 (the free format message type that
accounts for the largest portion of category
7 volumes) possibly due to improvements in
Import traffic vs Average value structured messages during standards release
Live, delivered MT 700 (Issue of a Documentary Credit), including d in 2018 by SWIFT.
Figure 28
Import traffic vs. average value in FY2019, split by region, based on SWIFT MT700 traffic
Import traffic Average value of letter of credit sent, by region
1.7% Europe
5.0% 3.6% Non Eurozone
5.4% 1.7%
Middle East 779,696
North America 692,610
Asia-Pacific 525,738
China 5.24%
333,655 5
167,538 Ethiopia
Hong Kong
Chinese Taipei
2018 0
98,213 2019
Sri Lanka -10
Asia-Pacific received the most L/Cs, around The average value of import L/Cs was the
3.1 million MT700s, much more than any highest in non-Eurozone European -30
region. But the average value of an L/C countries, whereas Africa had the lowest Sri Lanka
received in Asia-Pacific was lowest at value import L/Cs.
USD 430Kv.
Looking at the cross-border volume of
Regional analysis: Import L/Cs1 MT700 traffic, excluding domestic flows, the
Asia-Pacific continued to register the largest countries importing the most using
volume for import L/Cs sent using MT 700s, L/Cs are shown in Figure 29.
making up 76.0% of world traffic in 2019, *Growth (FY 2019 vs FY 2018)
followed by the Eurozone 6.5% and the From countries with yearly volume of MT 700 greater t
and international traffic
Middle East 5.4%.
Figure 30
Fastest-growing importers, based on SWIFT MT700 traffic
10.77% 10.37%
0.42% 0.06%
Ethiopia Nepal Bangaladesh Vietnam Turkey
1 Data includes both domestic and international traffic, as commercial letters of credit can be utilised in
domestic transactions
ghts reserved.
0.42% 0.06%
Ethiopia Nepal Bangaladesh Vietnam Turkey
Figure 31
2018 0
-16.68% -16.26%
-20 -17.34%
Sri Lanka Chile United Kingdom United States Germany
Bangladesh was the only country among With a yearly volume higher than 20,000
the top 5 that experienced growth in import MT700s sent internationally as a gauge, the
2018) L/C volumes. Countries like South Korea countries showing the largest
SWIFT Tradedeclines in
rly volume of MT and
700China sawthan
greater a decline of 4.76%
20,000 and
in FY 5.24%
2019 imports using
Messaging Trendin Figure
Source: Watch L/Cs are shown 35 31.
Regional analysis: eredL/Cs by SWIFT 1
4.4% Africa 2,086,325
4.5% 3.6%
7.8% Europe
Non Eurozone
Central and
Latin America
1 Data includes both domestic and international traffic, as commercial letters of credit can be utilised in
domestic transactions
Figure 33
SWIFT MT700 messages received to non-Eurozone Europe
100 Central and Latin America
Europe – Eurozone
Export-related message traffic was down Looking at the cross border (excluding
across the board in 2019 compared with domestic flows) volume of MT700s received,
the previous year. The region that showed the countries that exported the most using
the steepest drop was the Eurozone, where L/Cs are shown in Figure 34.
export traffic trailed off 6.92%, followed by
North America, where traffic contracted
T op E xp or t i ng Count r i e s i n FY 2 01 9
6.54% and Africa, where traffic fell 5.80%.
Bangladesh 2.49%
India 4.73%
Hong Kong
248,037 Portugal
South Korea
Chinese Taipei
2018 0
United States
118,940 2019
ding do mFigure
e stic and in te rn a tio n a l
Fastest-growing exporters in 2019, based on SWIFT MT700 traffic
10 9.57%
9 0
Portugal Sweden UAE Bangladesh Vietnam
Japan Italy Australia Chinese Taipei Switzerland
Figure 36
Exporters with the sharpest declines in exports, based on SWIFT MT700 traffic
2018 0 © 2019
All rights
Figure 37
Confirmed export L/C volume, based on SWIFT MT700 traffic in 2019 vs. 2018
Volume of L/Cs received by confirmation
May add confirmation
2 018 Without confirmation
2 019
62.1% 63.4%
60 82.2% 81.8%
20 39.7% 10.1% confirmation
5.2% 30.1% 6.2% May add
3.8% confirmation
12.7% 15.3% 12.0%
2.5% 6.9% Confirmed
Africa Asia-Pacific Central Europe- Europe-Non Middle East North All Regions
and Latin Euro Zone Euro Zone America
Figure 39
Export volume by credit ruleVolume
combination, based on SWIFT MT700 traffic
of L/Cs received by confirmation
9.7 7.1
10.1 7.1
8.9 0.3
FY Mixed payment
2 018
Deferred payment
FY Acceptance
2 019
cumentary Credit), including domestic and international traffic
Figure 40
Distribution of confirmed export LC volumes by negotiation in 2019, based on SWIFT MT700
6.7% 11.7% 9.7%
17.0% 21.4% 16.5%
80 40.3%
78.6% 56.4% 74.1% Payment
61.8% 54.0%
51.4% 80.9% Negotiation
0.8% 1.1% 1.2%
20 1.0% 0.7% Deferred
20.4% 0.1% 20.2% 18.2% payment
6.7% 17.1% 8.8%
7.9% 8.7% 3.1% 4.1% 7.1% Acceptance
0 4.0% 3.0% 3.3% 2.8%
Africa Asia- Central Europe- Europe- Middle North All Regions
Pacific and Latin Euro Zone Non Euro East America
America Zone
Figure 41:
Volume of L/Cs split by validity, 2019, based on SWIFT MT700 traffic
0-30 Days
31-60 Days
61-90 Days
Figure 42
Region-by-region export volume by validity, based on SWIFT MT700 traffic
0-30 Days 31-60 Days 61-90 Days 91-180 Days >180 Days
Source: Watch 43
Watch Traffic
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Watch Message
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and region Your SWIFT
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Watch Banking Your transaction Your payments
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Your activity
messages in
in interactive
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Your top cash management The evolution of the number of Your activity share in MT
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This feature is based on market sentiment data collected from TXF Research’s global Export
Finance Industry Report 2020, scheduled for release at TXF Global in 2020, and closed deal
data from TXF Data. The primary aim of this feature is to provide a comprehensive overview of
the state of the export finance market in 2019.
It is important to note that this feature was produced prior to the COVID-19 outbreak. While
it is discussed in some detail, the data in this feature highlights the state of the export finance
industry before the outbreak.
TXF Research’s Export Finance Industry (iii) Corporate press releases found online
Report 2020 uses a mixed methodology using machine learning.
that combines quantitative and a qualitative
component. The quantitative data was Findings
collected using an online survey platform Before this feature delves into the state of the
(SurveyMonkey) with banks, export credit export finance market, it would be remiss to
agencies (ECAs), exporters, importers not start by mentioning COVID-19. In financial
(borrowers), law firms and private insurers parlance, a black swan event is an extremely
(brokers and underwriters) all taking part. The rare and damaging event that is almost
qualitative data was collected via telephone impossible to predict. It is safe to say that
interviews with consenting individuals. This the global COVID-19 pandemic is a ‘black
mixed methods approach enables the report swan’ event.
to identify the latest trends in the market with
in-depth and thought-provoking commentary To supplement TXF Research’s Export
to understand how and why these market Finance Industry Report 2020, an addendum
trends are occurring. survey looking specifically at the impact of
COVID-19 on the industry was conducted.
At the time of writing (March 2020), the One area the survey explored was
data collection was still ongoing, meaning force majeure.
that the data presented in this feature is
based on a cross section of the final dataset. Our survey data found that nearly 35% of
A total of 246 individual respondents from the sample do not know, or do not have,
the above-mentioned institutions make up a force majeure clause built into the legal
the survey data. part of their export finance loans. Further, of
those that did have a force majeure clause
TXF Data built into their legal work, a combined 75%
TXF Data is the leading source of transaction of the sample did not know, or do not have,
data in the export finance market, used as a global pandemic scenario inbuilt, and,
the main reference by all the market leaders. finally, just 15% of the sample with a force
The information is collected through three majeure clause that covers global pandemics
sources: have invoked it. It remains to be seen how
damaging COVID-19 is to the export finance
(i) Deal information submitted through industry but the uncertainty surrounding
Tagmydeals and directly to TXF force majeure could have serious financial,
operational and reputational repercussions
for institutions.
The market at a glance suggests that 2019 was a fairly flat year for
In 2019, total deal volume reached export finance. This is particularly true when
USD 108 billion across 341 deals, down compared to 2018.
USD 30 billion from 2018’s USD 138 billion
total volume across 412 deals. Looking in TXF Research supports this finding with the
more detail at 2019, it was a fairly turbulent level of activity being rated as three out of
year with three clear peaks in export finance five over the past 12 months. One lawyer
activity in February, May and December explained why: “Export finance activity seems
corresponding to deals closed by Australia to be a little bit less busy than in recent times.
Pacific LNG for USD 6.9 billion, the Bahrain I think this is probably driven by the China-
Petroleum Company (BAPCO) for USD 4.1 US trade war. There has just been a general
billion, and Gazprom’s massive Amur gas softening of things. I also think Brexit has
processing plant for USD 12.8 billion, heavily had a detrimental effect too. I also think the
backed by a number of European ECAs, Coronavirus will have a very damaging effect
respectively (Figure 43). on activity.”
An overview of the export finance market in 2019
Interestingly, if these three deals are removed, At the time of the interview, the COVID-19
the export finance landscape looks quite pandemic had not taken full hold of the
different. The total deal volume drops to global economy, but it is clear now that that
USD 84 billion with an average deal size was an accurate prediction. When survey
across the year of USD 7 billion (compared respondents were asked about the impact
to USD 9 billion in Figure 44). Figure 44 also of the pandemic on the global economy,
shows that the largest deal volume in the nearly 80% posited that it will lead to a global
top performing month drops to just over recession comparable with the 2008
USD 12 billion (down from USD 25 billion financial crash.
in the same month in Figure 44) which
Figure 43
An overview of the export finance market in 2019
Volume in USD No of deals
30,000 50
0 0
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
No of deals Volume in $
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Figure 45
2019 regional breakdown
Volume in USD No of deals
20,000 80
15,000 60
10,000 40
5,000 20
0 0
Asia Middle Russia CIS Europe Latin Africa North Australasia Asia Undisclosed
Pacific East America America Region
No of deals Volume in $
A deeper look at sector breakdown more than four times larger than the average
Figure 47 shows that oil and gas continued deal size in power (USD 438 million) and
to dominate the export finance market in nearly seven times larger than transport (USD
terms of volume with USD 36.7 billion being 257 million). This closed deal data shows
closed across 21 deals in 2019, followed by why oil and gas remains the dominant sector
power (USD 22.4 billion across 51 deals) and to invest in. Figure 48 too suggests that oil
transport (USD 15.9 billion across 62 deals). and gas may continue to dominate, as it has
With the average deal size of oil and gas grown year-on-year since TXF Data started
standing at a sizeable USD 1.7 billion, it is collecting closed deal data.
Figure 47
A breakdown of export finance activity, by sector in 2019
Volume in USD No of deals
40,000 70
30,000 50
10,000 20
0 0
Oil & gas
and Mining
Telecoms and
No of deals Volume in $
Oil & gas
and Mining
Telecoms and
Figure 49
Export finance activity over the next 12 months, by sector
Bank of India
Finnvera plc
China EXIM
CESCE Credit
Euler Hermes
Export - Import
UK Export
Figure 51
ECA involvement over the past 12 months
Volume in USD No of deals
12,000 60
10,000 50
8,000 40
6,000 30
4,000 20
2,000 10
0 0
Bank of India
Finnvera plc
China EXIM
CESCE Credit
Euler Hermes
Export - Import
UK Export
ECA involvement
Figure 50 shows that compared to 2017 and Euler Hermes (USD 8.5 billion) (Figure 51),
2018, ECA involvement in 2019 has been all of which were involved in the two largest
significantly lower. Looking more closely at export finance deals in 2019 the Amur gas
the past 12 months, SACE has led the way, power processing plant (SACE and Euler
guaranteeing USD 9.8 billion worth of deals, Hermes) and the Bahrain Petroleum Company
followed by KSURE (USD 8.6 billion) and deal (KSURE).
Figure 52
Greatest disrupters to the export finance industry
Supply chain finance is one of the fastest strategically important market that is already
growing trade finance products and is highly concentrated.
responsible for the majority of market
growth. Incumbents and disruptors who have Notably, while 65% of respondents report
succeeded in this market have done so with having built a proprietary SCF platform, over
material technology investment that has a third of respondents purchased an open
allowed the product to work at scale with network platform, use a hybrid platform, or
some of the world’s largest supply chains. The insource their SCF platform from a provider.
Global Survey, however, reveals a stark divide This highlights a potential strategy for
in how trade banks are planning to engage smaller players to stand their ground in the
with SCF – if at all. Global banks are adopting market without the need for capital-intensive
SCF platforms broadly and expect further technology builds, and hence effectively
growth in the coming years. compete in their markets. Indeed, even some
of the world’s largest banks offering SCF
The survey found that 64% of global banks solutions are today leveraging third-party
already offer an SCF platform (Figure 53), platforms to accelerate bringing leading
largely in the form of proprietary systems solutions to customers.
(Figure 54). This is compared to just 38%
of regional banks, and 13% of local banks. This is the case for payables finance
Given that open account trade and SCF programs, and increasingly for the next wave
are responsible for the vast majority of of evolving SCF techniques, as described in
growth in trade and trade finance, the the Standard Definitions for Techniques of
disparity between global, regional, and local Supply Chain Finance, co-authored by the
banks here is concerning: the lack of SCF ICC and several industry associations.
capabilities may marginalise smaller players,
potentially driving further consolidation in a
25. Does your bank currently offer a Supply Chain Finance1 (SCF) platform?
Figure 53
Does your bank currently offer a supply chain finance platform?
100 5% 4% 4% 5%
60% 58%
35% 38% No
13% Yes
Total Local Regional Global
Figure 54
Which of the below best describes your bank’s SCF platform(s)?
4% 4%
Developed a Bought from an Hybrid platform Outsourced to Other
proprietary system open network another bank
In terms of the different SCF products, while concurrently inviting suppliers to access
receivables discounting is seen as the most funds early on the basis
in-demand SCF technique from a client of a discount.
perspective (Figure 55), followed closely
by payables finance, loans/ advances Current market patterns are starting
against receivables, and factoring. While to change with increased demand for
not necessarily evident from the survey receivables finance among lower-margin but
data, there is substantial variation in the high-revenue large corporates, as a means
customer profiles of these different products. to manage cash flow and liquidity. On the
Historically, receivables financing and other end, as technology has developed
factoring have been skewed to the micro, and become more scalable, and non-bank
small, and medium enterprises (MSME) players and third-party investors have
market, with payables financing more grown their presence in the market, we are
commonly used by larger corporates. Such beginning to see more and more mid-market
31. What, if any, of the following SCF techniques
programs typically involve large buyers are most frequently cited as a priority
SCF programs. for you
extending payment terms to their suppliers,
Figure 55
What, if any, of the following SCF techniques are most frequently cited as a priority
for your bank’s clients?
50 46% 45%
Receivables Payables finance Loans/ advances Factoring Other
discounting against receivables
Figure 56
What are your growth expectations for SCF within your bank for the next five years?
Global %
30 26%
16% 16%
15 11%
0% 0% 0% 0%
Local %
5% 5%
0% 0% 0%
Regional %
15 13% 13%
4% 4% 4% 4% 4%
0-5% 5-10% 10-15% 15-20% 20-25% 25-30% 30-40% 40-50% 50%+
21% Now
15% 17%
7% 8% 10% 2025
5% expected
0-5% 5-15% 15-30% 30-50% 50%+
Figure 58
What are the major challenges, if any, your bank faces in delivering SCF solutions
to your customers?
Other 7%
presents Discount @ Buyer Borrowing Rate + Premium for Supplier Risk
Invoice issued
to Discount period
and approved
that terms are extended to benefit the large that extend out beyond 24 months, whereas
buyers, while participating SMEs have the others are developing an argument that
option to secure immediate payment at a term extensions ought to be guided by the
discount to the face value of invoices, at rates typical working capital cycle of an industry
linked to the credit quality and (often lower) sector. Other questions arise around the
borrowing cost of the large buyer. types of invoicing (and therefore underlying
commercial or trade activity) that should be
Are there alternatives, like mandated considered in-scope for payables finance.
accelerated payment standards? Possibly,
but these could arguably represent a market- In the end, payables finance presents
distorting policy option as opposed to a a significant opportunity to enable the
commercial practice. Their use becomes a flow of liquidity across domestic and
matter of political choice. Could the cashflow international supply chains, down into the
situation of MSME suppliers be improved by so-called ‘long tail’ where MSMEs occupy
reducing transaction timeframes through an important space. Its appropriate use and
technology or enhanced processes? Probably. structuring ought to be determined through
a thoughtful, coordinated, and decisive set
The specific characteristics of a payables of steps involving press and ratings agencies,
finance program can vary – from the scope accountancy bodies and firms, regulators,
of coverage of suppliers, to the cost of trade industry bodies, finance providers, and
discount and the degree of extension of corporates as well as MSMEs.
terms. It is in the detail of program structure
that definitions of accepted practice and the Whether or not boundary-testing practices
value of industry guidance plus regulatory (including financial and regulatory reporting)
and standards body direction can be critically or structures will be tolerated by authorities,
important. it is clear at this moment that some form
of accepted framing of payables finance is
Should the option to extend payment terms necessary and important. Anything outside
through payables finance be open-ended, of those agreed boundaries may well be
for example? In the absence of guidance and a valuable addition but should be clearly
direction, some very credible and legitimate distinguished from SCF and payables finance.
practitioners are happy to structure programs
Global trade has no way of hiding from the emulating the rapid shift in focus on ESG
climate change challenge: its business-as- which has now become central to investment
usual operations have long been susceptible management and strategy, physical supply
to disruption from extreme weather events, chain management, public procurement and
and it is increasingly being forced to adapt a host of other areas. Indeed, as enablers of
to new regulations targeting carbon-heavy international trade, trade banks have a critical
industries that directly impact their viability. It role and influential opportunity to drive
is imperative for banks to not only nominally changes in business practices and behaviours
support sustainable trade, but to integrate globally for the better.
sustainability into their trade finance
policies and day-to-day activities (such as Western European banks are leading the
supply chain finance). At the same time, way in this area, with three-quarters having
sustainability should not just be viewed solely
a sustainability strategy. More broadly, these
or exclusively through the lens of climate strategies were primarily adopted due to
change, but rather, by reference to the widest
credit and reputational risk (38%), as well
definitions of sustainability which include as client expectations (35%) (Figure 61).
environmental, social and governance (ESG) These are likely also influenced by banks’
issues among others. group-wide policies and initiatives towards
sustainability. Regulatory requirements
In the survey, 66% of respondents say that are less of a driver across all geographies.
they have a sustainability strategy that However, this is likely to change in the coming
33. applies to trade finance and SCF (Figure
Does your bank have a sustainability strategy years as newapplies
that regulations
force. and supply cha
60); we would expect – and hope – for
this to climb to much closer to 100% in the
future editions of the Global Survey, perhaps
Figure 60
Does your bank have a sustainability strategy that applies to trade finance
and supply chain finance?
76% 73%
20% 23% 23%
16% 18%
34. What, if any of the following, is the
8% primary reason
9% your bank has adopted
a sustainability
Don’t know
Total Western Europe Asia Pacific Other
Figure 61
What, if any of the following, is the primary reason your bank has adopted a
sustainability strategy?
Credit and Client requests Regulatory requirements Other
reputational risk and expectations
Note: 1.3% of respondents to this question did not include the location of their bank's headquarters bank in their r
ntegrating sustainability risks into credit risk management procedures for clients using trade finance
The survey demonstrates that banks of diligence in respect of KYC and other credit
all types are increasingly coming to terms risk adjudication and management policies
with the need for a sustainability strategy (Figure 62 and Figure 63). Further, 61% of
in trade. The available evidence points to respondents said that their bank has rejected
the integration of sustainability policies trade finance applications in the past year as
now – not just as a longer-term goal. Indeed, they didn’t meet their bank’s internal policies
76% of respondents indicated that they are on ESG risks (Figure 63).
already integrating sustainability-related due
Figure 62
Is your bank integrating sustainability risks into credit risk management procedures for
clients using trade finance/ supply chain finance instruments?
onducting sustainability-related due diligence in its trade finance operations as part of the Know You
Figure 63
Is your bank conducting sustainability-related due diligence in its trade finance operations
as part of KYC procedures?
reject any trade finance applications due to environmental / social / governance risks with clients?
Figure 64
Did your bank reject any trade finance applications due to ESG risks with clients?
27% % No
Figure 65
Are your trade finance clients requesting innovative finance mechanisms for implementing
% sustainable strategies and operations?
48% 45%
29% 27% 27% Yes
18% 18%
12% No
Don’t know
35. What 0should Total
be the sustainability
priorities for banks inGlobal
trade finance over the next five ye
Figure 66
What should be the sustainability priorities for banks in trade finance over the next
five years?
Environment, waste
58% 35% 7%
management and pollution
0% 50% 100%
Figure 67
Where/ how can the ICC Banking Commission add value to sustainability in trade finance?
Issue guidelines give a framework Education and raising awareness Assist in implementing/ setting
up ways to judge on risks
involved in international trade
1 The working group, led by Harriette Resnick, independent advisor, and Roberto Leva, Trade and Supply Chain
finance specialist at the Asian Development Bank, has also benefitted from the input of talented young professionals
participating in the Banking Commission’s Successors in Trade program
2 GMAP was created by IFC with the assistance of World Wildlife Fund, drawing on the IFC 2012 Performance
Standards on Environmental and Social Sustainability. To get access to the full GMAP data, register without charge
through this link: gmaptool.org/register. A webinar on the integrated GMAP tool is available at: youtube.com/
1 swift.com/news-events/news/enabling-smoother-know-your-customer-kyc_processes-for-corporates
2 See, for example, ec.europa.eu/info/files/200309-sustainable-finance-teg-final-report-taxonomy_en (“Final TEG
3 or information about the Network for Greening the Financial System, see ngfs.net/en;
4 See, for example, bankofengland.co.uk/paper/2019/biennial-exploratory-scenario-climate-change-discussion-paper
5 See, for example, fsb-tcfd.org/; Final TEG Report at 9
1 To date, our working definition has been the provision of traditional trade and supply chain finance products to support
“the business and activities of buying and selling commodities, goods and services that meet environmental, social and
economic criteria capable of benefitting all actors involved and minimizing adverse impact while fostering sustainable
global development.” iccwbo.org/publication/global-survey-2018-securing-future-growth/
Over the past few years, the growing use compliance procedures, and with capital
of digital solutions by banks has enhanced and regulatory requirements (Figure 68 and
their ability to assess risk and combat Figure 69).
criminal activity. However, the increasing
sophistication of criminal and terrorist However, while there was widespread
organisations has been accompanied by a similarity across banks on capital and
growing regulatory regime aimed at stamping
regulatory requirements, there was a more
out criminal activity from the financial system
pronounced divide between different types
and from global trade. This trend, along with
of banks in respect of compliance. While
new capital requirements from the Basel 74% of global banks and 68% of regional
Committee, presents significant concern banks indicated that they were extremely
to banks across the world – particularly in
concerned by the need to implement
respect of the resources needed to meet compliance procedures, only 35% of local
the increasing complexity of regulation and
banks said the same. This, unsurprisingly,
compliance policies. suggests that navigating the complexity of
compliance rules and regulations may have
74. What56%
is the level of concern in your bank the
of survey respondents indicated that
with understanding and implementing
most pronounced impact on trade banks
their banks were significantly concerned that operate across multiple countries and
both by understanding and implementing jurisdictions.
Figure 68
How concerned is your bank with understanding and implementing compliance procedures?
100 5%
10% 15% 11%
Figure 69
How concerned is your bank with capital and regulatory requirements?
100 5%
14% 11%
40% 26%
30% 27%
63% No concern
56% 55% 55%
Some concern
Significant concern
Total Local Regional Global
Note: 6.5% of respondents to this question did not include the type of bank in their responses and hence are only
Figure 70
Compared to ten years ago, can you give an estimation of the increase of FTEs that has been
needed to implement financial crime policies in your bank?
0% 50% 100%
Figure 71
Please indicate for each of the following if the number has increased, decreased, or
remained the same when compared to 2018
Number of
real alerts fo 42% 30% 8% 20%
suspicious activity
Number of
45% 23% 9% 23%
false positives
Number of trade
35% 38% 11% 17%
finance red flags
0% 50% 100%
72. To what extent has the regulation implementation measures relating to financial crime and
transaction volumes)? Increased Remained the same Decreased Don’t know
Figure 72
To what extent has the regulation implementation measures relating to financial crime and
AML impacted your trade finance business (in transaction volumes)?
0% 50% 100%
Increased by more than 20% Unchanged/ no direct impact Decreased by more than 20%
Increased by 0 to 20% Decreased by 0 to 20%
We also asked banks to estimate the impact KYC regulation and AML policies have
on their trade finance volumes as a result of increased the regulatory imperatives faced
AML and financial crime policies. Over half by trade banks in recent years. Manual data
of respondents said that these regulations provision by customers and slow verification
had no direct impact on transaction volumes processes can delay or even prevent
68. Please indicate
(Figure which,
72), and if any,
a further of the afollowing
34% indicated banksKYC
supportingyour bank in
transactions is ausing?
decrease. However, there are relatively sharp commercially timely manner, impeding the
divergences across different geographies. building of new customer relationships.
Figure 73
Please indicate which, if any, of the following KYC utilities your bank is using?
20% 18%
Figure 74
For what reasons does your bank not use a KYC utility?
25% 25%
Complex legal/ Lack of Cost Internal Other Complex
data privacy appropriate KYC considerations operational technology
implications utility offering implications integration
75. As regulation becomes stricter what challenges/requirements do you see being imposed o
Figure 75
As regulation becomes stricter, what challenges/ requirements do you see being imposed
on banks going forward?
60 52%
Greater scrutiny on Increased minimum Internal investments Increased SME
banks for checking capital requirements needed to meet participation/
client risk (e.g. KYC, changing requirements diversification
sustainability, AML) of lending base
Figure 76
Which of these documents are legally required to be paper in your home jurisdiction?
0% 50% 100%
When horse-drawn carts became prevalent has seen and accepted the terms of the
and streets crowded, France introduced rules contract), and legality (how else can I show
mandating that they stay on the right to this is legal unless I have a physical record?).
reduce accidents and improve traffic flow. The
UK chose the left. Whatever their reasons, be Until distributed ledger encryption
it to free coach drivers to manipulate whip (Blockchain) provides a suitably acceptable
or sword, a system of codified rules emerged ecosystem for record-keeping of contracts
to support ever faster and larger coaches. (fix the terms in perpetuity for future record
When the first motorised vehicles appeared, review, record who viewed and accepted
some states required a footman to precede the terms, etc.), electronic signatures and
the automobile to announce its presence and digital contracts provide an intermediate step
ensure clear passage. The rules of the road which can achieve similar purposes as those
continued to evolve, and today self-driving of a physical contract. The European Union
cars are on the streets of multiple cities Electronic Identification, Authentication and
around the world. Trust Services (eIDAS) regulation goes a long
way in showing how regulation can support
Over the past two centuries, international this digital solution to physical records.
trade has rocketed. Innovations in technology
support ever more goods to move around In international trade, documents have
the world in complex global supply chains. multiple uses; however, at its core trade
The advent of steam-powered ships allowed finance intermediated by banks helps build
bigger and faster ships. Containerised trust between buyers and sellers by ensuring,
shipping allowed faster loading and unloading for example, that bills of lading, which enable
of ships with fewer breakages. Finance the holder to claim and collect goods, are
of international trade, though, has barely only released by the seller to the buyer once
changed since the invention of paper money: payment is ensured. As of now, most of these
a letter of credit is a commercial bank’s documents remain paper-based as they are
promise to pay, just like currency notes today not yet widely accepted electronically. Paper
are simply a note issuer’s promise to pay the documents require manual processing and
bearer on demand. time-consuming and costly air freight delivery
from the seller to their bank to the buyer’s
Digital innovations in the space of bank and onwards to the buyer. Digitising
communication, computing and banking the paperwork could save on operating costs
promise to change trade finance. The question for each party in the chain (e.g. no postage),
we ask is whether regulations can evolve to reduce operational risk (e.g. lost documents,
support these digital innovations? To answer incorrectly read documents), improve
this, we must turn to the risks that the current carbon footprint (e.g. no post by air), enable
regulatory regimes seek to address. governments to enhance and accelerate their
customs controls (e.g. automated submission of
Communication documents for customs pre-checks while goods
The world communicates electronically. We are in transit) and ensure no tax evasion (e.g.
send emails, text, call, and videoconference one electronic submission to both exporting
around the world. Why do we still sign and and importing customs offices preventing
mail physical contracts? Regulations around mislabelling or mis-valuing of shipment).
physical documents assume that physical
presence ensures uniqueness (there is only one Evidently, all interested parties will need to
contract and no other false copy), acceptance move jointly together to support digitisation
(the signature proves that the counterparty of trade documentation. If any one party,
Figure 77 1
Typical documentary credit transaction
Exporter Importer
Negotiating/ Issuing
advising bank bank
3 2 1
5 6
8 7 9
1 www.mayerbrown.com/-/media/files/perspectives-events/publications/2020/05/the-un-convention-on-the-
In simpler times, a business front would 40.3 million people forced into slavery
suffice to make illegally acquired money worldwide, a quarter of whom are children3.
appear legitimate. A chain of laundromats did
the job for Al Capone and is the origin of the For authorities and the trade financing
term ‘money laundering’. Over time, criminals industry, TBML can be difficult to detect amid
have turned to increasingly sophisticated the many processes, parties, transactions
methods to disguise the origins of dirty and jurisdictions. As with any disruption
money and integrate it into the mainstream approach, anti-TBML efforts need to be
economy. constantly refined to keep up with new and
emerging risks posed by criminals seeking
In trade-based money laundering (TBML), to harm the community and profit from their
criminals take advantage of the size crimes.
and complexity of international trade to
transfer money between parties and evade Collaboration is key
authorities. Techniques include mismatching Acknowledging that no single body can
the value of the goods and payment (over- tackle such challenges, the Australian
or under-pricing relative to market value, Government’s anti-money laundering/
quantity or quality), issuing multiple invoices counter-terrorism financing regulator and
for a single shipment, or sending no goods financial intelligence unit, AUSTRAC, takes a
at all. Money launderers may also seek to collaborative approach.
obscure their crime through constructing a
network of highly complex trade processes AUSTRAC is the Australian government
that mingle legitimately with illicit funds and agency responsible for preventing, detecting,
take advantage of governance gaps across and responding to criminal abuse of the
jurisdictions. financial system to protect the community
from serious and organised crime. AUSTRAC
TBML is big business. The profits of regulates more than 15,000 businesses to
international organised crime have been protect them, and the financial sector, from
estimated as 1.5% of global GDP, with more criminal abuse. These regulated or ‘reporting’
than half of these profits laundered through entities are at the front line in combating
the global financial system.1 Developing financial crime. They submit reports about
countries are particularly vulnerable, where financial transactions and suspicious matters
value gaps in reported international trade to AUSTRAC which become the building
have been estimated as USD 8.7 trillion over blocks of actionable intelligence. Each report
2008-17, and USD 817.6 billion in 2017 alone.2 contributes a piece of the jigsaw puzzle that,
The human consequences are grave, including when put together, allows a more detailed
picture to emerge.
1 OECD (2016), Illicit Trade: Converging Criminal Networks, OECD Reviews of Risk Management Policies, OECD
Publishing, Paris. dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264251847-en
2 GFI (2020), Trade-Related Illicit Financial Flows in 135 Developing Countries: 2008-2017, Global Financial Integrity,
Washington DC. gfintegrity.org/report/trade-related-illicit-financial-flows-in-135-developing-countries-2008-2017/
3 ILO (2017), Global Estimates of Modern Slavery, International Labour Organization and Walk Free Foundation, Geneva.
Under-invoicing Over-invoicing
The exporter transfers value to the importer by shipping goods The importer transfers money to the exporter
that are worth more than the invoiced amount. through paying above market value of goods.
Such information realises its greatest as partners learn from one another and
potential when understood within a larger synthesise knowledge. Fintel Alliance has
context. Suspicious matter reports and now formed a TBML working group that
financial information received by AUSTRAC includes front-line experts from industry and
are available to more than 5,000 designated law enforcement to develop indicators and
users within partner agencies to support typologies that can be broadened to other
national security and law enforcement jurisdictions and trade types.
investigations. AUSTRAC’s analysts also
use this information to identify new and The value of this interconnected approach
emerging risks and to develop sophisticated is becoming clear. Better intelligence and
in-depth intelligence reports on priority law information-sharing regarding child sexual
enforcement and national security matters. exploitation resulted in a 643% increase
AUSTRAC then provides indicators and in suspicious matter reports to AUSTRAC.
trends back to the businesses it regulates to This supported the detention or arrest of 73
help them further mitigate risks and respond persons and the protection or rescue of 35
to emerging threats. As the quality of reports victims in 2018‑2019.
increases, so does the intelligence that
leads to the detection and apprehension of To combat TBML, as with other serious and
criminals. organised crimes, we need to continue to
monitor and prepare for shifts in the risks
To further boost the benefits of collaboration, that criminals may pose to the financial
AUSTRAC established the Fintel Alliance system and community. Timely and quality
in 2017, the world’s first private-public contributions from industry are crucial for
partnership of its kind. Fintel Alliance’s 28 success. As financial crime becomes more
members include experts from financial complex across the globe, collaboration is
industry, intelligence agencies, law a critical foundation to overcome criminal
enforcement, and academic and research exploitation of our interconnected trade,
institutions. Along with improved operational financial systems and global communities.
outcomes, members’ capability increases
Increased trade helps bring developing be allowed to compromise the integrity and
countries into the global financial system. But security of the global financial system.
financing that trade can be difficult when the
process is sometimes stymied by systems It is worth studying, however, whether the
aimed to combat money laundering. regulatory regimes designed for KYC, AML,
and countering the financing of terrorism
Trade helps build inclusive growth and (CFT) could be streamlined so that the bad
reduces poverty. Trade finance helps facilitate guys get caught but the good guys still get
international trade and commerce by making financed.
it easier for importers and exporters to
transact business using financial instruments In terms of trade and trade finance,
and products. ‘following the money’ is thought to be more
challenging given that trade finance involves
Greater access to the global financial system complex transactions involving multiple
would narrow the gaps between developed parties, including correspondent banking
and developing countries. Without proper relationships that are thought to be of higher
financing, developing countries cannot risk from an AML perspective.
benefit from trade because they do not have
the money to build supply-side capacity To address trade-based money laundering
and trade-related infrastructure. Greater (TBML), the Asia/Pacific Group on Money
financial inclusion is key to achieving the UN’s Laundering Trade Based Money Laundering
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Typologies Report 2012 recommended the
adoption of common formatting to record
In the latest study by the Asian Development and maintain trade-relevant statistics. That
Bank, the global trade finance gap was way, data could be analysed to identify trends
estimated to be USD 1.5 trillion. This related to trade-based money laundering,
persistently large market gap impedes the full instead of that data being lumped in with
potential of trade to deliver growth, jobs, and other forms of money laundering, as they are
poverty reduction. The ADB study identified now.
AML and KYC requirements as one of the
key reasons why trade finance proposals get For its part, the ADB Trade Finance Program
rejected. has convened multiple stakeholders from
international organisations, regulators, and
The United Nations Office on Drugs and major global banks to brainstorm on these
Crime estimates only about 1% of crime issues and present practical solutions.
proceeds laundered via the global financial
system are seized and frozen. Around 80– ADB is encouraging standard setters to
90% of the reports of suspicious financing consider adopting common trade data points
are of no immediate value to active law in suspicious transaction reports to produce
enforcement investigations, based on a poll higher quality, actionable intelligence from
conducted by the Royal United Services those submissions. It has highlighted the
Institute. need for a feedback loop between and
among regulated banks, financial intelligence
To be clear, this isn’t a choice between units, law enforcement, and other relevant
fighting financial crimes and improving agencies such as customs authorities.
financial access. Illicit money transfers cannot
The Global Survey has already touched digital capabilities and those that currently
on several aspects of digitisation, from do not.
supply chain finance to SME inclusion to
regulation. Digitisation is not simply a trend Of the banks surveyed, 64% indicated that
in trade finance, but a singularly disrupting they have a digital strategy for trade finance
change to the way trade finance operates. (Figure 79). However, this number differs
Given the difficulty that many banks have significantly by bank type. While 83% of
had in accessing original documentation global banks have a digital strategy, only 46%
during COVID-19 (due to lockdowns and of local banks have one – a stark reminder of
quarantines), we expect the push to fully the challenges many banks face in integrating
digitise global trade and trade finance to digital solutions into their existing offerings.
gather further momentum. While digitisation Indeed, only 17% of respondents have
is widely seen as one of the most important – successfully implemented digital solutions
51. Does and
your bank have
promising a digitaltostrategy
– developments shape tradefor(Figure
with a surprising one in five
finance in the coming years, the survey shows not yet seeing any tangible benefits. 22% of
a clear divide between banks that have the banks said that they have tried to implement
vision, capacity and commitment to advance technology solutions but that it has been
Figure 79
Does your bank have a digital strategy for trade finance?
31% 27%
49. Please indicate the maturity46%
of your bank in using technology solutions to achieve benefits
64% 64%
improved precision
Don’t know
Total Local Regional Global
Figure 80
Please indicate the maturity of your bank in using technology solutions
5% 4%
Technology We have We are We have Technology We have Don’t know
solutions implemented currently successfully solutions successfully
implementation technology struggling to implemented implementation implemented
Note: 6.7% of respondents
is on our to thisbutquestion
solutions did not
implement include isthe
technology not type
on our ofsolutions
bank in buttheir responses and hence are only
above agenda for the there is room technology solutions, agenda at this benefits not
next 1-2 years for solutions resulting in a time yet evidenced
improvement reduction of
time and costs
Figure 81
What instruments and solutions are your bank using for digitised trade finance?
38% 36%
23% 22%
25 20%
Online SWIFT Application Imaging Big data Distributed Electronic Other Bank
platforms MT798 Programm- and optical analytics ledger bills of Payment
48. To what extent has your bank
for trade removed the use of
ing physical paper
character for documentary transa
technology lading and Obligation
48. To
To what
what extent
extent has
has your
your bank
bank removed
removed the
the use
use of
of physical
physical paper
paper for
Interface recognition
for documentary
documentary transa
transa other
Figure 82
To what extent has your bank removed the use of physical paper for documentary
Local Local
Local Banks
Local Banks
Issuance/ advising 13% 54% 33%
Issuance/ advising 13% 54% 33%
Issuance/ advising 13% 54% 33%
Settlement/ financing 13% 54% 33%
Settlement/ financing 13% 54% 33%
Settlement/ financing 13% 54% 33%
Document verification 8% 54% 38%
Document verification 8% 54% 38%
Document verification 8% 54% 38%
Regional Banks
Regional Banks Banks
Regional Banks
Issuance/ advising 14% 64% 23%
Issuance/ advising 14% 64% 23%
Issuance/ advising 14% 64% 23%
Settlement/ financing 18% 59% 23%
Settlement/ financing 18% 59% 23%
Settlement/ financing 18% 59% 23%
Document verification 45% 55%
Document verification 45% 55%
Document verification 45% 55%
Global Banks
Global Banks
Issuance/ advising 29% 46% 25%
Issuance/ advising 29% 46% 25%
Issuance/ advising 29% 46% 25%
Settlement/ financing 21% 46% 33%
Settlement/ financing 21% 46% 33%
Settlement/ financing 21% 46% 33%
Document verification 8% 50% 42%
Document verification 8% 50% 42%
Document verification 8% 50% 42%
0% 50% 100%
0% 50% 100%
0% 50% 100%
To a great extent: digital fully implemented for all transactions
To a great extent: digital fully implemented for all transactions
To a great
some extent:
extent: digital
digital fully implemented
implemented for transactions;
for some all transactions
To some extent: digital implemented for some transactions;
To some extent: digital implemented for some transactions;
To no extent: digital not implemented at this time
To no extent: digital not implemented at this time
To no extent: digital not implemented at this time
Figure 83
is the level of client usage of digital channels in each of the following areas?
Local Banks
Documentary trade 9% 39% 52%
Documentary trade 9% 39% 52%
Documentary trade 9% 39% 52%
Supply chain 5% 29% 67%
Supply chain 5% 29% 67%
Supply chain 5% 29% 67%
Receivable finance 10% 29% 62%
Receivable finance 10% 29% 62%
Receivable finance 10% 29% 62%
Guarantees & trade loans 9% 39% 52%
Guarantees & trade loans 9% 39% 52%
Guarantees & trade loans 9% 39% 52%
Regional Banks
Documentary trade 18% 41% 41%
Documentary trade 18% 41% 41%
Documentary trade 18% 41% 41%
Supply chain 18% 27% 55%
Supply chain 18% 27% 55%
Supply chain 18% 27% 55%
Receivable finance 14% 36% 50%
Receivable finance 14% 36% 50%
Receivable finance 14% 36% 50%
Guarantees & trade loans 5% 41% 55%
Guarantees & trade loans 5% 41% 55%
Guarantees & trade loans 5% 41% 55%
Documentary trade 14% 55% 32%
Documentary trade 14% 55% 32%
Documentary trade 14% 55% 32%
Supply chain 29% 38% 33%
53. What percentage of Documentary
29% Trade transactions
Supply chain
Supply chain
38% do you receive digitally? 33%
Receivable finance 19% 43% 38%
Receivable finance 19% 43% 38%
Receivable finance 19% 43% 38%
Guarantees & trade loans 14% 50% 36%
Guarantees & trade loans 14% 50% 36%
Guarantees & trade loans0% 14% 50% 50% 36% 100%
0% 50% 100%
0% Significant 50%
Some None/Little 100%
Significant Some None/Little
Significant Some None/Little
Figure 84
% percentage of documentary trade transactions do you receive digitally?
13% 11%
4% 3% 4%
0-10% 10-20% 20-30% 30-40% 40-50% 50%+
Figure 85
What percentage of open account trade transactions do you receive digitally?
9% 6% 7%
0-10% 10-20% 20-30% 30-40% 40-50% 50%+
56. What percentage of your transactions have zero touch processing (i.e. no human interventi
Figure 86
What percentage of your transactions have zero-touch processing for the following
Average % stated
10 8% 9%
Import L/Cs Export L/Cs Loans for import/ export Performance guarantees
Figure 87
Over the past five years what % cost savings has digitisation of trade provided?
61. Over the next 5 years what % cost savings do you expect digitisation of trade to provide fo
3% 1%
0-10% 11-20% 21-30% 31% +
Figure 88
Over the next five years what % cost savings do you expect digitisation of trade to provide?
34% 35%
Figure 89
How much has your bank spent in 2019 on developing/ acquiring digital solutions for trade
finance, including future spends (3-5 years ahead)?
55. What are the main barriers, including future ones, experienced and anticipated by your bank
solutions? 9% 6% 3%
0% 2%
USD 0-10M USD 10-20M USD 20-30M USD 30-40M USD 40-50M USD 50M+
Figure 90
What are the main barriers that are preventing a wider adoption of digital solutions?
51% 51%
40 32%
Building internal Regulation Client needs/ Low value Other
capabilities/ expectations proposition
Figure 91
To what extent, if any, do you think that digitisation will enable your bank to better serve its
existing clients and attract new clients?
10% 13% 13%
41% 30%
Not at all/ very little
55% 57%
49% To a moderate extent
To a significant extent
62. How would
0 you
rate the benefits
of digitisation
to your
bank’s trade finance operations?
Figure 92
How would you rate the benefits of digitisation to your bank’s trade finance operations?
9% 14%
43% 59%
50 46%
Little/ no benefit
38% Moderate benefit
25% 32%
Significant benefit
Total Local Regional Global
Note: 5.5% of respondents to this question did not include the type of bank in their responses and hence are only
Figure 93
When would you predict pure digital trade finance to completely replace traditional trade
finance as known today?
15% 9%
21% 17%
36% 26%
50 By 2025
43% By 2030
41% 50%
After 2030
Note: 5.5% of respondents to this question did not include the type of bank in their responses and hence are only
3. Changing industry behaviours and norms The roadmap also allows us to see that
around paper progress on digitisation isn’t only about
modernising regulations or establishing
Harmonisation of action across digital standards. Equally important is systems
advocates will be key in 2020. Few believe change within the industry. This points to
that we should be using paper originals and the need for more focus on pillar three in
handwritten signatures in 2020. But moving
Figure 94
Digital progress in three areas
Note: The above chart has been developed directly – unedited - from Global Survey responses, and does not represent an
official ICC view. Please treat as an indication that requires further validation
The answer lies in the complexity and age of the UK legal system, coupled with the fact that
there is no single point of leadership in government and no trade body singularly focused on
making the case for change.
We have identified three specific pieces of legislation that act as a brake on progress.
The need to modernise underscores a deeper issue in UK law: how title of ownership is
recognised. In trade, title refers to goods. But the legal definition goes much further and covers
everything from ownership of assets to pensions and power of attorney. Several attempts have
been made to review the UK situation, but all have failed to make significant progress.
The good news is there is genuine alignment and a real appetite to address the issues from
across industry and government. ICC has stepped in to act as the neutral convener using the
roadmap to rally the different stakeholders. They have included the UK Law Commission,
Ministry of Justice, Department for Digital Trade, the Commonwealth, and a host of experts
from finance, law, academia, shipping, insurance and trade. All agree the time is right and there
is a real opportunity to move the agenda forward.
As the home of English law and the Commonwealth, the general consensus is that if the UK can
fully digitise trade documentation, it sets an important precedent across all 54 Commonwealth
countries and all contracts that use English law. The UK could also become the first G7 country
and lead the way for others to follow.
Multilateral and bilateral trade dialogues are another place that the UK can show leadership.
The UK is also an active participant in the WTO Ecommerce negotiations and is in the midst of
trade negotiations with the EU and US. Brexit and now COVID-19 have accelerated the agenda
and opened up a window of opportunity that has remain unchanged for hundreds of years. It’s
an enormous opportunity that the UK must take.
Using the roadmap, the ICC can act as a neutral convener for industry, to bring all the parties
to the table and to step in as the body that makes the case for change. If we can do this across
the ICC network, we will be able to accelerate the digitisation of global trade.
One of the most pressing and challenging due to KYC concerns, suitability, and low-
issues facing the trade industry today is quality applications (Figure 98). While
financial inclusion broadly defined, as well as this rejection rate is low on the whole,
more specifically in making sure, that trade there is a discrepancy across geographies,
finance products are available to businesses with applications from Africa, and
of all sizes and across geographies, and that Central and Eastern Europe, receiving a
by extension, the benefits of trade in terms disproportionately high number of rejections
of enhanced standards of living can be more relative to their representation in trade
equitably distributed. Survey respondents finance applications (Figure 99), contributing
overwhelmingly believe there is a shortage to the well-documented trade finance gap,
in servicing the needs of the global which persists at about USD 1.5 trillion
market (Figure 96), and that multilaterals, annually according to ongoing analysis by the
governments, and export credit agencies Asian Development Bank.
have a role in helping to close this gap.
Additionally, while public–private partnerships In addition to these geographical
can help banks close the trade finance gap, discrepancies, MSMEs are more likely than
there is a wider set of tools available, and the other customer segments to be rejected for
onus of expanding access to trade finance is trade finance support (Figure 100). These
shared by both industry and public bodies. businesses represent 29% of total trade
finance applications and make up 36% of
The majority of banks only rejected a rejections, again highlighting the extent of
small percentage (0–10%) of trade finance unmet demand (i.e. the trade finance gap)
41. Do you believe there is a shortage in servicing the trade finance needs of the global market?
transactions in 2019 (Figure 97), primarily that exists in the market, and the degree
Figure 96
Do you believe there is a shortage in servicing the trade finance needs of the global market?
20% 19%
Western Asia 40% Other
Europe Pacific %%
% Copyright © 2020 by Boston Consulting Group. All rights reserved.
% % 60%
81% 80%
16. Of the total value of trade finance transactions your bank received in 2019 (provided in the
reject/not support? Yes No
Figure 97
Note: 1.3% of respondents to this question did not include the location of their bank's headquarters bank in their responses and hence are only
Of thein the
included total value
total column of trade finance transactions your bank received in 2019, what percentage
Figure 98
Of the rejected/ not supported transaction applications, please rank the most common
reasons that your bank did not support applications in 2019
0% 50% 100%
Note: ‘Rejected because of KYC concerns’ – not that the (potential) client was suspicious,
Less common but that the Most
More common KYC regulatory
requirements were too costly and onerous
‘Could have been supported, but unprofitable’ –regulatory capital on trade finance made supporting the transaction
1. Rejected because of KYC concerns - not that the (potential) client was suspicious, but that the KYC regulatory requirem
2. Figure
Could have 99
been supported, but regulatory capital on trade finance made supporting the transaction unprofitable
In 2019 what was the percentage breakdown of trade finance applications and rejections per
North America
Latin America 9%
and the Caribbean 12%
Western Europe
Central and Eastern Europe
Middle East
Asia Pacific
0% 15% 30%
Average %
Note: Region selected is where respondents' banks would have assumed the most risk in the transaction (in mo
to which MSMEs face a disproportionate Banks generally do not receive trade finance
challenge in accessing trade financing. support from government or other public
institutions to help provide financing to
Further, there is little variation in the rejection MSMEs (Figure 102). However, Asia Pacific
19. In 2019 what was the percentage breakdown
rate of various trade finance products relative of trade with
is an exception, finance
62% of respondents
applications and rejections per region1, client segment and transaction
to their share of overall applications (Figure indicating they receive some publictype?
101), although there are small spikes in for MSME financing. In light of this, it is
rejections for loans or advances against both interesting to note that Asia has the lowest
inventory and receivables. rejection rate of all regions relative to the
Figure 100
In 2019 what was the percentage breakdown of trade finance applications and rejections per
client segment?
Multinational and large corporate
Middle market/ mid-cap
Financial institutions
20. In 2019 what was the percentage breakdown
7% of traditional trade finance applications and re
0% 20% 40%
Average %
As a % of total transaction application values
As a % of total rejected transaction values
Figure 101
In 2019 what was the percentage breakdown of traditional trade finance applications and
rejections per transaction type?
Commercial letters of credit 33%
Standby letters of credit
Receivables discounting
Note: Region selected is where respondents' banks
7% would have assumed the most risk in the transaction (in most
located). Loan or advance against inventory 5%
Factoring and its variations
Payables finance 4%
Pre-shipment finance 3%
Loan or advance 3%
against receivables 4%
Distributor finance 1%
0% 20% 40%
Average %
Figure 102
Does your bank receive any type of support for MSME trade financing from the government
or other public institutions?
50 41% 45%
37% 40%
32% 34%
28% Yes
21% 24% 21%
14% No
Don’t know
Total Western Europe Asia Pacific Other
43. To what extent do you agree that government funding assistance/partnerships for MSMEs
Figure 103
To what extent do you agree that government funding assistance/ partnerships for MSMEs
would help in fulfilling demand for their trade finance?
28% 28%
9% 9%
Note: 1.3% of respondents to this question did not include the location1%of their bank's headquarters bank in their r
column above0
Strongly agree Slightly agree Netural Slightly disagree Strongly disagree Don’t know
Figure 104
To what extent do you agree that multilateral development banks and export credit agencies
help banks like yours to close market gaps (unmet demand) for trade finance?
31% 29%
Figure 105
Is your bank positioning itself to maximise the potential to service more MSMEs and close
market gaps (unmet demand) through technology?
% No
55% Don’t know
Figure 106
To what extent do you agree that technology will enhance your bank’s engagement with
MSMEs in the following ways?
39% 36% 35% Strongly agree
The lack of inclusion of SMEs in global trade reliable suppliers and investment-grade end
is often referenced by the SME trade finance payers.
gap, and much has been done to study and
try to improve access of SMEs to finance, What data is missing in trade involving SMEs?
especially loans, to try to address this gap.
Through Kountable’s five years of partnering 1. Who the best SMEs are. We need a
with SMEs in East Africa who struggle to reliable source of data on which SMEs
finance trade deals, it has become clear that can execute, not just pay bills. Execution
there is a much larger underlying problem, ability is different from and not always
one which also points the way to practical correlated with credit-worthiness. KYC
solutions if we address it head-on. Inclusion data and measures of execution ability are
shows up and is measured globally as a key risk-mitigating data points.
finance problem, but at its heart, it is a data
problem. 2. Who the end-payers are. KYCC (Know
Your Client’s Client) is also needed but is
The lack of digitisation of SME-involved often obscured by contract terms set up
trade, the lack of access to ERP (Enterprise in tendering processes that require goods
Resource Planning) capabilities and a system to be purchased onshore from SMEs who
of record capable of capturing the trading must first procure them abroad.
activities of sub-enterprise scale businesses,
makes trade involving SMEs more difficult 3. Is the trade transaction properly
to transact and fund on many fronts. constructed to mitigate predictable
Exclusion extends beyond finance to difficulty risks, like those associated with currency
accessing the best global suppliers and fluctuations, contract terms mismatches,
competitive pricing for trade services such as inspections, KYC/ KYCC related issues
insurance and logistics. for all parties to the trade, and vetting
and verification of contracts and key
Put simply, capital flows based on the documents?
assessment by its owners of risk and return.
4. Real-time project management data,
The completion of due diligence on trade including tracking of milestones and
transactions involving SMEs, and on SMEs financial flows comparable to what an ERP
themselves, has been notoriously difficult. system integrated with enterprise-grade
However, this failure to measure, this lack of accounting and treasury management
reliable data on which to assess the merits systems provides for larger entities.
of a trade, disguises the fact that much of
this business is very investible on commercial With reliable data on all these aspects of an
terms, especially with data not just for due SME-involved trade transaction, capital can
diligence, but also to manage projects to flow to this activity at scale because trustable
further mitigate execution and performance risk profiles can be built and monitored.
risk. On the flip side, failing to address the data
problems will hobble any attempt to solve
Lack of access to finance is one result of financial inclusion at scale. Unmitigated risk
this absence of data and affects even the will continue to lead to casualties that sink
best SMEs (with outstanding demonstrated programs. Guarantees can be part of the
execution capabilities) in the presence of solution but are not a substitute for de-risking
high-quality, enforceable contracts with transactions at an operational level through
better business practices, validation of data
The Successors in Trade (SIT) programme The Outreach Initiative is guided and
was established by the Executive Committee mentored by a panel of experienced trade
of the ICC Banking Commission following finance professionals, who are either
a recommendation by Mr. Ruediger Geis of members of the ICC Banking Commission
Commerzbank in Frankfurt, a long-serving Executive Committee or the Advisory Board.
member of the ExCo. The Program was They include Dr. Rudolf Putz of the EBRD, Mr.
launched in 2018 as a strategic programme Vincent O’Brien of the Executive Committee,
to identify and develop the next generation Ms. Ana Kavtaradze from Bank of Georgia,
of specialists to support trade finance and and Mr. Huny Garg from SWIFT.
SCF practitioners.
In this section, SIT team members currently
An exciting sub-stream of the SIT programme active in the Outreach Initiative share their
is the Outreach Initiative. Young, talented experiences and insights and how they can
trade finance professionals are challenged to bring new members from new countries
devise and implement strategies to attract a into the ICC Banking Commission and the
new wave of trade professionals as members ICC itself.
of the ICC Banking Commission and to
reach into countries where the ICC Banking The team is composed of Ms. Irina Chuvakhina
Commission is not represented or connected. (Priorbank Belarus), Ms. Innesa Amirbekyan
(ID Bank Armenia), Ms. Antonija Koceva
. (Komercijalna Banka, North Macedonia), and
Mr. Samuel Ansah (Ecobank, Africa).
Like many trade finance professionals around trade finance club evolved into a more formal
the world, I experience ICC every single day association, we could join as direct members
of my working life as so many trade banking of ICC.
transactions are based on the application of
ICC rules. However, the possibility of playing With this progress in hand, we had a
a part within the ICC Banking Commission delegation of five trade finance professionals
would not be something that I would have in attendance at the ICC Banking Commission
considered a real possibility. But with the Meeting in Tbilisi, Georgia in October 2018.
support of my bank and the EBRD Trade
Facilitation Programme (TFP), I was invited I am pleased to advise that with the guidance
to participate as a guest at the ICC Banking of our mentors, the key steps have already
Commission Meeting in Jakarta, Indonesia in been taken to form the Trade Finance
April 2017. My participation was a small but Association of Belarus with direct membership
historic step; this was the first time that a in ICC. A well-attended meeting of trade
trade finance professional from Belarus was finance professionals from commercial
included as a delegate in the history of the ICC banks and the National Bank of the Republic
Banking Commission. of Belarus endorsed this approach on 18
February 2020 in Minsk, Belarus.
This amazing event and my knowledge about
the keen interest of my colleagues from It is fair to say that COVID-19 has slowed
other Belarusian banks in ICC activity whet our advance but it will not stop us moving
my appetite for the engagement. I returned forward, and I hope that we will join the ICC
home to Belarus inspired to do something to family sooner or later and our delegation will
help trade finance professionals contribute to attend the Dubai meeting in Spring 2021 as an
and benefit from participating in ICC Banking ICC member.
The SIT Outreach Initiative has empowered This situation creates a barrier for the
me to do what I have always wanted: to younger and keenly interested trade finance
build a local and international network of professionals in Armenia to engage with
trade finance professionals so that Armenia ICC. However, this challenge was turned
can prosper in international trade. For me, into an opportunity and a step towards full
having good relations with other technically membership for young trade professionals
competent trade finance professionals makes as I established the first Trade Finance
business easier and a lot more rewarding. Club in Armenia. We recently held our first
oversubscribed meeting in Yerevan, Armenia
ICC Armenia was formed in June 2018 at the offices of ICC Armenia.
and our Banking Commission took its first
steps in October 2018. In fact, I was the Given our love of trade finance I felt it
first formal representative of ICC Banking appropriate to hold the meeting on 14
Commission Armenia to join Banking February 2020. This ‘Valentine’s Day’
Commission Meetings, with the first one meeting was very successful and led to a
in Tbilisi in October 2018, followed by the delegation being formed to attend the April
Annual Meeting in Beijing in 2019, and finally 2020 meeting in Dubai. While the Dubai
the Paris meeting in October 2019. I was all meeting may now be temporarily postponed,
set and registered to participate fully at the our activity locally and with the other SIT
Dubai meeting in April 2020 with a young team members continues by digital means.
delegation from Armenia, but COVID-19 put I can honestly say that being part of the
an end to that. This was a disappointment SIT outreach team provides a tremendous
as the Dubai meeting had an amazing opportunity to make positive change and we
agenda and the theme reflected what the SIT have already come up with a range of
Outreach Initiative is all about: Connecting new ideas.
the Trade World – shaping the future!
Trade finance professionals in Armenia, as
The challenge in Armenia is probably typical in many countries in the region, are familiar
of the challenges facing the ICC Banking with working with the development banks
Commission all over the world in bringing such as the EBRD, IFC, and the ADB. These
in young talent. Without a doubt there development banks are partners of ICC in
are lots of interested young trade finance Market Intelligence and in many other areas
professionals wishing to interact with and of trade development and facilitation. These
be part of the ICC Banking Commission. multilateral development banks can provide
However, decisions for membership are a bridge to bring in new young talent to the
generally made by senior executives who ICC Banking Commission, and this is one core
are not familiar with the workings of the ICC area of activity on which we intend to focus.
Banking Commission and, in many instances,
not familiar with the work of the ICC itself.
Given that I am a trade finance professional this is the time to think outside the box. My
working at Ecobank, and responsible for recommendation is simple but effective.
smooth operations and trade technology When there is no ICC National Committee
across 32 countries, I have a keen interest in within a country, trade finance professionals
the integration of a new wave of tech-savvy should be able to join through the multilateral
trade finance professionals into the important development banks that have been working
work for trade development of the ICC in partnership with the ICC for many years.
Banking Commission. Should an ICC National Committee be
established in a particular country, the
However, based on my initial research, the membership would revert back through the
catchy slogan of the ICC, “We make business more natural channel of the typical local ICC
work for everyone, every day, everywhere”, National Committee route.
may not yet be an accurate reflection of the
reality on the ground in Africa. Just think about what can be achieved if we
integrate young trade talent from the African
However, with the support of my Outreach continent into the ICC Banking Commission.
Initiative team members and mentors I The raw numbers speak for themselves.
intend to change that. Given that Africa is
a continent of 54 countries, all eager for AfCFTA can create a market with GDP of USD
trade expansion, the fact that there are 2.5 trillion and a population of over 1 billion,
fewer than 10 ICC National Committees on 60% of whom are below the age of 25. Surely,
the continent is considered by some to be a these figures in themselves are a call to action
major disappointment. However, I see it as a for the ICC Banking Commission and our SIT
great opportunity for the outreach team and outreach team.
the ICC itself.
I have not yet had the honour of attending
The time to act is now. In March 2019, African an ICC Banking Commission Meeting like my
leaders took a major step forward and now other SIT outreach team members, although
all 54 African nations signed the African I was all set with flights booked for Dubai
Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), the 2020. However, it is always good to see and
biggest trade agreement signed since the hear my team members in the virtual world,
World Trade Organization was established. which is now becoming our norm and it is
working well.
With the AfCTFA in place, this challenge has
become an opportunity for the SIT outreach
team, and even amid the COVID-19 pandemic
The leading trade finance banks in North within the trade finance community in North
Macedonia are members of the EBRD’s TFP. Macedonia.
Many of these banks have won international
recognition for their services by international Thankfully the EBRD TFP took the initiative
financial institutions and many of the trade of agreeing to host a trade finance training
finance professionals themselves have and information event in our capital city
achieved exceptional results under the Skopje on 17 March 2020. I am glad to advise
electronic learning programme of the EBRD. I that this event was highly successful with the
have also graduated and hold my EBRD trade participation of commercial banks, the central
finance certificates with pride. bank, and a highlight being a presentation by
ICC North Macedonia on the benefits of being
In North Macedonia there is an ICC National part of ICC.
Committee but until now there has been
no active Banking Commission within its The Dubai meeting being postponed was a
framework. Recently there has been tangible major disappointment for my SIT outreach
progress in forming this commission and we team members and me, and the COVID-19
are looking forward to the launch and active lockdown and distancing temporarily derailed
participation of the highly motivated trade our momentum in the SIT programme and the
finance professionals in North Macedonia. Outreach Initiative.
By being part of the SIT Outreach Initiative However, we are now re-energised, re-
and actively participating at ICC Banking focused and making maximum use of
Commission Meetings in Beijing and Paris, videoconferencing and other communications
I have learned about the essential activities technology to achieve our objectives.
of the ICC Banking Commission. I have been
inspired to mobilise local trade finance talents The next substantive step of the SIT Outreach
for an active ICC Banking Commission in North Initiative will be to host an Outreach Initiative
Macedonia. Webinar with participation of the respective
ICC National Committees and the soon-to-be-
Through special arrangements facilitated formed Trade Finance Association of Belarus.
by our mentors and the ICC UAE I had
put together a small but highly interested With our dynamic mindset and drive to be
delegation to attend the Dubai 2020 meeting. real Successors in Trade we will take every
With the Dubai meeting postponed, I urgently opportunity to turn the challenges of evolving
needed an event to maintain the momentum global isolation into a reality of a dynamic
and interest in the ICC Banking Commission and inclusive ICC Banking Commission global
outreach initiative
The World Trade Organization’s latest outlook Because I am looking to have an invoice
for global trade makes grim reading. The financed rather than a loan, I may fall outside
COVID-19 pandemic could cause a drop many of the support structures currently on
in world trade of between 13% and 32% in offer globally.
2020; this largely mirrors BCG’s own analysis
presented earlier in this report. The trade So, is the solution a digital one? The sector
community has been watching inventory has been talking about the need for big data
stock plummet since February, and while and artificial intelligence to create compliance
at the outset of the crisis this was simply a and onboarding solutions; blockchain is
supply chain disruption, the complete global regarded as one of the most effective ways of
lockdown of our daily lives has caused a drop moving from manual trade finance processes
in global demand for goods and services like to secure digital transactions. As a result,
no other in recent memory. Even the IMF, there are many fintech solutions out there in
which has been one of the more optimistic the market that have sought to digitise trade
global forecasters over the last decade, is finance from the supply side. They streamline
predicting a drop in global growth of up to 3%. transactions and payments securely and
generally save banks time and money, making
Within all this mayhem, spare a thought for them more efficient and effective.
the smaller businesses that form part of the
global supply chains that define the way in The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the
which global trade works. These businesses importance of the demand side – in other
are at the end of the supply chains and reliant words, the need for trade finance among
on payment of invoices for their finance. a group of very small businesses who are
They may well have contracts to supply currently excluded from existing, largely
goods or services to players further along the corporate, solutions. The legacy of the
chain, but if the whole trade system grinds global financial crisis was to push trade
to a halt, then these invoices are not paid, finance providers away from these smaller
and the contracts are not honoured – very companies because, in an environment where
simply because the goods at the end are not unorthodox monetary policy was keeping
delivered to the client. yields low, the due diligence and onboarding
costs relative to deal size for the smallest
Here is the problem: if I am a small businesses were simply unsustainable. Many
exporting business with a turnover below, of the digital solutions that have evolved
say, GBP 5 million, then I probably do not since then have either directly or indirectly
know about export credit agencies, and I sought to close the SME trade finance gap by
almost certainly fall outside of the banks’ offering quicker onboarding and compliance
commercial banking reach. I therefore rely on tools to banks so that they can provide
the contracts I have and the swift payment money to these businesses more readily.
of invoices to fund my business through
cashflow. Even if I am supplying an essential There is limited evidence that digital solutions
good or service, I will find it difficult to access are substantially closing the gap, however,
support schemes because I am too small and and COVID-19 is likely to widen it again. This
reliant on my invoices, not working capital is because these solutions do not address
loans or turnover. If the invoices against the demand side. That is, many of the SMEs,
a contract stop being paid because the according to the OECD , are micro businesses
goods at the end of the chain aren’t being that contribute to value added trade – that is,
delivered or even demanded any more, then to critical value-adding parts of supply chains.
my business runs out of cash very quickly. So, while these businesses may be tiny, they
We would also like to thank TXF for their For more information on the TXF’s data used
continued contributions, including a feature in in this feature, please contact:
this year’s report based on market sentiment Dr Tom Parkman, Head of Research; TXF
data collected from TXF Research’s global at tom.parkman@txfmedia.com
Export Finance Industry Report 2020, Alfonso Olivas, Head of Data; TXF Data
scheduled for release at TXF Global in 2020, at alfonso.olivas@txfmedia.com
and closed deal data from TXF Data. Along Sergio Lopez, Analyst; TXF
with TXF Essentials, the market leading at sergio.lopez@txfmedia.com
platform for in-depth news and stories in Max Thompson, Editor; TXF
the export, trade and commodity industries, at max.thompson@txfmedia.com
these three strands make up TXF Intelligence,
TXF’S new business intelligence platform For more information on TXF Intelligence,
please contact: Vanisha Meisuria, Senior
Business Development Manager; TXF
at vanisha.meisuria@txfmedia.com
and reporting platform. BNY Mellon has
consistently won industry awards for our
capabilities in trade and transactional
Solutions for
banking as well as Internet-based private
label offerings for financial institutions.
Staying competitive in today’s global trade
environment typically requires significant
investments in technology and staff
training. Financial institutions and their
customers often have difficulty keeping up
with rapid changes in these areas as they
focus on growing revenue and improving
productivity. To address these resource
constraints, BNY Mellon offers banks the
opportunity to leverage its global network,
experienced trade experts, and state-of-
the-art, Internet-based trade processing
and financing solutions.
© 2020 The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation. All rights reserved. BNY Mellon is the corporate brand for The Bank of New York
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Details about the extent of our regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority are available from us on request. Products and
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This advertisement has been approved and/or communicated by Deutsche Bank AG or by its subsidiaries and/or affiliates (“DB”) and appears as a matter of record only. Deutsche Bank AG is
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request. © Deutsche Bank AG 2020
Strategic partnerships
Well-established collaboration with leading policymakers and
trade association, including WTO (World Trade Organization),
ADB (Asian Development Bank), Berne Union, EBRD (European
Bank for Reconstruction and Development), IDB (Inter-American
Development Bank), IFC (International Finance Corporation), IMF
(International Monetary Fund), SWIFT, the World Bank and others.