Peaphy Week 3 - Activity 1 - Group 2
Peaphy Week 3 - Activity 1 - Group 2
Peaphy Week 3 - Activity 1 - Group 2
Orbital Muscles
The extra ocular muscles are located within the orbit, but are extrinsic and separate from
the eyeball itself. They act to control the movements of the eyeball and the superior eyelid.
There are seven extra ocular muscles – the levator, palpebral, superioris, superior rectus,
inferior rectus, medial rectus, lateral rectus, inferior oblique and superior oblique.
Functionally, they can be divided into two groups:
Recti Muscles
There are four recti muscles; superior rectus, inferior rectus, medial rectus and lateral
These muscles characteristically originate from the common tendinous ring. This is a ring
of fibrous tissue, which surrounds the optic canal at the back of the orbit. From their origin,
the muscles pass anteriorly to attach to the sclera of the eyeball.
The name recti is derived from the latin for ‘straight’ – this represents the fact that the recti
muscles have a direct path from origin to attachment. This is in contrast with the oblique eye
muscles, which have an angular approach to the eyeball.
Superior Rectus
• Attachments: Originates from the superior part of the common tendinous ring, and attaches
to the superior and anterior aspect of the sclera.
• Actions: Main movement is elevation. Also contributes to adduction and medial rotation of
the eyeball.
• Innervation: Oculomotor nerve (CN III).
Inferior Rectus
• Attachments: Originates from the inferior part of the common tendinous ring, and attaches
to the inferior and anterior aspect of the sclera.
• Actions: Main movement is depression. Also contributes to adduction and lateral rotation of
the eyeball.
• Innervation: Oculomotor nerve (CN III).
Medial Rectus
• Attachments: Originates from the medial part of the common tendinous ring, and attaches
to the anteromedial aspect of the sclera.
• Actions: Adducts the eyeball.
• Innervation: Oculomotor nerve (CN III).
Lateral Rectus
• Attachments: Originates from the lateral part of the common tendinous ring, and attaches
to the anterolateral aspect of the sclera.
• Actions: Abducts the eyeball.
• Innervation: Abducens nerve (CN VI).
From their origin, the oblique muscles take an angular approach to the eyeball (in contrast
to the straight approach of the recti muscles). They attach to the posterior surface of the
Superior Oblique
• Attachments: Originates from the body of the sphenoid bone. Its tendon passes through a
trochlea and then attaches to the sclera of the eye, posterior to the superior rectus.
• Actions: Depresses, abducts and medially rotates the eyeball.
• Innervation: Trochlear nerve (CN IV).
Inferior Oblique
• Attachments: Originates from the anterior aspect of the orbital floor. Attaches to the sclera
of the eye, posterior to the lateral rectus
• Actions: Elevates, abducts and laterally rotates the eyeball.
• Innervation: Oculomotor nerve (CN III).