Machining Science and Technology: An International Journal
Machining Science and Technology: An International Journal
Machining Science and Technology: An International Journal
To cite this article: C. E. Becze, M. J. Worswick & M. A. Elbestawi (2001): HIGH STRAIN RATE SHEAR EVALUATION AND
CHARACTERIZATION OF AISI D2 TOOL STEEL IN ITS HARDENED STATE, Machining Science and Technology: An International
Journal, 5:1, 131-149
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McMaster Manufacturing Research Institute, McMaster University,
Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4L7, Canada
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Waterloo,
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1, Canada
High strain rate mechanical testing on fully hardened AISI D2 tool steel (at 62
HRc) was performed utilizing the Compressive Split Hopkinson Bar technique
(CSHB) incorporating a punching shear strain state. The high strain rate condi-
tions were comparable to those encountered in machining processes, with
shear strain rates on the order of 5 ⫻ 10 4 s ⫺1 and shear strains in excess of
unity (100% mm/mm). The tests were performed at various initial tempera-
tures ranging from 296-873 K to investigate the flow stress behavior of the
hardened tool steel as a function of temperature. The high strain rate experi-
mental shear stress-strain data was used to fit the flow stress by; i) an empiri-
cally based constitutive law in the form proposed by Johnson and Cook; as
well as, (ii) a physically based constitutive law proposed by Zerilli and Arm-
strong which accounts for strain, strain rate, and temperature dependence of
flow stress. The data incorporated the adiabatic temperature rise in the shear
zone and was used in the constitutive law modeling. The deformed microstruc-
ture was investigated using optical and scanning electron microscopy to deter-
mine the extent of the shear localization zone and the final fracture mode.
High speed machining has received a great deal of attention in the recent
scientific literature. Issues regarding chip formation mechanics and mechanisms
[1,2,3], chip morphology [2], surface integrity and residual stress calculations [3]
have been steadily explored with considerable success. Analytic force modeling
on the other hand has largely been left to empirical approaches using existing
force data to calibrate for the stress levels. The reason for this limitation is a lack
of data and models describing the material behavior under the high strain rates
and large strains associated with chip formation. Strain rates encountered in ma-
chining are of the order of (10 3 ⫺ 10 6 s ⫺1) [4] and strains well in excess of unity
are achieved. Quantification of the material flow stress behavior in this regime
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has proven difficult because standard quasi-static (low strain rate) material tests
do not attain such conditions. The flow stress of materials varies substantially
from quasi-static tests to high strain rate conditions. Elevated strain rates can also
lead to different failure mechanisms. Adiabatic shear localization can occur at
higher strain rates and is rather frequently encountered in machining hardened
steels [5].
Analytic force modeling requires knowledge of the flow stress of the material
at elevated strains and strain rates combined with the high temperatures encoun-
tered during machining. Metallurgical changes such as phase transformations, im-
purities and strengthening phases in the material also add difficulty in the quanti-
fication of the flow stress. As a result, a range of constitutive laws defining the
flow stress of materials have been used in predictive force modeling applications
as reviewed by Childs [6].
Many approaches have been proposed for quantifying the high strain rate
behavior of materials at elevated strains and temperatures. Some investigators
attempt to derive and quantify constitutive laws from turning processes [7]. Diffi-
culty with these methods results in an imprecise determination of deformation
temperatures, friction conditions on the tool face as well as precise quantification
of strains which may cause variations in the flow stress applicable only to the
cutting conditions encountered during the tests. The strains must be determined
post deformation by analysis of the chips. As such, the precise strain history is
difficult to determine strictly from metallography or a kinematic representation
of the chip formation process. Thus, the validity of the flow stress is left in question
if the cutting conditions change.
Other methods exist which are dedicated to measuring the flow stress behav-
ior of materials at elevated strain rates in which precise determination of tempera-
ture and strain rates are attained. These methods include ballistic impact testing
as well as the Compressive Split Hopkinson Bar tests (CSHB). The merits of the
CSHB in uniaxial compression arise from the ability to precisely measure the
strains, strain rates and temperatures. Merits of the torsional SHB have been pro-
posed in [8], however the extent of strain is small and the strain rates are much
less than 10 4 s ⫺1. For certain configurations, the strain rates that can be obtained
from CSHB tests (10 3 ⫺ 10 4 s ⫺1) approach that of machining. To extend the CSHB
apparatus to consider large shear strains and strain rates, a punching shear sample
configuration has been proposed [9,10]. For this configuration, strain rates in ex-
cess of 10 4 s ⫺1 and strains larger than unity can be readily achieved. Data collected
at high strain rates from CSHB tests were used in modeling machining processes
with good results [11].
Hardened tool steels are classified as difficult to cut due to their extreme
toughness and resistance to flow. AISI D2 is a cold work die steel commonly
used in the die and mold industry, and in its hardened state is classified as difficult
to cut. This material has been the focus of several investigations involving chip
formation and morphology, cutting force analysis, and tool wear [12,13,14]. Cur-
rent efforts have been focused on the machining of D2 tool steel in its hardened
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state (62 HRc) for die and mold applications. Characterization of cutting forces
will provide significant insight on the machinability characteristics. In order to
model forces in machining D2, knowledge of the flow stress is required in the
‘‘as machined’’ state. There is little data expressing the high strain rate, high
temperature flow properties of this material under maximum hardness conditions.
Thus, the present research focuses on characterization of the flow stress and defor-
mation behaviour of AISI D2 for future use in machining simulations.
The extreme hardness of the material limits the availability of applicable
test techniques to determine the flow stress at elevated strain rates. The Compres-
sive Split Hopkinson Bar technique in the punching shear configuration was cho-
sen due to the ability to achieve high strain rates. In conjunction to the high strain
rates, the temperature dependence of the flow stress was also determined. The
tests permitted constitutive representations of the flow stress in the form of empiri-
cally based (Johnson-Cook) and physically based (Zerilli-Armstrong) constitutive
laws as functions of the large strains, high strain rates, and temperature. The
sheared specimens were used to characterize the failure modes as a function of
loading rate and temperature. Elevated strain rates and high temperatures generally
cause deformed or transformed shear banding. The present work provides qualita-
tive observations of the deformation structure of the shear bands and on the frac-
tured surfaces, under various test conditions.
Figure 1. Modified high strain rate monolithic specimen cross section for use in CSHB tests on
fully hardened AISI D2 tool steel (62 HRc).
Parameter Value
Initial temperature (K ) 294, 373, 473, 573, 673, 773, 873
Strain rates (s ⫺1) 10 3 ⫺ 10 4
of the incident and transmitter bars, brass bushings, acting as effective heat sinks,
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were placed 30 mm away from the specimen. The testing considered variation of
temperatures and strain rates to obtain data for the thermal dependence of the
constitutive law. Table 1 outlines the test parameters used in the present investiga-
The data was collected using a high frequency Nicolet Pro30 digital storage
oscilloscope with 12-bit resolution. The sampling rate was set at 10 MHz (i.e. a
0.1 µs time differential per data point). The output of the tests was processed to
obtain strain rate vs. time and stress vs. strain curves. For each test it was observed
that the strain rate varied less than 5000 s ⫺1 while the material was deforming
under steady state conditions, up until failure occurred in the specimen and the
strain rate decreased rapidly. Wave reflections in the specimen caused variations
in the strain rate up to a strain level of 0.1 m/m. The coefficients for the Johnson-
Cook and Zerilli-Armstrong constitutive laws were then determined from the
stress vs. plastic strain, instantaneous strain rate, and instantaneous temperature
values using a multidimensional-multivariable non-linear regression technique.
After the tests were performed, the specimens were sectioned and mounted
in a metallurgical cold mount, polished and etched to reveal the deformed micro-
structure of the shear cross section. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis
was used on the sheared interfaces to observe the structure of the fractured sur-
The stress-strain data from the CSHB punching shear tests was processed
to generate a multidimensional array which quantified the instantaneous stress,
strain, and strain rate associated with the deformation process for each given strain
increment. The elastic portion of the strains was removed from the total measured
strains according to:
γp ⫽ γ T ⫺ (1)
G(T )
where γ p is the plastic shear strain increment, γ T is the total measured shear strain,
τ i is the shear stress level at the total plastic strain increment and G(T ) is the
temperature dependent shear modulus. Due to the large strains achieved in shear,
the temperature at each state was estimated from the portion of plastic work con-
verted into heat by:
T(i) ⫽ T o ⫹ ∆T ⫽ T o ⫹
ρCp 冮0
τd γ (2)
where T(i) is the temperature associated with shear deformation, T o is the initial
test temperature, ρ is the density (7750 Kg/m 3), and Cp is the specific heat capacity
(485 J/Kg K). β is the fraction of plastic work converted into heat [5]. It has been
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stated that β can vary from 0.7 for annealed unworked materials, and increases
to near unity for wrought materials. In the present work, β was chosen to be 0.9,
although independent measurements of temperature were not available. Values of
temperature were calculated for each measured stress, strain, and strain rate incre-
ment in the regression fits of the constitutive parameters. In all experiments, the
temperature rise associated with deformation proved significant, as increases of
120–150 K were consistently predicted for strain values of 1. For strains over
100%, the specimens localized in shear as demonstrated by a rapid reduction in
the nominal flow stress.
Figure 2 illustrates typical experimental stress-strain curves obtained from
the high strain rate tests. The results indicate that an increase in ductility occurred
with increasing temperature with shear localization occurring at higher tempera-
tures. It should be noted that the analysis only considered strains greater than 0.1
Figure 2. Experimental shear stress-plastic strain curves illustrating increasing ductility and reduc-
tion of flow stress as a function of initial test temperature.
because the sample was not in stress state equilibrium prior to this time due to
rise time limitations. The rise time of the stress levels are affected by reflections
from the specimen interfaces due to the geometry as well as acoustic impedance
variations caused by non-uniformity of temperature in the bar. It was observed
that the stress-strain signal reached equilibrium after shear strains of 0.1 m/m for
all tests performed. After 473 K, the specimen failed at strains greater than unity
showing the effect of temperature on the ductility of the specimen except for
temperatures greater than 773 K. At 773 K, shear localization occurred at a strain
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value of 0.8. The shear strength at failure was measured at 1500 MPa (⬃3000
MPa effective stress). Considerable work hardening was observed in the high
strain rate as well as the lower strain rate tests over the entire strain range tested.
The stress-strain curves (Figure 2) illustrate a limited temperature sensitivity
up to 773 K. Very little evidence of a reduction of flow stress with increasing
temperature effects in the range considered was observed, indicating metallurgical
stability and resistance to thermal softening (Figure 3). Generally, the flow stress
of a material will decrease with increasing temperature until the melting point of
the material is reached where the material strength essentially vanishes. However,
this functional dependence is often not a simple monotonically varying function.
It has been reported that some ferrous and non-ferrous alloys exhibit a flow stress
plateau with increasing temperature [5].
Plastic slip in metals is governed by dislocation motion. The ease with which
a dislocation propagates through the crystal matrix determines the magnitude of
the flow stress. Secondary phase particles act to strengthen the material by creating
local obstacles, which pin or impede the dislocation motion through dislocation
Figure 3. Variation of experimental and predicted flow stress with adjusted adiabatic temperature
at constant strain value of 0.35.
relatively insensitive to thermal softening effects for the temperature range investi-
gated. Since the carbides are stable at higher temperatures, they still act as effec-
tive dislocation obstacles, which increase the Orowan stress of the material. Thus,
at the higher test temperatures, the limited reduction in the flow stress is primarily
due to thermal softening of the matrix. Thermal softening of the matrix may be
due to de-tempering effects, as temperature has a marginal effect on the tempered
hardness of the alloy, which in turn limits the flow stress. Strong materials gener-
ally require thermal energy greater than half the melting temperature on the abso-
lute scale to activate dislocation motion [16]. Since the microstructure of AISI
D2 has a large volume fraction of high temperature alloy carbides, the flow stress
is not expected to be a strong function of temperature below 0.5 Tm (where Tm ⫽
1763 K) of the alloy.
Compression CSHB tests were also performed on D2 tool steel using cylin-
drical specimen geometry. In these experiments, a marginal increase in ductility
was observed for strain rates of 3500 s ⫺1 with increasing temperature. The failure
mode of the specimens was predominantly by gross fracture up to and including
the tests performed at 773 K. At an initial test temperature of 873 K, the specimen
plastically deformed with no evidence of fracture. This is consistent with the shear
tests where it was also observed that the ductility increased with increasing tem-
perature, as expected, considering that the initial test temperature of 873 K is
approximately 0.5 Tm where dislocations are more mobile.
The use of the elevated temperature stress-strain data was limited due to
extensive barreling of the test specimen. Barreling causes non-uniform stress
states due to friction effects on the incident and reflected interfaces. The barreling
effect could not be avoided even when a dry molybdenum disulfide lubricant was
applied to the test specimen interfaces for the high temperature tests.
fit certain material behavior [17], or from a dislocation mechanics approach where
the micromechanics and thermodynamics of material slip is considered [18].
In the present analysis, the stress, strain, strain rate, and temperature data
was used to fit two constitutive law forms, the Johnson-Cook [17] and Zerilli-
Armstrong[18]. Johnson and Cook [17] developed an empirically based constitu-
tive law for relating the stress, strain, strain rate, and temperature behavior of
materials. The equation possesses the form:
冢 冢 冣冢 冦 冧冣
ε̇ T ⫺ 293
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σ ⫽ (A ⫹ Bε ) 1 ⫹ C log
1⫺ (3)
ε̇ o T m ⫺ 293
large number of dislocation pinning sites, which decrease the mobility of the dislo-
cations. The dislocation forest and entanglement are presumed responsible for the
relatively large work hardening parameter by impeding dislocation slip.
The thermal variation of the flow stress as discussed in [19] was not mea-
sured, the thermal dependence was assumed to vary in a linear fashion. The tem-
perature insensitivity for the present work was captured by the thermal softening
exponent (m ⫽ 3.38) during the minimization algorithm. The relative insensitivity
(a large m value) of the flow stress illustrates the importance of the microstructure
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stress-strain data for various temperatures and strain rates is depicted in Figure 4
for the shear specimens.
σ ⫽ C 0 ⫹ C 1 exp(⫺C 2T ⫹ C 3T ln ε̇) ⫹ C 4 ε n (4)
where C i are material related constants, T the absolute temperature, ε the strain
and ε̇ the strain rate.
The Zerilli-Armstrong formulation was developed for relatively simple ma-
terials where dislocation slip in various crystal structures was considered. Disper-
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sion strengthened materials such as D2 tool steel contain large volume fractions
of alloy carbides which impede dislocation motion. Since the formulation consid-
ers slip based on dislocation physics, it is expected that the constitutive law will
describe the flow stress as adequately as the Johnson-Cook formulation. Prediction
of failure mechanisms based solely on the constitutive law, such as shear localiza-
tion, may be in question because the Zerilli-Armstrong neglects to account for
damage induced by secondary phase particles.
The same algorithm was used for the Zerilli-Armstrong coefficient minimi-
zation as the Johnson–Cook. The coefficients for the Zerilli-Armstrong equation
are presented in Table 3, and the predicted stress levels are illustrated in Figure 5.
Both constitutive forms (Zerilli-Armstrong and Johnson-Cook) provided excellent
prediction of flow stress over the range of conditions tested. It can be seen in
Figure 3 that both constitutive law forms capture the thermal dependence of the
material relatively well. The Johnson-Cook constitutive law over estimates the
flow stress for higher temperatures, but provides a good estimate for the low tem-
peratures. On the other hand, the Zerilli-Armstrong constitutive law yields a more
accurate estimate for the higher temperature range and is less accurate for low
temperatures. The error associated with each constitutive form does not deviate
from the experimental data by more than 5%.
Localization Analysis
The so-called maximum shear stress criterion assumes that adiabatic shear
instability occurs when an increment in strain causes a reduction in flow stress
Coefficients for
Equation 4 Value
C0 148 (MPa)
C1 560 (MPa)
C2 .000528
C3 1.21E-5
C4 1007 (MPa)
N 0.298
[5]. If the flow stress in shear (τ) is considered to be a function of strain (γ), strain
rate (γ̇), and temperature (T ), catastrophic shear localization is imminent when
the slope of the stress-strain curve is zero:
∂γ 冷 T, γ̇
∂ γ̇ 冷 dγ̇
T,γ d γ
∂T 冷 dT
γ,γ̇ d γ
At the high rates of strain under consideration, heat conduction is negligible and
the deformation is adiabatic, thus dT/dγ ⫽ βτ/ρC p. If the constitutive law is
known as in equations 3 and 4, then the critical strain for instability can be com-
puted. The expression using the Johnson-Cook constitutive law and the coeffi-
cients from the previous section are used to numerically solve for the critical
instability strain. The assumption was made that the effect of strain rate on flow
stress is negligibly small because the strain rates in the present investigation
(⬃4.5 ⫻ 10 4 s ⫺1) are greater than 10 2 s ⫺1 [20] which is consistent with the analysis
presented in [19].
Adiabatic shear was observed for several specimens at high strain rates. The
critical strain for localization was found experimentally. The critical strain varied
from 0.8 at 773 K to a value greater than unity for lower temperatures. The local-
ization strain was taken as the strain for which the slope of the experimental stress-
strain curve became negative (Figure 2). The critical instability strain was calcu-
lated as 0.328, for an initial test temperature of 773 K by using equations 3 and
5 and solving numerically. The calculated instability strain using the constitutive
form of equation 3 was less than that observed from the experimental data. The
method outlined for computing the instability strain relies on thermal softening
as the primary mechanism for instability [5]. The deviation in critical strain may
arise from other mechanisms, which may affect the flow stress of the material
such as solute strengthening, for which equation (5) does not consider. Further,
after 773 K adiabatic heating may cause the material to achieve temperatures
above 0.5 Tm (⬃830 K) of the alloy. The increase in temperature will generally
cause an increase in ductility suppressing shear localization leading to a higher
critical instability strain. It can thus be concluded that determination of the critical
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Metallographic Analysis
Figure 6. Optical image of deformed cross section of shear band showing thermally effected zone
and deformed microstructure. (Test temperature: 473 K)
Figure 7. Microstructure deformed at 573 K. Note highly deformed grain structure in temperature
effected zone.
Figure 8. Deformed structure at 773 K. Transformed shear band formation is visible along with
cracks adjacent to the transformed shear band.
Figure 9. 873 K shear microstructure illustrating transformed shear band isolating extreme local
plastic deformation.
formed shear bands (Figures 8 and 9) although TEM investigations were not per-
formed to verify the austenitic structure. The transformed shear bands were
characterized as highly localized regions of intense deformation devoid of observ-
able grains indicating possible dynamic re-crystallization. The adjacent regions
show evidence of tempering (characterized by variations in etch contrast) due to
the excessive local temperature rise associated with deformation. Closer investiga-
tion of the deformed microstructure indicates that crack initiation occurred as a
result of shear band formation and exhaustion of ductility of the specimen which
is consistent with Shaw’s theory of deformation in machining [4].
The low temperature experiments revealed deformed shear bands located in
the shear zone of the material (Figures 6 and 7). The layers adjacent to the sheared
surface show that the grain structure is extremely deformed, indicating consider-
able large strain deformation localized in the shear zone of the specimen. The
lower initial temperature specimens also exhibit a pronounced thermally affected
layer indicated by a decrease in the etch contrast. This illustrates that a significant
temperature rise occurred during deformation, although not high enough to cause
the material to transform.
Cracks were observed to nucleate adjacent to the localized shear bands illus-
trated in Figure 8. This was due to the extreme stress and high local temperatures
where thermal softening was more evident as well as high local strain rates accom-
panying the deformation. The highest temperature shear tests (873 K) revealed
shear bands that seemed to act as an interface where the local plastic deformation
was less evident below the shear band (i.e. away from the shear zone). Above
the localized shear band, local plastic deformation was extremely pronounced,
illustrated by the collapsed grain structure in Figure 9. The thermally affected
zone was observed to be more pronounced in this case.
The nominal strain rate for the experiments was computed based on the ini-
tial gage length of the specimen (δ in Figure 1). As deformation progresses, local
deformation occurs in the defined gage length of the specimen until a critical shear
instability occurs. This causes the gage section to collapse into a narrow shear
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band. The observed deformation bands in Figures 8 and 9 illustrate that the gage
length is significantly reduced due to shear localization. Observation of figure 8
indicates that the effective gage length is approximately 20 µm for this experimen-
tal condition. The reduction of the effective gage length causes the local strain
rate to increase, and in this case reach approximately 500,000 s ⫺1. It can be con-
cluded that that local strain rates in the localized shear band may reach almost
an order of magnitude greater than the nominal strain rate computed from the
initial geometry.
The sheared specimen interfaces were examined using a scanning electron
microscope (Figures 10 and 11). The interfaces at all temperatures exhibit charac-
teristics of gross ductile deformation characterized by a parabolic dimple pattern.
No brittle fracture was observed throughout the sheared interface. However, frac-
tured alloy carbide particles were observed on the interface indicating extremely
high local stresses (Figure 11). The fact that the carbides fractured supplements
Figure 10. SEM micrograph of sheared interface illustrating ductile failure. (Test temperature:
473 K)
Figure 11. SEM micrograph of fractured shear interface showing fractured carbide particle indicat-
ing high local stress levels.
the reasoning that even at elevated temperatures the carbide particles provide for-
midable dislocation barriers to increase the strength of the alloy.
Analysis of the fractured surfaces showed the void density increased with
increasing temperature. As stated previously, the mobility of the dislocations is
strongly dependent on the temperature of the alloy and the strengthening phases.
The increase in void density can be attributed to an elevated number of nucleation
sites and defects during the shearing process due to increasing dislocation mobility
as the local temperature approach one-half of the melting temperature.
High strain rate punching shear tests were performed on AISI D2 tool steel
in its fully hardened state (62 HRc) at strain rates comparable to that of machining
processes. The data was analyzed and used to quantitatively determine the stress
strain behavior at high strain rates and elevated temperatures. The material showed
minimal temperature sensitivity as a result of the metallurgy of the alloy and its
secondary hardening phases. The temperature effects were captured in the consti-
tutive law modeling and the resulting dependence was rationalized based on the
material microstructure.
The flow stress of the alloy was modeled using an empirically based constitu-
tive law represented by a Johnson-Cook formulation. A physically based constitu-
tive law was also used to represent the flow stress in the form of the Zerilli-
Armstrong constitutive law. Both constitutive laws provided an accuracy of ⫾8%
providing an accurate description of the stress-strain data presented. It was found
that both constitutive law formulations provided very good predictions for the
thermal dependence of the flow stress as a function of temperature. A critical
shear strain was computed using the Johnson-Cook constitutive law predicting
the onset of shear localization.
Optical metallography was performed on the microstructure of the sheared
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