Architecture Magazine January 2021
Architecture Magazine January 2021
Architecture Magazine January 2021
With a Quooker in your kitchen you always have 100ºC boiling water alongside regular hot and cold.
Add a CUBE and you will also have chilled, filtered sparkling water – all from the same tap.
When you purchase a CUBE at, installation is just £99† plus you will receive
5 CO2 cylinders FREE – the equivalent of 300 litre-bottles of sparkling water.
Only when you quote code ARC/11.
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KELLY GREEN wenty twenty has been a tough year; there’s no way to ignore that
fact. However we look to the New
PUBLISHER & CEO R J NISBET Year with both excitement and relief, and for the architectural industry, a
real sense of ownership for the next
HOLLY DENNIS steps ahead to build back better. As the industry
07736 945689 plays a vital role in reducing carbon emissions, in our Question Time feature we ask the experts: can
net-zero buildings lead the green recovery from
CAROLE TODD The theme of sustainability understandably
01733 385302
continues to thread it’s way throughout the issue, and comes to a close with
Adam Strudwick, who discusses the details behind the net-zero interiors pledge
ADMINISTRATION & SUBSCRIPTIONS recently announced by his employer, design practice Perkins & Will.
+44 (0) 1733 385300 With the interior and architectural worlds so tightly interwoven, interior designer Clare Pascoe takes a closer look at the working relationships between the two
disciplines with an article that focuses on why collaboration is key and how
Web: interior designers can best support architects,
Twitter: We shine a spotlight on the themes of glass and glazing; including a spectacular
Instagram: @architecture_mag
case study from the iconic Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer, whose vision for
© 2020 Media One communications ltd the Techne Sphere in Leipzig, Germany was realised posthumously, utilising
2020 All Rights Reserved
dynamic window technology from Eyrise.
No part of this publication may be reproduced in any
Roddy Langmuir of Cullinan Studio is a beacon of light in our main interview
way without written permission from the publisher. feature, where he eloquently discusses his passion for the outdoors,
All views and opinions expressed are not necessarily collaborative working, and his fascination with the relationship between buildings
those of the publisher. All advertising and paid for
entries are strictly subject to our terms and conditions, and landscape.
available online. While putting this issue together, I received an overwhelmingly positive
response from all our contributors and supporters, that it is clear the industry
remains confident and ready for the challenges ahead. Enjoy the issue.
Rebekah Killigrew
6 NEWS 21 P
January 2021
crystal technology that have a positive impact in the With over 80 years’ experience Mapei continue to
workplace for well-bwing and productivity. research and develop innovative grout collections.
30 S
Shoeck Isokorb delivers for seafront Passive House CHYBIK + KRISTOF
Award Winner.
31 MY INSPIRATION: JIM RICHARDS Clare Pascoe, Director Pascoe Interiors Ltd,
32 INTERVIEW: RODDY LANGMUIR discusses the relationship between Interior
Designers and Architects, and why collaboration
36 CASE STUDY: FOREST GLADE BY HESSELBRAND leads to winning results.
Vicaima showcases the timeless elegance of
white doors. 59 LEGAL UPDATE
Georgia Palnt, Construction and Engineering team
42 CASE STUDY: PAUL MEURICE BY LAMBERT LÉNACK specialist, Irwin Mitchell LLP, provides an overvieew of
Changing the face of facades: Millboard launches
ground-breaking cladding collection.
Adam Sturdwick, Principal, Perkins & Will, delves into
49 SPOTLIGHT: MAPEI UK why interior design is set for its own radical makeover.
Brazilian architect Fernanda Marques has been
awarded with the title of Architecture Firm of
The Year, Brazil, 2021. The Design & Build Awards
are designed to provide recognition, support
and endorsement to the most high-performing
and successful companies within architecture,
construction, building and interior design.
Fernanda’s professionalism, her extraordinary
ability to shape large volumes, enhance
transparency and integration with nature, have
been awarded internationally.
The Royal Institute of British Architects
(RIBA) is a global professional membership
body that serves its members and society
in order to deliver better buildings and
places, stronger communities and a
sustainable environment.
Follow @RIBA on Twitter for
regular updates
Representing some of the best of material
innovation from around the world, the
finalists of the Surface Design Show Awards
have been disclosed and a full list can be
found on their website. The judging panel,
co-chaired by interior designer Nicola
Osborn from Basha-Franklin and engineer
Steve Webb of Webb Yates Engineers,
selected 31 finalists from over 100 entries
that were submitted this year. Reflecting
on the truly international nature of the
Awards, entries that made the list of finalists
include projects from Germany to Costa
Rica and Oman to San Marino. Sustainability
is high on this year’s agenda, with each
entry accompanied by a statement and
calculation for the carbon footprint of the
cladding/materials used. The winners of all
the Awards will be announced on Thursday
11 February 2021.
Maggie’s Leeds by Heatherwick Studio
Plans submitted to Waltham Forest Council gym and exercise studio, a multi-purpose
for London’s first ever Olympic-sized twin- studio and a café. The current Lee Valley
pad ice centre, have received planning Ice Centre is one of the most popular ice-
approval, pending second stage approval skating venues in the UK accommodating
from the GLA. Designed by FaulknerBrowns around 279,000 visits a year from across
Architects on behalf of Lee Valley Regional London and the wider region. The new
Park Authority (LVRPA), the new £30 million building will double the capacity to 557,000
venue will replace the existing single-pad visits per year and will expand the range
Lee Valley Ice Centre which, after 36 years of activities that can be run at the centre
of use, is nearing the end of its operational concurrently. This will be to the benefit of
life and struggling to meet demand. The the community, which will also be able to
facility will include two Olympic size ice use the new venue as a base to explore the
rinks with capacity for 800 spectators, a surrounding green spaces.
The Natural History Museum has HWKN has announced it’s design for while preserving the distinctive grit that
received planning permission from Bushwick Generator, a new office campus lends the area its character and edge.
the Royal Borough of Kensington and situated in Brooklyn that embodies the The result is a new icon for Bushwick that
Chelsea for the Urban Nature Project, neighborhood’s energy and tradition of reimagines the neighborhood’s traditional
which will transform the museum’s disruptive entrepreneurship outside and forms and materials in forward-looking
five-acre gardens to become an urban in. With it, Matthias Hollwich and his team geometries, embracing the area’s heritage
nature ‘epicentre’, with the aims of at HWKN designed a bold new building while paving the way for its future.
increasing biodiversity, accessibility that gives shape to the area’s creative spirit
and opportunities for education, and and relentless drive, offering a hub for the
maximising the extensive grounds. innovative companies that call Brooklyn
Architecture practice Feilden Fowles, home. Bushwick’s dynamism is rooted in
working closely with landscape its history as a manufacturing district, so
architects J & L Gibbons, is leading Hollwich chose to keep the light-industrial
a multidisciplinary design team buildings that existed on site and use them
that includes Gitta Gschwendtner, as part of the new building’s foundation.
engineersHRW and Max Fordham. To this base, Hollwich adds a sculptural,
The team will reimagine the land gem-like volume in brick that introduces
surrounding the museum, creating a vertical focal point in the neighborhood
gardens as immersive learning and encloses 400,000 SF of state-of-
experiences and designing new the-art workspace. By maintaining and
facilities for visitors and back of house. building atop the existing urban fabric, The
Generator injects new life into the context
INNOVATIVE CLADDING James Latham’s new cladding collection combines the best in
modified wood, timber engineering and surface protection in one product.
The Finish Line Collection from James the natural grain and beauty of the wood reputation for innovation and quality made
Latham is the result of an exclusive shine through,” said Sjoerd Bos, Managing them a good fit for us.
partnership with Accoya Timber, timber Director, Sansin Corporation.
engineering company Dresser Mouldings “It’s great to be able to bring such an
and Canadian coating specialist Sansin. The Finish Line Collection is exclusive to innovative range to market for our first
Lathams, including the 12 unique colour collaboration, working with other global
The manufacturing process sees the options. These range from traditional wood experts too. And, because we manage
Accoya wood profiled, surface finished and finishes like the Summer Oak option to the entire process, from guidance on
coated by the team at Dresser Mouldings. more contemporary finishes such as Slate specification, to manufacture, delivery
This specialist process creates a key on Grey, Apricot and Charcoal. and after sales service, we can offer
the timber’s face, with tiny variations in our customers much more support and
texture allowing Sansin’s ultra-low VOC The way that it is manufactured also flexibility when it comes to their projects.”
coating to penetrate beneath the surface creates a bespoke final finish when it
of the timber. This helps to bind it to the comes to the colour, with brushed or The Finish Line Collection also boasts
cells and prevents peeling and cracking. sanded alternatives available. These environmentally friendly credentials. It
processes, teamed with the matt, thin-film uses non-toxic products and processes
Accoya is well known for its durability finish of the coating, allow the distinctive within the manufacturing, materials are
due to the natural modification process grain pattern to show through, unlike sourced from sustainable sources and it is
(acetylation) that delivers performance to heavy finishes that sit on the surface and hardwearing, offering great longevity. And,
rival hardwoods. With a warranty of up to mask the texture. The specialist finishing at the end of its life, it can be fully recycled.
50 years for exterior use, the product has processes can even create a distinctive
been favoured for cladding for some time. two-tone effect with some colour options. Finish Line cladding is available as a
However, this factory-finished option takes standard 145mm width at 15mm thickness
its performance to the next level. It is the first product to be developed in LT AC01 and LT AC02 profiles. For more
following Lathams acquisition of Dresser information please visit www.lathamtimber.
Richard Mosson, Group Cladding and Mouldings in late 2019.
Decking Manager at Lathams, said: cladding-collection
“By combining the highest quality Richard added: “We were often working
timber, coatings and surface treatment with Dresser Mouldings on bespoke
technologies, the Finish Line cladding projects and felt that there was more FOR MORE INFORMATION
collection is built to last. potential if we combined forces. Their
Spelthorne Leisure Centre in Staines, Surrey, is currently being designed by GT3 with Passivhaus principles, in line with zero carbon objectives
Curated by Rebekah Killigrew
Fettle, the L.A and London-based allowing guests, locals and tourists alike
design studio, has completed work on a place to dine and drink in this popular
the design of Tavolino, a new restaurant tourist hotspot.
at a prestigious site overlooking
both City Hall and Tower Bridge. The Drawing inspiration from Milanese coffee
contemporary, yet casual restaurant bars and traditional Florentine Trattorias,
will serve authentic Italian classics Fettle’s design for Tavolino offers a
whilst also acting as a standalone bar, nostalgic nod to the Italian heritage of
Photography by Helen Cathcart
Langton Stead, Founder and Designer, Contract Furniture by Design,
shares the company’s experiences of designing bespoke furniture
for the leading interior architects and designers around the globe.
Langton is owner, founder and designer HOW DID YOU COME TO WORK WITH THE HAVE YOU WORKED ON THIS TYPE OF
of Contract Furniture by Design. His FETTLE TEAM ON TAVOLINO?
years of experience in the hospitality, We have been working with the Fettle The interesting and exciting part of this
hotel arena and consultancy with interior team for longtime; the relationship project was that we had to have an eye
design houses is a key feature in building allows us to push the designs to its limits. on the future. Tavolino is part of a roll out
CFbD reputation within the industry and Personally we enjoy the process together. plan with many sites penciled in. Products
resulting in major project wins in the here had to meet the riggers of a contract
high-end contract furniture sector. environment, but not feel or look. Once a
“We were born proven FFE menu is created it makes the
Collaborating with leading hospitality out of a necessity process of a successful expansion easy for
brands around the world, the company the client letting them concentrate on their
designs and manufactures single-source for bespoke in the business.
contract furniture, which is brought interiors market”
together to create luxurious, award- WHAT WERE YOUR HIGHLIGHT PIECES
winning environments that guests and FROM TAVOLINO?
customers won’t want to leave.
As a young FETTLE DREW INSPIRATION FROM The chairs are great, functional, durable
company founded in 2016, the brand’s MILANESE COFFEE BARS AND and unique, but for me the tables - the
achievements over the last three years TRADITIONAL FLORENTINE TRATTORIAS; quality of marble and the wire brushed
have been staggering, with installations HOW DID YOU REFLECT THIS timber edge sets a fantastic landscape
to high-end clients throughout the UK, INSPIRATION THROUGH THE FURNITURE? across the restaurant.
Europe and USA. The team is highly driven, The choice of materials led the way - we
multi-faceted and brought together by worked with Fettle’s Design Director Andy WHAT IS THE NEXT PROJECT FOR
years of experience gained within small, Godwin and the client, from choosing the CONTRACT FURNITURE BY DESIGN?
medium and large organisations and high- marble, even down to quarried marble Next for us is Coppa Club in Cobham
pressure service-orientated environments. blocks selected. Regarding the bespoke working with Fox and Church; major project
chair we really pushed the design; we works with the Hoxton Hotel in Barcelona.
TELL US ABOUT THE BACKGROUND OF went with a traditional naturally sourced We are also excited about working with
CONTRACT FURNITURE BY DESIGN? material. Jute is natural weaved rope used Fettle again on a new Private Members
We were born out of a necessity in the back of the chairs; the real beauty of Club - it’s going to be a busy end of year.
for bespoke in the interiors market. it comes from the hand weave application
Working closely with interior designers to the frame, its a lost skill, and it was great
and architects, we aim to become the introducing the weavers into the process
in-house furniture specialist for that developing the pattern weave styles. In the 01494 451886
bespoke project, from initial design to end we married a contemporary look with
installation. Strong relationships are built an artisan process.
on a clear understanding of what can be
achieved and help to go beyond client’s
23-25 June
Award entries and delegate enquires
+44 (0)20 3953 2045
Sponsorship opportunities
Damien St George
+44 (0)20 3953 2789
FORM AND FUNCTION Quooker leads the way when it comes to innovative
technology and design with their 100 degree boiling water tap.
Quooker’s Flex collection offers both the most hygienic appliances in the kitchen. The average UK household uses a
form and function; equipped with a With a durable PVD coating, the new Matt staggering 360 plastic bottles per year,
flexible pull-out hose for hot, cold and Black finish introduces a modern alternative resulting in huge volumes of waste
filtered water. to the range, perfectly emphasising Flex’s nationwide. With sustainability increasingly
contemporary silhouette. at the forefront of consumer purchase
The Flex makes it easy to reach and rinse decisions, it has never been more important
the sink or any awkward kitchen objects, Thanks to the new CUBE accessory, to find creative solutions around the
and thanks to its in-built safety stop, the the Flex also now dispenses chilled and problem of waste. Determined to find a
Flex can never dispense boiling water sparkling water at the touch of a button. solution for carbonated water, dispensing
when the hose is extended, protecting the Saving you time and space, with CUBE precisely the amount needed at any given
user at all times. the immediacy of super chilled and moment, CUBE ensures responsible and
filtered water can be enjoyed without more sustainable consumption. CUBE can
The Flex tap and under-sink tank are made having to wait or, more importantly, waste be attached to any Quooker tap in the range.
from Stainless Steel rather than plastic water. What’s more, one canister of C02
or copper, ensuring there are no material yields 60 litres of carbonated water,
pores to harbour dirt. Making it virtually which significantly reduces the need for
impossible for bacteria to gain a foothold, single-use plastic bottles. After use, all
the Quooker Flex goes beyond elegant canisters can be returned when empty FOR MORE INFORMATION
design and ease of use, becoming one of and will be re-used.
Plumstead Library, originally constructed in 1903 and located in the
Royal Borough of Greenwich, has recently undergone a dramatic
renovation project. Having previously been under-used, the building is
now a fully fit for purpose 21st century public library. A significant part of
the project was the full refurbishment of all 33 windows which included
an impressive 124 individual window frames, and Steel Window
Association member ASWS was entrusted with this job. The library is a
Grade II-listed building and so the work required careful consideration,
planning and unparalleled expertise. ASWS removed all windows
for transportation back to their London workshops, where they were
blasted, repaired and decorated before being refixed and reglazed. This
sizeable project involved an impressive 1326 panes of glass, which were
mastic-fronted in order to recreate the original putty sightlines. ASWS’s
work was not complete there as all of the building’s ironmongery was
also extensively refurbished. On top of this, nine more recently replaced
windows were replaced again, to improve quality and remain in keeping
with the building’s original character.
Techne Sphere By Oscar Niemeyer
Celebrated for his modernist, curved by his assistant Jair Valera and the project of how to provide shade to this complex
creations, Oscar Niemeyer’s vision for a was executed by Leipzig-based Harald spherical glass structure.
white concrete and glazed sphere has Kern Architects. Additional elements such as shutters
been realised posthumously with Eyrise Located at the Techne Sphere complex would have compromised Niemeyer’s
dynamic window technology, offering in the industrial district of Plagwitz, the vision as they would darken the interior and
sun protection while respecting the sphere measures 12 metres in diameter. necessitate artificial lighting during the day.
purity of his design. Comprising of an upper and lower Conventional electrochromic smart
hemisphere that house a restaurant and glazing was also ruled out as it was not
The iconic Brazilian architect was bar, the structure is positioned on the possible to create the triangular panels
approached by Ludwig Koehne, owner of top corner of a nineteenth century listed required with this process. This glass is
a manufacturing plant in Leipzig, Germany, building, with views overlooking the city. also slow to control glare, typically taking
in 2011 to build an extension to his factory’s Fifty wooden moulds were hand crafted to up to 15 minutes to fully transition, and
canteen. Following Niemeyer’s death in construct the framework for the sphere’s tends to tint a bluish-brown colour that
2012, his sketches were further developed two concrete shells, leaving the challenge is then absorbed by objects in the inside
Eyrise have developed windows powered by liquid crystal technology
that have a positive impact in the workplace for well-being and productivity.
Dynamic windows that use advanced design,” said Alkyoni Papasifaki, afternoon by suppressing melatonin
liquid crystal glass technology to Environmental Design Engineer at levels and raising alertness. In contrast, by
achieve solar shading offer the most Elementa Consulting. “Our investigation maintaining a neutral environment across
positive impact on well-being and shows that Eyrise dynamic liquid crystal the tint spectrum, Eyrise windows support
productivity in the office environment, windows outperform other smart glazing occupants’ natural circadian rhythms
new research reveals. in supporting health and well-being. The throughout the day.
technology enables windows to maintain “In modern architecture, sustainability
The study, by deep green engineering a neutral colour across the tinting range and aesthetic needs are fuelling demand
practice Elementa Consulting, compared and instantaneously deliver high levels of for smart innovations,” said Celine Glipa,
two smart window technologies on the visual comfort on demand.” Managing Director at Eyrise. “Eyrise
market, which alter the optical and thermal Elementa’s study also examined the supports both, bringing creative visions to
properties of external glazing to control impact of dynamic window technologies life and transforming the workplace into a
solar glare and heat. Research focused on occupants’ health, focusing on the comfortable environment where people
on the impact of smart facade design on alignment with their natural body clock, can be at their most productive.”
human experience. which is triggered by dedicated receptors This independent research by Elementa
Using best practice lighting simulation on the retina and responsible for the Consulting is the first in-depth study on
tools to undertake a series of visualisations sleep-wake rhythm. the well-being impact of smart facade
and analysis, Elementa investigated how All three glazing products tested met technology. Read the full report here:
two types of established electrochromic minimum requirements of light exposure
glass compared with the recently and intensity during their bright and
developed Eyrise glazing, which uses dark states. However, glazing that uses
its proprietary Licrivision liquid crystal electrochromic technology, producing
technology. Elementa looked at a blue colouration to the glass when
performance in three areas: colour, speed tinted, induces an environment that FOR MORE INFORMATION
and circadian well-being. disrupts occupants’ body clocks in the
When tested for colour rendering, Eyrise
windows maintained a neutral grey tone
across the entire tint spectrum, while
electrochromic glass displayed a blue
colouration, which can impact perceived
colour and brightness of illuminated
objects in the indoor environment.
The transition time of controlling glare was
examined to ascertain if a comfortable
working environment, supporting
productivity, was maintained. Research
showed that occupants were able to
modify shading states of liquid crystal
windows instantaneously. Electrochromic
products needed at least 15 minutes to
restore visual comfort levels, meaning
people are at risk of high levels of glare
and may seek alternative ways, such as
blinds or curtains, to protect themselves
from sunlight.
“According to the latest National Human
Activity Pattern Survey, people are
spending 87% of their time indoors,
so welfare should take priority when
embarking on smart facade building
DEVELOPMENT Schöck Isokorb delivers for seafront Passive House Award Winner.
Seaton is a traditional Devon seaside A TECHNICALLY ADVANCED SOLUTION of structural thermal breaks, Schöck
resort town, but the eye-catching new Schöck Isokorb thermal breaks are is able to offer planners complete
development on the seafront is anything installed where the balconies meet the construction dependability and almost
but traditional. clay block structure. Ineffectual insulation limitless freedom of design with the
at these cantilever connectivity points options available. There are solutions
Seaton Beach Apartments offers will result in local heat loss, requiring for concrete-to-concrete, concrete-to-
innovative, award-winning luxury more energy to maintain the building’s steel, steel-to-steel, a thermally insulating
beachfront apartments, complete with a internal temperature. Low internal connection for reinforced concrete walls –
penthouse, and is the first multi-residential surface temperatures around the thermal and even a maintenance free alternative to
development in the UK to be certified as bridge can also cause condensation, wrapped parapets. The temperature factor
passive house plus. leading to structural integrity problems used to indicate condensation risk (fRSI)
The ground floor is concrete, with with absorbent insulation products and which must be greater than, or equal to,
monolithic clay block construction used the potentially serious occurrence of 0.75 for residential buildings, is easily met
from the first to third floors and timber mould growth. The Schöck Isokorb is by incorporating the Isokorb. All products
frame for the penthouse. Combined with one of the most technically advanced meet full compliance with the relevant UK
high-performance external render and countermeasures against thermal bridging. building regulations and the NHBC. They
internal plaster, the result is an entirely It thermally separates components from also offer LABC Registration and have
mineral hygroscopic wall build-up, which one another and also acts in a structural independent BBA Certification.
helps regulate humidity and provide a design capacity. The product type
comfortable internal environment. used has an innovative HTE Compact Photography by Dug Wilders
compression module and transfers both
USES 90% LESS ENERGY negative moments and positive shear
Other features include low forces with cantilever balconies.
electromagnetic field wiring and a highly FOR MORE INFORMATION
efficient mechanical ventilation system ENORMOUS FREEDOM OF DESIGN 01865 290 890
with heat recovery and exhaust air As the leading international supplier
heat pump for hot water supply. There
is constant filtered air within the triple
glazed, airtight construction and PV roof
panels generate more energy than the
building uses – which is 90% less energy
usage than a typical new build. Because
passive house standard is easier to achieve
with simpler, box-like forms, buildings
can be considered aesthetically limited.
However, design ingenuity and the use
of Schöck Isokorb thermally broken
balcony connectors defies that notion.
The potentially unexciting building now
features large sea-facing balconies with
generous curves. The detailing of these
balconies is critical though, if thermal
bridging is to be minimised and the energy
performance not compromised.
Jim Richards, Director, Nissen Richards Studio, shares a trio of inspirations,
from quietly nostalgic memories to loud contemporary experiences.
Roddy Langmuir, a Practice Leader at Cullinan Studio, discusses his fascination with the relationship
between buildings and landscape, and the value of collaborative working and shared experiences.
Roddy is a Practice Leader at the award- A lifelong love of the outdoors has led ran the centre with year round climbing,
winning architects firm Cullinan Studio, to an affinity with place-making and mountaineering, skiing and canoeing
and chairs design forums for Architecture recognition of the importance of the courses for students. It was a timber
and Design Scotland. He communicates space between and beyond buildings. frame building of long wings clad in warm,
persuasively and lectures widely, talking This has steered the distinctive character scented cedar boards – a bit unusual
and drawing with skill and passion. of his work on masterplans, cultural and for the time I guess - you could see the
education buildings over his career. mountains all around and run out straight
Having been raised in the rugged beauty Here, Roddy discusses the need to reconnect into the remnants of the great Caledonian
of Scotland’s Cairngorm Mountains, people with the natural world through pine forest. As an 8 year old I used to join
twenty years on, Roddy found empathy at building design, and how Cullinan Studio have the groups of students on trips across
Cullinan Studio with a world in transition, always been moving towards architecture that the mountains so I was introduced to big
looking to make buildings that engage considers the climate: “it’s as though we have landscapes, the power of weather and to
with their environment. He has developed been ‘practicing’ for this moment.” the importance of shelter. I still love that
a design method based on storytelling - a blend of exposure and shelter you get as
layered approach that begins with context, WHAT IS YOUR EARLIEST MEMORY OF the wind and rain beats on your tent. It’s the
topography, micro-climate and the cultural DESIGN AND ARCHITECTURE? simplest form of architecture and yet with
drivers of his clients and their chosen I grew up in an outdoor pursuits centre the right materials and detailing, incredibly
setting - inspiring expressive, clearly called Glenmore Lodge in what is now effective. It’s a great lesson in doing a lot
articulated buildings. the Cairngorms National Park. My father with very little.
Photo by Hufton+Crow
Open research at the National Automotive Innovation Centre (NAIC)
WHERE DID YOU STUDY? think new ideas happen on the margins WHAT KIND OF ARCHITECT DID YOU
At Edinburgh University. By then it was my of fields of study and architecture needs ASPIRE TO BE?
home city and studying architecture there to open its horizons as far as possible. It’s I’ve always felt that buildings should be
opened my eyes to the way buildings and great to see many schools embracing the expressive – of their purpose and how they
public spaces interact. When an entire city biggest issues for the built environment are made. Growing up in the Cairngorms
is made of one material you appreciate the – social exclusion, climate change, probably left a big mark in terms of a
world between more - the streets, squares, biodiversity loss, and imagining the fascination with the relationship between
closes and courtyards. Izi Metzstein was possibilities of major new infrastructure, but buildings and landscape. Nature is the big
professor at the time and was a brilliantly where are the joint degrees? The high cost daddy of it all – how buildings respond to it
ruthless dissector of an architectural and the 5 year course are major problems, defines them in every way.
proposal. We had a great studio culture and the growth of part-time working
and I really valued that sense of being in-it alongside study helps students finance WHO ARE YOUR DESIGN/ARCHITECTURE
together and learning from each other. their education and suggests a future for INSPIRATIONS?
apprenticeship learning too. I spent my year-out near Vancouver
HOW DO YOU FEEL THE ARCHITECTURAL Despite all the technological change I’ve and loved the brave, direct work of the
EDUCATION SYSTEM HAS CHANGED IN noticed a continued delight from any pioneering architects working in timber
RECENT YEARS? audience in free-hand drawings. The along the west coast of the US and Canada.
I hope the studio as a base for learning directness of editing what you decide to I also visited many of Scarpa’s buildings as
architecture can continue, as clearly a lot show or exclude in a drawing is often best a student, and hugely preferred his values
of courses are set up with the expectation learned by hand drawing. It’s still one of and expression to the pomo crap that
of independent study with more limited the most powerful tools of communication filled the mags of the day. You can see his
shared experience. We also need more we have at our disposal and it needs to be whole thought process laid bare by the way
collaborative, interdisciplinary learning. I nurtured at Architecture Schools. materials are layered and pulled apart, by
the way the junctions are celebrated You larger ‘design team’ working mentality for its design approach agreed, a big part of
can draw inspiration from this at any scale richness of ideas and surprise contributions. the architects’ role is in choosing the right
from masterplanning to detail. Clearly we We want to continue to have a role in how path through ever-increasing complexity;
can rarely afford the time and cost of such ideas for buildings, develop on into ideas spotting the pieces that will create a greater
crafted details, and across much of our about how they are made. Ted Cullinan whole. To make a good building you need
built environment standard products are was a tour de force and we want to keep to be a good editor, suppressing the visual
allowed to collide unhappily together at his adventurous spirit alive in the practice. noise in one place to let another sing. For
interfaces. A new syntax borne out of more Since Ted started out 60 years ago, the example, the John Hope Gateway performs
sophisticated design and manufacturing practice has always been driving towards a the role of a sheltering canopy, a glade
methods opens up a promising future in low-energy architecture that is responsive sat amongst the arboretum of Edinburgh’s
this regard. to local context, local topography and local botanical garden, and all the details try to
The last paradigm shift in architecture was culture and climate. Now, at a time when carry this overriding atmosphere of the
brought to us through the soul-searching there is a mass re-awakening towards the design intent.
quests of the great modernists. Brilliant and urgency of addressing climate change,
flawed, it has led to our shared architectural it’s as though we have been ‘practicing’ WHERE IS THE MAJORITY OF YOUR
language – and we all design within this for this moment. The need for a broader WORK BASED?
frame of reference. Now we are entering interpretation of sustainable design, and the We have built all across the UK and we are
another period of transformation, centred need to reconnect people with the natural just about to open an office in the Midlands.
on how we all respond to the challenges of world through the buildings we design is in We’ve also had some great experiences
climate change and the digital revolution. our blood – it’s our DNA. working in Singapore, Jordan, and the US.
In the current eclectic design environment, We’ve worked in the context of 5 Unesco
it’s difficult to see how it’s going to play out HOW DO YOU CONTINUE TO CARVE World Heritage Sites and with many
or who is perhaps showing the way, but I YOUR OWN PATH IN THE INDUSTRY AS A national and international institutions and
think we do need to beware of claims of STUDIO AND AN INDIVIDUAL? Universities. I’ve learned that our process,
an ethical, morally superior architecture to We are not a large company, but we still honed in the hothouse of the UK design
prevent history repeating itself. The enduring tackle all scales and all types of buildings environment, travels well, because its
quality of buildings can never be determined – we know they cross-inform each other focused on a working method that draws
by measurement or carbon alone - it’s how in so many ways. I think that once you inspiration from context rather than the
you do it, not just that you do it. start reaching for the shelf of ready- ‘object’ you intend to make. As in our design
made solutions rather than thinking more for a new visitor centre to Petra, which
WHAT DOES CULLINAN STUDIO deeply about the problem to be solved, orchestrates your journey from arrival,
REPRESENT AS AN ARCHITECTURE FIRM? you’ve probably missed the opportunity… through a grove of frankincense trees, to
Openness, collaboration, we enjoy the Once the brief has taken shape and a the geological drama of entering the Siq.
Architecture firm Hesselbrand have points. In that way, there is a wide range of spaces, can also be found in the use of
completed a family house in east possibilities of moving through the house. materials. In keeping and re-using as much
London designed for working and This makes the house equally suitable for of the existing building as possible, the
entertaining from home. The project is entertaining groups of friends at home, design is aimed at finding new use for old
the first to be completed in a series of as well as working from home. In the first materials. Bricks left from the demolition
houses designed by Hesselbrand that scenario, different groups of people can are re-integrated into new parts of the
re-imagines the traditional terraced congregate in the ground floor rooms building and left over block-work is turned
house for contemporary life. without feeling like you are leaving the into a new kitchen. The structural steel
other groups behind, as there is always a is left exposed and painted to match the
Both floors of the house have been connecting doorway in the vicinity and no existing mouldings, forming a visual link
strategically rearranged by creating new dead end rooms. And on days when the between the old and new. This approach
openings, separations, and a large side owners are working from home, the other of re-purposing both plan layout and
extension on the ground floor. This makes family members can easily avoid whichever materials ultimately gives each room more
the rooms of the house connect directly room is being worked in, as there are purpose and character, and the house
instead of through a corridor to allow for multiple ways of reaching all rooms. becomes significantly richer in experiences.
unlimited ways to move around the house. Every space on both floors of the house The existing property is a single family two
A new passage is opened from the bright is given its own spatial quality; bright, storey semi-detached Edwardian terraced
front living room, leading you through dark, wide, narrow and so on. When the house with a narrow passage to the back
a dark ochre coloured library into the character of a room is defined by its quality along the north east side. Built in 1895 and
new kitchen. In the kitchen white painted or atmosphere rather than its function, renovated in the 1970’s the building was in
concrete blocks and steel columns form it becomes more flexible and open to much need of repair. All of the exterior has
a sharp contrast to the existing house and interpretation. For example, one of the been carefully restored, from the red brick
exposed concrete foundations in the floor bathrooms has the character of a normal façade to the ornamental roof finials and
draws a line of where the old wall used to room with the only exception that there the carved wooden element. The existing
be. At the back of the room a large steel is a bathtub, whereas the other bathroom windows were are replaced with new
framed window completes the passage is tiled all over in a perfect grid, as if one wooden framed sash windows that had
by framing a view of the new garden room continuous waterproof surface has been been specially designed and fabricated in
underneath a black painted timber pergola. wrapped around the whole room. a local workshop to make the frames as
This new arrangement of the plan on the The economic approach to the redesign of thin as possible, resembling single glazed
ground floor gives each room two access the plan, with its re-purposing of existing windows from both interior and exterior.
Images ©2020 Hesselbrand
Lead Architect: Martin Brandsdal, Magnus
Casselbrant, Jesper Henriksson
Project Architect: Jonathan Wilson
Structural Engineer: Solid Geometry
Approved Inspector: MLM
Lighting: Flos, Lehni, Orluna
The meeting of old and new materials
Tiles: Domus
Simplicity in design is often thought to be in White Smooth and Woodgrain finished Where performance criteria is demanded,
the secret to creating timeless fashions foils; Dekordor HD White, a continuous The White Collection is also available in
and one way to achieve that desired blank pressure laminate for demanding areas and fire, acoustic and security solutions. And
canvas, is by using flush white doors. for those who still prefer to paint their own as care for the environment is paramount
This opportunity to rejuvenate and add a doors, Primed 2 Go, with its revolutionary in our minds, everything is covered by
fresh clean look to interiors has now been surface that requires no face sanding or FSC® certification. Products can be
given new impetus and inspiration with priming and which will accept paint straight supplied as door only, door and matching
the introduction of the White Collection onto its smooth face to achieve an excellent frame assemblies or even
from Vicaima, a selection of quality end result. as corresponding wardrobes.
interior doors for home, hospitality and
commercial projects.
Bringing together some truly distinctive
finish options in white, the collection
demonstrates that this fundamental hue is
not actually a single colour, but has in fact
a myriad of sheens, surfaces and shades
to suit every application. In addition, doors
can be customised to allow even greater
decorative freedom, with the inclusion
of face grooves and inlays, together with
many glazed patterns.
The White Collection includes Lacdor in
White and Pure White shades, with its ultra-
smooth lacquered paint finish; Dekordor SD
Experience the Vicaima heartbeat with new video for tomorrow’s world
If music be the food of love, then Vicaima’s fundamental pillars of the Vicaima representing continuity and hope, the
new video demonstrates just how deep brand, taking the audience through latter symbolized by childhood, nature and
the love for doors exists and how it plays varying scenarios and unusual situations, sustainability. The video can be viewed at
in perfect harmony with nature. with beauty, safety, comfort and an
Crafted with sophisticated design and unpredictable and bold design, capable New-Corporate-Video%202020-.mp4
accompanied with a melody that strikes a of projecting with a universal language. A
chord for the future, this communication video with music and imagery that reveals
reinforces the Vicaima brand values. With the constant heartbeat of Vicaima.
its recognizable signature “Unexpected This audio visual content has enormous FOR MORE INFORMATION
Harmony”, the video embodies aesthetics significance for Vicaima, as it represents +44 (0) 1793 532333
and emotional inspiration. a path, where the future approaches the
This modern video reiterates the present and is seen in infinite possibilities,
Homeowners spend 60% of the time in the kitchen on
average, and with sinks and taps being the most used
appliances it’s important to make sure they look flawless
and perform perfectly. The CATRIS-S Flexo in Black Matt
from BLANCO is perfect for homeowners who want to
embrace the new kitchen trend for a black, industrial,
concrete, colourful or urban look. This brand new single
level monobloc mixer tap exudes sophistication with
classic design features combined with modern appeal. The
benefits of this professional quality tap extend far beyond
appearances. With 360 degrees swivel spout, flexible
rubber hose and a removable handset, BLANCO has
covered every kitchen requirement. The variable jet options
make it possible to go from a gentle stream flow, perfect
for rinsing delicate ingredients, right up to a powerful jet
spray for filling deep pots and pans at super speed.
Earthborn is delighted to introduce The Earth Collection, a palette
of five harmonious new paint shades inspired by the natural
world, themed around the earth, land, sand, sea and clouds. The
Classic Earthborn colour card will remain unchanged for now;
instead a simple bookmark is available displaying real painted
swatches of the five new colours. The new colours: Crocky Road,
Up Up Away, Grassy, Skipper and Sandy Castle, along with the
full range of 72 shades on the Classic shade card, are available
to buy online now, or from Earthborn’s network of stockists. With
Earthborn you get no acrylics or oils, but you get high quality and
high performance and a full list of ingredients to help you make a
more informed choice.
The Paul Meurice home for disabled surrounded by facades so that residents
adults required a gentle balance can enjoy outdoor spaces without the risk
between intimacy and openness of falling. The final level opens onto a vast,
to the outside world. Paris-based panoramic collective terrace.
architecture practice Lambert Lénack The building is organised around two
responded carefully through generous circulation cores; the primary core being
and accessible spaces with a variety of situated in the north and a secondary, in
architectural flourishes. the south. This functional arrangement
responds as much to a need for flexibility
Lambert Lénack have imagined a south- of use as to security constraints.
facing, stepped building which allows light A large entrance hall and the day reception
into the inner courtyard and whose volumes centre are located on the ground floor,
stretch out, recede, and produce sliding with access to the garden, while the first
variations in the grid of staggered windows. floor hosts a restaurant, rooms for activities
The facades open generously out towards offered to residents, and spaces dedicated
the city, through large domestic windows for to administration.
the apartments, and large urban windows The accommodation units form groups
for the common areas. The generosity of of two levels situated on the second and
the spaces relies upon the legibility and third floors and on the fourth and fifth
continuity of the common areas. floors. No apartment is mono-oriented
The successive tiers of the building, north and the services are installed back-
induced by its stepped volume, were to-back with the adjoining building to the
designed as “open-air rooms”: terraces North-East. The structure is load-bearing
Photo credits: © Simone Bossi © Maxime
Delvaux © Cyrille Lallement
Contracting authority: Paris Habitat
Acquirer: Philanthropic society
Team: Lambert Lénack, Architect
Evp, Structural Engineer
Betem, Mechanical Engineer
Vpeas, Quantity Surveyor
Project manager: Pierre Charny-Brunet
General Contractor: Leon Gros
Building Control: Groupe Bati Plus Consultants
Health & Safety Coordinator: Groupe BTP Consultants
Fire Safety Coordinator: Groupe Casso & Associés
SCMC: IM Projet
Decontamination Consultant: Letourneur Conseil
Social Inclusion Consultant: Face Paris
Clean Work Site Consultant: QCS Services
Ideal for seating, planters or as a finishing touch for decks and steps; its wider
profile providing the perfect space for lighting. Resistant to moisture, stains
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saving on installation time and cost.
Discover our collections at
Millboard have launched a suite of boasts greater eco credentials than growing domestic focus on thermal
cutting-edge cladding materials that rainforest-depleting timber. The unique efficiency, cladding can help to sell your
will cement the company’s reputation as properties of this enduring material mean property, or to achieve the energy rating
one of Britain’s leading home and garden that you’ll never suffer from streak marks you need to rent it out. Some homeowners
material manufacturers. around window seals, be disappointed have struggled with building regulations
by dramatic colour changes, or have for putting bigger windows in, but with
In its thirteen-year history, Millboard has to maintain it with expensive and time- the insulation provided by cladding, it
continually broken new ground, notably for consuming treatments. can often be possible to design bigger
its flagship UV, split, rot and slip-resistant The extra-wide sizing of the boards means apertures into the building.
decking product that has been used in that the cladding can be mounted quickly, The team at Millboard are excited about
builds as prestigious as the Burj Al Arab, providing a lightning-fast renovation of the their latest development, and the launch
Kew Gardens and Wimbledon. exterior of a property, and the boards can of the new cladding range represents a
The new range of cladding takes its cue also be used internally, for feature walls significant milestone for the company. The
from the first-rate attributes of the decking and dividers. Additionally, the cladding can new cladding collection marks Millboard’s
range. Available in two styles (‘V Groove’ be mounted vertically or horizontally to suit expansion into a broader range of high-
and ‘Board and Batten’) and a wide range the tastes of the architect or homeowner. calibre home and garden products.
of colours, it provides the same assurance As well as providing an instant refresh
of UV resistance and eliminates the risk of to a property, the boards can also help
warping, twisting or rotting. And just like homeowners to achieve a better energy
the decking range, the cladding has been rating. As it is made from polyurethane FOR MORE INFORMATION
hand-moulded from carefully selected foam, Millboard cladding has good 02476439943
natural timbers, to provide an unmistakably insulation properties and protects against
organic look. extreme heat or extreme cold. With a
From the smooth finish of the V Groove to
the pleasing grain variance of the Board
and Batten style, there’s a Millboard
cladding style for every property type.
A year in development, this product is
perfectly designed to stand the test of
time and to require minimal maintenance.
In fact, the distinctive chamfered cut of
the profiles enables the rain to wash the
boards, dramatically reducing the need for
manual cleaning.
The boards are made from a
polyurethane-mineral composite that
Despite the current climate, the tile is segmented into five collections: decorative, two-component acid and stain
industry continues to grow and evolve Serene, Traditional, Natural, Romance resistant grout, which delivers a smooth and
which is reflected in the countless numbers and Glamour. These five collections consistent finish to the grout joint. The grout
of styles, finishes and colours available. make choosing the correct colour easier can be mixed with MapeGlitter to create
according to the requirements of each various unique effects.
COLOUR AND TEXTURE tiling project. With over 80 years’ experience, you can
Although shades of grey remain popular Innovation through research and be sure that as Mapei progress through
for Architects and Specifiers, Mapei development is always at the forefront the decades that fashions, tile styles and
are seeing a resurgence of flamboyant of Mapei’s philosophy, with the some of requirements will evolve but they will be
colours as customers seek to break up the its latest additions to the coloured grouts at the forefront of technology, adapting to
monotony: a splash of red, green, blue or range developed using a sophisticated change in trends in colour and installation.
purple depending on the desired mood. 3D imaging programme with the latest tile
These final touches of colour can complete design trends in mind. Image credit: Tile Mountain
an effect the designer is trying to create. For a flamboyant edge to tile installation,
Along with colour, Mapei look at texture. Mapei’s Kerapoxy Design should be
Their grouts can be developed to tie in considered. Available in a palette of 32 FOR MORE INFORMATION
with the texture of the tile to create an different colours, Kerapoxy Design is a highly
overall desired effect. If they’re installing
a stone material with heavy texture, this
theme can also be carried on through the
grouted joint as it can appear strange to
feature a heavily textured tile alongside
a perfectly smooth grout finish. On the
other hand, a highly textured grout finish
may look disjointed next to highly polished
tiles. The environment and use of the area
that is being grouted is also considered;
using an overly textured tile and grout
finish for an area with heavy traffic would
be impractical and hard to maintain as the
textures would grab and hold onto any
passing dirt.
Nestled in the Moravian countryside, archetypal wine cellars of the region, the amphitheater and cultural venue. Lightening
the design of the Lahofer Winery brings vault of the winery rests on a grid of arched the volume of the building as it rests on the
together a longstanding wine tradition beams. Acting as a mirror of this shape, an fertile soil, below lie three separate spaces
and contemporary wine-making undulant roof serves as an amphitheater – each attributed with a distinct function,
processes. Housing a visitor center, for cultural events open to both locals and they share a constant concern for the
tasting room and production facilities, visitors, merging the winery into the ground – adjoining nature.
the structure immerses itself in the and the culture – on which it rests.
landscape, achieving a subtle symbiosis An open space emerging from the
with the surrounding vines. CHYBIK + KRISTOF’s project finds its roots rhythmic vines, the amphitheater invests
in the legacy of the Lahofer Winery – one the boundless roof, overlooking a horizon
CHYBIK + KRISTOF ARCHITECTS & URBAN grounded in a storied cultural heritage nourished by its history. Expanding on the
DESIGNERS have completed construction and a profound respect for the natural Lahofer Winery’s function from a production
of the Lahofer Winery in the Czech environment. Responding to Moravia’s site into a witness to the local culture, it acts
Republic. The Lahofer Winery fuses the topography and architectural tradition, as a community space dedicated to cultural
region’s longstanding wine tradition with a rooted in the culture of wine, the architects events, including local grape harvest
contemporary design in constant dialogue conceive a design in symbiosis with the celebrations and theater performances – a
with the surrounding vines. Reflective of region’s landscape. Reminiscent of the hub for its lasting community to connect
modern wine-making processes, the building region’s characteristic arched wine cellars, with visitors of the region and wide-ranging
brings together three distinct interconnected a colonnade of vaulted beams frames wine connoisseurs.
structures – a wine-making facility, the the interior space into its storied curve.
winery’s administrative base, and a visitor On its exterior side, draping the winery, an
center and adjoining tasting room. Emulating undulant roof acts as an inclined open-air Photography by Alex Shoots Buildings.
Structural engineer: Hladík a Chalivopulos s.r.o.
Plumbing: SANIproject, s.r.o.
Heating, cooling (building): CM projekt, s r.o.
Heating, cooling (technological): FaBa engineering, s.r.o.
Ventilation: Ing. Marek Nos
Electrical installations: ELSPACE s.r.o. + Alexa-projekce
s.r.o., projekce sdělovacích rozvodů
Building Management System: Ing. Zdeněk Tulis
Traffic engineer: Rostislav Beneš
Energy Performance Certificate: SUCHÁNEK s.r.o.
Roof safety: Mojmír Klas, s.r.o.
Clare Pascoe, Director Pascoe Interiors Ltd, discusses the relationship between Interior
Designers and Architects, and why collaboration leads to winning results.
Thankfully the days where Architects This is underscored by the intimate Engineer, M&E / Smart Home consultant,
and Interior Designers were partnership between the RIBA & BIID Project Manager & Quantity Surveyor.
believed to have a divisive, cat v dog (British Institute of Interior Designers). Granted employing such a skilled design
relationship has now well and truly Both are world recognised professional team comes at a high cost to a project, so
passed. It is now widely recognised bodies, who together have agreed it is only projects of a certain size where
that there are several mutual benefits best working practices to streamline such an investment in skills is justified
to a project, the client and the design relationships and processes. to offset the mistakes and pitfalls that
team when Architects and Interior As an BIID Registered Interior Designer ® could blight the time line and budget
Designers collaborate. with 20+ years’ experience, and a bed rock if professional foresight wasn’t in place
of skill sets from an engineering-based to prevent such things happening in
Design BSc Hons degree, I have always the first place. Slightly smaller projects
approached projects with the mindset and might simply have an Architect, Interior
planning of an engineer. Calling myself Designer and Contractor. The size of the
an ‘Interior Engineer’ would be a more team indicates to the Design team the
accurate term. I relish projects where I scale of the project; the Clients viewpoint
am part of a wider design team; not least in investing in professional skills and how
because I purposely keep Pascoe Interiors efficiently the project is likely to be run.
Ltd small so that I am personally involved Different Design Team experts bring
in every project and can run an efficient different skills to a project. While of course
company to keep my fees competitive; but there are many grey areas and overlaps, in
also because projects that have a wider simple terms you could view an Architects
base of skills can only deliver better results role as dealing with fixed assets that would
for longevity, sustainability and design. be covered under Buildings Insurance; and
The best projects I’ve worked on have a an Interior Designers role as dealing with
full design team – consisting of Architect, loose assets that would be covered under
Interior Designer, Contractor, Structural Contents Insurance. The overlaps between
the skill sets should not be seen by the Vernon House, a 64 studio apartment
Client as points where they are charged building, that Pascoe Interiors was
twice for the same service(s); instead it commissioned to re-design
prepared to invest in the design, planning technical specifications for the tender of separation, both teams are there too
and management of their project to get pack and construction, then place orders support each other’s roles. Together we
the best results. It also indicates that the and oversee the installation of the interior have each other’s & the clients back, too
Client is a busy professional themself who FF&E (fixtures, furniture & equipment – an run the best project that will ultimately
will entrust their team to run the project interior design term that encompasses all exceed our client’s expectations.
for them. Knowing this allows us to deliver that a project needs). The Architect can In short, when Interior Designers &
a far more accurate Service Schedule fee quickly divert interior related queries to Architects collaborate a project is more
structure, as we can more confidently rely the Designer, avoiding time consuming efficient, encounters fewer setbacks and
on quick decision making smoothing the distraction. Likewise, the Interior Designer complications that delivers better results with
process. doesn’t have to invest time on the tender less stress for the client. It’s a win win win.
Clients shouldn’t be put off by the cost and contractor selection, planning or
of a fully diverse design team. While building control. Even with a degree
surrounding themselves with a multifaceted
design team comes at a cost, the true
value of which can be more than easily
justified when you consider the wealth of
experience leading the project without
undue distraction and stress, avoiding costly
mistakes then can and do happen without
professional involvement, while allowing
the Client to focus on their own professional
commitments so they themselves can
function to their optimum value.
From the Architects point of view, having
an interior designer on board with a similar
design style, ethos and work ethic makes
for a very complimentary relationship. The
Architect can focus on their role, without
having to spend time considering the
minutiae of interior details and finishes.
The Interior Designer will steer the Client
Exterior shot of a Vernon
through the material choices, provide
House studio apartment
lighting plans, calculate quantities, provide
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Open plan offices are ubiquitous range of T700 wall mounted phone
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comes to privacy. The colour palette is an exciting
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By focusing mobile phone use the full colour spectrum that blend
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UK Brick presents statement bricks. On paper they stand at just
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They are so special, they have a unique name to match. Ultima
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So, it’s true. UK Brick waterstruck bricks are not right for
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Ultima Linear bricks add serious personality to any residential or
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Georgia Plant, Construction and Engineering team specialist,
Irwin Mitchell LLP, provides an overview of the Building Safety bill.
The independent review by Dame Judith the competence of architects. Those not
Hackitt following the Grenfell Tower meeting the competency standards can
fire concluded that building and fire be publicly identified on the register and
safety regulations needed major reform ultimately removed from the register.
including the appointment of a building The Bill provides for a new dutyholder
safety regulator. The Government’s regime during the lifecycle of a higher-risk
Building Safety Bill (with the Fire Safety building including those appointed under
Bill) seeks to make “the biggest change to the CDM regime. This will be implemented
our building safety regime for 40 years.” by secondary legislation.
There will be a three gateway system for
The Bill imposes a new regime for building
planning approvals, to be implemented by
control from the design and construction
secondary legislation:
phase to eventual occupation which
• Gateway One uses the existing planning
will apply to all new buildings, with an
process before dutyholders are required
enhanced regime for those defined as
to be in place and its requirements will
“higher-risk.” The Secretary of State will
have the power to define which buildings be fulfilled by those applying for planning
are higher-risk but it is currently proposed permission for developments containing
that all multi-occupied residential buildings a higher-risk building. The proposal will
with a top storey over 18 metres from need to demonstrate that fire safety
ground level, or 6 storeys above ground requirements which impact on planning
level should fall into this category. have been considered and incorporated
Georgia Plant is in the specialist
The first major change is the introduction into the proposals. Construction and Engineering
of a Building Safety Regulator within • Gateway Two involves the full design team at law firm Irwin Mitchell LLP.
the Health & Safety Executive who intent being provided. This gateway is a She has been involved in advising
will be responsible for facilitating the ‘hard stop’ and construction cannot on construction contracts, disputes
implementation of the regime for higher- begin until the Regulator is satisfied that and settlements.
risk buildings, will be the building control the proposed design meets the
authority for higher-risk buildings and will requirements of the building regulations
be responsible for enforcement. Time and does not contain any unrealistic safety
limits for enforcement will be significantly management expectations.
extended, from two years to ten years. • Gateway Three is the final stage where
Failure to comply with new compliance construction work has finished. At this point
or stop notices will be a criminal offence all prescribed documents and information
punishable by a fine and up to two years relating to the finished, as-built, building.
imprisonment. Where the offence is Once the regulator is satisfied, a completion
committed by a corporate body with certificate will be issued..
the ‘consent or connivance’ of a director Although published in July 2020, the Bill has
or manager, that person will become not yet come into force and it is possible
personally liable. that changes will be made to the draft.
The Regulator will have the power to Architects should monitor any changes to
impose competence requirements on
ensure that they are able to comply with the
Principal Designers and Contractors with
requirements once they come into force.
a duty on the person appointing them to
ensure requirements are met.
The Bill also introduces a power for the
Architects Registration Board to monitor
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Technology Veneers
Deans Road,
Road, Swinton
Swinton UK
Deans Unit 6a,
Unit 6a, Harding
Harding Way,
Manchester M27
Manchester M27 0JH0JH Somersham Road, St Ives,
Tel: 0161
0161 793
793 8700
8700 Somersham Road, St
CATALANO Tel: Cambridgeshire PE27 3WR
Fax: 0161 727 8057 Cambridgeshire PE27 3WR
Tel: 0208
Tel: 0208 685
685 6815
6815 Fax: 0161 727 8057 Tel: 01480
01480 461188
Email: Tel: Email: Email:
Web: Email: Web: Web:
Catalano, anan Italian
Italian sanitaryware
sanitaryware DRU produces
DRU produces gasgas fires
fires and
and wood
wood We can
can produce
produce complete
complete panels
panels toto
Catalano, We
brand based
based near
near Rome,
Rome, waswas stoves that
stoves that combine
combine contemporary
contemporary order including
including cutting,
cutting, shaping
shaping and
brand order
founded in in 1967
1967 inin Civita
Civita Castellana
Castellana design with the latest fireplace
design with the latest fireplace lipping or we can veneer our
founded lipping or we can veneer our
by a team of expert ceramic technology. They
technology. They are
are available
available customers ownown panels.
panels. Whatever
by a team of expert ceramic customers
technicians. Celebrating 50 years in
in from specialist
from specialist fireplace
fireplace retailers
retailers your veneering
veneering need
need we
we can
can help,
technicians. Celebrating 50 years your
production, Catalano
Catalano isis aa market
market throughout the UK and
throughout the UK and Europe. Europe. DRU
DRU from grain matched panel sets
production, from grain matched panel sets
leader in manufacturing and fires and stoves have been specified
fires and stoves have been specified and radial
radial matched
matched panels
panels to
to laser
leader in manufacturing and and
exporting ceramics,
ceramics, selling
selling its
its ranges
ranges by some
by some of
of the
the UK’s
UK’s most
most prestigious
prestigious cut fretwork
fretwork and
and veneer
veneer backed
exporting cut
in over
over 100
100 countries.
countries. architects and
architects and designers,
designers, andand DRU
DRU is
is flexi layons.
in flexi layons.
an accredited RIBA CPD provider.
an accredited RIBA CPD provider.
Adam Strudwick, Principal, Perkins & Will, delves into
why interior design is set for its own radical makeover.
Historically, interior design focused material waste, but it also creates unique
on creating beautiful, fit-for-purpose and thought-provoking environments,
spaces. How this was achieved, and what which simultaneously support wellbeing
materials were used, were more of a (for example, plants act as natural air-
means to an end. filtration systems).
Another example is using locally sourced
This is now changing, largely thanks to timber joinery. Timber adds to the aesthetic
businesses putting sustainability at the top of appeal of a building but can also be easily
the agenda to respond to the global climate disassembled which maximises flexibility
crisis, and the need to adopt sustainable and minimises waste if a space needs to
practices to meet government targets. be adapted.
Interior design needs to adapt to this new There is also a misconception that waste
environment as although architects are happens during the construction, rather
already making progress with designing than the design process. However, a report
net-zero new builds, the interior fit-out found that 33% of on-site waste is related
industry has not kept pace. to project design. This means that reducing
According to data from the Crown Estate, waste should not and cannot be the sole
interior fit-out is responsible for 40 percent responsibility of construction companies,
of energy in a building, while over 300 and interior designers have a pivotal role
tonnes of fit out goes into landfill every day. to play.
These stark figures show just how much We sit in between investors, developers,
carbon and material is used in creating and suppliers, meaning we are perfectly
and replacing workplaces; a problem “There is also a positioned to encourage conversations
exacerbated by increasingly shorter lease
lengths in the commercial office sector.
misconception that at both a top-down and bottom-up level
about how to achieve net-zero design.
Frankly, it is our responsibility as designers waste happens If everybody involved in the design and
to consider the environmental impact of
our decisions. But interior design can -
during the construction, construction process is accountable to
make micro-changes, we can create
and must - successfully marry this need rather than the design long-lasting macro change.
for sustainability while still delivering
aesthetically pleasing interiors.
process” As part of our recent net-zero interiors
pledge, we are offering as standard, a
While we may not be able to exactly net-zero embodied carbon or circular
replicate the interiors we have traditionally design strategy up to RIBA Stage 2. We
Placing sustainability at the centre
labelled as aesthetically pleasing, we can will ensure that by the end of 2021, half our
redefine what a beautiful interior is. of the design process is an essential
projects, and by 2025 all our projects, are
Aesthetics will always be important, but step to helping companies realise their
100 percent circular. By 2030, all projects
we should, as an industry, be promoting sustainability pledges. Research by JLL
will be Net-Zero Embodied Carbon as
the idea that design that has a positive shows nearly 25 percent of Fortune 500
demonstrated through a Whole Life Carbon
impact on our planet, is by its very nature, companies have set ambitious deadlines
something to be celebrated. Sustainability to become carbon neutral by 2045, with
As we move towards sustainable design
can then add an additional layer of beauty. Microsoft going even further and pledging
being the norm, we must break down
We must evaluate the provenance and to be carbon negative by 2030.
traditional misconceptions and redefine
effectiveness of the materials we are using, One example of how sustainable design our standards of beauty so to be fit for the
as the broader progress being made with can enhance the aesthetic value of a green and clean age we are now living in.
sustainable architecture will be limited space is through the use of greenery as
without corresponding action from interiors. partitioning. Not only does this reduce
ULTRA thin, high performance
inverted roof XPS insulation
Market leading product manufactured in King’s Lynn UK