11.) Citibank v. Sabeniano
11.) Citibank v. Sabeniano
11.) Citibank v. Sabeniano
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Switzerland, they will be presumed to be the same as Philippine local or amounting to Three Hundred Eighteen Thousand Eight Hundred Ninety-Seven Pesos
domestic laws; this is known as processual presumption. and Thirty-Four Centavos (P318,897.34) and Two Hundred Three Thousand One
● Upon closer scrutiny of the Declaration of Pledge, this Court finds the same Hundred Fifty Pesos (P203,150.00), respectively, plus the stipulated interest of
exceedingly suspicious and irregular. Fourteen and a half percent (14.5%) per annum, beginning 17 March 1977;
o It escapes this Court why Citibank took care to have the Deeds of
Assignment of the PNs notarized, yet left the Declaration of Pledge 2. The remittance of One Hundred Forty-Nine Thousand Six Hundred Thirty Two US
unnotarized. Dollars and Ninety-Nine Cents (US$149,632.99) from respondents Citibank-Geneva
o Citibank was unable to establish the date when the Declaration of accounts to petitioner Citibank in Manila, and the application of the same against
Pledge was actually executed. respondents outstanding loans with the latter, is DECLARED illegal, null and void.
o The Declaration of Pledge was irregularly filled-out. The pledge was Petitioner Citibank is ORDEREDto refund to respondent the said amount, or its
in a standard printed form. equivalent in Philippine currency using the exchange rate at the time of payment, plus
▪ It was constituted in favor of Citibank, N.A., otherwise the stipulated interest for each of the fiduciary placements and current accounts
referred to therein as the Bank. involved, beginning 26 October 1979;
▪ It should be noted, however, that in the space which
should have named the pledgor, the name of petitioner 3. Petitioner Citibank is ORDERED to pay respondent moral damages in the amount
Citibank was typewritten. of Three Hundred Thousand Pesos (P300,000.00); exemplary damages in the
▪ The pledge, therefore, made no sense, the pledgor and amount of Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Pesos (P250,000.00); and attorneys fees in
pledgee being the same entity. the amount of Two Hundred Thousand Pesos (P200,000.00); and
o Sabeniano denied that it was her signature on the Declaration of
Pledge. She claimed that the signature was a forgery. 4. Respondent is ORDERED to pay petitioner Citibank the balance of her outstanding
● Sabeniano made several attempts to have the original copy of the pledge loans, which, from the respective dates of their maturity to 5 September 1979, was
produced before the RTC so as to have it examined by experts. Yet, despite computed to be in the sum of One Million Sixty-Nine Thousand Eight Hundred Forty-
several Orders by the RTC, Citibank failed to comply with the production of Seven Pesos and Forty Centavos (P1,069,847.40), inclusive of interest. These
the original Declaration of Pledge. outstanding loans shall continue to earn interest, at the rates stipulated
in the corresponding PNs, from 5 September 1979 until payment thereof.
● Citibank-Geneva had possession of the original copy of the pledge.
o While petitioner Citibank in Manila and its branch in Geneva may be NOTES
separate and distinct entities, they are still incontestably related, Deed of Assignment between Sabeniano and FNCB Finance, as regards the
and between petitioner Citibank and respondent, the former had former’s money market placement with the latter:
more influence and resources to convince Citibank-Geneva to
return, albeit temporarily, the original Declaration of Pledge. The ASSIGNOR and the ASSIGNEE hereby further agree as follows:
● Without the Declaration of Pledge, Citibank had no authority to demand the xxx x
remittance of Sabeniano’s dollar accounts with Citibank-Geneva and to
apply them to her outstanding loans. 2. In the event the OBLIGATIONS are not paid at maturity or upon demand, as the
o It cannot effect legal compensation under Article 1278 of the Civil case may be, the ASSIGNEE is fully authorized and empowered to collect and
receive the PLACEMENT (or so much thereof as may be necessary) and apply the
Code since, Citibank itself admitted that Citibank-Geneva is a
same in payment of the OBLIGATIONS. Furthermore, the ASSIGNOR agrees that at
distinct and separate entity.
any time, and from time to time, upon request by the ASSIGNEE, the ASSIGNOR will
● The remittance of Sabeniano’s dollar accounts from Citibank-Geneva
promptly execute and deliver any and all such further instruments and documents as
and the application thereof to her outstanding loans with Citibank was
may be necessary to effectuate this Assignment.
illegal, and null and void.
xxx x
5. This Assignment shall be considered as sufficient authority to FNCB Finance to pay
assailed Decision of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. No. 51930, dated 26 March
and deliver the PLACEMENT or so much thereof as may be necessary to liquidate
2002, as already modified by its Resolution, dated 20 November 2002, is hereby
the OBLIGATIONS, to the ASSIGNEE in accordance with terms and provisions
1. PNs No. 23356 and 23357 are DECLARED subsisting and outstanding. Petitioner
Citibank is ORDERED to return to respondent the principal amounts of the said PNs,
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