This document outlines the course for Grade 8 that focuses on developing language skills through Afro-Asian literature. It is divided into 4 gradings covering 12 units total. Each unit focuses on a theme and includes activities like analyzing poems, stories, and plays from different cultures, vocabulary enrichment, grammar lessons, reading, writing, listening, and speaking exercises. The goals are to appreciate family and community, be active citizens, express national pride and identity, and acknowledge cultural diversity in a globalized world.
This document outlines the course for Grade 8 that focuses on developing language skills through Afro-Asian literature. It is divided into 4 gradings covering 12 units total. Each unit focuses on a theme and includes activities like analyzing poems, stories, and plays from different cultures, vocabulary enrichment, grammar lessons, reading, writing, listening, and speaking exercises. The goals are to appreciate family and community, be active citizens, express national pride and identity, and acknowledge cultural diversity in a globalized world.
This document outlines the course for Grade 8 that focuses on developing language skills through Afro-Asian literature. It is divided into 4 gradings covering 12 units total. Each unit focuses on a theme and includes activities like analyzing poems, stories, and plays from different cultures, vocabulary enrichment, grammar lessons, reading, writing, listening, and speaking exercises. The goals are to appreciate family and community, be active citizens, express national pride and identity, and acknowledge cultural diversity in a globalized world.
This document outlines the course for Grade 8 that focuses on developing language skills through Afro-Asian literature. It is divided into 4 gradings covering 12 units total. Each unit focuses on a theme and includes activities like analyzing poems, stories, and plays from different cultures, vocabulary enrichment, grammar lessons, reading, writing, listening, and speaking exercises. The goals are to appreciate family and community, be active citizens, express national pride and identity, and acknowledge cultural diversity in a globalized world.
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Course Outline Grade 8
(Accessing language skills through Afro-Asian literature)
First Grading
I. Appreciating my family as a unit
Literary dashboard (African poem) Literary jump-pad ( telephone conversation) Enriching vocab ( idiomatic expression) Short quiz Literary skill focus ( sensory images: satire and irony ) Grammar ( parallelism ) Reading ( scanning and logical connectors) Listening ( juncture and rate ) Pause and post (habits of healthy families) Think and link (organizing thoughts using graphic organizers ) Top the trends (meet my family)
II. Bridging gaps within the family
Literary dashboard ( African poem) Literary jump pad (once upon a time) Enriching vocab ( collocations) Short quiz Literary skills ( tone and mood ) Grammar ( cohesive devices) Reading (skimming) Listening ( pitch and word stress) Speaking ( rhythm and intonation) Pause and post ( the two brothers) Think and link (outlining ) Top the trends ( the fab fam chat )
III. Maintaining family harmony
Literary dashboard (African poem ) Literary jump (the mask) Enriching vocab (local culture) Short quiz Literary skills ( author’s purpose and technique) Grammar ( simple present tense ) Listening (volume and projection) Reading ( extensive reading vs. intensive reading ) Speaking ( stance and behavior in delivering a speech) Pause and post ( we love our family warts and all) Think and link ( writing an informative essay ) Top the trends (keeping peace)
Second Grading
I. Analyzing community problems and solutions
Literary dashboard ( zaju drama) Literary jump-pad ( the injustice done to tou ngo) Enriching vocab (figures of speech ) Short quiz Literary skills ( types of conflict ) Grammar problem solution grammatical signals) Reading ( interpreting information presented through tables) Pause and post ( a look at the state of crime, drugs in the Philippines ) Think and link (writing a expository paragraph ) Top the trends (voices of the villagers )
II. Taking care of your community’s natural resources
Literary dashboard (Japanese haiku ) Literary jump ( haiku of basho, buson , issa and shiki) Enriching vocab ( literal vs. figurative language ) Short quiz Literary skills ( elements of poetry : structure) Grammar (cause and effect grammatical signals) Reading ( interpreting information presented through graphs ) Listening ( making predictions about the contents of a listening text) Pause and post ( environmental problem ) Think and link ( writing persuasive text) Top the trends ( eco jingle )
III. Becoming active community youth member
Literary dashboard (Chinese parable ) Literary jump-pad ( the man who spurned the machine ) Enriching vocab ( figure of speech: hyperbole and litotes) Short quiz Literary skills ( interpreting aphorism) Grammar ( general to particular grammatical signals ) Speaking ( entertainment speech ) Reading ( interpreting information presented through information maps) Pause and post Think and link ( writing a factual and personal recount ) Top the trends (link and share!)
Third Grading
I. Expressing loyalty to your country
Literary dashboard (Thai folktale ) Literary jump-pad ( Ta-in and Ta-na) Enriching vocab (affixes : prefix and suffix ) Short quiz Literary skills ( plot ) Grammar (modals) Listening ( determining the purpose of a speaker) Pause and plot Think and link ( concept mapping ) Top the trends ( what to do?)
II. Offering yourself to the nation
Literary dashboard (Vietnamese legend ) Literary jump-pad ( the crystal heart ) Enriching vocab ( types of context clues Short quiz Literary skills ( theme vs. moral of the story ) Grammar ( two types of conjunctions ) Speaking ( expression of agreement and disagreement ) Listening (noting important details when listening ) Pause and post (freedom writers) Think and link (writing an informative essay) Top the trends ( a hero’s point of view III. Honoring your motherland Literary dashboard ( essay) Literary jump-pad (I am a Filipino ) Enriching vocab ( propaganda techniques) Short quiz Literary skills ( history in literature) Grammar (intensifiers ) Reading ( distinguishing fact from opinion) Speaking ( persuasive speech ) Pause and plot ( katipunan: brave sons of the people ) Think and link ( writing bibliography ) Top the trends (proud to be Pinoy! )
Fourth Grading
I. Rising up amid Global competition
Literary dashboard ( indian short story ) Literary jump-pad ( the victory) Enriching vocab ( using print materials for vocabulary building) Short quiz Literary skills (flashback and foreshadowing) Grammar ( tense of the verb) Reading ( positions of topic sentence ) Listening (making inferences as listening skills ) Pause and post ( smaller and smaller circles : an excerpt ) Think and link ( writing a news report) Top the trends ( Global pinoy drama)
II. Preserving your culture in a multicultural world
Literary dashboard ( hebrew poem ) Literary jump-pad ( an arab shepherd is searching for his goat in Mount Zion) Enriching vocab ( denotative and connotative meanings ) Short quiz Literary skill ( symbolism ) Grammar ( transformative passive voice to active voice and vice versa) Speaking (declamation speech: selection and delivery ) Reading ( interpreting instructions and rules ) Pause and post ( reason for racial and ethnic discrimination against the Filipinos ) Think and link ( writing an opinion article ) Top the trends ( design a sign )
III. Acknowledging boundaries among different worlds
Literary dashboard ( Arabian folktale ) Literary jump-pad ( the story of the merchant and the genie ) Enriching vocab ( word webs ) Short quiz Literary skill ( relationship between setting and characters ) Grammar ( changing direct to indirect speech ) Reading ( general and specific statements ) Listening ( summarizing as listening skill ) Speaking dashboard (non-verbal communication) Pause and post Think and link ( writing a news feature article ) Top the trends ( write your role act your role )