Sop Mouse Injection Subcutaneous
Sop Mouse Injection Subcutaneous
Sop Mouse Injection Subcutaneous
These SOPs were developed by the Office of the University Veterinarian and reviewed by Virginia Tech
IACUC to provide a reference and guidance to investigators during protocol preparation and IACUC reviewers
during protocol review. They can be used as referenced descriptions for procedures on IACUC protocols.
However, it is the sole responsibility of the Principal Investigator to ensure that the referenced SOPs adequately
cover and accurately represent procedures to be undertaken in any research project. Any modification to
procedure as described in the SOP must be outlined in each IACUC protocol application (e.g. if the Principal
Investigator plans to use a needle size that is not referenced in the SOP, simply state that alteration in the
IACUC protocol itself).
Table of Contents
Version: 1
Original Date: 12/12/17
Version date: 12/12/17
Describes procedure for the administration of substances via subcutaneous (the space between the skin and
underlying muscle) injections.
1. Useful for large volumes of fluids. Warm fluids to body temperature prior to use.
2. Several sites can be used for multiple injections – dorsal surface, lateral thoracic region, lower
quadrants of abdomen.
3. Can be performed with on-handed restraint technique.
4. Please refer to the Guidelines for Injections in Rodents and Rabbits, Virginia Tech Office of the
University Veterinarian for recommended volumes and needles sizes.
c. Procedure
iv. Aspirate the syringe prior to administration. If blood or any other material is drawn back into
the chamber, then withdraw needle and repeat placement.
v. Inject into the site; a small bleb (formation of fluid ppocket) in the subcutaneous space should
be noted (Figure 2).
vi. Remove needle when complete, and apply small amount of pressure to the site to prevent
backflow of the material.
vii. Dispose of the needle into approved sharps container.
IV. Variations
VI. References
American Association of Laboratory Animal Science. Laboratory Animal Technician Training Manual.
(Memphis, TN: Drumwright and Co, 2007)
Charles River SOP 2405-3 - Dosing of Rodents – TGS and Discovery Services
Charles River Insourcing Solutions. Biomethodology of the Laboratory Mouse
Hawk, C.T., Leary, S.T., and Morris, T.H. Formulary for Laboratory Animals (3rd ed.). (Ames, Iowa:
Blackwell Publishing, 2005)
National Institutes of Health Animal Research Advisory Committee. Guidelines for Survival Bleeding in
Mice & Rats.
Suckow, M., Danneman, P., and Brayton, C. The Laboratory Mouse. (Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press LLC,
Turner, P.V., Brabb, T., Pekow, C., and Vasbinder, M. Administration of Substances to Laboratory
Animals: Routes of Administration and Factors to Consider. J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci.; 50(5): 600–613.
(2011 September)