Term Paper On Pran FR Be

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PRAN started its operation in 1980 as processors of fruit and vegetable in

Bangladesh and in 1981 when PRAN and RFL merge together it becomes one of
the biggest business groups in Bangladesh. PRAN RFL is currently one of the most
admired food & beverages brand among the millions of people of Bangladesh and
other 77 countries of the world where PRAN Products are regularly being

PRAN RFL’s comparative advantage as an economy lies in agriculture. They

believe the way to economic prosperity is through agro-business. PRAN stands for
“Programme for Rural Advancement Nationally” and RFL stands for Rangpur
foundry limited.

PRAN RFL is the pioneer in Bangladesh to be involved in contract farming and

procures raw material directly from the farmers and processes through state of the
art machinery at our several factories into hygienically packed food and drinks
products. The brand PRAN RFL has established itself in every category of food
and beverage and other industry and can boost a product range from Juices,
Carbonated Drinks, Confectionery, Snacks, and Spices, cloths and to even dairy

Today consumers of PRAN RFL not only value “PRAN RFL” for its authentic
refreshing juice drinks products, but also for its quality confectionery products
with high visual appeal and exciting texture and intend to expand their presence to
every corner of the world and strive to make “PRAN RFL” a truly international
brand to be recognized globally.

 The production of food should not be considered an unethical activity in
itself, rather the reverse.

 Overindulging in even the most ‘healthy’ of food products can be

detrimental to health and in particular lead to obesity, an increasing problem
in rich societies.

 Some food products may need to be consumed in moderation if they are to

be part of a healthy balanced diet due to their mix of ingredients e.g. sugar,
salt, fats and other additives.

 The Church should encourage individuals to follow healthy balanced diets

that are within their means.

 It is important to review all aspects of the food industry, including the

conditions in which animals are reared, crops are grown, food is processed
and products are marketed. The relationship between the producers,
processors, retailers and consumers also needs to be scrutinized.

 Consideration should also be given to the positive contribution to society by

the food industry.

The manufacture, marketing, and distribution of food in general are unlikely to be
a matter of exposure. The manufacture, marketing, and distribution of food in
general are unlikely to be a matter of ethical concern. However, there will be
particular areas of concern. In such cases there may be a level of exposure that will
result in a company being excluded from the CFB portfolios.
This approach would seem less appropriate with products such as breast milk
substitutes that Can be either lifesaving or life-threatening depending on the
circumstances in which they are used.

Methods of Production and Distribution

The production of food raises a number of issues that need to be considered. The
packaged food industry essentially consists of manufacturing using farm produce.
Clearly hygiene, quality control, health and safety considerations are of great
importance. The following are among the issues that should be considered: all
welfare in the meat products industry.
 Use of child or bonded labour, or employment of illegal immigrants. The
Labour Organisation (ILO) standards provide useful benchmarks in this area.
 Improper use of pesticides, antibiotics, and other chemicals.
 Misuse of water resources and the consequent impact on local farmers.
 Soil degradation and other environmental damage to the land.
 The sale of imported agricultural products that involves high transport costs
and therefore unnecessary carbon emissions.
 Growing genetically modified crops. Marketing issues are a major ethical
concern relating to the food industry. It would be inappropriate for the
Church to benefit uncritically from the financial success of companies that
encourage unhealthy and unbalanced diets. Areas of difficulty would
 Marketing campaigns that could encourage obesity.
 Packaging that leads to excess purchases with implications for obesity.
 Wasteful over-packaging.
 Aggressive marketing campaigns aimed at the vulnerable (e.g. promoting
chocolate and other confectionery products to children).
 Inappropriate marketing campaigns (e.g. sports equipment for schools that
require the purchase of a large number of confectionery or snack products).
 Sponsorship that seems aimed at promoting ethically inappropriate food
 Misleading information or failure to label clearly contents that could be of
concernotiating exclusive contracts for vending machines, (e.g. soft drink
machines in schools where there is a captive audience).
 Vending machines that sell only ‘unhealthy’ food or drinks.

Companies should be encouraged to treat the environment with respect. This may
 The adoption of and compliance with a robust environmental policy.
 A clear policy to limit and evaluate the use of antibiotics, pesticides and
 A responsible approach to the use of genetically modified food.
 Policies to reduce the company’s carbon emissions, and evidence of their
efficacy. This could involve giving preference to locally grown produce, and
a policy of reducing sales of imported or out of season foodstuffs.
 Policies that support bio-diversity (e.g. evidence of respect for living
 Avoidance of bad practice (e.g. the destruction of original forests to make
way for food plantations).
 Respect for traditional land tenure practices and the rights of small farmers.
 Awareness of the problems of producing unwanted foodstuffs and
consequent waste

Codes of Conduct

Corporate Values of PRAN

Consumer Care

PRAN view their consumers as their king .Their consumers have given them such
success for so long years.

PRAN humbly request their consumers to feel free to communicate with them
regarding following issues:

 Complaint for their products

 Price information
 Benefits of products
 Comments for products
 Any other issues

Objectives that they seek through their consumer care are:

 To create a culture of customer focus

 To receive complaints from their consumers on product related matters
 To achieve customer satisfaction
 To create rapport and loyalty

Supplier Care

Their native farmer is their supplier. They collect major portions of their raw
materials from them. They give values to their activities. Most of our farmers were
deprived of proper price for their produces. They have been helping them to
overcome this situation by practicing contract farming. Now they are the pioneer
and the largest contract manufacturer in Bangladesh. They care their suppliers in
the following ways:

 By providing them good seeds, fertilizers, insecticides etc.

 By providing financial supports.
 By providing proper information about what to produce more and what to
produce less.
 By collecting their produces in right time and storing them.
 By collecting raw materials directly/right from them and saving them from
middle men.
 By creating a huge demand of our farmers’ products both in nationally and
 By ensuring proper price for their produces.

Employee Care

Their employees are their best resource. They give values to their employees’
creativity and innovation. Their culture begins with their four values that drive
everything they do: Integrity, Continuous Innovation, Involvement and Self-
respect. They help their employees’ growth. They give them proper training and
development. They encourage employees to ask questions and make suggestions
that they think better.

They are the one amongst the few in Bangladesh those has a culture of profit
sharing management. Their employees are dedicated to the success of their
business. They treat their employees as a core resource and family member.

Trade Care

Their trade partners are their great support. Through them, they reach to their
ultimate consumers. Employees provide support to Pran’s entire promotional
activities and merchandising program. They care for their trade partner.
Now, they have a customer care wing to listen to them. They aim to build a strong
long term business relationship by taking them through the journey of relationship
disposition funnel and expect them to become our advocates in Pran’s Business.

They care about their needs in the following ways:

 By giving product in right price, right quality, at right time and trade benefit.
 By giving them special service like upcoming demand trends.
 By giving them sample products.
 By giving them promotional sales competition.
 By giving product replacement opportunity for any damaged or expired

Moreover, at distributors business area, they arrange TRADE MEET where they
give them proper training about how to handle their demand and supply
management in their area.

They have recently started PCC (PRAN Customer Care) where their trade partners
can talk directly by making phone call to a unique number: +88-01973-737777.
They will support them in the following ways:

 By listening to product complaints.

 By providing information about price of product.
 By giving information about address of dealer point.
 By giving proper solution for any unwanted situation associated to their

Ethics & Principles

 PRAN is committed to operating their businesses conforming to the highest

moral and ethical standards.
 PRAN is committed to good corporate citizenship. They treat social
development activities, which benefit the communities in which we operate
as an integral part of our business plan.
 PRAN seek to contribute to the economic development of the communities
of Bangladesh where they operate, while respecting their culture, norms and
heritage. They seek to avoid any project or activity that is detrimental to the
wider interests of the communities in which they operate.
 PRAN shall not compromise safety in the pursuit of commercial advantage.
They shall strive to provide a safe, healthy and clean working environment
for their employees and all those who work with them.
 When representing their company, They shall act with professionalism,
honesty and integrity, and conform to the highest moral and ethical
standards. In the countries they operate in, they shall exhibit culturally
appropriate behavior. Their conduct shall be fair and transparent and be
perceived as fair and transparent by third parties.
 They shall respect the human rights and dignity of their stakeholders.
 They shall strive to balance the interests of their stakeholders, treating each
of them fairly and avoiding unfair discrimination of any kind.
 The statements that they make to their stakeholders shall be truthful and
made in good faith.
 They shall not engage in any restrictive or unfair trade practices.
 They shall provide revenues for their stakeholders to raise concerns or
queries in good faith, or report instances of actual or perceived violations of
our Code.
 They shall strive to create an environment free from fear of retribution to
deal with concerns that are raised or cases reported in good faith. No one
shall be punished or made to suffer for raising concerns or making
disclosures in good faith or in the public interest.
 They expect the leaders of our businesses to demonstrate their commitment
to the ethical standards set out in this Code through their own behaviour and
by establishing appropriate processes within their companies.
 They shall comply with the laws of the countries in which we operate and
any other laws which apply to us. With regard to those provisions of the
Code that are explicitly dealt with under an applicable law or employment
terms, the law and those terms shall take precedence. In the event that the
standards prescribed under any applicable law are lower than that of the
Code, we shall conduct ourselves as per the provisions of the Code.

Leadership Style in the Organization

Leadership differs or varies man to man. Leadership works best when employee
and employer are works towards organizational goal. PRAN has its clear vision
and planning overall the organization and they go ahead with their goal to
achieving this. As it’s a huge organization comprises 10 companies so it tough to
organize the whole work activity and maintain the work. The company’s largest
asset is its competent team of hands-on-managers and their dedicated employees.
The manager of the organization treats their subordinates with very friendly way
and also plays very important role to leading them effective way. The organization
differentiates manager leadership power in different sector. The entire
organizational strategies are worked with to achieve the company’s goal.
Democratic leadership:
The Company wants to share their views and ideas with worker and from them the
company also expects some valuable ideas whenever take any decision. So the
company believes in democratic leadership which gives importance to all the
Transactional leadership:
Sometimes Company offer reward for some specific task they did it to motivate
employee. PRAN has some expertise those make strategy for long-term motivating
work environment and they used it towards the workers.

Corporate governance

Workplace Abusive behavior

Organizations establish workplace abuse and harassment policies to prevent
inappropriate behavior and set guidelines and procedures to stop the behavior if it
occurs. Harassment becomes illegal when it creates a work environment that a
reasonable employee would not tolerate. Equal opportunity laws such as the Civil
Rights Act, Americans with Disabilities Act and the Age Discrimination Act
prohibit harassment, abuse and discrimination in the workplace. This law is strictly
followed by PRAN.

Workplace bullying
Workplace bullying is a persistent pattern of mistreatment from others in the
workplace that causes harm. It can include such tactics as verbal, nonverbal,
psychological, physical abuse and humiliation. This type of workplace aggression
is particularly difficult because, unlike the typical school bully, workplace bullies
often operate within the established rules and policies of their organization and
their society. However, bullies can also be peers, and occasionally subordinates.
PRAN always try to prevent this in their organization by a controlling committee.

No designating power might impact or endeavor to impact the occupation or
working states of her or his close family. Close family comprises of the folks, kids,
kin, life partner, folks in-law, youngsters in law, grandparents, grandchildren, step-
folks, , step-siblings, step-sisters, stepchildren, foster kids, people in an in loco
parentis relationship, and people in a legitimate guardianship relationship. It is the
obligation of the selecting power to regulate the vocation of relatives of any
organization worker in a predictable and unbiased way.
No worker might specifically regulate an individual from her or his close family.
All the more particularly, no worker might survey or review the work of an
individual from her or his close family, or join in dialogs concerning occupation,
task, pay, train or related matters including an individual from her or his close
Workplace Security

PRAN is very much concern for the safety of their employees. Every employee has
a responsibility to take precautions to protect themselves and co-workers from
unnecessary hazards to safety. Employees comply with the required use of safety
equipment and report any hazardous or unsafe working condition to their
immediate supervisor. If an unsafe act or situation is observed or if an employee is
injured, a supervisor must be notified immediately and an incident report must be

Corporate Social Responsibilities

The companies CSR effort revolves around the four premises i.e. Environment,
Energy Preservation, and Community & People to improve the quality of

1. Promises to the environment:

 Community forestation: In different locations around Bangladesh, they
are planting trees to save their GREEN PLANET.
 Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP): To ensure safe disposal of factory
wastage, they have got ETP’s in all the establishments of their Group.
 Heat Recovery Boiler: They recover the heat to save energy that they
produce and utilize in their production facilities in all locations.
2. Promises to the Energy Preservation
 SKY-Light Roof to utilize daylight during factory operation.
 CFL Bulbs at our Factories and offices to reduce Power Consumption
 Powered Trucks to reduce Air Pollution and usage fossil fuel for all
3. Promises to the people

 To Consumer:
 They aim at building trust through clear communication.
 They fully support consumer’s right to know what is in their products
and they are transparent in terms of ingredients. They provide clear
communication about their product ingredients, date of expire, nutrition
values, etc.
 They support their consumers by listening their suggestion, claims or
feedback through use of a combination of channels which include
websites and care line phone numbers, etc. to reduce any kind of
 They provide clear price communication.

 To Employee:
 Equal opportunities are given to both male and female candidates
irrespective of race, religions, culture etc.
 Selection is done based on merits and qualifications. Everyone has
got clear-cut job descriptions and got equal opportunity to contribute
and share their ideas and thoughts to grow in the company.
 Employees are rewarded with salary, commission and incentives as
per standards. Workers and staffs are provided with free and
subsidized food from the factory and office cafeterias.
 Employees’ health and hygiene are taken out most care with full time
adequate numbers of Doctors, nurses and other medical supports.
 To develop the human skills, both on the jobs and off the jobs
trainings are constantly being provided to all the workers and staffs.

4. Promises to the community

 Dairy Development: To develop the dairy industry in

Bangladesh, PRAN has started Dairy Hub operations in Bangladesh at its
own cost where they are organizing farmers, counseling for raring of dairy
and providing cattle food, Artificial Insemination and other veterinary
support to the farmers to increase the dairy yields.
 Education Development: PRAN is promoting education and supporting
several schools in their operations improving the salary of the teachers and
staffs, providing books, arranging special coaching for the students.

Other Social Support:

 Helping Mosque, Temple and Churches.

 Working together with Red Crescent.
 Collecting and donating blood.
 Working for the disabled.
 Working with ‘SAVE THE CHILDREN’.
 Helping the community in natural calamities.
 Providing Airport Support for the Hajj Pilgrims every year
from Bangladesh to KSA.

Comparison between standards and PRAN


1. The production of food should not be considered an unethical activity in itself,

rather the reverse.
PRAN does not consider any kind of unethical activity in their production system.

2. overindulging in even the most ‘healthy’ of food products can be detrimental to

health and in particular lead to obesity, an increasing problem in rich societies.
Though it is true that some products of PRAN can lead to obesity but they follow
the market demand.

3. Some food products may need to be consumed in moderation if they are to be

part of a healthy balanced diet due to their mix of ingredients e.g. sugar, salt, fats
and other additives.
Yes, PRAN always keep this standard.

4. It is important to review all aspects of the food industry, including the conditions
in which animals are reared, crops are grown, food is processed and products are
marketed. The relationship between the producers, processors, retailers and
consumers also needs to be scrutinized.
PRAN is always concern about these factors and also try to make some new
business policies to avoid any kind of misconduct.

5. Consideration should also be given to the positive contribution to society by the

food industry.
PRAN is renowned for their positive contribution to society.
Methods of Production and Distribution
1. Use of child or bonded labor, or employment of illegal immigrants. The
International Labor Organization (ILO) standards provide useful benchmarks in
this area.
PRAN do not violate this law.

2. Improper use of pesticides, antibiotics, and other chemicals.

PRAN always use these things which are not harmful.

3. Misuse of water resources and the consequent impact on local farmers.

PRAN is concern about this fact.

4. Soil degradation and other environmental damage to the land.

PRAN is highly concern about the environment.

5. Marketing campaigns that could encourage obesity.

In this matter we found that PRAN is not concern.

6. Packaging that leads to excess purchases with implications for obesity.

Yes sometimes it happens to attract customers.

7. Wasteful over-packaging.
PRAN avoid wasteful over-packaging.

8. Aggressive marketing campaigns aimed at the vulnerable (e.g. promoting

chocolate and other confectionery products to children).


1. The adoption of and compliance with a robust environmental policy.

PRAN try to follow this policy.

2. A clear policy to limit and evaluate the use of antibiotics, pesticides and
Yes, PRAN maintain this standard.

3. A responsible approach to the use of genetically modified food.

PRAN has no issues with this kind of products.

4. Policies to reduce the company’s carbon emissions, and evidence of their

efficacy. This could involve giving preference to locally grown produce, and a
policy of reducing sales of imported or out of season foodstuffs.
Yes, PRAN support this policy.

5. Policies that support bio-diversity (e.g. evidence of respect for living

Yes, PRAN maintain this very strictly.

Having considered the lacking, we have a few proposals underneath.

A. The Pran Food to keep up predictable moral conduct among all gatherings
associated with business.

B. They are committed to be straightforward and come clean reasonable and just in
managing others, fair and dependable in respecting assertions and contracts and
genuine in making suitable working condition for worker and so forth.

C. Presently a-days clients are not fulfilled by just the office they require more. In
this way, the organizations can give more offices like administration give to the
general population at sensible cost, Will purchase crude materials from the general
public and to keep up quality and standard.

D. The Pran Food to keep up sound and security working condition furthermore
keep up natural contamination to the base (produce concrete clumping plants).
Presently a-days moral practice in business is an exceptionally significance to the
foundation and upkeep of imperative and huge relationship among people
particularly, for this situation, among manager's .representative, rival, customers,
suppliers, group and so on. As in different zones, moral guideline have the string
for goodness and maintaining a strategic distance from of disagreeableness, the
simply reasonable conveyance great and terrible ,trustworthiness and truth telling ,
and individual opportunity.

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