Radiography L4

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Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia




Ministry of Education
June 2011

Ethiopia has embarked on a process of reforming its TVET-System. Within the

policies and strategies of the Ethiopian Government, technology transformation – by
using international standards and international best practices as the basis, and,
adopting, adapting and verifying them in the Ethiopian context – is a pivotal element.
TVET is given an important role with regard to technology transfer. The new
paradigm in the outcome-based TVET system is the orientation at the current and
anticipated future demand of the economy and the labor market.

The Ethiopia Occupational Standards (EOS) is the core element of the Ethiopian
National TVET-Strategy and an important factor within the context of the National
TVET-Qualification Framework (NTQF). They are national Ethiopian standards,
which define the occupational requirements and expected outcome related to a
specific occupation without taking TVET delivery into account.

This document details the mandatory format, sequencing, wording and layout for the
Ethiopia Occupational Standard which comprised of Units of Competence.

A Unit of Competence describes a distinct work activity. It is documented in a

standard format that comprises:
 Occupational title and NTQF level
 Unit title
 Unit code
 Unit descriptor
 Elements and Performance criteria
 Variables and Range statement
 Evidence guide

Together all the parts of a Unit of Competence guide the assessor in determining
whether the candidate is competent.

The ensuing sections of this EOS document comprise a description of the

occupation with all the key components of a Unit of Competence:
 chart with an overview of all Units of Competence for the respective level (Unit of
Competence Chart) including the Unit Codes and Unit Titles
 contents of each Unit of Competence (competence standard)
 occupational map providing the technical and vocational education and training
(TVET) providers with information and important requirements to consider when
designing training programs for this standards and for the individual, a career

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard June 2011
Occupational Standard: Radiography Services
Occupational Code: HLT RDG

HLT RDG4 01 0611 HLT RDG4 02 0611 HLT RDG4 03 0611
Operate Radiographic Perform Radiographic Assist Radiologist/
Machine Examinations Radiological
Technologist during
Special Procedures

HLT RDG4 04 0611 HLT RDG4 05 0611 HLT RDG4 06 0611

Conduct Radiographic Undertake Systems Manage Personal
Monitoring in the work Advocacy Stressors in the Work
Environment Environment

HLT RDG4 07 0611 HLT RDG4 08 0611 HLT RDG4 09 0611

Manage Workplace Monitor Implementation Provide Leadership in
OHS Management of Workplan/Activities Promoting Effective
System Work Practices in

HLT RDG4 10 0611 HLT RDG4 11 0611 HLT RDG4 12 0611

Migrate to New Utilize Specialized Develop and Lead
Technology Communication Skills Teams

HLT RDG4 13 0611 HLT RDG4 14 0611 HLT RDG4 15 1012

Establish Quality Manage and Maintain Manage Continuous
Standards Small/Medium Improvement System
Business Operations

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard June 2011
Occupational Standard: Radiography Services Level IV
Unit Title Operate Radiographic Equipments
Unit Code HLT RDG4 01 0611
Unit Descriptor This unit covers competence required to operate different
diagnostic radiographic equipments for use in clinical practice
in accordance with the radiation safety guidelines.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Operate 1.1. Different radiographic equipments are operated by
different using their part and control panel in accordance with the
radiographic manufacturer’s specifications and organizational
equipments guidelines.
1.2. Components of the radiographic equipments and their
function are identified in accordance with the
manufacturer’s specification and radiographic
equipments guidelines.
1.3. Control panels of the equipments are put-on on the
adjusted level.
1.4. Incoming voltage is checked according to the label of the
1.5. Anode and cathode side is identified in accordance with
the manufacturer guidelines.
1.6. Equipments and control panel are put off in accordance
with manufacturer’s specification.
1.7. Equipments are cleaned using disinfectant in accordance
with the manufacturer’s specification and radiographic
equipment guidelines.
1.8. The X-ray tube is kept in safe position in accordance with
the manufacturer’s specification.
1.9. Equipments are stored in accordance with the
organizational guidelines, OHS and manufacturer’s
2. Maintain and 3.1 Radiographic equipments are handled safely and
monitor monitored regularly in accordance with the
radiographic manufacturer’s guideline.
equipments 3.2 Ensure machine is serviced regularly by a qualified
Biomedical engineer.
3.3 Breakdowns and simple faults are identified and
reported to the concerned body in accordance with the
organizational guidelines.

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3.4 Minor repairs are performed by using tools and
equipments in accordance with the machine operating
3.5 Ensure all major repairs are carried out by a qualified
biomedical engineer or under the guidance of a qualified
biomedical engineer in accordance with the
organizational guidelines and manufacturer’s
3.6 Monitors, services, repairs and maintenance are
recorded and reported in accordance with the
organizational guidelines.
3.7 Equipments and tools are cleaned and stored in
accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications.

Variable Range
Organization and May include but not limited to:
legislative  X-ray operator’s license (for use of irradiating apparatus for
guidelines diagnosis)
 Possession by the license of a radiation safety and
protection plan
 X-ray machine operating manuals
 OHS guidelines
 Procedures manuals
Control panel  Part of X-ray machine used to operate over all functions of
the x-ray machine
radiographic This may include but not limited to:
equipments  X-ray machine with and without fluoroscopy
 Digital X-ray machine
 CRM X-ray machine
 Mobile X – y machine
 Portable X-ray machine
 Mammography machine

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competence  Operate a different radiographic equipments by using their
parts and control panel in accordance with organizational
guidelines and textbooks of radiographic equipments for
 Identify and report faults to the concerned body in
accordance with organizational guidelines
 Perform minor repairs by using tools and equipments in
accordance with radiographic equipments operating

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard June 2011
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  Working knowledge of different radiographic equipments
Attitudes  Working knowledge on parts/components of radiographic
equipments (structure and function)
 Working knowledge of an X-ray tube (construction,
components, and function)
 Work knowledge on control panel (exposure factor
selection, focus, exposure button, line voltage and other
controlling units)
 Working knowledge of an X-ray beam collimator, grids and
buckys (construction, components, and function)
 Working knowledge of an X-ray generator and High tension
transformer (basic function, relationship to X-ray tube)
 Basic knowledge of the production and properties of X-rays
 Control factors affecting the X-ray beam
 Radiation Safety
 Duty of care
 The license’s radiation safety and protection plan
 Radiation protection principles and personal monitoring
 Exposure standardization
 Basic knowledge on terminology used in radiography
 Basic knowledge on Image quality assessment
 Clinical consequences of poor radiography for the client and
legal consequences for the radiographer
Underpinning Demonstrates skills to:
Skills  Operate different radiographic equipments by using their
parts and control panel in accordance with organization
guidelines and textbooks of radiographic equipments for
 Meet the licensing requirements for operating radiographic
 Use manual skills to operate the different radiographic
machine/equipments and specialized radiographic
 Monitor and maintain radiographic equipments in
accordance with organization guidelines and manufacturer
 Identify faults and report in accordance with correct
technique and organizational procedures
 Perform minor repairs by using tools and equipments in
accordance equipments operating manuals
 Apply interpersonal skills to communicate effectively with
 Address client care requirements while in the care of an X-
ray Radiographer
 Machine handling and follow safety procedures
 Communicate with referring medical practitioners and with
clients and careers
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 Use reading and writing skills as required to fulfill job roles
in a safe manner and as specified by organization
The level of skill may range from the ability to understand
symbols used in OHS signs, to reading workplace safety
pamphlets and procedure manuals, maintaining
maintenance records and following manufacturer
specifications for equipment use and maintenance
Literacy support available in the workplace may range from
having access to support or assistance from Radiographer,
to having no communication supports available. Literacy
may be required in English or a community language
 Use oral communication skills as required to fulfill job roles
in a safe manner and as specified by the organization
Assessors should look for skills in asking questions,
providing clear information, listening to and understanding
workplace instructions, and clarifying workplace instructions
when necessary
The organization may require competence in English or a
community language, depending on client group
 Use numeracy skills ranging from the ability to complete
basic arithmetic calculations such as addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division to recording data
 Apply problem solving skills to use available resources,
prioritize workload and to communicate effectively in the
range of client contact situations
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices. In
particular –
 Radiation protection and Safety Act 1997
 Radiographic equipments
 Radiographic equipments operating manuals
 Occupational health and safety guidelines
 Procedures manuals
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting. This competence standard could
be assessed on its own or in combination with other
competences relevant to the job function.

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard June 2011
Occupational Standard : Radiography Services Level IV
Unit Title Perform Radiographic Examination
Unit Code HLT RDG4 02 0611
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the competencies required to perform
routine and special radiographic examinations.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Obtain 1.1. Contact is made with client about examination based on

information the organizational procedures.
about the client 1.2. Client is interviewed and confirmed with request
1.3. Client notes and other relevant documentation (including
previous X-rays and exposure factors) are reviewed to
ensure maximum care of client in accordance with the
organizational procedures.
2. Perform routine 2.1 Procedure is explained to the client in plain language in
and special accordance with the legislative and organizational
radiographic procedures.
2.2 Client’s verbal consent is obtained to proceed with the
examination in accordance with the code of ethics and
organizational procedures.
2.3 Equipment is prepared and positioned for the
radiographic procedure in accordance with the
organizational guidelines and operating manuals.
2.4 Client is positioned in relation to the equipment and X-ray
cassette in accordance with the recognized radiographic
positioning guide and special radiographic examination
guides to produce radiographs of optimal diagnostic
2.5 Client is treated with care in accordance with the OHS
and organizational guidelines.
3. Use radiation 3.1. Appropriate radiation protection is applied during the
protection radiographic examination in accordance with the ENRPA
(Ethiopian radiation protection authority) radiation safety
guidelines 1997.
3.2. ALARA is applied in accordance with the radiation safety
3.3. Radiation monitoring is undertaken in accordance with
the legislative guidelines.
3.4. Repetition and malpostioning are avoided in order to
protect the patient from unnecessary radiation in
accordance with the radiation safety guidelines.
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4. Set exposure 4.1. Exposure factors are seated for the radiographic
factors examination in reference to the body part that is
examined in accordance with an exposure guide
specifically compiled for the X-ray machine.
4.2. Ensure exposure factors are seated in accordance with
the type of equipments and examinations in accordance
with the manufacturer’s specification and radiation safety
4.3. Bucky or grid is used to improve quality of radiograph by
absorbing scattered radiation in accordance with the
correct technique.
4.4. X-ray exposure is taken safely and correctly in
accordance with a recognized technique and operating
5. Assess film and 5.1 Client is informed that the procedure has been completed
implement in accordance with the organizational procedure.
follow up care
5.2 Technical quality of radiographic images is assessed in
accordance with the organizational procedure.
5.3 Radiographs are arranged to be reviewed (and reported
on) by a radiologist and/or medical practitioner.
5.4 Continuation of treatment is arranged in consultation with
the client and health staff in accordance with the
organizational procedure.
5.5 Client confidentiality is ensured and maintained at all
times in accordance with the code of ethics.

Variable Range
Clients May include but not limited to:
 Infants
 Children
 Adults
 Pregnant women
 Persons with physical and intellectual disabilities
Care  Explanation of the X-ray examination
 Ascertaining whether the person is pregnant and, if so, seek
clarification about the radiography from a medical
practitioner before proceeding
 Checking with the client that the information provided on the
X-ray request form is correct
 Protecting the client and others from unnecessary radiation
exposure and provide positioning support equipment to
make it more comfortable for the patient
 Application of slings/splints
 Returning the client and radiographs to the referring
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medical practitioner
ALARA (As Low  This is a radiation protection principles that denotes patient
As Reasonably should receive reasonable amount of radiation dose by
Achievable) avoiding unnecessary irradiation
Exposure factors Factors used to produce X-ray, this include:
 Kilovoltage (peak)
 Milliamperage
 Time (second)
Special This may include but not limited to:
radiographic  Theatre radiography
examinations  Mammographic examinations
 Soft tissue radiograph
 Other Special projections
Equipment and May include but not limited to:
consumables  Radiographic positioning support equipments
 Radiation protection devices (lead rubber gowns, aprons,
thyroid protectors, gloves and shields)
 Radiation monitoring devices
 Radiographic machines
 X-ray cassette and film
Organization and May include but not limited to:
legislative  X-ray operator license (for use of irradiating apparatus for
guidelines diagnosis)
 Radiation Safety Act 1999
 X-ray machine operating manuals
 OHS guidelines
Appropriate This may include but not limited to:
radiation  Applying radiation protecting materials (gonad shield,
protection apron, eye goggle, thyroid shield….)
 Applying ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable)
principles and avoid repetition
 Collimination

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competence  Determine client requirements and gather all relevant
information prior to examination
 Conduct radiographic examination in accordance with
correct radiographic techniques ( types of examination,
positioning, centering point projection, exposure factors,
radiation protection, image assessment)
 Comply with radiation protection, legislative and
organizational requirements
 Implement follow up procedures correctly
This unit is most appropriately assessed in the workplace or in
a simulated workplace setting under the normal range of
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workplace conditions
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  Working knowledge of anatomy relevant to radiographic
Attitudes examinations permitted for particular license classifications
 Working knowledge of pathological conditions in relation to
the radiographic positioning technique
 Working knowledge of client positioning techniques
relevant to radiographic examinations permitted for
particular license classifications
 Working knowledge on special radiographic examinations
permitted to particular license
 Working knowledge of exposure factors relevant to
examinations permitted for particular license classifications
i.e. kilovoltage (peak), milliaperage, time,
milliamperageseconds, distance, filtration, beam collimation
 Basic understanding of the Radiation Safety Act 1997
 Methods of minimizing radiation exposure to clients, staff,
and the general public
 Basic knowledge on the biological effect (genetic and
somatic effects) of radiation
 Ability to assess the technical quality of a radiograph and a
working knowledge of the factors that contribute to image
Underpinning  Demonstrates skills to:
Skills  Determine client requirements and gather all relevant
information prior to the examination
 Conduct radiographic examination in accordance with the
type of examination and correct radiographic techniques
(positioning, centering, projection, exposure factors,
radiation protection, image assessment)
 Comply with radiation protection, legislative and
organization requirements
 Apply correct positioning technique the client relative to the
equipment and film cassette in accordance with
organizational guidelines
 Direct and control the X-ray beam and use protective
 Set exposure factors appropriate for the examination
 Follow radiation monitoring procedures
 Provide patient care in accordance with patient care
 Implement follow up procedures correctly
 Use reading and writing skills as required to fulfill job roles
in a safe manner and as specified by organization
 The level of skill may range from the ability to understand
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symbols used in OHS signs, to reading workplace safety
pamphlets and procedure manuals, keeping maintenance
records and following manufacturer specifications for
equipment use and maintenance
 Literacy support available in the workplace may range from
having access to support or assistance from radiographer,
to having no communication supports available. Literacy
may be required in English or a community language
 Use oral communication skills as required to fulfill job roles
in a safe manner and as specified by the organization
 Assessors should look for skills in asking questions,
providing clear information, listening to and understanding
workplace instructions, and clarifying workplace instructions
when necessary
 The organization may require competence in English or a
community language, depending on client group
 Use numeracy skills ranging from the ability to complete
basic arithmetic calculations such as addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division to recording data
 Apply problem solving skills to use available resources,
prioritize workload and to communicate effectively in the
range of client contact situations
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace and OHS practices and the following:
 Radiation Safety Act 1997
 X-ray machine and X- ray support equipments
 Radiation Safety and Protection Plan
 X-ray machine operating manuals
 OHS guidelines and Procedures manuals
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 Oroject-related conditions (real or simulated) and
require evidence of process
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard June 2011
Occupational Standard: Radiography Level IV
Assist Radiologist/Radiological Technologist during
Unit Title
Special Procedures
Unit Code HLT RDG4 03 0611
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the competencies required to ensure the
effective assistance for Radiologist/Radiological Technologist
during special procedures.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Prepare the 1.1. Contact is made with client about the procedures in
patient for the accordance with the organizational guidelines.
procedure 1.2. Preparation for the procedure is explained for the patient
based on the type of examinations in accordance with the
procedures guidelines and organizational protocols.
1.3. Appointment is given to the patient, if it require, in
accordance with procedure requirements and
organizational protocol.
2. Prepare 2.1. Radiation protection devices are prepared in
equipment for accordance with the ERPA (Ethiopian Radiation
examination Protection Authority) guidelines.
2.2. Utensils for examination are prepared based on the type
of examination in accordance with the organizational
2.3. Accessory Radiographic equipment is prepared for
the examination in accordance with the organizational
3. Prepare drug 3.1 Contrast media is prepared for the special procedures
for examination in accordance with the manufacturer’s specification and
organizational protocol.
3.2 Emergency drugs are prepared for the examinations in
accordance with the organizational protocols and OHS.
3.3 Safety precautions are taken based on the OHS and
organizational requirements.
4. Provide 4.1. Client’s verbal consent is obtained to proceed with
assistance examination in accordance with the organizational
during the requirements and code of ethics.
examination 4.2. Procedure is explained to the clients in plain language in
accordance with the organizational guidelines.
4.3. Preliminary film is taken before the examination to asses
patient preparation in accordance with the correct
radiographic positioning guideline and organizational

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4.4. Patient preparation is assessed to proceed with
examination in accordance with the organizational
4.5. Appropriate assistance is provided to
radiologist/radiological technologist in accordance with the
radiographic procedures guide and organizational
4.6. Radiation protection is applied and radiograph is taken in
accordance with the correct radiographic technique and
organizational guidelines.
4.7. Radiographic image quality is assessed in accordance
with the organizational guidelines.
4.8. Client is informed that the procedure has been completed
and post procedure care and instruction is given in
accordance with organizational procedure.
4.9. Client confidentiality is ensured and maintained at all
times in accordance with the code of ethics.

Variable Range
Protecting devices May include but not limited to:
 Thyroid shield
 Gonad shield
 Lead apron
 Lead glove
 Eye goggle
Utensils (are tools This may include but not limited to:
which necessary  Syringe
for examination)  Kidney dish
 Sterile equipments …
Radiographic May include but not limited to:
equipment  X-ray cassette
 Identifying marker
 Timer , etc
Contrast media Drugs used for special examination, this may include:
 Water insoluble (e.g. Barium sulfate)
 Water soluble include: ionic (e.g. urogrpahy) and
nonionic(e.g. Iopamidol)
Special This may include but not limited to:
procedures  Barium studies
 Myelogrpahy
 Fistulography
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 ERCP e.t.c
Emergency drugs  May include drugs which are used for Adverse effects
Appropriate This may include but not limited to:
assistance  Positioning the patient in relation with the equipment and
X-ray cassette
 Use X-ray support equipments
 seating exposure factor
 taking radiograph and image processing
 providing patient care and asses image quality

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge in:
Competence  Prepare appropriate equipments and materials for the
 Preparing contrast media and emergency drugs in
accordance with organizational protocol
 Preparing patients for the examination in accordance with
organizational guidelines
 Provide appropriate assistance for Radiologist/radiologic
technologist in accordance with organizational guidelines
 Apply correct positioning technique in accordance with the
type of procedure and take radiographs
 Provide patient care before, during and after the
procedure in accordance with type of procedure and
organizational guidelines
 Assessment may be conducted on one occasion but should
include a range of clients, reflecting the diverse nature of
those for whom service is provided in the workplace context
 A diversity of assessment tasks is also essential for holistic
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  Working knowledge on radiographic procedures
Attitudes  Working knowledge of anatomy and physiology relevant to
radiographic examinations
 Working knowledge of client positioning techniques
relevant to radiographic examinations
 Working knowledge on radiographic equipments
 Knowledge on patient care
 Knowledge on image processing
 Working knowledge on image quality assessment
 Basic understanding of the Radiation Safety
 Basic knowledge of Nursing art and patient care
 Basic knowledge of first aid
 Basic knowledge of Professional Ethics.
Underpinning Demonstrates skills to:
Skills  Determine client requirements and gather all relevant
information prior to the procedure
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 Prepared equipment and drugs needed for examination
 Made ready patient for procedures
 Provide the appropriate assistance in accordance with
organizational guidelines
 conduct patient positioning in accordance with correct
radiographic technique (positioning, centring, projection,
exposure factors, radiation protection, image assessment)
and take radiographs in accordance with radiographic
 Use X-ray support equipments
 Comply with radiation protection, legislatives and
organizational requirements
 Provide care before, during and after the procedure in
accordance with patient care guidelines
 Implement follow up correctly
 Direct the control X-ray beam and use protective devices
 Use communication skills as required to provide instruction
and support
 Use reading and writing skills as required to fulfill job roles
in a safe manner and as specified by organization:
 The level of skill may range from the ability to understand
symbols used in occupational health and safety signs, to
reading workplace safety pamphlets and procedure
manuals, maintaining maintenance records and following
manufacturer specifications for equipment use and
 Literacy support available in the workplace may range from
having access to support or assistance from radiographer,
to having no communication supports available
 Literacy may be required in English or a community
 Use oral communication skills as required to fulfill job roles
in a safe manner and as specified by the organization:
 Assessors should look for skills in asking questions,
providing clear information, listening to and understanding
workplace instructions, and clarifying workplace
instructions when necessary
 The organization may require competence in English or a
community language, depending on client group
 Use numeracy skills ranging from the ability to complete
basic arithmetic calculations such as addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division to recording data
 Apply problem solving skills to use available resources,
prioritize workload and to communicate effectively in the
range of client contact situations
Resources  X-ray machine with fluoroscopy
Implication  Operation manual
 Protecting devices
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 Positioning support equipments
 Radiation safety manuals
 Procedures manuals
Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 Questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting. This competence standard could
be assessed on its own or in combination with other
competences relevant to the job function.

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard June 2011
Occupational Standard: Radiography Services Level IV
Unit Title Conduct Radiographic Monitoring in the Work Environment
Unit Code HLT RDG4 04 0611
This unit competencies required the ability to monitor the working
Unit Descriptor
environment and recognize/rectify obvious errors or unexpected
results and troubleshoot common problems.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Collect and 1.1. Pre -use checks of testing instruments and equipments and
verify trial measurements are performed to ensure they are operating
monitoring within the specification.
data 1.2. Area for monitoring is identified in accordance with the work
1.3. Machine is operated safely in accordance with the work
instructions and manufacturer's specifications.
1.4. Sufficient measurements/tests are undertaken to ensure that
data meets the quality requirements.
1.5. Obvious errors are recognized and appropriate corrective
actions are taken in accordance with the organizational
guidelines and manufacturer specification.
1.6. Ensure any situation beyond own technical competence is
carried out by qualified personnel.
2. Finalize 2.1 Ensure all data is stored safely before shutdown of equipment.
monitoring 2.2 All testing instruments and equipment are cleaned in
activities accordance with the organizational guidelines.
2.3 Ensure that all testing instruments and equipment are checked
and undamaged.
2.4 Testing instruments are stored in accordance with the
organizational guidelines and manufacturer’s specification.
2.5 All monitoring activities are recorded in accordance with the
organizational guidelines.
2.6 Any significant issues arising from monitoring activities are
reported to the appropriate personnel and corrective
measurement is taken in accordance with the organizational
3. Maintain a 3.1 Safe work procedures and personal protective equipment are
safe work used to ensure personal safety and that of others in
environment accordance with the OHS.
3.2 Environmental impact (radiation and chemical hazard) of
monitoring activities is minimized in accordance with the
radiation safety guidelines, OHS and manufacturer’s

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3.3 All wastes are collected and disposed in accordance with
environmental/quarantine requirements and organizational

Variable Range
Occupational May include but not limited to:
health and  All tests must comply with organization OHS and ENRPA
safety (OHS) requirements, which may be imposed through state/territory or
and federal legislation - these requirements must not be
environmental compromised at any time
Management  All tests assume the potentially hazardous nature of samples
requirements and require standard precautions to be applied
Testing This may include but not limited to:
instruments and  Accuracy and reproducibility of exposure timer
equipments  X-ray tube protective circuitry
 Reproducibility of exposure , exposure linearity and beam
quality radiographic unit
 Focal spot size and consistency
 KVP accuracy
 Grid alignment
 Film- screen contact

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects Demonstrates skills and knowledge of:
of Competence  Set up, operate and troubleshoot testing instruments and
 Conduct monitoring activities safely and produce reliable data
 Work semi-autonomously
 Take corrective actions for obvious error which are identified
by monitoring activities
Underpinning Demonstrate knowledge on:
Knowledge and  Monitoring activities routinely performed in job role, including:
Attitudes  purpose and principles of monitoring
 properties of materials and/or structures being monitored
 key steps in setup, operation and shutdown of monitoring
 calculation steps to give results in appropriate radiographic
units and precision
 expected measurement values for materials or structures
 Monitoring instruments and equipment routinely used in job
role, including the function of key components, effects of
varying key controls, connections, data acquisition
fundamentals and common problems
 Basic instrument fault identification and rectification

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 Expected values and sources of uncertainty (and methods for
control) in monitoring activities routinely performed in job role
 Procedures for verifying and recording data, reporting results,
calculations, and unexpected or atypical results, and
equipment problems
 Procedures for ensuring traceability of data and results
 Confidentiality requirements
Underpinning Demonstrates skills of the:
Skills  Identifying resource requirements for monitoring activities in
accordance with organizational guidelines
 Applying work instructions, test methods and organizational
procedures with close attention to detail
 Checking and using monitoring instruments and equipment in
accordance with test methods and/or manufacturer
 Cleaning and troubleshooting/maintaining instruments and
equipment in accordance with manufacture specification
 Estimating/calculating radiation units in accordance with
radiation physics guidelines
 Recording and presenting results accurately and legibly
 Maintaining security, integrity and traceability of all
data/results and documentation in accordance with
organizational guidelines
 Taking a corrective action for obvious errors or faults in
accordance with manufacturer specification
 Demonstrating a professional approach and positive
organization image in accordance with organizational
Resource  The learner and trainer should have access to appropriate
Implications documentation and resources normally used in the work
 Testing instruments and equipments should be available
Method of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 Questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 Project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a simulated
Assessment work place setting. This competence standard could be assessed
on its own or in combination with other competences relevant to
the job function.

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Occupational Standard: Radiography Services Level IV
Unit Title Undertake Systems Advocacy
Unit Code HLT RDG4 05 0611
This unit describes the knowledge and skills required by the
Unit Descriptor
worker to advocate, to ensure that the rights and needs of
Clients’ issues are maintained within the broader rights and
needs of the general community

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Obtain, analyze 1.1. Relevant documented information is obtained and

and document analyzed about particular issues.
information 1.2. Relevant statistical and research data is obtained and
relevant to the analyzed in accordance with the organizational
needs of clients procedures.
as a
community of 1.3. Consultations with clients, careers, and other
interest within stakeholders are conducted to identify and describe
the general issues of concern.
community 1.4. Other research is conducted as appropriate.
1.5. Relevant information is synthesized into forms that are
appropriate for communicating with and providing to the
relevant agencies and stakeholders.
2. Work with 2.1. Close working relationships/ networks is developed and
service users, maintained with the relevant stakeholders.
services and 2.2. Formal meetings, working groups and other activities
other are organized to develop policy statements, action plans,
stakeholders to projects, and programs to address identified needs.
strategies to 2.3. Participation is maintained in meetings, working groups
address the and other activities aimed at developing relevant
identified strategies.
needs 2.4. Strategic/action/project plans are prepared in forms that
are appropriate to the needs and roles of relevant
stakeholder organizations.
3. Advocate for 3.1. Relevant opportunities are identified and pursued for
and facilitate communicating formally and informally about the needs of
the clients.
implementation 3.2. Submissions are prepared for resources to implement the
of strategies identified projects and action plans.
developed to
address the 3.3. Where appropriate, contribution is undertaken to relevant
needs of clients government policy development.
with specific 3.4. Work with clients and other stakeholders is maintained to
needs implement relevant projects and action plans.
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3.5. Opportunities are pursued and comments are provided on
policy documents, legislation, project plans and other
relevant documents regarding the needs of clients.

Variable Range
Relevant agencies This may include but not limited to:
and stakeholders  Government departments and agencies
 Non-government organization
 Media
 Politicians
 Commercial enterprises
Activities This may include:
 Informal
 Formal
Strategies This may include but not limited to:
 Public meetings
 Interviews / Questionnaires
 Monitoring trends in the general community/media towards
 Development of policy/issues papers
 Media management
 Public relations
Issues of concern This may include but not limited:
 Quality of service
 Price
 Time

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of  The individual being assessed must provide evidence of
Competence specified essential knowledge as well as skills
 This unit is best assessed on the job or in a simulated
workplace under the normal range of conditions
 Consistency in performance should consider specific
workplace and advocacy practices and requirements
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  Structural, political and other social factors which operate to
Attitudes maintain discrimination against clients, consumers and
service users
 Structural, political and other social factors which can be
addressed to improve promotion activities, such as:
 Gender
 Language
 Culture and Ethnicity
 Age and Socioeconomic status
 Broad knowledge of relevant range of issues affecting the
client group
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 An understanding of the context and relationship of client
issues to community, society and government policy
 Working knowledge of professional practice
 Social policies relevant to the service delivery at national,
regional state and local level
 Relevant agencies and services which may assist in
promoting and advocating
 Use of media for advocacy purposes
 Key stakeholders and how to access them
 Understanding of the balance between the rights of the
general community and the rights of people with specific
 Relevant regulatory, legislative and legal requirements
 Knowledge specific to working with people from culturally
and linguistically diverse backgrounds
 Knowledge specific to the client/consumer group
Underpinning Demonstrates skills to::
Skills  Apply high level skills when advocating or representing
client issues within broad social, political and community
 The candidate must be able to effectively do the task
outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit,
manage the task and manage contingencies in the context
of the identified work role. These include the ability to:
 Apply skills in written and oral communication
 Undertake research and analysis
 Apply skills in:
 Consultation
 policy development
 networking
 strategic planning
 negotiation and lobbying
 undertake representation
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
 Written test / oral questioning on underpinning
 Project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning

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Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.
Occupational Standard: Radiography Services Level IV
Unit Title Manage Personal Stressors in the Work Environment
Unit Code HLT RDG4 06 0611
This unit describes the skills, knowledge and attitude required
Unit Descriptor
to recognize stress in the work environment and develop a
personal stress management plan.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Develop 1.1 Potential causes of stress are recognized so that

personal stress immediate action can be taken to reduce or eliminate the
management stress.
plan 1.2 Own response to stress is recognized in the workplace.
1.3 Work is organized in priorities to minimize stress where
1.4 Personal stress management plan is developed in
consultation with supervisor.
1.5 Personal stress levels are constantly monitored and the
effectiveness of the stress management plan is evaluated
on an ongoing basis in accordance with the correct
1.6 Further action is taken to manage stress when necessary.
2. Offer support 2.1 Team members and colleagues are observed for signs
to colleagues of stress after incidents and over time.
2.2 Stressful incidents are debriefed informally as soon as
possible so prompt action can be taken to minimize stress
2.3 Constructive support is offered to encourage effective
management of personnel stress.
2.4 Need is identified for further stress counseling and
encourage prompt action.
3. Receive 3.1 Own level of stress is recognized on an ongoing basis and
support from factors affecting stress level are identified so prompt
colleagues action can be taken to reduce or eliminate the effects of
3.2 Support is sought from colleagues when needed and
accepted where appropriate.
3.3 Need is recognized for further stress counseling and
promptly seek appropriate counseling.

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Variable Range
Potential causes of May include but not limited to:
stress  Acute stress from exposure to incidents involving trauma,
violence, injury and/or death
 Chronic work-related stress, including burn out and
serious fatigue
Responses to May include but not limited to:
stress  Physical reaction
 Psychological (mental/emotional) reaction
 Changes in health
Support May include but not limited to:
 Informal debriefing with colleagues
 Local peer support programs
 Other organization resources
Support and de- May include but not limited to:
brief  Immediately
 When timely

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Demonstrates skills and knowledge in:
Competence  Observation in the work environment is preferable.
However, where workplace observation is insufficient to
demonstrate competence, simulations and/or case
studies may be used as supporting evidence.
 Evidence of workplace performance over time must be
obtained to inform a judgment of competence.
Underpinning The candidate must be able to demonstrate essential
Knowledge and knowledge required to effectively do the task outlined in
Attitudes elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage the task
and manage contingencies in the context of the identified work
role this includes knowledge of:
 Working knowledge on Psychology and sociology
 Factors and circumstances likely to cause personal stress
in the work environment
 Methods of controlling stress
 Organization support programs and other available
Underpinning Demonstrates skills to:
Skills  Prioritize works to minimize work stress
 Identify own personal stress and stressors
 Develop stress management plan to reduce stress and
 Take steps to control or reduce stressors and stress
 Identify stress in others in the workplace
 Take steps, including the offer of support, to reduce,
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control or otherwise deal with stress
In addition, the candidate must be able to effectively do the
task outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit,
manage the task and manage contingencies in the context of
the identified work role, This includes the ability to:
 Discuss issues relating to stress with colleagues and
 Promote, implement and manage work attitudes and
practices that reflect awareness of the importance of a
range of aspects of sustainability
 Use problem solving skills including:
 using available resources
 analyzing information
 making decisions to effectively manage personal
stress within the working environment
 Use oral communication skills required to fulfill job roles
as specified by the organization, including:
 using interviewing techniques
 asking questions
 active listening
 acknowledging and responding to a range of
 Use interpersonal skills, including
 working with others
 showing empathy with colleagues
 relating to persons from differing cultural, social
and religious backgrounds
 Use written communication skills (literacy competence)
required to fulfill job roles as specified by organization,
 reading and understanding incident reports and
case management materials
 personal stress management plan
Resources Access is required to real or appropriately simulated situations,
Implication including work areas, materials and equipment, and to
information on workplace practices and OHS practices.
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting.

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Occupational Standard: Radiography Services Level IV
Unit Title Manage Workplace OHS Management System
Unit Code HLT RDG4 07 0611
Unit Descriptor This competency covers the establishment and maintenance of
the OHS system within the area of managerial responsibility in
order to ensure that the workplace is, as far as is practicable,
safe and without risks to the health of employees, clients and/or
visitors present.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Establish and 1.1 Appropriate participative processes with employees and

maintain their representative are established and maintained in
participative accordance with the relevant OHS legislation, regulations
arrangements and organizational procedures.
for the 1.2 Issues are raised through participation and consultation are
management of dealt with and resolved promptly and effectively in
OHS accordance with the procedures for issues resolution.
1.3 Information about the outcomes of participation and
consultation is provided to employees in a manner
accessible to employees.
2. Establish and 2.1 Workplace procedures for hazard identification, assessment
maintain and control of risks as well as dealing with hazardous
procedures for events are developed.
identifying 2.2 Identification of all hazards at the planning, design and
hazards, evaluation stages of any changes in the workplace are
assessing and
addressed to ensure that new hazards are not created by
controlling risk the proposed changes.
as well as
dealing with 2.3 Procedures for selection and implementation of risk control
hazardous measures are developed and maintained in accordance
events with the hierarchy of control.
2.4 Inadequacies in existing risk control measures are identified
in accordance with the hierarchy of control and resources
enabling implementation of new measures are provided
3. Establish and 3.1 Training needs are identified based on skill gaps.
maintain an 3.2 An OHS induction and training program are developed and
OHS induction maintained to identify and fulfill employee’s OHS training
and training needs as part of the organization general training program.
3.3 Training management system is maintained so that
individual employee’s training needs are easily identified,
training attendance monitored and non-attendance followed
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3.4 Relevant training experts are coordinated as necessary.
3.5 Outcomes are evaluated to ensure that the training
objectives are met.
4. Establish and 4.1 Systems for keeping OHS records are established and
maintain a monitored to meet regulatory requirements.
system for 4.2 Identification of patterns of hazardous incidents,
OHS records occupational injuries and diseases is allowed within the
area of managerial responsibility.

Variables Range
Legislative  The legislative requirements for OHS vary across different
arrangements regions and the requirements of the particular region should
may be: be reflected in the training and assessment process.
 The particular differences related to OHS consultation and
participation and for incident reporting are particularly
relevant to this competence.
Hazard is define  A ‘hazard’ is something with the potential to:
as:  cause injury or disease to people,
 damage to property
 Disruption to productivity.
 Hazards arise from:
 workplace environment;
 use of equipment;
 poor work design;
 inappropriate systems, procedures and/or human
 Sources of energy such as electricity, hazardous
substances, hot objects and moving equipment are all
Relevant  Hazard management policies and procedures (these may be
organizational integrated with quality, care or other documents or be
procedures for separated as OHS policies and procedures). Hazard
managing risks management documents include:
include:  Policies and procedures on specific hazards
 Hazard and incident reporting and investigation,
 Workplace inspections,
 Maintenance, etc.
 Communication, consultation and issue resolution procedure
 Human resources management procedures such as
grievance procedures, induction programs, team meetings,
management of performance levels
 Job procedures and work instructions
 Post incident/injury management such as first aid, critical
incident debriefing, compensation and return to work
 Other related procedures including waste management,
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Work instructions  Verbal
may be:  Written
 In a community language
 Provided visually, e.g. video, OHS signs, symbols and other
pictorial presentation, etc.
Designated  Employer
personnel for  Supervisor
OHS  Chairperson of OHS committee
referrals may be:  OHS nominee
 Elected OHS representative/employee representative
 Other personnel with OHS responsibilities
Examples of OHS  Hazards identified
issues which may  Problems encountered in managing risks associated with
be raised by hazard
workers with  Clarification on understanding of OHS policies and
designated procedures
personnel may  Communication and consultation processes
include:  Follow up to reports and feedback
 Effectiveness of risk controls in place
 Training needs
Examples of  Listening to the ideas and opinions of others in the team
contributions may  Sharing opinions, views, knowledge and skills
include:  Identifying and reporting risks and hazards
 Using equipment according to guidelines and operating
 Behavior that contributes to a safe working environment
which includes following OHS procedures
Examples of  Regular information sessions (using clear and
participative understandable language) on existing or new OHS issues
arrangements  Formal and informal OHS meetings
may include:  Meetings called by OHS representatives
 Health and safety committees
 Other committees such as consultative planning and
 Other means and processes for raising requests and
concerns as well as contributing suggestions and reports to
 Documented issue resolution processes
 Easy access to relevant written workplace information
Controlling risks  Application of the hierarchy of control, namely:
in the work area  Eliminate the risk
may include:  Reduce/minimize the risk through
 Engineering controls
 Administrative controls including training
 Personal protective equipment
OHS information  OHS acts and legislation, codes of practices and industry

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may include: standards
 Organization OHS policies and procedures
Identifying  Hazard and incident reports
hazards and  Workplace monitoring in area of responsibility
assessing risk  Consulting work team members
may occur  Housekeeping
through:  Workplace inspections
 Daily informal team consultation and regular formal team
Organizational  Monitoring reports
health and safety  Agendas and minutes of meetings of OHS Committees, work
records may group and management meetings
include:  Training records
 Manufacturer's or supplier's information
 Hazardous substances registers
 Plant and equipment maintenance and testing reports
 Workers compensation and rehabilitation records
 First aid/medical records
 Workplace environmental monitoring records
Reports  Face to face
identifying  Phone messages
workplace  Notes
hazards may  Memos
include:  Specially designed report forms

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of A candidate must be able demonstrate the ability to:
Competence  establish and maintain participative arrangements for the
management of OHS
 establish and maintain procedures for identifying hazards,
assessing and controlling risk as well as dealing with
hazardous events
 establish and maintain OHS induction and training programs
 communicate and consult with work group
 develop, implement and maintain the organizational OHS
policies and procedures
 manage systems approach to OHS
Underpinning Include the ability to:
Knowledge and  Accurately understand and interpret relevant act and
Attitudes legislation
 Work with risk assessment and/or other technical specialists
in a team environment
 Understand relevant legislation and acts that affect the
 Knowledge of risk control strategies as applied to
 Collect and analyze data from the workplace

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 Convey and discuss analysis with relevant personnel and
conduct needs analysis
 Design and convey organizational instructions, procedures
and systems
 Communicate and report verbally and/or in writing with an
aim to encourage continuous improvements
 Coaching and mentoring
 Problem solving techniques
Underpinning Include the ability to –
Skills  establish and maintain participative arrangements for the
management of OHS
 establish and maintain procedures for identifying hazards,
assessing and controlling risk as well as dealing with
hazardous events
 establish and maintain OHS induction and training programs
 establish and maintain a system for OHS records
 identify and interpret hazard management policies and
 implement job procedures and work instruction
 apply procedures for the use of personal protective clothing,
equipment and/or duress alarms
 emergency , fire and incident procedures
 recognize and report workplace hazards
 implement of work processes and practices to prevent or
minimize risk
 use equipment according to organizational instructions
 communicate job roles in a safe manner and as specified by
the organization/ service
 work with people from a range of social, cultural and ethnic
backgrounds and physical and mental abilities
Resources The following resources must be provided.
Implication  Access to real or appropriately simulated situations,
including work areas, materials and equipment,
 Documentation and information on workplace and OHS
practices; and specifications and work instructions
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 Questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 Project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting. This competence standard could
be assessed on its own or in combination with other
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competencies relevant to the job function.
Occupational Standard: Radiography Services Level IV
Unit Title Monitor Implementation of Workplan/Activities
Unit Code HLT RDG4 08 0611
Unit Descriptor This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to
oversee and monitor the quality of work operations within an
organization. This unit may be carried out by team leaders,
supervisors or managers.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Monitor and 1.1 Efficiency and service levels are monitored on an ongoing
improve basis.
workplace 1.2 Operations in the workplace are supported by overall
operations enterprise goals and quality assurance initiatives.
1.3 Quality problems and issues are promptly identified and
adjustments are made accordingly.
1.4 Procedures and systems are changed in consultation with
colleagues to improve efficiency and effectiveness.
1.5 Colleagues are consulted about ways to improve efficiency
and service levels.
2. Plan and 2.1 Current workload of colleagues is accurately assessed.
organise 2.2 Work is scheduled in a manner which enhances efficiency
workflow and service quality.
2.3 Work is delegated to the appropriate people in accordance
with the principles of delegation.
2.4 Workflow is assessed against the agreed objectives and
2.5 Colleagues are assisted in prioritisation of workload.
2.6 Input is provided to appropriate management regarding
staffing needs.
3. Solve 3.1 Workplace problems are promptly identified and
Problems and considered from an operational and client service
make perspective.
decisions 3.2 Short term action in initiated to resolve the immediate
problem where appropriate.
3.3 Problems are analysed for any long term impact and
potential solutions are assessed and actioned in
consultation with relevant colleagues.
3.4 Where problem is raised by a team member, they are
encouraged to participate in solving the problem.
3.5 Follow up action is taken to monitor the effectiveness of
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solutions in the workplace.
Variables Range
Workplace records May include but is not limited to:
 Staff records
 Regular performance reports.
 Log books

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Candidate must be able to demonstrate the ability to:
Competence  Effectively monitor and respond to a range of common
operational and service issues in the workplace
 Explain the role of staff involved in workplace monitoring
 Apply quality assurance, principles of workflow planning,
delegation and problem solving.
 Monitor and improve workplace operations
 Plan and organize workflow
 Maintain workplace records
 Solve problems and make decisions
 Apply principles of work planning
 Implement quality assurance principles
Underpinning Knowledge and understanding requirements include:
Knowledge and  The roles and responsibilities of those involved in
Attitudes monitoring work operations
 Overview of leadership and management responsibilities
 Principles of work planning
 Typical work organization methods appropriate to the health
 Quality assurance principles
 Time management
 Principles of delegation
 Problem solving and decision making processes
Underpinning skills include the ability to:
Skills  Monitor and improve workplace operations
 Plan and organize workflow
 Maintain workplace records
 Solve problems and make decisions
 apply principles of work planning
 implement quality assurance principles
Resource The following resources MUST be provided:
Implications  Access to real or appropriately simulated situations,
including work areas, materials and equipment,
 Documentation and information on workplace practices
and OHS practices.
 specifications and work instructions
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
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through simulation/Role-plays
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 Questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 Project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting. This competence standard could
be assessed on its own or in combination with other
competencies relevant to the job function.

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Occupational Standard: Radiography Services Level IV
Provide Leadership In Promoting Effective Work Practices
Unit Title
In Health
Unit Code HLT RDG4 09 0611
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the skills required to provide leadership in
establishing ethical and high quality work practices to others
working within the health industry. Leadership can be provided
and/or modeled to clinic staff or allied professionals in
accordance with the code of ethics.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Model ethical 1.1 Processes are established and managed to ensure the
work confidentiality of client information is maintained in
practices accordance with the code of ethics.
1.2 Indications of variance from the agreed ethical practices
are actively followed up and rectified.
1.3 Model work practices that show respect for client and
staff rights to set the tone of the workplace are
1.4 Code of ethics for the workplace are developed and
displayed to support a professional delivery of services
which are responsive to cultural and individual differences.
1.5 The understanding and application of the principles of duty
of care are monitored and audited in all relevant work
1.6 Relevant procedures, policies, awards, standards and
legislation are developed, communicated and monitored
for compliance.
2. Initiate 2.1 Own skill development needs are identified to contribute to
professional innovation and best practice service delivery across the
development profession.
and improved 2.2 Relevant skill development opportunities are identified and
work practices communicated to others to encourage their professional
2.3 Designated skill development activities including induction
and training are utilized where necessary.
2.4 Relevant practices are developed and implemented to
maintain own workplace health in accordance with the
OHS guidelines including infection control.
2.5 Advice and assistance are sought from legitimate sources
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as and when appropriate to improve work performance.
2.6 Work practices are adjusted to incorporate advice that
addresses performance issues in order to maintain agreed
work outcomes.
2.7 Other staffs are encouraged and supported to manage
own levels of stress and fatigue to ensure the ability to
work safely.
3. Initiate quality 3.1 Relevant accreditation and other standards are held and
activities communicated to support the delivery of agreed service
3.2 Performance is routinely reviewed against the agreed
3.3 Partnerships with stakeholders such as the client, the
broader community and other professional health service
providers are developed and maintained to measure the
satisfaction with the quality of health services.
4.Emphasize the 4.1. Personal hygiene is maintained according to the
importance of organizational requirements.
hygiene and 4.2. Infection control is maintained in accordance with the OHS.
infection control
4.3. Reporting is regularly reviewed and appropriate action is
taken to deal with potential infectious and other workplace

Variable Range statement

Issues relevant to  Access to appropriate and equitable care
client rights and  Personal dignity
responsibilities  Privacy, confidentiality and consent
may  Personal safety and security
include:  Knowledge of the identity and professional status of
individuals providing services
 Behavior of relatives and friends
 Provision of accurate information
 Keeping appointments
 Complying with instructions
 Respect for the rights of other clients and staff
Type of work role  Level of responsibility (i.e. sole practitioner or employer)
should Clinic guidelines
consider:  Individual awards and benchmarks
 Legal/legislation relevant to work area
 Accreditation standards
Workplace  Public or private practice
context may be:  Community or regional service
 Specialized service or organization

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Designated skill  Hazard control
development  Manual handling
includes:  First aid
 Cultural awareness
 Infection control
 Emergency response
 Quality improvement
 Discrimination
 Grievance
 Waste management
 Customer service
 Communication
 Others
Standards may  Organizational standards
include:  OHS
 Qualification standards
 Relevant health regulations
Personal hygiene  Washing hands according to specified standards
may include:  Personal protective equipment (PPE)
 Standard and additional precautions
 Clean uniforms worn correctly

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of A candidate must be able to demonstrate the ability to:
Competence  Explain ethical and legal implications of work
 Explain measures for managing and monitoring infection
 Communicate and coach on ethical decision making and
 Develop staff knowledge and application of OHS and
hazard identification
 Integrate learning from the broader health profession into
improved work practices
 Manage workplace issues and problems
 Provide leadership in the development and communication
of policies and procedures
 Promote appropriate use of opportunities to address waste
minimization, environmental responsibility and sustainable
practice issues
 Promote patient rights
Underpinning knowledge and understanding requirements include:
Knowledge and  Ethical and legal implications of work
Attitudes  Knowledge on local and international code of ethics
 Measures for managing and monitoring infection control

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 Processes for developing and managing workplace policies
and procedures relating to specific aspects of work
performance including:
 correct hygiene procedures
 discipline procedures
 management of unsatisfactory performance
 Time management strategies to set priorities
Underpinning Essential skills include the ability to:
Skills  Appropriately communicate and coach on ethical decision
making and consultation
 Develop staff knowledge and application of OHS and
hazard identification
 Integrate learning from the broader health profession into
improved work practices
 Manage workplace issues and problems
 Provide leadership in the development and communication
of policies and procedures
 Take into account and promote appropriate use of
opportunities to address waste minimization, environmental
responsibility and sustainable practice issues, including
practices to ensure efficient use of resources
Resources The following resources MUST be provided:
Implication  Access to real or appropriately simulated situations,
including work areas, materials and equipment,
 Documentation and information on workplace practices and
OHS practices.
 Specifications and work instructions
 Approved assessment tools
 Certified assessor /Assessor’s panel
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 Questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 Project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
 Portfolio Assessment (e.g. Certificate from training
providers or employers)
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting. This competence standard could
be assessed on its own or in combination with other
competencies relevant to the job function.

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Occupational Standard: Radiography Services Level IV
Unit Title Migrate to New Technology
Unit Code HLT RDG4 10 0611
Unit Descriptor This unit defines the competence required to apply skills and
knowledge in using new or upgraded technology. The
rationale behind this unit emphasizes the importance of
constantly reviewing work processes, skills and techniques in
order to ensure that the quality of the entire work process is
maintained at the highest level possible through the
appropriate application of new technology. To this end, the
person is typically engaged in on-going review and research in
order to discover and apply new technology or techniques to
improve aspects of the organization’s activities.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Apply the 1.1 Situations are identified where the existing knowledge
existing can be used as the basis for developing new skills.
knowledge and 1.2 New or upgraded technology skills are acquired and
techniques to the used to enhance learning.
transfer 1.3 New or upgraded equipment is identified, classified and
used where appropriate for the benefit of the
2. Apply functions 2.1 Testing of new or upgraded equipment is conducted
of technology to according to the specification manual.
assist in solving 2.2 Sources of information relating to new or upgraded
the equipment are accessed and used.
problems 2.3 Features of new or upgraded equipment are applied
within the organization.
2.4 Features and functions of new or upgraded equipment is
used for solving the organizational problems.
3. Evaluate new or 3.1 New or upgraded equipment is evaluated for
upgraded performance, usability and against OHS standards.
technology 3.2 Environmental considerations are determined from
performance new or upgraded equipment.
3.3 Feedback is sought from clients where appropriate.

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Variable Range
Environmental May include but not limited considering environment impact
Considerations or hazard (e.g. chemical or radiation hazard) of the new
Feedback May include surveys, questionnaires, interviews and

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Candidate must be able to demonstrate the ability to:
Competence  Explain procedures and techniques with knowledge of
general features
 Explain and apply information gathering techniques
 Assess and analyze value chain
 Explain how to evaluate and apply new technology to
assist in solving organizational problems
 Interpret technical manuals
Underpinning Demonstrate knowledge and attitudes on:
Knowledge and  Broad awareness of current technology trends and
Attitudes directions
 Assess and analyze value chain
 Ability to locate appropriate sources of information
regarding new technologies
 Information gathering techniques
Underpinning Skills Essential skills include the ability to:
 Research skills for identifying broad features of new
 Assist in the decision making process
 Interpret technical manuals
 Solve known problems in a variety of situations and
 Evaluate and apply new technology to assist in solving
organizational problems
 General analytical skills in relation to known problems
Resources The following resources MUST be provided.
Implication  Access to real or appropriately simulated situations,
including work areas, materials and equipment,
 Documentation and information on workplace practices
and OHS practices.
 Specifications and work instructions
 Approved assessment tools
 Certified assessor /Assessor’s panel

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Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 Questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 Project-related conditions (real or simulated) and
require evidence of process
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting. This competence standard could
be assessed on its own or in combination with other
competencies relevant to the job function.

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Occupational Standard: Radiography Services Level IV
Unit Title Utilize Specialized Communication Skills
Unit Code HLT RDG4 11 0611
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to
use specialized communication skills to meet specific needs of
internal and external clients, conduct interviews, facilitate
group discussions, and contribute to the development of
communication strategies.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Meet common 1.1 Specific communication needs of clients and colleagues

and specific are identified and met.
communication 1.2 Different approaches are used to meet communication
needs of clients needs of clients and colleagues.
and colleagues
1.3 Conflict is addressed promptly and in a timely way and in a
manner which does not compromise the standing of the
2. Contribute to 2.1 Strategies for internal and external dissemination of
the information are developed, promoted, implemented and
development of reviewed as required.
communication 2.2 Channels of communication are established and reviewed
strategies regularly.
2.3 Coaching is provided in effective communication.
2.4 Work related network and relationship are maintained as
2.5 Negotiation and conflict resolution strategies are used
where required.
2.6 Ensure communication with clients and colleagues is
appropriated to individual needs and organizational
3. Represent the 3.1 When participating in internal or external forums, relevant
organization presentation is appropriately researched and presented in
a manner to promote the organization.
3.2 Presentation is made clear and sequential and delivered
within a predetermined time.
3.3 Appropriate media is utilized to enhance presentation.
3.4 Differences in views are respected.
3.5 Written communication is applied in consistent with the
organizational standards.
3.6 Inquiries are responded in a manner consistent with the
organizational standard.
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4. Facilitate group 4.1 Mechanisms which enhance effective group interaction
discussion are defined and implemented.
4.2 Strategies which encourage all group members to
participate are used routinely.
4.3 Objectives and agenda for meetings and discussions are
routinely sated and followed.
4.4 Relevant information is provided to group to facilitate
4.5 Evaluation of group communication strategies is
undertaken to promote participation of all parties.
4.6 Specific communication needs of individuals are identified
and addressed.
5. Conduct 5.1 A range of appropriate communication strategies are
interview employed in interview situations.
5.2 Records of interviews are made and maintained in
accordance with the organizational procedures.
5.3 Effective questioning, listening and nonverbal
communication techniques are used to ensure that
required message is communicated.

Variable Range statement

Strategies  Recognizing own limitations
 Referral to specialists
 Utilizing techniques and aids
 Providing written drafts
 Verbal and non verbal communication
Effective group  Identifying and evaluating what is occurring within an
interaction interaction in a non judgmental way
 Using active listening
 Making decision about appropriate words, behavior
 Putting together response which is culturally appropriate
 Expressing an individual perspective
 Expressing own philosophy, ideology and background and
exploring impact with relevance to communication
Types of Interview  Related to staff issues  Evidential
 Routine  Non disclosure
 Confidential  Disclosure
Interview  Establish rapport
situations  Elicit facts and information
 Facilitate resolution of issues
 Develop action plans
 Diffuse potentially difficult situation

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Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of A candidate must be able to demonstrate the ability to:
Competence  Demonstrate effective communication skills with clients
accessing service and work colleagues
 Adopt relevant communication techniques and strategies to
meet client particular needs and difficulties
Underpinning  Communication process
Knowledge and  Dynamics of groups and different styles of group leadership
Values  Communication skills relevant to client groups
Underpinning  Full range of communication techniques including:
Skills  Full range of communication
 Use different communication types
 Active listening
 Feedback
 Interpretation
 Role boundaries setting
 Negotiation
 Establishing empathy
 Communication skills required to fulfill job roles as specified
by the organization
Resource The following resources must be provided.
Implications  Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and equipment,
 Documentation and information on workplace practices
and OHS practices.
 specifications and work instructions
 Approved assessment tools
 Certified assessor /Assessor’s panel
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context for Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting. This competence standard could
be assessed on its own or in combination with other
competences relevant to the job function.

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Occupational Standard: Radiography Services Level IV
Unit Title Develop and Lead Teams
Unit Code HLT RDG4 12 0611
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to
determine the individual and team development needs and
facilitate the development of the workgroup.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Provide team 1.1 Learning and development needs are systematically
leadership identified and implemented in line with the
organizational requirements.
1.2 Learning plan to meet individual and group training and
developmental needs is developed and implemented
1.3 Individuals are encouraged to self evaluate performance
and identify areas for improvement.
1.4 Feedback on performance of team members is
collected from relevant sources and compared with the
established team learning process.
2. Foster individual 2.1 Learning and development program goals and objectives
and are identified to match the specific knowledge and skills
organizational requirements of competence standards.
growth 2.2 Learning delivery methods that are appropriate to the
learning goals, the learning style of participants and
availability of equipment and resources are used.
2.3 Workplace learning opportunities and coaching/
mentoring assistance are provided to facilitate individual
and team achievement of competencies.
2.4 Resources and timelines required for learning activities
are identified and approved in accordance with the
organizational requirements.
3. Monitor and 3.1 Feedback from individuals or teams is used to identify
evaluate and implement improvements in future learning
workplace arrangements.
learning 3.2 Outcomes and performance of individuals/teams are
assessed and recorded to determine the effectiveness of
development programs and the extent of additional
3.3 Modifications to learning plans are negotiated to improve
the efficiency and effectiveness of learning.
3.4 Records and reports of competence are maintained
within the organizational requirement.

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4. Develop team 4.1 Open communication processes to obtain and share
commitment information are used by team.
and cooperation 4.2 Decisions are reached by the team in accordance with its
agreed roles and responsibilities.
4.3 Mutual concern and camaraderie are developed in the
5. Facilitate the 5.1 Team members actively participated in team activities
accomplishment and communication processes.
of 5.2 Team members developed individual and joint
organizational responsibility for their actions.
goals 5.3 Collaborative efforts are sustained to attain the
organizational goals.

Variable Range statement

Learning and  Coaching, mentoring and/or supervision
development  Formal/informal learning program
needs  Internal/external training provision
 Work experience/exchange/opportunities
 Personal study
 Career planning/development
 Performance appraisals
 Workplace skills assessment
 Recognition of prior learning
Organizational  Quality assurance and/or procedures manuals
requirements  Goals, objectives, plans, systems and processes
 Legal and organizational policy/guidelines and
 Safety policies, procedures and programs
 Confidentiality and security requirements
 Business and performance plans
 Ethical standards
 Quality and continuous improvement processes and
Feedback on  Formal/informal performance appraisals
performance  Obtaining feedback from supervisors and colleagues
 Obtaining feedback from clients
 Personal and reflective behavior strategies
 Routine and organizational methods for monitoring
service delivery
Learning delivery  On the job coaching or mentoring
methods  Problem solving
 Presentation/demonstration
 Formal course participation
 Work experience
 Involvement in professional networks
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 Conference and seminar attendance
 Induction

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of A candidate must be able to demonstrate the ability to:
Competence  Identify and implement learning opportunities for others
 Give and receive feedback constructively
 Facilitate participation of individuals in the work of the
 Negotiate learning plans to improve the effectiveness of
 Prepare learning plans to match skill needs
 Access and designate learning opportunities
Underpinning  Coaching and mentoring principles
Knowledge and  Understanding how to work effectively with team members
Attitude who have diverse work styles, aspirations, cultures and
 Understanding how to facilitate team development and
 Understanding methods and techniques for eliciting and
interpreting feedback
 Understanding methods for identifying and prioritizing
personal development opportunities and options
 Knowledge of career paths and competence standards in
the industry
Underpinning Skills  Skills include the ability to:
 read and understand a variety of texts, prepare general
information and documents according to target audience;
spell with accuracy; use grammar and punctuation
effective relationships and conflict management
 Communication skills including receiving feedback and
reporting, maintaining effective relationships and conflict
 Plan and organize required resources and equipment to
meet learning needs
 Coach and mentor skills to provide support to colleagues
 Organize information; assess information for relevance
and accuracy; identify and elaborate on learning
 Conduct small group training sessions
 Relate to people from a range of social, cultural, physical
and mental backgrounds
Resource The following resources MUST be provided.
Implications  Access is required to real or appropriately simulated
situations, including work areas, materials and
 Documentation and information on workplace practices
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and OHS practices.
 specifications and work instructions
 Approved assessment tools
 Certified assessor /Assessor’s panel
Assessment Competence may be assessed through:
Methods  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 Questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 project-related conditions (real or simulated) and
require evidence of process
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting. This competence standard could
be assessed on its own or in combination with other
competences relevant to the job function.

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard June 2011
Occupational Standard: Radiography Services Level IV
Unit Title Establish Quality Standards
Unit Code HLT RDG4 13 0611
Unit Descriptor This unit covers the knowledge, attitudes and skills required to
monitor quality of work, establish quality specifications for work
outcomes, participate in maintaining and improving quality at
work, identify hazards and critical control points in the
production of quality output, assist in planning of quality
assurance procedures, report problems that affect quality and
implement quality assurance procedures.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Establish 1.1 Health service specifications are sourced and legislated
quality requirements identified.
specifications 1.2 Quality specifications developed and agreed upon.
for service
1.3 Quality specifications are documented and introduced to
organization staff / personnel in accordance with the
organization policy.
1.4 Quality specifications are updated when necessary.
2. Identify 2.1 Critical control points impacting on quality are identified.
hazards and 2.2 Degree of risk for each hazard is determined.
critical control
points 2.3 Necessary documentation is accomplished in accordance
with organization quality procedures.
3. Assist in 3.1 Procedures for each identified control point are developed
planning of to ensure optimum quality.
quality 3.2 Hazards and risks are minimized through application of
assurance appropriate controls.
3.3 Processes to monitor the effectiveness of quality
assurance procedures are developed.
4. Implement 4.1 Responsibilities for carrying out procedures are allocated
quality to staff.
assurance 4.2 Instructions are prepared in accordance with the
procedures enterprise’s quality assurance program.
4.3 Staffs are given induction training on the quality assurance
4.4 Staffs are given in-service training relevant to their
allocated procedures.
5. Monitor quality 5.1 Quality requirements are identified
of work 5.2 Inputs are inspected to confirm capability to meet quality
outcome requirements

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5.3 Work is conducted to produce required outcomes
5.4 Work processes are monitored to confirm quality of output
and/or service
5.5 Processes are adjusted to maintain outputs within
6. Participate in 6.1 Work area, materials, processes and product are routinely
maintaining monitored to ensure compliance with quality requirements
and improving 6.2 Non-conformance in inputs, process, product and/or
quality at work service is identified and reported according to workplace
reporting requirements
6.3 Corrective action is taken within level of responsibility, to
maintain quality standards
6.4 Quality issues are raised with designated personnel
7. Report 7.1 Recognize potential or existing quality problems.
problems that 7.2 Identify instances of variation in quality from specifications
affect quality or work instructions.
7.3 Report variation and potential problems to
supervisor/manager according to enterprise guidelines.

Variable Range
Sourced  end-users
 customers or stakeholders
Legislated  Verification of service quality as part of consumer legislation
requirements or specific legislation related to service content or
 use of tools and equipment for construction works
 workplace environment and handling of material safety,
Safety  following occupational health and safety procedures
procedures designated for the task
 respect the policies, regulations, legislations, rule and
procedures for construction works

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspect of Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:
Competence  Monitored quality of work
 Established quality specifications for service
 Participated in maintaining and improving quality at work
 Identified hazards and critical control points in the
production of quality service
 Assisted in planning of quality assurance procedures
 Reported problems that affect quality
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 Implemented quality assurance procedures
Demonstrates knowledge of:
 Monitoring quality of work
 Establishing quality specifications for product
Underpinning  Participating in maintaining and improving quality at work
Knowledge and  Identifying hazards and critical control points in the
Attitudes production of quality product
 Assisting in planning of quality assurance procedures
 Reporting problems that affect quality
 Implementing quality assurance procedures
Demonstrates skills in:
 Monitoring quality of work
 Establishing quality specifications for service
Underpinning  Participating in maintaining and improving quality at work
Skills  Identifying hazards and critical control points in the
production of quality service
 Assisting in planning of quality assurance procedures
 Reporting problems that affect quality
 Implementing quality assurance procedures
Resource The following resources must be provided:
Implications  Workplace or fully equipped environment with necessary
tools and equipment as well as consumable materials
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 project-related conditions (real or simulated) and require
evidence of process
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Competency may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting This competency standard could
be assessed on its own or in combination with other
competencies relevant to the job function.

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard June 2011
Occupational Standard: Radiography Services Level IV
Unit Title Manage and Maintain Small/Medium Business Operations
Unit Code HLT RDG4 14 0611
Unit Descriptor This unit is concerned with the operation of the business and
with implementing the business plan. The strategies involve
monitoring, managing and reviewing operational procedures.
It is suitable for the existing micro and small businesses or a
department in a larger organization.

Element Performance Criteria

1. Develop 1.1 Action plan is developed to provide a clear and coherent
operational direction in accordance with the department goals and
strategies objectives.
1.2 Occupational Health and Safety and environmental
issues are identified and strategies implemented to
minimize the risk factors.
1.3 Strategies for the using existing, new or emerging
technologies are developed and implemented where
practicable to optimize work performance.
1.4 Performance measures, operational targets and quality
assurance issues are developed to conform to the action
1.5 Structured approach to innovation including the utilization
of existing, new or emerging technologies is developed to
respond to changing clients requirements.
2. Implement 2.1 Systems and key performance indicators/targets are
operational implemented to monitor the work performance and client’s
strategies satisfaction.
2.2 Systems to control stock, expenditure/cost, wastage/
shrinkage and risks to health & safety are implemented in
accordance with the action plan.
2.3 Staffing requirements, where applicable, are maintained
within the budget to maximize productivity.
2.4 The provision of goods/services is carried out in
accordance with the established technical, legal and
ethical standards.
2.5 Time, cost and quality specifications are met by the
provision of services in accordance with client
2.6 Quality procedures are applied to address service and
clients requirements.
3. Monitor business 3.1 The achievement of operational targets is regularly

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performance monitored/reviewed to ensure optimum work performance
in accordance with the goals and objectives of the action
3.2 Systems and structures are reviewed with a view to more
effectively supporting work performance.
3.3 Operating problems are investigated and analyzed to the
establish causes, and changes implemented as required.
3.4 Operational policies and procedures are changed to
incorporate corrective action taken.
4. Maintain 4.1 Relevant personal and professional networks are
networks identified and maintained to support service.
4.2 Strategies are developed for use of networks to assist in
promoting the service and for monitoring changing service
5. Review business 5.1 Action plan is reviewed and adjusted as required to
operations maintain service viability in accordance with the
department goals and objectives
5.2 Proposed changes are clearly recorded to aid future
planning and evaluation.
5.3 Ongoing research into new opportunities is undertaken
and department goals and objectives adjusted as new
opportunities arise.

Variable Range
Legislation, codes  national legislative requirements affecting business
and national operation, especially in regard to Occupational Health and
standards relevant Safety and environmental issues,
to the workplace  relevant codes of practice
which may include:
Operational  Premises, plant and equipment may be new or previously
strategies/ owned.
procedures may be  requirements may be one-off requirements or recurrent
determined by:  requirements (such as equipment maintenance) specific
to the nature of the services
 use of existing, new and emerging technologies -
 plant and equipment , including OHS requirements
 physical and natural resources
 methods/techniques/technology
 management and administrative systems and procedures
 raw materials
Occupational  establishment and maintenance of procedures for
Health and identifying risks to health and safety

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Safety and  establishment and maintenance of procedures for
environmental assessing and controlling risks
issues must  controls may include instructions to workplace personnel
include:  concerning: site hazards and controls, material safety
 data sheets, use of personal protective equipment,
 outside contractors
 waste and by-products
Departments goals  goals, objectives, plans, systems and processes
and  short, medium or long term goals
objectives may  financial projections
include:  client needs projections
 proposed size and scale of the service
Operational targets  internal targets which may relate to size, quality, quantity
may include: and diversity, wages to sales, sales to area/stock
 levels/stock turnover/average debtor payment periods and
 external targets which may relate to market share and
 building national or international service links
 targets which may be short, medium or long term
 staffing level and skills mix
Technical  any current and generally agreed descriptions of what the
standards may service is, how it should be delivered and the quality,
include: safety, efficiency or other measures to determine the
activity is done effectively
Networks may  personal contacts
include:  professional associations
 business/ industry association contacts
 formal/ informal/ individual/ group/ organizational contacts
 And may assist in the provisions of information on:
 Service trends
 changes in work environment
 client requirements
 technical support
 financial advice

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Candidate must be able to demonstrate the ability to:
Competence  develop strategies to successfully manage the operation of
the service by interpreting information and
 make appropriate adjustments to the work operations as
Underpinning  legislative requirements affecting business operation,
Knowledge and especially in regard to Occupational Health and Safety and
Attitudes environmental issues,
 OHS responsibilities and procedures for managing
 technical or specialist skills relevant to the business

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 relevant codes of practice
 identification of relevant performance measures
 quality assurance principles and methods
 role of innovation
 principles of risk management relevant to the service,
including risk assessment
 relevant marketing, sales and financial concepts
 systems to manage staff, control stock, expenditure,
 methods for monitoring performance and implementing
 methods for developing and maintaining networks
Underpinning Skills  interpret legal requirements, company policies and
 communication skills including questioning, clarifying,
 numeracy skills for performance information and financial
 technical skills as relevant to the service
 ability to relate to people from a range of social, cultural
and ethnic backgrounds and physical and mental abilities
Resources The following resources MUST be provided.
Implication  Access to real or appropriately simulated situations,
including work areas, materials and equipment,
 Documentation and information on workplace practices
and OHS practices.
 specifications and work instructions
Methods of Competence may be assessed through:
Assessment  Practical assessment by direct observation of tasks
through simulation/Role-plays
 Written exam/test on underpinning knowledge
 questioning or interview on underpinning knowledge
 project-related conditions (real or simulated) and
require evidence of process
Assessment methods must confirm the ability to access and
correctly interpret and apply the essential underpinning
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated work place setting. This competence standard could
be assessed on its own or in combination with other
competences relevant to the job function.

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard June 2011
Occupational Standard: Radiography Services Level IV
Unit Title Manage Continuous Improvement System
Unit Code HLT RDG4 15 1012
Unit Descriptor This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and
knowledge required to sustain and develop an environment in
which continuous improvement, innovation and learning are
promoted and rewarded.

Elements Performance Criteria

1. Review 1.1 Establish strategies to monitor and evaluate performance

programs, of key systems and processes
systems and 1.2 Undertake detailed analyses of supply chains, operational
processes and product/service delivery systems
1.3 Identify performance measures, and assessment tools
and techniques, and evaluate their effectiveness
1.4 Analyze performance reports and variance from plans for
all key result areas of the organization
1.5 Identify and analyze changing trends and opportunities
relevant to the organization
1.6 Seek advice from specialists, where appropriate, to
identify technology and electronic commerce opportunities
2. Develop options 2.1 Brief groups on performance improvement strategies and
for continuous innovation as an essential element of competition
improvement 2.2 Foster creative climate and organizational learning
through the promotion of interaction within and between
work groups
2.3 Encourage, test and recognize new ideas and
entrepreneurial behavior where successful
2.4 Accept failure of an idea during trialing, and recognize,
celebrate and embed success into systems
2.5 Undertake risk management and cost benefit analyses
for each option/idea approved for trial
2.6 Approve innovations through agreed organizational
3. Implement 3.1 Promote continuous improvement as an essential part of
innovative doing business
processes 3.2 Address impact of change and consequences for people,
and implement transition plans

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3.3 Ensure objectives, timeframes, measures and
communication plans are in place to manage
3.4 Implement contingency plans in the event of non-
3.5 Follow-up failure by prompt investigation and analysis of
3.6 Manage emerging challenges and opportunities effectively
3.7 Evaluate continuous improvement systems and processes
3.8 Communicate costs and benefits of innovations and
improvements to all relevant groups and individuals

Variable Range
Sustainability may  addressing environmental and resource sustainability
include: initiatives, such as environmental management systems,
action plans, green office programs, surveys and audits
 applying the waste management hierarchy in the workplace
 complying with regulations and corporate social
responsibility considerations for sustainability to enhance
the organisation's standing in business and community
 determining organisation's most appropriate waste
treatment, including waste to landfill, recycling, re-use,
recoverable resources and wastewater treatment
 implementing ecological footprint
 implementing environmental management systems, e.g.
ISO 14001:1996 Environmental management systems life
cycle analyses
 implementing government initiatives,
 improving resource and energy efficiency
 initiating and maintaining appropriate organisational
procedures for operational energy consumption
 introducing a green office program - a cultural change
 introducing green purchasing
 introducing national and international reporting initiatives,
 introducing product stewardship
 reducing emissions of greenhouse gases
 reducing use of non-renewable resources
 referencing standards, guidelines and approaches, such as
sustainability covenants and compacts or triple bottom line
 supporting sustainable supply chain.
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Supply chains  network of facilities that procures raw materials, transforms
include: them into intermediate products or services and then
finished goods or service, and delivers them through a
distribution system
 procurement, production and distribution, viewed as
interlinked not as discrete elements
Performance  budget or cost variance
reports may  customer service
include:  environmental
 financial
 quality
 other operating parameters

Evidence Guide
Critical Aspects of Evidence of the following is essential:
Competence  demonostration of consultation processes to introduce or
evaluate an existing continuous improvement process or
system, including suggested actions or an action plan
 generation of an idea or concept which exhibits creative
thinking and which offers the possibility of advantaging the
 how the concept or idea was introduced, tested and
evaluated - the idea or concept does not have to have been
shown to work or to be adopted by the business
 knowledge of quality management and continuous
improvement theories
Underpinning Demonstrates knowledge of:
Knowledge and  quality management and continuous improvement theories
Attitudes  creativity/innovation theories/concepts
 risk management
 cost-benefit analysis methods
 creativity and innovation theories and concepts
 organizational learning principles
 quality management and continuous improvement theories
 risk management
 sustainability practices
Underpinning Skills Demonstrates skills to:
 analytical skills to identify improvement opportunities in
relation to
 the services/products delivered or concepts/ideas
 flexibility and creativity skills to think laterally
 leadership skills to foster a commitment to quality and an
openness to innovation
 teamwork and leadership skills to foster a commitment to
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quality and an openness to innovation
Resources Access may be required to:
Implication  workplace procedures and plans relevant to work area
 appropriate documentation and resources normally used in
the workplace
Methods of Competence in this unit may be assessed by using a
Assessment combination of the following to generate evidence:
 demonstration in the workplace
 suitable simulation
 oral or written questioning to assess knowledge of
principles and techniques associated with change
 evaluation of strategies established to monitor and evaluate
performance of key systems and processes
 review of briefing of groups on performance improvement
strategies and innovation
Those aspects of competence dealing with improvement
processes could be assessed by the use of suitable
simulations and/or a pilot plant and/or a range of case studies
and scenarios.
In all cases, practical assessment should be supported by
questions to assess essential knowledge and those aspects of
competence which are difficult to assess directly.
Context of Competence may be assessed in the work place or in a
Assessment simulated workplace setting / environment.

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard June 2011
Sector: Health
Sub-Sector: Radiography

Level IV Radiography Services

Level III X-Ray Operation

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We wish to extend thanks and appreciation to the many representatives of business,

industry, academe and government agencies who donated their time and expertise

to the development of this occupational standard.

We would like also to express our appreciation to the Experts of Ministry of Health,

Ministry of Education (MoE) and Engineering Capacity Building Program (ecbp) who

made the development of this occupational standard possible.

This occupational standard was developed on June 2011 at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

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Copyright Ethiopian Occupational Standard June 2011

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