Power of Favor PDF
Power of Favor PDF
Power of Favor PDF
I Declare
I Declare Personal Application Guide
Next Level Thinking
Next Level Thinking Journal
Next Level Thinking Study Guide
Daily Readings from Next Level Thinking
The Power of Favor
The Power of Favor Study Guide
The Power of I Am
The Power of I Am Journal
The Power of I Am Study Guide
Daily Readings from The Power of I Am
Think Better, Live Better
Think Better, Live Better Journal
Think Better, Live Better Study Guide
Daily Readings from Think Better, Live Better
Two Words That Will Change Your Life Today
With Victoria Osteen
Our Best Life Together
Wake Up to Hope Devotional
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What God has in your future you can’t accomplish on your own. There are
places He’s going to take you that you can’t get to by yourself. There will be
obstacles that look too big, dreams that seem impossible. You’re going to need
assistance for where you’re going. The good news is, God has put something on
you that gives you an advantage, something that will open doors that you can’t
open, something that will make you stand out in the crowd. It’s called “favor.”
Favor will cause good breaks to come to you. Favor will take you from the
background to the foreground. Favor will give you preferential treatment, things
you don’t deserve. You weren’t next in line, but you got the promotion. On
paper it didn’t make sense, but the loan went through. That person who was so
against you—for some reason they’ve changed. Now they’re for you. That
wasn’t a coincidence. That was the favor of God.
We can work hard, be faithful, be diligent, and that’s important, but that
will only take us to a certain level. We’ll go as far as our education, as far as our
background allows. But when God breathes His favor on you, things will
happen that you couldn’t make happen; opportunities will open that you didn’t
see coming. The right people will track you down. I’ve heard it said, “One touch
of favor is worth more than a lifetime of labor.” Just one good break, one phone
call, meeting one person can catapult you to a new level. You’ve worked hard.
You’ve been faithful. You’ve honored God. Now get ready for favor. Get ready
for God to show out. He’s about to do something unusual, something that you
haven’t seen, good breaks that you didn’t work for, a promotion that you didn’t
deserve. You can’t explain it. You can’t take credit for it. It’s the favor of God.
God told Noah to build an ark, a 450-foot-long boat. Noah wasn’t a builder.
That wasn’t his profession. It seemed impossible, but God will never ask you to
do something and not give you the favor to do it. You have favor. The question
is, Do you have the faith? Are you going to talk yourself out of it? “I don’t have
the resources. I don’t know the right people. I don’t have the talent.” That’s
okay, because you have something that makes up for all of that: Favor is on your
It’s good to have education, but education alone is not enough. Talent alone
is not enough. You need favor for where you’re going. You may not know the
right people, but don’t worry, God does. He has already lined up divine
connections, people who will come into your life and use their influence to open
doors, to give you opportunity that will push you forward. You don’t have to
manipulate people, try to convince them to like you, or compromise to get your
way. If someone is not for you, you don’t need them. Don’t waste time trying to
win them over. The people whom God has lined up for you don’t have a choice.
They may not like you, but they will help you anyway. They will go out of their
way to be good to you. You don’t have to find them. They will find you. You
keep honoring God, believing and expecting. The favor on your life will cause
the right people to show up.
The people in Noah’s day didn’t care anything about God. They were living
wildly, partying, and worshipping idols. God was so upset that He was about to
destroy the Earth through a great flood. He could have wiped everyone out and
started over, but the Scripture says, “Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.”
Why did he find favor and not all the other people around him who were about
to perish? The next verse says, “Noah continually followed God’s will and did
what was right.” Noah could have compromised, fit in, done what everyone else
was doing, but he made the choice to walk in obedience. When you honor God,
when you keep Him first place, you will find favor in the eyes of the Lord.
There is a blessing on your life that will push you up when others are going
Declare Favor
One way our faith is released is through our words, and there is a connection
between speaking favor and receiving favor. It’s not enough to just believe you
have favor. It’s not enough to just expect favor. You have to take it one step
further and declare favor. Every day you should declare, “I have the favor of
God. Favor is on my family. Favor is on my health. Favor is on my business.
Favor is on my finances.” When you speak something out, you give it the right
to come to pass. When you face difficult situations, instead of being
discouraged, thinking, Why did this happen? you need to declare, “The favor of
God is turning this around. Favor is bringing healing, freedom, vindication, and
victory into my life.”
It’s one thing to think it, but when you declare it, angels go to work. In the
unseen realm, things begin to change. We prayed, we believed, we hoped. That’s
good, but it’s time to start speaking favor. Speak favor over your finances.
“Father, thank You that Your favor is bringing me clients. Thank You that Your
favor is causing me to stand out. Thank You that what I touch will prosper and
succeed.” The Scripture says, “Jesus increased in favor with God and with
people.” You can increase in favor. The more you thank God for it, the more you
declare it, the more favor you’re going to see.
“Joel, you say I have favor, but I never get good breaks. I never see
anything unusual.” Maybe it’s because you’re not declaring it. Why don’t you
step it up a notch? All through the day say, “Father, thank You that Your favor is
endorsing me. Thank You that Your favor is bringing me into prominence.
Thank You that Your favor is taking me to new levels.” That’s not just being
positive. That’s releasing your faith for the favor of God.
Mountains to Molehills
I met a man a few years ago who was so discouraged. He’s in the graphic design
industry. At one time his company had been very successful, but over the years,
his business had gone down. He’d lost all his major clients. It looked as if
bankruptcy was inevitable. He went on and on, telling me about the problem,
going into great detail to explain all the setbacks he had suffered and how unfair
it was. I finally had to interrupt him and say, “We’ve talked long enough about
the problems. Let’s start talking about the solution. Let’s start talking about what
God can do. Let’s talk about the fact that favor is on the way.” We prayed
together. Then I said, “There’s something you have to do. Every morning, you
need to declare, ‘I have the favor of God. Favor is bringing me new clients.
Favor is turning my business around.’ Then all through the day, under your
breath, keep thanking God for that favor.” I saw him several months later. He
was like a new person, beaming with joy. He told how, at his lowest moment,
when he thought he was done, a company that he had never worked for
contacted him and asked him to make a presentation. They chose him over
several major firms. He said, “With this one new client, I will have more income
than from all my other clients combined.” He was on pace to have a record year.
What you’re facing may seem impossible. Don’t talk about the problem.
Talk about the solution. Talk about the fact that favor is on the way. “Yes, my
finances may be low, but I know favor is coming.” “These people at work aren’t
treating me right. I’m not going to live bitter. I know favor is on the way.”
“Well, my child is off course, but I know it’s only temporary. The favor of God
is turning it around.”
This is what a man named Zerubbabel did in the Scripture. He was in
charge of rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem. Everything came against him. City
leaders hired attorneys to try to stop him; they wouldn’t give him the permits.
Other people were causing strife and trouble. It looked impossible. He could’ve
been discouraged. But he heard the prophecy that the Lord gave to Zechariah
about him, and based on that he said, “Who are you, O great mountain that
stands before me? You shall become a mere molehill. I will finish the temple by
shouting grace to it.” He was saying, “I have this big mountain in front of me,
but I’m not worried. I know it’s about to become a molehill.” How is this going
to happen? What was his secret? By speaking grace to it. Another word for
grace is favor. He was saying, “Yes, this obstacle is big, but I have the favor of
God. Favor is making my crooked places straight. Favor is defeating my
enemies. Favor is going to help me finish this project.” He didn’t talk about his
mountain. He talked to his mountain.
When you face challenges, don’t get discouraged. Speak favor over them.
Look at your bank account and speak favor to it. “I will lend and not borrow.
What I touch will prosper and succeed.” Speak favor over your health. “This
sickness is not the end. This pain is not permanent. The favor of God is bringing
healing.” Speak favor over the legal situation. “I will be victorious. The favor of
God is keeping my enemies from defeating me.” It’s not enough to just pray
about it. It’s not enough to just believe. What’s going to turn the mountain into a
molehill is by speaking grace to it.
I want to make a declaration of favor over you. If you let this take root in
your spirit, I believe chains that have held you back are going to be broken, and
you’re going to be released into a new level of your destiny. I declare that right
now the favor of God is on your life in a new way. I declare favor over your
family, favor over your marriage, favor over your finances. I declare favor at
work, favor with your boss, favor with your colleagues, favor with your clients.
I declare favor is opening new doors of opportunity, bringing promotion,
increase, and abundance, causing the right people to be drawn to you. I declare
favor over your health, strength, energy, wholeness. You are free from sickness,
chronic pain, depression, and addictions. I speak favor over every force that’s
trying to stop you, and I declare that mountain is becoming a molehill. As with
Nehemiah, God’s favor is going to accelerate it. Things are going to happen
sooner than you think. I declare the favor of God is going to catapult you to a
new level. You’re going to take new ground, set new standards, and reach the
fullness of your destiny.
Favor Connections
When I was a teenager, I was pulled over by a police officer for driving too
fast. When he read the name on my license, he asked if I was related to the
pastor that he watched on television each week, and I told him that was my
father. He returned my license, told me to slow down, and said I could go. I
received favor because of who I was connected to. It wasn’t anything I did. I just
happened to be the son of a man who was favored, and because I was in
relationship with him, his favor spilled over onto me.
The Scripture says, “Noah found favor with the Lord.” When a great flood
covered the earth, Noah’s family was the only one saved. It never says his sons
had favor or his daughters had favor, but because they were connected to Noah,
their lives were spared. The principle is, when you’re connected to people who
are favored, people who are further along, people who are more successful, that
favor is going to flow down to you. You’ll see increase and promotion because
of that association. There should be people you’re in relationship with who
inspire you, who challenge you, who make you strive to do better.
When you’re connected to someone who’s blessed, you honor them, you
learn from them, you sow into them, and the more blessed they are, the more
blessed you’re going to be. Eventually, you’re going to become like who you’re
connected to. The question is, Are you connected to anyone who has what you
want, or are you connected to people who are negative, critical, can’t get ahead,
cause you to compromise, and drain your energy? It’s fine to be a good
influence. It’s fine to encourage them. But if you’re spending all your time with
them, the problem is that you’re going to become just like them. They’re
rubbing off on you.
You need to disconnect from people who are hindering your growth,
limiting your potential, and causing you to compromise. Find some favor
connections, people who are going places, people who are at a higher level,
people who have what you’re dreaming about. You need some eagles in your
life. You cannot hang around with chickens and reach your destiny. You can’t
spend all your free time with crows, people who complain, or with turkeys,
people who have accepted mediocrity. You need people who are soaring, people
who are taking new ground, people who are out of debt, people who think
bigger than you, people who are exposing you to levels that you’ve never seen.
Vertical Favor
In the Scripture, Elijah was a great prophet who did amazing miracles. One day
he was walking by a field where he saw a young man named Elisha out plowing.
He told Elisha to leave his team of oxen and come with him. But Elisha came
from a well-to-do family. I’m sure he had goals and dreams. Elijah wanted him
to become his assistant, which basically meant to take care of him, bring him
food, set up his tent, and feed his animals. Elisha could’ve thought, No, thanks.
I’ll stay here at my own place. He could’ve been too proud, but he recognized
the favor on Elijah’s life. He respected his anointing. He wasn’t jealous. He
didn’t get bitter when Elijah offered him what seemed to be a low-level position.
For years Elisha served Elijah with honor, watching after him and making
sure he was comfortable. When you sow into someone with great favor, you’re
going to reap some of that favor. When you honor someone who has more
influence, some of that influence is going to come back to you. I’m sure Elisha’s
friends came around and said, “Elisha, what are you still doing here, serving this
old man? You have your own dreams. Why don’t you start your own ministry?
He’s holding you back.” He could’ve let them talk him out of his position, to
convince him that he was wasting his time, but he just kept on sowing, honoring,
and respecting the favor connection.
Eventually, when Elijah was taken to heaven in a whirlwind, Elisha
received a double portion of Elijah’s anointing. He didn’t just get the favor on
Elijah’s life; he got twice the favor. Remember that with some of these favor
connections that you’re sowing into, giving to, serving and honoring, your time
is coming. As with Elisha, you’re not just going to go to the level where they
are. You’re going to go further and have double the influence, double the favor,
double the resources.
This is why the enemy works overtime to try to get us jealous of one
another, competing and trying to pull one another down. He wants us to get
stuck where we are. It’s very freeing when you can celebrate those who are
ahead, knowing that the seeds you sow into them—the honor, the respect, the
resources—are going to come back to you. But if you’re only sowing into
horizontal relationships, into people who are at your level, then you’re going to
see horizontal favor. When you’re secure enough in who you are to sow into
vertical relationships, into people who are ahead of you, you’re going to reap
some of this vertical favor.
Distinctive Favor
The favor God puts on your life causes you to be different. It’s a favor that
makes a distinction between you and those who don’t honor God. The Scripture
speaks of how you’ve been called out, set apart. Some older translations say you
are “a peculiar people.” I think a better phrase is “a different people.” You’re not
ordinary; you’re not like everyone else. You’ve been marked with a distinction.
Numbers 6 says that God’s face will shine down on you and cause you to stand
This distinctive favor causes you to prosper when others are struggling. You
recover from a difficulty when others get stuck. You have protection when
others face calamity. There’s a marked difference. You have an advantage.
You’re not doing life by yourself, just on your own strength, your talent, your
connections. There is a force breathing behind you, guiding you, protecting you,
favoring you. The Most High God has set you apart. He could have chosen
anyone, but He handpicked you, called you out, and said, “That’s one of Mine.”
Right now, His face is shining down on you. Don’t go through life thinking that
you’re average, that you can never accomplish your dreams. Put your shoulders
back. Hold your head high. You’re a part of the called-out group.
God has set you up for a distinctively favored life. That means He’s set you
up for blessings you didn’t work for, for promotion you didn’t deserve. The
Scripture says, “For houses you didn’t build, for vineyards you didn’t plant.” It’s
not because of who you are; it’s because of Whose you are. You’ve been marked
with favor. When you realize this, you’ll pray bold prayers. You’ll dream big
dreams. You’ll expect things to happen for you that may not happen for others.
When others are afraid and upset and worried, you’ll be at peace, knowing that
you’ve been set apart, that there’s a hedge around you that the enemy cannot
cross, that you have distinctive favor.
A Hedge of Protection
When the Israelites were in slavery, God told Moses to go and tell Pharaoh to let
His people go. But Pharaoh wouldn’t listen. He kept refusing. God sent plague
after plague on Pharaoh and his people. Their water supply was turned to blood.
Millions of flies made their lives miserable, and swarms of locusts ate their
crops and destroyed their land. What’s interesting is that the Israelites, some two
million people, lived right next door, but these plagues never affected them. At
one point, there were hordes of frogs. Everywhere Pharaoh’s people looked
there were frogs—in their homes, in their food, in their beds. They were so
frustrated. On the Israeli side there were no frogs. Life went on as usual. But
Pharaoh still wouldn’t change his mind.
When God was about to send swarms of flies into the Egyptian houses, He
said to Pharaoh, “I will deal differently with the land where My people live. No
swarms of flies will be there. I will make a distinction between you and My
people.” Millions and millions of flies came into Pharaoh’s palace and all the
houses of the Egyptians. The flies were so dense the people couldn’t see,
couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep. Their land was ruined by flies. But right next door,
the Israelites had no flies. I can hear the Israelites saying to their neighbors, “I’ll
let you borrow my fly swatter. We don’t need it over here.” It didn’t make sense
in the natural. This was the hand of God putting a distinction on His people.
God has put that same distinction on you. When He breathed life into you,
He marked you for favor, marked you for blessing, marked you to stand out.
What will defeat others won’t be able to defeat you. This is why you don’t have
to live worried—worried about your safety, worried about your future, worried
about your children—even though there are so many negative things in the
world, so much crime and violence. It may be happening all around you, but you
have an advantage. God has put a distinction on you. The psalmist said, “A
thousand may fall at my side, ten thousand at my right hand, but it will not come
near me.” God has placed a hedge of protection around you and your family. For
the enemy to get to you, he has to ask God for permission.
I’m not saying negative things will never happen. That’s not reality. I’m
saying you are protected by the One who controls it all. If God allows it to
happen, He’s promised that He will turn it somehow and use it for your good.
It’s easy to look to people as our source or to look to our job as our source. Yes,
God uses people, He uses jobs, and He uses contracts, but they are not the
Source. They are simply a resource that the Source uses. If you’re seeing things
other than God as your source, the problem is that if something happens to them,
you’ll think, What am I going to do? The source has been cut off. No, the Source
is just fine. God is still on the throne. The Scripture says, “Every good gift
comes from our Father in heaven above.” That good gift may come through
people, but it came from God. Your salary may come through your company, but
it came from your heavenly Father. He’s the One who caused that company to
hire you. He’s using them as a resource. That contract may have come through a
friend or through another connection, but it came from God.
That’s why you don’t have to play up to people at work or compromise to
get a good break. People are not your provider; God is your provider. That job is
simply the resource through which God chose to bless you. If you don’t
understand this, you can make people your God. “If my supervisor doesn’t like
me, if this contract doesn’t last, if this client is not good to me, how will I make
it?” Take people off the throne. People are not your source; God is your source.
It’s nice when they’re good to you, it’s nice when they recognize your value, but
don’t become so dependent on them that you start seeing them as your provider.
Recognize that behind the resource is the Source. Behind the income and behind
the opportunity is the Most High God causing people to be good to you, causing
that door to open, causing that client to seek you out. Be grateful for the
resource, but keep your eyes on the Source.
When Peter didn’t have money to pay his taxes, Jesus told him to go to the
lake and catch a fish. The first fish he caught had a gold coin in it, enough to pay
his taxes. God was showing us how He can use different resources. If a contract
runs out at work and it looks as though you’re going to be set back, don’t be
discouraged. God has another fish. He has things you’ve never thought of. When
you keep God first place, you’re connected to a supply line that will never run
dry. You’re not at the mercy of the economy, or who likes you, or what your
boss does. God has all kinds of resources He can use.
Supernatural Flow
You may have areas in your life that are dry, where you haven’t seen any good
breaks, any increase, any favor. It seems like it’s permanent. Get ready. Things
are about to flow again. God is about to do something unusual, something out of
the ordinary. You can’t make it happen, the odds are against you, but the Source
is going to send a supernatural flow. It may look as though that dream has dried
up, but favor is about to flow, finances are about to flow, good breaks are about
to flow, the right people are about to flow. You’re not going to have to find
them; they’re going to find you. The medical report may not look good, you feel
stuck in your health, but receive this into your spirit: Healing is flowing,
strength is flowing, restoration is flowing, freedom is flowing. You can’t get
ahead in your career; people have held you down and left you out. Stay
encouraged, for the flow is coming; promotion is going to flow, creativity is
about to flow, ideas are going to flow.
I believe that every power that has stopped your flow is being broken right
now. You’re coming into supernatural increase, supernatural provision,
supernatural healing, supernatural connections. You’ve heard the saying “It’s
showtime.” God is saying, “It’s flowtime.” He’s going to open the windows of
Heaven and pour out blessings you cannot contain. One touch of His favor and
you’ll go from famine to flourishing, from barely enough to more than enough.
Now do your part and get in agreement with Him. “Father, thank You that my
job is not my source, but You are my Source. I’m grateful for this medicine, but
You are my healer. I don’t see how I can accomplish my dreams, but I know You
have a way where I don’t see a way.”
I know a couple who wanted to buy a house in another state. They were
looking in a certain neighborhood at a house they really liked, but every time
they tried to move forward they just didn’t feel good about it. After several
months they found a large piece of property right on the outskirts of the
subdivision. In the natural, being in the neighborhood would have been a better
investment. The property values were higher. Even though they could have
afforded that house, because they didn’t feel peace, they purchased the other
property outside the neighborhood.
Six months later two men showed up at their door. They were geologists.
They told the couple they had been studying the area for several years and had
discovered a massive amount of oil under the subdivision but the property was
too small. There was no place for them to drill. They said, “If you’ll let us lease
part of your property, we’ll not only give you the commission from your
property, but we’ll give you a commission from all the homes in the
subdivision.” There were twelve hundred homes in that neighborhood. Isaiah
said, “God knows where the hidden riches are found.” You know why? He’s the
One who put them there. He’s the Source, the Creator, the Most High God.
Nothing may be flowing now, but the Source knows where all the treasures are.
He knows how to have you at the right place at the right time. He may not cause
you to strike oil, but He can give you one idea that will catapult you to a new
level. As He did for us when we were acquiring the Compaq Center, He can
cause one person to come across your path who will help you accomplish a
dream that seems impossible. He not only knows what you need, but He knows
when you’re going to need it.
A Public Display
What God is going to do in your life is not just going to be done in private,
where nobody sees it hidden in the background. God is going to do something in
public. He’s going to show out to where you not only see His power, but people
around you see His power. It’s one thing when God does something in secret. He
turns a problem around, and nobody knows about it, showing you favor in
private. But when God brings you out in public, it’s a different story. When
people are trying to discredit you, push you down, God opens a door you
couldn’t open, promotes you when you didn’t have the qualifications, puts you
in a position of influence. When He gives you a public display, you don’t have
to answer your critics; God does.
When it looked as though you had reached your limits, relatives laughed.
When you told them you were going to pay off your house, they shook their
heads, thinking you’re kind of far out. But when you come into an explosive
blessing that catapults you ahead, they won’t be shaking their heads in
disapproval. They’ll be shaking their heads in amazement. God is going to show
out not only to take you into your destiny but to prove to other people that the
Lord is on your side. What He’s about to do in your life publicly is not going to
leave any doubt. It’s one thing to say the Lord is on your side, and it’s another to
see the Lord is on your side. You’ve been saying it. You’ve been faithful,
believing and expecting. Get ready. You’re about to see it. God is going to do
something so big, so unusual, that there won’t be any doubt to you and to people
around you that His favor is on your life.
In the Old Testament, the Israelites had several different feasts that they were to
observe each year. These feasts, such as Passover and the Feast of Weeks
(Pentecost), were at set times based on the cycle of the moon and certain other
criteria. The times had been ordained by God and couldn’t be changed. These
were special times that God had set aside to bless His people. He had already
established when to show them favor.
Just as it was with them, there are set times God has already ordained to
show out in your life. We can all look back and see these times when we got a
break that we didn’t deserve, things fell into place, maybe your career took off.
After years of things being routine, average, you came into a season of growth, a
season of increase, a season of blessing. What was that? A set time of favor.
I talked to a man recently who’d had back pain for eight years. He hurt his
back playing football in college. He’d had surgery, gone through treatment,
rehab, and took pain pills. Nothing seemed to help. He’d already decided he’d
have to live with that pain for the rest of his life. But about six months before we
talked, out of the blue things started getting better and better. He said, “Joel, I
don’t know what happened. The doctors can’t explain it, but today I’m totally
free from this pain.” As with the Israelites, he came into one of his set times.
Windows of Opportunity
I talked to a young lady who moved to Houston from another state. She had tried
to get her business started in the Northeast, but things didn’t work out, and she
felt that she was supposed to take a step of faith and move here. During her
thirteen-hour drive to Texas, she listened to my messages on SiriusXM and
never turned it off. I’d get tired of hearing myself for thirteen hours. When she
heard one message about how God can accelerate your dreams and make things
happen faster than you thought, something came alive inside. She thought, Yes,
that’s for me. She started in her new sales position, and realistically she knew it
would take a while to build up a clientele and really get things going. But she
said that in the first month she sold more than she sold in the whole previous
year back at home. She was so excited and said, “Joel, there are still six days left
in this month, and I’m going to sell even more!” What happened? She came into
her set time of favor, her set time of acceleration. But I wonder what would have
happened if she had thought, I’m never going to see favor. I’m never going to
see acceleration. It’s going to be rough getting started in a new city. That would
have limited her destiny.
God works where there’s faith. You may not see how it can happen in the
natural. That’s okay; He’s a supernatural God. You don’t have to figure it all out.
All you have to do is believe. Take the limits off God. Dare to do as she did and
say, “God, just as You promised in Psalm 102 that it was the set time to favor
Zion, I know that I am Zion, I am the church, so I believe it’s my set time for
favor, my set time for acceleration, my set time to go to a new level.”
A mother called the other day and told how she has an adult child who’s
physically challenged, and this child recently had a stroke and needed constant
care. This mother is a widow and couldn’t afford to quit her job. There was a
well-respected facility that takes care of disabled people not far from where she
lives. But when she inquired, she was told there was a ten-year waiting list to get
in. She didn’t know what she was going to do. This mother wasn’t raised in
church, and she didn’t have any spiritual background, but through watching us
on television she had come to know the Lord. She heard me talking about
acceleration. In her own simple way, with a childlike faith, she said, “God, they
said it’s going to take ten years to get my child in. But, Lord, I believe that You
can make it happen sooner.” Three weeks later the facility called her back and
said, “We’ve had an opening come up unexpectedly. We’d love to have your
child.” What could have taken ten years, God did in a fraction of the time. A set
time of favor. A moment God had already designated.
The common denominator with both of these ladies is they released their
faith. They had an expectancy. If the mother of the disabled child would have
thought, Oh, great, ten years. Just my luck. What am I going to do? maybe the
door wouldn’t have opened. Maybe the set time would have been delayed.
Instead of being negative, talking themselves out of it, these two ladies acted as
though the alarm was going off. They changed their position, changed their
attitude. They even dared to ask God for what seemed impossible.
When that alarm is sounding, when it’s your time, that’s a window of
opportunity. It’s not going to last forever. Don’t let the negative voices convince
you that you’re never going to get well, never getting out of debt, never getting
your child in, that too many people are in front of you. No, in this set time, God
knows how to take you from the back to the front. He can open doors that no
man can shut. He’ll take you where you could not go on your own.
God has things in store for you that you don’t see coming. It may seem as
though you’ve reached your limits, you’ve gone as far as you can, but God is
going to open doors you never thought would open. You didn’t have the
training, you weren’t next in line, but somehow you were chosen for the
promotion. God has unexpected favor for you. He’s going to do things that you
didn’t deserve.
That’s what happened in Genesis 48. Jacob was an old man and about to
die. His son Joseph was the prime minister of Egypt, second in command under
Pharaoh. Joseph was Jacob’s second youngest son and his favorite. He’d given
Joseph his coat of many colors and was so proud of him, but for many years
Jacob thought Joseph was dead. His brothers told their father that Joseph had
been torn to pieces and eaten by a wild animal when in fact they had sold him
into slavery. Jacob was heartbroken and lived with all this pain.
Some thirteen years later, Jacob found out that Joseph was still alive and in
this position of great honor. Joseph eventually brought his father and his entire
family to Egypt, gave them places to live, and took care of them. Now Jacob
was 140 years old and about to pass. Joseph went in to say his good-byes and to
receive the blessing from his father. He took his two sons with him, Manasseh
and Ephraim. When Jacob saw the boys, he asked who they were. Joseph said,
“Dad, these are my sons, your grandsons.” Imagine how Jacob must have felt.
He never thought he would see Joseph again. He’d already accepted that he was
gone. Now God not only let him see his son, but he saw his grandsons. His heart
was overjoyed.
As Jacob did, you may have given up on a dream. You think it’s been too
long. You’ve accepted that you’ll never get well, never meet the right person, or
never start that business. But what God put in your heart, He’s not only still
going to bring to pass, but it’s going to turn out better than you thought. It will
be not just your son, but your grandsons as well, so to speak. It’s going to
exceed what you’re thinking.
Far-and-Beyond Opportunities
I saw a young man on television who was playing professional football. He had
just caught the game-winning touchdown. His teammates were piling on him,
the fans were cheering, everybody was shouting and going wild. Two years
earlier he had been working at a grocery store stocking shelves. He had been a
star player in college and was excited about playing professionally, but he
wasn’t drafted. He had been turned down by all the teams. They said he was too
small. No one wanted him. He felt overlooked, forgotten. He knew he had what
it takes, but nobody would give him a chance. One day, out of the blue, a coach
whom he had never met called and invited him to try out for the team. He made
the team and went on to become their leading receiver. When the reporter was
interviewing him after the game-winning catch, this young man thanked the
Lord, then he said, “Wow! I never saw this coming.” He thought his days of
football were over. He’d already accepted that it wasn’t meant to be, then God
crossed His arms. Not only was he celebrating the victory, but everyone was
celebrating him.
People may rule you out, they may tell you it’s never going to work out, but
God has the final say. He knows how to take you from the background to the
foreground. When He decides to bless you, things are going to happen that you
didn’t see coming. You don’t have to be the most qualified, the most
experienced, or from the most influential family. If you are, that’s great. God can
still take you higher. You may feel that you have disadvantages, and some you
have no control over—what family you were born into, what nationality, what
social standing. Ephraim couldn’t help it that he wasn’t the firstborn son. He
couldn’t help it that his mother had worshipped idols. He had no say over that.
On the surface, that could hold you back and cause you to think, Too bad for me.
This is my lot in life, but God doesn’t choose the way we choose. He’s about to
show you influence, ability, and opportunities that you didn’t see coming.
David said, “Who am I, O Lord, and what is my family that You would take
me this far?” He was saying, “I wasn’t the biggest, strongest, or the most
qualified. I didn’t come from royalty. I was a shepherd working in the fields,
minding my own business, and, Lord, look where You’ve taken me.” He didn’t
have to go after it. It came after him. The prophet Samuel showed up at his
house to anoint him king.
God has some far-and-beyond opportunities that are about to come looking
for you. The right people are going to track you down. You couldn’t make it
happen. It’s the arm of the Lord reaching down to promote, to elevate, to
increase you. You’re going to look back and say as David did, “Wow, God! I
never dreamed You’d take me to this level.” Now keep your faith out there.
Thoughts will tell you it’s never going to happen. Get ready. God’s about to
cross His arms. I believe and declare you’re coming into unexpected favor,
unexpected healing, unexpected turnarounds. God is going to take you from the
background to the foreground. You’re going to step into new levels and see His
favor in greater ways.
Sometimes we don’t see how we can accomplish our dreams. We don’t have
the connections, the resources, or the experience. I talked to a young man who
wanted to go to college, but his scholarship didn’t go through. He comes from a
single-parent home and doesn’t have the funds. The odds are against him, and
it’s easy to get discouraged in those situations and say, “I can’t get out of debt.
I’ve gone as far as I can.” “I’ll never get well. Look at the medical report.” “I’ll
never break this addiction. I’ve had it for years.”
It may look as though it’s not going to happen, but what you can’t see is
you’re just one good break away. Just meeting one right person, just one phone
call, one contract, one healing, and what seemed impossible will suddenly
become possible. You don’t need a hundred things to go right. Just one touch of
God’s favor, and doors will open that you couldn’t open. Just one person being
for you will catapult you ahead. Just one breakthrough, and suddenly you get
well. Suddenly you’re free from the addiction. Suddenly the depression is gone.
You may have situations that don’t look as though they’ll ever change, but stay
encouraged. God has already arranged good breaks for you, things that you
couldn’t make happen. You weren’t next in line. You didn’t have the experience,
but out of nowhere the contract came to you.
He’s already lined up the right people to help you. You didn’t ask them.
You didn’t have to try to win them over. For no apparent reason, they will go out
of their way to be good to you. They’ve been ordained by God to move you into
your destiny. You don’t have to worry about how it’s going to work out. God can
cause one person to like you, one person to say, “Promote them. Give them the
position,” and suddenly you’ll go to a new level. Instead of thinking, It’s a long
way off. I don’t see how it can ever happen, turn it around and say, “Father,
thank You that I’m just one good break away. Thank You that with one touch of
Your goodness, things will change in my favor.”
We all face challenges that look permanent, as if they’ll never turn around,
dreams and goals that seem as though they’re a long way off. It’s easy to get
discouraged and accept that it’s never going to work out. But what you can’t see
is God is working behind the scenes. What He promised you, He still has every
intention of bringing to pass.
All the circumstances may say it’s going to take years to get out of debt,
years to meet the right person, but God is going to surprise you. It’s going to
happen sooner than it looks. There wasn’t any sign of it. You weren’t expecting
it. Out of nowhere, your health improves, your business takes off, you break the
addiction. Don’t believe the lies that it’s permanent. You may not see anything
changing yet, but stay in faith; you are closer than you think.
Commanded to Be Blessed
When we honor God with our lives and do our best to keep Him first place, the
Scripture says God will command His blessing to come on us. When God
commands, it’s not “maybe it will happen,” or “I hope it happens,” or “if the
circumstances come together.” No, when God commands, there are no ifs, ands,
or buts about it. It’s going to happen.
When God said, “Let there be light,” the Earth was dark, without form, like
a black hole. But God didn’t check the circumstances to see if light was
possible. He didn’t have experts analyze it to see if they thought it could happen.
He simply spoke the words. When He commanded the light, it came at 186,000
miles per second, and nothing could stop it. In a similar way, when God
commands you to be blessed, He doesn’t check what family you come from,
where you work, who likes you, or how good the economy is. None of that
matters to God. All the circumstances can be against you. The experts may tell
you, “You’ll never get well. You’ll never meet the right person. You’ll never be
successful.” Every voice says, “You’re stuck. Just accept it. There’s no way in
the natural.” The good news is, we serve a supernatural God. When He
commands the blessing, all the forces of darkness cannot stop Him.
With the commanded blessing, you’ll go places you couldn’t go on your
own. Doors will open that you couldn’t open. You’ll be promoted even though
you weren’t the most qualified. The commanded blessing will cause good breaks
to find you. Contracts, opportunities, business, and favor will track you down.
Now get in agreement with God. Quit saying, “I’ll never get ahead, Joel. These
people at work don’t like me.” It doesn’t matter who doesn’t like you at work.
What matters is that the Most High God likes you, and He is not limited by
who’s against you, by who’s not giving you credit, by who’s not treating you
right. One touch of His favor will move them out of the way and get you to
where you’re supposed to be. Don’t be discouraged by what’s unfair. God sees
what’s happening. Keep being your best; keep honoring Him. You’re not
working unto people, you’re working unto God, and when it’s your time to be
promoted, rest assured you will be promoted. People can’t stop you. Bad breaks
can’t stop you. Injustice can’t stop you. The commanded blessing on your life
will override every force that’s trying to hold you back.
I know a young man who works in the medical field. He graduated from
college and had been at the same entry-level position in his company for six
years. He’s a hard worker and always does more than required, but his
supervisor never liked him. He wouldn’t give him any credit and kept promoting
new employees over him who didn’t have his training or expertise. It wasn’t fair,
and he didn’t like it, but he understands this principle: Because he’s honoring
God, there is a commanded blessing on his life. One morning he went to work
and found out that his supervisor had unexpectedly resigned. He had a family
issue and had to move to another state. The administration called him in and
said, “This supervisor has recommended you to take his position.” The
supervisor never even liked him and was never for him, but when you have the
commanded blessing, God will cause people to be good to you who have never
been good to you. He’ll use even your enemies to bless you. This young man
was so excited and so baffled at the same time. He said, “Joel, this man tried to
hold me down. He tried to discredit me.”
Here’s the key: People don’t have the final say; God does. People don’t
determine your destiny. They didn’t breathe life into you, they didn’t call you,
and they didn’t number your days. You may be in a situation that feels unfair,
where it seems as though somebody is stopping you. Don’t worry. Your time is
coming. Keep doing the right thing when the wrong thing is happening. There is
a commanded blessing on your life. They can’t keep you down. All the
circumstances may be against you, but the Most High God is for you.
Exceeded Expectations
We all have things that we’re believing for, dreams to come to pass, problems
to turn around. We’d be happy if they worked out our way, but sometimes what
we have in mind is not God’s best. We think ordinary; God thinks extraordinary.
We think, Let me have enough to get by; God thinks abundance. We think, Let
me manage this addiction; God thinks freedom. We’re asking for the possible
when God wants to do the impossible. He specializes in exceeding our
expectations. What He has in store for you is bigger, more rewarding, more
fulfilling than you can imagine.
The apostle Paul said in Ephesians 3 that God is able to do exceedingly
abundantly above all we can ask or think. He’s not just going to do what you’re
asking for, He’s going to exceed it. He’s going to open doors you never dreamed
would open. He’s going to take you further than you can imagine. You’re going
to look back and think, I never dreamed I’d be this blessed, never dreamed I’d
have this position, never dreamed I’d marry somebody this great. Get ready.
God is about to exceed your expectations. He’s going to make things happen that
you didn’t see coming. You didn’t deserve it, and you didn’t work for it. It’s just
the goodness of God showing favor on your life.
I love the fact that even though this crippled man had low expectations, even
though all he was expecting was a few coins, God didn’t say, “Too bad. I had
something much better, but you don’t have enough faith. I was going to bring
you healing, but you’re not expecting enough.” God is so merciful. Even when
we don’t have the faith, even when we think we’ve reached our limits, God says,
“That’s okay. I’m going to show you favor in spite of that.”
The Scripture says when we have faith the size of a mustard seed, nothing
is impossible. A mustard seed is one of the smallest seeds. God could have said,
“If you have great faith, if you never doubt and never get discouraged, I’ll do
something big.” But God knows there will be times when we don’t have the
faith we need to reach our destinies, so He says, “If you have just a little bit of
faith, that’s all you need. Then I’ll show up and exceed your expectations.” The
fact that you’re reading this tells me you at least have mustard seed faith. That
means you have the faith you need for God to show out in your life. You have
the faith for God to catapult you to new levels, but, as with this man, you may
feel that you’re stuck, doing the same thing. You have some kind of
disadvantage. Now you’re expecting a few coins, so to speak, expecting the
ordinary. That’s where that man was, yet God showed up and did the
extraordinary. You may have a good reason to settle where you are, but God
loves you too much to let you miss your destiny. It may seem like just another
ordinary day, the same old thing, everything looks routine. No, get ready. God is
about to show up and do something unusual, something that you haven’t seen.
He’s going to exceed your expectation.
When the people in the temple saw the crippled man now healed, the
Scripture says they were “astonished.” What God is about to do in your life is
going to cause people to look at you in astonishment. They’re going to say,
“How could you be so blessed? I know where you came from.” “How could you
be free when so many around you are addicted?” “How could you be so strong,
so healthy, so energetic? The medical report said you weren’t going to get well.”
God is going to make you an example of His goodness. When He exceeds your
expectations, people are going to take notice. They’re going to see the favor on
your life.
What you’re believing for, the promises you’re standing on, the dreams you’ve
been praying about, they’re already en route. The healing is coming, the
promotion is coming, the favor is coming, the right people are coming. You may
not see any signs of it yet; everything looks the same. What you can’t see is that
behind the scenes, God is moving the wrong people out of the way, pushing
back the forces of darkness. He’s arranging things in your favor, lining up the
breaks you need. He’s called the Author and the Finisher of our faith. He’s going
to finish what He started in your life. God didn’t bring you this far to leave you.
You may have big challenges, but we serve a big God. Your enemies may be
powerful, but our God is all-powerful. That dream may look impossible. You
don’t think you have the connections, the resources, or the talent, but God can
do the impossible. Even when the odds are against you, God is for you, and He’s
saying, “Favor is on the way.”
Sometimes you need these words of faith spoken over your life. Words
have creative power. If you let them take root, they’ll ignite the faith in your
spirit. Because life has a way of pushing us down, if you’re not careful, you will
look up and realize that you’re not believing as you once did. You’re not
passionate, not dreaming. You don’t see how your situation could ever work out.
But here’s the key: You don’t have to figure it out. Our job is to believe. Our job
is to go out each day with expectancy and say, “God, I may not see a way, but I
know You have a way. I believe my breakthrough is on the way. I believe my
healing, the promotion, freedom from this addiction—it’s just a matter of time
before it shows up.” If you don’t have this anticipation that it’s on the way, it can
keep it from happening.
You may have big obstacles in your path that you can’t overcome on your
own. The good news is, you’re not on your own. You have the most powerful
force in the universe breathing in your direction. When He speaks, Red Seas
part, blind eyes open, dreams come back to life. We look at our circumstances in
the natural, but He’s a supernatural God. The prophet Isaiah says that He’s going
before you, making your crooked places straight, fighting your battles. No
person can stop you—no bad break, no sickness, no failure. Get your fire back.
You have to stir up your faith. Maybe at one time you believed, you were
passionate and excited about life, but things haven’t turned out the way you
hoped. You had some bad breaks, some disappointments. God is saying, “It’s
time to believe again. It’s time to dream again.” You haven’t seen your best
days. What God promised you is still going to come to pass. It’s not too late.
You haven’t missed too many opportunities. If it had happened sooner, it
wouldn’t have been the right time. Now is the time. Start believing again.
It’s Not Dead; It’s Just Asleep
Maybe somebody walked out on you in the past, somebody did you wrong, but
that didn’t stop God’s plan for you. Don’t give up on your dreams and live hurt
and wounded, thinking they ruined your life. They don’t control your destiny.
They don’t have that much power over you. What they did may not have been
fair, but God is going to make it up to you. He’s saying new beginnings are on
the way—new friendships, new opportunities. They meant it for your harm, but
God’s going to use it for your good. The problem you’re facing is not too big for
our God. The medical report is not too bad, because He has the final say. He
says that healing is on the way. He’s going to restore health back to you. You
may have struggled in your finances for a long time; you can’t seem to get
ahead. Now you’ve just settled there, thinking that’s the way it’s always going to
be. God is saying, “I have increase on the way. I have favor, promotion, and
opportunities that have your name on them.” God says He will open the
windows of Heaven and pour out blessings that we cannot contain. Why don’t
you get up each day and say, “Father, thank You that abundance is coming my
way. Thank You that I’ll lend and not borrow. Thank You that You’re opening
doors that no man can shut.” When you live with this expectancy, that’s when
dreams come to pass, doors open that you could never open. That’s when you’ll
see explosive blessings that catapult you to the next level.
But too many people have given up on what God put in their heart. They
tried and it didn’t work out; now they think the dream is dead. They’ll never get
well, never meet the right person, never come into abundance. But what you
think is dead is not really dead. That seed is still alive. God doesn’t abort
dreams. He doesn’t give up on what He put in us.
In John 11, word came to Jesus that his good friend Lazarus was very sick.
He was in another city, and they asked Jesus to come pray for him. Jesus was
delayed for a couple days, and Lazarus died. But it’s interesting that Jesus said
to His disciples, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep. I am going there to wake
him up.” Lazarus was clearly dead, but Jesus had a different perspective. He said
Lazarus was only asleep. Could it be what you think is dead really isn’t dead?
Perhaps you think your marriage is never going to make it, or you’ll never get
well, or you’ll never accomplish the dream. As Lazarus was in the grave, all the
circumstances say that it’s over and done, but God says, “I have a different
perspective. I can see things that you can’t see. It’s not dead; it’s just asleep.” It
may look permanent, but the truth is, it’s only temporary.
Jesus showed up at Lazarus’s house four days late. Lazarus had been in the
tomb so long that he stunk. His body was so dead that it smelled bad. At times,
we all have things in life that stink. Maybe your marriage feels so dead that it
stinks. That bankruptcy stinks. That layoff stinks. That mistake you made that
set you back stinks. Jesus went to the tomb and told them to roll away the stone.
Martha said, “No, Jesus. It smells too bad. You’re not going to like it. You’re
going to be put off by it.” Jesus said, “No, Martha. Have them roll away that
What’s the point? Jesus went to where the stink was. Sometimes we think
that God will only help us if we’ve lived perfectly, if everything is nice and
whole, but God goes to the stinky places in our lives. That person who hurt you,
did you wrong, it stinks. God is saying, “Let Me in. I’m going to wake up the
healing, wake up the restoration, wake up the new beginning.” That mistake you
made, you feel condemned, every voice tells you, “God’s not going to bless you.
Nothing good is coming your way. You blew it. You stink.” God is saying, “No.
Roll that stone away. I’m not bothered by the stink.” God goes to the stinky
places where you were betrayed, where you lost the loved one, where you
compromised, where you feel disqualified. God says, “Let Me in. The stink is
only temporary. The dream is not dead; it’s just asleep.”
Jesus looked into the tomb at Lazarus and called out in a loud voice,
“Lazarus, come forth!” Lazarus woke up. He’d been dead for four days, but he
came out of the tomb and went on to live for many more years. I believe that
things you’ve given up on, things that you think are dead, like Lazarus, they’re
about to wake up. Marriages are waking up, dreams are waking up, healing is
waking up, abundance is waking up. God is saying to us what He said to the
disciples, “It’s not dead; it’s just asleep. Healing is coming, joy is coming,
victory is coming.” It may have been asleep for a long time. You think, There’s
no way it could happen now. That’s what Mary and Martha thought. But it’s not
too late, it’s not too far gone. You need to get ready. God’s about to wake it up.
Marvelous Faith
In Mark 6, Jesus went back to his hometown and began to teach the people in
the synagogue. They had heard that Jesus had done great miracles, calmed the
seas, opened blind eyes. But when they saw Him up there teaching, they
thought, That’s just Jesus. We grew up with him. That’s the carpenter’s son.
There’s nothing special about him. Because they didn’t believe in Him, He
couldn’t do many miracles in His hometown. The Scripture says, “Jesus
marveled at their unbelief.” By way of contrast, in the book of Matthew, a
Roman officer came to Jesus and said, “One of my employees is very sick. You
don’t need to come to my house. Just speak the word, and I know he’ll be
healed.” When Jesus heard this, the Scripture says, “He was amazed and said, ‘I
have not found such great faith in all of Israel.’” In one place, Jesus marveled at
their doubt, and in the other, He marveled at their faith.
When God looks at you, what will He marvel at? “I’ll never get well, Joel.
I’ve had this sickness so long. I’ll never accomplish my dreams. I tried, and it
didn’t work out.” When you think like that, God marvels at your unbelief. That
ties His hands. Why don’t you come over into faith? “Yes, I’ve had this sickness
a long time, but I know my healing is on the way. I had a bad break, it wasn’t
fair, but I know God has beauty for these ashes. I know favor is in my future.”
When we think like that, God marvels at your faith. That’s what allows Him to
do more than we can ask or think.
What’s interesting is that the people who doubted, the people who had the
unbelief, were the religious people. They were in the synagogue each week.
They were the faithful members. I say this respectfully, but sometimes religion
will try to talk you out of God’s best. It will tell you, “In the sweet by-and-by
you can live a victorious life, but down here you just have to suffer through it,
just endure. Don’t expect too much.” If Jesus were here, He would marvel at
that unbelief. My father was taught in seminary years ago that the day of
miracles was over. “God doesn’t still heal and bless and show favor. That was
for Bible days.” But we learned there never was a day of miracles; there’s a God
of miracles. He’s still alive. He’s still on the throne. My point is that this Roman
officer who had great faith wasn’t a religious person. He hadn’t been
indoctrinated to think that it couldn’t happen. He simply believed, That man is
the Son of God. I’ve seen Him do miracles. He’s done it for others, and He can
do it for me. He received his miracle while the religious people went without.
When you take the limits off God and dare to believe for your dreams,
don’t be surprised if people try to talk you out of it. They will say things such as,
“You really think you’ll get well? You really believe you can start that business?
You’re going to break that addiction? I don’t know. Seems kind of far out to
me.” God’s going to either marvel at your faith or marvel at your unbelief. Don’t
let another person talk you out of what God put in your heart. Believe big,
dream big, and pray big. God is longing to be good to you. He wants to make
you an example of His goodness so that everywhere you go, you don’t even
have to say anything—your life is a testimony. People will look at you and say,
“He’s blessed. She’s highly favored.” You radiate joy, peace, favor, and victory.
You’re a living testimony.
Jesus didn’t say to the Roman officer, “I’m not going to do anything for
you. You don’t attend my synagogue. You don’t come to my church.” He didn’t
say, “You’re not my nationality. You don’t look like me. Who do you think you
are?” None of that made any difference. All that mattered to Jesus was: “This
man has great faith. He believes I can do something out of the ordinary, so I’m
going to show myself strong in his life.” You may think that you’re not religious
enough, so God would never help you. People tell me often, “Joel, I watch you,
but I’m not a religious person. I wasn’t raised in church like you.” It’s almost as
though they’re apologizing. Can I tell you, God is not looking for religion. He’s
looking for people who simply believe in Him, who know He controls the
universe, who believe He can do the impossible.
Living Favor-Minded
God told Abraham, “I will bless you with an abundant increase of favors.” He
did not mean just one or two favors. He said, “I’m going to do favors for you in
abundance.” You and I are the seed of Abraham. What would happen if we
really believed that the Creator of the universe wants to do favors for us?
Most of the time we think, God has bigger things to deal with than me. He’s
not interested in that. No, you are God’s biggest deal. He wants to make you an
example of His goodness. The word favor means “to assist, to provide with
advantages, to receive preferential treatment.” The favor of God will cause you
to be promoted even though you aren’t the most qualified. God’s favor will
cause your children to get the best teachers in school. It will help you find the
best deals at the mall. It will put you at the right place at the right time. God is
saying to you what He said to Abraham: “I’m going to assist you. I’m going to
provide you with advantages. I’m going to cause you to receive preferential
“Well, Joel, this never happens for me. I must not have this favor.” No, you
have it, but the reason many people don’t experience it is that they’re not
releasing their faith in this area. They’re not expecting good breaks. They don’t
expect preferential treatment. They have an underdog mentality. They say,
“Everybody gets promoted except me.” “I put my house on the market. I should
have known it wouldn’t sell.” “I went to the grocery store and got in the longest
line. Just my luck.”
If you’re going to experience this favor, you have to live favor-minded.
That means you’re expecting it and you’re declaring it. Every day before you
leave the house you should say, “Father, thank You that I have Your favor.” Then
go out expecting good things to happen. Expect doors to open for you that may
not open for somebody else. You have an advantage. There is something special
about you. You have the favor of God. I’m not talking about being arrogant and
thinking that we’re better than somebody else. I’m talking about living with
boldness—not because of who we are but because of Whose we are. You are a
child of the Most High God. Your Father created the whole universe. You can
expect preferential treatment.
In the previous chapter, I noted that the psalmist said, “God’s favor surrounds
us like a shield,” which means everywhere you go you have an advantage, a
divine empowerment, opening up the right doors, causing things to fall into
place. But the prophet Isaiah took it a step further. He said, “Arise and shine, for
the glory of the Lord is upon you.” That word glory in the original language
implies God’s favor is heavy upon you. There is an emphasis on the weight.
Isaiah was saying, “You didn’t just get a little favor, enough to get by, to scrape
through life.” No, when it comes to favor, you’re not a lightweight. You are
heavy with favor. You are weighted down with God’s goodness.
It’s one thing to know you have favor. That’s important, but when you
realize you are heavy with favor, it takes on a whole new meaning. You won’t
go around intimidated or insecure. You’ll put your shoulders back, hold your
head high. When you know you have heavy favor, you’ll pray bold prayers.
You’ll believe for the extraordinary. You’ll expect doors to open for you that
may not open for somebody else. You’ll expect to pay off your house, to break
the addiction, to see your children be mighty in the land. When you know you’re
heavy with favor, you’ll arise, and that’s when God will cause you to shine.
You’ll step into a new level of your destiny.
Maybe you’re heavy with worry, heavy with discouragement, weighted
down with problems, disappointments, sickness, and lack. You need to get ready.
Things are about to turn in your favor. Instead of being heavy with burdens,
you’re going to be heavy with good breaks, heavy with divine health, heavy
with opportunity, heavy with joy.
I remember back in the ’60s that when something good happened, hippies
would say, “Heavy, man. Heavy.” That’s what you’re going to be saying. Out of
nowhere a good break comes. “Heavy, man. Heavy.” The medical report didn’t
look good, but your health suddenly turns around. “Heavy, man. Heavy.” In your
finances you receive an explosive blessing—a bonus, a raise, an inheritance—
and you pay off your house, you come out of debt into overflow. “Heavy, man.
Heavy.” Now shake off the doubt. Shake off the discouragement. Have a new
perspective. You didn’t get average favor, ordinary favor, just enough favor. You
are heavy with favor. When you understand this, it will change your outlook.
You’ll have a boldness, a confidence to ask big, to believe big, to expect God’s
favor in a new way.
In this book I offer many stories shared with me by friends, members of our
congregation, and people I’ve met around the world. I appreciate and
acknowledge their contributions and support. Some of those mentioned in the
book are people I have not met personally, and in a few cases, we’ve changed
the names to protect the privacy of individuals. I give honor to all those to whom
honor is due. As the son of a church leader and a pastor myself, I’ve listened to
countless sermons and presentations, so in some cases I can’t remember the
exact source of a story.
I am indebted to the amazing staff of Lakewood Church, the wonderful
members of Lakewood who share their stories with me, and those around the
world who generously support our ministry and make it possible to bring hope
to a world in need. I am grateful to all those who follow our services on
television, the Internet, SiriusXM, and through the podcasts. You are all part of
our Lakewood family.
I offer special thanks also to all the pastors across the country who are
members of our Champions Network.
Once again, I am grateful for a wonderful team of professionals who helped
me put this book together for you. Leading them is my FaithWords/Hachette
publisher, Rolf Zettersten, along with team members Patsy Jones, Billy Clark,
and Karin Mathis. I truly appreciate the editorial contributions of wordsmith
Lance Wubbels.
I am grateful also to my literary agents Jan Miller Rich and Shannon
Marven at Dupree Miller & Associates.
And last but not least, thanks to my wife, Victoria, and our children,
Jonathan and Alexandra, who are my sources of daily inspiration, as well as our
closest family members, who serve as day-to-day leaders of our ministry,
including my mother, Dodie; my brother, Paul, and his wife, Jennifer; my sister
Lisa and her husband, Kevin; and my brother-in-law Don and his wife, Jackelyn.
We Want to Hear from You!
Each week, I close our international television broadcast by giving the audience
an opportunity to make Jesus the Lord of their lives. I’d like to extend that same
opportunity to you.
Are you at peace with God? A void exists in every person’s heart that only
God can fill. I’m not talking about joining a church or finding religion. I’m
talking about finding life and peace and happiness. Would you pray with me
today? Just say, “Lord Jesus, I repent of my sins. I ask You to come into my
heart. I make You my Lord and Savior.”
Friend, if you prayed that simple prayer, I believe you have been “born
again.” I encourage you to attend a good Bible-based church and keep God in
first place in your life. For free information on how you can grow stronger in
your spiritual life, please feel free to contact us.
Victoria and I love you, and we’ll be praying for you. We’re believing for
God’s best for you, that you will see your dreams come to pass. We’d love to
hear from you!
To contact us, write to:
Title Page
The Power of Favor
Declare Favor
Favor Connections
Distinctive Favor
God Is Your Source
A Public Display
Favor in the Storm
Your Set Time for Favor
The God Who Crosses His Arms
Just One Good Break
By This Time Next Year
Commanded to Be Blessed
Exceeded Expectations
It’s on the Way
Living Favor-Minded
Heavy with Favor
Discover More
Also by Joel Osteen
Title Page
CHAPTER ONE: The Power of Favor
CHAPTER TWO: Declare Favor
CHAPTER THREE: Favor Connections
CHAPTER FOUR: Distinctive Favor
CHAPTER FIVE: God Is Your Source
CHAPTER SIX: A Public Display
CHAPTER SEVEN: Favor in the Storm
CHAPTER EIGHT: Your Set Time for Favor
CHAPTER NINE: The God Who Crosses His Arms
CHAPTER TEN: Just One Good Break
CHAPTER ELEVEN: By This Time Next Year
CHAPTER TWELVE: Commanded to Be Blessed
CHAPTER THIRTEEN: Exceeded Expectations
CHAPTER FIFTEEN: Living Favor-Minded
CHAPTER SIXTEEN: Heavy with Favor
Discover More
Also by Joel Osteen