Solution Givens:: Solved Problems in Soil Mechanics
Solution Givens:: Solved Problems in Soil Mechanics
Solution Givens:: Solved Problems in Soil Mechanics
a. A 55% of soil sample retained on sieve No.4 and 89% retained on sieve
No.200. The soil has a liquid limit (LL) =28% and plastic limit (PL) =18% ,
Cu=4.2, Cc=1.4, (A-line: PI=0.73(LL-20)).
R 4 = 55% , R 200 = 89% (R increase>> so,Comulative) ,
F200 = 100% − R 200 = 11% , LL=28% , PL=18% , PI = LL-PL=28-18=10%
Cu=4.2 , Cc=1.4
1. Finding Group Symbol from Table (5.2):
a) Determine whether the soil is Coarse-grained or Fine-grained:
R 200 = 89% > 50% → Coarse − grained soil.
b) Determine whether the soil is gravel or sand:
R4 55
× 100% = × 100% = 61.8% > 50% → The soil is Gravel.
R200 89
- F200 = 11% → 5% ≤ F200 ≤ 12% →Choose Group Symbol according the
footnote (a) below table (5.2).
- The group symbol must be one of the following :
GW-GM, GW-GC, GP-GM, GP-GC>> Now we check each symbol
GW→ according the values of Cu & Cc:
Cu=4.2>4 AND Cc=1.4 (1 ≤ Cc ≤ 3) → GW is Ok.
GM→ according the values of PI or A-line equation:
PI=10% >4→ Not ok OR PI plots below “A”-line→
PIA−line = 0.73(28 − 20) = 5.84 < 10 → above (not below) → GM is Not Ok
So, each symbol having GM must be canceled(GW-GM & GP-GM)
Now we want to check only one of (GC and GP) to know the correct symbol
because one of them is true and the other is false
Try GP→ according the values of Cu & Cc:
Cu=4.2>4 not ok AND/OR Cc=1.4 (1 ≤ Cc ≤ 3) not ok → GP is
Not Ok→ GP-GC Not Ok → so, the group Symbol is GW-GC✓.
Note: (1> Cc>3) means Cc>3 OR Cc<1
b. 200 grams of a soil sample has a grain size distribution as shown in the table
below with a liquid limit of 32% and plastic limit of 15%.
LL=32% , PL=15% , PI = LL-PL= 32−15=17% , Msoil = 200 gram,
From the given table we note the following:
The given is the mass retained (not percent).
The given mass is not comulative.
So, we must calculate the % comulative Retained as shown in the following
table : #4 #200
Particle Size (mm) 4.75 2.36 1.3 0.6 0.2 0.075
Retained (grams) 12 15 13 28 20 2
Cumulative Retained (grams) 12 27 40 68 88 90
% Com. Retained (%) 6 13.5 20 34 44 45
% Com. Passing (%) 94 86.5 80 66 56 55
R 4 = 65% , R 200 = 65% + 30% = 95% → F200 = 5% (Why) → Because the
values must be cumulative and we know that %Retain must increase ..but in this
case %Retain decrease thus, it must be cumulative by adding 65% to 30% .
LL=28% , PL=24.5% , PI = LL-PL= 28−24.5=3.5 %
PIA−line = 0.73(28 − 20) = 5.84 > 3.5 → below.
1. Finding Group Symbol from Table (5.2):
a) Determine whether the soil is Coarse-grained or Fine-grained:
R 200 = 95% > 50% → Coarse − grained soil.
b) Determine whether the soil is gravel or sand:
R4 65
× 100% = × 100% = 68.4% > 50% → The soil is Gravel.
R200 95
- F200 = 5% → 5% ≤ F200 ≤ 12% →Choose Group Symbol according the
footnote (a) below table (5.2).
- The group symbol must be one of the following :
GW-GM, GW-GC, GP-GM, GP-GC>> Now we check each symbol
GW→ according the values of Cu & Cc:
Cu= 3< 4(not ok) AND Cc=0.9 not in (1 ≤ Cc ≤ 3) → GW is Not Ok.
So, each symbol having GW must be canceled(GW-GM & GW-GC)
GM→ according the values of PI or A-line equation:
PI=3.5 <4→ (Ok) OR PI plots below “A”-line(Ok)→ GM is Ok
Now we want to check only one of (GC and GP) to know the correct symbol
because one of them is true and the other is false
Try GP→ according the values of Cu & Cc:
Cu=3<4 (Ok) AND/OR Cc=0.9<1(Ok) → GP is OK
→ So, the group Symbol is GP-GM✓.
Now, as you see the classification is so easy, just you need some focusing, so I
will finish solving problems completely in this chapter , but I will explain some
ideas, and I give you the answer to solve the problems by yourself and check
your solution.
25. (Mid 2011):
a. 86% of a soil sample passed Sieve No.4 and retained on Sieve No.200. Also
given that: Coefficient of gradation=1 , Uniformity Coefficient = 3
, من العينة% 14 وبالتالي تبقى عليه4 من العينة مرت من المنخل رقم%86 نالحظ أن:شرح السؤال
التي%14وبالتالي فإن ال.. 200 كلها بقيت على المنخل رقم4 التي مرت من المنخل رقم% 86وأن ال
وبالتالي يصبح المتبقي على المنخل رقم200 سوف تبقى أيضا على المنخل رقم4 بقيت على المنخل رقم
. (ألن التجربة يجب أن تكون تراكمية) أما المار منه فهو صفرا%100= 14+86 يساوي200
F4 = 86% → R 4 = 14% , F200 = 0.0 , R 200 = 100%
Coefficient of gradation = Cc=1 , Uniformity Coefficient = Cu= 3
b. A sieve analysis of a soil show that 97% of the soil passed sieve No.4 and 73%
passed sieve No.200. If the liquid limit of the soil is 62 and its plastic limit =34.
F4 = 97% → R 4 = 3% , F200 = 73% , R 200 = 27%
LL=62% , PL=34% , PI = LL-PL= 62−34=28 %
No idea in this question but you should be attention for the large value of LL
because it will be used when you finding group symbol.
The group symbol is: MH✓.
Soil Permeability
Solved Problems in Soil Mechanics Soil Permeability
Q = K. i. A
2. Confined Aquifer:
The equation of confined aquifer:
q×log10 ( 1)
K = 2.727×H×(h 2−h
1 2)
The first step is to making the soil 2 and soil 3 as one soil by calculating the
equivalent value of K for these two layers (beacuase all layers perpendicular to
flow except these two layers)…we want to make them as one layer perpendicular
to flow.
K 2 = 3K1 , K 3 = 2K1 , K 4 = 1.5K1
∑(K n × hn) K 2 × h2 + K 3 × h3
K eq. = K 2,3 = → K 2,3 =
H h2 + h3
3K1 × 2 + 2K1 × 2
→ K 2,3 = = 2.5K1
Now we can calculate K eq.for whole system (all layers perbendicular to the flow).
H 6 + 10 + 8
K eq. = = , K 2,3 = 2.5K1 , K 4 = 1.5K1
h1 h2 h3 hn 6 10 8
+ + +⋯+ + +
K1 K 2 K 3 K n K1 K 2,3 K 4
6 + 10 + 8
→ K eq. = → K eq. = 1.565K1
6 10 8
+ +
K1 2.5K1 1.5K1
Point “A”:
htotal,A = 28(no losses because no soil) (Total head) ✓.
hpressure,A = htotal,A − helevation,A = 28 − 4 = 24cm✓. (Pressure = piezometric head)
helevation,A = سم4 هو بعد النقطة المطلوبة عن المرجع المأخوذ منه اإلحداثيات الرأسية وهنا يساوي
Point “B”: ( the soil pass through soil “1” then reach point B) So,
Q eq. = q1 → K eq. × ieq. × Aeq. = K1 × i1 × A1 but, Aeq. = A1 = 4 →→→
K eq. × ieq. = K1 × i1 → 1.565K1 × 0.5 = K1 × i1 → i1 = 0.7825
htotal,B = htotal,A − i1 × h1 → htotal,B = 28 − 0.7825 × 6 = 23.305cm ✓.
hpressure,B = htotal,B − helevation,B = 23.305 − 4 = 19.305cm ✓.
Point “C”: (the soil pass through soil “2,3” then reach point C) So,
Q eq. = q 2,3 → K eq. × ieq. × Aeq. = K 2,3 × i2,3 × A2,3 but, Aeq. = A2,3 = 4 →→→
K eq. × ieq. = K 2,3 × i2,3 → 1.565K1 × 0.5 = 2.5K1 × i2,3 → i2,3 = 0.313
htotal,C = htotal,B − i2,3 × h2,3 → htotal,C = 23.305 − 0.313 × 10 = 20.175cm✓.
hpressure,C = htotal,C − helevation,C = 20.175 − 4 = 16.175cm✓.
Point “D”: (the soil pass through soil “4” then reach point D) So,
Q eq. = q 4 → K eq. × ieq. × Aeq. = K 4 × i4 × A4 but, Aeq. = A4 = 4 →→→
K eq. × ieq. = K 4 × i4 → 1.565K1 × 0.5 = 1.5K1 × i4 → i4 = 0.5216
htotal,D = htotal,C − i4 × h4 → htotal,D = 20.175 − 0.5216 × 8 = 16cm✓.
htotal,D = 16 must be checked (htotal,D = 12 + 4 = 16)OK , if not equal>> you
must revise your solution because some error exist.
hpressure,D = htotal,D − helevation,D = 16 − 4 = 12cm✓.
If the pore water pressure (u) is required at each point >>> do the following:
At each point: u = pressure head × γwater
Its noted that all layers are perbendicular to flow(Vertical Permeability)
Now we can calculate K eq. for whole system
H 8 + 16 + 4
K eq. = = , K 2 = 2K1 , K 3 = 0.333K1
h1 h2 h3 hn 8 16 4
+ + +⋯+ + +
K1 K 2 K 3 K n K1 K 2,3 K 4
8 + 16 + 4
→ K eq. = → K eq. = 0.9996K1 → K eq. ≅ K1
8 16 4
+ +
K1 2K1 0.333K1
Point “1”:
htotal,1 = 28(no losses because no soil) (Total head) ✓.
Point “2”: ( the soil pass through the mid of soil “1” then reach point 2) So,
Q eq. = q1 → K eq. × ieq. × Aeq. = K1 × i1 × A1 but, Aeq. = A1 = 10 →→→
K eq. × ieq. = K1 × i1 → K1 × 0.4643 = K1 × i1 → i1 = 0.4643
htotal,2 = htotal,1 − i1 × 4 → htotal,2 = 28 − 0.4643 × 4 = 26.1428cm✓.
Point “3”: ( the soil pass through all of soil “1” then reach point 3) So,
Q eq. = q1 → K eq. × ieq. × Aeq. = K1 × i1 × A1 but, Aeq. = A1 = 10 →→→
K eq. × ieq. = K1 × i1 → K1 × 0.4643 = K1 × i1 → i1 = 0.4643
htotal,3 = htotal,2 − i1 × 4 → htotal,3 = 26.1428 − 0.4643 × 4 = 24.2856cm
Or, htotal,3 = htotal,1 − i1 × 8 → htotal,3 = 28 − 0.4643 × 8 = 24.2856cm✓.
Point “4”:
htotal,4 = htotal,3 = 24.2856 cm (no losses because no soil)✓.
Point “5”: ( the soil pass through 6cm of soil “2” then reach point 5) So,
Q eq. = q 2 → K eq. × ieq. × Aeq. = K 2 × i2 × A2 but, Aeq. = A2 = 10 →→→
K eq. × ieq. = K 2 × i2 → K1 × 0.4643 = 2K1 × i2 → i2 = 0.23215
htotal,5 = htotal,4 − i2 × 6 → htotal,5 = 24.2856 − 0.23215 × 6 = 22.8927cm
Point “6”: ( the soil pass through all of soil “2” then reach point 6) So,
Q eq. = q 2 → K eq. × ieq. × Aeq. = K 2 × i2 × A2 but, Aeq. = A2 = 10 →→→
K eq. × ieq. = K 2 × i2 → K1 × 0.4643 = 2K1 × i2 → i2 = 0.23215
htotal,6 = htotal,5 − i2 × (16 − 6) → htotal,6 = 22.8927 − 0.23215 × 10 = 20.5712cm
htotal,6 = htotal,4 − i2 × 16 → htotal,6 = 24.2856 − 0.23215 × 16 = 20.5712cm✓.
Point “7”:
htotal,7 = htotal,6 = 20.5712 cm (no losses because no soil)✓.
Point “8”: ( the soil pass through all of soil “3” then reach point 8) So,
Q eq. = q 3 → K eq. × ieq. × Aeq. = K 3 × i3 × A3 but, Aeq. = A3 = 10 →→→
K eq. × ieq. = K 3 × i3 → K1 × 0.4643 = 0.333K1 × i3 → i3 = 1.3929
htotal,8 = htotal,7 − i3 × h3 → htotal,8 = 20.5712 − 1.3929 × 4 ≅ 15cm✓.
htotal,8 = 15 must be checked (htotal,8 = 6 + 4 + 5 = 15)OK , if not equal>>
you must revise your solution because some error exist.
The only different between this problem and problem”26” is to finding elevation
The first step is to making the soil 1 and soil 2 as one soil by calculating the
equivalent value of K for these two layers (beacuase all layers perpendicular to
flow except these two layers)…we want to make them as one layer perpendicular
to flow.
Now we can calculate K eq.for whole system (all layers perpendicular to the flow).
H 6 + 8 + 12
K eq. = =
h1 h2 h3 h 6 8 12
+ + +⋯+ n K + K + K
K1 K 2 K 3 Kn 1,2 3 4
6 + 8 + 12
→ K eq. = → K eq. = 1.814K1
6 8 12
+ +
2K1 1.5K1 2K1
Point “A”:
htotal,A = 30cm(no losses because no soil) (Total head) ✓.
Point “B”: ( the soil pass through soil “1,2” then reach point B) So,
Q eq. = q1,2 → K eq. × ieq. × Aeq. = K1,2 × i1,2 × A1,2 but, Aeq. = A1,2 = 4 →→→
K eq. × ieq. = K1,2 × i1,2 → 1.814K1 × 0.5 = 2K1 × i1,2 → i1,2 = 0.4535
htotal,B = htotal,A − i1,2 × h1,2 → htotal,B = 30 − 0.4535 × 6 = 27.279cm✓.
Point “C”: (the soil pass through soil “3” then reach point C) So,
Q eq. = q 3 → K eq. × ieq. × Aeq. = K 3 × i3 × A3 but, Aeq. = A3 = 4 →→→
K eq. × ieq. = K 3 × i3 → 1.814K1 × 0.5 = 1.5K1 × i3 → i3 = 0.6046
htotal,C = htotal,B − i3 × h3 → htotal,C = 27.279 − 0.6064 × 8 = 22.4278cm✓.
Point “D”: (the soil pass through soil “4” then reach point D) So,
Q eq. = q 4 → K eq. × ieq. × Aeq. = K 4 × i4 × A4 but, Aeq. = A4 = 4 →→→
K eq. × ieq. = K 4 × i4 → 1.814K1 × 0.5 = 2K1 × i4 → i4 = 0.4535
htotal,D = htotal,C − i4 × h4 → htotal,D = 22.4278 − 0.4535 × 12 ≅ 17cm✓.
htotal,D = 17 must be checked (htotal,D = 10 + 7 = 17)OK , if not equal>> you
must revise your solution because some error exist.
Secondly, we calculate the elevation head at each point with respect to the given
By interpolation we calculate the elevation of each point from the datum as shown
in the following graph :