Functional+Fitness+Cycle+2 0+

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Oly/Strength Bench 5x10 @ 65% SN

Squat 5x10 @ 65% SN Pull

Metcon 5 RFT 17.1

50' bear crawl, 30 WB

(20/14), 50' burpee broad 10-20-30-40-50 DB SN
jump, 10x manmaker (35/20) (50/35), 15 BBJO (24/20)

Optional: 4x 300m shuttle Rest 1 min Optional: 50-40-30-20-10-20-
sprint (6 down+back) between 30-40-50 Cal row
Rest 1:1

Accumulate 3:00 paralette L-

Accessory sit Sn Grip PP
Incline Bench (DB/BB) 4x10 Good morning

Dips 3x failure Neut grip DB Press

I/Y/T's 3x10 Band pull-apart

Oly/Strength Bench 5x10 @ 70% Low hang SN

Squat 5x10 @ 70% 3 sec pause OHS
Panda Pulls

Metcon 5 RFT 16.1 - AMRAP 20

25-ft. overhead walking
lunge, 8 burpee, 25 ft
30 WB (20/14), 30/20 Cal overhead walking lunge, 8
row, 30 BJ, 30/20 Cal Bike C2BPU

2 Optional: 6x400m sprint Rest 1:1

Optional: 15 EMOM, 15 Cal

Accessory Wt Dips 3x10 (25% bdwt) Klokov press

Dragon flags 3x5 Single leg RDL
Tabata band pushups DB lateral raises
Band row, reverse fly,
pulldown (Ref. Crossover
symmetry) 3x20 Cossack Squats

Oly/Strength Bench 5x10 @ 72.5% Power SN + 2 OHS

Squat 5x10 @ 72.5% SN Pull

Metcon 25 AMRAP 5 RFT

10x G2O (135/95), Run
Run 800m, 20x Burpee BJ 200m, 10x S2O (135/95),
(24/20), 10x pull-up, 20x KBS Run 200m, 10x muscle up,

(70/53) Run 200m

Optional: 4x1 mile AAB

interval rest 1.5:1 Optional: 3x 1K row intervals

Accessory CG Bench 3x failure SN Grip BTN PP

RDL 4x8 SN Grip RDL
Band Tri push down 3x20 DB Row
Elevated push up into pike 3x15 Band pull aparts

Oly/Strength Bench 5x6 @ 77.5% SN

Squat 5x6 @ 77.5% Sn Grip PP

SN Balance

Metcon 4 RFT, rest 2 min between rounds 3x 4 min AMRAP

400m sandbag run (50/35),

4 15 thruster (115/85), 10 bar

facing burpees 10 G2O (135/95), Run 200m

Optional: Row 2 sets of (1k,

Optional: Tabata AAB 750, 500, 250)
3 minute rest between sets

Weighted dips (25%

Accessory bodyweight) 4x10 Bottom up KB walk
Single leg KB RDL 4x8 Band face pulls
Band pull aparts

Oly/Strength Bench 5x6 @ 77.5-80% Low hang SN

Squat 5x6 @ 80% 3 sec pause OHS

Metcon 5 RFT, rest 2:00 between rds 3x6 AMRAP

50' BB Overhead lunge
30/20 cal AAB, 10 squat (95/65), 15 S2O (95/65), 15
clean thruster (115/75), 10 Bar facing burpees, run
pullups 200m

Optional: 10x250m row (rest
1:00 between intervals) Optional: 6x400m run

Accessory Ring flye's 3x10 Panda Pulls

RDL 4x10 DB bent over row

Oly/Strength Bench 5x6 @ 77.5-80% Power SN + 2 OHS

Squat 5x6 @ 80% SN Pull

5-4-3-2-1 Rope climbs, 10-8-

6-4-2 squat snatch (115/75),
Metcon 30 DU 3RFT

6 5RFT
10 Power Clean (135/95), 20
cal AAB, 10 HSPU

Row 250m, 15 pullup, 10 Ring

Dip 3RFT

30 WB, 30 DB Snatch

CG Bench 3x10 Single arm DB high pull

Tempo DB Chest Fly (3211) 3x10 I/Y/T's
Barbell RDL 4x8 Nose and Toes hold

Oly/Strength Tempo Bench (4442) 5x3 @ 60% SN

Tempo Squat (4442) 5x3 @ 60%

Metcon 20 min AMRAP 20 min AMRAP

500m row, 25 WB (20/14), 10 30/20 Cal AAB, 20x Burpee

G2O (115/75) BJO (24/20), 30/20 Cal Row

Accessory Barbell RDL 4x8 Strict T2B

4x10 (~25%
Weighted dips bdwt) Bottom up KB Press

Weighted step-ups 4x8 Band face pull

Oly/Strength Bench 8x3 @ 82.5% SN

Squat 8x3 @ 82.5% Sn Grip PP

SN Hi Pull

Metcon 3x4 min AMRAP Rest 2:00 3x3 AMRAP

40 WB buy in. 10 pullup, 10 1 Legless rope climb, 7

7 pistol Thruster (135/95)

50' overhead BB lunge (95), Run 400m, 20 T2B, 15 FS
10 S2O, 10 Burpee over bar (135/95)

Accessory BB RDL 5x8 DB Bulgarian Split squat

DB Chest flye (Tempo 3220) 4x8 SN Grip PP
Weighted Dip 4x8 I/Y/T's

Oly/Strength Bench 6x3 @ 82.5-85% Low hang SN

Squat 6x3 @ 82.5-85% 3 sec pause OHS

Metcon 5x3 AMRAP Rest 1:00 12 AMRAP

Buy in: Run 400m, AMRAP 5 squat SN (115/75), 5

squat clean thruster (135/95) burpee BJ over (30/24)

5 RFT 10 RFT
20 cal row, 10 burpee over 1x Rope climb, 5x G2O
rower (135/95), 10x BJ (24/20)

Accessory Weighted dips 4x8 (AHAP) Bottom up KB walk

Single leg KB/DB RDL 4x10 Band face full

Strict T2B 4x10 Klokov Press

Oly/Strength Bench 7x2 @ 90% Power SN + 2 OHS

Squat 7x2 @ 90% SN Pull

Metcon 5 Rounds Rest 2:00 4 Rounds

10 PC (135/95), 10 HSPU, 10
Push Jerk (135/95), 10 21 T2B, 21 DB SN (50/35),
Burpees 21 Cal AAB

9 4 RFT

24 cal row, 12 FS (185/135),


10 DL (225/165), 15 WB,
50 DU Run 200m

Accessory KB/DB Bulgarian split squat 4x10 ea leg I/Y/T

Strict ring dips 4x10 Pull-ups

BB RDL 4x12 Klokov press

Oly/Strength Bench 7x2 @ 92.5-95% SN

Squat 6x2 @ 92.5-95% Sn Grip PP

SN Hi Pull

Metcon AMRAP 12 5 Rounds

15 KBS (70/53), 12x Pull-up, 15x PC (135/95), 15 BJ Over
9x ring dip (30/24), 15 cal AAB

10 3 RFT 12-9-6-3-6-9-12

9 squat SN (135/95), 15 bar

facing burpees OHS (115/85), burpees

Accessory DB Chest fly 4x10 Weighted pistols

Chest clap push ups 4x15 Klokov press
BB RDL Shrug 4x10 Banded facepull

Oly/Strength Bench 5x1 @ 97.5% Low hang SN

Squat 5x1 @ 97.5% 3 sec pause OHS

Panda Pulls

Metcon 5 RFT 4 RFT

Run 200m, 10 squat clean

thruster (95/65), 20 cal AAB, 2 Rope Climb, 5 FS
10 Burpees (225/165), 10 BJ (30/24)

Climb the ladder (2,4,6,8...)
C2BPU, Pistols (total) 50 WB, Row 30 cal

Accessory Weighted dips 4x12 Klokov Press

DB/KB reverse chest fly 4x10 I/Y/T

KB Bulgarian split squat 4x8 Single leg BB RDL

Oly/Strength Bench Find new 1RM SN

Squat Find new 1RM SN Pull

Metcon Max 2K row time Tabata AAB (max cal's)

12 3x4 AMRAP Rest 1:00 4 RFT

Test Run 200m, 10 G2O (135/95),

20 GHDSU, max cal AAB
10 pullups, 5 thruster
(135/95), 10 burpee BJ
(24/20), 5 squat SN (135/95)

Accessory Weighted pistols 4x8 Klokov press
Single leg KB/DB RDL (use
Ring dips 4x10 opposite arm to hold DB)
I/Y/T's 4x12 Band face pulls

3 position SN (ground,
Oly/Strength Squat 4x8 @ 60% knees, hi hang)
Bench 4x6 @ 70% SN grip PP

Metcon 20 min AMRAP 5 RFT

200m sandbag run (50/30),
10 thruster (95/65), 10 bar Row 500m, 10 C2BPU, 15
facing burpees BJO (24/20), 20 cal AAB

Accessory Tabata BW Squat BB Good morning

Single leg KB RDL 4x8 Bottom up KB Press
Double OH KB Walk 4x50' Pendlay Row

8x4 @ 70% OHP 5x10 @ 65%

5x5 @ 100% SN DL 5x10 @ 65%


Thruster (95/65), Burpee Over 30 min Run @

bar, KBS (70/53) 70% MHR

Optional:  5x 1 mile AAB

intervals (rest 1:1)

3x10 Barbell Row 3x10

3x10 Front Lever 3x5
3x failure @ 25%
OHP max Pullup 5x10

6x2 @ 75%wt as OHP
(same 5x10 @ 70%
hang) DL 5x10 @ 70%
5x5 @ 100% SN

5 RFT Swim 30 min

10 double KB G2O (53/35), 50"

(95/65) for OH front rack KB lunge, 15 T2B,
Lunge 50" KB farmer walk, 20 Pullup

Optional: 3x 2 mile AAB Rest 3 min

5x5 Pullup 5x10-12

4x10 Front raise (25-45# plate) 5x10-20
3x15 Landmine Row 3x10 each arm

3x10 ea leg Bottom up KB press 3x15 ea arm

Any low impact

9x2 @ 72.5% OHP 5x10 @ 72.5% @ 70% MHR
5x5 @ 100% SN DL 5x10 @ 72.5%


50 Cal row, 20x DL (225/135),

50 Cal AAB, 20x HSPU

Optional: 2x 6x400m Run. Rest

1:1 between 400m. Rest 5
Rest 1:1 minutes between sets

3x10 Pullup 5x10

4x8 Neutral grip DB Press 5x10
3x15 Pendlay Row 5x8
4x15 Strict T2B 5x10

6x3 @ 75% OHP 5x6 @ 77.5%

3x10 @ 50% SN DL 5x6 @ 77.5%


Rest 2 min 12 AMRAP

10x PC (185/115), Row 30 cal,

10x Thruster (135/95)

Rest 1:1 between Optional: 10 EMOM Sprint

intervals 100m

3x 100' Weighted chin ups (25%+ bdwt) 5x8

3x15 Bulgarian split squat 4x8

8x3 @ 75-80% OHP 5x6 @ 77.5-80% REST

6x2 (same wt as
hang) DL 5x6 @ 80%

Rest 2:00 5 RFT

20 WB (20/15), 20 Cal row, 20
Burpee BJ-over (24/20), 20 cal Rest 1:00
AAB between rounds

Rest 1:1 Optional: 10 EMOM 12 cal AAB

5x5 @ 100% SN Weighted pullup (25% bdwt) 5x5

4x8 Barbell curl 4x8

9x2 @ 72.5% OHP 5x6 @ 77.5-80% REST

5x5 @ 100% SN DL 5x6 @ 80%


Rest 1:00
Run 400m, 15 DB OHS (70/45) between rounds


5 DL (315/225), 10 C2BPU, 15
GHDSU, 20 BJ (24/20)

4x8 Weighted pullup 4x6

3x10 Good morning 4x8
Accumulate 2 min Barbell curl 3x10

5x3 @ 60% Tempo OHP (4442) 5x3 @ 60% REST

DL, 4 second pause at knees 5x5 @ 60%

20 min AMRAP

400m run, 15 pullup, 15 S2O

(95/65), 15 Bar facing burpees

4x8 Weighted chin 4x8

4x10 Barbell curl 4x10

4x15 Plate front raise 4x25

6x2 @ 82.5% OHP 8x3 @ 82.5% REST

4x6 @ 75% SN DL 8x3 @ 82.5%

6x3 @ 100% SN

Rest 1;00 15 AMRAP

Rest 1:00 after

6 bar MU, 12/8 Cal AAB set

100 DU, 25 KBS (53/35), 10

4x8 DB Row 4x8

4x8 Weighted Chin up 4x8
3x10 Barbell Curl 4x12

6x3 @ 80% OHP 6x3 @ 82.5-85% REST

6x2 (same wt as
hang) DL 6x3 @ 82.5-85%

Rest 1:00 20 cal AAB, AMRAP burpee

between sets pullups (~6 in target) Rest 1:00

10x FS (135/95), 20 BJ (30/24),
30x cal row

4x 50' Weighted chin up 5x5

4x15 45# plate front raise 5x20

4x8 Pendlay row 5x6

6x2 @ 80% OHP 7x2 @ 90% REST

6x3 @ 125% SN DL 7x2 @ 90%

Rest 2:00 20 AMRAP Rest 2:00

Run 400m, 50' overhead BB
lunge (95/65), 10 Burpee BJ
Over (24/20)

5 Rounds (not for time)

Farmer carry 50', Sled push 50',
Yoke carry 50', Zercher carry

4x12 Single arm DB Push press 4x8

4x8-12 Pendlay row 4x10

4x8 Weighted pullup 4x8

5x2 @ 90% OHP 7x2 @ 92.5-95% REST

4x6 @ 85% SN DL 7x2 @ 92.5-95%

5x2 @ 125% SN

Rest 1:00 Row 3K for time

Every EMOM 5 S2O (95/65)


2 Rope climb, 7 HSPU, 11

pistol (total)

4x8 Weighted pullups 4x8

4x8 Landmine row 4x10
4x15 Barbell good morning 4x10

6x2 @ 90% OHP 5x1 @ 97.5% REST

6x2 (same wt as
hang) DL 5x1 @ 97.5%
5x2 @ 110-125%

4x3 AMRAP Rest 1:00

10x DL (95/65), 10x HPC

(95/65), 10x S2O (95/65), Row
max cal remaining time


Run 400m, 10 thruster (115/75)

4x8 Weighted ring pull up 4x8

4x10 BB Good morning 4x12

4x8 Single arm landmine row 4x10

Find new 1RM OHP Find new 1RM REST

5x2 @ new SN
1RM DL Find new 1RM

5x3 AMRAP Rest 1:00

Row 30 cal, 5 muscle up, 20
pistols (total)


Run 400m, 20 WB (20/14), 20

KBS (70/53)

4x8 Single arm DB/KB PP 4x10

4x10 Weighted chin up find 1RM

4x15 Pendlay row 4x10

6x3 @ 60% Pause DL (2 sec at knees) 4x8 @ 60%

4x6 Tempo OHP (3131) 4x6@60%

10/8/6/4/2 FS (185/135),
5/4/3/2/1 Rope climb, Run 200m
10/8/6/4/2 HSPU between rounds

4x10 Strict T2B 4x10

4x10 Weighted chin ups 4x8
4x8 KB/DB single arm row 4x12

Barbell Curl 4x10

5x10 @ 65%
C+J 9x3 @ 65% 1RM Push Press 1RM Jerk REST
7x3 @ 75% 1RM
Power clean 4x5 @ 75% 3 sec pause FS Clean
Clean Pull 5x5 @ 100% CL

5 RFT Murph (20/14# vest)

1 hour walk with

10 Squat SN Leisurely walk.
(135/95), 10 T2B,  Keep at 60-70%
Run 400 MHR.

Optional: Pool
workout. 10 RFT
100m swim, 20
Optional: 6x500m pushups, 30 squats.
row repeats Rest 1:1.
Rest 1 min

4x8 @ 75%
Deficit DL (2") Clean Box Jump 5x3 AHAP
Strict T2B 3x10 Weighted Squat Jump5x5 @ 1/2 Bdwt
4x3 @ 90% 1RM
Jerk recovery Jerk Single leg RDL 4x8
I/Y/T's 3x10

6x3 @ 67.5% 5x10 @ 70%

Clean 1RM Push
Band Press
FS (~+20# 1RM
7x3 @Jerk
50% 1RM REST
Push Jerk clean hi
Low hang 4x4 @ 75% band at top) FAST Clean
pull 6x3 @ 85% CL

15 medball clean
(100/70), 15 DL Run 1 mile, 50x air
(225/165), 15 G2O squat, 30x burpee,
(135/95), 1000m row 20x HSPU

Optional: 15 mib
Optional: Run 800, 30:30s AAB (work,
2x600, 3x400, 6x200 Rest 1:1 rest)

Weighted jump 3x10 ea leg (1/4

GHDSU 4x15 lunges bdwt)
Explosive box step
Pendlay Row 5x5 ups 4x8 ea leg
DB/KB Reverse fly 3x10 Triple Broad Jump 5 sets

Toes and Nose

Handstand Hold 3x 0:30s Pistols 3x15 ea leg

9x3 @ 67.5% 5x10 @ 72.5%

High hang Clean 1RM Push Press 1RM Jerk REST
Split Jerk 4x3 @ 75% Rack Pull 6x3 AHAP
Clean Hi Pull from
blocks 5x5 @ 100% CL


Run 400m, 20
20 Cal row, 20 T2B, burpees, 2 rope
20 BJ (24/20) climbs (15')
5 min rest
10 G2O (135/95), 10 Optional: 3x 1 mile
Pullup, 200m run AAB (rest 3 min)
Optional: 10x 500m
row intervals, 1 min

Dragon Flag 5x5 Bulgarian split squat 4x8 AHAP

Bottom up KB Walk 4 sets Box jumps 5x3 AHAP
Farmer Carry 4x 100 ft, AHAP Weighted chin ups 5x3 AHAP
Strict ring dip 4x10

5x6 @ 75% 1RM

C+J 6x3 @ 75% 1RM Push Press Jerk REST
7x3 @ 75% 1RM
Power clean 4x5 @ 75% 3 sec pause FS Clean
Clean Pull 5x5 @ 100% CL

2x 6 AMRAP Rest 3 min 6 RFT

Lunge 200m, run
600m, 10x Sandbag
G2O (100/75), 15x
burpee over
25 WB, Run 200m, sandbag, 20x
25 BJ (24/20) Sandbag squats

Optional: 10x20 cal

AAB rest 1:1

Weighted Squat
Pendlay Row 5x5 Jumps 5x5 @ 1/2 Bdwt
Dragon flag 5x5 Bulgarian split squat 4x8
I/Y/T's 3x10

6x3 @ 72.5% 5x6 @ 77.5%

Clean 1RM Push Press 1RM Jerk REST
Band FS (~+20# 7x3 @ 50% 1RM
Push Jerk 4x4 @ 80% band at top) FAST Clean
Low hang clean hi
pull 6x3 @ 85% CL

Helen With vest (20/14):

3 RFT 400m run, 21
KBS (53/35), 12
Pullup Rest 5 min into 5 RFT

Run 800m, 5 rope

climbs, 10x
manmaker (30/15),
15x box jump (30/24),
20x DB front rack
Elizabeth squat (30/15)
21-15-9 Squat clean
(135/95), Ring Dip

Optional: Row 3K,

EMOM 5 burpee over
Good morning 4x8 Bottom up KB Walk 4x50'
Weighted pistols 4x8 Band pull aparts 4x15
Weighted GHDSU 4x8

5x5 @ 80% 1RM

High hang Clean 9x3 @ 70% 1RM Push Press Jerk REST
Split Jerk 4x2 @ 85% Rack Pull 6x3 AHAP
Clean Hi Pull from
blocks 5x5 @ 100% CL

400m overhead plate

3x3 min AMRAP rest 1:00 carry (45/25)
1 round DT Everytime plates
(155/105), max cal comes down, 10
row burpee penalty

20 thruster (95/65),
20 OHS (95/65), 20
bar facing burpees

Bottom up KB press 4x10 Bulgarian split squat 4x8 AHAP

Band face pulls 4x15 Yoke walk 10x50' AHAP
Single leg KB RDL 4x8 Sled Push 10x50' AHAP

C+J 6x3 @ 60% Push Press 3x10 @ 60% REST

Tempo FS (4442) 5x3 @ 60%

20 min AMRAP 5 RFT

1K row, 200m farmer
carry (55/35), 800m
10 SDLHP (135/95), run with med ball
50 cal row, 10 T2B (30/20)

Jerk recovery 5x3 Weighted GHDU 4x8

Barbell good morning 4x10 Neutral grip DB Press 4x15

KB waiter/farmer KB Bulgarian split
carry 4x50' squat 4x8

5x3 @ 80% 1RM

C+J 7x2 @ 80% 1RM Push Jerk Jerk REST
7x3 @ 75% 1RM
Power clean 4x3 @ 85% 3 sec pause FS Clean
Clean Hi Pull 6x3 @ 100% CL

2x6 AMRAP Rest 2:00 For time

5 DL (185/115) 5
HPC (185/115), 5
S2O (185/115), Run 100 pullup, 200 push
400m up, 300 squat
Do sequentially in
order. If you break,
run 200m
High pull (135/95)

Single leg KB RDL 4x8 Farmer carry 4x50' AHAP

Bottom up KB Press 4x8 Good morning 4x8
Band facepull 4x15 Weighted GHDSU 4x8

6x2 @ 72.5%
Clean 1RM Push Press 6x3 @ 82.5-85% REST
Band FS (~+20# 5x3 @ 50% 1RM
Push Jerk 6x2 @ 75% band at top) FAST Clean
Low hang clean pull 5x2 @ 100% CL
15 AMRAP Saturday Slay Sesh
10x Squat clean
(185/135), 2 Rope Rest 1:00 beteen
Climb sets Wear 20# Vest
100 DL (135/95), 100
WB (20/15), 100 KBS Run 800m after
(53/35), 100 Burpee each exercise
6x MU, 12x cal AAB,
18x WB, 60x DU

BB RDL Shrug 4x10 Farmer carry 4x 50'

4x 10 (each
KB Halo direction) Zercher carry 4x 50'
Neutral grip DB Press 4x10 Strict T2B 4x10

High hang Clean 6x2 @ 90% Push Press 7x2 @ 92.5%

Split Jerk 6x2 @ 85% Rack Pull 6x3 AHAP
Clean Hi Pull from
blocks 6x3 @ 125% CL

5x 3 AMRAP Rest 1:00 3 RFT

50 Burpee, 50 WB,
15 cal row, 15 T2B, 50 sledgehammer
15 Thruster (95/65) strike, Run 1 Mile

10 Rounds

20 wall ball, run


Neutral Grip DB
seated press 4x12 GHDSU 4x15
Single leg KB/DB
RDL 4x10 DB Bench press 4x8
KB Front rack step
KB Waiter walk 4x50' ups 4x10

5x3 @ 90% 1RM

C+J 5x2 @ 90% Push Jerk Jerk
7x3 @ 85% 1RM
Power clean 4x2 @ 80% 3 sec pause FS Clean
Clean Hi Pull 5x2 @ 125% CL

6 RFT Rest 1:00 Saturday Suck Fest

250m row, 10 squat
clean (135/95), 12
C2BPU 5k Row Buy in
10, 9, 8, ...1
Rope climb, Deadlift
(275/185), T2B,
AMRAP 12 Burpee BJ (24/20)
9 back rack walking
lunge (135/95), 12
T2B, 15 Burpee BJO
(24/20) 5 Mile AAB Buy out

Band tricep push

I/Y/T's 4x12 downs 4x15
Ring Row 4x10 Barbell curl 4x15
Bottom up KB walk 4x50' Hammer curl 4x12

Clean 6x2 @ 95% Push Press 8x3 @ 85-90%

Band FS (~+20# 7x3 @ 50% 1RM
Push Jerk 6x2 @ 85% band at top) FAST Clean
Low hang clean hi
pull 5x2 @ 87.5% CL

13 AMRAP Saturday Suck Fest

Run 200m, Row 20
Cal, 10 BJO (24/20),
10 T2B, 10 DB
Snatch (50/35) 5 RFT
Row 1K, 20x DB
clean and jerk
(50/35), 20x BJO
(30/24), Run 400m
with Sandbag (50/30)
4x2 AMRAP Rest 1:00
5 Muscle Up, Max cal

Single leg KB/DB

RDL 4x10 Barbell curl 4x12
Weighted pistol
squats 4x10 (each leg) Band face pull 4x15
BB Upright row 4x8 Box weighted step up 4x8

C+J Find new 1RM Push Press Find new 1RM

5x2 @ new clean
Clean pull 1RM Front squat Find new 1RM

12 AMRAP Saturday Suck Fest

10 HSPU, 10 BJO
(30/24), 10 cal AAB
Run 800m, 5 rope
climb, 10 Burpee BJ
(24/20), 15 KB Goblet
squat (70/53), 20
5 RFT KBS (70/53)
50' BB overhead
lunge (95/65), 2 rope
climb, 20 DB SN

BB RDL Shrug 4x8 Farmer carry 4x50' (AHAP)

Bulgarian split squat 4x10 Bottom up KB Press 4x10

I/Y/T's 4x15 Strict T2B 4x10

Tempo Box FS 7x3 @ 70% max

PC+Jerk 6x2 @ 60% (33X1) FS
Rack Pull 5x5 @ 100% DL DB Bench press 5x8 AHAP

4 RFT Saturday Suck Fest

10 SDLHP (135/95),
50 cal row, 10 T2B Murph (20/14# Vest)
Every 5 minutes, do
10 burpees

Single leg KB RDL 4x8 Weighted GHDSU 4x10

Weighted pistols 4x10 Bulgarian Split squat 4x8
I/Y/T's 4x10 Weighted dips 4x10
Band tricep push
down 4x20

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