SchemeId 1072 FormatTITETSPproposal
SchemeId 1072 FormatTITETSPproposal
SchemeId 1072 FormatTITETSPproposal
Technology plays a vital role in the empowerment strategies for different sections
of the society. Schemes described in this publication have been formulated with the
broad objective of providing opportunities to motivated scientists, technologist and field-
level groups to undertake time-bound research and action oriented projects with inputs of
science and technology for the benefit of different sections of society. Programmes
implementation can be through S&T institutions, University departments and S&T based
voluntary organizations.
Organizations/institutes eligible for receiving grants under the Science for equity,
empowerment & development programmes are:
The organization should have been in existence for a minimum of three years
after registration.
Each application received is reviewed and examined by the concerned officer for its
correctness and completeness. If the application is found to be complete and meets the
eligibility criteria the proposal are sent for a peer review. In some cases, on the spot visits
by experts is undertaken. The proposals along with comments of experts are examined by
the expert committee for recommendation. The PI may also be called for presentation
before the expert committee. Progress of the projects is monitored through presentations
at workshops organized periodically and also through field visits.
All correspondence, including proposals may be sent to the following address:-
*The Head
Science for Equity, Empowerment & Development (SEED) Division
Department of Science and Technology,
Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road
New Delhi – 110 016.
For details and submission of project proposal, please visit DST’s website or
TITE - the grant-in-aid scheme of the department under Tribal Sub Plan aims at
improving living conditions and empowerment of scheduled tribes based on
sustainable science and technology (S & T) activities/application.
Priority Areas:
Note: The proposal particularly on S & T application under TITE scheme should
include the list of intended beneficiaries in terms of their tribes (should not be less
than 40-50 %). The project related to livelihood aspects should clearly propose a
strategy in which livelihoods are developed /strengthened as micro- enterprises and
establish effective and appropriate delivery systems for inputs and for the maintenance of
assets and resources as well as strengthening of local institutions that relate to livelihood
development and empowerment.
(ii) Identify the priorities of these people; and possible science and technology
interventions taking into account efforts already made.
(iii) Match the critical gap areas where the expertise of your group can
effectively contribute to fulfilling these needs;
(iv) Proposed PI & Co-I should have scientific expertise and relevant
qualification to implement the project in proposed area of intervention.
Ensure that specific S&T inputs with adequate scientific and technical details are
clearly spelt out.
Proposals with broad objectives written without specific details are not viewed
favorably. Only 4-5 specific objectives which need to be achieved during the
project period should be mentioned.
List and results of ongoing and completed projects of the organization must be
reflected in the formulation of new proposals along with the names of funding
5. The PI & Co-I should be able to devote adequate time to the project and should
not handle more than three projects simultaneously. Project implementing
agency/organization will be responsible in case of any legal dispute between the
agency/organization and PI/Co-I/project staff. DST will not be liable for such
legal cases of disputes.
6. Staff recruited for a project should be paid as per the rules of the institute and
guidelines of the Government of India.
7. For release of grant from Govt. of India, It is mandatory for the organization to
register with central plan scheme and monitoring system (CPSMS), Office of
Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance. For details, please log on
(a) Project proposals (1 Hard copy by post also) each with detailed bio-data of PI &
Co-I (please see Annexure-III for format) along with summary.
(b) Endorsement from the Head of the Institution (on letter head-Please see
(f) Other enclosures required (to be attached or indicate page no. if already included
in the text of the proposal):
*These are essential and proposals received without the above documents will not be
** If applicable particularly for projects related to technology development or up scaling.
3. Do not skip reproduction of any section even if the answer is “nil” or given
4. Project title should be within two lines e.g. “To develop appropriate spinning
equipment for processing of local wool” related to objectives proposed. (underline
key words)
6. Objectives (4-5 only) should be focused and sharp to be achieved in 2-3 years
duration of the project. Work plan, methodology, expected outcome, etc. should
be clearly spelt out.
2. i. Name of PI:
4. a. Type of organization:
Academic institution
Research organization
S&T Council
Voluntary Organization
Panchayati Raj Institution (PRI)
Krishi Vigyan Kendra
Other (please specify)
2. Whether your organization has been sanctioned DST projects or by other central/state
govt. deptt. or from foreign funding agencies in the past (up to 10 years)? If yes, provide
details of completed and ongoing projects (Copy of sanction letter to be annexed):
6. a. Whether, your organization is receiving core support from SEED, DST? *Yes/No*
b. If yes, indicate whether activities of the present proposal are covered under the approved
activities of core support provided to your organization by SEED, DST? Please also give a
list of approved activities under Core Support.
(Note: Core supported groups must ensure to avoid duplication of activities approved under core.
However, proposed intervention /objectives as a new proposal for identified core activity towards
innovative interventions may be considered).
7. Whether project activities require any clearance from relevant authorities in respect of any
environmental/legal/ethical issues? Yes/No
8. Duration (months):
Before submitting the application, please ensure that the proposal is complete in all respects as
per the following list (Mark √ in the box if included in the proposal):
Duly filled application form (complete with all Annexures)- 10 hard copies plus
1 soft copy on a CD
Bio-data of the PI & Co-I -10 copies
Annual reports & audited accounts of the organization for previous 3 years- 1
set only
Copy of valid registration certificate, Article & MOU with Bye Laws/Trust
Deed-1 set only
* Proposal not completes in all respects and without supporting documents will not be entertained.
Part II: Proposal Summary (Restricted to 3-4 pages only)
1. Project Title (Short & focused not exceeding 15 words):
2. Nature of project:
(Pl. tick one or more boxes, as applicable)
Technology development (new product/process or up/down scaling of
existing systems)
Technology development & transfer (development of product/process
followed by field adaptation trials, demonstrations & transfer of
Technology dissemination (dissemination of available technology for
solution of identified problem )
technology adaptation/optimization, demo and training
Other (Please specify)
4. Name of PI, Co-I and Affiliation (Please enclose copies of certificate of highest
i. PI
City (with pin code)
Highest qualification & subject
ii. Co-I
City (with pin code)
Highest qualification & subject
5. Objectives (Only 4-5 focused one that can be observed, measured or clearly
ii. Phase wise Work plan of action with time line and deliverables in tabular form
7. Project Area:
Project Area: Rural Urban Both
Geographical Focus Area:
Village(s)/urban locality:_________________
Block/Taluka: __________________
District: _______________________; State: _________________________
Project Area Profile (Give following details along with a neatly drawn location map):
I. Geographical area covered, climate, land use pattern, crops & cropping patterns,
availability of natural resources & raw materials, availability of special skills/trades, etc.
a. Socio-economic status (such as conditions and occupations of the target beneficiaries,
availability of basic amenities and facilities such as water & sanitation, health centers,
communication, roads, marketing facilities.
b. Baseline data sheet which may be assessed annually with respect to results and
deliverables during implementation of the project activities (if it is to improve livelihood
opportunities through improved agriculture practices, what are the present status in terms
of soil conditions, crop productivity and disease management etc.)
11. Deliverables (the list below must correspond with and be derived from # 5 &
# 6):
Deliverable Mark √ Brief description
Product development/adaptation
Process development/adaptation
Technology package for development of the project area
and local community
Technology capability development, training &
documentation (e.g. reports, papers, articles, technology
manuals, patents)
Scientific knowledge and/or data generation leading to
technology development in future
Other (Please specify)
Part III - Technical Details
1. Title (Short & Focused not exceeding 15 words) :
3. Review of Status - (100 words): Are you aware of any other initiative related to
proposed activities to solve this problem? What were the outcomes?
(Mention importance of the project in context of the current status, and demonstrate how the
project will progress beyond the “state-of-art” or the best initiative tried by others in providing
new innovative technological solution to the identified problem and user needs)
4. Objectives (Only 4-5 focused that can be observed, measured or clearly assessable):
6. Work Plan (150 words - Please also provide activities schedule – Pert Diagram):
i. Phase wise work plan of action with time line and deliverables in tabular form
(Describe how the proposal includes a plan for pilot application or trial in a realistic user
environment of the technology/product, where the expected impacts to meet end user needs may
be demonstrated to the fullest feasible extent).
ii. Technology Selection (State the criteria used for selection of technology for addressing key
problem(s) and the assessment of available technologies related to the project)
iv. Institutions/places where detailed lab/field testing or experiments will be carried out:
v. Source of Technology:
Source Name of agency/institution/individual expert
Generated in-house by staff
Generated in-house by employing outside experts
Borrowed from an outside institution/expert
Modification of technlogy/know-how being used
by the beneficiaries
Any other (please specify):
8. Deliverables (the list below must correspond with and be derived from # 4, # 5 & # 6. Please
also indicate affordability of deliverables to the target beneficiaries):
Deliverable Mark √ Brief description
Product development/adaptation
Process development/adaptation
Technology package for development of the
project area
Technology capability development, training &
documentation (e.g. reports, papers, articles,
technology manuals, patents)
Scientific knowledge and/or data generation
leading to technology development in future
Other (Please specify)
10. Self- sustainability of the project after SEED’s project support is over (30 words):
11. Possibility of replication of project in similar areas (after the proposed technological solution
is proven, how it will be distributed? Involving state govt. for large scale technology
dissemination or via market or any other means - any entrepreneur or business person involved in
the work in any manner?):
12. Suggest measurable indicators (10-12 tangible as well as non-tangible along with
means of verification) for monitoring effectiveness of project interventions in respect to
the stated objectives and deliverables. The indices you choose must permit objective
measurement and determination vis-à-vis time line during project cycle comparing with
base line data/control-list in the table is only indicative:
(Rs. in lakhs)
Sl.No. Item Budget
1st Yr 2nd Yr 3rd Yr Total
A Recurring
1. Manpower
2. Consumables
3. Travel
4. Demo/Training programmes (if
5. Contingencies/Other costs
6. Institutional Overheads*
B Non-Recurring
Permanent equipment
Construction of work shed/structures
Fabrication of prototype equipment
Grand Total (A+B)
3. Financial Year : April to March
4. It is essential to provide brief & adequate justification for each item of expenditure.
A. Recurring:
* Includes items like chemicals, glasswares, supplies, seed, pesticides, fertilizers, raw materials for
fabrication, stationery, etc.
* Include material for technology field testing/demo, training manuals, training expenses for
beneficiaries. Note: For training give details about the subject of training(s), no. of
beneficiaries/training, duration of training days, cost /training).
* Includes items like computer time, secretarial assistance, documentation, cost of technology
transfers/acquisitions (intellectual fees), lab/field trials, maintenance/servicing of equipment, incidental
expenses, etc.
B. Non-Recurring:
Details of Organization
Year of Establishment:
Registration No & Date: Valid upto:
FCRA Registration No & Date: Valid upto:
PAN #: Bank Account #:
Chief Functionary:
Annual budget in last financial year:
Operational area (State, Dist.):
Details of branch/unit offices:
Total staff (Administrative & technical):
Main science-society achievements during last three years:
Years of association with DST:
2. Certified that the equipment, other basic facilities and such other administrative
facilities as per terms and conditions of the grant, will be extended to investigator
(s) throughout the duration of the project.
4. Certified that the organization has never been blacklisted by any department of
the State Government or Central Government.
Date: ………………
2. We did not submit this or a similar project proposal elsewhere for financial
3. We have explored and ensured that equipment and basic facilities will actually be
available as and when required for the purpose of the project. We shall not
request financial support under this project, for procurement of these items.
Professional career:
1. Identify the project area and project site based on a preliminary assessment of the
areas as well as the people , using the following criteria:
2. Identify the common resources in the village and the way the people utilize them
or envisage utilizing them and the type of supervisory function exercised by the
village community on these resources. If available, use remote sensing data for
resource mapping.
3. (i) Identify any of the regular development programmes being implemented in the
project area, agencies involved and beneficiaries covered. Identify sources of
funds for these schemes in operation by Government sponsored programmes so
that where possible, their efforts could be integrated into the experimental
(ii) Assess the impact of the ongoing programmes.
4. Building up rapport with the identified people at project sites by frequent informal
visits, meeting with all sections of the people, discussion with leaders culminating
in organizing gram sabha meetings.