Vocabulary For Academic IELTS Writing Task 1 (Part 4)
Vocabulary For Academic IELTS Writing Task 1 (Part 4)
Vocabulary For Academic IELTS Writing Task 1 (Part 4)
You will often need to use 'adjectives' and 'adverbs' to indicate the speed of
changes in the trend (called 'Degree of Speed) in your answer. Following is a list of
vocabularies that will help you present the quick changes quite e!ectively.
» Rapid, Quick, Sharp, Swift, Sudden, Wild.
» Rapidly, Quickly, Sharply, Swiftly, Suddenly, Wildly.
» Steadily, Gradually, Moderately
» Slowly, Gently.
» Signi"cant, Huge, Enormous, Steep, Substantial, Considerable, Marked,
Dramatic, Abrupt.
» Moderate, Slight.
» Minimum (singular), Minima (plural)
» Signi"cantly, Hugely, Enormously, Steeply, Substantially, Considerably, Markedly,
Dramatically, Abruptly.
» Horizontal, Vertical.
» Circle, Square, Rectangle.
» Across, Across from.
» Under, Over, Inside, Beside, On top of, Adjacent, Opposite, Next to.
» Along, Through, As far as.
» Midpoint, Halfway, In the middle.
» Intersection, Overlapping.
In Introduction:
The diagram/ picture/ #ow chart depicts/ illustrates/ describes the proces of/
Some graphs and diagrams not only list down the data that represent something
from the past or the present time but also gives a prediction of the future. For
instance, a line graph might present the population of a country from 1950 to
2050, over a hundred years. If you are taking the IELTS exam in 2017, you need to
describe the population of this country till 2016 using the past tense. For the
population "gure in 2017, you will use the present tense. Finally, the population
from 2018 till 2050 is a prediction and hence you should be using the future tense
while describing it in your writing. Moreover, you need to use certain vocabularies
to represent such future data/ predictions. Following is a list of such vocabularies
to help you accurately describe any predicted data ---
Comparison of data/trend
Contrast of data/trend
Most signi"cant "gures/data/information/ trend (typically 4-6)
The highest point
The lowest point
The overall scenario.
Is/ was/ were: The percentage of foreign students was exactly ten in 2001 in this
university and it rose three times in ten years.
Stand at/ Stood at: The percentages of males and females who opined that they
should be allowed to get married at 21 stood at 14 and 16 in 1990 but witnessed a
noticeable decline in 2010.
Exactly & As high as: The sale in March was exactly 400 and went up as high as
1100 in June.
Using (): In summer, the number of refrigerators sold (154) was far greater than the
refrigerators sold (63) in winter.
1. From January to March the death case rose three times which was only 23
between October and December.
2. The temperature, which was 21 degrees C in March, climbed to 39 degrees C in
Makes up: In the "rst decade, the population remained steady, which made up 2.8
million approximately, but it doubled in the next 30 years.
Constitutes: The initial expenditure, which constituted 280 USD, climbed rapidly
and reached the peak during 2014.
Generally speaking,
All in all,
From the graphs, it is quite evident that.
1. In conclusion, third world countries have improved their production sectors like
garments, over the last 10 years whereas the "rst world countries have improved
2. In brief, the overall sale of the company has improved in the last 5 years except
2005 when the sale reduced signi"cantly due to retrenchment.
3. All in all, the process of building an IC is a complex one and involves more than
eight steps to complete including the testing phase.
Tip: 'In
In a nutshell
nutshell' is not a formal expression and this is why you should not use it
in your IELTS Writing.
Alina 2 years
Too much information... eyes are melting. But presented perfectly and very usefully,
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