Audio Compressor Limiter (ALM-2011) : Construction
Audio Compressor Limiter (ALM-2011) : Construction
Audio Compressor Limiter (ALM-2011) : Construction
Do the LEDs flicker at switch on? If not; Any dull looking joint should be re-soldered.
• Check the power supply (12-13.8V DC).
If the circuit still has a malfunction, please put it
• Check that the 100mA fuse has not blown. in writing, using diagrams if necessary and we will
respond as soon as possible.
No compression/limiting or audio gain unstable;
• Ensure that the audio input is greater than –
12dBu 170mVrms). Aareff Systems Limited (UK)
• J2 jumper is fitted Email
Due to the complexity of the circuit, other faults
are more difficult to locate without test equipment. © 2006 Aareff Transmission Systems. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Veronica is a registered trademark (Trade Mark Number
All of the components in the kit are new and of a 2198320, Class 09, Registration Date 29.12.2000). Veronica
high quality, it is very likely that a fault is FM™, No-Tune™, Easy-Tune™ and Jiva™ are trademarks of
caused by incorrect construction. Using the PCB Aareff. All materials in this document including, but not
legend and component list, check that all components limited to the images, logos, text, illustrations and
are in the correct positions and have correct designs are protected by copyrights, trademarks and other
polarity. intellectual property rights which are owned and controlled
by Aareff or by other parties that have licensed their
material to Aareff. All materials in this document,
Carefully check the PCB soldering; excessive including, but not limited to the images, logos, text,,
soldering may have shorted out adjacent tracks on the illustrations and designs may not be copied, reproduced,
PCB. Solder splashing from the iron could have republished, uploaded, posted or distributed in any way,
shorted out the adjacent tracks. A magnifying glass including by e-mail or other electronic means. Without the
or multimeter may help to find any small hairline prior written consent of Aareff, modification of the
materials, use of the materials on any web site or networked
short circuits, which are not visible to the naked computer environment is a violation of the copyrights,
eye. All soldered joints should be shiny in trademarks and other proprietary rights and is prohibited.
appearance, any solder joint which appears dull may
be a ‘dry joint’, which could cause the circuit to