Reminiscence Training Depression Among: Structured and Unstructured and The Elderly
Reminiscence Training Depression Among: Structured and Unstructured and The Elderly
Reminiscence Training Depression Among: Structured and Unstructured and The Elderly
Thc study was supported by a 1981 grant to the author from National Health and Welfare
(Welfare Branch) Canada. This financial assistance is gratefully acknowlcdgcd. Thc author
gratefully acknowledges the assistance of several graduate students in Developmental
Psychology who assisted in data collection. The author is gratcful to the elderly subjects (who
asked to remain unidentified) for their cooperation in this study and for the valuable insights
they provided.
Requests for reprints should be sent to P. S. Fry, Department of Educational Psychology,
The University of Calgary. Calgary. Alberta. Canada T2N IN4.
Clinical Gerontologist, Vol. 1(3), Spring 1983
@ 1983 by Thc Haworth Press, Inc. All rights reserved. 15
Subjects were initially 400 elderly Caucasians between the ages of
65 and 82 years who were invited to participate in a study in which
the objective, as defined, was to obtain subjects' appraisals of their
past life events. The initial pool of subjects was drawn from major
Canadian cities (i.e., Vancouver, British Columbia; Calgary,
Alberta; Toronto and Ottawa, Ontario) and United States cities
(i.e., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Washington, D.C., San Fran-
cisco, California, and Spokane, Washington). All subjects con-
sented to respond to the Beck Depression Inventory (Beck et al.,
1967) and an adapted version of Barron's (1953) Ego Strength
Scale. Subjects were grouped into High and Low Depression condi-
tions based upon a median split of the Beck Depression Inventory
Scores. Thus 162 high depression subjects (Mean Beck Score = 19;
Reliability Assessments
change scores were examined for The Beck Depression Scores, the
Ego-Strength Scores and Self-assessment Ratings.
Table 1
~ -
Factor Loadings
n = 81 n = 81
1 Negative Preoccupations
about M a t e r i a l Things
2 H e a l t h Hassles
3 Disharmony
4 Emotionality
6 Stresses of D a i l y Routine
Ego-Strength Scores
Self-assessment Ratings
Feelings of Personal
Adequacy 4.65 0.92 3.95 0.65 .98
Sense of Reality 4.37 1.01 1.67 1.11 1.05
Self-Assessment Scale
Prn n
"- b
0 -
. - 3
" - . -
e m
r ; .r 2 hY / c i 7i -Z Yi
e r n L O % a
Effects of Sex
me; When I'm feeling depressed I brood a lot and I don't pay atten-
tion to what is happening around me; I've learned to stay at home
when I'm low-most people don't want to know about my fears and
hurts). Since most of the subjects spent a lot of time alone the oppor-
tunity for oral reminiscence was no doubt limited. It may be that the
unstructured reminiscing provided an acceptable time for the overt
expression of memories. Subjects had control over the recall pro-
cess and could therefore withhold communications andlor accen-
tuate aspects of their life events which were phenomenologically im-
portant to them.
In review, it seems that reminiscence, both structured and
unstructured, as generated in this study, offers certain advantages
over other methods of increasing psychological well-being. Since
reminiscence is a cognitive activity originating from the subject's
memory, there are no special setting conditions, client characteris-
tics of methodological tools that are needed for therapy nor must
clients meet any rigorous personality criteria. The one restriction in
thc use of oral reminiscence is that it is more likely to be useful with
clients that are fairly verbal, and are cooperative. One note of warn-
ing is important: Clinical judgment would suggest that some of the
processes involved in reminiscence which may be most helpful to
the general population of depressed subjects are the ones that would
probably not be safe for use with psychotic clients whose
reminiscences are subject to much distortion (Botwinick, 1978;
Klerman et al. Note 2; Radoff, 1977).
Schultz (1976) and Shultz and Hanusa (1978) have argued that
therapeutic effects in geriatric patients can seldom be attributed to
intervention and may more likely be a function of positive relations
and social contacts. It may be that some of the more stable
therapeutic effects of the reminiscence training procedures can be
demonstrated only by a longitudinal follow up of subjects. The pres-
ent study provided some evidence that the positive effects of treat-
ment wre maintained for a period of at least 15 weeks after trainers'
social contacts with the subjects had been terminated. The subjects
were followed up only for a 15-week period due to a number of
mitigating factors which would have rendered more extensive
follow up data unreliable. The factors included, for instance,
changes in the schedule of subjects, changes in physical health and
attrition in the sample. Follow up over a longer period would cer-
tainly have been valuable in establishing the stability of the trends
noted in the data for treatment subjects in the structured and unstruc-
tured reminiscence conditions. Also, such prospective studies might
usefully include a silent reminiscence training procedure to examine
whether this procedure produces similar effects as does overt remi-
niscence. Such was not used in the present study due to time, man-
power and subject sample constraints.
Future studies should also compare the cost benefit-effects of
reminiscence training and some other kinds of cognitive interven-
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