Abortion: University of Georgia Medical Program
Abortion: University of Georgia Medical Program
Abortion: University of Georgia Medical Program
January 11,2021
University of Georgia
remove the embryo or fetus and placenta from the uterus before it becomes capable of
Ethical dilemma:
Ethical dilemmas such as women's autonomy rights may conflict with fetus' right to
fetuses may not have legal rights of personhood; therefore, appropriate action would be to
respect pregnant women's decisions regarding abortion. Hence, we see two different views on
pro-life is the belief all human life is created equal regardless of size, level of development,
education, and degree of dependency. Therefore, taking the life of a preborn baby is a
violation of the fundamental right to life. While the term pro-life was birthed from the
abortion wars of the 1970’s, the pro-life movement has grown into a thriving community of
those who meet political issues with the mindset that all human life is valuable. Whether you
are a preborn baby, a newborn, an elderly person, or someone with disabilities and special
needs, your life matters. At its core, the pro-life movement is about the value and equality of
Also, despite being accused of being conservative and religious dogma, the pro-life
The belief that every woman should have the right to make decisions over her own
life and body. Denying a woman an abortion is denying her the right to bodily
Generally, people who identify as pro-choice believe that everyone has the basic “
human right to decide when and whether to have children. When you say you’re pro-
choice you’re telling people that you believe it’s OK for them to have the ability to
”.those who are mostly concerned with the life of the “fertilized egg, embryo, or fetus
:pro-choice arguments
• A woman has the right over her own body and no women can call herself free until she
• There are a thousand factors why a woman would seek abortion whether its unplanned
pregencies, rape victims, health issues, mental illness, or financial instability and once a
woman decides to get an abortion, she should be provided safe and legal means to do so.
• A fetus in the first trimester is still not fully developed and completely dependent on the
mother meaning it cannot survive outside ts own. Thus, aborting it is not murder.
• Politicians and men in power introducing bills and laws regarding reproductive health and
abortion should be stopped unless it is favouring women’s best interest such as legalizing
abortion, providing safe clinics, and abolishing women prosecutions when seeking
• In marriage, unplanned pregnancy can happen even during safe sex and bringing a child
to life if you can not provide necessities financially and psychologically is crueller than
not bringing it at all. Pro lifers who claim to care so much about ‘life’ are contradicting
themselves because life is not just being born but living with dignity.
• In teen or single mothers, so many young women lose their potential success and
education due to conception at a young age and knowing that women are also leaders in
• Studies show that banning abortion does not necessarily stop abortion but in fact women
Some extreme pro-lifers argue that even in the cases of rape, incest, or mother’s
This is totally disregarding one’s mental physical and psychological health. Rape,
assault, or abuse victims are already suffering so much trauma and pain and are not to
fit to bring a preborn child to term let alone raise a child. Hence if forced upon
‘Aborting a fetus is murder and no matter what a mother should make sacrifices to
bring the child to term.’ this is beyond controlling and as a matter of fact internalized
misogyny. Just because the woman is the one bearing the child does not make it
The majority of women who receive abortions (23-25%) do so because they feel the
timing is wrong or that they cannot financially provide for their child.
A very small percentage of women (<0.5% as of 2004) get an abortion because they
the right to abortion is vital for individual women to achieve their full potential
banning abortion puts women at risk by forcing them to use illegal abortionists
Bodily rights:
Many people regard the right to control one's own body as a key moral right. If women are
not allowed to abort an unwanted foetus they are deprived of this right.
The simplest form of the women's rights argument in favour of abortion goes like this:
a woman has the right to decide what she can and can't do with her body
a woman has the right to decide whether the foetus remains in her body
The issue brings many ideas about human rights into brutally sharp focus.
every human being has the right to own their own body
therefore, that woman has the right to abort a foetus they are carrying
because of the mother’s right to bodily autonomy that abortion is generally morally permissible.
Pro-life arguments usually appeal to the fetus’s right to life, and it is because of the fetus’s right
to life that abortion is generally morally forbidden. But these two positions are not monoliths.
Some people who are pro-life believe there are important exceptions regarding abortion. A
moderate pro-life position says that abortion is generally morally forbidden, except in cases
where the mother’s life is at risk, or when the pregnancy is caused by incest or rape.
Piper, K. (2020, November 2). Pro-Life and Pro-Choice: What Does It Mean? Focus on the Family.
Chima, S. C. (2015). Ethical and legal dilemmas around termination of pregnancy for severe fetal
Scarfone, M. (2020, September 23). If you’re pro-life, you might already be pro-choice. The
Conversation. https://theconversation.com/if-youre-pro-life-you-might-already-be-pro-choice-