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Pre-Accepted Geotechnical Programme: Program Reference Program Valid Till Remarks

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Pre-accepted Geotechnical Programme

(List in ascending order of Program Reference)

Reference Program Version Valid Till Remarks
G0001 OASYS FREW 5.14 23/05/1998
G0002 FLAC 23/05/1998
G0003 SIGMA/W 2.0 24/05/1998
G0004 DIPS 3.12 25/06/1998
G0005 PILED/G 09/07/1998
G0006 SEEP/G 24/09/1998
G0007 SLOPE/G 3.0 25/09/1998
G0008 SWEDGE 1.0 27/09/2001
G0009 SLOPE 8.23 20/01/2013
G0010 UNWEDGE 2.01 13/11/1998
G0011 FLAC 3.3 06/08/2010
G0012 SLOPE/W 2.06 30/11/1998
G0013 PCSTABL5M 26/12/1998
G0014 SLOPE/W 3.03 05/02/1999
G0015 GALENA 2.0 27/03/2003
G0016 SPENN3.BAS 1.0 30/08/2020
G0017 PLAXIS 5.0 24/03/1999
G0018 JANBU.BAS 1.0 22/10/2020
G0019 FNDUBC1.BAS 1.0 22/10/2020
G0020 RWALL1.BAS 1.0 22/10/2020
G0021 SEEP/W 3 27/08/1999
G0022 OASYS STAWAL 2.11 09/09/1999
G0023 OASYS SLOPE 3.9 09/09/1999
G0024 STABL/G 03/04/2009 Slope Stability Analysis (for use of Simplified Bishop and
Simplified Janbu Methods Only)
G0025 OASYS SEEP 2.6 09/09/1999
G0026 OASYS VDISP 5.5 09/09/1999
G0027 OASYS GRETA 4.29 01/11/1999
G0028 OASYS FREW 7.4 01/11/1999
G0029 OASYS FREW 5.7 01/11/1999
G0030 OASYS WELL 0.1H 12/11/1999
G0031 OASYS SAFE 8.66 06/08/2006
G0032 WALLAP 4.05 22/12/1999
G0033 SWEDGE 1.12 27/01/2000
G0034 UNIBEAR 1.0 24/03/2000
G0035 RIDO 4.0 25/03/2000
G0036 DIPS 3.0 02/04/2000
G0037 TALREN 2.3 03/04/2000
G0038 FLAC 3.3 01/05/2000
G0039 SEEP/W 4.0 15/05/2000
G0040 KZERO 2 30/03/2017
G0041 DIANA 5.0 21/10/2013
G0042 STABL5 5.2 08/08/2003
G0043 OASYS SLOPE 3.7 18/09/2006
G0044 OASYS SEEP 2.2 18/09/2006
G0045 DIPS 4.0 16/06/2000
G0046 SWEDGE 1.1 16/06/2000
G0047 STAWAL 9/91 29/09/2000
G0048 OASYS SLOPE 3.5 28/01/2004
G0049 SLOPE/W 3.05 07/02/2005
G0050 OASYS FREW 5.11 18/09/2006
G0051 SLOPE/W 3 18/09/2006
G0052 PMWIN (MODFLOW) 29/09/2000
G0053 STED 6.54i 19/11/2000

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Pre-accepted Geotechnical Programme
Reference Program Version Valid Till Remarks
G0054 SEEP/W 4.02 01/12/2000
G0055 WALLAP 4.07 25/01/2001
G0056 ReWaRD 2.03 26/02/2001
G0057 ReActiv 1.05 26/02/2001
G0058 GWALL 2.41 20/01/2013
G0059 OASYS SLOPE 4.12 07/10/2013
G0060 OASYS STAWAL 3.5 17/08/2013
G0061 OASYS SAFE 11.4 17/08/2013
G0062 OASYS VDISP 6.5 12/07/2007
G0063 OASYS SEEP 3.9 20/01/2013
G0064 ROCKFAL3 1.0 21/05/2001
G0065 OASYS SLOPE 4.9 14/05/2001
G0066 OASYS FREW 8.8 04/01/2020
G0067 OASYS VDISP 6.4 21/05/2001
G0068 BMCOLPY/G 11/09/2001
G0069 OASYS PILE 2.4 05/12/2010
G0070 OASYS GRETA 5.4 17/08/2013
G0071 OASYS PILSET 3.4 17/08/2013
G0072 JANBU 1.0 03/06/2001
G0073 JANBU 1.0 03/06/2001
G0074 BEFON 1.0 24/09/2001
G0075 SAGE CRISP 3.02 18/06/2001
G0076 CWD 1.0 07/07/2001
G0077 FEWAND 1.02 07/07/2001
G0078 GWALL 2.4 19/07/2001
G0079 DIPS 3.11 21/07/2001
G0080 WALLAP 3.4 10/08/2001
G0081 OASYS STAWAL 2.9 13/08/2001
G0082 GOLDPIT 1.21D 18/08/2001
G0083 COLOB 98.5 14/11/2004
G0084 RWALL 98.5 14/11/2004
G0085 JANBU 30/03/2017
G0086 JANBU 1.0 20/09/2001
G0087 SIGMA/W 3.0 04/10/2001
G0088 WALLAP 4.10 05/08/2012
G0089 TALREN 3.2 08/10/2001
G0090 OASYS FREW 8.11 03/02/2008
G0091 SLOPE/W 4.01 24/11/2001
G0092 SEEP/W 4.2 19/02/2017 Solving 2-D seepage analysis for solving steady seepage and
transient seepage
G0093 OASYS VDISP 5.3 26/11/2001
G0094 SABLE 98.5 14/11/2004
G0095 FADSPABW 05/11/2020
G0096 SHEETPILE/2 2.4 14/01/2002
G0097 SLSTABBM 0.0 10/06/2002
G0098 OASYS FREW 5.10 23/11/2000
G0099 OASYS FREW 8.9 19/12/2005
G0100 PAROI2 4.6 HK 26/01/2006
G0101 PCSTABL5M 1.87 23/08/2021
G0102 OASYS CLOG 2.4 08/12/2002
G0103 UNWEDGE 2.3 03/07/2006
G0104 SLOPE/W 4.21 27/02/2022 The acceptance of the program is subject to the following
(a) The program is used only for slope stability analysis
using the limit equilibrium method of Bishop's Simplified,
Janbu's Simplified, or Morgenstern- Price;

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Pre-accepted Geotechnical Programme
Reference Program Version Valid Till Remarks
(b) Jambo's method should not be used for deep seated
failure and tie-back loads analysis; and
(c) Pseudo-static earthquake analysis, block slip analysis,
bearing capacity analysis and probability analysis are
G0105 SOCKET 1.0 26/12/2020
G0106 KaKp 1.0 26/12/2020
G0107 SIGMA/W 4 25/06/2003
G0108 q_all 1.0 12/11/2023
G0109 FLAC 3.4 17/05/2019 For the application in excavation & retaining structure only
G0110 CHANNEL 1.0 06/05/2012
G0111 CESAR-LCPC 3.2.1 29/08/2003
G0112 GSTABL7 1.14 08/10/2003
G0113 RIDO 4.01 02/05/2022
G0114 SLOPE/W 4.22 09/07/2015 - for analysis by Bishop Simplified and Morgenstern-Price
method only
- excluding applications in solving bearing capacity and
seismic loading
G0115 SLOPE 2000 1.6 16/08/2007
G0116 OASYS VDISP 17.7.2 20/05/2017
G0117 OASYS SLOPE 17.7.2 05/03/2011
G0119 SLOPE/W 4.24 27/04/2008 - excluding application in solving bearing capacity, seismic
loading and block failure problem
G0120 DIPS 3.12 12/03/2012
G0121 DIPS 5.0 07/05/2023
G0122 TUNSET 3.7 25/05/2008
G0123 SLOPE/W 5.0 18/07/2008 Only Janbu Simplified, Bishop, Spencer and Morgenstern-
Price should be used.
The use of the program in solving bearing capacity and
seismic loading are excluded
G0124 PLAXIS 7.2 01/09/2005
G0125 SLOPE-STABILITY 7.99 20/10/2005
G0126 DEBRIFLO 1.02 01/10/2016
G0127 SEEP/W 5 09/04/2009
G0128 Oasys FREW 17.8 10/09/2022 - Applied in the design of excavation and lateral support
works by conventional approach, such as those described in
GEO Publication 1/90.
- Only SAFE model method can be used in this version of
G0129 CONSOLID 1.0 26/12/2020
G0130 Oasys SEEP 3.10 29/11/2009
G0131 TUNSET 17 10/11/2006
G0132 Processing Modflow 5.1.5 29/04/2007
G0133 PLAXIS 8.2 17/02/2022 Only Mohr-Coulomb model should be used
G0134 OASYS FREW 18.1 17/01/2013 Notes for FREW users - for Use with Modified C580
(Modified C580 Approach
Based on the findings of the verification exercise and back
analyses of past case histories of excavation, users are
reminded of the following:

1. Horizontal soil pressure coefficients. Users are reminded

that the Ka and Kp values applied in FREW should be in the
horizontal direction. When opting for the "User Specified"
option in FREW, user should use Geoguide 1 Figures 18 &
19 to obtain horizontal earth pressure coefficients, resolve

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Pre-accepted Geotechnical Programme
Reference Program Version Valid Till Remarks
the active (Ka) and passive (Kp) pressure coefficients from
the charts, and then input their corresponding horizontal
components (i.e. Kah and Kph) into FREW. When opting
for the "Calculated" option, FREW will compute the earth
pressure coefficients based on the method given in the
manual (User Manual Section refers).

2. Surcharge application. When the surcharge is expected to

appear after the wall installation, the surcharge values
should be applied in stage 1 instead of stage 0 of the FREW
analysis. Users are reminded that the purpose of stage 0 is to
model the existing ground condition prior to any
construction works. Surcharge value applied in stage 0
corresponds to the situation where the loading is present at
the existing ground condition, and FREW will reset the wall
deformation to zero prior to the stage 1 analysis.

3. Surcharge modeling. It is recommended to use UDL

surcharge instead of strip load surcharge if the surcharge is
widespread across the site. Users are reminded that
application of strip load surcharge will only modify the
active pressure limit of the underlying soil; whereas the
application of UDL surcharge will modify both active and
passive pressure limits of the underlying soil (User Manual
Section 3.4.5 refers).

4. Model Type mode. Users should note that the verification

of FREW has been carried out using the SAFE model.

5. Wall/Soil interface. When the SAFE mode is adopted,

users have the option to choose between "fixed" or "free"
wall/soil interface in the analysis in order to obtain realistic
results for the design situation. Where the soil is fixed to the
wall and the anticipated vertical movement of the wall
relative to the soil is small, such as in a SLS analysis, the
"fixed" option should be used. Users may consider using the
"free" option in the following situations:

When analysing the behaviour of a wall where the soil will

move vertically against the wall and/or the results are close
to non-convergence in the FREW analysis; or where limited
wall friction is available.

Users are reminded that the choice of the wall/soil interface

option is related to the modeling of the relative soil/wall
movement in the vertical direction, and this should not be
confused with the choice of Ka or Kp values that correspond
to the wall friction available. Users should obtain the correct
Ka and Kp values for FREW inputs by considering the
available wall friction.

6. Sensitivity of results to wall embedment depth. When

analysing an excavation problem using the CIRIA Report
No. C580 method, users should check the sensitivity of the
wall behaviour to the wall embedment depth. The wall
behaviour in terms of stability is normally represented by
the computed structural forces (bending moments/shear
forces/ strut loads) in the ULS analysis but the maximum

Last revision date: 18/11/2020

Pre-accepted Geotechnical Programme
Reference Program Version Valid Till Remarks
wall deflection is also important in defining the state when
there is a rapid increase in wall deflection for a small
reduction in the embedment depth. Based on this
sensitivity analysis, the wall embedment depth can be
selected to achieve an economic design that is sufficiently
conservative and robust.
G0135 SLOPE 2000 1.7 09/03/2009 The above acceptance is subject to the following restriction:
1. Pile anchorage simulation is not allowed.
2. Sarma’s, Wedge, Lowe Karafiath analysis and 3D
analysis options are not allowed.
3. Davis method on bond load calculation for soil nail is not
4. Combined bond load from soil friction and rock bond for
soil nail is not allowed.
G0136 CRSP 4.0 21/09/2023
G0137 UNWEDGE 3.0 05/02/2021
G0138 SLOPE/W 6.20 06/11/2009
G0139 DIPS 5.1 8/11/2023
G0140 SWEDGE 4.0 30/07/2017
G0141 OASYS TUNSET 18.1 19/10/2013 - For analysis of tunneling problem by Attewell, Boscardin
and Mair et al methods only and
- User specified i/h ratio not allowed.
G0142 SLOPE/W 6.21 17/02/2022 - The FOS of the cohesive and frictional component of
strength are assumed equal for all soils involved.
- The FOS is assumed to be same for all slices.
- When excessively steep surface are used or when a trong
material overlies a very weak material, SLOPE/W may have
difficulties in obtaining a convergent solution.
G0143 SEEP/W 2007 26/11/2020
G0144 OASYS SLOPE 18.2 01/12/2014 -The program uses the method of slices and variety of
established methods for calculating interslice forces such as
Fellenius or Swedish slip circle analysis, the Bishop
horizontal or constant inclined inter-slice forces method and
janbu method.
- Each slice in the inclined interslice force methods is in
equilibrium both vertically and horizontally
G0145 SLOPE/W 5.20 14/06/2018 1. Only Bishop Simplified, Janbu Simplified, and
Morgenstern & Price method are allowed to use
2. The following applications are excluded
- Use of partial factor for slope stability analysis
- Bearing capacity analyses
- Pseudo-static earthquake analyses
- Active and passive pressures
- Block failure
- Analyses allowing passive mode
- Probabilistic analyses
- Hoek-Brown failure criterion for modeling shear strength
of soil or rock
- Unsaturated shear strength
- Analyses using SLOPE/W finite element stress method
- Auto-Locate (or Auto-Search) for critical slip surfaces will
produce results for indication only
- SHANSEP model for soft soils
G0146 SLOPE/W 2007 16/01/2021 1. Only Bishop Simplified, Janbu Simplified, Morgenstern
& Price and Spender methods are allowed to use
2. The following applications are excluded
- Use of partial factor for slope stability analysis

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Pre-accepted Geotechnical Programme
Reference Program Version Valid Till Remarks
- Bearing capacity analyses
- Pseudo-static earthquake analyses
- Active and passive pressures
- Block failure
- Analyses allowing passive mode
- Probabilistic analyses
- Hoek-Brown failure criterion for modeling shear strength
of soil or rock
- Unsaturated shear strength
- Analyses using SLOPE/W finite element stress method
- Auto-Locate (or Auto-Search) for critical slip surface will
produce results for indication only
- SHANSEP model for soft soils
G0147 OASYS FREW 18.1 06/09/2021 Global Factor Approach
- Applied in the design of excavation and lateral support
works by conventional approach,
such as those described in GEO Publication 1/90
- Only SAFE model method can be in this version of
G0148 DAN-W Release 9 29/07/2015 Only Voellmy rheological model may be used
G0149 PAROI 2 4.9e 12/11/2018 Global Factor Approach
G0150 UDEC 4.0 19/01/2017 Only ground excavation and rock reinforcement in tunnel
and cavern works are allowed to use
G0151 DAN-W Release 9 29/07/2015 Only frictional rheological model may be used
G0152 PIES 4 22/03/2013
G0153 PLAXIS 3D Foundation 2.2 24/11/2019 Global Factor Approach for ELS Works
G0154 PLAXIS (Modified C580 9.0 17/09/2023 Notes on the use of PLAXIS for the limit state partial factor
Approach) method based on CIRIA Report No.C580

For internal use only:

Based on the findings of the verification exercise and back
analyses of past case histories of excavation, users are
reminded of the following :

1. Hydraulic boundary condition. The groundwater pressure

distribution assumption in the modeling and the related
program setting can have a major influence on the computed
results. The assumption should be compatible with the
permeability of the various soil/rock layers in the ground
and the hydraulic boundary conditions, which should be
assessed using field permeability tests, typical permeability
values or pumping tests, and piezometric monitoring data.

2. Check on capacity of structural elements. A structural

check should be carried out after the analyses. If the
structural check indicates the capacity of any of the
structural elements being exceeded, the analyses should be
repeated for a revised design with stronger structural
elements using higher stiffness values.

3. Wall/Soil interface. Use of an unrealistically low strength

such as zero strength at the interface will likely result in
numerical instability (e.g. non-convergence) or
unreasonably large wall deflections. Therefore, the wall/soil
interface ratio Rinter should not be set to zero. It is
suggested that the users adopt a Rinter value of not less than
0.1 times the soil shear strength in the analysis.

Last revision date: 18/11/2020

Pre-accepted Geotechnical Programme
Reference Program Version Valid Till Remarks

4. Effects of mesh size on accuracy of results. The

mesh/element size to be adopted in the analysis should be
suitably fine so that further refinement of the mesh/element
size would not generate a significant change in the required
wall embedment depth. A finer mesh/element size may also
be required at the areas of stress concentration or zones of
large deformation gradient. The variation of the
mesh/element size over the computation domain should be
optimized to avoid numerical instability (e.g. non-
convergence) and to achieve adequate calculation accuracy.

5. Wall embedment depth and large strains. When analyzing

an excavation problem using the limit state partial factor
method based on CIRIA Report No. C580 to obtain the
design wall embedment depth, users should check the
sensitivity of the wall behaviour to the wall embedment
depth. There could be a rapid increase in the maximum wall
deflection/strut loads upon a small reduction in the wall
embedment depth, reflecting the sensitivity of the design to
small variations in wall embedment. Hence a suitable value
of design wall embedment depth should be selected to take
into account the results of sensitivity analysis and the
construction tolerance that can be achieved under the
construction control and supervision regime imposed.

6. Selection of Soil Models. Users should not use effective

stress shear strength parameters (phi' & c') to model
undrained behaviour. Also, the users should note that
PLAXIS may not give appropriate pore water pressure
distributions in an undrained analysis unless an
appropriately sophisticated soil model is adopted. Reference
should be made to the report of the Committee of Inquiry on
the Nicoll Highway collapse for advice on selection of
appropriate soil models for soil-structure interaction

7. Requirement for convergence. Excavation is an unloading

problem. Hence, the PLAXIS calculation for ELS works is a
load-controlled analysis. Users may use the default setting
where the "Arc-length control" function for iteration of
calculation is activated. Under special circumstances of
large shear strains and significant plasticity developing in
the mesh elements, the users may deactivate the "Arc-length
control" function to force the analysis to solve to
convergence (see PLAXIS Reference Manual under Iterative
Procedure Control Parameters). In such a case, the users
must check whether the shear strains generated in the mesh
indicate development of a global failure mechanism. If the
analysis has predicted a global failure mechanism, the users
should re-activate the "Arc-length control" function and re-
run the analysis. If there is no convergence, then the wall
embedment depth should be increased.
G0155 PLAXIS 9.02 09/12/2016 1. Stage excavation with props or anchors by global factor
approach and steady state seepage flow analysis, all on
Mohr-Coulomb soil model only.

2. The Prior acceptance is subjected to the document

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Pre-accepted Geotechnical Programme
Reference Program Version Valid Till Remarks
attached - Notes on PLAXIS (Version 9.02) for Excavation
and Lateral Support and Steady - State Seepage Analysis.
G0156 WALLAP 4.10 25/07/2013 1. Only the Bending Moment and Displacement type of
analysis with the wall and soil modelled by sub-grade
reaction is allowed.

2. The use of the program should be in compliance with the

technical recommendations stipulated in paragraph 4 of
Appendix A of the Circular Latter "Design of Excavation
and Lateral Support Works by the Limit State Partial Factor
Method Extension of the Trial Period" issued by this
Department dated 18 January 2007.
G0157 PLAXIS 3D Tunnel 2.4 29/11/2013 1. The assessment of tunneling on existing structures should
include back analysis of previous tunneling in nearby site
for program calibration.

2. The tunnel linings dismantling model should include

substantial soil cover and adequate ground improvement for
ground stabilization.

3. Only linear elastic perfectly plastic Mohr Coulomb

constitutive model is allowed.

4. Only steady-state seepage flow analyses is allowed.

G0158 WALLAP 5.04 19/04/2014 Global Factor Approach

The feature of seismic loading, thermal stress of structs,

wedge stability, yield moment of wall and FOS calculation
using BSC Piling Handbook method are excluded.
G0159 DAN-W Release 10 19/10/2023 The analysis of post-failure debris motion with normal
elements only
G0160 WALLAP 5.04 17/05/2018 Global Factor Approach - The features of seismic loading,
wedge stability and FOS calculation using BSC Piling
Handbook method are excluded
G0161 PLAXIS 2010 31/08/2014 - Restricted to stage excavation with props or anchors by
global factor approach and steady state seepage flow
analysis, all on Mohr-Coulomb soil model only;
- Guidelines given in the attached document - Notes on
PLAXIS (Version 2010) for ELS and Steady- State Seepage
G0162 VALDEZ 5.0 18/12/2017 - The program is developed specifically for the design of
reinforced earth wall in compliance of Geoguide 6 for Hong
Kong; and

- Global slope stability checks should be carried out by

another program.
G0163 RocFall 4.0 23/06/2019
G0164 OASYS FREW 19.0 30/07/2021 - Applied in the design of excavation and lateral support
works by conventional approach, such as those described in
GEO Publication 1/90.
- Only SAFE model method can be used in this version of
G0165 OASYS XDISP 19.2 14/05/2022 The application of BUILDING DAMAGE ASSESSMENT
function is excluded from this application
G0166 TALREN 4 2.0.3 12/05/2018 - Only Simplified Bishop's Method and Modified Fellenius
Method are used in analysis
- Only tensile strength of soil nails/slope reinforcing strips

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Pre-accepted Geotechnical Programme
Reference Program Version Valid Till Remarks
are allowed in the slope stability analysis
G0167 OASYS SLOPE 19.0 16/07/2021 - The Partial Factor Analysis function is excluded, and
- Fellenius Method should not be used
G0168 OASYS FREW 19.0 27/12/2018 - Modified C580 Approach
- The new stability check feature is excluded
G0169 PLAXIS 2D 2011 27/11/2021 - Restricted to stage excavation with pots or anchors by
global factor approach and steady state seepage flow
analysis, all on Mohr-Coulomb soil model only; and
- Guidelines given in the attached document
- Advisory Note on PLAXIS 2011 for ELS and Steady
- State Seepage Analysis
G0170 WALLAP (Modified 5.04 09/01/2016 - The stability analysis: wedge stability and FOS calculation
C580 Approach) is excluded,
- Single pile analysis is excluded, and
- The acceptance is subjected to the conditions given in the
attached document
- Notes on the use of WALLAP
G0171 DIPS 6.0 04/09/2022 - The features / functions are excluded - Flexural topping,
fold analysis, oriented core and rock mass classification
G0172 OASYS PILSET 19.1 14/05/2022
G0173 SLOPE/W 2012 06/03/2016 1. Only Bishop Simplified, Janbu Simplified, Morgenstern
& Price and Spender methods are allowed to use.
2. The following applications are excluded:
- Use of partial factor for slope stability analysis
- Bearing capacity analyses
- Pseudo-static earthquake analyses
- Active and passive pressures
- Block failure
- Analyses allowing passive mode
- Hoek-Brown failure criterion for modeling shear strength
of soil or rock
- Unsaturated shear strength
- Analyses using SLOPE/W finie element stress method
- Auto-Locate (or Auto-Search) for critical slip surfaces will
produce results for indication only
- SHANSEP model for soft soils
- Geotextile reinforcement, and
- Pile wall
G0174 PLAXIS 2012 25/07/2020 1. Restricted to staged excavation with props or anchors by
global factor approach and steady state seepage flow
2. Guidelines given in the Note on PLAXIS 2012 for ELS
and Steady State Seepage Analysis
G0175 OASYS FREW 19.2 9/11/2023 Global Factor Approach
(Global Factor
Approach) - The application of the program is confined in the analysis
of excavation and lateral support works by conventional
approach, such as those described in GEO Publication 1/90.
- Only the SAFE model method can be used.
- The stability check feature is excluded.
- The seismic analysis to EC8 feature is excluded.
- The integral bridge analysis is excluded.
- The EC7 partial factor sets feature is excluded.
G0176 OASYS FREW 19.2 9/11/2023 Modified C580 Approach
(Modified C580
Approach) - The application of the program is confined to the analysis
of excavation and lateral support works by the Limit State
Partial Factor Method based on CIRIA Report No. C580.

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Pre-accepted Geotechnical Programme
Reference Program Version Valid Till Remarks
- Only the SAFE model method can be used.
- The stability check feature is excluded.
- The seismic analysis to EC8 feature is excluded.
- The integral bridge analysis is excluded.
- The EC7 partial factor sets feature is excluded.
G0177 PLAXIS 2D AE 25/07/2021 - Restricted to staged excavation with props or anchors by
global factor approach and steady state seepage flow
- Guidelines given in the Note on PLAXIS 2D AE for ELS
and Steady State Seepage
G0178 OASYS PDISP 19.2 25/07/2021 - The application of non-linear soil stiffness feature is
excluded from this application.
- The Legacy Mindlin Method and New Mindlin Method
without Correction Factor features are excluded from this
G0179 phase² 8.0 02/01/2022
G0180 SEEP/W 2012 8.14 13/06/2021 Solve steady state and transient seepage analyses for
saturated and unsaturated porous material. The program is
designed for 2-Dimensional (vertical section view)

Axisymmetric & plan view modelling are not included in

this application.
G0181 PLAXIS 3D 2013 18/10/2018 - This application is restricted to the analysis of the stage
construction of excavation and lateral support design for
cantilever/ strutted shaft walls and associated strutting
system under hydrostatic groundwater pressure condition,
all on linear elastic Mohr Coulomb soil model only.
- Guidelines given in the Advisory Notes on PLAXIS 3D
2013 for ELS Analysis.
G0182 SLOPE/W 2012 22/08/2022
G0183 PLAXIS 2D 2016.0 27/09/2019 1. Restricted to staged excavation with props or anchors by
global factor approach and steady-state groundwater
seepage flow analysis.
2. Guidelines given in the Advisory Notes on PLAXIS 2D
2016 for ELS and Steady-State Seepage Analysis.
G0184 PLAXIS 3D 2016 15/01/2020 - This application is restricted to the analysis of the stage
construction of excavation and lateral support design for
cantilever/ strutted shaft walls and associated strutting
system under hydrostatic groundwater pressure condition,
all on linear elastic Mohr Coulomb soil model only.
- Guidelines given in the Advisory Notes on PLAXIS 3D
2016 for ELS Analysis.
G0185 SWEDGE 6.0 04/05/2020 Evaluation of geometry and stability of surface rock wedges

Following remarks are for internal use only:

1. SWEDGE is an interactive program for analyzing and

evaluating the geometry and stability of surface wedges in
rock slopes based on 3D limit equilibrium approach

2. Wedges are defined by two intersecting discontinuity

planes, the slope surface and an optional tension crack

3. Factor of safety approach is adopted with effect/presence

of surcharge and water pressure along the intersecting joints
for rock wedge stability analysis

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Pre-accepted Geotechnical Programme
Reference Program Version Valid Till Remarks
G0186 LS-DYNA 8.0 17/08/2020 1. Restricted to the debris mobility assessment
2. Guidelines given in the Advisory Notes for the use of LS-
DYNA on debris mobility prediction
G0187 PLAXIS 2D 2017 04/09/2020 - PLAXIS is a finite element package specially intended for
the analysis of deformation and stability in geotechnical
engineering projects. PLAXIS is equipped with special
features to deal with the numerous aspects of complex
geotechnical structures.

- The application is confined to the area of the 2D finite

element analysis of stage construction of excavation and
lateral support works with props or anchors by global factor
approach and steady-state groundwater seepage flow
analysis, all on linear elastic Mohr-Coulomb soil model

- Restricted to staged excavation with props or anchors by

global factor approach and steady-state groundwater
seepage flow analysis with application of the Mohr-
Coulomb soil model.

- Guidelines given in Advisory Notes on PLAXIS 2D 2017

for ELS and Steady-State Seepage Analysis.
G0188 PLAXIS 3D 2017 09/11/2020 - PLAXIS is a finite element package specifically intended
for the analysis of deformation and stability in geotechnical
engineering projects. PLAXIS is equipped with special
features to deal with the numerous aspects of complex
geotechnical structures.

- The application is confined to the area of the 3D finite

element analysis of stage construction of excavation and
lateral support works and associated strutting system under
hydrostatic groundwater pressure condition, all on linear
elastic Mohr Coulomb soil model only. This program is
aimed to be used to determine the deformation of the ground
and the structure. Forces in structural elements would be
used for supporting structures design, such as diaphragm
wall, struts and walings. This is an upgraded version of the
BD pre-accepted 3D FEA program PLAXIS 3D 2016 (BD
ref no: G0184).

- This application is restricted to the analysis of the stage

construction of excavation and lateral support design for
cantilever/ strutted shaft walls and associated strutting
system under hydrostatic groundwater pressure condition,
all on linear elastic Mohr Coulomb soil model only.

- Guidelines given in the Advisory Notes on PLAXIS 3D

2017 for ELS Analysis.
G0189 PLAXIS 2D 2018 25/07/2021 - Restricted to staged excavation with props or anchors by
global factor approach and steady-state groundwater
seepage flow analysis with application of the Mohr-
Coulomb soil model and steady-state seepage flow only.

- Guidelines given in the "Advisory Notes on PLAXIS 2D

2018 for ELS and Steady-State Seepage Flow Analysis".
G0190 LS-DYNA 10.0 23/12/2021 The coupled analysis of interaction between
rock/boulder/debris and debris-resisting barrier structures

Last revision date: 18/11/2020

Pre-accepted Geotechnical Programme
Reference Program Version Valid Till Remarks
G0191 PLAXIS 2D 2019 12/03/2023 - PLAXIS is a finite element package specially intended for
the analysis of deformation and stability in geotechnical
engineering projects. PLAXIS is equipped with special
features to deal with the numerous aspects of complex
geotechnical structures.

- The application is confined to the area of the 2D finite

element analysis of stage construction of excavation and
lateral support works with props or anchors by global factor
approach and steady-state groundwater seepage flow
analysis, all on linear elastic Mohr-Coulomb soil model

- Restricted to staged excavation with props or anchors by

global factor approach and steady-state groundwater
seepage flow analysis with application of the Mohr-
Coulomb soil model and steady-state seepage flow only.

- Guidelines given in Advisory Notes on PLAXIS 2D 2019

for ELS and Steady-State Seepage Analysis.
G0192 PLAXIS 3D 2018 12/03/2023 - PLAXIS is a finite element package specifically intended
for the analysis of deformation and stability in geotechnical
engineering projects. PLAXIS is equipped with special
features to deal with the numerous aspects of complex
geotechnical structures.

- The application is confined to the area of the 3D finite

element analysis of stage construction of excavation and
lateral support works and associated strutting system under
hydrostatic groundwater pressure condition, all on linear
elastic Mohr Coulomb soil model only. This program is
aimed to be used to determine the deformation of the ground
and the structure. Forces in structural elements would be
used for supporting structures design, such as diaphragm
wall, struts and walings. This is an upgraded version of the
BD pre-accepted 3D FEA program PLAXIS 3D 2017 (BD
ref no: G0188).

- This application is restricted to the analysis of the stage

construction of excavation and lateral support design for
cantilever/ strutted shaft walls and associated strutting
system under hydrostatic groundwater pressure condition,
all on linear elastic Mohr Coulomb soil model only.

- Guidelines given in the Advisory Notes on PLAXIS 3D

2018 for ELS Analysis.
G0193 SPENN5.BAS 1.0 12/03/2023 To obtain embedded depth and required moment resistance
at lowest strut of the strutted sheet pile wall
G0194 PLAXIS 2D CE V20 17/09/2023 PLAXIS is a finite element package specifically intended
for the analysis of deformation and stability in geotechnical
engineering projects. PLAXIS is equipped with special
features to deal with the numerous aspects of complex
geotechnical structures.

The application is confined to the area of the 2D finite

element analysis of stage construction of excavation and
lateral support works with props or anchors by global factor
approach and steady-state groundwater seepage flow

Last revision date: 18/11/2020

Pre-accepted Geotechnical Programme
Reference Program Version Valid Till Remarks
analyses, all on linear elastic Mohr Coulomb soil model

This application is restricted to staged excavation with props

or anchors by global factor approach and steady-state
groundwater seepage flow analyses with application of the
Mohr-Coulomb soil model and steady-state seepage flow
only. b. Guidelines given in the "Advisory Notes on
PLAXIS 2D CE V20 for ELS and Steady-State Seepage
Flow Analysis".
G0195 PLAXIS 3D CE V20 17/09/2023 PLAXIS is a finite element package specifically intended
for the analysis of deformation and stability in geotechnical
engineering projects. PLAXIS is equipped with special
features to deal with the numerous aspects of complex
geotechnical structures.

The application is confined to the area of the 3D finite

element analysis of stage construction of excavation and
lateral support works and associated strutting system under
hydrostatic groundwater pressure condition, all on linear
elastic Mohr Coulomb soil model only. This program is
aimed to be used to determine the deformation of the ground
and the structure. Forces in structural elements would be
used for supporting structures design, such as diaphragm
wall, struts and walings. This is an upgraded version of the
BD pre-accepted 3D FEA program PLAXIS 3D 2018 (BD
ref no: G0192).

This application is restricted to the analysis of the staged

construction of excavation and lateral support design for
cantilever/ strutted shaft walls and associated strutting
system under hydrostatic groundwater pressure condition,
all on linear elastic Mohr Coulomb soil model only.

Guidelines given in the Advisory Notes on PLAXIS 3D CE

V20 for ELS Analysis.
G0196 PLAXIS 2D 2018 17/09/2023 PLAXIS is a finite element package specifically intended
for the analysis of deformation, stability and groundwater
flow in geotechnical engineering projects. It also allows the
calculation of factor of safety of slopes using a strength
reduction method named "phi-c reduction":

The application is confined to the area of 2D finite element

analysis of using phi-c reduction method for slope stability
analysis under drained and undrained conditions and without
lateral support. Only the Mohr Coulomb soil constitutive
model is to be used for modelling the stress-strain-strength
behaviour of the soils.

Restricted to use of phi-c reduction method for slope

stability analysis under drained and undrained conditions
and without lateral support. Only the Mohr Coulomb soil
constitutive model is to be used for modelling the stress-
strain-strength behaviour of the soils.

Guidelines given in the "Advisory Notes on PLAXIS 2D

2018 for slope stability analyses using phi-c reduction".
G0197 PLAXIS 3D 2017 17/09/2023 PLAXIS is a finite element package specifically intended

Last revision date: 18/11/2020

Pre-accepted Geotechnical Programme
Reference Program Version Valid Till Remarks
for the analysis of deformation, stability and groundwater
flow in geotechnical engineering projects. It also allows the
calculation of factor of safety of slopes using a strength
reduction method named "phi-c reduction".

The application is confined to the area of 3D finite element

analysis of using phi-c reduction method for slope stability
analysis under drained and undrained conditions and without
lateral support. Only the Mohr Coulomb soil constitutive
model is to be used for modelling the stress-strain-strength
behaviour of the soils.

Restricted to use of phi-c reduction method for slope

stability analysis under drained and undrained conditions
and without lateral support. Only the Mohr Coulomb soil
constitutive model is to be used for modelling the stress-
strain-strength behaviour of the soils.

Guidelines given in the "Advisory Notes on PLAXIS 3D

2017 for slope stability analyses using phi-c reduction".

Last revision date: 18/11/2020

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