Article Review-Taxation
Article Review-Taxation
Article Review-Taxation
Section: Two
Date of Submission:
Article Review
Citation: Taxation of Corporations and Their Impact on Economic Growth: The Case of EU
Countries: Vol. 4, Issue 4, pp. 96-108, December 2012
In the present time nearly all countries try to cope with the consequences of global economic
crisis. Governments try to optimize their tools aimed at efficient resources allocation and to
eliminate the consequences of the crisis. The European Union (EU) is also facing to the other
problem – budget crisis which has its origin in the budgetary discipline mostly of the
southern countries – but its impact is area-wide and is alarming especially for the member
countries of the monetary union. This situation has raised several questions which need to be
dealt as quickly as possible. A fundamental issue is how to set up the system for the best
support of economic growth and simultaneously to keep budgetary discipline and lower
budget deficits. In this area is the most often mentioned the idea of the introduction of
common EU fiscal rules and fiscal responsibility. Some countries however remain sceptical
to this step (e.g. Czech Republic). At this time the fiscal policy instruments remain in the
hands of individual countries.
The fundamental view on the growth theory was brought by Sollow (1956) and Swan (1956)
which has became the basis for its next modifications. The long-run growth is in the
neoclassical growth model determined by exogenous technological progress and population
growth and it does not enable to monitor impact of the taxation on the individual variables.
The idea about steady state and exogenous technological growth was till the time of Sollow
and Swan overcome.
In this respect the most important approaches were by Lucas (1988) and Romer (1986). The
widening of the growth models of human capital and endogenous technological progress
enables to assess deeper and more extensive analysis.
Between one of the first authors who have pointed on the possibility of the relationship
between taxation and long-term economic growth belongs Judd (1985), Chamley (1986),
Barro (1999) or King and Rebelo (1990) who used the neoclassical growth model with
physical capital, or two sector growth model with human and physical capital. A typical
conclusion of these studies is that the three most used taxes (consumer tax, corporate tax and
labor tax) generally have a negative impact on long-term growth.
The empirical evidence implies that the size of the corporate tax burden is certainly one of the
decisive factors influencing the management of the company in the investment allocation
decisions. With the international trade and increasing globalization are more mobile factors
of production and different levels of taxation one of the key factors when deciding about
location of investment. The EU countries apply the different tax systems and different
corporate taxation systems, which provides unequal conditions within company policy.
However the question arises how to optimally assess and evaluate the diversity of these
The most commonly used, but also probably the least suitable instrument for the assessment
and comparison of tax burden is statutory tax rate. The more suitable possibility is the tax
quota. This indicator of tax burden represents the share of total public revenue gained from
taxes relatively to the gross domestic product. Using the partial tax quotas can be assessed
what proportion of income is distributed through the individual taxes. But even in this case
are not taken into account all relevant factors.
Another suitable measurement of the tax burden on corporations is undoubtedly effective
corporate tax rates. They are mainly used because of better explanatory ability the real tax
burden imposed on corporate profits. They take into account the tax base and ways of
integration of corporate and personal income taxes. Therefore effective tax rates provide
information about different tax treatment of companies in individual countries. They can
serve as an appropriate indicator for investment decisions. The influence of corporate
taxation to the net returns of investment depends on many factors such as profitability of the
investment, the legal status of the investing companies, funding sources, etc. However during
the calculation of tax burden is undergone number of simplifying steps. For determining these
tax rates are used three main methods – backward looking macro view, backward looking
micro view and forward looking.
In this issue is involved e.g. Devereux and Griffith (2003), Sørensen (2004) or Nicodéme
(2001). For the purpose of the paper we will use the most recent measurements and
methodology according Devereux et al. (2011), which is based on the methodology set out in
the work of Devereux and Griffith (1998).
Objective of the research: to verify the expected negative relationship between corporate
taxation and long-term economic growth in the sample countries. This analysis is based on
the neoclassical growth model extended with human capital. Furthermore, the model
associated with the variable reflecting the different possibilities to measure the tax burden on
corporations, especially tax quota separated on income taxation of corporations, the implicit
tax rate on capital and effective tax rates secured by micro-forward looking methods. The
default is a panel regression methodology and related methods of data analysis. The sample
consists of EU member states. The reference periods are the annual frequencies in the time
frame (1998 – 2010).
Literature review: The empirical literature suggests that there exists inverse relationship
between economic growth and tax burden. Johansson et al. (2008) in their work conclude that
the most damaging is for the economic growth the corporate tax followed by income tax and
consumption tax. Clearer is the existence of the relationship between tax burden of income
tax and economic growth. Ambiguity remains in the case of the consumption taxes (e.g.
Kotlán et al., 2011). It can be derived that the corporate tax policy can affect consumption,
investment activity and employment to some extent. An appropriate tax system can lead to
the optimal resources allocation and to the increase of economic growth. Most studies which
are interested in this area however employ only statutory tax rates which have only limited
informative value about actual tax burden.
Data and methodology: The analysis is based on regression models evaluating the relationship
between economic growth and tax burden on corporations. These models have been assembled in
accordance with a study of Makiw, Romer and Weil (1992), which belongs to the most often used. In
addition to the classic variables (e.g. workforce, technological progress and capital accumulation)
another variables are considered to have influence on growth. Between them belongs human capital or
the tax burden..
Sample: The sample is divided into two sub-categories which represent old EU member
states (EU15 - Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom) and new EU
member states (EU12 - Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia,
Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia) which are examined separately.
These sub-groups should ensure greater homogeneity of the chosen countries. For the
evaluation of the above mentioned relationship is mainly used econometric program E-views,
version (7), additional calculations are performed in MS Excel and SPSS (18).
Variables: Dependent variable is represented by the growth of gross real domestic product
per capita (GDP / pc) expressed in purchasing power parity. The explanatory variables are
capital accumulation (CAP), approximated by the share of investments creation to GDP
expressed in purchasing power parity per capita, population (POP) which represents the rate
of population growth in the given country and also human capital (HUM), this variable is
represented by a share at least secondary educated population in the labor force. Corporation
tax burden is approximated by tax quota separated for corporate income tax (TQC), the
implicit tax rate on capital (ITRC) compiled according to ESA 1995, and the effective tax rate
(EATR) and (EMTR) received by forward looking micro view.
Empirical model: conducted to discover the relation between corporation tax burden and
economic growth is performed on the panel data. This is constructed for 27 EU member
countries for the period 1998 – 2010.
Descriptive statistics: statistical summary of the variables used in the analysis presents in
Correlations: The correlations between variables are presented in Table
Taxation of Corporations and Their Impact on Economic Growth: The authors confirmed
their findings that taxes on capital income are harmful for growth because they discourage
formation of savings and capital investment. The results suggest that the technologically
advanced countries, where innovation is important for long-term growth, rather than relying
on excise tax or on labor tax they should use the investment taxation. Kotlán et al. (2011)
state that taxes can be to the growth theories integrated during rate of savings, investments
and capital accumulation. The pro-growth effect is evident especially in countries that still
have not reached the steady state. For this work they will be considered the new EU member
countries (EU12, members since 2004). The second line of the paper will analyze the impact
on countries that have reached steady state, namely the old EU 15 member states.
Reduction of the tax burden will have a greater effect in EU15 countries rather than in the EU new
member countries. This does not mean that the EU12 countries should ignore the effectiveness of the
tax burden. These conclusions can be fairly debatable, since the indicators used in this paper do not
take into account such factors as administrative efficiency of tax collection and the overall fiscal
balance and moderation, which is currently the major problem across the whole European Union.
European Commission currently considers introduction of a uniform tax rules across the EU.
In the area of corporate taxation has long been preparing and implementing the Common
Consolidated Corporate Tax Base and uniform tax rules for determining taxation of corporations
respectively. From the above mentioned results, the changes in the taxation of corporations may,
especially in the new Member States, significantly affect the economic growth of the country.
Increase the tax burden on corporations could even lead to the deepening of the economic gap
between the EU12 and EU15 countries.
Received results can be modified by the current macroeconomic situation because lot of EU member
countries have introduced non-standard fiscal measures both on the revenue and expenditure sides as
a reaction on the economic crisis. Those countries simultaneously try to solve problem of slow or also
negative economic growth and budget deficits.
Suggestion for future research:
For a better understanding of how Taxation of Corporations and Their Impact on Economic
Growth: The Case of EU Countries, future research should refer to various performance indicators.
Besides, other variables should be identified in order to better describe the variation in return on
Economic Growth.
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