Global Leader in SNG Energy Systems: (Synthetic Natural Gas)

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Global Leader

In SNG Energy Systems

(Synthetic Natural Gas)
S e r i e s
B l e n d e r
A F C™
Get what you deserve... Feed Forward Control Advantages
SNG consumers demand gas quality regardless of their flow Only the AFC™ delivers an accurate LPG-air mix immediately
profile. They demand an SNG blender equipped as standard upon start-up and under rapid load changes. When the AFC™
with the critical safety and control functions available to them. is started, the LPG flow meter sends a flow value to the control
These include Auto-Ratio-Control, Class 1 Division 1 Group system. The control system responds instantaneously and pre-
D location suitability, flow meters to understand gas and air determines the position of the air flow control valve relative to
flows, pressure transmitters to understand their pressures and the LPG vapor flowrate. Within seconds, the actual measured
an HMI for ease of operation. air flow rate is compared with the calculated flow rate and the
control system makes the necessary adjustments. The AFC™
The AFC™ provides what you demand – and more! is now on line. Perfect gas quality — no wild swings and no
“bad gas” typical of old conventional mixing systems.

Profibus™ PA Instrumentation

A fully packaged, At low SNG flow rates, conventional mixing systems have
intelligent system
designed to replace “turndown problems.” The typical solution is to manually turn off
all existing mixing
technologies the mixing system, manually adjust the regulator pressures to a
lower setting and then manually restart the mixing system. The
customer then operates the system at this lower SNG discharge
Mix with intelligence pressure —until there is a need to increase flow again. The
AFC™ stands for Active Flow Control. In conventional “feed- AFC™’s Line Pak™ option allows pressure and flow param-
back only” blenders, poor gas quality is identified too late. eters to be pre-set in the Control System. Mixing with intel-
Heat sensitive products, particularly glass, ceramics or food ligence, the AFC™ automatically closes the mixed gas outlet
can be ruined by poor gas quality. The potential costs can be valve and then automatically reopens it at a lower down-stream
enormous. For SNG systems serving residences in a CityGas pressure! No manual steps required and the concern of “turn-
application, the concerns for gas quality are even more strin- down” is eliminated!
gent. Why take a risk...
Flow and Wobbe response curve
The AFC™ eliminates “after the fact” problems. The AFC™
utilizes a combined “feed-forward” and “feedback” control 1,600
Flow Rate & Wobbe Index

strategy. The intelligent control system pre-determines, instan-

(Sm3/hr & BTU/SCF)

1,200 Target Wobbe
taneously, the appropriate position of the air flow control valve 1,000 Actual
MG Flowrate
to provide the correct air to LPG ratio. Simultaneously, actual 800
air flow through the blenders air meter is compared with the 400

calculated air flow required to the exact air to LPG ratio. The 200
AFC™ performs this fine tuning perfectly and instantly.... The 0 200 400 600 800 1000
Time (seconds)
AFC has a process response cycle time of 600 milliseconds
Graph illustrates the accuracy of the Actual Wobbe value versus the Target
compared to 5 minutes or more in the case of conventional
Wobbe value and the rapid correction of the Wobbe value when an SNG flow
blenders using only a feedback signal! rate change occurs.
LPG Vapor Automatic Safety Valve 14 SNG Discharge 18

Key Components Safety Valve

7 Air Flow Control Valve

SNG Pressure

SNG Outlet

Transmitters 4

LPG Vapor

Air Inlet

Local Junction Box 20

* Optional
Line Pak™
Flow Meter 5 12
The AFC™ blends LPG vapor and air at a specific ratio to
perfectly simulate the combustion characteristics of natural
gas. Pressure and temperature compensated flow meters,
as shown in the schematic, measure the regulated flow of
LPG and air. The volumetric flow of both gas streams are
converted to their true molar values with a sophisticated gas
flow algorithm that takes into account the system pressures,
temperatures and compressibility factors. The ratio of the
two flow rates is then compared to the calculated air to LPG
ratio required for the Wobbe Index of the natural gas being

Adjustments to the ratio are made only on the air side of the
system. Adjustments are automatic and are performed by
the Air Flow Control Valve. As the flow of SNG either increases
or decreases, the Air Flow Control Valve modulates and
maintains an exact and constant mixing ratio between the 1 8 Pressure Regulators (Not provided) 16 Pressure Indicator (Displays mixed gas
discharge pressure)
LPG and air streams. The result is a Wobbe value that 2 9 Butterfly-type Isolation Valve
17 Pressure Transmitter (Provides mixed
typically varies < +/- 1%. Manual or automatic adjustments 3 10 Wafer-type Back Flow Check Valve gas discharge pressure signal to the
of the mixing ratio are performed from the touch screen of control system)
4 11 Pressure Transmitters (Pressure
the HMI (Human Machine Interface) of the AFC™. correction of the flow data) 18 SNG Discharge Safety Valve (Pneumati-
cally opens – spring close; Valve closes
5 12 Flow Meters (With temperature compen- when there is a safety violation)
Pressure regulators installed upstream of the AFC™ maintain 19 Butterfly-type Isolation Valve
7 Air Flow Control Valve (Controls air flow
constant pressure to both the vapor and air inlets. Therefore, based on flow and control parameters) 20 Local Junction Box (Mounted on the
the AFC™ responds much like a traditional regulator. When AFC™ Blender)
14 LPG Vapor Automatic Safety Valve
providing SNG in a piped network, as the gas distribution (Pneumatically opens - spring close; Valve 21 Profibus Cable (Single cable link from the
closes when there is a safety violation) AFC™ Junction Box to the Control Panel)
pressure decreases, the SNG flow rate will increase to main-
15 Turbulators (Internal to header) 22 Control Panel (Simple ‘Touch Screen’
tain pressure. Likewise, when the gas distribution pressure design; Operator-friendly and compact)
rises, the SNG flow decreases. The LPG vapor regulator * SNG Pressure Transmitter (Used only
with Line Pak™ option)
establishes the AFC™ discharge pressure.
Dimensional Data: AFC™ MODEL DATA
Ft./In 6’-0” 2’-6” 1’-6” 2” 2” 4”
A2 mm 1829 762 457 150#RF 150#RF 150#RF
Ft./In 6’-0” 2’-6” 1’-6” 2” 2” 4”
A3 mm 1829 762 457 150#RF 150#RF 150#RF
Ft./In 7’-0” 3’-3” 2’-1” 3” 3” 6”
B A4 mm 2134 991 635 150#RF 150#RF 150#RF
Ft./In 7’-6” 3’-3” 2’-1” 4” 4” 6”
E A5 mm 2286 991 635 150#RF 150#RF 150#RF
Ft./In 9’-6” 4’-0” 2’-6” 6” 6” 8”
A6 mm 2896 1219 762 150#RF 150#RF 150#RF
C Ft./In 12’-6” 4’-2” 2’-6” 8” 8” 10”
A7 mm 3810 1270 762 150#RF 150#RF 150#RF
Ft./In Contact Factory for Sizing and
All dimensions in Flange Types A8 mm Dimensions
imperial and
metric units
LPG = 150#RF Air = 150#RF SNG = 150#RF Dimensions are not certified


PSIG Mpa MMBTU/h NM3/ h MMBTU/h NM3/ h MMBTU/h NM3/ h MMBTU/h NM3/ h MMBTU/h NM3/ h MMBTU/h NM3/ h MMBTU/h NM3/ h
20 0.14 28 536 70 1317 116 2196 261 4928 452 8537 1029 19419
30 0.21 36 674 88 1657 146 2764 329 6202 569 10742 1294 24437
40 0.28 43 813 106 1998 176 3331 396 7475 686 12948 1560 29455

50 0.35 50 951 124 2338 207 3899 463 8748 803 15154 1826 34473
60 0.41 58 1090 142 2678 237 4466 531 10022 920 17360 2092 39491
70 0.48 64 1217 158 2991 264 4987 593 11191 1027 19385 2336 44096
80 0.55 71 1341 175 3297 291 5498 654 12338 1132 21372 2575 48618
90 0.62 78 1464 191 3598 318 6000 713 13464 1235 23324 2810 53057
100 0.69 84 1584 206 3894 344 6493 772 14571 1337 25240 3041 57416
110 0.76 90 1702 222 4184 370 6978 829 15657 1437 27122 3268 61697
120 0.83 96 1818 237 4170 395 7453 886 16724 1534 28971 3491 65902
130 0.90 102 1932 252 4750 420 7921 941 17773 1631 30787 3709 70034
20 0.14 33 606 80 1490 134 2484 300 5574 520 9655 1183 21963
30 0.21 40 748 99 1839 165 3067 371 6881 642 11920 1460 27116
40 0.28 48 882 117 2168 195 3615 437 8111 757 14050 1721 31961

50 0.35 55 1017 135 2500 225 4169 504 9354 873 16204 1985 36861
60 0.41 62 1144 152 2813 253 4690 567 10525 982 18231 2233 41473
70 0.48 69 1278 169 3142 282 5240 633 11757 1097 20366 2495 46329
80 0.55 75 1398 185 3436 309 5729 692 12855 1199 22268 2728 50655
90 0.62 82 1526 202 3751 337 6255 756 14035 1309 24313 2978 55307
100 0.69 89 1652 219 4061 365 6772 818 15196 1417 26322 3224 59878
110 0.76 96 1776 235 4366 392 7280 880 163361 1524 28298 3466 64373
120 0.83 102 1898 251 4666 419 7780 940 17458 1628 30241 3704 68792
130 0.90 109 2018 267 4960 445 8271 999 18560 1731 32151 3938 73137
• The final sizing to be confirmed by Ely Energy Factory and may vary from “typical” sizing shown above
• Dimensions are non-certified and not for engineering or design use
• Product improvement is a continuing goal at Ely Energy. Design and specifications are subject to change without notice
Intelligent Instruments: Manufacturer
Ely Energy
IEC61158-2 digital fieldbus communication is standard Standard Blender Evaluation AFC™ Mfg. X Mfg. Y

No analog scaling errors or drift: (Standard features on base unit)

Class 1 Division 1 Group D Suitable YES YES NO
All data transmitted directly to the PLC via digital Auto Ratio Control YES NO NO

fieldbus LPG Pressure Transmitter YES NO NO

Air Pressure Transmitter YES NO NO

Values transmitted directly in 32-bit floating-point Touch Screen YES NO NO

format; eliminates scaling errors Optional Voltage YES NO NO

LPG Flow Measurement YES NO NO

Air Flow Measurement YES NO NO

Advanced diagnostic information: SNG Flow Measurement YES NO NO

Feed Forward and Feed Back Control YES NO NO

Process values transmitted with a diagnostic byte to Profibus® communication YES NO NO

indicate signal quality No wiring on skid! YES NO NO

Design eliminates use of “mixing valve”? YES NO NO

Alarms triggered when signal quality is questionable, Design eliminates chance of sticking piston? YES NO NO

no guess work! Only one cable from Control Panel to Blender YES NO NO

Can achieve flow rates of AFC™ YES NO NO

Can achieve operating pressure of AFC™ YES NO NO

Integrated explosion-proof protection: Score 17 pts 1 pt 0 pts

Instruments are bus powered via Zone 0, Ex ia power

AFC™ or the other brand? You decide…

Intelligent process control:

Robust flow measurement: Automatic calculation of mixing ratio set-point to achieve
Immune to:
the target Wobbe Index
Vibration to over 1 g in all axis
Automatic Ratio Adjustment when an optional Wobbe
Thermal shock > 150 K/s
Index meter is used
Dirty media
Adjustable alarm set-points and process response via
Permanent self-monitoring and diagnostic of electronics
HMI screens
and sensor.
Alarm messages with process value stamps
No maintenance
Extensive process value display for process diagnostics:
No moving parts
For each flow stream the AFC™ can display:
No zero-point drift on flow sensor
Real-time pressure
Real-time temperature
True digital flow control valve positioning:
Real-time actual flow
Robust piezoelectric valve block is virtually wear proof
Real-time corrected flow at standard conditions
Minimum air consumption required by piezoelectric valves
Totalized flow at standard conditions
One touch, “push button” self-tuning of valve positioner
Real-time molar flow
Local display of controller set-point and actual valve
Real-time gas stream velocity
Real-time compressibility factor
Extended diagnostic information (e.g. positioner will even
Real-time gas density
report lack of instrument air!)
Real-time volumetric ratio
Real-time molar ratio
Mixed gas pressure (available with Line-Pak™
Mixed gas totalized flow at standard conditions
Control valve throttle position
Real-time Wobbe Index of mixed gas

Communication interfaces available:

RS-232 (ASCII, 3964R)
RS-485 (MPI, Profibus, Modbus, DF1, DH485)
Ethernet (TCP/IP, Http, FTP, Web, OPC)
F ro m 1 898 to the 21st Centur y... .
Ely Energy’s origin dates to 1898 when Energy Systems, Inc. (ESI), a company later acquired by Ely Energy, began as a mechani-
cal contractor in Minnesota (USA). By the 1950’s ESI had branched out into associated mechanical engineering activities that grew
to include the design and manufacture of Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG) systems. In 1980 ESI was acquired by the RJ Ely Company of
Tulsa, Oklahoma (USA) and began operations as Ely Energy Systems, and later as Ely Energy Inc., a subsidiary of the RJ Ely Com-
pany. In 1998, under a corporate consolidation, the corporation formerly changed to Ely Energy, Inc. (EEI)

Today Ely Energy is an expanding, diversified designer and manufacturer of high quality process equipment for the global environ-
mental, power and process markets.

ITMation™ Ltd. (ITM) is a Hong Kong based partner of Ely Energy. ITM™ specializes in automation, process controls and providing
innovative solutions to industrial and utility needs.

Tulsa Hong Kong

Blue dots represent global AFC™ user locations

Other Products:

STABILIZER™ LPG Pump Set STEAM-FLO™ SV Series Vaporizer Wobbe Index Meter (WI/A)

AFC™ is a trademark of ELY Energy, Inc.

Ask for your free “Ely Energy Corporate Profile”

Represented by:

11385 E. 60th Place So.

Tulsa, Oklahoma 74146, USA
Phone: 918-250-6601
Fax: 918-254-5412
Visit us at:

Copyright 2005 Ely Energy Inc.

Publication: AFC-8/05

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