Assessment of Knowledge Attitudes and Practices KA
Assessment of Knowledge Attitudes and Practices KA
Assessment of Knowledge Attitudes and Practices KA
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Purpose: Teachers can be regarded as key figures in climate change education. Therefore, it
is essential to determine what teachers know about climate change and what their attitudes
and practices are with respect to climate change education.
the sample was 48.1% male and 51.9% female subjects. To determine the status of teachers’
knowledge, attitudes, and practices, the obtained quantitative data was classified into three
categories on a scale of 100%: good status (more than 75%), moderate status (50-75%), and
weak status (less than 50%).
Results: The findings revealed that the involved teachers were equipped with an appropriate
knowledge, i.e. 22.2% good and 52.8% moderate levels of knowledge. Furthermore, the
subjects’ level of attitude was moderate (44.5%); however, their level of practice was weak
(52.8%). In terms of gender, male subjects’ knowledge and attitude levels were higher than
those of female subjects. However, female subjects reported higher levels of practice in
comparison with male subjects. Overall, the results of this study highlighted the necessity of
improving lower secondary teachers’ climate change education in general and of the level of
their attitudes and practices in particular.
Originality/value: The present study sheds more light on the change management and
environmental education within Iranian context. The results of this study accentuate the
necessity of presenting more climate change education programs for teachers. Furthermore,
curriculum planners can take advantage of the obtained results to carry out curriculum
‘The average temperature of the planet has increased approximately 1 degree Celsius since
1970. This global warming can be considered as causally related to climate change. Seal-
level rising in coastal regions, severe storms, hurricanes and destructive floods are classified
as serious problems (Curry, 2011; Finnis et al., 2015; Hannah, 2015). Eight years of drought
have been recorded in Iran and surrounding countries during the last decade (UNAIRAN
Report, 2008), which has affected the cultivation of grains and cereals (Trenberth, 2011). ‘
Currently, climate change has become a primary concern of many scholars, particularly
climatologists and the environmentalists, in the natural sciences (Azizi, 2002; Paoletti et al,
2007; Roshan et al, 2009).
In the field of climate change, the influential Stern Report identified three key elements in
response to climate change. Two of the specified elements, i.e. technological transfer and
behavioral change, have clear implications for education (Stern, 2007; Bangay & Blum,
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2010). Hence, climate change can be considered as a complex issue, which reveals the
significance of educating future generations to be capable of critically engaging with the
flood of information and perspectives presented in this field (Hung, 2014).
Education is an essential element of the global response to climate change (Teodorescu&
Oros, 2010; Gumucio et al, 2011; Tasquiera et al, 2013). Climate change education helps
young people comprehend and address the impact of global warming. Furthermore, it
encourages changes in their attitudes and behavior and helps them adapt to the climate
change-related trends (UNESCO, 2015; Heidari & Heidari, 2015; Wang, 2015; Oversby,
Inadequate public understanding of climate change is partly the result of four critical
challenges that have hindered development and delivery of effective climate change
education. First, the conducted research over the past 15 years has demonstrated that the
underlying science of climate change is inherently difficult for most learners to comprehend
(Boyes & Stanisstreet, 2001; Coyle, 2005) and for educators or schools to competently teach
(Abbasi, 2006; National Research Council, 2007; Storksdieck, 2006). Furthermore, the
relationship between science and society, which is implied in climate change education and
aims at changing people’s behavior, makes the task of teaching and learning more difficult
(Gardner & Stern, 2008; Heimlich & Ardoin, 2008). Second, achieving the broad range of
goals specified in climate change education requires a cross-disciplinary approach, which
integrates education with learning, social, behavioral, and economic sciences as well as earth
systems science. Third, the myriad of federal agencies, non-governmental organizations, and
businesses devoted to climate change education may duplicate efforts and waste limited
resources without a forum for coordination, cooperation, and alignment of overall education
strategies. Fourth, like evolution, climate change has become a highly politicized topic in the
policy arena and in education. Moreover, people’s willingness to be educated depends on
their attitudes towards the issue itself (Leiserowitz & Smith, 2010; Forrest & Feder, 2011).
Therefore, as children in general and students in particular can be considered as the key
figures in dealing with climate change, they should be educated and trained to develop
intrinsic environmental awareness in the process of adaptation to the effects of climate
change. Hence, teachers are the main stakeholders in climate change discourse. Recently
teaching secondary students about climate change has received due attention (Shepardson et
al, 2011).
The studies conducted in various contexts have revealed a remarkable number of students not
being provided with an adequate and accurate education on climate change and a noticeable
number of teachers not knowing how or what to teach about these issues (Hung, 2014).
Furthermore, the studies carried out to assess the knowledge of trainee teachers on climate
change demonstrated that future classroom teachers themselves hold the same erroneous
understandings as those of secondary school students (Khalid, 2003; Ocal et al, 2011;
Ikonomidis et al, 2012; Karami et al, 2016). It has been reported that students basically trust
their teachers’ knowledge authority on the topics they teach (Gowda et al., 1997; Hung,
2014). Hence, examination of teachers' knowledge, attitudes, and practices seems to be of
great value.
‘A range of studies has been conducted on Climate Change Education which demonstrate its
importance. In an American context, Sterman and Sweeney (2002) found the level of public
understanding low, even among highly educated populations. While they recognised the
connection between CO2 emissions and global warning, they believed that reductions in
emissions led to immediate drops in temperature and that a stabilisation of emissions at
current levels would be sufficient to halt climate change, views which support a conservative,
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layer depletion in Greece. The obtained results revealed that teachers believe that climate
change was under way. Furthermore, it was found that the involved subjects based their
beliefs on their personal experiences. In addition, they reported unawareness of the proper
actions to be taken for slowing down the climate change. The subjects also hold the
misconception that ozone depletion, acid rain, and pollution in general were conducive to
climate change. Moreover, they confused greenhouse effect with ozone depletion as far as the
causal compounds and the mechanisms through which they occur were concerned
(Papadimitriou, 2004). Bozdogan (2009) investigated Turkish prospective primary school
teachers’ perceptions about global warming. The researcher stated that more than one third
of the teacher candidates hold misconceptions and had insufficient knowledge about global
warming. "Climate Confusion among U.S. Teachers" was a survey of climate change
education in the United States, which was conducted by researchers in National Center for
Science Education and Pennsylvania State University. The results of this study showed that
although most U.S. science teachers included climate science in their courses, their
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insufficient grasp of the science may hinder effective teaching. Moreover, it was found that
many teachers repeated scientifically unsupported claims in their class while they were
mirroring some actors in the societal debate over climate change. It seems that greater
attention should be devoted to teachers' knowledge and values about climate change (Plutzer
et al, 2016).
With consideration of the significance of studies addressing climate change education, the
present study was conducted to assess Iranian lower secondary teachers’ level of knowledge,
attitudes, and practices towards climate change education in a less touched upon context.
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Method: The present descriptive survey study enjoys a cross-sectional design. Lower
secondary teachers’ population from Tehran, Iran was targeted to take part in the study. The
study questionnaire was distributed at 10 lower secondary schools (5 boys’ and 5 girls’
schools). Teachers were requested to provide their responses on the printed questionnaires,
which were subsequently collected.
Schools were selected based on the proportional allocation technique. Single-gender schools
(5 girls’ and 5 boys’ lower secondary schools) were selected with consideration of their
geographic districts, i.e. north, south, center, east, and west. Teachers’ sample was selected
using the multistage stratified random sampling method. 108 teachers, who were present in
the data-gathering session and declared their agreement to participate in the study, filled out
the questionnaires.
The questionnaire was adopted from Hung’s (2014) study and had four parts consisting of 34
closed items. The first part of the questionnaire addressed respondents’ personal background.
Subjects’ knowledge, attitudes, and practices on climate change education were questioned in
the second, third, and fourth sections of the questionnaire, respectively. With respect to
knowledge, attitudes, and practices on climate change education, teachers were asked to
respond to 14, 10, and 10 items, respectively. The items of the questionnaire were presented
in a five-point bipolar response format.
The reliability and validity of the questionnaire were assessed. To address the reliability of
the questionnaire, it was piloted on 30 respondents. The estimated Cronbach’s alpha (α =
0.812) indicated that the questionnaire enjoyed a good degree of reliability (Santos, 1999).
Furthermore, validity of the questionnaire was approved by five leading climate experts and
two pedagogic specialists before its application in the study.
Descriptive statistics were used to give a clear picture of background variables like age, sex,
and education variables. Categorical variables were presented as percentages, while
continuous variables were expressed as mean ± standard deviation.
To determine the status of knowledge, attitudes, and practices, the obtained quantitative
scores were used. The scores were categorized into three groups on the scale of 100%: good
(more than 75%), moderate (50-75%), and weak (less than 50%).
number of Percentage of
Variables Categories
respondents respondents
20-30 12 11.1
31-40 58 53.7
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41< 35 32.4
No answer 3 2.8
Man 52 48.1
Woman 56 51.9
Associate's degree 3 2.8
Education level Bachelor's degree 83 76.8
Master's degree 22 20.4
<2 4 3.7
2–5 11 10.2
No. of years of teaching 6–10 32 29.6
11–15 30 27.8
>15 31 28.7
Teachers’ knowledge of climate change education: With respect to CCE framework, the
teachers considered CCE as part of environmental education (95.4% for both males and
females). Table 2 indicates that 51.4% of respondents believed that climate change was the
result of human activities, while 41.7% considered it a natural process. Only 26.8% of the
teachers believed in differences between natural and enhanced greenhouse effects. Table 2
provides teachers’ responses about knowledge of climate change education in detail.
Poor industrial
practices (e.g. factory 2.8 8.3 13.0 44.4 31.5 3.93
Increase in
5.5 17.6 28.7 31.5 16.7 3.36
These items temperature
is associated Sea level rise 4.6 15.8 29.6 30.6 19.4 3.40
with climate Economic Losses 10.2 19.5 40.7 22.2 7.4 2.97
change Health epidemics 11.1 25.9 42.6 16.7 3.7 2.76
Floods and Droughts 5.6 19.4 35.2 28.7 11.1 3.20
Assessment of the items addressing the causes and effects of climate change revealed that
teachers are more acquainted with the causes of climate change (3.71%) in comparison to its
effects and impacts (3.14%).
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According to the survey, teachers were equipped with an appropriate level of knowledge
about climate change education (22.2% good level and 52.8% moderate level). Additionally,
male teachers tended to correctly answer most of the knowledge items than did their female
counterparts. Table 3 presents the summary of the results obtained from knowledge questions
with specific focus on teachers’ gender.
Teacher’s attitudes towards climate change education: The results of the survey revealed
that 50.9% of the respondents considered teaching the facts for CCE well to be crucial, while
only 20.4 % expressed their disagreement in this regard. Furthermore, it was found that
28.7% of the respondents had no ideas in this respect. The teachers were also asked to
provide their opinions about the importance of teaching the “concepts”, “skills”, and
“attitudes and values” for CCE. The results showed the mean scores of 3.23, 2.80, and 2.91,
respectively. The mentioned results are indicative of inadequate attitudes towards climate
change education among teachers because teaching the facts, concepts, skills, attitudes, and
values for climate change education are all associated with each other. Table 4 demonstrates
teachers’ detailed responses about attitudes towards climate change education.
Table 4. Survey items about teachers’ attitude towards climate change education
Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Mean
disagree (%) (%) (%) (%) agree (%) score
It is important to teach the facts for
CCE well, e.g. average global
6.5 13.9 28.7 35.2 15.7 3.30
temperatures have increased by 0.8°C
over the last 160 years
It is important to teach the concepts of
CCE well, e.g. there is a difference
10.2 15.7 29.6 29.6 14.8 3.23
between the natural and enhanced
greenhouse effect
It is important to teach the skills for
15.8 25.9 28.7 22.2 7.4 2.80
CCE well, e.g. the ability to interpret
graphs and tables in the IPCC report
It is important to teach the attitudes and
values for CCE well, e.g. behavioral
changes in students showing that they 13.9 23.2 32.4 19.4 11.1 2.91
have understood the need to mitigate
climate change
It is important for students to be able to
discern and critique reports on climate 16.6 25.0 38.0 17.6 2.8 2.65
It is important for students to raise
questions about issues in climate 14.8 24.1 38.9 13.9 8.3 2.77
I hate teaching CCE 21.3 33.3 22.2 16.7 6.5 2.54
I think CCE can be infused more
10.2 19.4 38.9 23.2 8.3 3.00
effectively in our curriculum
I think CCE should be infused across
15.8 36.1 28.7 14.8 4.6 2.56
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Consideration of the presented responses revealed that teachers’ level of attitude towards
climate change education was moderate (44.5%). As shown in Table 5, male respondents
indicated higher level of attitudes (17.3% good level and 48.1% moderate level) in
comparison with female subjects.
Table 5. Status of teachers’ attitudes towards climate change education
Factor Attitude status
Gender Good No (%) Moderate No (%) Weak No (%)
Woman 7 (12.5) 23 (41.1) 26 (46.4)
Man 9 (17.3) 25 (48.1) 18 (34.6)
Total 16 (14.8) 48 (44.5) 44 (40.7)
Teachers’ practices in climate change education: With regard to the practices in climate
change education, 45.4% of teachers mentioned that topics on CCE were not included in
school textbooks, and 45.3% stated that CCE was not explicitly included in the curriculum of
their schools. However, the teachers thought that they were not supported by any professional
development courses in CCE (57.4%). Moreover, more than half of the teachers (55.6%) felt
they needed more support in designing lessons on CCE. The item addressing assessment of
students’ understanding of climate change issues at exam sessions elicited only 8.3% of
teachers’ satisfaction in this regard. Teachers’ detailed responses about their practices in
climate change education are shown in Table 6.
There are professional development
19.4 38.0 39.8 2.8 0.0 2.26
courses to support me in CCE
There are professional platforms to
support me in discussing CCE with 21.3 37.0 35.2 6.5 0.0 2.27
fellow teachers
I feel that I need more support in
3.7 14.8 25.9 38.0 17.6 3.51
designing lessons on CCE
Students are assessed at exams for
their understanding of climate 13.0 33.3 45.4 8.3 0.0 2.57
change issues
Climate change issues are included
13.9 36.1 47.2 2.8 0.0 2.39
in school summative assessments
Climate change issues are included
in class-room formative and 12.0 35.2 44.5 7.4 0.9 2.50
continual assessments
The elicited responses are indicative of teachers’ weak level of practice in climate change
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education (52.8%). In contrast to the obtained levels of knowledge and attitudes, the practice
level among female subjects was higher than that of male respondents. As presented in Table
7, 54.3% of female subjects reported appropriate practice (good level and moderate level),
while this value was 38.5% for their male counterparts.
The motive behind conducting the present study was Hung’s (2014) study addressing
teachers’ readiness for climate change education in Singapore, which showed that teachers
are the key figures in holding climate change courses. Also the background of this research in
the field of teachers’ knowledge, attitudes, and practices was provided by Saad and
BouJaoude, (2012) and Wilkins (2008), whose studies were about the relationship between
teachers’ knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and practices. Moreover, studies have shown that one
of the most significant barriers to CCE in formal education is teachers’ levels of enthusiasm
(Bozdogan, 2009; Forest & Feder, 2011; Ocal et al., 2011). Therefore, it is essential to
initially determine teachers’ present knowledge about climate change. Then, teachers’
attitudes and practices should be specified in this regard. Hence, the present study was
conducted to assess the level of knowledge, attitudes, and practices with respect to climate
change education among Iranian lower secondary teachers.
Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that Iranian lower secondary teachers had a
certain degree of knowledge about climate change. The majority of teachers were
familiar with the basic science and causes of climate change. In terms of effects and impacts,
teachers knew that climate change negatively affected sea level, temperature, floods, and
droughts; however, its negative effects on economy and public health had not been
The respondents’ scores in the attitudes section were lower than their knowledge scores.
However, most of the scores were close to 3.0, which was indicative of respondents’
moderate level of attitude towards climate change education. Furthermore, lower secondary
teachers revealed lower mean scores in the practice section of the climate change education
questionnaire. In other words, it can be inferred that teachers had inadequate practices about
topics on climate change education, which were included in their curriculum and school
textbooks. In line with this finding, teachers expressed their concern on the shortage of
resources such as textbooks, workbooks, teachers’ guides, CD-ROMs for CCE. Moreover,
from teachers’ perspective, more professional development courses were required to support
them in CCE.
In terms of gender, minor differences were noticed in the proportions of knowledge between
male and female subjects. This difference was slightly higher for the approach. In fact, male
subjects’ level of knowledge and attitudes was higher than that of female subjects. However,
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male subjects’ practice level was lower than that of female respondents.
Marzit et al (2013) found that the information obtained from climate education of students
can be used as a basis for improving educational quality and effectiveness of teaching and
learning in the classroom. Also the results of this research shows the assessment of
knowledge, attitudes, and practices of teachers towards climate change education can
improve it.
Emeh & Unachukwu (1990) and Nwankwo et al (2012) stated since teachers do not have the
basic knowledge on climate change, the students’ performances could not be monitored and
the teacher could not collaborate with other people in the process of achieving educational
goals and objectives. In this study, the lack of teacher's practice also gave the same result,
showing that teacher education is critical to the development of effective CCE.
In the new global world of information and the explosion of knowledge, it is the
responsibility of teachers to provide students with the skills to understand and utilize climate
change knowledge and practice effectively, rather than simple to accumulate knowledge
(Simmons, 2011; Toyin Dolapo, 2013). Yet, as this study revealed, teachers’ own readiness
for CCE is low. Recognizing that teacher education is crucial, it is imporant to note that
medium term professional development of at least 40 hours is required if teacher readiness is
to be improved sufficiently (Oversby, 2015; Teacher Development Trust, 2012).
In conclusion, the result of this study highlighted the necessity of presenting more climate
change education programs for lower secondary teachers, especially with a focus on attitudes
and practices in this regard. Hence, further studies should be conducted on assessment of
teachers’ readiness for taking climate change education courses. Furthermore, due attention
should be devoted to preparation of teachers for climate change education adjustment and
development of educational management strategies in climate change education, and
development of a practical model for climate change education in formal education system.
Besides, assessment of the role of NGOs, social communities, and the media in supporting
teachers in climate change education will be illuminative in this field.
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Shaho Karami is a lecturer at the Environmental Education Department at the Payame Noor
University of Tehran. His research’s focuses on environmental education in formal education
system of Iran, primarily aiming to developing environmental education and functional
strategies, leading to policy recommendations. He particularly focuses on what help teachers
and schools in developing environmental education and how this development is measuring,
monitoring and assessment and consequently how functional strategies can be designing to
integrate environmental education issues into policy proposals in formal education system.
Shaho Karami is the corresponding author and can be contacted at:
themes such as education for sustainable development, environmental education in formal
and informal education system, environmental education assessment, institutions and
governance aspects of environmental education, policy and planning for environmental
education and climate change education.