Gulabi2014 PDF
Gulabi2014 PDF
Gulabi2014 PDF
Gulabi et al. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research1
Conclusions Our technique combining acute shortening placed supine on a radiolucent operating table, and 1 g
and distraction osteogenesis had promising results for the first-generation cephalosporin was intravenously adminis-
treatment of tibial nonunion with bone loss in a small group of tered 30 minutes preoperatively. Custom-made Trigen
patients. However, future studies directly comparing available nails (Smith & Nephew, Memphis, TN, USA) that were
approaches to this difficult problem are required. Because this modified with additional locking holes according to nail
problem is uncommon, these studies will almost certainly thickness and length and a constructed Ilizarov frame
require the cooperation of multiple large participating centers. (Tasarim Med; Topkapi, Istanbul, Turkey) were used; these
Level of Evidence Level IV, therapeutic study. See were prepared from preoperative radiological measure-
Guidelines for Authors for a complete description of levels ments magnified by 100% (Fig. 1). For the surgery, a
of evidence. transverse incision was made in the nonunion site, and after
Surgical Technique
Fig. 1 Drawing of an AP and lateral tibia view showing a template
The surgery was carried out on all five patients under over a tibia to determine the length and width of the tibial nail and
general anesthesia without a tourniquet. The patient was also the levels at which the extra locking holes should be predrilled.
Combined Technique for Tibial Bone Loss
Gulabi et al. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research1
Fig. 4A–B A fixator is shown on a 57-year-old man (Patient 4) who of the tibia at postoperative Day 1 showing acute shortening. (B)
had three unsuccessful operations resulting from an open tibial Lateral radiographic image of the tibia at postoperative Day 1
fracture. Resection bone length was 9.5 cm. Acute shortening of the showing acute shortening.
tibia was up to 5 cm at the nonunion site. (A) AP radiographic image
Fig. 5A–C Radiographic images and drawing of the tibia after holes of the nail were locked with a free-hand technique. (B)
autografting of the docking site and the predrilled nail holes localized Postoperative lateral radiograph showing the intramedullary nail and
on the middle segment of the tibia were locked with a free-hand the circular external fixator, bone contact, primary autogenous grafting at
technique. (A) Postoperative AP radiograph showing the intramedullary the docking site, and predrilled holes of the nail were locked. (C) Drawing
nail and the circular external fixator. The bone contact was achieved at the of the lateral tibia showing the bone contact and grafting at the docking
docking site, autogenous bone grafting of the docking site, and predrilled site and locking of the predrilled holes of the nail.
docking site, and compression was stopped if the patient anesthesia; the predrilled nail holes localized on the middle
started to experience pain. segment of the tibia were locked with a free-hand tech-
Next, grafting was applied to the docking site using a nique (Fig. 5A–C). Distraction for lengthening was
graft harvested from the patient’s iliac bones under general initiated after the grafting at the docking side using a rate
Combined Technique for Tibial Bone Loss
of 1 mm/day divided into four equal increments. Full Patients and Methods
weightbearing with two crutches was started immediately
postoperatively. The patient was discharged with policlinic This study was approved by the local ethical committees of
followups. Patients were asked not to do knee exercises Dr Lutfi Kirdar Kartal Research and Training Hospital.
until the nail reached the subchondral region of the tibia. Between 2008 and 2011, this technique was used to treat
A two-stage operation was carried out for one patient five patients with tibial atrophic nonunion with bone loss.
who had an infection together with pseudoarthrosis and All patients were available for a minimum of a 14-month
bone loss (Cierny-Mader Type 4 [B]) [4]. In the first stage, followup period (mean, 30 months; range, 14–58 months).
the infected pseudoarthrotic area was resected; then a General indications for the procedure were age older than
custom-made, antibiotic-impregnated, polymethylmethac- 16 years, tibial nonunion with bone loss, and no mental or
rylate (a combination of 2.4 g teicoplanin and 40 g psychiatric disorders. All patients were men, the average
polymethylmethacrylate) intramedullary rod was placed in age of the patients at the time of the procedure was
the pseudoarthrotic site and stabilization was achieved with 38 years (range, 28–57 years), and the average bone loss
a unilateral fixator. In the second stage, acute shortening was 8.6 cm (range, 6.5–10.5) (Table 1).
and distraction were performed using the combined tech- The nonunions were the result of closed fractures in two
nique described. In the remaining four patients, all patients and open fractures in three. The average number of
procedures were done during the same operation. previous surgeries was two (range, one to three).
The patients were followed up at 2-week intervals dur-
Table 1. Demographics of the patients
ing lengthening and 4-week intervals during consolidation.
Lengthening was terminated when the desired bone length Patient number Age (years) Sex Side Previous surgeries
was achieved. The Ilizarov frame was removed, and the 1 28 Male Right 1
nail was locked proximally under general anesthesia. Iso- 2 34 Male Right 1
metric quadriceps and knee ROM exercises were then 3 31 Male Right 2
started (Fig. 6A–C). After removal of the external fixator,
4 57 Male Right 3
patients were encouraged to begin full weightbearing
5 41 Male Left 3
without a protective brace.
Fig. 6A–C Radiographic images and drawing of the tibia at Lateral radiograph showing the consolidated lengthening regenerate,
5 months followup showing removal of the circular external fixator; the nail is locked proximally, and union at the docking site. (C)
the proximal holes of the nail were locked with a free-hand technique. Drawing of a lateral tibia image showing union at the docking site, the
(A) AP radiograph showing the consolidated lengthening regenerate, nail locked proximally, and the consolidated lengthening regenerate.
the nail is locked proximally, and union at the docking site. (B)
Gulabi et al. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research1
Fig. 7A–C Drawing and radiographs of a tibia are shown indicating tibial fracture. AP radiograph of the right tibia showing a broken
the margins of resection as determined on AP and lateral radiographs. intramedullary nail and margin of the resection (black lines). (C)
(A) Drawing of a lateral tibia showing the margins of resection (red Lateral radiograph of the right tibia showing a broken intramedullary
dotted lines). (B) A 57-year-old man (Patient 4) who had tibial nail and margin of the resection (black lines).
nonunion after three unsuccessful operations resulting from an open
Preoperatively, plain AP and lateral radiographs and CT fixation in months divided by the total amount of bone
images were taken of all patients to evaluate the amount of transported and/or the amount of lengthening in centime-
resection of the dead or infected bone (Fig. 7A–C). ters. Radiographic union was defined as the presence of
Doppler ultrasonography was used to decide the vascular callus in three of the four cortices as seen on AP and lateral
status of the involved limb. Atrophic bone resection was radiographs.
performed until good, bleeding bone ends were evident The bone and functional results were evaluated by the
(paprika sign) [29] in the pseudoarthrosis regions of the classification of Paley et al. [19]. For bone results, four
four noninfected cases. criteria were evaluated: union, infection, deformity, and leg-
We evaluated external fixation time, external fixation length discrepancy. An excellent bone result was one with
index (defined as the duration of external fixation in union, no infection, deformity of less than 7°, and length
months divided by the total amount of bone transported discrepancy of less than 2.5 cm in the tibia. A good result
and/or the amount of lengthening in centimeters), and time was union plus any two of the others. A fair result was union
to union on plain radiographs, clinical results using the plus one of the others. A poor result was nonunion or
Paley bone and functional assessment scores, and postop- refracture or none of the others. The functional results were
erative complications from chart review. Conventional based on five criteria: significant limp, equinus rigidity of
radiographs were taken every 2 weeks during the distrac- the ankle, soft tissue dystrophy (skin hypersensitivity,
tion phase and once a month during the consolidation insensitivity of sole, or decubitus), pain, and inactivity
phase. AP and lateral 14 9 17-inch radiographs of the tibia (defined as unemployment because of the leg injury or
were used to determine bone union and consolidation. AP inability to return to daily activities because of the leg
and lateral orthogonal radiographs were used to determine injury). An excellent result was an active individual with
the medial proximal tibial angle, posterior proximal tibial none of the other four criteria; a good result was an active
angle, anterior distal tibial angle, and lateral distal tibial individual with one or two of the other four criteria; and a
angle. All radiographic alignment measurements were fair result was an active individual with three or four of the
completed by an independent orthopaedic surgeon (GB) other criteria or an amputation. An inactive individual was
who was not involved in the study. All radiological mea- considered a poor result regardless of the other criteria.
surements and functional and bone assessment scores were Complications were evaluated according to the Paley
determined at the final followup by the same reviewer. classification [17]. Minor complications were problems
External fixator time was defined as the interval from the that did not require additional surgery, major complications
application of the fixator to removal of the fixator. External were resolved with additional surgery, or where sequelae
fixation index was defined as the duration of external remained unresolved at the end of the treatment period.
Combined Technique for Tibial Bone Loss
Patient EFI Followup Docking site Docking site Docking site Grafting
number (months/cm) (months) time (days) time (months) union (months)
Table 3. PPTA, MPTA, LDTA, and ADTA of the operated sides, Paley bone, and functional scores of the patients
Patient Bone Functional Last followup PPTA Last followup MPTA Last followup LDTA Last followup ADTA
number score score (range, 77–84) (range, 85–90) (range, 86–92) (range,78–82)
Gulabi et al. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research1
wound monitoring. Patient 5 (the one whose functional Table 4. Details of bone transport studies
score was good rather than excellent) underwent a reop- Study Mean bone External fixation
eration for chronic osteomyelitis. In this case, one of the loss (cm) index (months/cm)
Schanz screws holding the proximal ring was removed
Cierney and Zorn [5] 6.10 1.6
because of Stage 3 infection, and the infection around the
other pin was treated with dressings. The Paley classifica- Saleh and Rees [25] 4.70 2.04
tion of this patient indicated limited ROM in the ankle and Eralp et al. [10] 7.00 0.45
an equinus deformity. Although this improved with per- Sala et al. [24] (mean ± SD) 8.0 ± 2.6 2.0 ± 0.9
cutaneous achilloplasty and aggressive physiotherapy after El-Rossay [9] 4.90 1.3
fixator removal, the patient was left with a residual equinus Mean study 8.60 0.4
deformity of 5°. This patient developed another compli-
cation during the second postoperative followup period; the
proximal posterior tibial angle approached recurvatum in overcome the problems of shortening, plastic deformation,
an unacceptable manner. The angle was reduced to 79° by angular deformity, and fracture of the regenerated bone.
adding a hinge to the proximal ring and including the Bone apposition on the docking site was achieved in a
supracondylar femur in the fixator system. mean time of 21.2 days (range, 7.5–27.5 days). Compared
None of our patients developed any neurovascular def- with the classic external fixator, this combination technique
icits resulting from acute intraoperative compression or pin has the potential to achieve reductions in the length of use
insertion. Similarly, no neurovascular deficits were of the external fixator, EFI, and the consolidation index. In
observed during the lengthening period. No fat or pul- a study by Cierny and Zorn [5], the EFI was calculated as
monary emboli were seen clinically, and there were no 1.6 months/cm for a mean bone loss of 6.4 cm, Saleh and
cases of intramedullary infection. Rees [25] reported an EFI of 2.04 months/cm for a mean
bone defect of 4.7 cm, Eralp et al. [10] reported EFI as
0.45 months/cm for a mean defect of 7 cm by using the
Discussion combination of external fixator with intramedullary nail,
Sala et al. [24] reported EFI as 2.0 ± 0.9 months/cm for a
Surgery for pseudoarthrosis and nonunion is problematic mean defect of 8.0 ± 2.6 cm using the Taylor Spatial
and difficult, and complications occur frequently. Dealing Frame (Smith & Nephew, Memphis, TN, USA), and El-
with bone loss and tibial nonunion is particularly chal- Rossay [9] reported EFI as 1.3 months/cm for a mean
lenging. Various treatment methods have been reported lengthening of 4.9 cm. In the present study, EFI was cal-
[16, 23, 24, 28], all of which aim to achieve tibial union, culated as 0.4 months/cm, and mean bone loss was 8.6 cm
correct the deformity, cover soft tissue, align the limb, and (Table 4). However, to determine whether indeed these
compensate for orientation and leg-length discrepancy, results are generalizable, comparative trials between our
thus achieving early mobilization and return to daily life approach and other techniques are called for.
for the patient. However, nonunion and infection still are Results were evaluated using the Paley bone and func-
frequently observed [24, 27]. We therefore developed a tional assessment scores [19]. The bone evaluation results
technique that seeks to reduce these complications by using were excellent in all five patients, and the functional results
a circular external fixator in addition to an intramedullary were excellent in four and good in one patient who were
nail to achieve union, limb lengthening, and stability of the operated on as a result of the tibial nonunion associated
regenerated segment. We evaluated external fixation time, with osteomyelitis. All patients in the study group had
external fixation index (EFI), and time to union on plain returned to their preinjury jobs. Using a combination
radiographs, clinical results using Paley bone and func- technique including an Ilizarov and a Taylor Spatial Frame,
tional assessment scores, and postoperative complications Sala et al. [24] reported 10 (83%) patients had excellent
in a small group of patients who underwent this results, and two (17%) were good in terms of bony out-
intervention. comes; functional results were excellent in six (50%), good
This study is a small series, and, like any initial report, it in five (42%), and fair in one (8%). In that series, 12
has some important limitations. First, there could be a patients were treated for postinfectious segmental tibial
component of assessor bias because the surgeon is assess- bone defects. Also using a Taylor Spatial Frame, Rozbruch
ing his own results. Second, there was no comparison et al. [22] found 24 (63%) excellent, 12 (32%) good, and
group to determine the success of the current study; future two (5%) poor bone outcomes and 20 (53%) excellent, 14
studies should do so. (37%) good, two (5%) fair, and two (5%) poor patients
Using an intramedullary nail with an Ilizarov external with functional outcomes according to the Paley classifi-
fixator is the main advantage; it has the potential to cation, but there were 11 persistent nonunions in their study
Combined Technique for Tibial Bone Loss
group that were retreated. Using bifocal compression-dis- frame if the desired distraction is more than 10% of the
traction with an Ilizarov-type circular external fixator, Sen total tibial length. In the current study, we had one case
et al. [28] described the results of acute shortening and (Patient 5) with a major complication that was improved by
relengthening in the acute treatment of Grade III open percutaneous achilloplasty and aggressive physiotherapy.
tibial fractures with osteocutaneous loss in 24 patients. The Our technique combining acute shortening and distrac-
bone results in their series were excellent in 21 (88%) and tion osteogenesis successfully treated tibial nonunion with
good in three (12%). The functional results were excellent bone loss in a small group of patients. This technique had
in 19 (79%), good in four (17%), and fair in one (4%) favorable bone union time, external fixator time, EFI, and
patient. However, external fixation time was 7.1 months, clinical results compared with reported parameters in
EFI was 1.4 months/cm, and bone healing time was studies of other approaches mentioned. However, future
7.5 months, which were longer than in the present study. studies directly comparing available approaches to this
Because they did not combine circular external fixator with difficult problem are required. Because this problem is
intramedullary nailing, they did not use primary grafting of uncommon, these studies will almost certainly require the
the docking site. However, to determine whether indeed cooperation of multiple large participating centers.
these results are generalizable, comparative trials between
our approach and other techniques are called for. Acknowledgments We thank Dr Guven Bulut for his radiographic
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