Netflix Subscription

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Dr. Virender Khanna
Head of Department, School of Business and Entrepreneurship, FDDI, Noida

Netflix entered India and 129 more countries on January 6 th, 2016, with the target to increase its customer base.
Through this project we want to understand the reasons behind the low subscription rate and to recommend
ways to ensure better growth. Through the literature survey, we have identified various factors affecting low
subscription rates of Netflix in India. After we have identified the factors necessary to take into consideration,
we have developed a problem statement. We developed a research design which is applied and exploratory in
The demographic consumer research has showed us many qualitative factors which could possibly affect the
subscription rates. We also developed a quantitative model through which we took 11 independent variables,
performed factor analysis and formed 4 factors on which we did multiple regression to identify the explanatory
power of factors on subscription rates. We have presented with the managerial implications for our project
which have identified pricing, lack of regional content, payment options available as the major factors
contributing to low subscription rates of Netflix rates in India.

Keywords: Netfilx, subscription rate, Indian context


Online Streaming is becoming more and more popular every day. It makes access to digital content, whether it
be videos or audio, much faster and easier. While streaming content, the user is not required to download that
content but can watch it online. What the user requires is a good Internet Connection and a good service
provider. This is where Netflix comes in. Netflix is among various service providers that provide access to
unlimited content for a fixed monthly fee.
Netflix is an American Entertainment company which was established in 1997, in California by Reed Hastings
and Marc Randolph. Its core business was to rent out DVD‟s by mail. Its primary focus shifted to video on
demand via the internet in 2007. Even though DVD sales dropped drastically, Netflix started growing
Netflix is one of the most successful dotcom ventures. The company first expanded into Canada in 2010, then to
Latin America in 2011 and to parts of Europe, including United Kingdom, Ireland, Sweden, etc. in 2012.
Finally, in 2016 it entered India in the month of January. Netflix is not available virtually in the entire world
outside of Mainland China, Syria, North Korea and Crimea. Netflix supports 18 languages for user interface and
customer related support purposes. In the first quarter of 2012, Netflix had close to 29.4 million subscribers.
This number has only been growing. As of the third quarter of 2016, Netflix has 86.74 million subscribers. What
makes Netflix stand out amongst its competitors is its original content. Netflix originals refers to the content that
is produced, co-produced, or exclusively distributed by Netflix. Its original content include shows such as House
of Cards, Orange is the New Black, Jessica Jones, etc.
Netflix was launched in India on January 6 th, 2016. Initially, it saw a lot of excitement from the people. Many
people signed up to try this much awaited service. But as the months passed or as and when the free trial ended,
people unsubscribed from the service. The monthly fee starts at ₹500 and goes up to ₹800 with a four-screen
login option. The subscription rate is well below their expectation.
Through this study we aim to understand the various factors that are affecting the low subscription rate of
Netflix, in India.
1.1 Netflix In India Vs U.S.A.
Netflix has been successful with the subscription based entertainment model in the western world. Netflix is the
undisputed king of entertainment in the US with 47 Million customers. The following graph shows the growth
and distribution of US and international customers in the recent years:

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About 40% of the US households are using Netflix. Netflix was one of the first movers into the online streaming
1.2 Late entry of Netflix
When Netflix entered India in January 2016, there were services such as: Hotstar, Ditto TV, Voot etc. All of
them operate at a freemium model.
Hotstar, which owned by Star India, was(is) the current leader in the market. It has TV content from only the
Star channels. Most of it is offered for free. Star India also owns the rights of Cricket broadcasting in India.
Cricket is the most watched sport in India and is offered on Hotstar for free (with 5 minutes delay though). The
premium services cost ₹200/month. The premium services include live sports streaming, access to latest
selected movies and shows and access to about 45 shows of HBO originals. Popular shows such as Game of
thrones, Modern Family etc. to talk shows such as Last Week Tonight are available to premium subscribers. To
add to what is on offer, Hotstar offers shows in 10 languages.
Voot, owned by Viacom 18, streams popular reality shows such as Big Boss and TV shows of the popular
Colours brand of channels. It also allows streaming of selected movies for free.
Compared to Hotstar, Ditto TV and Voot are offering almost all TV shows and movies for free.
1.3 Pricing issues
In the US, average lunch costs are $10 and Netflix charges $7.99/month. In India, Netflix launched at
₹500/month, which is almost the same as that of US prices. Per capita income in the US is 17 times that of
India. Indian per capita Income is as low as ₹1 lakh even in Urban areas. Average Pay-TV options are start at
₹100/month. Penetration of Smart TV sets is very low in India. On top of that, Hotstar charges ₹200/month for
latest movies and most watched TV content along with 45 HBO originals shows including “Game of Thrones”.
Content localisation
Netflix content is primarily TV and movies in English from the USA or UK.
Huffington post mentioned in their article on Netflix in India that,
“Netflix has only 3% of the top 100 Bollywood movies while Spuul and Hooq come in at 25.3% and 21.2%.
No prizes for guessing which one Bollywood aficionados will make a beeline for.”
At the time of launch, only 93% of the titles on Netflix US were not available in India. Other competitors focus
mainly on regional/national content and also have popular English content.
1.4 Free quality content available
Indian entertainment networks have readily moved to YouTube‟s advertisement based model. The popularity
and quality of home grown web series has grown immensely. Some of the web series such as “Permanent
Roommates”, “Pitchers” are among the most viewed TV content online. This content is currently offered free of
cost on YouTube.
1.5 Internet Bandwidth issues
Only 34.2% population of India is currently using Internet currently.
Internet streaming leads to heavy data usage and requires high data speeds to stream shows satisfactorily.
Indian ranks 114th in the world in terms of Internet speeds. India‟s speeds increased this year when minimum
internet speeds were increased to 1 Mbps by the Government. Out of total 450 million users, 370 million are
only mobile internet users. Mobile internet packs are limited and India has very few Free-Wi-Fi zones. Voot
launched with Data saving mode which enables users watch video over slower networks such as 2G.
Paying for internet and Netflix separately makes it quite expensive for Indian customers.

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Not much time has been spent from when Netflix was launched in India alongside 130 countries on January 6,
2016. As a result, not much research or articles on the factors affecting the subscription of Netflix is available
for reference. Although, looking at the low subscription of Netflix over the past 11 months, articles in the form
of criticisms, and also pondering over the future of Netflix in India and South Asia have been written in many
newspapers like the The Wall Street Journal, The Indian Express, Inside IIM, etc. The authors have majorly
focussed on the future strategies that the Netflix or any other Online content Service, let say, Amazon Prime
Video should opt within India for being successful. Also, the articles studied have been published in silos taking
author‟s views also into the consideration which may have a bias in the study.
This research aims at identifying this gaps to know the overall factors which have contributed to the low
subscription rates on Netflix in India. This study will help us explore the reasons behind which a big giant like
Netflix, which has enjoyed lot of success in the West like US. We will put all factors identified in silos from the
literature survey (e.g. Pricing) and put them together to identify the major factors which have contributed to the
cause. Also, it will also help the Netflix to focus upon the important factors which are required to succeed in a
country like India where people are very much concerned about the money they spend on such things especially
when the content in available online for free. Also, the demographic dividend of India is large which also gives
tough times to the online content providers like Hotstar, Amazon Prime Video, Netflix, etc.


Netflix, after its launch in India on January 6,2016 was a craze amongst the people but after the pricing launch
and the non-availability of Bollywood Films on the app, people did not subscribe to the service. In the words of
Reed Hastings, Netflix is aimed towards the iPhone owners of India, the elitists with a western mind-set. Netflix
takes its content based decisions by sitting in Los Angeles. It makes content which could be viewed in all 190
countries which it operates. They try to not get involved in Regional content which would cost them highly. The
internet speeds in South Asia especially India are not very encouraging in terms of online live video streaming
in Ultra HD quality. Similarly, there have been many such factors which have contributed to the subscription
rates in India. This research is aimed at analysing the reason for low subscription rates on Netflix in India.


The Hypotheses proposed for the research are:
H1 – Indian consumers are more inclined to watch free content online rather than pay a fee for the same.
H2 – Low Subscription of Netflix is due to the non-availability of regional and local TV shows and movies.
H3 – Bandwidth infrastructure increase will have a positive effect on the subscription.
H4 – Low subscription of Netflix is directly related to the level of awareness among consumers in India in Tier
1 and Tier 2 cities.
H5 – The low subscription of Netflix is due to the non-availability of payment options such as Net Banking,
Debit Card etc.

In order to gain insights from the problem statement, it is important that a strong research methodology be
conducted. First and foremost, the nature of research needs to be identified. Since the focus is only on Netflix
and its low subscription, the type of research is Applied Research. We are trying to find the reasons for low rate
of subscription in India through Exploratory Research. We have used both primary and secondary data for the
purpose of this study. Secondary data has been obtained from various business articles and reports available on
the internet. Primary data, both is the form of qualitative and quantitative data has been obtained through
focussed group discussions [Refer to Exhibit 1.1] and extensive online survey [Refer to Exhibit 1.2].
The hypothesis formed earlier needs to be tested. This can be done using the data collected through the
questionnaire. The questionnaire we prepared was floated to customers we knew, both in SPJIMR and outside.
The survey was designed keeping the following issues in mind:
 Ambiguity – The questions were framed keeping in mind the problem of ambiguity. This included having
well defined options. Also, we rolled out a pilot survey and it helped us refine the language of the questions
 Completion time – At the onset, we informed our respondents of the expected time it would take for them
to fill our survey. We realised that a long survey is exhausting and puts off the respondents and hence the
quality of answers suffer. Hence, we tried to make the survey as exhaustive and short as possible.
 Duplication of Questions – We avoided asking the same question multiple times. This reduced cases of
redundancy and ensured that our respondents were not irritated while filling the survey.

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 Right scale – We used a 7 point Likert scale for our survey. We wanted to ensure truthful answers and
didn‟t want to force the respondents to take an either-or stand. They were free to take a neutral stand if they
so wanted.
 Order of the questions – We began the survey with basic profile questions so as to slowly ease the
respondent into the more important questions. Also, we divided the survey into various sections, for users,
non-users, etc. so that only the relevant questions were displayed to any particular respondent. Also, the
questions should follow a logical flow. We tried to make sure that the earlier question linked to the next


Consumer Research
We surveyed 139 people primarily through google forms. We collected profiles of the surveyed people.

● Most of the people surveyed were in the age group of 20-30. About 68% people were in the age group of
● A major section (61%) were college students and 30% (41) were working professionals earning more
than 2.5 lakhs per year.

● The working professionals comprised of people from major Indian cities such as Bhopal, Kolkata, Jaipur,
Bangalore, Chennai etc. Overall, most of the responses (67) were from Mumbai.
● Almost all the people surveyed were either graduates or post graduates.

● A major section of people (51%) spend between 0 and 5 hours per week on watching shows online. Another
41% spend between 5 to 10 hours per week watching shows online.

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● C. 61% people have a free time of 1-2 hours per day. Among working professionals, c. 41% of the people
had more than 3 hours of free time.

● About 97 people (i.e. c. 70%) use Youtube or/and hotstar for online entertainment. Only c. 25% people
were found to use Netflix.
● Almost everyone was found to use the online services for TV Shows, movies and other entertainment
content such as music videos.

● Only about 28% were willing to pay for online entertainment services. Out of 70 responses, 29% were
willing to try out Netflix in the future and 63% said “Maybe”.

● About half the people are willing to pay upto Rs 400 for the services.
● Slow internet connection and lack of free time emerged as major reasons for not using online
entertainment services.

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Previous users:
1. There were about 26 users who used the Netflix services earlier and have discontinued using them.
2. It was found that 25 out of 26 had used the Netflix services in the first trial month.

3. However, 50% of the Netflix’s past consumers were willing to use Netflix again in the future. Other
50% were not very clear about it now.
4. When enquired about reasons for stopping the usage of Netflix, availability of free content on internet
and end of trial period combined with feeling that the service is expensive seemed to be the dominant

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● Availability of alternatives and expensiveness of Netflix subscription were the major reasons for not using
● Lack of regional content also emerged as one of the major reasons.

Understanding the current users:

● Only 14% of the people use Netflix currently.
● Most of the current users spend within 0-2 hours everyday on Netflix.
● They prefer using Computer or smartphone for viewing Netflix
● Current users prefer Netflix because of the following reasons:

○ English movies and TV content

○ HD content
○ No advertising
○ Personalized content
● It was found that people using Netflix are generally people earning more than Rs 10 lakhs per year.


Factor Analysis

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To understand the subscription rate, we took 11 ordinal variables and checked the dependency amongst them so
that we can group them and thus can reduce the number of variables affecting the subscription rate.
Initial check list for the Factor analysis are:
 The variables included must be metric level or dichotomous (dummy-coded) nominal level- All the
variables taken satisfied this condition
 The sample size must be greater than 50 (preferably 100)-We have a sample size of total 152 out of which
we took 63 samples for this test
 The ratio of cases to variables must be 5 to 1 or larger- The no of variables is 10 and thus the ratio is 6.3
 The correlation matrix for the variables must contain 2 or more correlations of 0.30 or greater
 Variables with measures of sampling adequacy less than 0.50 must be removed- We removed video quality
factor after the first run as it has sampling adequacy less than 0.5
 The overall measure of sampling adequacy is 0.50 or higher
 The Bartlett test of sphericity is statistically significant- the test was strongly significant with a value of

KMO and Bartlett's Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .629
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 438.562
df 55
Sig. .000

The test was highly significant with the adequacy of 0.629

Here we first checked individual MSAs and then checked the communalities matrix and checked if everything is
greater than 0.5
Initial Extraction
experience 1.000 .583
price 1.000 .824
ease 1.000 .826
content 1.000 .797
variety 1.000 .582
transacEase 1.000 .619
safety 1.000 .811
speed 1.000 .803
userFriendly 1.000 .791
optionsAvail 1.000 .804
quality 1.000 .486

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After this we removed the video quality variable as it had communality as 0.486 which is less than 0.5
Then the new communalities were:

We looked at all the individual MSA values and made sure that all of them are greater than 0.5
Now since all the commonalties are greater than 0.5 we move ahead and analyze the data for these 10 variables
Now we don‟t see any problematic variable and we can move ahead with our analysis to see if we can club any
of the variables so that it removes redundancy and it becomes easier to analyze the data.

We find that the total variance is explained by 3 factors as shown in the table below:

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We can form 3 factors. Now, looking at the Rotated component matrix as the basis we can find out which
variable belongs to which factor. Here, the sign is for the direction and thus we only look at magnitude.

The scree plot tells that after 3 factors the eigen value goes less than 1 and thus we can visualize that there are 3
factors being formed
Rotated Component Matrixa Component Score Coefficient Matrix
Component Component
1 2 3 1 2 3
experience experience
.090 .773 .005 -.017 .283 -.037

price -.035 .913 -.059 price -.064 .346 -.066

ease ease
.244 .130 .849 -.041 .003 .513
content .053 .896 .020 content -.041 .331 -.026
variety .244 .642 .301 variety .006 .214 .138
transacEase transacEase
.761 -.199 .078 .287 -.127 -.053

safety .867 .177 .118 safety .296 .006 -.056

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speed speed
.900 .148 .119 .311 -.007 -.059

userFriendly userFriendly
.879 .214 .128 .297 .019 -.052

optionsAvail optionsAvail
.051 -.040 .918 -.112 -.051 .592

Extraction Method: Principal Component Extraction Method: Principal Component

Analysis. Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser
Normalization. Normalization.
a. Rotation converged in 3 iterations.

1 2 3
Experienc .241
Pricing .295
Ease of
Content .282
Variety .182
Ease of
Transactio .241
Safety .249
Speed of
Transactio .261
Friendly .249
Now we have calculated the weights for each variable in the corresponding factor and using this weighted
matrix we can conclude that
Factor 1 = 0.241*(Ease of Transactions) +.249*(Safety of Transaction) +0.261*(Speed of Transaction)
+0.249*(User friendly Payment)
Factor 2 = 0.241*(Netflix Experience) + 0.295*(Pricing) + 0.282*(Content) + 0.182*(Variety)
Factor 3 = 0.464*(Ease of availability) + 0.536*(Options available for Payment)
Video Quality

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Netflix subscription rate =factor1+ factor 2+factor3 +Video Quality

Transaction Value Convenience

Multiple Regression
This analysis is done to ascertain the relative importance of the dependent variables in explaining the
independent variable. In our case, the dependent variable is the subscription of the Netflix in India and the
dependent variables are the Video Quality as the only single variable along with the 3 factors identified in the
Factor Analysis which are listed below.

Dependent Variable: Subscription inclination of Netflix (Measured on an Ordinal scale of 1-7)

Independent variable:
1. TRANSACTIONS – 0.241(Ease of Transaction)+0.249(Safety)+0.261(Speed)+0.249(User Friendly)
2. VALUE – 0.241(Netflix Exp)+0.295(Pricing)+0.282(Content)+0.182(Variety)
3. CONVENIENCE – 0.464(Ease of Availability)+0.536(Payment Options Available)
The Model is then put into SPSS software for Multiple Regression.
The objective of the MULTIPLE REGRESSION is therefore to identify the major factors who can explain the
low subscription rates of Netflix in India.
[1.] The data has 63 responses for the study.
[2.] The dependent and independent variables as mentioned.
[3.] The workable ratio of independent variables:response of 1:10 is maintained at 63 responses for 4
independent variables.
[4.] For the independent variables, the hypotheses are
H0 – Null – The independent variable has no effect on the dependent variable.
H1 – Alternate – The independent variable has a effect on the dependent variable.
[5.] We have kept the significance level to 0.05 i.e. confidence level at 95%, therefore p-value less than
0.05 will render the null hypothesis to be rejected.

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Regression Method (ENTER Method)
Descriptive Statistics
Mean Std. Deviation N
Subscription 4.49 1.256 63
Transactions 4.7049 1.11009 63
Value 4.9769 1.23412 63
Convenience 5.0499 1.36302 63
Quality 4.9365 1.77685 63
Higher standard deviation also accounts for the higher means.

Table of Correlations

Interpretation - We see here that none of the variables have values of correlations of value greater than 0.8 to
have a possibility of Collinearity.
Variables Entered
Variables Entered/Removeda
Variables Variables
Model Entered Removed Method
1 Quality,
. Enter
a. Dependent Variable: Subscription
b. All requested variables entered.

The Model summary gives us an R square value of the model to be 0.600 which is good enough to show that the
independent variables have been able to explain 60% of the variability of the dependent variable i.e.
Subscription Rates. Also, the adjusted R square value of 0.572 suggests the sufficiency of the responses or data
ANOVA Matrix

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 58.607 4 14.652 21.713 .000b
Residual 39.139 58 .675
Total 97.746 62
a. Dependent Variable: Subscription

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b. Predictors: (Constant), Quality, Convenience, Value, Transactions
The ANOVA table gives us the significance of the overall model which has an F-Value of 21.713 (p-
value of 0.000), giving us that the independent variables are highly influential in nature.

Table of Coefficients

We will use the standardized coefficients to develop the regression equation for the model.
Subscription = 0.129*Transactions + 0.315*Value + 0.316*Convenience +0.426*Quality
The tolerance values shows absence of collinearity in the independent variables.
1. H1 – Indian consumers are more inclined to watch free content online rather than pay a fee for the
This hypothesis comes out to be a major factor explaining the low subscription rates in India where the
competitors like Hotstar, Youtube, Voot are providing the digital content for free. It would be feasible for
Netflix to lower down the rates for the middle class consumers who have a willingness to pay an amount till
Rs. 200/- per month which could certainly increase the subscription rates.
2. H2 - Low Subscription of Netflix is due to the non-availability of regional and local TV shows and
This hypothesis also comes out to be true in the Quantitative Analysis and also from the qualitative analysis
when most people on Netflix go for English content and people have moved out due to lack of regional
content and in local languages as Tamil, Telugu etc.
It would be advisable on the part of Netflix to send teams to study the local content of the regions and
develop their own content on similar lines which could be a great benefit for it.
3. H3 - Bandwidth infrastructure increase will have a positive effect on the subscription.
The hypothesis stands rejected as according to the quantitative analysis, this factor seems to be less
significant as compared to the other factors. India being a developing economy, has the issue of low internet
speeds but this doesn‟t concern much to people in terms of their low subscription rates.
4. H4 - Low subscription of Netflix is directly related to the level of awareness among consumers in India in
Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities.
From the consumer research compiled, this hypothesis also stands rejected as most of the people responded
are from Tier1 as they are regular viewers of English TV Serials, Shows. People are very much aware of
Netflix but in Tier 2, this factor is important and people are not aware of such a facility.
5. H5 – The low subscription of Netflix is due to the non-availability of payment options such as Net
Banking, Debit Card etc.
This hypothesis stands accepted as the result from the quantitative analysis. Currently, Netflix only provides
the option of Credit Card Transactions. Since the credit card penetration in India is quite low and people
still prefer to do transactions by Debit Card or Internet banking.


1. Better Pricing Strategy

Currently Netflix is available in India with 3 levels of subscription fees - Rs. 500/650/800 per month. But
for high penetration in Indian Market, copy pasting the US pricing strategy model would find it difficult to
work. Netflix needs to come up with the better pricing model to handle the parity in income levels. It can
come up with some low cost plans targeted at middle class of India to reach out to larger masses with
competitive pricing and reach out to larger masses.
2. Content enrichment:

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To reach out to larger masses and inculcate the habits and choice of Indians, Netflix should come up with
the more of regional content and more Indian language content so that people can resonate with it more and
thus it can compete with other competitors.
3. Smartphone focused, app only subscription option for non-metro users
The penetration of internet through smartphones is increasing at an exponential rate in India. However, data
usage and data speed still remains a bottleneck. Netflix can tap into this market in non-metro areas by
launching an „App only subscription‟ with fees as low as Rs 99 per month as mobile devices don‟t require
high resolution content, thus using it to leverage low cost offerings for the masses.
4. More payment options like debit cards/ e-wallets:
Credit card penetration in India is very low but at the same time the reach of debit cards is very high. With
Netflix giving the option of credit card only payment creates a negative perception in the minds of people
and they don‟t find it convenient. Providing facility for payment through debit cards and e-wallets like
Paytm will give more flexibility of options available for the consumers.
5. Some free content available for everyone for trial purpose:
Even though Netflix offers free trial for a month to its users, this facility is available to users who are subscribed
and hence require a credit card which raises hesitation in minds of users. Making the free content available on
the basis of user account without asking confidential credit card information can increase the awareness amongst
the target audience and thus more penetration.

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