Case of Study 4 (2020)

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1(1): 23-29, 2020
Journal of Applied Research in Received: May 24, 2020; Accepted: June 23, 2020; Published: July 31, 2020
Technology & Engineering


Francisco Javier Martinez Monseco*
Escuela Tecnica superior de Ingenieros ETSI-UNED, Madrid. Spain.
Manager of the hydroelectric plants of Barcelona and Girona (Ter Unit) of the company Enel Green Power Iberia Hydro. Spain.

This article presents a guide to designing a maintenance plan for any industrial system. As an example, it develops
a maintenance plan for highly reliable equipment, such as a hydroelectric power plant, where instant availability and
reliability are crucial in its operation. The development of the proposal serves as a basis for the transversal development
of any industrial system that has the same operational objectives (manufacturing lines), transport (trains, aircraft) and
also involves safety and environmental aspects in its proper functioning. Today’s society requires that there are more
and more industrial processes in which the maximum availability of the systems must be guaranteed, and at the same
time there must be a minimum number of incidents that prevent the unavailability of the process. The methodology used
has consisted firstly of dividing the complex industrial system into systems to be analysed on the basis of the functions
they have to perform, then on the basis of the fault history a list of potential faults to be analysed has been determined,
taking into account the risk of the system itself. From here, the systems of the hydroelectric plant have been classified to
determine the priorities of actions. The different maintenance techniques to be applied have been carefully considered,
focusing on the need to analyse condition-based maintenance techniques, such as predictive techniques, which allow us
to define the point of potential failure based on parameters, and thus be able to plan maintenance actions in a justified
manner. In the specific case of a hydroelectric generation plant, the fundamental objective is based on the commitment to
operate in the electricity market (high reliability and immediate availability), and the performance of maintenance actions
imply in most cases the shutdown of the plant and therefore the loss of income from electricity production. Finally, a design
of a justified maintenance plan for a hydroelectric power plant has been proposed based on the methodology explained.

Keywords: Maintenance; reliability, power plants, industrial processes.

Cite as: Martínez Monseco, F.J. (2020). Analysis of maintenance optimization in a hydroelectric power plant. J Appl Res
Eng Technol & Eng., 1(1), 23-29.

1. Introduction 2. Maintenance function

In maintenance, the questions a technical maintenance Maintenance is the set of actions necessary to conserve
manager asks in the course of his work are often: or restore a system in a state that guarantees its operation
at a minimum cost. (Moubray, 2002).
• Am I really doing the right maintenance on the
According to the previous definition, different activities are
• Could I do more to make the system more reliable? deduced:
• How could I improve the system’s maintenance plan?
• Prevent and / or correct breakdowns.
Many times the maintenance to be done of any industrial • Quantify and / or evaluate the state of the facilities.
system is based on the “maintenance book” that exists
in each industry and is untouchable, but the daily • Economic aspects (costs).
experience of maintenance has to serve us to have the
necessary information to contribute to the improvement 3.  Maintenance plan for high reliability
and modification of the own maintenance of the system.
equipment (hydroelectric power plant)
This article analyses a complex industrial system such as
a hydroelectric power plant based on the analysis of the 3.1. Definition of systems, equipment, degree
different functional systems that make it up as well as the of criticality and maintenance model of a
potential system failures and the maintenance techniques hydroelectric power plant
to be applied. It also reflects the importance of each system
Firstly, the different functional systems that make up the
to fulfil the function and takes into account the condition-
hydroelectric plant are identified so that each can be
based maintenance techniques that will help us to make
analysed individually.
decisions on the frequency of maintenance actions.

*Corresponding author: F.J. Martínez,

Martínez Monseco, 2020

(Table 1, continues from previous column)

The systems of a hydroelectric plant are:
• Alternator. failure mode functional failure
• Turbine. pipe break

• Telecontrol system. water channel break

break valve
• Guard valve.
civil work breakage of hydraulic gate
• High voltage electrical equipment.
grieet settlements
• Voltage generator equipment.
pipe water leaks
• Protective equipment.
crack mechanical equipment
• Refrigeration equipment. oxidations
• Power transformer. throwings mechanical elements
physical deterioration
• Auxiliar equipment (CA-CC). bad mechanical operation
bad electrical operation
3.2. Failure modes and standard fault types of temperature trip
a hydroelectric power plant lack of command
lost parameters in regulation of turbine
To define the failure modes and types of failures associated
lost parameters of lubrication
to a hydroelectric power plant, an analysis was carried
out based on several considerations (Moubray, 1997; lost parameters of refrigeration
Hattagandi, 2005). Historical data of incidents of the set lost parameters of guard valve
of hydroelectric plants. Experience contributed in the lost transformation parameters
electrical deterioration
historical maintenance of the hydroelectric power plants, lost operating parameters
as well as the incidents that occurred. (Professional
ca-cc magnetothermic trip
experience of the maintainers of this type of systems).
Analysis of maintenance strategies and their results in high voltage switch failures
planning developments. electrical problems in tt / ti measurement
and protection
Table 1 is a list of the standard failure modes and failure electrical drives
types that have been typified based on the standard lost parameters voltage regulation
incident history of hydroelectric power plants. The criteria temperature trip
for this definition of failure modes and functional failures lack of command
are based on the technical reasons that have caused the
lost parameters in regulation of turbine
hydropower plant to be unavailable to perform its function
(electricity generation). lost parameters of lubrication
lost parameters of refrigeration
lost parameters of guard valve
Table 1: Failure modes and standard functional faults analysed
in a hydroelectric plant. mechanical lost transformation parameters
deterioration lost operating parameters
failure mode functional failure
filter problems
action of electrical protections group
lost of speed detection
action of mechanical protections group
breaks mechanical equipment
camera level action
valves failure
channel level performance
coal joint fail
disarm action forced pressure piping
lost parameters of voltage regulation
group synchronization lock
problems of measurement equipment
lack of conditions in operation
problems of control equipment
lack of parameters of group operation
low-high levels
covering grids
shoot measurement equipment
external electrical protections
maintenance failure shoot control equipment
overcapacity water flood
setting operating parameters
lack of water flow
final career failure
lack of communications
circulators-flow faults
lack of telecontrol
soon detection anomalies
automation operation failure
group design-control automatism relay failure
3.3. Criticality analysis of hydroelectric power
electronic card failure control station equipment
automatic lock PLC
operation sequences failure After dividing the complex system into functional systems
that can be analyzed, the criticality of each system must
(Table 1, continues in next column) be taken into account to set priorities in maintenance

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Analysis of maintenance optimization in a hydroelectric power plant

actions. the economic management of the physical and reliability (operating conditions of the electricity
assets will always be limited by the management of the market) and therefore the realization of a correct
company. maintenance plan is crucial in its operation. Table 4 shows
the conditions and criteria that are usually managed into
The characteristics of the maintenance plan of each account in current maintenance strategies, to define the
equipment of the hydroelectric power plant are indicated maintenance objectives of the system to be analysed.
in Table 2, different types are based in the definition of
criticality (Bloom, 2006; Sifonte, 2017). In most power plants, the maintenance developed
involves making a series of “routines” included in the
initial maintenance history book. but any maintenance
Table 2: Characteristics of each type of equipment according to
department should analyze if what it is doing is useful for
their criticality in operation.
the objective of improving system reliability.
• safety and environment.
- very serious accidents.
- periodic reviews. 3.5. Maintenance operations according to the
- accidents have occurred.
• production.
maintenance mode of the hydroelectric
- your stop affects the production plan. power station equipment.
• quality.
high reliability
system (c)
- it is key to product quality. We have defined the systems, equipment, degrees
- it is the cause of a high percentage of of criticality of each system as well as maintenance
- incidents.
objectives of the hydroelectric power plant. The next step
• maintenance.
is to define the operations to be carried out within each
- high repair cost in case of breakdown.
- very frequent breakdowns. maintenance mode to be implemented in the development
- consumes an important part of the resources of the maintenance plan in question (Table 4). In the
of maintenance. following sections the actions to be implemented in the
• safety and environment. maintenance modes considered are developed (Calixto,
- needs periodic (annual) reviews. 2016; Sifonte, 2017).
- it can cause a serious accident.
• production.
- it affects production but is recoverable. Table 4: List of maintenance operations in each equipment
system (i)
• quality. maintenance mode.
- affects quality but is not problematic.
• maintenance. 1. corrective maintenance mode
- maintenance cost. - inspection acknowledgments.
• safety and environment
- little influence on security 2. conditional maintenance mode
• production - inspection paths
- little influence on production - conditional maintenance operations
dispensable (d)
• quality 3. system maintenance mod
- does not affect the quality - inspection paths
• maintenance - conditional maintenance operations
- low maintenance cost - maintenance operations cyclical reconditioning
- preventive maintenance operations.
4. high reliability maintenance mode
In order to define the maintenance strategy to be used, - inspection paths
it is necessary to justify the cost that we are going to - conditional maintenance operations
propose in the analysis of the maintenance plan. - maintenance operations cyclical reconditioning
- preventive maintenance operations
- predictive maintenance operations
Depending on the degree of availability of the system to
- redesign operations.
be analysed, we can define the maintenance modes to be
performed (Table 3).
3.5.1. Inspection routes
3.4. Maintenance objectives of the
hydroelectric power plant The inspection routes are intended to detect accidental
damage, to detect unexpected variations in fault
A hydroelectric power station constitutes a highly reliable behaviour, and also to detect problems due to cleaning
equipment due to the need for instantaneous availability and maintenance.

Table 3: Maintenance planning based on system availability.

availability >90% high availability low availability

.high reliability maintenance mode systematic maintenance mode conditional maintenance mode
legal maintenance outsourced maintenance
legal regulations lack of means or knowledge
very low indisponibility
corrective maintenance mode

Journal of Applied Research in Technology & Engineering, 1(1): 23-29, 2020 25

Martínez Monseco, 2020

Inspection routes are based on a visual inspection of the 3.5.4. Preventive maintenance operations
elements of a plant. Figure 1 shows a maintenance action
observed through the inspection routes Preventive maintenance is based in proactive tasks that
they are carried out before the failure occurs in order
to prevent the equipment from reaching the fault state.
A maintenance operation is technically feasible if it
physically reduces the consequences of a failure mode
to an acceptable level. Figure 2 shows a redesigned
maintenance action based on the preventive maintenance
actions considered.

Figure 1: Repair work of the refrigerant circuit bearing by

maintenance analysis through inspection paths and monitoring
parameters (Enel Green Power-Endesa Generation).

3.5.2. Conditional maintenance operations

If a maintenance operation that reduces the risk of the Figure 2: Assembly work of oil injection circuit to
associated multiple failure can’t be found, a fault search the pivot bearing of the hydroelectric group due
task must be performed. to redesign by preventive maintenance analysis
(Enel Green Power-Endesa Generation).
The search for failures is feasible if:
• It is possible to perform the task 3.5.5. Predictive maintenance operations
• Homework does not increase the risk of a multiple
failure One of the most important aspects in the analysis of the
• It is practical to perform the task at the required maintenance that is carried out is to have information at
interval. all times of the state of the system. This information is
key to decide when to carry out the maintenance actions,
It is worthwhile to perform the fault search if you reduce
optimizing the maximum period of availability of the plant
the probability of the multiple failure associated with a
and minimizing the losses due to stop and therefore
tolerable level.
no electrical production. For all this, the application of
predictive maintenance techniques is very important
The condition tasks consist of checking for potential
due to their low impact in terms of hydroelectric plant
failures so that action can be taken to prevent functional
shutdowns and because of the information we can obtain
failure or avoid the consequences of functional failure.
to make decisions on the application of maintenance
The P-F interval is the interval between the moment when
a potential failure occurs and its decay until it becomes a
functional failure.
The operation of the machines modifies their dynamic
response, either by electrical or mechanical origin.
Conditional tasks must be performed at intervals below
Predictive maintenance attempts to diagnose the fault
the P-F interval
when it begins to manifest itself and is not yet serious for
• It is possible to define potential fault conditions. the system (Bloom, 2006). Its objectives are:
• Reasonably consistent P-F interval. • Need for a reduction in maintenance expenses.
Planning and reduction of catastrophic breakdowns.
3.5.3. Cyclic maintenance operations • Need to increase availability.
Cyclic reconditioning consists of reconditioning the • To do this, take advantage of:
equipment capacity before the defined age limit, • Potential of monitoring systems.
regardless of its condition at that time. • Automation and remote control.
• Technological evolution of communication networks
Cyclic replacement tasks consist of discarding an
and their connection.
element or equipment (the frequency is determined by the
age at which the element shows a rapid increase in the • This is a set of techniques that, duly selected, allow the
conditional probability of the failure). monitoring and examination of certain characteristic

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Analysis of maintenance optimization in a hydroelectric power plant

parameters of the equipment under study, which

manifest some type of modification when an anomaly
appears in it.
• Most machine failures appear incipiently, to a degree
where detection is possible before it becomes an
accomplished event with irreversible repercussions
on both production and maintenance costs. It is
necessary to establish a follow-up of those parameters
that can notify us of the beginning of an impairment
and establish for each of them what level we will admit
as normal and which inadmissible, so that its detection
triggers the relevant action.

The monitoring and control of the parameters can be

done through periodic surveillance, in which case it is Figure 3: Power transformer replacement work due to predic-
important to establish a frequency that allows us to detect tive maintenance data analysis (dielectric oil analysis) (Enel
deterioration at a time between P and F, and that it is not Green Power-Endesa Generation).
too late to react.

It can also be done through continuous monitoring which Table 6: Predictive maintenance techniques used in high
avoids the previous inconvenience, but it is not always reliability equipment.
feasible, and, in any case, it is more expensive. So finally, penetrating liquids.
the parameters to be controlled and the form depends on it is a non-destructive inspection that is used to find superficial
economic factors: cracks or internal failures of the material that present some
opening in the surface. the test consists in the application of a
• Importance of the machine in the production process special dye and subsequent treatment with absorbent liquid,
• Instrumentation necessary for control. marking the pores or superficial cracks.
magnetic particles.
The equipment to which different state control techniques this is another non-destructive test based on the magnetization
can be applied with proven efficiency are: of a ferromagnetic material when subjected to a magnetic field.
it is subjected to a magnetic field and magnetic particles are
• Rotative machines spread, oriented in the existing flow lines (defects marked by
• Electric motors-Static equipment
radiographic inspection.
• Electrical shield technique used for the detection of internal defects of the material
• Instrumentation. (by radiography) such as cracks, bubbles or internal impurities.
especially indicated in the quality control of welded joints.
The advantages of this type of maintenance are that, ultrasound.
when the state of the equipment is always known, it detection by means of frequency waves, of the presence of cracks
allows detecting failures in an incipient state, which (especially in thick or bulky materials).
prevents it from reaching undesirable proportions. Also, analysis of lubricants.
we can consider it allows to increase the useful life of the quality level of the lubricating oil is an important parameter in
the components, avoiding replacement before they the operation of the equipment. the properties of the lubricating oil
such as degradation, contamination, etc. are analyzed by physical-
are damaged. And finally, when the status of a defect
chemical analysis of the samples.
is known, the stops and repairs can be programmed,
vibration analysis.
providing for the necessary spare parts, which reduces
the vibratory level is increased if, in addition, there is a defect such
the unavailability times (Bloom, 2006). as misalignment, mechanical imbalance, inadequate clearances,
defective bearings. for this reason, the vibratory level can be used
Tables 5,6 and Figures 3 and 4 summarize the techniques as a functional control parameter for the predictive maintenance
and parameters currently used for the state control for of machines, establishing an alert level and an inadmissible level
from which the fatigue generated by the alternating forces causes
different types of equipment.
the imminent failure of the affected organs.
pressure measurement.
Table 5: Predictive maintenance techniques and characteristics. the lubrication pressure can detect functional deficiencies in the
bearings or problems in the seals due to insufficient pressure.
maintenance management damage and wear detection temperature measurement.
vibratory tracking repair control in bearings and sliding bearings there is a significant increase in
temperature when deterioration occurs. excessive elevation of the
oil analysis avoid harmful operating condition. coolant temperature denotes the presence of a machine anomaly
identification of vibration problems (friction, slack, etc....).
alternators diagnosis
due to design or assembly thermography.
transformers diagnosis reduction of maintenance costs infrared photography technique to detect hot areas in devices. it is
usually used in control of power lines.
increase availability
thermographs shock impulses.
increase intervals without repair it is used to control the condition of the bearings by controlling the
speed difference between the speed of collision between rolling
elements and the raceways. these impacts generate ultrasonic
pressure waves in the material (shock impulses).

Journal of Applied Research in Technology & Engineering, 1(1): 23-29, 2020 27

Martínez Monseco, 2020

5. Definition of the periodical maintenance

plan of a hydroelectric power plant
Attached is the list of systems, equipment, criticality
consideration as well as its maintenance mode once the
plant has been analyzed through the guide presented in
this article.

Table 7: Definition of maintenance in the hydroelectric

power plant.

system equipment criticity mode
alternator alternator c high reliability
alternator c high reliability
and control
Figure 4: Mechanical disassembly of the hydroelectric group
alternator excitement c high reliability
turbine due to predictive maintenance analysis (vibration and
cavitation analysis) (Enel Green Power-Endesa Generation). ventilation-
alternator i programmed
alternator braking i programmed
4. Maintenance frequency of a alternator fire protection i
hydroelectric power plant
turbine speed ​​regulator c high reliability
The previous chapters have analyzed the systems turbine turbine c high reliability
that make up the hydropower plant, the failure modes
turbine drain i programmed
that have occurred in historical failures, the priority in
terms of risk and consequences of the failures and the turbine lubrication i on condition
current maintenance techniques of a hydropower plant media and
turbine c high reliability
emphasizing the development of condition-based and control
predictive maintenance to plan the right time to stop the maintenance
plant to carry out maintenance. guardian valve gate valve i
voltage generator
The following is a design of a justified maintenance disconnector i programmed
plan in order to defend the costs associated with such
voltage generator
actions before the company’s management. equipment
switch c high reliability

Once defined the actions to carry out the maintenance voltage generator measures and
i programmed
equipment protection
plan, we can define the periodical maintenance plan
of the hydroelectric group based on the hours of high tension
disconnectors i programmed
operation. The temporary actions to be performed are
divided into: high tension
switches c high reliability
1. Every 72 hours of operation.
high tension measures and
i programmed
2. Every 4300 hours of operation. equipment protection
3. Every 8700 hours of operation. Protected system mechanics i programmed
4. Every 50 000 hours of operation. Protected system electric i programmed

Temporary actions 2-3-4 involve the management of refrigeration cooling circuits i a.c.
a group shutdown by means of electric and hydraulic measurement
refrigeration i a.c.
discharge (safety conditions of absence of electric voltage and control
and water pressure according to regulations, work with Power transformer transformer c high reliability
high voltage electrical hazards).
telecontrol system control-remote i programmed

It should be noted that in addition to the type of additional

auxiliar equipment ac i
maintenance and periodical maintenance operations,
it is necessary to make a control report of the different auxiliar equipment dc i
parameters of the hydroelectric group in order to define schedule
the feasibility and the technical-economic analysis for the
realization of a large revision of the hydroelectric group Finally, the strategic table of the maintenance to be
(cost-opportunity investment and improvement of the carried out in the development of the Maintenance Plan
system to maintain). of a hydroelectric power plant is presented.

Journal of Applied Research in Technology & Engineering, 1(1): 23-29, 2020 28

Analysis of maintenance optimization in a hydroelectric power plant

Table 8: Strategy for the maintenance plan of the hydroelectric system such as a hydroelectric plant, taking into account
power plant. the parameters:
operation type of • The division of the hydroelectric plant into functional
hours maintenance maintenance operations systems.
inspection paths
• Study of the failures and definition of the failure
periodic conditional maintenance modes to define the importance of each failure in the
maintenance operations
operation of the complex system, in order to justify the
operation monitoring cost of the actions and to define its priority, since the
cyclic overhaul operations cost in the maintenance will always be limited by the
preventive maintenance management of the company.
preventive operations
4300 • Definition of the existing maintenance techniques,
non-critical corrective actions making an explanation about the trend of the
performance of redesign actions development of the condition-based maintenance
preventive maintenance techniques, as well as the predictive maintenance
operations techniques
predictive maintenance operations • Application of all these criteria to make a justifiable
8700 redesign operations-new jobs
maintenance design of a maintenance plan for the complex system
regulatory maintenance
This developed methodology can easily be applied to
annual report power station status
any industrial system to be maintained, and implies the
analysis of the annual reports of justification in the proposal of the maintenance costs
the state of the plant
within the industrial company.
technical assessment of
planning completion of major revision
50 000 improvements /
economic valuation of realization
of great revision
cost-opportunity valuation great The author would like to thank the members of the UPH
investment work Ebro Pyrenees maintenance team of the company
Enel Green Power (hydro unit) for their knowledge,
professionalism and transmission of best practices.
6. Conclusions
The author gratefully acknowledge of the editor and
In summary, this article has developed the methodology reviewers for their helpful comments on previous versions
for designing a maintenance plan for a complex industrial of the article.

Bloom, N. (2006). Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM): Implementation made Simple. McGraw-Hill New York.

Calixto, E. (2016). Gas and Oil Reliability Engineering: Modeling and Analysis. Gulf Professional Publishing.

Hattangadi, A. (2005). Plant and Machinery Failure Prevention. McGraw-Hill New York.

Moubray, J. (2002). Reliability-Centered Maintenance. Industrial Press Inc.

Sifonte, J.R., Reyes-Picknell, J.V. (2017). Reliability Centered Maintenance–Reengineered: Practical Optimization of the
RCM Process with RCM-R®. Productivity Press.

Journal of Applied Research in Technology & Engineering, 1(1): 23-29, 2020 29

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