Classtest Week 8 3dec 11 PDF
Classtest Week 8 3dec 11 PDF
Classtest Week 8 3dec 11 PDF
Baboolall Keshna –
Table of content
History 3
Challenges 10
I matter. I matter equally. Not 'if only,' not 'as long as'. I matter. Full stop.-
Chimamanda Adichie, Nigerian writer
children, some women started to attend college and graduate school with the
intention of working.
For employees, the Covid-19 crisis has been highly challenging. Multiple Challenges,
including childcare and home school duties, are looming high, and burnout, and
mental wellbeing. Many workers feel like they need to be "always on at all hours of
the day, ready for work. And layoffs, furloughs, and financial uncertainty worry a
large number of workers. These problems, taken together, paint an image of a
workforce coping with unsustainable strain and anxiety. Nearly half of workers state
that over the past few months they have regularly felt overwhelmed at work, and
around a third report feeling tired or burnt out. For working parents, especially
working mothers, these burdens are even heavier.
need to always be on and ready to respond instantly to whatever comes in. And if
that is not happening, then that’s going to reflect poorly on my performance.”
However, the other side of the coin shows an alternate view on women. Lots of men
feel threatened by female bosses. There are countless studies which show that men
prefer male over female bosses. In recorded Gallup polls since 1950s, the number of
respondents saying they would prefer working for a woman has never exceeded
25%.This is the reason for the lack of representation of women in the workplace.
Because there is a lack of powerful female leaders at the top, there's nobody to
encourage and support women who have just started working and are in entry level
If today, the whole word recognizes the Great Indian Woman Astronaut Kalpana
Chawla and if women hold a significant position in the family, at workplace and in the
society, the glory goes to the responsible people for the initiation of the upliftment of
All together with Kamala Harris makes History as First Woman and Woman of
Color as US vice President Ms. Harris, the daughter of an Indian mother and
Jamaican father, has risen higher in the country’s leadership than any woman ever
before her.
In her victory speech, Ms. Harris spoke of her mother and the generations of women
of all races who paved the way for this moment. “While I may be the first woman
in this office, I will not be the last, “she a cheering and honking audience in
Wilmington, Del. “Because every little girl watching tonight sees that this is a country
of possibilities.”
and people’s lives were based on rules and culture. As the years went by and the
world keeps on evolving, the government came with some initiatives to reduce the
gender gap. Its main focus was to ensure that both men and women had equal
rights, opportunities and responsibilities. One major aspect of this resolution was to
increase the percentage of women in employment. Although the ideology of gender
equality was there, the process was not an easy one but rather a slow one. Through
legislation, fiscal measures, programmatic change and public private partnership,
governments made this task achievable. This statement can be proven by 3
examples given below.
There has been an increase of women’s participation in labor-force by 30% from
28% in 1950 to 58% in 2016 in Singapore. Policies such as maternity leave,
increased tax relief, childcare subsidies helped women to achieve work-life balance.
In Japan, the rate for the participation of males for childcare was increased from
under 14% to over 40%. Third, In Canada where Justin Trudeau has named his
country as the first gender-balanced cabinet in 2015 and was considered as the
single most acted-on SDG in 2017 (Sustainable Development Goals).
Since we are talking about equal rights progression in the workplace, there are equal
opportunity businesses which invested in the success of women and taught how to
strive in the workplace. For example, Visa, a credit card company introduced a
program to provide a support system for women that have been taking the
responsibility of being a full-time mother to get back on track on being a career
woman. Similarly, additional professional development opportunities were provided
to women working for Facebook Company. In America, in terms of management,
women are still in minority because there are only at 38% at a manager position
while men are at 62% and in terms of leadership there is a steady improvement.
If it is to compare to the past life, it can be noted that there has been a progress
towards gender equality at workplace. In the case of Mauritius, there has been some
improvement regarding the sets held by women in the Parliament. There has been
an increase of 13.1% from 5.7% in 2000 to 18.8% in 2014 and a further increase of
1.2% in 2019. In terms of Women Representation in Parliament, Mauritius was
classified 149th in ranking. During the years 2015-2018, Ameenah Gurib-Fakim was
elected as the first President in Mauritius. According to the World Bank collection of
development indicators, the participation of woman in the labor force in Mauritius is
currently 39.59%.
On a global perspective, on a political view, the evolution of women has been
incredible. There are some empowered women who have become successful
leaders. For
countries like
Taiwan, New
Norway and
Denmark are
owned and controlled by women.
In order to get a better image of this concept, Covid-19, the recent crisis faced the
whole world will be taken as an example. Researchers denoted that female-led
countries have handled this pandemic situation much better than male counterparts.
This was proven by doing a comparison between countries with the more or less the
same GDP (Gross Domestic Product) per capita, population, population density over
65 years. Consequently, match other variables like health expenditure per capita, the
number of tourists entering the country and gender equality. In overall, it is an
indicator used to get statistical information. As a result, it was shown that Hong-Kong
recorded 1056 cases, 4 deaths while Singapore recorded 28794 cases, 22 deaths in
the same period. Likewise, Norway under Erna Solberg, had 8257 cases and 233
deaths in contrast to Ireland under Micheal Martin with 24200 cases and 1547
deaths. Moreover, Taiwan had 440 cases and 7 deaths while South Korea recorded
11,078 cases and 263 deaths. This pandemic has affected every countries but
through this situation, it has been proven how strong women are. Both men and
women can handle a tough situation. Women too are smart and powerful.
“No woman should be told she can’t make decisions about her own body.
When women’s rights are under attack, we fight back.”~ Kamala Harris.
Kamala Harris, born on 20th of October 1964, was elected as Vice President of the
United States in November 2020. She was the first Indian American to serve the
country. She is such an ambitious and inspirational leader. This is one of the major
progresses of gender equality. This proves that there is an
opportunity to believe and to raise women power.
Here comes another inspirational woman who is actually an
author and attorney, Michelle Obama. From 2009 to 2017,
she was the First Lady of the
United States. She delivers
noteworthy speeches. Her
messages are delivered
through her interviews and
books. She inspired and empowered young women.
She wants them to commit to their own education.
Moreover many girls see her as fashion icon.
Through the wages, positions and the designations that men and women get at work,
workplaces are often unequal, which is in fact a global reality. But nevertheless, women have
prevailed in making a mark on their own in this competitive market. Having gender diversity
at the workplace are advantageous in term of:
2. Gender bias
Gender equality is another challenge that many women experience in their workplace. Jobs that
require frequent travel, physical exertion are still only open to men because they are considered
more suitable than women. It must be understood that women are blessed with the opportunity
to bring another soul into this world, and this factor must not hinder their growth and progress.
It is a promising change to see that many social security organizations, such as the United
Nations, are raising the issue globally and are committed to eliminating gender bias in the
3. Sexual harassment
One of the most embarrassing and heartbreaking challenges a woman faces in the work
environment are the types of sexual abuse she faces. Many men have the perception that
working women are compromising with the nature that is the basis for such evil actions. The
Women at Work report found that 35% of women working full-time in the corporate sector
were sexually harassed. Another study by the EEOC estimates that 75% of women exposed to
such hostile situations will not report their harassment. This technique has forced laws and
orders to impose some severe penalties on these ruthless men. To reduce this challenge, there
are social security organizations that discuss women's empowerment in various fora and have
raised the voice against harassment of women in the workplace.
64% of Americans say that racism continues to be a major problem in society and in workplace.
White men and women continue to be hired more than people of color, women from different
ethnicities. Black women deal with additional challenges, including longstanding issues of
racial bias, and receive less support from managers and colleagues. The Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission found that the workplace discrimination allegations accounted for
33.9 percent of the racial discrimination claims. A report released by the UK government shows
that their economies could be boosted by up to $ 29 billion if their black and minority ethnic
abilities were fully utilized in the UK.
5. Work-life imbalance
Another notable challenge woman faces in the workplace today is the work-life imbalance.
Distinguishing between personal and professional lives becomes difficult for women in
general. If she has to attend a family event and she is asked to attend a company dinner that she
doesn't have a plan for, she needs to gather courage and politely decline the following: what
she's committed to her family. All she needs to manage is time and effort then everything falls
in place.
6. Maternity leave
Over 50,000 people lose their jobs because of maternity discrimination each year around the
world. Most companies have policies on maternity leave, where maternity leave is granted to
the first two children, which is noticeable. But when the lady returns to office after the
maternity break, she may be surprised, because her role will no longer be the same. To bridge
this gap and alleviate the challenge, corporate firms have now included flexibility policies for
women who have resumed their careers after maternity leave.
As compared of 62% of men in managerial positions, only 38% of women are promoted to be
managers. Women have repeatedly proven their talent on the business front, but still the top
cream layer is mostly occupied by men. So when women look for leaders they can imitate, they
are left behind.
When women look to men for guidance and mentoring, they feel disconnected and confused
as there is a big difference in their neutrality and communication style. But this challenge is
slowly diminishing as more and more women are involved in management, politician,
president, and CEO roles and in the next few years there will be more leaders who will become
role model for generations to come.
8. Ego clashes
Adam was the first human being in this world and then came the day before. Men always try
to prove their superiority at work. No matter how nice the woman is to him, he will try to find
faults in his approach or his way of working. Working women need to encase this ability of
hers to persuade and win the trust of her peers and this will definitely help her to befriend her
colleague and turn the ego clash into nothing.
9. Gossip
An office without gossip is like a cake without icing. Tea breaks, lunch, toilet meetings are the
place and time when gossip is created and spread. Some comment on her abilities, while others
comment on her friendly approach. Such comments sound too harsh and many times force the
girl to put down the papers. All you have to do is not return any hard feelings. Women should
know how to face this emotional challenge and win after it.
10. Safety
Last but not least, the most dangerous challenge for women in the workplace is their safety. As
more and more cases of physical assault and abuse are reported in dailies and news channels,
women must learn the art of self-defense for their safety. Many organizations have used special
security services to help their employees get home late at night. Not only working women, but
all girls should always be ready to face the wrath of uncivilized men and therefore should equip
themselves with defense mechanisms and face their challenge with overwhelming self-
We are on 2020 and the world wants to move forward and creating an environment where all
people are treated equally. But why is it stopping for women at some points? Why do we expect
women to balance their careers and homes when men are supposed to be the breadwinners in
the family? If there are men who have come forward to support women in all their endeavors,
why is the word “feminism” marked with so much hatred and contempt? It's time to break
down toxic masculinity and make people understand that the goal of feminism is to close the
gender gap and achieve political, economic, personal and social gender equalit
How companies can address the core challenges women are facing nowadays?
In order to retain the women most affected by challenges, companies need to take steps to
alleviate the additional pressure they are under. The chart below shows the six key areas that
companies should focus on or expand their efforts.
Policies to better
Flexible work arrangements help employees to cope with their career and personal priorities.
It is an effective tool for organizations to attract top talent, as well as cost-cutting measures to
reduce turnover, productivity and absenteeism.
There has been a dis-balance between the work and home because of Covid-19, mostly to
women. “CHRO, RETAIL INDUSTRY” has adopted structural changes to scheduling norms,
like company-wide flexibility, no-meetings on Wednesdays. New plans should be structured
by companies, likewise, establishing new work norms, for example, setting hours for meetings,
placing policies to respond emails outside typical business hours, and enhancing
communication about work hours and availability within teams.
Leaders can also express their support for workplace flexibility. 57 % of employees say their
company's executives did so during Covid-19. In addition, managers can encourage their own
team to be a role model and consider utilizing Flexible work arrangements.
Performance reviews play a crucial role for an effective organization and rewarding employees
for their contributions. However, the criteria set before Covid-19 may be inappropriate as there
has been a rise in the in challenges faced by employees in their personal lives. Managers can
help to relieve employee stress and refocus on key priorities, such as, reassessing performance
criteria established before the pandemic to ensure those criteria are still achievable. To prevent
burnout and worry, criteria can be introduced in line with what employees can reasonably
achieve. This will ultimately conduct to stronger performance and higher productivity. Studies
have shown that managers are supporting employees’ work-life needs. In “ADOPE
COMPANY,” managers have been asked to meet with each team member about their schedule
constraints and accommodate flexibility needs as much as possible. Managers went into these
meetings armed with information to make the conversation more productive, including FAQs,
tip sheets, and insights from a virtual Q&A session on flexibility during the pandemic. Adobe’s
employee pulse survey of August 2020 suggests these efforts are genuinely helping. Questions
about whether managers care about employee well-being and whether employees have the
flexibility they need received favorability rates30 of 85 percent and higher.
Working women of color face a unique set of challenges that intersect across ethnicity, gender,
and culture. Because of this, many women of color who oftentimes have to deal with daunting
roadblocks such as other people’s beliefs, attitudes, and experiences. Manager need to build
trust and confront inequities head on through organization-wide strategies.
Also, Covid-19 has increased the stereotypes women face since years in terms of higher
standards of performance, stricter judgment of mistakes, and the punishment of motherhood
and the use of flexible job options. So, awareness level should improve in order to alleviate
these biases. Also, training can help. In the past year, researches have shown that only 1 in 4
employees have attended unconscious bias training, and even employees who have attended in
the past would benefit from retraining. So, it is important to track the results of promotions and
raises by gender, as well as the distribution of layoffs and leaves by gender, to ensure that
women and men are treated fairly.
There is an issue between what companies offer and what employees are aware of. For
example, almost all companies offer mental health counseling, but only about half of
employees know this benefit is available. The same trend applies to other valuable programs
such as parenting resources, checkups and bereavement counseling.
Organizations need to determine how effectively they respond to the greatest employee
challenges and reallocate resources to the most valuable programs. They should also consider
whether their benefits are going far enough to support employees. From the beginning of the
pandemic the first priority of many organizations was the health and safety which has
contributes largely to the performance as well as the productivity. The “CHIEF
alleviated a lot of anxieties they were feeling. A simple policy change really has far-reaching
power to support its employees.
Communication is the key to success of companies. It should be open and regular, especially
in crisis. Updates about the business situation and important decisions that affect employees'
work and lives need to be share frequently, and that they should deal directly with the
information. It is also important that leaders and human resources communicate with empathy,
so that employees feel valued and understood. Research shows that this openness and
understanding reduces anxiety and builds trust among employees. The HR of “FOOD
MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY” has declared that since Covid-19, their senior leadership
has increased the number of touchpoints, whether it’s through town halls, webinars, or Zoom
calls. They have used them to learn from managers and associates and to communicate what
we’re doing to support employees, including resources for their emotional and physical well-
Firstly, a clear commitment should be made among staffs to promote and support Black
women. Many employees fail to realize that black women are having a markedly worse
experience at work. Since years, studies have proved that Black women face more systemic
barriers and receiving less support from managers, which leads to more severe discrimination.
Organizations should adopt an alternate approach to their diverse endeavors. Many efforts to
diversify businesses focus on race or gender, meaning women of color can be looked down
upon. In contrast, when companies target and track results by gender and race combined, they
can gain data-based insights about the barriers black women are facing. Face and target specific
interventions with recruitment, mentoring and funding.
Secondly, Businesses should develop a sound environment, where Black women will feel
valued and concerned. Discriminatory behavior and micro-aggression should not be tolerated
and make sure that Black women get the formal and informal support that other employees do.
Effective training on diversity and allies will give them a better understanding of how to fight
racial discrimination and how to present themselves to black women as allies. It is also
important to think about customs, rituals and organizational standards to ensure that they are
inclusive. For example, are black women included in informal meetings? Are team events held
in safe and welcoming spaces? Gathering feedback from black women on what works and
doesn't work for them is essential to this process, as is giving black women a voice in shaping
new corporate standards. The more companies take into account the unique perspectives and
experiences of different groups of employees, the more effectively they can create an inclusive
“ women and children are already love unconditionally. Men are only loved on the accountability
they provide.” Chris Rock
McKinsey& Company, January 28th 2019, Accelerating gender parity: What can
Governments do?, November 28th 2020,
Wikipedia,n.d, Ameenah Gurib-Fakim, 28th November
Trading Economics,n.d, Mauritius Labor Force, Female, 28h November 2020,
The Conversation, 28th August 2020, Are Women leaders better on Coronavirus?
The data backs it up, 29th November 2020,
Britannica, n.d, Kamala Harris, 29th November 2020,
Michelle Obama, 29th November 2020,
Wikipedia, n.d, Cristina Cordula, 29th November 2020,
RippleMatch, March 1,2020, 20 Companies Invested in the Success of Women at
Work, 30th November 2020,
Trading Economics,n.d, Trained Teachers in Primary/ Secondary education (% of
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