E-Tender-Cum-Auction: Madhya Pradesh Road Development Corporation
E-Tender-Cum-Auction: Madhya Pradesh Road Development Corporation
E-Tender-Cum-Auction: Madhya Pradesh Road Development Corporation
Table of Contents
1. NOTICE FOR INVITING TENDER CUM AUCTION ............................................................... 5
1.1 Datasheet................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Details of the Property .............................................................................................. 7
1.3 Tender Fee and Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) ........................................................ 8
1.4 Bid Validity ................................................................................................................. 8
1.5 Eligible Entity ............................................................................................................. 8
1.6 Pre-bid Meeting ......................................................................................................... 8
1.7 Site Visit ..................................................................................................................... 8
2. Instructions to Bidders ..................................................................................................... 9
2.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 9
2.2 Registration.............................................................................................................. 10
2.3 Searching for Tender cum Auction document ........................................................ 10
2.4 Preparation of Bids .................................................................................................. 11
2.5 Submission of Bids ................................................................................................... 11
2.6 Eligibility Documents ............................................................................................... 13
2.7 Amendment of tender ............................................................................................. 13
2.8 Language .................................................................................................................. 13
2.9 Confidentiality ......................................................................................................... 14
2.10 Bid Covers ................................................................................................................ 14
2.11 Bid Submission and Evaluation Process .................................................................. 14
2.12 e-Auction Process .................................................................................................... 16
3. Offer Acceptance ............................................................................................................ 17
4. Payment Schedule .......................................................................................................... 18
5 Execution of Sale Deed ................................................................................................... 19
Annexure - A: Letter of Bid and Intent ................................................................................... 20
Annexure – B: Organization Details of the Bidder ................................................................. 22
Annexure – C: Format for Power of Attorney ........................................................................ 23
Annexure-D ............................................................................................................................ 24
1. Introduction.................................................................................................................... 25
2. City Profile ...................................................................................................................... 25
3. Socio-Economic Profile of Damoh .................................................................................. 27
4. Connectivity.................................................................................................................... 28
5. Appreciation ................................................................................................................... 31
4.1 Site Location ............................................................................................................ 31
4.2 Site Details ............................................................................................................... 33
4.3 Major developments around the site are as follows .............................................. 37
5. Plot No. and Ownership Status ...................................................................................... 38
5.1 Other Site Map ........................................................................................................ 39
5.2 Town Planning Letter for Land Use ......................................................................... 40
6. Planning Norms under rule 42 of MPBVR for DAMOH .................................................. 41
Annexure –E: Draft Format for Agreement of Sale ............................................................ 45
Annexure - F: Format for Price Bid ......................................................................................... 50
This e-auction document is not an agreement and is neither an offer nor invitation by MPRDC
to the prospective Applications or any other person. The purpose of this e-auction document
is to provide interested parties with information that may be useful to them in the
formulation of their application for expressing their interest pursuant to this e-auction (the
“Application”). This e-auction document includes statement, which reflect various
assumptions, assessments and statements do not purport to contain all the information that
each applicant may require. This e-auction document may not be appropriate for all persons,
and it is not possible for MPRDC, its employees or advisors to consider the investment
objectives, financial situation and particular needs of each party who reads or uses this e-
auction document. The assumptions, assessments, statements and information contained in
this e-auction document may not be complete, accurate, adequate or correct. Each Applicant
should therefore, conduct its own investigations and analysis and should check the accuracy
adequacy, correctness, reliability and completeness of the assumptions, assessment,
statements and information contained in the e-auction document and obtain independent
advice from appropriate sources.
MPRDC, its employees and advisors make no representation or warranty and shall have no
liability to any person, including any Applicant, under any law, statute, rules or regulations
or tort, principles of restitution or unjust enrichment or otherwise for any loss, damages,
cost or expense which may arise from or be incurred or suffered on account of anything
contained in this e-auction document or otherwise, including the accuracy, adequacy,
correctness, completeness or reliability of the e-auction document and any assessment,
assumption, statement or information contained therein or deemed to form part of this e-
auction document.
MPRDC also accepts no liability of any nature whether resulting from negligence or
otherwise howsoever caused arising from reliance of any Applicant upon the statements
contained in this e-auction document. MPRDC may, in its absolute discretion but without
being under any obligation to do so, update, amend or supplement the information,
assessment or assumptions contained in this e-auction document.
1. Madhya Pradesh Road Development Corporation (MPRDC) invites online offers in single
stage Two cover system (Qualification and Financial Bid) from eligible persons,
companies, firms, trusts, PSU’s for sale of vacant land of 4492 sq. mt. at Plot No. 3888,
Ward No.5, Bajariya, Damoh, Madhya Pradesh as per terms & conditions stated
hereinafter through online Tender-cum-Auction through the official e-Tendering Portal
of Govt. of MP (www.mptenders.gov.in). Interested applications having Class III Digital
Signature Certificate (DSC) issued by any agency authorized by the Controller of
Certifying Authority (CCA), Govt. of India, are encouraged to register themselves on
eTendering Portal and participate in the bidding process.
2. Before bidding, interested bidder should personally visit the vacant land of 4492 sq. mt.
at Plot No. 3888, Ward No.5, Bajariya, Damoh, Madhya Pradesh hereinafter referred
as “The Property” and do necessary research on title, location, area, condition, land use,
FSI/FAR, market/govt. value, conversion charges (if bidder desires to change land use),
guidelines, control regulations of cities, etc. for the property under sale.
3. The property is to be sold on freehold and completely "As is Where is what is Basis".
4. Bidders are advised to make themselves acquainted with the tender cum auction process
of e-Tender portal www.mptenders.gov.in by way of obtaining required information on
procedures from the aforesaid portal/service provider. Bidders are requested to note
that only digitally signed bids shall be accepted in auction. Hence, intended bidders
should equip themselves with Indian Digital Signature Certificates (Class III) before the
5. Madhya Pradesh Road Development Corporation (MPRDC), hereinafter referred as The
(“Authority”), reserves the right to accept/reject any or all of the Bids at any stage
without assigning any reasons thereof and the decision of the Authority would be final
and binding on the Bidders. In case of cancellation of bid, authority shall not be liable to
pay any compensation to any bidder for any loss that they may incur due to such
6. The Schedule for eTender cum Auction is described here in the datasheet below:
3.1 Datasheet
S. No Particulars
11. Bid Opening Date and Time (Financial Bid) Date: 22/01/2021
Time: 15:00 PM
14. Elapse Time in Minutes 15 Minute
3.3 Tender Fee and Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)
1. Bidders have to deposit Tender Fee and Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) as mentioned in
data sheet, online through payment gateway available on e-Tender portal.
2. EMD deposited elsewhere or in any other form except online, shall not be considered valid
for participation in this Tender cum Auction.
3. Tender fee is non-refundable.
4. No interest shall be payable on EMD.
5. EMD of unsuccessful bidders would be released to their Bank Account after completion of
the bidding process.
6. The EMD of the Successful Bidder shall be returned after payment 25% of bid price as 1st
2. Instructions to Bidders
This section of the bidding document provides general and other information necessary for
bidders to prepare responsive bids, in accordance with the requirements of the tender inviting
authority. It also provides information on online registration, preparation and submission of bid
on the e-Tender Portal.
2.1 General
2.1.1 If it is revealed at any stage till the completion of auction process, that Bidder(s) is
indulged in any form of cartel, then all such bidders found to have indulged in such act
shall be treated as Disqualified, and the Authority shall have every right to reject the Offer
of any or all such bidder(s) as well as forfeiture of EMD(s) of such bidder(s).
2.1.2 Before participating in the bidding process through this e-Tender cum Auction, the
Bidders are required to examine terms, conditions and eligibility criteria completely and
2.1.3 Times mentioned in the Datasheet shall be treated as (IST) Indian Standard Time only.
2.1.4 The currency for the purpose of the Bid shall be the Indian Rupee (INR).
2.1.5 There should be at least two eligible bidders to start the e-auction process. However, the
Authority shall have right to accept the offer made by any Single Bidder, above the Offset
2.1.6 Bidders shall be fully and solely responsible for the bid recorded against their name.
2.1.7 By bidding in this e-Tender cum Auction, the bidders undertake to abide by the terms and
conditions mentioned in this document.
2.1.8 All statutory clearances / licenses / permissions shall be obtained by the Successful Bidder
hereafter referred as ‘Allottee’.
2.1.9 All applicable taxes /fees shall be borne by the Allottee.
2.1.10 The allotment of this property will be made in favour of a single allottee who has quoted
highest acceptable price and who has been found to have fulfilled all conditions of
allotment as stated in this document.
2.1.11 The Authority reserves right to cancel the eTender cum Auction process at any stage prior
to the signing of the Sale Deed. The amount deposited till such date by the Allottee,
including EMD, shall be returned. The Authority shall not be liable to pay any
compensation or interest for any loss that they may incur due to such cancellation.
2.2 Registration
2.2.1 The tender cum auction document including technical bid and financial bid (the “Bids”)
are required to be submitted through eTender portal, which requires bidders to first
enroll on the www.mptenders.gov.in portal, using a valid Class III digital signature
certificate (DSC) and a valid e-mail address.
2.2.2 The bidders are required to submit soft/scanned copies of the required documents on the
e-Tender Portal, using valid DSC. More information for submitting online bids on the
eTender Portal may be obtained at: www.mptenders.gov.in
2.2.3 As part of the enrolment process, the bidders will be required to choose a unique user
name and assign a password for their accounts.
2.2.4 At the time of enrolment, the bidders will be required to register their valid DSC (Class-III
Certificates with signing key usage) issued by any Certifying Authority recognized by CCA
India with their profile.
2.2.5 Only one valid DSC should be registered by a bidder. Please note that the bidders are
responsible to ensure that they do not lend their DSCs to others which may lead to
2.2.6 Bidders can then log into the Portal through secured log-in process by entering their user
ID / password and the password of the DSC / e-Token.
2.4 Preparation of Bids
2.4.1 For preparation of bid, Bidders should download the complete Tender cum Auction
document including any corrigendum/addendum/clarification published thereon, before
submitting their bids. After selecting the e-Tender cum Auction document, the same shall
be moved to the ‘My favorite’ folder of bidders account from where bidder can view all
the details of the tender document.
2.4.2 Bidders shall go through the e-Tender cum Auction document carefully to understand the
documents required to be submitted as part of their bid. Before uploading scanned copies
of documents, bidders should carefully observe the number and name of the covers in
which the documents have to be submitted. Any deviations from these may lead to
rejection of bid.
2.4.3 Bidders shall digitally sign and upload the required bid documents one by one as indicated
in the tender details according to specified cover.
2.4.4 For any clarifications, if required, Bidders should formally submit their
queries/clarification by email on or before the date and time mentioned in the Datasheet.
2.4.5 Bidders should prepare in advance, the bid documents to be submitted, as indicated in
the eTender cum Auction document in pdf/xls/rar/zip/dwf formats.
upload the file in financial bid cover (Price bid) only. Bidders are cautioned that at the
time of uploading of financial bid, Macros must be enabled to see the word
representation of figures.
2.5.6 Bidders shall submit their bids through online e-tendering system to the Tender Inviting
Authority (TIA) well before the bid submission end date & time (as per Server System
Clock). The TIA will not be held responsible for any sort of delay or the difficulties faced
during the submission of bids online by the bidder.
2.5.7 Bidders shall be solely responsible for all consequences arising out of the bid submitted
by them (including any wrongful bidding by them) and no complaint/representation will
be entertained by the Authority in this regard. Hence, Bidders must be careful to check
(the Bid Amount / No. of Zeroes / No. of Digits etc.) and rectify their bid (if required)
before submitting into the live e-auction floor by clicking the 'Bid’ Button.
2.5.8 After the bid submission, the bidders shall take a print-out of system generated
acknowledgement number and keep it as a record of evidence for online submission of
2.5.9 The bid should be submitted online at website www.mptenders.gov.in only, by the due
date mentioned in e-Tender Notice. Only the Server Date & Time as appearing on the
website http://mptenders.gov.in/app shall be considered for the cut-off date and time
for submission of bids. Offers sent through post, telegram, fax, telex, e-mail, courier or by
any other mode will not be considered.
2.5.10 In case the date of opening is declared as a public holiday, tender will be opened on the
next working day.
2.5.11 All the documents being submitted by the bidder would be encrypted using PKI (Public
Key Infrastructure) encryption techniques to ensure the secrecy of the data. The data
entered, cannot be viewed by any unauthorized persons until the time of bid opening.
The confidentiality of the bids is maintained using Secured Socket Layer 128 bit encryption
2.6 Eligibility Documents
Documents to be furnished at the time of the submission of bid:
In case of Individual:
1. Identity & particulars of the Applicant (Annexure B)
2. PAN Card of the Applicant Individual
3. Income Tax Return (ITR) for last Financial Year.
4. Earnest Money Deposit (Copy of e-Payment Receipt)
2.8 Language
The letter of Bid, Bid, all related correspondence and documents shall be written in
English language. Supporting materials, which are not translated into English, would not
be considered.
2.9 Confidentiality
Information relating to the examination, clarification, evaluation, and finalization of the
short-listed bidders shall not be disclosed to any person. The Authority will treat all such
information as confidential.
2.12 e-Auction Process
2.12.1 Bidders are advised to remain vigilant for the notification generated by the system on e-
Auction parameters like e-Auction start date/time, end date/time, minimum increment
value, auto extension, etc.
2.12.2 Eligible bidders will participate in the e-auction as per the scheduled date and time
mentioned in the data sheet. Only the auction start price determined by the authority
shall be revealed for starting e-auction. Name of all the bidders shall be masked to
prevent disclosure of bidder’s identity.
2.12.3 The participant bidders shall have to quote over and above the auction start price in the
e-auction. The bidders can suitably hike the offer in the e-Auction process to become a
successful bidder. The minimum increment in the offer shall be as indicated in Data Sheet.
An increment less than the minimum incremental value as indicated in data sheet, shall
not be accepted by the e-Auction system.
2.12.4 Initially the e-Auction shall continue till the time as mentioned in the Datasheet. In case
any bidder submits his offer during the elapse time as mentioned in Datasheet before
auction closing time, the auction time shall be automatically extended by Auto Extension
time as indicated in the Datasheet. The Auto Extension process will be repeated by as
many times until such time that no bidder submits any further offer in elapse time.
2.12.5 The Financial Bid/ Price-bid of technically qualified bidders will be revealed only after e-
Auction process has been completed. The Financial Bid/ Price-bid submitted by the
bidders will be compared with the price emerged in the e-Auction process.
2.12.6 The successful bidder (H-1 bidder) shall be selected based on offering of the highest price,
which is discovered out of, either Financial Bid/ Price-bid (Cover-2) of proposal or the
price discovered through e-Auction.
2.12.7 After completion of the tender cum auction process, originals of the documents
submitted by the successful bidders in Cover 1 (Technical Bid) may be required by the
Authority for verification. Some of these originals with self-certified copies of other
documents will become part of sale deed.
3. Offer Acceptance
3.1 Bidders shall promptly check their e-mail registered with e-Tender Portal for receipt of
any information/clarification/correspondence in respect of their bid. Authority shall not
be responsible for non-receipt / failure of e-mail to the bidders.
3.2 If any of the information furnished by the bidder is found to be incorrect/ incomplete, the
Bid/ contract is liable to be rejected and the EMD shall be forfeited.
3.3 Authority reserves the right to cancel the tender without assigning any reason thereof.
3.5 Bids from those bidders who have not submitted their offer as per e-Tender Notice shall
not be considered.
3.6 Canvassing in connection with this e-Tender cum Auction, whether directly or indirectly,
is strictly prohibited and the tenders submitted by the bidders who resort to canvassing
shall be liable for rejection.
3.7 In case of any grievance/dispute, the bidders shall make representation to Managing
Director, Madhya Pradesh Road Development Corporation (MPRDC) who shall dispose-
off the said grievance/dispute within a month of receipt of such request. If a bidder is not
satisfied with the order of Managing Director, Madhya Pradesh Road Development
Corporation (MPRDC), he can further appeal to Principal Secretary, Madhya Pradesh
Public Assets Management Department who shall dispose-off the same within a month
of receipt of the appeal.
3.8 This offer is Subject to the scrutiny and approval of the competent authority before
declaring any bidder as Successful Bidder (“Allottee”).
3.9 After completion of the e-Tender cum Auction, the Authority shall issue the Letter of
Intent (LOI) to the Successful Bidder asking to deposit 25% of the accepted bid amount
within 30 days.
3.10 In case, if offer is not accepted by Successful Bidder or acceptance is not received in
stipulated time limit mentioned in the LOI or any communication from the successful
bidder for time extension is not received with a reason acceptable to the Authority or due
to any other non-compliance during any stage, the Authority shall reject the offer and
forfeit the EMD. In such case, next highest bidder (H2) may be offered to match the price
of H1 Bidder.
4. Payment Schedule
4.1 After receiving the Letter of Intent (LOI), the Allottee shall deposit 25% (twenty-five
Percent) of the total accepted bid amount within 30 days.
4.2 After receiving 25% of the total accepted bid amount, successful bidder’s EMD will be
returned and a Letter of Award (LoA) will be issued to Allottee by Public Assets
Management Department.
4.3 Second payment of additional 25% shall be made by Allottee within 30 days of receiving
4.4 Remaining 50% payment shall be made within 120 days after receiving LOA
4.5 All the payments shall be made in the bank account as mentioned in LOI & LOA
4.6 Issuance of LOI/LOA shall not give the right to the Successful Bidder to have the ownership
of the Property.
4.7 In case the successful bidder fails to pay the amount mentioned as per clause no 4.3 and
4.4, the Authority may extend time limit for payment of such amount on the written
request from the Allottee with stated reasons thereof.
4.8 The Authority on its sole discretion, may grant an extension of maximum three (3) months
with an interest of 1% (one percent) per month on the remaining amount for the extended
time. After expiry of such extended time limit, the Authority may take necessary actions
for cancellation of the allotment and forfeiture of the EMD and amount deposited by the
5 Execution of Sale Deed
5.1 After issue of LOA, the Authority shall hand over all the title deeds, search report of the
property to the Allottee or his Authorized representative/advocate nominated by Allottee
for scrutiny of title and the opinion of the Authority regarding title of the property shall be
final and conclusive. The Allottee shall duly intimate the Authority about the title whether
it is found appropriate or inappropriate after verification, within thirty (30) days after
delivering the title deeds to him or his Authorized representative/Advocate.
5.2 After receiving the 100% Bid Amount from the Allottee, the Authority shall allow the
Allottee to execute the sale deed/Registry in the office of the Sub-Registrar. The necessary
Stamp Duty, Registration Charges and other incidental charges shall be paid by the
Allottee. The stamp duty shall be payable as per prevailing collector guideline.
5.3 The ownership and possession of the property will be transferred only after execution of
the sale deed.
5.4 If the Allottee fails to deposit full amount of the accepted value of property within the
specified time including the extension, if any, the Authority may forfeit his right to execute
the sale deed and forfeit the EMD along with the amount deposited so far. In addition of
forfeiture of EMD and other amount the bidder may not be allowed to participate in any
further Tenders/Auctions.
5.5 The Allottee is advised to complete the registration process at the earliest after making
the full payment. In case of any delay in execution of registration the Authority shall not
be responsible of any loss to the Allottee.
5.6 The Allottee will have to mutate the property in his/their name in the land/revenue record
of the State Government. All the charges in this process shall be borne by Allottee.
5.7 Any charges such as development charges, Change of Land use charge, property tax, other
taxes, charges, cess, stamp duty as per prevailing Collector Guideline rate, any other duties
etc. due after the date of execution of sale deed will be responsibility of the Allottee. Any
tax due before the date of execution of sale deed will be onus of Government and be
adjusted against the sale proceeds by State Govt.
5.8 The land-owning department will execute the sale deed/ Registration in the name of the
Allottee or his authorized nominee(s).
Annexure - A: Letter of Bid and Intent
(Letterhead of the Bidder including full Postal Address, Telephone No., Fax No. and Email)
Date :………………………….
Managing Director,
Madhya Pradesh Roads Development Corporation
45A, Jail Rd, Arera Hills,
Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 462011
Subject: E-Tender cum e-Auction for Sale of vacant land of 4492 sq. mt. at Plot No. 3888, Ward
No.5, Bajariya, Damoh, Madhya Pradesh
Ref: Your notice for e-Tender cum e-Auction issued vide reference No. …………..Date…………………..
[e-auction ID: ]
Being duly authorized to represent and act for and on behalf of ………………. (Hereinafter
referred as the Bidder), and having studied and fully understood all the information provided in
the Bid Document, I/We, ……………………………………., the undersigned hereby intends to
participate in the e-bidding process for sale of vacant land of 4492 sq. mt. at Plot No. 3888, Ward
No.5, Bajariya, Damoh, Madhya Pradesh according to the terms and conditions as detailed in
the e-Tender cum e-Auction document.
Bids are quoted online through the Class III Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) of the undersigned.
The Authority is hereby authorized to conduct any inquiries/ investigation to verify the
statements, documents and information submitted in connection with the Bid.
The Authority and its authorized representatives may contact the following persons for such
enquiry as may be required: -
— Authority reserves the right to reject or accept the Bid, modify/ cancel the bidding process,
and/or reject all or any of the Bid at any stage
— Authority shall not be liable for any of the above actions and shall be under no obligation to
inform the Bidder of the same.
I/We, the undersigned do hereby declare that the statements made, and the information
provided as part of bid submission are complete, true and correct in every aspect.
I/We have read the terms and conditions of the offer/bid detailed in the e-Tender cum e-Auction
Notice and are willing to abide by them unconditionally.
The offer made by us, is valid for 180 days from the online Bid Submission Date. I/We understand
that the Authority may require us to extend the validity of the bid for such period as may be
determined by the Authority at its discretion and I/We hereby agreed to extend the bid validity
of our bid if so required by the Authority.
In case my/our offer is accepted and if I/we fail to submit or pay the amount in the manner
specified by Payment Schedule of the bid document, the amount of Earnest Money or any
instalments paid by me/us as per Payment Schedule under this offer shall stand absolutely
forfeited by the Authority.
The decision of the Authority concerning this transaction shall be final and binding on me/ us.
Yours faithfully,
Annexure – B: Organization Details of the Bidder
E-Tender cum e-Auction for sale of vacant land of 4492 sq. mt. at Plot No. 3888, Ward No.5, Bajariya,
Damoh, Madhya Pradesh
Full Name & Designation of the Authorized Representative of Bidder
Name of the Organisation
Annexure – C: Format for Power of Attorney
(On a Stamp Paper of Rs. 100 or above)
We hereby agree to ratify all acts, deeds and things lawfully done by our said attorney pursuant
to this Power of Attorney and that all acts, deeds and things done by our aforesaid attorney shall
and shall always be deemed to have been done by us.
I Accept
Mode of execution of this Power of Attorney shall be the standard one as per applicable laws on
affixation of the Common Seal of the Company.
1. Introduction
With the development of new infrastructure and expansion of Cities, Public assets (Land &
Buildings) are now placed at the most prominent locations in the cities. Many of the Public
assets, especially land is not be optimally utilized and is in non- performing state.
Monetization of land is non-core activity for the departments are these issue gets least
priority. Unused or irrationally used asset is a potential loss to state treasury. Monetization of
assets, without compromising public interest, requires dedicated effort and expertise.
Therefore, the Government of Madhya Pradesh has constituted a separate department
“Department of Public Assets Management” to undertake development/ monetization
/rationalization of unused or irrationally used assets in a professional manner across various
departments of GoMP.
The department of Public Assets Management will also consider Assets under various State
PSUs which are either not performing as per their envisaged objective, the department will
identify such assets and consider a thorough market analysis and suggest suitable measure
for their monetization in order to reducing the financial burden on the government and to
improve public finance.
Madhya Pradesh Road Development Corporation (MPRDC) has been mandated to act as
executing agency under the department of Public Assets Management. MPRDC will undertake
all the activities towards Asset management as mandated by Department of Public Asset
2. City Profile
Damoh is a city in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh located at 23.88°N 79.45°E at an
average elevation of 595 metres (1,952 ft) with an area of 7306 Sq Km. It is part of Sagar
Division and is 80KM away from it. It is famous for Jainism pilgrimage site Kundalpur (Bade
Baba Temple). It is surrounded by Sagar in the West, Narsinghpur and Jabalpur in the South,
Chhatarpur in the north, Panna & Katni in the east.
Damoh has 8 Tehsils, 4 Revenue Subdivision, 460 Panchayats and 1229 villages. Damoh district
has a total population of 12,64,219 where Urban population is 2,50,551 (20%) and Rural
population is 10,13, 668 (80%). It has a total literacy rate of 61.8% and Male Female Ratio –
2.1 Demographical Profile & Map
Population 12,64,219
Ward 44
Male 52%
Females 48%
Average Literacy 61.8%
Male Literacy 91%
Female Literacy 81%
3. Socio-Economic Profile of Damoh
With firm eye on modernizing its economy, today Damoh is slowly but surely taking big steps
towards modern day industrialization. Although there is still long way to go to transform its
largely agrarian based economy into even semi-industrial economy, but it has all the needed
potential to achieve this seemingly ambitious dream. Below are the potentials and growth areas
of Damoh economy.
Agriculture in Damoh
Starting with chief characteristic or most dominant sector of the economy, then agriculture is
pretty much the main driver of Damoh economy. This shouldn’t be surprising. Since nonindustrial
region’s economy is always driven by agricultural sector. Emergence of organic farming over the
years has again revitalized the agricultural sector. Besides, during last few years many nonprofit
organizations with the help of government agencies have introduced many modern technologies
to revive the agricultural sector. All these developments and efforts have restored much needed
hope into agricultural sector. Soybean, rice, blackgram, sorghum, pigeonpea, sesame, chickpea,
wheat, lentil, pea and linseed are some of the primary crops grown in Damoh.
Industries in Damoh
Damoh industries mostly consist of small and medium scale industries. The city’s industrial sector
holds immense potential, which can very well put her on path of rapid industrialization. Damoh
immense potential lies in its cement production. In fact, Damoh already has quite a few large-
scale cement factories. The most prominent being ‘Mycem Cement LTD (also known as Daimond
Cements Ltd’,) a subsidiary company completely owned by German Multinational Company
Heidelberg Cement PVT Ltd. Besides, ONGC Pvt Ltd (India’s biggest oil exploration company) in
2012 made major discovery of oil and gas near Nohat town, which has opened new economic
avenues for Damoh. As for industrial profile of small and medium scale industries is concerned,
then they mostly constitute of Agro based, weaving and dying, wooden based furniture and
Leather based industries. Besides, there are many minerals based, steel fabrication and small-
scale engineering units. Most of these small and medium scale industries are located in Gandhi
Ashram Industrial Estate, Marutal Industrial area and semi urban Industrial estate, three
prominent industrial estate areas of Damoh.
4. Connectivity
Damoh is situated in a plateau region about 12 miles (19 km) southeast of the Sonar River. The
district is part of Sagar Division and is 80KM away from it.
Project Site is approximately 1.4 kms away from the closest National Highway NH- 34 and
approximately 2.6 kms from Damoh Railway Station.
The project site is also approx. 1.4 kms away from the Damoh Bypass on the north eastern side.
Figure 3: Access Road 1
Figure 4: Access Road 2
5. Appreciation
The assessment of the project site has been carried out in the context of its strengths,
connectivity, surroundings, types of developments and future potential of nearby area.
Figure 6: Location Map of Tannery Property (Bajariya, Damoh)
5.2 Site Details
Figure 9: Site Pictures (3/5)
Figure 10: Site Pictures (4/5)
6. Plot No. and Ownership Status
As per the information provided in the physical form from the maintenance Khasra Register, Plot
No. 3888, as per the land records is 1.11 Acre. (4492 sq. mt.) The Plot No. 3888 is a “Nazul Land”.
6.1 Other Site Map
Figure 14: Pachnama showing land size as 1.11 Acre (4492 sq. mt.) for Plot No. 3888
(Bajariya, Damoh)
Figure 14: T&CP Letter for Land Use for Tannery Property (Bajariya, Damoh)
7. Planning Norms under rule 42 of MPBVR for
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Annexure –E: Draft Format for Agreement of Sale
WHEREAS the Deed Executing Authority is the sole and absolute owner of the property more
fully set out in the Schedule hereunder:
AND WHEREAS it is agreed that the Deed Executing Authority shall sell and the Allottee shall
purchase the said property for the sum of Rs....................... (Rupees in words).
2. The Allottee has paid to the Deed Executing Authority up to this day the sum of
Rs......................(Rupees......................) through Treasury Challan No………… of
Government of MP for the due performance of the agreement, the receipt of which the
Deed Executing Authority hereby admit and acknowledge.
3. The time for performance of the agreement shall be Three (3) months from this date, and
it is agreed that time fixed herein for performance shall be the essence of this contract.
4. The Allottee shall pay to the Deed Executing Authority the balance sale price of Rs.............
(Rupees.........................................................) within a period of 3 months or as mentioned
in offer acceptance letter, after receipt of the Offer Acceptance letter in the
aforementioned account before registration of the sale deed.
5. The Deed Executing Authority agrees that possession of the property shall be handed over
to the Allottee before registration of the sale deed.
6. The Deed Executing Authority shall execute the sale deed in favour of the Allottee only .
7. The Deed Executing Authority shall hand over all the title deeds of the property to the
Allottee or his Authorized representative/advocate nominated by him within thirty (30)
days from the date of this Agreement for scrutiny of title and the opinion of the Authority
regarding title of the property shall be final and conclusive. The Allottee shall duly intimate
the Authority about the title whether it is found appropriate or inappropriate after
verification, within thirty (30) days after delivering the title deeds to him or his Authorize
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8. If the Allottee commits a breach of the Agreement, Authority shall forfeit the earnest
money and other sums paid by him to the Authority.
9. Dispute Resolution
9.2 Conciliation
In the event of any Dispute between the Parties, either Party may call upon the to
the Principal Secretary of the department Executing sale deed (Deed Executing
Authority ) and the Authorized representative of Allottee for amicable settlement,
and upon such reference, the said persons shall meet no later than 7 (seven) days
from the date of reference to discuss and attempt to amicably resolve the Dispute. If
such meeting does not take place within the 7 (seven) day period or the Dispute is
not amicably settled within 15 (fifteen) days of the meeting or the Dispute is not
resolved as evidenced by the signing of written terms of settlement within 30 (thirty)
days of the notice in writing referred to in Clause 9.1.1 or such longer period as may
be mutually agreed by the Parties, either Party may refer the Dispute to arbitration
in accordance with the provisions of Clause 9.3
9.3 Arbitration
9.3.1 Any Dispute which is not resolved amicably by conciliation, as provided in Clause
9.2 shall be finally decided by reference to arbitration by a Board of Arbitrators
appointed in accordance with Clause 9.3.2 Such arbitration shall be held in
accordance with the Rules of Arbitration of the International Centre for
Alternative Dispute Resolution, New Delhi (the “Rules”), or such other rules as
may be mutually agreed by the Parties, and shall be subject to the provisions of
the Arbitration Act. The venue of such arbitration shall be Bhopal and the
language of arbitration proceedings shall be English.
9.3.2 There shall be a Board of three arbitrators, of whom each Party shall select one,
and the third arbitrator shall be appointed by the two arbitrators so selected, and
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in the event of disagreement between the two arbitrators, the appointment shall
be made in accordance with the Rules.
9.3.3 The arbitrators shall make a reasoned award (the “Award”). Any Award made in
any arbitration held pursuant to this Clause 9 shall be final and binding on the
Parties as from the date it is made, and the Allottee and Deed Executing Authority
agree and undertake to carry out such Award without delay.
9.3.4 The Allottee and Deed Executing Authority agree that an Award may be enforced
against the Allottee and/or Deed Executing Authority as the case may be, and
their respective assets wherever situated.
9.3.5 This Agreement and the rights and obligations of the Parties shall remain in full
force and effect, pending the Award in any arbitration proceedings hereunder.
That both the parties and their nominee(s) will abide by terms and conditions of the above
said agreement. In witnesses whereof the parties of this agreement have set their respective
hands on the date month and year first above given.
Witness: Witness:
Name: Name:
Signature Signature
Address Address
Date Date
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Schedule of Property- Part of Annexure E
Key Inputs Details
1 Plot No. Plot No. 3888 (refer figure 12)
2 Ward No. Ward No. 5
3 District Damoh
4 State Madhya Pradesh
5 Street Name Bajariya Road
North: The northern part agriculture land. Post 500 m
from the project site are some patches of residential
land. The access road of 40 feet width is on the northern
side of the property.
South: The southern part is a mix pf agricultural land and
residential setup. The most prominent site to the south
of the project site is NH 34 (1.4 kms away) and Head Post
Office (1.25 kms).
East: The city of Damoh is on the Eastern side of the
6 Place/Area project site. It is a mix of commercial and residential area
with business establishments, banks, places of worship,
schools, playground, sabzi mandi etc. Next to the
property on the eastern side is another access road of
30 feet width.
West: Western side has patches of commercial,
agricultural and residential setup with business
establishments, places of worship. Damoh Bypass is 1.4
kms away from the project site on the eastern site.
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8 Sketch/plan
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Annexure - F: Format for Price Bid
To be used by department for uploading in .XLS from on E-Tender Portal against e-
auction ID:
Tender Inviting Authority: Managing Director Madhya Pradesh Road Development Corporation,
Name of Work: E-tender cum Auction for Sale of vacant land of 4492 sq. mt. at Plot No. 3888,
Ward No.5, Bajariya, Damoh, Madhya Pradesh
(This Financial Bid template must not be modified/replaced by the bidder and the same should
be uploaded after filling the relevant columns, else the bidder is liable to be rejected for this
tender. Bidder are allowed to enter the Bidder Name and Value only.
Financial Bid for E-tender Cum Auction of Sale of vacant land of 4492 sq. mt. at Plot No.
3888, Ward No.5, Bajariya, Damoh, Madhya Pradesh
Total Amount in
Particulars INR Including all Total Amount in Words
applicable Taxes
Financial Bid for Sale of vacant
land of 4492 sq. mt. (1.11 Acre)
A at Plot No. 3888, Ward No.5, INR 0.00
Bajariya, Damoh, Madhya
Pradesh As-Is-Where-Is Basis.
Note: In case of deviation between Number and Word figures, Value in Words shall prevail.
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