Communication Protocol Manual: Fiscal Printer

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Fiscal printer

Communication Protocol Manual


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omisiones; tampoco se asume ninguna responsabilidad por daños y perjuicios resultantes del uso de la
información contenida en el presente manual.

Base taxable (BI): it is the value of a certain article, on which the associate tax is calculated.

Fiscal controller: badge of printed circuit with microprocessor, memory and other devices that restricts and
controls the printed information in a fiscal voucher.

Fiscal voucher (CF): bills, receipt, ticket. Document emitted by the fiscal printer to be given to the buyer as
record of any generating operation of revenues and relative to the user's activity.

Non fiscal Document: it is used to generate in the fiscal printer detailed reports of sales, frequent clients'
coupons, etc. The non fiscal documents can contain multiple lines of “fiscal text.”

Fiscal state & printer State: fields of alphanumeric information that are included in each one of the answers
that the fiscal printer emits after receiving a command. They reflect the state of fiscal controller and printer.

Fiscal cabinet: box that gives mechanical confining and the fiscal controller's assembly.

Host: point of sale device (POS) contains the application that interacts with the fiscal printer.

Interface with the host: refers to the electric interface that uses the host to communicate with the fiscal
controller. This based on the protocol RS-232.

Printer: EPSON impression terminal for sale point, used by the fiscal controller to print the documents.

Fiscal Printer: equipment conformed by a fiscal controller and a printer, connected as a peripheral of a sale
point, and which only entrance of data is a normalized interface RS-232. This device allows to generate
vouchers of sales that fulfill current normative.

Fiscal identification: chart of information that identify the fiscal controller's proprietor (social reason,
commercial domicile, RIF, NIT, etc.).

Tax to the Added Value (IVA): tax for the final user of a thing or service, and it is generally a percentage of the
taxable base.

Fiscal Journal: period lapsed from the emission of the last Z report.

Work memory: Portion of the fiscal controller's volatile memory that allows multiple writing accesses / reading.
In this memory they register the daily totals.

Fiscal memory: portion of the fiscal controller's volatile memory, of sequential access, where descriptive data
of the fiscal transactions are stored.

Fiscal band (seal): a mechanical way to connect the fiscal cabinet to the printer, in such way that the not
autorized access is impeded to the fiscal controller's internal components.

Fiscal protocol: includes a group of commands and communication rules that should be considered by the
account of the host to communicate with the fiscal printer.

‘Z' Report (closes): document emitted by the fiscal printer where they register the relative data to the sales
carried out during the fiscal journal. When this operation is carried out the daily totals stored in the work
memory are written in the fiscal memory. It is executed by the Z daily close command.
‘X' Report (closes): document where is reflected the value of the operations carried out from the emission of
the last Z report or of the last X report. partially shows the sales carried out in a fiscal day and it is usually
used to change cashier's in the sale point.

Report (voucher) of audit: document emitted by the fiscal printer that shows the content of the information
stored in the fiscal memory during the selected period.

Fiscal text: it is restricted to characters ASCII from 0x20 to 0x7F and a limited quantity of values on necessary
0x7F to generate special characters (á, é, í, or, etc). the character 0x1B is excluded. This limitation assures
that the application that uses the fiscal printer cannot generate data of graphics. To define the letter type the
characters 0xF0 to 0xFF, worth only to be applied in some fields of the documents. Inside the defined fields for
merchandise description and text in general, the word “TOTAL” becomes “TOT..”, with the purpose of fulfilling
the current normative.

General totals: refers to the total amount of the sold products and the charged taxes, the total of the emitted
vouchers, etc., along the operation of the fiscal printer.

Daily totals: refers to the total amount of the sold products and the charged taxes, the total of the emitted
vouchers, etc., during the fiscal day.


The fiscal printer is a device that allows to register and control the information that is printed in a sale voucher
(bills). The value of the transactions is stored in a registration located in a fiscal memory, which can be revised
countably with posteriority by the authorities and/or the user.

(Memory work, Control Program, fiscal memory and Epson printer)

The fiscal printer consists of an impression terminal EPSON and a fiscal controller.

Functions of the EPSON fiscal printer

The fiscal printer provides the following functions:
· Restricts the information printed on the sale voucher, and validates the received data of agreement with the
transaction that is being carried out.
· Assures that the precise information is printed for each fiscal transaction.
· Assures that coincident information is printed in the voucher and the audit tape.
· Accumulate the total amount of the value of the billed products and the charged taxes.
· Register the quantity of vouchers emitted during the day.
· Numbers and it identifies the fiscal vouchers and other documents.
· Generate reports to extract the information registered in the fiscal memory.
· Control the temporary sequence of the closings of the fiscal day.
· Impede any not authorized activity that tries to interfere with some of the previously indicated functions.

The devices of security of the fiscal printer are classified in two categories: hardware and software.

The cabinet and the fiscal seal provide the hardware security.

The software security is given by means of a wide group of commands that the host uses for interaction with
the fiscal printer. The contained firmware in the fiscal controller doesn't allow the shortcut to the impression
device, the fiscal memory or the work memory. The fiscal controller's Firmware resides in PROM (non volatile

When activating the fiscal printer several tests are carried out to verify the integrity of:
Firmware PROM.
Clock of real time.
Fiscal memory.
Tests of vouchers.

The Firmware resides in a memory CMOS PROM 16Kbytes. If the checkup verification fails, the fiscal printer
doesn't allow to generate any document type.

Proves of the clock of real time

The clock of real time is verified (RTC) to check that it is operating, and the condition of the battery is also
verified used for to support the same one. If the tension of the battery is below a minimum value, in such a
way that the good operation of the device. the fiscal printer is not guaranteed it is blocked and it doesn't allow
to generate any type of vouchers.

Proves of the fiscal memory

Is carried out a verification of the integrity of the fiscal memory that includes the sequence of dates, the
taxpayer's data, etc. If the last closing Z was carried out the device more than 24 hours ago it doesn't allow to
generate fiscal vouchers until so much is not carried out a new closing Z.

Proves of vouchers
If an open fiscal voucher exists and you doesn't execute the command “to CLOSE FISCAL VOUCHER”, it is
canceled and the following line is printed:

* * * * * * * * DOCUMENT CANCELED * * * * * * * *

If an open fiscal voucher exists and the energy cut took place after executing the command “to CLOSE
FISCAL VOUCHER” the document is completed and the following line is inserted:


If a Z report open and printed partially, it is canceled and the line is printed “CANCELED FOR INTERRUP.
ELECTRIC”, and then you proceeds to print the report again from the beginning.

This process repeats the necessary times until generating a Z report of complete.

Types of documents
Once has been filled the identification chart with the information related with the proprietor of the device (social
reason, domicile, RIF, NIT) and the value corresponding to the rate of I.V.A. effective, the device will be able
to emit the following documents:

Non fiscal documents: they are used documents that are not verifying of sales to take place.

Fiscal vouchers: they are documents that have the fiscal logo (MH) and they serve as vouchers of a
transaction (bill).

Report fiscal: the commands that produce the fiscal reports are used in general to store the daily totals in the
fiscal memory, and according to the necessities of the authorities for the countable revision of the fiscal printer.

The fiscal reports can be:

Close (reports) X: it is a partial report that it is generally emitted when concluding the cashier's shift.

Close (daily report) Z: it is the fiscal closing that overturns the TOTAL of the billing from the day to the fiscal
memory. Therefore, the duration of the fiscal memory is independent of the quantity of transactions that are
carried out in the day.

IMPORTANT: it can be carried out more than a fiscal closing per day, but this procedure shortens the useful
life of the fiscal memory, being the user's responsibility the decrease of the duration of the same one.

Fiscal Memory Report per day: informs the data stored in the fiscal memory, from the initial date to the final
one in detailed form.

Fiscal Memory Report per month: informs the data stored in the fiscal memory, for the months understood
between the initial date and the final one.

Fiscal Memory Report by number of Z: informs the data stored in the fiscal memory, from the number of
closing initial until the number of final closing.

Documents Summary

Note: consult the individual commands where it will find a detailed description.

a) Non fiscal Documents

They are used to produce documents that are not verifying of sales, as example, payment voucher with credit
cards or detailed reports of inventory. The associate commands are the following ones:

a.1) Open non fiscal document (ABRIR_DNF):

It is the first step to carry out so that the fiscal printer accepts lines of “fiscal text”. This command will be
rejected if it is open a fiscal voucher or a non fiscal document. The document is identified as "NOT FISCAL
DOCUMENT " and the one is printed headed of the same one.

a.2) Print non fiscal text (TEXTO_DNF):

The fiscal printer accepts all the lines of “fiscal text” that are required to produce the document. This command
is valid only if there is an open DNF. They apply the limitations to the word “TOTAL.”

a.3) Close non fiscal document (CERRAR_DNF):

It is the last step to carry out a non fiscal document. This command will be rejected if there is not an open
DNF( Non fiscal document). The line of the document is printed and is carried out the advance and the cut of
the same one.

b) Fiscal Vouchers
Six commands exist to produce fiscal vouchers. Except for the first one (ABRIR_CF), all will be rejected if a
fiscal voucher is not open.

b.1) Open fiscal voucher (ABRIR_CF):

It is the first command that should be executed if wants himself to carry out a fiscal voucher (bills). This
command will be rejected if a CF or any other document is open. The accountant of the fiscal documents is
increased. The one is printed headed of the voucher.

b.2) Print fiscal text (TEXTO_CF):

The fiscal printer accepts until a maximum of three (3) lines of “fiscal text” to supplement the description of a

b.3) Print article (ITEM_CF):

This command has fields for the description, quantity, appraises tax and unitary price of the article to bill. The
additional description of a product should be carried out by means of the command “TEXTO_CF” prior to the
application of this command.

b.4) Subtotal (SUB_CF):

The answer that sends the fiscal printer after receiving this command contains the value of the sales
accumulated for each taxable base during the emission of the fiscal voucher that is emitting. This command
can be used during the emission of the voucher to verify that the information sent by the host is registering
correctly in the fiscal printer.

b.5) Pay / Cancel / Discount (DESCUENTO_CF):

This command allows:

b.5.1. - Carry out a payment that once closed the fiscal voucher was printed in the following way:

Payment: pppppppp.pp

This command can be omitted. You can use to carry out several payments, but “the amount doesn't
accumulate” the last one amount entered it substitutes to the previous one. The parameter ‘T ' should be sent.
b.5.2. - Cancel the fiscal voucher that is emitting. The parameter ‘C ' should be sent.
b.5.3. - Carry out global discounts on the amount total of the invoice before the taxes. The parameter ‘D '
should be sent.
This command is alone valid after the command “ITEM_CF.”
The article commands won't be admitted after this command has been accepted.

b.6) Close fiscal voucher (CERRAR_CF):

It is the last step that should be carried out to elaborate a fiscal voucher. The carried out payments are printed,
the one is calculated returned, it is made the advance and the cut of the line of the voucher. The sale totals
accumulate in the work memory.
If the voucher has been canceled by means of the command “DESCUENTO_CF” this step should not be

c) Audit Report

The audit reports allow to take a control of the transactions carried out by means of the fiscal printer. These
documents reflect the information contained in the fiscal memory.

The available audit reports are the following ones:

Z report (closing of fiscal day).
Memory fiscal Report . It consults requested by dates.
Memory fiscal Report . It consults for report number.
X report (closes by cashier's change).

Interface host-fiscal Printer

The connection between the host and the fiscal printer is carried out through a serial cable with the following

The serial connector DB25 is in the later part of the printer.

The value of the communication speed is of 9600 bauds. The format of it dates it it is 8 bits, without parity, one
or more stop bits.

Protocol of fiscal communication

The communication between the host and the fiscal printer is bi-directional. The protocol is of the type “teacher
/ slave” and it is based on the following principles:

• The host (“teacher”) it begins all the communications.

• The fiscal printer (“slave”) will never send a not requested message.
• The format of the messages exchanged between the host and the fiscal printer is the following one:
Field Fields Command Description
STX Text beginning [0x02]
Sec Sequence number [0x20 - 0x7F)]
Command Command number [0x30 - 0xAF]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 Field of data
.. ..
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field n Field of data
ETX Text end [0x03]
BCC BCC [nnnn]

The commands sent by the host like the answers of the fiscal printer, they are framed by the control codes
ASCII of “text beginning” (STX) (0x02) and of “text end” (ETX) (0x03).

The characters of block verification (BCC <nnnn>) they should be correspondents at the end of the plot of

The BCC <nnnn> it is the simple sum of all the characters from the beginning (STX) until the end of data
(ETX), and it is represented by means of 4 characters hexadecimals. The commands sent by the host to the
fiscal printer should have a sequence number in the range from 0x20 to 0x7F (hexadecimal) or from 32 at 127
(decimal). The answers of the fiscal printer will have a number of coincident sequence. It is not necessary that
the sequence numbers are correlative, but they will be different from the number of sequence of the previous

For each command sent by the host, this will receive an answer of the fiscal printer before the next one is

The host should analyze the answer to each command to guarantee that it has not happened any error with
the handling of the fiscal printer.

IMPORTANT: the answers should always be analyzed, because it is the only form of guaranteeing that the
sequence of commands sent from the HOST to the fiscal printer is executed completely.

IMPORTANT: The fields denoted as “not used Field” they can be omitted. To make this compatible protocol
with previous versions it will be marked as null by means of a (1) character 127 decimal.

Answers of the fiscal printer

The answers of the fiscal printer are adjusted to the general definition of the suitable format for the commands
sent by the host.

Field Fields Answer Description

STX Text beginning [0x02]
Sec Sequence number [0x20 - 0x7F)]
Command Command number [0x30 - 0xAF]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 Field of data
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 Fiscal State [nnnn]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 3 Field of data
.. ..
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field n Field of data
ETX Text end [0x03]
BCC BCC [nnnn]

Some commands take a long time to conclude. In these cases the fiscal printer sends a continuation code or
device periodically processing, in order to indicate that there is still a command of this type in development. If
the host receives a character (0x12) from the fiscal printer it will continue awaiting a complete answer,
increasing in 800 ms the maximum time that one expects the arrival of the answer. If the time of wait the host
is exceeded it will consider that the interface is not functional and a communication error should be declared.

The answer sent by the fiscal printer for a command, it can be of two types:
• Positive ·: indicating that the command was executed with success. Each instruction sent by the host has
an answer with an exclusive format as for the number and meaning of the fields that she contains. In the
descriptions of the individual commands it will find a detailed definition of the associate answer.
• Negative: indicating that it happened an execution flaw related with the command. When receiving a
“ERROR” as answer the host will take the pertinent measures to recover the control of the process (to
cancel the voucher, to verify the totals, etc.). The fields that are included in an answer “positive” for a
certain command they are not present in the event of error.

To be able to determine if a command was executed with success the answer it should be expected and to
verify, before anything that the plot of data that you/they compose it doesn't contain the string “ERROR.” The
general format for an answer “negative” sent by the fiscal printer (case of error) it is the following one:

Field Fields Answer Description

(Errror Case)
STX Text beginning [0x02]
Sec Sequence number [0x20 - 0x7F)]
Command Command number [0x30 - 0xAF]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 Printer state [nnnn]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 Fiscal state [nnnn]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 3 Error number
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 4 “ERROR” + error Number
ETX Text end [0x03]
BCC BCC [nnnn]

IMPORTANT: it will always analyze the answer to a command to know if it was

executed in a correct or incorrect way.
Error number

When the printer sends an answer “negative”, the number of associate error defines the error condition and it
can be useful to determine the origin of the problem.
In the titled annex “Map of errors” the meaning of each error number is detailed.


As measure of security and to guarantee the total control of the device on the part of the Host, the fiscal
controller can be restarted via software (taken to reset condition). For this alone it should be sent to the printer
the following sequence of data:


This sequence can be a correspondent to the fiscal printer in any moment, provided this on-line one. It is not
necessary to send the data STX, ETX or BCC defined in the protocol of fiscal communication.

State indicators

In each answer (positive or negative) sent by the fiscal controller, two fields of data are included denoted as
“State Printer” and “Fiscal State”. each one of these fields this conformed by four (4) bytes that represent
same quantity of numbers hexadecimals. If these numbers hexadecimales become to their equivalent ones in
binary, each bit represents a condition of a state in particular of the operation of the device.

IMPORTANT: The “State Printer” and the “Fiscal State” they indicate a group of conditions.
Each one of the bits defined by the states represents a condition evaluated until in the moment to produce the
answer. For this reason, in the event of error can that some of the bits of the answer is not representative.
Example: If not sends himself a command been worth to the fiscal printer, this it doesn't process it and it is
sent an error like answer. In this case the bit of the “State Printer” that indicates the paper presence it is not
representative, therefore it is possible that the printer has or non paper.
For the treatment of errors it is recommended to verify the presence of the string “ERROR” in the answer plot
and it consults the “Map of errors”. it is not advisable to use the “State Printer” and the “Fiscal State” to
determine if it has happened an error.

Fiscal state

After a command, the printer sends an answer that contains the fiscal state (four bytes) that it can be analyzed
to know if the instruction was executed correctly. When the fiscal state is converted from hexadecimal to a
binary word, has indicators of bits field with the following meaning (the bit 0 are that of smaller importance):


0 1 - Confirmation error fiscal memory.
- Together with the Bit 7 indicate that the fiscal memory this full one.
1 1 - Error Confirmation Work memory.
2 1 - Not used.
3 1 - Not reconized command.
4 1 - Field of data Invalidates.
5 1 - Not command valid for fiscal state.
6 1 - Overflow of total.
7 1 - Full fiscal memory.
8 1 - Almost full fiscal memory.
9 1 - Not used.
10 1 - Not used.
11 1 - it is necessary to make a closing of the fiscal day.
- They have been sent the maximum number of articles in a fiscal
voucher and it owes himself to close.
12 1 - Open fiscal voucher.
13 1 - Document not fiscal open.
14 1 - Not used.
15 1 - Logical OR of the bits 0-8 and 11 to Use for QUICK control

State of the printer

If the answer to a command the state of the printer is included (four bytes) that it can be analyzed to determine
if the command was executed correctly in time of impression. When the state of the printer is converted from
hexadecimal to a binary word, has indicators of bits field with the following meaning (the bit 0 are that of
smaller importance):


0 1 - Not used
1 1 - Not used
2 1 - Error and/or printer flaw.
3 1 - printer outside of line.
4 1 - Not used
5 1 - Not used
6 1 - Not used
7 1 - Not used
8 1 - Not used
9 1 - Not used.
10 1 - Not used.
11 1 - Not used
12 1 - Not used
13 1 - Not used
14 1 - printer without Paper to be printed
15 1 - logical OR of the bits 0-6,14. to Use for quick control

If it happens an error in the impression terminal the bit 15 of the “State Printer” it allows to determine if it
happened before or after the execution of the command. Because the fiscal printer is a device that should
register information, for certain situations the first fiscal controller it registers and then it prints, and in other first
one the state of the impression terminal is verified.

Commands of fiscal control

(Status_IF (0x38), TMU220AF, TMU950/PF, TMU675/PF)

This command is used to evaluate the fiscal controller's state. It also allows to define the behavior from the
device to the signs coming from the paper sensors. Will be able to be executed later and before any other


Field Description
STX Data beginning [0x02]
Sec Sequence number [0x20 - 0x7F)]
Command Command number [0x38]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 ‘N ' = the accountants' data
‘E' = value of sales exempt
‘A ' = value of taxable base a + taxes
‘B ' = value of taxable base b + taxes
‘C ' = value of taxable base c + taxes
‘D ' = value of discounts + taxes
‘R ' = value of refunds + taxes
' F ' = near end receipt paper
‘J ' = near end audit paper.
‘S ' = it disables the autocutter.
‘U' = it Verifies if there is paper in the slip of the printer.
This field is not optional. If it is not included or the value is outside of some of the
options the answer doesn't contain the fields corresponding to the accumulators.
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC [nnnn]


Field Description
STX Data beginning [0x02]
Sec Sequence number [0x20 - 0x7F)]
Command Command number [0x38]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 Printer state <0000>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 Fiscal state <0000>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 3 Last value of Sequence
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 4 Code of the current status of the printer
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 5 last code executed command
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 6 Date in the IF <AAMMDD>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 7 Hour in the IF <HHMMSS>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 8 # Fiscal voucher of the fiscal period
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 9 #DNF of the fiscal period
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 10 #Accumulated fiscal voucher
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 11 #Accumulated DNF
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 12 #finish Z report
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC [nnnn]

Detail from the answer to the command Status_IF with the parameter “N”:
Field 3: It contains the sequence value stored in the fiscal memory that will be used to validate the next
command. It can send himself the command STATUS to fix a sequence value in the fiscal printer.

Field 4: It contains a code hexadecimal of two bytes that indicates the current state of the printer:

• 00 = printer ready to open a voucher, to open a non fiscal document, to make a Z report or a fiscal
memory report.
• 01 = fiscal voucher in course. Waiting for an article, close/cancel the voucher. Alone commands related to
the fiscal voucher were admitted.
• 02 = No fiscal document in course. Waiting for text line, to close the document. Alone commands related
to non fiscal documents were admitted.
• 03 = active SLIP. Alone commands related to non fiscal documents or commands were admitted for the
format of checks.
• 04 = one more day from the last Z report. is necessary a Z report. to be able to carry out a sale will be
made a Z report previously.
• 05 = First descriptive lines of a printed fiscal voucher.
• 08 = equip blocked awaiting closing impression Z. This happens alone in the event of taking place an error
during the impression of a closing Z. for example, if the paper finishes when a closing Z. is printing a
RESET it should be made to the device.
• 10 = critical error. Error in BCC RAM. It is necessary the intervention of the technical service.
• 11 = error criticizes. Error in BCC ROM. It is necessary the intervention of the technical service.
• 12 = critical error. Error of format of DATE in RAM. It is necessary the intervention of the technical service.
• 13 = critical error. Error of format of data when carrying out a Z. is necessary the intervention of the
technical service.
• 14 = critical error. Limit fiscal memory. It is necessary the intervention of the technical service.

To verify that any error has not taken place criticize, it can be proven that the most significant byte is similar to
zero (“0” = 0x30). If this byte is not zero the device it presents an criticize error of hardware or it dates it
contained in the work memory (RAM) or fiscal memory (ROM) it is rotten. You must have to call technical

Field 5: It contains a code hexadecimal of two bytes that indicates which was the last command processed
with success.
Field 6: date in the fiscal printer. Format <AAMMDD>
Field 7: Hour in the fiscal printer. Format <HHMMSS>
Field 8: Fiscal vouchers emitted in the period.
Field 9: non fiscal documents emitted in the period.
Field 10: Accumulated fiscal vouchers.
Field 11: non fiscal documents accumulated.
Field 12: It is the #of the last report made Z.

Field Description
STX Data beginning [0x02]
Sec Sequence number [0x20 - 0x7F)]
Command Command number [0x38]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 Printer state <0000>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 Fiscal state <0000>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 3 Last value of Sequence
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 4 Code of the current status of the printer
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 5 last code command executed
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 6 Date in the IF <AAMMDD>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 7 Hour in the IF <HHMMSS>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 8 Exempt sales
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC [nnnn]


Field Description
STX Data beginning [0x02]
Sec Sequence number [0x20 - 0x7F)]
Command Command number [0x38]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 Printer state <0000>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 Fiscal state <0000>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 3 Last value of Sequence
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 4 Code of the current status of the printer
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 5 last code command executed
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 6 Date in the IF <AAMMDD>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 7 Hour in the IF <HHMMSS>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 8 Sales According to the parameter = base A, B, C, Discounts, Refunds.
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 9 Taxes According to the parameter = imp A, B, C, Discounts, Refunds.
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC [nnnn]


Field Description
STX Data beginning [0x02]
Sec Sequence number [0x20 - 0x7F)]
Command Command number [0x38]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 Printer state <0000>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 Fiscal state <0000>
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC [nnnn]
With the parameters “F” and “J” it is possible to block to the printer until the cashier places another paper roll.
If sends this command and the sensor of near end is active the printer is blocked and it doesn't allow to
execute any impression command.

The parameter “S” it only disables the autocutter for the next automatic court of paper.

The command qualifier “OR” it is used to verify if it exists or non paper in the unit of slip of the printer. Of not
existing paper in the printer you an impression error returns (0x29).

Z report - X Reports (0x39)

(TMU220AF, TMU950/PF, TMU675/PF)

This command prints a report with the totals stored in the work memory. The amount can be of the daily totals
(Z reports) or of the partial totals accumulated from the emission of the last X report. When carrying out a Z
report the amount stored in the work memory they are taken to the fiscal memory.
It is necessary to carry out at least a closing of the fiscal day (Z Reports) every 24 hours. The device won't
allow to emit fiscal vouchers if a closing of the previous fiscal day doesn't exist.

IMPORTANT: it can be carried out more than a Z report per day, but this procedure shortens the useful life of
the fiscal memory, being the programmer's responsibility and/or user the decrease in the capacity of storage of
the same one.

Command X/Z Reports (0x39)

Field Description
STX Data beginning [0x02]
Sec Sequence number [0x20 - 0x7F)]
Command Command number [0x39]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 ‘Z ' = (0x5A) = Reports “Z.”
‘X ' = (0x58) = Reports “X”
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 ‘S ' = (0x53) = the X report is not printed
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC [nnnn]

Answer to the Command X/Z Reports (0x39)

Field Description
STX Data beginning [0x02]
Sec Sequence number [0x20 - 0x7F)]
Command Command [0x39]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 Printer state <hhhh>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 Fiscal state <hhhh>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 3 Exempt Sales:<nnnnnnnnnn.nn>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 4 Sales standard taxable base: <nnnnnnnnnn.nn>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 5 Tax value bases standard: <nnnnnnnnnn.nn>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 6 Value of discount operations: <nnnnnn.nn>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 7 Tax value associated to discounts: <nnnnnn.nn>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 8 Value of operations of refunds: <nnnnnn.nn>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 9 Tax value associated to refunds: <nnnnnn.nn>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 10 Date of the Z report: <AAMMDD>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 11 Sales extra taxable base B: <nnnnnnnnnn.nn>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 12 Tax value bases taxable extra B: <nnnnnnnnnn.nn>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 13 Sales extra taxable Base C: <nnnnnnnnnn.nn>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 14 Tax value bases taxable extra C: <nnnnnnnnnn.nn>
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC [nnnn]

Report fiscal memory

Consults for date (0x3A) (TMU220AF, TMU950/PF, TMU675/PF)

This command allows to generate a report that it includes the different daily closings that have been stored in
the fiscal memory during the selected period of dates. This command uses extended time for its finalization.
The report can be detailed or a monthly summary.

Additionally, using the qualifier of the command with the option ‘C ' the answer to the command contains the
range of daily closings associated to the period of dates.

This command makes a verification of the content of the fiscal memory. Their execution can take several

Command Report fiscal memory - Date (0x3A)

Field Description
STX Data beginning [0x02]
Sec Sequence number [0x20 - 0x7F)]
Command Command [0x3A]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 Date beginning selection AAMMDD
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 Date of end selection AAMMDD
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 3 Report qualifier.
‘D ' = (0x44) = reports per day.
‘M ' = (0x4D) = detailed per month.
‘R ' = (0x52) = reports with a summary of daily sales.
‘C ' = (0x43) = range of reports Z inside the requested date
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC [nnnn]
Answer to the command Report fiscal memory - Date (0x3A) –
Report Qualifier different from ‘C '

Field Description
STX Data beginning [0x02]
Sec Sequence number [0x20 - 0x7F)]
Command Command [0x3A]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 Printer state <hhhh>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 Fiscal state <hhhh>
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC [nnnn]

Answer to the command Report fiscal memory - Date (0x3A) –

Report Qualifier similar from ‘C '

Field Description
STX Data beginning [0x02]
Sec Sequence number [0x20 - 0x7F)]
Command Command [0x3A]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 Printer state <hhhh>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 Fiscal state <hhhh>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 3 First Z report inside the date range: <nnnn>.
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 4 Last Z report inside the date range: <nnnn>.
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC [nnnn]

Report fiscal memory

Consult for Reports # (0x3B) (TMU220AF, TMU950/PF, TMU675/PF)

This command allows to generate a report conformed by a sequence of daily closings. This command uses
extended time for its finalization.
Additionally using the qualifier of the command with the option ‘C ' an answer is obtained without impression,
that which is useful to generate a report of sales or to carry out audit in electronic form.

Command Report fiscal memory - Z of # (0x3B) –

Field Description
STX Data beginning [0x02]
Sec Sequence number [0x20 - 0x7F)]
Command Command [0x3B]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 Number of Z of beginning selection
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 Number of Z of end selection
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 3 Report qualifier.
‘C ' = (0x43) = exit to the PC of the Z REPORT requested.
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC [nnnn]

Answer to the command Report fiscal memory – Z of # (0x3B) –

Report Qualifier different from ‘C '

Field Description
STX Data beginning [0x02]
Sec Sequence number [0x20 - 0x7F)]
Command Command [0x3B]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 Printer state <hhhh>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 Fiscal state <hhhh>
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC [nnnn]

Answer to the command Report fiscal memory – Z of # (0x3B) –

Report Qualifier similar from ‘C '

Field Description
STX Data beginning [0x02]
Sec Sequence number [0x20 - 0x7F)]
Command Command [0x3B]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 Printer state <hhhh>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 Fiscal state <hhhh>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 3 Exempt Sales:<nnnnnnnnnn.nn>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 4 Sales standard taxable base: <nnnnnnnnnn.nn>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 5 Tax value bases standard: <nnnnnnnnnn.nn>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 6 Value of discount operations: <nnnnnn.nn>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 7 Tax value associated to discounts: <nnnnnn.nn>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 8 Value of operations of refunds: <nnnnnn.nn>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 9 Tax value associated to refunds: <nnnnnn.nn>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 10 Date of the Z report: <AAMMDD>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 11 Sales taxable base extra B: <nnnnnnnnnn.nn>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 12 Tax value bases taxable extra B: <nnnnnnnnnn.nn>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 13 Sales taxable Base extra C: <nnnnnnnnnn.nn>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 14 Tax value bases taxable extra C: <nnnnnnnnnn.nn>
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC [nnnn]
Commands to generate fiscal vouchers

Open fiscal voucher (0x40) (TMU220AF, TMU950/PF, TMU675/PF)

This command is the first step to produce a fiscal voucher. The one is printed headed, the number, and the
date and the hour of emission of the fiscal voucher. This information registers in the work memory.

The command will be rejected if there is an open fiscal voucher, if the fiscal memory is full, if there is an error
in the work memory, or if it is necessary to carry out a day closing (Z Reports).

This command can be used to generate refund vouchers (credit notes), for this you the qualifier of the
command (field #5) it should be similar to ‘D '. If is being carried out a “Voucher of Refund” or “Note of Credit”
they are allowed all the commands that apply for a normal fiscal voucher, except the command “Payments,
Cancel, Discount.”

IMPORTANT: the refund voucher (credit note) it is considered a fiscal voucher, reason why the accountant
corresponding to the quantity of emitted vouchers will be increased when carrying out refund tickets.

IMPORTANT: when closing a refund voucher the corresponding amount are store in the accumulators of
refunds and of taxes associated to refunds.

Command to Open fiscal voucher (0x40)

Field Description
STX Data beginning [0x02]
Sec Sequence number [0x20 - 0x7F)]
Command Command [0x40]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 Social Reason 1
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 The buyer's RIF
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 3 Number of the voucher in refund
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 4 Printer (device) fiscal Serial that carry out the voucher in refund
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 5 date of the voucher in refund
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 6 Hour of the voucher in refund
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 7 ‘D ' = (0x44) = is carried out a refund voucher (credit note).
In any other case is carried out a normal fiscal voucher.
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 8 Not used field
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 9 Not used field
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC [nnnn]

Answer to the command to Open fiscal voucher (0x40)

Field Description
STX Data beginning [0x02]
Sec Sequence number [0x20 - 0x7F)]
Command Command [0x40]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 Printer state <hhhh>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 Fiscal state <hhhh>
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC [nnnn]

Print text in fiscal voucher (0x41)

(TMU220AF, TMU950/PF, TMU675/PF)

The command will be rejected if there is not an open fiscal voucher. The text can only be “fiscal text”, and
should have a limited maximum longitude so that you cannot print anything in the columns that are usually
occupied by fields of amount of articles of lines. They cannot be printed more than 3 lines of fiscal text. If you
makes a partial closing of a fiscal voucher previously it will be allowed to execute the command 0x41. It should
be executed the command again “to close fiscal voucher” to conclude the voucher. If the field 2 is same “S”
the text is not printed in the audit tape.

Comand Print Fiscal Text

Field Description
STX Data beginning [0x02]
Sec Sequence number [0x20 - 0x7F)]
Command Command [0x41]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 Fiscal txet to print
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 “S” = the text is not printed in the audit tape
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC [nnnn]

Answer Comand Print Fiscal Text

Field Description
STX Data beginning [0x02]
Sec Sequence number [0x20 - 0x7F)]
Command Command [0x41]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 Printer state <hhhh>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 Fiscal state <hhhh>
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC [nnnn]

To print article in fiscal voucher (0x42)

(TMU220AF, TMU950/PF, TMU675/PF)

The command won't be accepted if there is not an open fiscal voucher. It will be rejected if the amount
accumulation generates an it overflows of total. The text is limited to “fiscal text” (the impression effects can be
used, alone for the description of the article).

The command generates the impression of a line article, and the accumulation amount in the totals of
transactions and the sum of the units or sold bundles.
The sign to the qualifier's of line article right indicates the effect that has the amount of the article on the total
of the transaction.

The field “amount of the article” it doesn't include the “amount of the tax.”

The description field, together with the command of text impression (0x41), it provides of flexibility to describe
an article in uppercase or minuscule letters. In case the name of the product contains the TOTAL word or its
variants as T O T A L, T0Tal, etc., the fiscal printer automatically will replace the two letter last letters for two

The field of quantity will multiply for the field of amount of the article and they will give the total of the line
article as a result. The maximum total amounts of a line it is 99.999.999,99 and if statement is overcome
amount the fiscal controller informs that it will happen an overflow of the internal accumulator.

The field of tax rate determines in what internal accumulator sinks this amount for the tax calculation in the
moment to total the transaction. This field should not lack and one can work with anyone of the rates
registered in the inspection process. If sends to the fiscal printer a not allowed rate the command it is rejected.

The command qualifier allows to determine how it affects the article to the totals of the transactions. If the line
article is qualified as amount negative (command qualifier = ‘m '), the sign will be placed less (0x2D) at the end
of the impression of the amount. The command is rejected if the one amounts corresponding to the article, it is
superior to the amount accumulated in the work memory for this tax rate.

Command to Print article in fiscal voucher (0x42)

Field Description
STX Data beginning [0x02]
Sec Sequence number [0x20 - 0x7F)]
Command Command [0x42]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 Description of up to 20 characters
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 Quantity <nnnn.nnn>

- Field separator [0x1C]

Field 3 amount of the item <nnnnnnnn.nn>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 4 Tax Rate <. nnnn>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 5 Qualifier of line item:
'M' = 0x4D) = amount added merchandise (Adds)
'm' = (0x6D) = item annulment
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 6 Not used field
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 7 Not used field
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 8 Not used field
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC [nnnn]

Answer Command to Print article in fiscal voucher (0x42)

Field Description
STX Data beginning [0x02]
Sec Sequence number [0x20 - 0x7F)]
Command Command [0x42]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 Printer state <hhhh>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 Fiscal state <hhhh>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 3 Numer of sales items
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC [nnnn]

Subtotal in fiscal voucher (0x43)

(TMU220AF, TMU950/PF, TMU675/PF)

This command will be rejected if there is not an open fiscal voucher. This command is useful to verify that the
amount accumulated in the fiscal printer, through the process of billing, agrees with those taken by the
software in the host. After this command additional commands of article impression can be emitted.

Subtotal in fiscal voucher (0x43)

Field Description
STX Data beginning [0x02]
Sec Sequence number [0x20 - 0x7F)]
Command Command [0x43]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 Not used field
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 Not used field
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC [nnnn]

Answer to the Subtotal in fiscal voucher (0x43)

Field Description
STX Data beginning [0x02]
Sec Sequence number [0x20 - 0x7F)]
Command Command [0x43]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 Printer state <hhhh>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 Fiscal state <hhhh>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 3 Not used field
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 4 Not used field
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 5 Sale exempts
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 6 Sale standard bases taxable
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 7 Rate taxable standard
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 8 Tax bases taxable standard
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 9 Sale bases taxable extra B
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 10 Rate taxable extra B
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 11 Tax bases taxable extra B
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 12 Sale bases taxable extra C
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 13 Rate taxable extra C
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 14 Tax bases taxable extra C
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 15 Not used field
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC [nnnn]

Pay / Cancel / Discount in

Fiscal voucher (0x44)
(TMU220AF,TMU950/PF, TMU675/PF)

This command will be rejected if there is not an open fiscal voucher, if the accumulated amounts generates an
overflow of total. This command is used to print information of the total and of the payment of the transaction.
After this command, additional commands of impression of article line cannot be emitted.

After sending a payment, the global fixed discounts are not accepted. In the sale transaction the payment
command should be emitted before closing the fiscal voucher.

The command qualifier 'C' (0x43), it will annul the voucher. The following line is printed:
* * * * * * * * DOCUMENT CANCELED * * * * * * * *
The discount carried out with this command and the examining ‘D ' (0x44), it is of global type and it applies in a
proportional way on all the articles of the voucher.

The examining ‘P ' (0x50) in this command it is used to carry out a promotion discount to a certain article. It
doesn't apply in the current version of the TMU-950/PF.

Command Payment / Cancel / Discount in fiscal voucher (0x44)

Field Description
STX Data beginning [0x02]
Sec Sequence number [0x20 - 0x7F)]
Command Command [0x44]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 Description of 20 characters
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 amount of payment (nnnnnnnn)
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 3 Command qualifier
'C' = (0x43) = it cancels the voucher
'T' = (0x54) = it cares paid
'D' = (0x44) = global discount.
‘P ' = (0x50) = promotion discount
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 4 Tax Rate <. nnnn> on the one that applies the promotion
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC <nnnn>

Answer to the Command Payment / Cancel / Discount in fiscal voucher (0x44)

Field Description
STX Data beginning [0x02]
Sec Sequence number [0x20 - 0x7F)]
Command Command [0x44]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 State of the Printer (data hex. ASCII)
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 Fiscal state <hhhh>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 3 Not used field
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 4 Not used field
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 5 Not used field
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC <nnnn>

Close fiscal voucher (0x45)

(TMU220AF, TMU950/PF, TMU675/PF)

The command is rejected if there is not an open fiscal voucher, or if the accumulative amount originates an
overflow of the total. This command is used to close the fiscal voucher, to accumulate total in memory of work,
to print the total amount and the taxes, the fiscal logo and the serial of the machine.

If the command qualifier sends “A” in the field 1, then the total is printed and useful additional lines of fiscal
text are allowed to detail the payment means. It should be executed the command again “to close fiscal
voucher” so that the device carries out the paper cut.

If the command qualifier is “E”, the voucher ends, intersects the paper and the first descriptive lines of the next
voucher are printed. After closing the document this alone way one will be able to emit a fiscal voucher or a
non fiscal document for the slip, to be able to emit another document type in the receipt paper will intersect the

Command to Close fiscal voucher (0x45)

Field Description
STX Beginning of data (0x02)
Sec Sequence number (0x20 to 0x7F)
Command Command [0x45]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 Command qualifier
“A” = it indicates partial closing of the voucher
“E” = it indicates economic closing. It is printed headed of the next one
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC <nnnn>

Answer Command to Close fiscal voucher (0x45)

Field Description
STX Beginning of data (0x02)
Sec Sequence number (0x20 to 0x7F)
Command Command [0x45]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 State of the Printer (data hex. ASCII)
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 Fiscal state <hhhh>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 3 Number of the recently emitted fiscal voucher
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC <nnnn>


To open non fiscal document (0x48)

(TMU220AF, TMU950/PF,TMU675/PF)

This command should be used to begin to print a non fiscal document. It is printed in the one headed and the
number of the document. The command will be rejected if there are not a fiscal voucher or a non fiscal
document open.

Command to Open non fiscal document (0x48)

Field Description
STX Beginning of data (0x02)
Sec Sequence number (0x20 to 0x7F)
Command Command [0x48]
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC <nnnn>

Answer to the Command to Open non fiscal document (0x48)

Field Description
STX Beginning of data (0x02)
Sec Sequence number (0x20 to 0x7F)
Command Command [0x48]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 State of the Printer <hhhh>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 Fiscal state <hhhh>
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC <nnnn>

Print text in document # fiscal (0x49)


The command will be rejected if it is not open a non fiscal document. The text will be restricted to the group of
defined characters as “fiscal text.”

Command to Print text in a non fiscal document (0x49)

Field Description
STX Beginning of data (0x02)
Sec Sequence number (0x20 to 0x7F)
Command Command [0x49]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 Up to 40 characters of fiscal text
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC <nnnn>

Answer to the Command to Print text in a non fiscal document (0x49)

Field Description
STX Beginning of data (0x02)
Sec Sequence number (0x20 to 0x7F)
Command Command [0x49]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 State of the Printer <hhhh>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 Fiscal state <hhhh>
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC <nnnn>

Close non fiscal document (0x4A)

(TMU220AF, TMU950/PF, TMU675/PF)

The command will be rejected if it is not open a non fiscal document. This command is used to close the non
fiscal document.

If the command qualifier is “E”, the document ends, intersects the paper and the first descriptive lines of the
next fiscal voucher are printed. After closing the document this alone way one will be able to emit a fiscal
voucher, otherwise will intersect the paper.

Command to Close non fiscal document (0x4A)

Field Description
STX Beginning of data (0x02)
Sec Sequence number (0x20 to 0x7F)
Command Command [0x4A]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 Command qualifier
“E” = it indicates economic closing. It is printed headed of the next one
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC <nnnn>

Answer to the Command to Close non fiscal document (0x4A)

Field Description
STX Beginning of data (0x02)
Sec Sequence number (0x20 to 0x7F)
Command Command [0x4A]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 State of the Printer (data hex. ASCII)
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 Fiscal state <hhhh>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 3 Number of the recently emitted non fiscal document
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC <nnnn>


Cut paper (0x4B)

(TMU220AF, TMU950/PF, TMU675/PF)

This command is used to cut the receipt paper. The fiscal vouchers, the non fiscal documents and the reports
with cut automatically when concluding the respective commands.

Command to Cut paper (0x4B)

Field Description
STX Beginning of data (0x02)
Sec Sequence number (0x20 to 0x7F)
Command Command [0x4B]
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC <nnnn>

Answer to the Command to Cut paper (0x4B)

Field Description
STX Beginning of data (0x02)
Sec Sequence number (0x20 to 0x7F)
Command Command [0x4B]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 State of the Printer <hhhh>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 Fiscal state <hhhh>
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC <nnnn>

Advance paper (0x50)

(TMU220AF, TMU950/PF, TMU675/PF)

This command ago to advance the receipt paper.

Command to Advance paper (0x50)
Field Description
STX Beginning of data (0x02)
Sec Sequence number (0x20 to 0x7F)
Command Command [0x50]
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC <nnnn>

Answer to Command Advance paper (0x50)

Field Description
STX Beginning of data (0x02)
Sec Sequence number (0x20 to 0x7F)
Command Command [0x50]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 State of the Printer <hhhh>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 Fiscal state <hhhh>
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC <nnnn>

Activate slip (0xA0)

(TMU950/PF, TMU675/PF)

This command activates the operation of the Slip. It should be executed before any other command related
with related with the handling of the Slip.

Command to Activate slip (0xA0)

Field Description
STX Beginning of data (0x02)
Sec Sequence number (0x20 to 0x7F)
Command Command [0xA0]
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC <nnnn>

Answer to the Command to Activate slip (0xA0)

Field Description
STX Beginning of data (0x02)
Sec Sequence number (0x20 to 0x7F)
Command Command [0xA0]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 State of the Printer <hhhh>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 Fiscal state <hhhh>
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC <nnnn>

Disables slip (0xA1)

(TMU950/PF, TMU675/PF)

This command disables the operation of the Slip.

Command to Disables slip (0xA1)

Field Description
STX Beginning of data (0x02)
Sec Sequence number (0x20 to 0x7F)
Command Command [0xA1]
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC <nnnn>
Answer to the Command to Disables slip (0xA1)
Field Description
STX Beginning of data (0x02)
Sec Sequence number (0x20 to 0x7F)
Command Command [0xA1]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 State of the Printer <hhhh>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 Fiscal state <hhhh>
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC <nnnn>

Format checks (0xAA)

(TMU950/PF, TMU675/PF)

This command prints for the Slip in the format of a check.

Command Format it checks (0xAA)

Field Description
STX Data beginning [0x02]
Sec Sequence number [0x20 to 0x7F)]
Command Command [0xAA]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 Amount of the Check (text field)
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 Beneficiary
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 3 Emission date

- Field separator [0x1C]

Field 4 ‘AND ' = the sentence is printed “NOT ENDORSABLE”
‘R ' = the sentence is printed “NOT ENDORSABLE” in boldface
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 5 ‘1 ' => + a line among the superior amount and the beneficiary
‘2 ' => -- a line among the superior amount and the beneficiary
‘3 ' => + a line among the superior amount and the beneficiary
‘4 ' => + two lines among the superior amount and the beneficiary
‘7 ' => + five lines among the superior amount and the beneficiary
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 6 ‘1 ' => + a line among “the quantity” and the date
‘2 ' => -- a line among “the quantity” and the date
‘3 ' => + a line among “the quantity” and the date
‘4 ' => + two lines among “the quantity” and the date
‘7 ' => + five lines among “the quantity” and the date
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 7
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 8 ‘1 ' => + a line among “not endorsable” and the superior amount
‘2 ' =>--a line among “not endorsable” and the superior amount
‘3 ' => + a line among “not endorsable” and the superior amount
‘4 ' => + two lines among “not endorsable” and the superior amount
‘7 ' => + five lines among “not endorsable” and the superior amount
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC [nnnn]

Answer to the command Format checks (0xAA)

Field Description
STX Beginning of data (0x02)
Sec Sequence number (0x20 to 0x7F)
Command Command [0xAA]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 State of the Printer (data hex. ASCII)
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 Fiscal state <hhhh>
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC <nnnn>

Format endorsement (0xAB)

(TMU950/PF, TMU675/PF)

This command prints for the Slip the endorsement for a check.

Command Format endorsement (0xAB)

Field Description
STX Data beginning [0x02]
Sec Sequence number (0x20 to 0x7F)
Command Command (0xAB)
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 IF field 4 = “A“=> Account Type for the deposit (33)
IF field 4 = “B “=> Beneficiary of the deposit (28)
IF field 4 = “C “=> Names of the bank (28)
e.o.c. => Names for the endorsement
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 IF field 4 = “A“=> Account Number for the deposit (35)
IF field 4 = “B “=> additional Line (40)
IF field 4 = “C “=> additional Line (40)
e.o.c => Identification of Identity (ID)
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 3 IF field 4 = “A“=> Additional Line (40)
IF field 4 = “B “=>Additional Line (40)
IF field 4 = “C “=>Additional Line (40)
e.o.c => Telephone for the endorsement
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 4 “A” = endorsement is printed for bank – information of the account
“B” = endorsement is printed for bank - the client's information
“C” = endorsement is printed for bank - information of the bank
e.o.c => Normal Endorse(names, identification, telephone)
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC [nnnn]

Answer to the command Format endorsement (0xAB)

Field Description
STX Beginning of data (0x02)
Sec Sequence number (0x20 to 0x7F)
Command Command [0xAB]
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 State of the Printer (data hex. ASCII)
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 Fiscal state <hhhh>
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC <nnnn>


Settle down date and hour (0x58)

(TMU220AF, TMU950/PF, TMU675/PF)

This command settles down the date and hour of the clock of the fiscal controller's real time, which is stamped
in all the fiscal documents and in all the entrances of the fiscal memory.

This command will be rejected in the following cases:

1. if there are daily totals in the work memory.
2. if the new date is smaller to the last one stored in the fiscal memory.
3. if the new date is bigger in more than one day to the last date stored in the fiscal memory.

IMPORTANT: It should be kept in mind that alone one can make a hour change and/or it dates between two
Z reports consecutives.

Command Settle down date and hour (0x58)

Field Description
STX Data beginning [0x02]
Sec Sequence number (0x20 to 0x7F)
Command Command (0x58)
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 Format of Date AAMMDD (Year, Month, Day)
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 Format of Hour HHMMSS (Hour, Minutes, Seconds)
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC [nnnn]

Answer to the command Settle down date and hour (0x58)

Field Description
STX Beginning of data (0x02)
Sec Sequence number (0x20 to 0x7F)
Command Command (0x58)
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 State of the Printer <hhhh>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 Fiscal state <hhhh>
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC <nnnn>

Obtain date and hour (0x59)

(TMU220AF, TMU950/PF, TMU675/PF)
This command returns the date and hour of the clock of the fiscal controller's real time.

Command Obtain date and hour (0x59)

Field Description
STX Data beginning [0x02]
Sec Sequence number (0x20 to 0x7F)
Command Command (0x59)
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC [nnnn]

Answer to the command Obtain date and hour (0x59)

Field Description
STX Beginning of data (0x02)
Sec Sequence number (0x20 to 0x7F)
Command Command (0x59)
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 State of the Printer <hhhh>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 Fiscal state <hhhh>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 3 Format of Date AAMMDD (Year, Month, Day)
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 4 Format of Hour HHMMSS (Hour, Minutes, Seconds)
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC <nnnn>

Headed (0x5D) / Foot of page (0x5E)

(TMU220AF, TMU950/PF, TMU675/PF)

This command stores a line of fixed data that appears in the one headed or foot of page of the fiscal vouchers.
It is allowed until a maximum of 5 line for the one headed and for the foot of page.

Command Headed (0x5D) / Foot of page (0x5E)

Field Description
STX Data beginning [0x02]
Sec Sequence number (0x20 to 0x7F)
Command Command (0x5D) / (0x5E)
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 Number of line of fixed data
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 Fiscal text of up to 40 characters.
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC [nnnn]

Answer to the command Headed (0x5D) / Foot of page (0x5E)

Field Description
STX Beginning of data (0x02)
Sec Sequence number (0x20 to 0x7F)
Command Command (0x5D) / (0x5E)
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 State of the Printer <hhhh>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 Fiscal state <hhhh>
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC <nnnn>

Open drawer 1 (0x7B) / Open drawer 2 (0x7C)


This command is used to open the cash drawer(s) connected to the port of the fiscal printer.

Command Open drawer 1 (0x7B) / Open drawer 2 (0x7C)

Field Description
STX Data beginning [0x02]
Sec Sequence number (0x20 to 0x7F)
Command Command (0x7B) / (0x7C)
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC [nnnn]

Answer to the command Open drawer 1 (0x7B) / Open drawer 2 (0x7C)

Field Description
STX Beginning of data (0x02)
Sec Sequence number (0x20 to 0x7F)
Command Command (0x7B) / (0x7C)
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 1 State of the Printer <hhhh>
- Field separator [0x1C]
Field 2 Fiscal state <hhhh>
ETX End of data [0x03]
BCC BCC <nnnn>



1 Taking of Earth of Wing -
2 Transmission of Data O
3 Reception of Data I
7 Taking of Earth of Sign -
20 DTR O
COVER Protection earth

When DTR is in state "SPACE" it indicates that the Fiscal Printer can recover the data. When it is in state
"MARKS" it indicates that the Fiscal Printer cannot receive data.


The characters of selection of Modality of Impression can be inserted at the "beginning" of a line of fiscal text
to generate an effect. Their range is from 0xF0 to 0xFF. You can use any combination of the bits 0 and 1, but
it should be kept in mind that in some sectors the impression is not allowed with the Stood out way (wide
double) or Centered. They are defined the following values:


Bit 0 =1 Stood out 0xF1 241
Bit 1 =1 Centered 0xF2 242
Bit 3 =0 Red 0xF8 248
Bit 0,1,2,3 =0 Normal 0xF0 240

You can use any combination between 0xF0 and 0xFF. For example, the value 0xF3 will give stood out
characters and centered; while the value 0xFA will print the text in red and centered (in those cases where the
impression terminal has the impression option in two colors).



11:12:34 AM ###Ticket Begins ###
02 (STX) 21 40(@) 1C <Field>
7F(•) 1C <Field>
7F(•) 1C <Field>
7F(•) 1C <Field>
7F(•) 1C <Field>
7F(•) 1C <Field>
7F(•) 1C <Field>
7F(•) 1C <Field>
7F(•) 1C <Field>
7F(•) 03 (ETX)
(CHECK SUM = 0x05D9) 30(0) 35(5) 44(D) 39(9)

11:12:38 AM Answer of the PF

02 (STX) 21 40(@) 1C <Field>
31(1) 30(0) 30(0) 30(0) 1C <Field>
30(0) 30(0) 30(0) 30(0) 03 (ETX)
(CHECK SUM = 0x021F) 30(0) 32(2) 31(1) 46(F)

11:12:59 AM === Inform one ITEM to invoice ===

02 (STX) 21 42(B) 1C <Field>
4D(M) 61(a) 6E(n) 7A(z) 61(a) 6E(n) 61(a) 73(s) 1C <Field>
31(1) 30(0) 30(0) 30(0) 1C <Field>
31(1) 32(2) 33(3) 34(4) 35(5) 36(6) 37(7) 38(8) 31(1) 32(2) 1C <Field>
31(1) 35(5) 35(5) 30(0) 1C <Field>
4D(M) 03 (ETX)
(CHECK SUM = 0x080D) 30(0) 38(8) 30(0) 44(D)

11:12:59 AM Answer of the PF

02 (STX) 21 42(B) 1C <Field>
31(1) 30(0) 30(0) 30(0) 1C <Field>
30(0) 30(0) 30(0) 30(0) 1C <Field>
30(0) 30(0) 31(1) 03 (ETX)
(CHECK SUM = 0x02CE) 30(0) 32(2) 43(C) 45(E)

11:13:03 AM *** Ticket Close***

02 (STX) 21 45(E) 03 (ETX)
(CHECK SUM = 0x006B) 30(0) 30(0) 36(6) 42(B)
11:13:06 AM Answer of the PF
02 (STX) 21 45(E) 1C <Field>
31(1) 30(0) 30(0) 30(0) 1C <Field>
30(0) 30(0) 30(0) 30(0) 1C <Field>
30(0) 30(0) 30(0) 32(2) 03 (ETX)
(CHECK SUM = 0x0302) 30(0) 33(3) 30(0) 32(2)



n n ERROR FIELD n (n <20)
19 13 ERROR FIELD 19
21 15 I2C LINES
22 16 BCC RAM
23 17 BCC ROM 0
24 18 BCC ROM 4
100 64 OPEN_CF
110 6E TEXT_CF
120 78 ITEM_CF
130 82 CLOSE_CF
160 A0 CLOCK
180 B4 SLIP

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