Fintech: Ecosystem, Business Models, Investment Decisions, and Challenges

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Copyright 2017 by Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. For reprints, call HBS Publishing at (800) 545-7685.


Business Horizons (2018) 61, 35—46

Available online at


Fintech: Ecosystem, business models,

investment decisions, and challenges
In Lee a, Yong Jae Shin b,*

School of Computer Sciences, Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL 61455-1390, U.S.A.
Hankyong National University, Anseong 17579, South Korea

KEYWORDS Abstract Fintech brings about a new paradigm in which information technology is
Fintech; driving innovation in the financial industry. Fintech is touted as a game changing,
Business models; disruptive innovation capable of shaking up traditional financial markets. This article
Financial startups; introduces a historical view of fintech and discusses the ecosystem of the fintech
Disruptive innovation; sector. We then discuss various fintech business models and investment types. This
Online banking; article illustrates the use of real options for fintech investment decisions. Finally,
Real options technical and managerial challenges for both fintech startups and traditional finan-
cial institutions are discussed.
# 2017 Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. Published by Elsevier Inc. All
rights reserved.

1. Fintech: An introduction startups to disintermediate traditional financial

firms with unique, niche, and personalized services.
Financial technology (fintech) is recognized as one According to PwC (2016), 83% of financial institu-
of the most important innovations in the financial tions believe that various aspects of their business
industry and is evolving at a rapid speed, driven in are at risk to fintech startups. Due to fintech com-
part by the sharing economy, favorable regulation, panies already having a significant impact on the
and information technology. Fintech promises to financial industry, every financial firm needs to build
reshape the financial industry by cutting costs, capabilities to leverage and/or invest in fintech in
improving the quality of financial services, and order to stay competitive.
creating a more diverse and stable financial land- The growth of investment in fintech has been
scape (‘The FinTech Revolution,’ 2015). The tech- phenomenal. According to Accenture (2016a), glob-
nological developments in infrastructure, big data, al investment in fintech ventures in the first quarter
data analytics, and mobile devices allow fintech of 2016 reached $5.3 billion, a 67% increase over the
same period the previous year, and the percentage
of investments going to fintech companies in Europe
* Corresponding author and the Asia-Pacific nearly doubled to 62%. Much of
E-mail addresses: (I. Lee), this increase in investment has come from tradi-
(Y.J. Shin) tional financial institutions. Traditional financial

0007-6813/$ — see front matter # 2017 Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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36 I. Lee, Y.J. Shin

institutions invest in external fintech startups in the The impact of internet technology has been espe-
form of collaborative fintech ventures, as well as cially obvious in the banking industry. Information-
their internal fintech projects in hopes of leapfrog- intensive and time-sensitive in nature, virtually
ging fintech innovation and gaining a competitive every component of the banking business’ value
advantage. chain benefitted from an innovative utilization of
According to the annual fintech 100 report web technologies. From the bank’s point of view,
published by KPMG (2015), China and the U.S. potential benefits of online banking include lower
are leading countries in fintech startups and com- operational costs, shorter turnaround time, real-
panies. The fintech 100 companies in 2015 include time managerial information, smoother communi-
25 payments and transactions companies, 22 lending cation within the organization, more convenient
companies, 14 wealth management companies, and interaction with existing as well as prospective
7 insurance companies. Holland FinTech (2015) customers, and the provision of value-added ser-
forecasts that approximately $660 billion in reve- vices such as access to professional knowledge in
nue may migrate from traditional financial services financial management (Nielsen, 2002; Sathye,
to fintech services in the areas of payments, crowd- 1999). Online stock trading is another example of
funding, wealth management, and lending. e-finance. It minimizes its operating costs by proc-
It is clear from the evidence that fintech is now essing every stock transaction online. It achieves
well beyond the stage of hype and has become a competitive advantage by providing differentiated
major player in the financial world. In light of the services at the lowest feasible transaction fees.
urgent need to inform financial professionals of the Some online stock brokers provide their clients free
significance of this disruptive innovation, in this access to high quality research reports developed
article we will discuss the following topics. First, by reputed financial research firms.
we introduce a historical view of fintech and The growth of the smartphone user base in the
presents the fintech ecosystem. We then discuss mid-2000s facilitated the growth of mobile finance,
various business models and investment types. We such as mobile payment and mobile banking, which
illustrate the use of real options for fintech invest- is an extension of e-finance. Financial institutions
ment decisions. Finally, we identify and discuss six have allowed their customers not only to access
technical and managerial challenges for fintech bank account information, but also to make trans-
startups and traditional financial institutions: actions, such as paying bills and remitting money,
investment management, customer management, via their mobile device.
regulation, technology integration, security and With the advances in e-finance and mobile
privacy, and risk management. technologies for financial firms, fintech innovation
emerged after the worldwide financial crisis in
2008 by combining the e-finance, internet technol-
2. Emergence of fintech ogies, social networking services, social media,
artificial intelligence, and big data analytics.
Financial markets worldwide were profoundly Fintech startups differentiated themselves from
affected by the internet revolution in the early traditional financial firms with personalized niche
1990s, with one of the major effects being that it services, data-driven solutions, an innovative cul-
lowered costs for financial transactions. Technolog- ture, and a nimble organization. While fintech is
ical advances driven by the internet revolution generally considered a threat to traditional finan-
changed the face of the financial services industry cial firms, it also provides ample opportunities for
and led to the development of electronic finance these firms to gain a competitive advantage over
(e-finance). E-finance refers to all forms of financial competitors. Most major financial firms have begun
services such as banking, insurance, and stock trad- taking fintech seriously and are developing strate-
ing performed through electronic means, including gies to compete, coexist, and collaborate with
the internet and World Wide Web. E-finance allows fintech startups.
individuals or businesses to access accounts, trans-
act business, and obtain information on financial
products and services without being in physical 3. Fintech ecosystem
contact with financial firms. Many e-finance business
models emerged in the 1990s, including online bank- To understand the competitive and collaborative
ing, online brokerage services, mobile payment, and dynamics in fintech innovation, we must first
mobile banking. As with e-commerce, many of these analyze the ecosystem. A stable symbiotic fintech
changes have led to the downsizing and reduction of ecosystem is instrumental in the growth of the
number in physical locations for banks. fintech industry. Diemers, Lamaa, Salamat, and

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Fintech: Ecosystem, business models, investment decisions, and challenges 37

Steffens (2015) suggested that entrepreneurs, gov- major drivers of growth in the fintech sector, as
ernment, and financial institutions are the partic- traditional financial institutions are disadvantaged
ipants in a fintech ecosystem. We have identified in this situation. Consumers, rather than relying on a
five elements of the fintech ecosystem: single financial institution for their needs, are begin-
ning to pick and choose services they would like from
1. Fintech startups (e.g., payment, wealth man- a variety of fintech companies. A consumer may
agement, lending, crowdfunding, capital mar- manage his/her loan via SoFi, while using PayPal to
ket, and insurance fintech companies); manage payments, Rocket Mortgage for his/her
mortgage, and Robinhood for stock management.
2. Technology developers (e.g., big data analytics, Venture capitalists and private equities are condu-
cloud computing, cryptocurrency, and social me- cive to the creation of fintech startups and the
dia developers); level of investments increased significantly over time
as well.
3. Government (e.g., financial regulators and Technology developers provide digital platforms
legislature); for social media, big data analytics, cloud com-
puting, artificial intelligence, smart phones, and
4. Financial customers (e.g., individuals and orga- mobile services. Technology developers create a
nizations); and favorable environment for fintech startups to
launch innovative services rapidly. Big data analyt-
5. Traditional financial institutions (e.g., tradition- ics can be used to provide unique personalized
al banks, insurance companies, stock brokerage services to customers and cloud computing may
firms, and venture capitalists). be used for cash-strapped fintech startups to
deploy web-based services at a fraction of the cost
These elements symbiotically contribute to the of in-house infrastructure development. Algorith-
innovation, stimulate economy, facilitate collabo- mic trading strategies can be used as the basis for
ration and competition in the financial industry, and robo-advisor wealth management services at much
ultimately benefit consumers in the financial indus- lower fees than traditional wealth management
try. Figure 1 shows the five elements of the fintech services. Social media facilitates the growth of com-
ecosystem. munities in the crowdfunding and person-to-person
At the center of the ecosystem are fintech start- lending services. The ubiquity of mobile devices
ups. These companies are mostly entrepreneurial supplants the advantages of physical distribution.
and have driven major innovations in the areas of Mobile network operators are also providing low cost
payment, wealth management, lending, crowd- infrastructure for fintech companies’ service devel-
funding, capital market, and insurances by incur- opment, such as mobile payment and mobile bank-
ring lower operating costs, targeting more niche ing. In turn, the fintech industry is generating
markets, and providing more personalized services revenue for these technology developers.
than traditional financial firms. They are driving Governments have been providing a favorable
the phenomenon of unbundling financial services, regulatory environment for fintech since the 2008 fi-
which has been highly disruptive for banks (Walchek, nancial crisis (Holland FinTech, 2015). Depending on
2015). The ability to unbundle services is one of the the national economic development plans and eco-
nomic policies, different governments provide dif-
Figure 1. The five elements of the fintech ecosystem ferent levels of regulation (e.g., licensing of
financial services, relaxation of capital require-
ments, tax incentives) for fintech startups to stim-
ulate fintech innovation and facilitate global
financial competitiveness. For example, Singapore
is changing online payment regulations to make the
regulation friendlier to payment service providers
and spur payment technology growth (Reuters,
2016). On the other hand, since 2008, traditional
financial institutions have been subject to more
rigorous regulation, capital requirements, and re-
porting requirements from government regulators.
The looser regulatory requirements imposed on
fintech startups allow them to provide more cus-
tomized, inexpensive, and easy-to-access financial

This document is authorized for use only in EDUARDO URGILES's TEORIA DE MERCADO DE CAPITALES-MBF at Universidad San Francisco de Quito - USFQ from Feb 2019 to Aug 2019.
38 I. Lee, Y.J. Shin

services to consumers than traditional institutions. redefine the ways in which people store, save,
However, while certain regulations are favorable to borrow, invest, move, spend, and protect money.
fintech startups, they still need to understand how We identify six fintech business models imple-
regulations may affect their service provisions. mented by the ever growing number of fintech
LendUp, a payday loan fintech company, was fined startups: payment, wealth management, crowd-
$3.63 million for violations of consumer financial funding, lending, capital market, and insurance
protection laws, including the Truth in Lending Act services. Their value propositions, operating
and the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Con- mechanisms, and major fintech companies in each
sumer Protection Act (Consumer Financial Protec- business model are discussed below.
tion Bureau, 2016).
Financial customers are the source of revenue 4.1. Payment business model
generation for fintech companies. While large orga-
nizations are important sources of revenue, the Payments are relatively simple compared to other
predominant revenue source for fintech companies financial products and services. Fintech companies
are individual customers and small and medium- focusing on payments are able to acquire customers
sized enterprises (SMEs). A survey found that the rapidly at lower costs, and are one of the fastest
use of fintech services is greatest among younger, moving in terms of innovation and adoption of new
wealthier customers (Holland FinTech, 2015). Early payment capabilities. The two markets of payment
fintech adopters tend to be tech-savvy, younger, fintechs are (1) consumer and retail payment and
urban, and higher-income individuals. Currently, (2) wholesale and corporate payment. Payments are
millennials (people between the age of 18 and one of the most used retail financial services on a
34) constitute a significant portion of fintech con- day-to-day basis, as well as one of the least regu-
sumption in most countries. The future demograph- lated financial services. According to BNY Mellon
ic is favorable to fintech companies in that in the (2015), consumer and retail payment fintechs in-
next few decades, the tech-savvy millennials will clude mobile wallets, peer-to-peer (P2P) mobile
account for the largest part of the population and payments, foreign exchange and remittances, real-
drive the growth of fintech services. time payments, and digital currency solutions.
Traditional financial institutions are also a major These services improve the experience for custom-
driving force in the fintech ecosystem. After realiz- ers who look for a streamlined payments experience
ing the disruptive power of fintech and dwindling in terms of speed, convenience, and multi-channel
window of opportunities to blunt fintech’s impact accessibility.
on the market, traditional financial institutions Mobile payment services that can be convenient-
have been reevaluating their existing business mod- ly and securely used on mobile devices are a popular
els and developing strategies to embrace fintech business model. Approaches to mobile payments
innovation. Traditional financial institutions have include but are not limited to: charging to a phone
competitive advantages in economies of scale and bill, near field communication (NFC), barcode or QR
financial resources over fintech startups. However, code, a credit card on mobile websites, a mobile
traditional financial institutions tend to focus on phone card reader, and direct mobile payment
bundled services, providing one-stop comprehen- without using credit card companies (Li, 2016).
sive financial products and services to consumers The most widely known NFC-based mobile payment
rather than unbundled specialized products and applications are Google Wallet, Apple Pay, and
services. While traditional financial institutions ini- Samsung Pay. Another popular payment business
tially treated these fast-growing fintech companies model is P2P payment services. Users are now able
as threats, they have shifted their focus to collabo- to reimburse each other with apps such as PayPal
rating with fintech startups with various funding and Venmo for free.
provisions. In exchange for providing funding, they
are able to draw on the insights of these startup 4.2. Wealth management business model
companies in order to stay on the forefront of the
technology (Yang, 2015). One of the more popular wealth management fin-
tech business models is automated wealth manag-
ers (robo-advisors) that provide financial advice for
4. Fintech business models a fraction of the price of a real-life adviser. These
robo-advisors use algorithms to suggest a mix
According to a recent report by Accenture (2016a), of assets to invest in based on a customer’s invest-
more than $50 billion has been invested in almost ment preferences and characteristics (‘Ask the
2,500 companies since 2010, as these fintechs Algorithm,’ 2015). This business model benefits

This document is authorized for use only in EDUARDO URGILES's TEORIA DE MERCADO DE CAPITALES-MBF at Universidad San Francisco de Quito - USFQ from Feb 2019 to Aug 2019.
Fintech: Ecosystem, business models, investment decisions, and challenges 39

from changing demographics and consumer behav- in equity-based crowdfunding, fund-seeking entre-
ior that favor automated and passive investment preneurs give up a portion of the ownership in ex-
strategies, a simple and transparent fee structure, change for the funds. Examples of reward-based
and attractive unit economics that allow low or no crowdfunding companies include Kickstarter, Indie-
investment minimums (Holland FinTech, 2015). A gogo, CrowdFunder, and RocketHub. Donation-based
survey by the CFA Institute in April 2016 found the crowdfunding companies aimed at fundraising for
majority of survey participants to be most con- charitable causes include GoFundMe, GiveForward,
cerned about the disruptive characteristics these and FirstGiving. Equity-based crowdfunding compa-
fintech companies would have in the wealth man- nies include AngelList, Early Shares, and Crowdcube.
agement sector (Sanicola, 2016). Wealth manage-
ment fintechs include Betterment, Wealthfront, 4.4. Lending business model
Motif, and Folio.
P2P consumer lending and P2P business lending is
4.3. Crowdfunding business model another big trend in fintech. P2P lending fintechs
allow individuals and businesses to lend and borrow
Crowdfunding fintechs empower networks of people between each other. With their efficient structure,
to control the creation of new products, media, and P2P lending fintechs are able to offer low interest
ideas and are raising funds for charity or venture rates and an improved lending process for lenders
capital (International Trade Administration, n.d.). and borrowers. A subtle but significant distinction
Crowdfunding involves three parties: the project from a bank is that these fintechs are technically not
initiator or entrepreneur who needs funding, the involved in the lending themselves, as they are
contributors who may be interested in supporting the simply matching lenders with borrowers, and col-
cause or project, and the moderating organization lecting fees off of users. Because of this distinction,
that facilitates the engagement between the con- P2P lending fintechs currently do not need to meet
tributors and the initiator. The moderating organiza- the capital requirements that influence the total
tion enables the contributors to access information amount of lending, while banks have become more
about the different initiatives and funding opportu- and more limited in the lending they are engaged in
nities for the development of products/services. (Williams-Grut, 2016).
Rewards-based crowdfunding, donation-based The fintech innovation in lending manifests itself
crowdfunding, and equity-based crowdfunding are in the use of alternative credit models, online data
the most popular crowdfunding business models. sources, data analytics to price risks, rapid lending
Rewards-based crowdfunding has been an attrac- processes, and lower operating costs. However, the
tive fundraising option for thousands of small busi- success or failure of this business model is largely
nesses and creative projects. In the event that dependent on how interest rates behave, something
there is any interest to be charged on the amount that firms do not have any control over. P2P lending
of the rewards-based crowdfunding, the borrower and crowdfunding are different in purpose. While
sets the interest rate that they are comfortable the primary purpose of crowdfunding is funding
with and can guarantee a refund within the stipu- for projects, the primary purpose of P2P lending
lated time period (Mollick, 2014). In return for a is debt consolidation and credit card refinancing
fund from supporters of a project, the business (Zhu, Dholakia, Chen, & Algesheimer, 2012). Lend-
typically gives some type of rewards. Donation- ing fintechs include Lending Club, Prosper, SoFi,
based crowdfunding is a way to source money for Zopa, and RateSetter.
a charity project by asking donators to contribute
money to it. In a donation-based crowdfunding, 4.5. Capital market business model
the funder receives nothing at all other than some
form of non-monetary recognitions. Equity-based New fintech business models take hold across a full
crowdfunding is an appealing option for small and spectrum of capital market areas such as invest-
medium-sized companies (SMEs) as increased cap- ment, foreign exchange, trading, risk management,
ital ratio requirements on traditional banks make and research. One area of promising capital market
lending to SMEs less prioritized by the traditional fintech is trading. Trading fintechs allow investors
banks. Equity-based crowdfunding allows entre- and traders to connect with each other to discuss
preneurs to reach investors interested in acquiring and share knowledge, place orders to buy and sell
equity in their startup or other privately held small commodities and stocks, and monitor risks in
business. real time. Another area of capital market fintech
The essential difference between equity-based business models is foreign currency transactions.
crowdfunding and other crowdfunding types is that Foreign currency transactions have been a service

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40 I. Lee, Y.J. Shin

dominated by financial institutions. Fintechs lower In order to grow businesses and secure venture
barriers and costs for individuals and SMEs engaging capital, fintech startups can choose to compete
in foreign currency transactions all around the with the traditional financial institutions or to
world. Users are able to see live pricing and collaborate with them. According to Accenture
send/receive funds in various currencies securely (2016b), overall U.S. fintech investment favors col-
in real time, all via their mobile device. Fintechs laborative ventures, with the volume of collabora-
offering this service are able to do so at a much tive investment increasing from 21% in 2010 to 35%
lower cost, via payment methods that are much in 2015. On the other hand, in Europe, investment in
more familiar to individual clients or businesses. collaborative fintech declined from 38% of deals
Capital market fintechs include Robinhood, eToro, in 2010 to 14% of deals in 2015. These opposite
Magna, Estimize, and Xoom. trends may be attributable to the different banking
regulations in these regions. When the regulation
4.6. Insurance services business model is favorable for new startups to establish their
business, they tend to be less collaborative with
In insurance fintech business models, fintechs work established institutions.
to enable a more direct relationship between the
insurer and the customer. They use data analytics to
calculate and match risk, and as the pool of poten- 6. A real options approach
tial customers broadens, customers are offered
products to meet their needs (e.g., car, life, health- To value the technology projects more appropriate-
care, or causality insurance). They also streamline ly, a real options approach has been suggested. In
healthcare billing processes. The insurance fintech this section, we discuss how real option valuation
business model seems to be the most well- can be used to develop traditional financial insti-
embraced by traditional insurance providers. The tutions’ fintech projects. A real option approach
technology allows insurers to expand their data with an option to wait for technology project in-
collection to non-traditional sources to supplement vestment was explained by Lee and Lee
their traditional models, improving their risk anal- (2015). While traditional net present value (NPV)
ysis. Insurance services fintechs that are disrupting without real options thinking has been widely used,
the insurance industry include Censio, CoverFox, it ignores flexibility in investment such as defer-
The Zebra, Sureify Labs, and Ladder. ment and expansion in the investment horizon.
Therefore, NPV tends to undervalue a project’s
worth with a higher discount rate, and is not suit-
able for highly uncertain, risky technology projects.
5. Investment decisions for fintech Since many fintech projects are experimental
projects and real options and being developed in highly fluid economic and
regulatory environments, real options may be an
On June 30, 2016, J.P. Morgan’s Corporate & appropriate evaluation method.
Investment Bank announced the launch of the Similar to financial options, real options are the
In-Residence Program for fintech startups to work right, but not the obligation, to take an action such
side-by-side with its employees in order to develop as ‘wait,’ ‘expand,’ and ‘abandon’ during a period
innovations that enable banks to operate faster, of time or by an expiration date. There are char-
safer, and at a lower cost. This type of incubator acteristics that make real options an appropriate
program is one of many approaches to fintech application for fintech projects. Fintech projects
developments by financial institutions. Our brief inherently carry technical as well as economic and
survey reveals that traditional financial institutions regulatory uncertainties. The potential regulatory
are investing in fintech in a variety of ways, includ- intervention is a big factor in the growth rate of the
ing (1) partnering with fintechs or technology fintechs. Real options applicable to fintech projects
companies, (2) outsourcing fintech services from include: (1) option to defer, which gives manage-
fintechs, (3) providing venture capital to fintechs, ment the option to wait/learn more to see if a
(4) incubating/accelerating fintech startups, (5) project will be profitable; (2) option to expand,
acquiring/buying fintechs, and (6) developing which gives management the option to invest more
internal fintechs. In general, financial institutions in a project that is profitable; (3) option to aban-
are going to take an immediate investment or a don, which gives management the option to aban-
wait-and-see approach to the above-mentioned in- don a project that is operating at a loss and
vestment options based on the volatility and project sell or redeploy the assets; and (4) option to con-
duration of the specific fintechs. tract, which gives management the option to scale

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Fintech: Ecosystem, business models, investment decisions, and challenges 41

back a project that is operating at a loss. For forward 1 period. The value can either increase to
example, if a fintech market test suggests that Su, or decrease to Sd. We can use the risk-free rate,
customers are far more receptive to a new fintech r, and determine the probability of success/move-
service than expected, the firm can use the pilot up (p) and failure/move-down (1-p). An early ex-
fintech service as a basis for expanding the scale of ample of this type of binomial decision tree ap-
the service. proach was a binomial lattice model developed by
Values of real options for projects can be calcu- Cox et al. (1979), which depicts two possible
lated using the Black-Scholes model (Black & changes in value for a stock in each time period,
Scholes, 1973) and the binomial option pricing a move up by a factor u or a move down by a factor
model (Cox, Ross, & Rubinstein, 1979) if the esti- d. These factors, u and d, and move up probability
mates of the underlying asset’s value and variance and move down probability are derived in closed-
are obtained. However, the use of these financial form solutions.
option pricing models is usually not possible for
fintech projects due to the lack of reliable market 6.1. A real options decision tree example
data and possibly one-of-a-kind project nature that
is not traded. Furthermore, for financial options, For example, one bank is looking to invest in a new
the buyer and the seller of the option are different P2P lending fintech project that will add additional
entities. For example, a European call option is revenue and increase profits. To value the expan-
traded in the options market between a seller sion options, as suggested by Copeland and
and a buyer of the option. A buyer pays the value Antikarov (2003), we use the present value of the
of the option as an option price (or as an option project without options as the underlying asset for
premium) in exchange for the right to exercise the the options. Management assumes the following for
call option on the expiration data. The price of the the investment evaluation without real options:
option is for risk protection and it is difficult for an
option buyer to make any extra return (e.g., profit) 1. The fintech project will generate a cash flow of
over the expected market return. While some type $100 million at T0.
of real options such as patent and license to drill
oil wells may involve sellers and buyers, for real 2. The initial investment for the fintech project is
options for internal development–—such as R&D $330 million at T0. The initial investment will be
and technology development projects–—the option sufficient for the maximum market growth
buyer and seller are the same entity. When the potential of the project.
same entity plays the role of both the seller and
buyer of the real option, any returns accrued from 3. The expected annual growth rate is 16%. At each
the investment belong to the investor. period, the cash flow will go up by 60% with a
For real options, using decision trees is recom- probability of 0.6 and the cash flow will go down
mended, as it allows the ability to set up the by 50% with a probability of 0.4.
possibilities of the project according to what
management believes it to be or data obtained 4. The annual discount rate is 3%. For simplicity and
from simulations. Furthermore, decision trees are comparison purposes, we assume discount rates
more intuitive to decision makers, and solutions with real options and without real options are
can be framed flexibly and realistically without same. In reality, the risk-free discount rate for
confined assumptions of other real option pricing real options should be much lower than the
models. Smith and Nau (1995) studied decision discount rate for a project without real options.
tree analysis and standard binomial lattice-based
option pricing methods and showed that the two 5. There are two periods (T1 and T2) in the decision
methods yield the same results, as long as the risk horizon for this project. After the project ex-
level is correctly specified throughout the decision pires at the end of T2, the project does not have
tree. any value and a new fintech project will take
Using decision trees to calculate the value of over.
projects, one can stage the possible values a project
can take, exercise the option at the optimal time/ Figure 2 shows a decision tree without real options
value of the project, and discount backwards in and Table 1 shows the summary of the present
order to find the value of the option. In the follow- values generated from the investment evaluation.
ing, we give an example of using the decision tree From a simple NPV calculation, the value of the
with a 2-period expansion option. In a decision tree, project is $7.95 million, which the standard NPV
we begin with the starting value today, S0, and move would accept. However, for the bank, many proj-

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42 I. Lee, Y.J. Shin

Figure 2. A decision tree without real options

ects compete for a limited budget and therefore a since the bank needs to take into consideration the
positive NPV does not guarantee the acceptance of NPV of the investment without real options (i.e.,
the investment plan. Next, we explore a real op- $126.54 million—$7.95 million). In this example,
tions approach to evaluate this investment as an we did not consider extra cost which might occur
expansion option. The option to expand is set up as to incorporate flexibility for expansion. As long as the
follows: extra cost for flexibility for incremental expansion is
less than $118.59 million, the real option investment
1. At the beginning, there is a $110 million invest- approach would be beneficial for the bank.
ment for the initial cash flow of $100 million. In the fintech industry, some external variables,
such as government regulations and technology
2. If the first period has up to $200 million in cash development, are quite uncertain and their changes
flow, $110 million is invested to expand. If the will have significant impact on the growth and
cash flow is below $100 million, no option to profitability of fintechs. Currently, national regula-
expand is exercised. tions are very favorable for fintech startups, in part
because governments do not want their fintech
3. If the second period has up to $300 million in sector to get behind in the global financial market.
cash flow, $110 million is invested to expand. If However, if fintechs threaten the health of domestic
the cash flow is below $200 million, no option to and global financial markets, strong regulations will
expand is exercised. be introduced and the profits of fintechs will decline
Figure 3 shows a decision tree with real options. The decision tree-based real option model
Table 2 shows that the net present value of the requires estimates for the parameters. These esti-
investment with real options is $126.54 million. How- mates can be obtained from experts and various
ever, note that value of option is $118.59 million, Delphi methods can be used to obtain the

Table 1. Net present value without real options

Expected Cash Inflow in Present Value Investment without Real Net Present Value
Options (Cash Outflow)
Period 0 $100m $330m
Period 1 $112.62m [i.e., ($160m * 0.6 + $50m * 0.4)/1.03]
Period 2 $125.33m [i.e., ($256m * 0.36 + $80m * 0.24 +
$80m * 0.24 + $25m * 0.16)/(1.03 * 1.03)]
Total Period $337.95m $330m $7.95m

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Fintech: Ecosystem, business models, investment decisions, and challenges 43

Figure 3. A decision tree with real options

Table 2. Net present value with real options

Expected Cash Inflow in Present Value Investment with Real Options Net Present
(Cash Outflow) Value
Period 0 $100m $110m
Period 1 $112.62m [i.e., ($160m * 0.6 + $50m * 0.4)/1.03] $64.08m [i.e., ($110m * 0.6)/1.03]
Period 2 $125.33m [i.e., ($256m * 0.36 + $80m * 0.24 + $37.33m [i.e., ($110m * 0.36)/
$80m * 0.24 + $25m * 0.16)/(1.03 * 1.03)] (1.03 * 1.03)]
Total Period $337.95m $211.41m $126.54m

estimates. While this example was simplified for lenges facing both fintech startups and traditional
readers who are not in finance area, more compli- financial institutions in this time of disruptive
cated scenarios can be analyzed with the same innovation: investment management, customer
principles. Our example highlights the value of management, regulation, technology integration,
the real option approach to fintech projects. security and privacy, and risk management.

7.1. Fintech investment management

7. Challenges facing the fintech sector challenge

Currently, the financial industry is experiencing The ability to assess the value of projects accurately
unprecedented change. A wide range of traditional will be critical in an increasingly competitive busi-
banking products from payments to investment ness environment. Without a proper portfolio man-
advice are being challenged by innovative fintech agement of fintech projects, financial firms can get
products. Blockchain technology is revolutionizing easily swamped in the plethora of fintech technol-
many traditional banking services with better trans- ogies. The selection of promising fintech projects is
action security and faster exchanges of money at challenging. It is still early to predict the best
lower costs domestically and globally. Fintech inno- portfolio of fintech projects that will deliver the
vation has the ability to shake up the entire financial most competitive and profitable outcomes. Finan-
landscape in the coming years. As with any disrup- cial institutions may choose to invest in internal
tive innovation, the disruptive power of fintech fintech projects in competition with fintech start-
innovations will manifest themselves clearly as ups. Alternatively, financial institutions can use
the market evolves. This section discusses six chal- collaborative investments with fintech startups as

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44 I. Lee, Y.J. Shin

a means of remaining on the cutting edge of the hind the innovation of the industry, fintech firms
technology without requiring internal innovation. need to be aware of potential changes that may
For example, a fintech startup may invest in a robo- impact them and find ways to handle those changes.
advisor fintech. The fintech startup can benefit
from the financial institution’s expertise in model- 7.4. Technology integration challenge
ing and analysis, while the financial institution can
gain insight into what kind of fintech services clients Technology integration is essential in providing
are looking for, as well as the cost structure and seamless customers service. Many fintechs are
revenue streams. based on new technologies, and it is challenging
to integrate the fintech applications with existing
7.2. Customer management challenge legacy systems. In addition to the internal develop-
ment of fintechs, banks need to create partnerships
As competition is high for customer acquisition and and joint ventures with fintech startups via
retention, customer management is crucial. Many corporate venture funds and incubator programs
customers use multiple services from different fin- (Drummer, Jerenz, Siebelt, & Thaten, 2016). These
tech firms for different needs. For example, cus- partnerships and joint ventures will allow tradition-
tomers may use PayPal for paying businesses online, al financial institutions to have a stake in an exter-
while using Venmo for paying friends. Fintechs need nal source that will focus on new fintech technology.
to understand the niche they are in and strive to However, without a sound integration plan and
provide the best possible service in that niche. High experience, traditional banking processes in many
responsiveness and care to customer concerns is areas may become incompatible with new technol-
paramount, as word-of-mouth recommendations ogy and business models that the financial institu-
can be crucial for the success of a fintech startup tions are interested in utilizing.
in this fast-paced environment.
Robo-advisors are designed to provide more per- 7.5. Security and privacy challenge
sonalized 24/7 service to a greater number of peo-
ple with low fees. However, the human element is In March 2016, the Consumer Financial Protection
still important in investment services. Providing a Bureau (CFPB) settled its first data security enforce-
personalized experience without a significant cost ment action against Dwolla, a Des Moines-based
increase is challenging, but critical for customer online payment processing company. The CFPB
acquisition and retention. As the clients from Gen- found the company’s representations to customers
erations X and Y are more tech-savvy, fintechs need about its cybersecurity misleading. Dwolla agreed
to better address customer needs by offering en- to pay a $100,000 penalty and take certain steps to
hanced accessibility, convenience, and tailored improve its data security practices for the next
products. It will be more important to have an 5 years as part of a consent order that the CFPB
integrated client service management due to the issued (Hayashi, 2016). Other government regula-
addition of fintech-based channels. tors that have been involved in privacy and security
action include the Securities and Exchange Commis-
7.3. Regulation challenge sion (SEC), the Department of Justice (DOJ), the
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA),
Both traditional financial institutions and fintech Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC),
startups face regulatory challenges in capital re- and state attorney generals.
quirements, anti-money laundering, and privacy For fintech applications, critical information may
and security. For traditional financial institutions, be stored on mobile devices that oftentimes get lost
the cost to meet regulatory requirements and com- or stolen. Security of mobile devices can also be
pete against fintech startups can be significant. compromised through payment applications such as
Traditional financial institutions and fintech start- Google Wallet and MasterCard PayPass. As consum-
ups face different regulatory requirements based ers can easily file complaints related to data secu-
on the type of financial services they provide. For rity and privacy breaches to regulatory agencies,
example, most banks operate on some form of fintech companies need to develop appropriate
fractional-reserve banking system. There are strict measures to protect sensitive consumer data from
and complex guidelines for what kind of lending can unauthorized access. Furthermore, as trust plays an
be done based on the capital held by a traditional important role in the adoption of new technologies,
financial institution that may not apply to a lending it is in the fintech’s best interest to maintain
fintech startup that does not technically lend (e.g., security and privacy as one of its top priorities. It
a P2P lending firm). As regulatory changes lag be- is expected that regulatory agencies, consumer

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Fintech: Ecosystem, business models, investment decisions, and challenges 45

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