Correlation of Aatcc Test Method 150 To Aatcc Test Method 61 For Use With Laundering Durability Studies of Retroreflective Items As Defined in Purchase Description Co/Pd-06-05A
Correlation of Aatcc Test Method 150 To Aatcc Test Method 61 For Use With Laundering Durability Studies of Retroreflective Items As Defined in Purchase Description Co/Pd-06-05A
Correlation of Aatcc Test Method 150 To Aatcc Test Method 61 For Use With Laundering Durability Studies of Retroreflective Items As Defined in Purchase Description Co/Pd-06-05A
Megan L. Hoey
Denise M. Tolliver
June 2017
Final Report
October 2014 – April 2016
This report contains laundering test data to the support the correlation between 5 laundering cycles of the America
Association of Textile Chemists & Colorists Test Method 61 “Colorfastness to Laundering, Home and Commercial:
Accelerated” to 25 laundering cycles of the America Association of Textile Chemists & Colorists Test Method 150
“Dimensional Change of Garments after Home Laundering”. The U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research, Development and
Engineering Center (NSRDEC) endorsed this work under the Warfighter Improved Combat Identification Development
project to explore the opportunity for reducing laundering test time and laundering test cost for the launderability testing
of the ¾ inch Identification of Friend or Foe (IFF) patch that is sewn to the uniform. Through several trials the
appropriate test parameters were identified to yield the same level of degradation, identified by visual examination, for
samples that underwent 5 laundering cycles of AATCC 61 and 25 cycles of AATCC 150.
U U U UU 40 19b. TELEPHONE NUMBER (include area code)
(508) 233-6421
Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98)
Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39.18
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Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables
Identification of Friend or Foe (IFF) is an important capability for the Solider in the field. One of the
current IFF capabilities utilized by Soldiers is a ¾ inch square retroreflective patch, two of which are
sewn to the Army Combat Uniform (ACU) Coat (one on each shoulder) and three of which are sewn to
the ACU Helmet Cover. The purchase description Patch and Brassard, Identification, Infrared
Retroreflective (CO/PD-06-05A) covers the requirements for identification patches and brassards made
of infrared (IR) retroreflective material for use with combat clothing, equipment, and vehicles. The IR
item of interest herein is the ¾ inch square patch, sewn on application (referred to in the purchase
description as Type 1). The purchase description requires evaluation of the surface characteristics, visual
appearance, and retroreflective performance of the ¾ inch square patch before and after 25 laundering
cycles as outlined in the America Association of Textile Chemists & Colorists (AATCC) Test Method 150
“Dimensional Changes of Garments after Home Laundering”. Performing 25 laundering cycles of a large
swatch of fabric on which 5 patches are sewn is both time consuming and costly. There are other
laundering test methods that utilize various techniques (e.g., smaller swatch sizes, more aggressive cycle
conditions) to simulate the exposure of multiple cycles within a single wash cycle. One such test method
is AATCC 61 “Colorfastness to Laundering, Home & Commercial: Accelerated”. Identifying a method by
which the number of wash cycles required is reduced while still gaining useful correlated information
about sample durability will save time as well as cost in the process of material and sample down
The study performed in this report was carried out in order to correlate the laundering test parameters
for AATCC 61 to AATCC 150 as a means to achieve the same degradation as 25 launderings in only 5
wash cycles. When researchers are evaluating new materials, they are required to assess the durability
via AATCC 150 per the purchase description to ensure the new material will at least match the
legacy/current material. When there are several samples to be evaluated, the time associated with 25
laundering cycles and the cost associated with a large swatch of fabric become cumbersome. Utilizing a
correlated AATCC 61 method would enable researchers to decrease run time by up to 80% and reduce
fabric waste from several square feet to a few square inches. This correlation allows the determination
of changes in the surface characteristics, visual appearance, and retroreflective performance of the
patches to be examined after five wash cycles; this will decrease both test run time and costs. This study
was designed and conducted from October 2014 to April 2016 by United States Army researchers,
working at the Natick Solider Research Development and Engineering Center (NSRDEC) in Natick,
Massachusetts under the internal funding of the Warfighter Improved Combat Identification
Development (WICID) effort.
The authors would like to thank several groups for their contributions to this report: the NSRDEC Fiber &
Textile Science Team members for their continued support, the NSRDEC Textile Material Evaluation
Team member Susan Gasset for providing her textile technology expertise and for executing all of the
developmental laundering tests, NSRDEC Personal Protective Equipment Team members for their
ongoing support, and the Navy Clothing Textile Research Facility, Defense Logistics Agency-Product Test
Center (DLA-PTC) and Precision Testing Laboratories for executing the finalized correlated testing
parameters in order to validate the findings from testing performed at Natick.
1.0 Introduction
Work for this report was performed from October 2014 to April 2016 by the Natick Soldier Research,
Development and Engineering Center (NSRDEC), with the goal of reducing test cost and run time for
durability standards of infrared retroreflective patches. This report focuses specifically on the laundering
and durability of the ¾ inch square Identification of Friend or Foe (IFF) retroreflective patch.
The purchase description CO/PD-06-05A Patch and Brassard, Identification, Infrared Retroreflective,
dated 10 November 2011, details a specific American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists
(AATCC) laundering test method to be used to evaluate the durability of such items. The current test
method, AATCC 150 Dimensional Change of Fabrics After Home Laundering, requires 25 laundering
cycles before evaluation of the item(s); this method is both timely and costly. The AATCC has an
accelerated laundering test method, AATCC 61, 2A Colorfastness to Laundering, Home and Commercial:
Accelerated (Machine Wash), which would reduce the required laundering cycles to five and thereby
reduce run time and costs associated with the durability testing. There are several parameters that can
be varied within AATCC 61 in order to achieve specific laundering conditions. These parameters were
explored by members of the Fiber and Textile Science Team (FTST) and Personal Protective Equipment
Team (PPET) of the NSRDEC. This report details the multitude of experimental laundering tests
performed in order to identify the AATCC 61 test method parameters which best correlate to the AATCC
150 home laundering test method. The importance of correlating the two methods is to ensure that the
same material durability information is being derived from the 5 laundering cycles as the 25 cycles. If the
results of the two methods do not match, then the accelerated method cannot replace AATCC 150.
AATCC 150 requires the ¾ inch square IFF patches be sewn to a large piece of fabric that then undergoes
25 wash cycles at specific temperatures. The changes seen in surface characteristics, visual appearance,
and retroreflective performance of the patches as a result of the 25 cycles of AATCC 150 were correlated
to 5 cycles of AATCC 61. It is important to ensure that the patches will maintain their structural integrity
and, in turn, their performance capability through the laundering process. If the patch degrades past its
threshold of operational effectiveness through the laundering cycle, it is of no use to the Soldier. The
examination of the visual appearance of the patch surface allows the identification of any delamination
that may have taken place during laundering. Delamination of the thin films that make up the patch will
cause the retroreflective performance to diminish below a level of operational effectiveness. This study
aims to identify the parameters required to assess patch durability after 5 cycles of AATCC 61 versus 25
cycles of AATCC 150. AATCC 61 offers various parameters/conditions that accelerate the results of
standard home laundering. AATCC 61 is performed using small 2 inch x 6 inch sample fabric swatches
that are then put in a steel canister along with steel or silicone pellets/balls and water. There are two
accepted canister sizes, the number of steel and or silicone pellets/balls can be varied, and the liquid
volume of the water specified. These parameters, as well as procedure temperature, were explored
extensively to identify the set of parameters that best represented the same changes seen in surface
characteristics, visual appearance, and retroreflective performance of the patches as a result of the 25
cycles of AATCC 150. The first task outlined in this report focuses on the current purchase description
laundering test method AATCC 150. It was important to establish strong baselines utilizing this method
before going on to any correlation steps. Several ¾ inch patches from two different suppliers went
through 25 laundering cycles under AATCC 150 conditions. The surface characteristics realized by visual
examination of these patches were used in the correlation of the samples produced in the second task.
The second task of this report focuses on the accelerated laundering parameters required to generate
correlated results of 25 home laundering cycles in just 5 accelerated laundering cycles. The accelerated
test method used in Task II was AATCC 61. Several laundering experiments were performed while
varying AATCC 61 testing parameters in order to replicate the same results as AATCC 150. In order to
change the purchase description laundering requirements from 25 cycles of AATCC 150 to 5 cycles of
AATCC 61, it is imperative that the ¾ inch patches exhibit the same level of degradation and durability
through both processes.
2.0 Task I – Testing, Home Laundering
2.1 Methodology
Task I employed two functions for home laundered Infrared (IR) patches. The first function subjected IR
patches to 25 cycles of home laundering. This was done in accordance with the specification
requirements outlined in the CO/PD-06-05A for the ¾-inch IR patches (referred to in the purchase
description and throughout this report as Type I patches). The patches were tested for determination of
changes in surface characteristics and visual appearance. Surface characteristics pertain to the
occurrence of scratches, marring, cracks, curling, melting, flaking, and/or crazing; visual appearance
pertains to ink or coating color changes or color loss. The second function established home laundered
IR patch baselines with respect to surface characteristics and visual appearance utilizing AATCC 150.
These baselines provided the foundation to rate IR patches laundered under home or other laundering
1/2-inch box
stitched to cloth
¾ inch panel or garment
¾ inch
Figure 3. Home laundering – Cloth panel with five IR patches (test specimens)
The specification requires a large woven cloth panel approximately 60 inches wide by 36 inches long
with a minimum cloth weight of 6 oz per square yard to simulate a typical military end item and provide
adequate agitation during the laundering and drying cycles. The specimens were box stitched to the
cloth panel without a cloth or webbing protective cover, which is normally present during laundering on
military end items in the field. This set-up replicated a worst case scenario when the IR patch is left
unprotected during operational use or laundering. When test specimens perform satisfactorily and
maintain integrity under worst case scenarios, then the product will perform well under normal
laundering conditions. Figure 4, shown below, illustrates the standard cloth protective cover that is
normally present.
A third set of home laundering tests were performed using low gloss, smooth surface specimens from
Infrared Tools. This company was selected to provide additional specimens because 100 ACU coats
received from theater and inspected at NSRDEC represented the low gloss, smooth surface IR patches
seen on military end-items rather than the honeycomb pattern observed on CeJay Engineering IR
Table 2. IR patch surface characteristics and visual appearance
Color Change – Ink or coating
Visual appearance
Color Loss – Ink or coating
The specification requirements are stated in absolute performance terms such as “shall not crack, melt,
lose color…” or “shall be no cracking, crazing or flaking of inks…”1. In addition, the specification does not
provide criteria for rating specimens or specimen lots that encountered minimal degradation of surface
characteristics and visual appearance after laundering.
For this NSRDEC study, surface/visual examinations were made after the following laundering cycles
(intervals): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, and 25. Observations were made at these intervals rather
than at the end of the 25th cycle, as indicated in the specification, to better record the occurrence of
any specimen changes (see Appendix B). Without a minimum, maximum, or range criteria for the
surface characteristics and visual appearance, as stated in Table 2, observations were noted when the
specimen changes occurred and the details of the change were recorded in comparison to the previous
At the specified home laundering intervals (Section 2.1.4) each test specimen was examined for the
determination of changes in surface characteristics and visual appearance (Table 2). Starting after the
first or second laundering cycle, some test specimens underwent some surface and/or visual changes
when compared to a new, unlaundered specimen (see Figure 5a and 5b). Common specimen changes
were bending or curling upwards to the stitch line on one or more corners. As the laundering
progressed to approximately 10 cycles, the corners bent slightly more and the infrared top coating lifted
from the base material on some corners (see Figure 5c). From 11 to 25 cycles, bent corners stabilized,
the infrared top coating lifted from the base material on more corners and from some straight edges up
to the stitch line, and light creasing occurred on the specimen center (see Figure 5d).
Purchase Description Patch and Brassard, Identification, Infrared Retroreflective (CO/PD-06-05A). 10
November 2011.
Figure 5. Home laundering: Surface characteristics and visual appearance from initial to 25 cycles. a)
Unlaundered; b) after 1 home laundering cycle; c) after 10 home laundering cycles; d) after 25 home
laundering cycles
After 25 home laundering cycles, no specimens from either manufacturer exhibited absolute
performance in terms of no degradation to surface characteristics and/or visual appearance. Changes
ranged from minimal to slightly noticeable. All specimens maintained a visual functional center area,
approximately ¼ square inches (161 square mm) within the stitching line.
Home laundering findings demonstrated three common specimen changes to the surface characteristics
and/or visual appearance: corners or edges curled/bent, infrared top coating lifted from the base
material on corners or edges, and light creases throughout the specimen. The derived recommended
baselines are listed in Table 3 and diagramed in Appendix C.
Table 3. IR patch, recommended surface characteristics and visual appearance baselines
3.0 Task II – Testing, Accelerated Laundering
3.1 Methodology
The goal of Task II was to fully explore accelerated laundering test methods as a replacement for home
laundering procedures cited in Purchase Description, Patch and Brassard, Identification, Infrared
Retroreflective, CO/PD-06-05A for Type I, square patch, sewn-on application. The development and
adoption of an accelerated laundering test method, when compared to specification home laundering
procedures, would potentially reduce laundering time by approximately 80% and lower laundering cost
nearly 75% when considering decrease in labor hours for sample preparation and testing as well as the
decrease in fabric required by approximately 97%. AATCC Test Method 61-2013, Colorfastness to
Laundering, Home & Commercial: Accelerated Test Method was used to develop accelerated laundering
procedures for IR patches.
IR Patch,
test specimen 4-inch
length as
specified by
Base cloth, test method
test component
Figure 6. Accelerated laundering test specimen preparation
3.1.3 Test Procedures
Six accelerated laundering trials were conducted by NSRDEC Textile Material Evaluation Team (TMET) to
establish procedures for IR patches (see Appendix D). This was done in order to determine correlation
between the accelerated laundering method with home laundering surface characteristics and visual
appearance test specimen baselines. The trials ranged from laundering test specimens using the same
test conditions outlined in Table I of AATCC Test Method 61-2013 to formulating test procedures, which
adjusted such factors as laundering temperature, liquid volume, and number of steel balls (which
provide mechanical agitation). Each succeeding trial based its test procedures on results from the
previous set of trials. For this study, surface/visual examinations were made prior to laundering (the
initial state) and after each accelerated cycle. As outlined in AATCC Test Method 61-2013, paragraph
2.1, each accelerated laundering cycle approximates five hand or home laundering cycles.
Table 5. Accelerated laundering – TMET Work Order Number 14412, Part 1
Laundering Test canister size Liquid volume Oven drying
Test Number of
temperature (mL) (mL) temperature
number steel balls
(°F ± °4) (°F)
A-140-100 140 1200 (Type 2) 150 100 140
A-140-50 140 1200 (Type 2) 150 50 140
A-140-25 140 1200 (Type 2) 150 25 140
A-140-10 140 1200 (Type 2) 150 10 140
11 TMET Work Order Number 14412, Part 4
TMET Work Order Number 14412, Part 4 trials were conducted to assess the effect of liquid volume. All
trials used a 2-inch by 6-inch base cloth test component and were laundered for 5 accelerated cycles,
which simulates 25 home laundering cycles. The test procedures are outlined in Table 8.
3.2 Results and Discussion
After each accelerated laundering trial, the test specimens were examined for surface characteristics
and visual appearance (shown previously in Table 2) plus visually compared to specimens laundered 25
times under home laundering conditions (see Section 2.2). The results from each accelerated laundering
trial determined if changes were required of subsequent trials in order to correlate with home
laundering results.
a) b) c)
Figure 7. TMET Work Order Number 14294, laundered test specimens after four cycles in accordance
with AATCC 61-2013. a) Test 1A; b) Test 2A; c) Test 3A
a) b) c) d) e)
Figure 8. TMET Work Order Number 14412, Part 1, test specimens after accelerated laundering cycles.
a) one cycle; b) two cycles; c) three cycles; d) four cycles; e) five cycles
Observations after the first laundering cycle noted slightly more variation in surface characteristics and
visual appearance than what had been detected during TMET Work Order Number 14412, Part 1. By the
third laundering cycle, test specimens exhibited surface characteristics and visual appearances that were
normally seen after five accelerated laundering cycles (see Figures 9a-9c). A few test specimens had the
black infrared translucent ink and top coating layers delaminated from the base material along the
edges up to the stitching line. As laundering progressed through the fourth and fifth cycles, several test
specimens exhibited catastrophic deterioration with up to 50% exposure of the base material (see
Figures 9d-9i). Due to the number of unacceptable test specimens after five laundering cycles, the third
trial objective, measure RA after laundering, was cancelled.
a) b) c)
e) f)
h) i)
Figure 9. TMET Work Order Number 14412, Part 2, test specimens after three, four, and five
accelerated laundering cycles. A) three cycles, Specimen #21; b) three cycles, Specimen #22; c) three
cycles, Specimen #24; d) four cycles, Specimen #26; e) four cycles, Specimen #28, f) four cycles,
Specimen #30; g) five cycles, Specimen #26; five cycles, Specimen #28; i) five cycles, Specimen #30
After one laundering cycle, test specimens in TMET ID groups A through C had the black infrared
translucent ink and top coating layers delaminated from the base material along the edges up to the
stitching line; groups D thru G maintained test specimen integrity with respect to surface characteristics
and visual appearance. Observations after the second laundering cycles noted that test specimens in
TMET ID groups A thru C continued to deteriorate to the point some specimens were removed from the
trials due to excessive exposure of the base material. Test specimens in groups D, E, and F maintained
performance, while test specimens in group G had peeling of the black infrared translucent ink and top
coating layers from the base material on one or more corners or on the edges up to the stitching line.
After the third laundering cycle, test specimen performance fell into one of three categories: continued
deterioration, groups A thru C (see Figure 10); maintained integrity, groups D and E (see Figure 11); and
minor edge peel with loss of surface luster, groups F and G (see Figure 12). The same performance
categories were observed after laundering cycles 4 and 5 with degradation of the test specimens
continuing at a minor rate.
a) b) c)
Figure 10. TMET Work Order Number 14412, Part 3, test specimen deterioration, three accelerated
laundering cycles of Groups A, B, and C. a) Group A specimen after three accelerated laundering cycles;
b) Group B specimen after three accelerated laundering cycles; c) Group C specimen after three
accelerated laundering cycles
a) b)
c) d)
Figure 11. TMET Work Order 14412, Part 3, test specimens maintained integrity, three accelerated
laundering cycles of Groups D and E. a) Specimen D1 after three accelerated laundering cycles; b)
Specimen D2 after three accelerated laundering cycles; c) Specimen E1 after three accelerated
laundering cycles; d) Specimen E2 after three accelerated laundering cycles
Figure 12. TMET Work Order Number 14412, Part 3, test specimens peeling to stitch line and loss of
surface luster, three accelerated laundering cycles of Groups F and G. a) Specimen F1 after three
accelerated laundering cycles; b) Specimen F2 after three accelerated laundering cycles; c) Specimen G1
after three accelerated laundering cycles; d) Specimen G2 after three accelerated laundering cycles
Close examination of specimens from TMET ID groups D, E, F, and G disclosed that only three test
parameters were varied: laundering temperature (120 °F or 140 °F), liquid volume (50 mL or 150 mL),
and number of steel balls (50 or 100). Test specimens in groups D and E were laundered at the higher
temperature (140 °F), maintained a constant liquid volume of 50 mL, and varied the number of steel
balls by either 50 or 100. In contrast, specimens in groups F and G used the lower laundering
temperature (120 °F), retained a higher liquid volume (150 mL), and varied the number of steel balls by
either 100 or 50. The core test parameters separating groups D and E from F and G were laundering
temperature and liquid volume. At the higher laundering temperature and lower liquid volume, the test
specimens maintained the initial surface luster, which was also observed on 25 cycle home laundered
test specimens. In comparison, at the lower laundering temperature and higher liquid volume, the test
specimen surface became dull with a matte haze. Through examination of test parameters, the liquid
volume affected test specimen surface performance. The higher liquid volume created more agitation
on the test specimen, thus forming surface modulations from low luster/matte hazing to a “sanded”
a) b)
c) d)
e) f)
Figure 13. TMET Work Order Number 14412, Part 4, test specimens after one, three, and five
accelerated laundering cycles. a) one cycle, specimen “A1”; b) one cycle, specimen “A2”; c) three cycles,
specimen “A1”; d) three cycles, specimen “A2”; e) five cycles, specimen “A1”; f) five cycles, specimen
Figure 14. TMET Work Order Number 14412, Part 5, test specimens after five accelerated laundering
cycles. a) specimen “A1-Group 2”; b) Specimen “A2-Group 2”
When the test specimen preparation requirements (Section 3.1.2) are combined with the Table 11 test
procedures, accelerated laundering procedures are defined for IR patches.
Table 11. Accelerated laundering: final procedures for IR patches
Base cloth Percent
test Test powder Number
Test Laundering Liquid Number of Oven drying
component Specimen detergent of
canister temperature volume laundering temperature
size location, of total steel
size (mL) (°F ± °4) (mL) cycles (°F)
(inches) upper third volume balls
2x6 120 50 0.15 50 5 120
(Type 2)
Figure 15. TMET Work Order Number 14412, Part 6, specimens after five accelerated laundering cycles.
Top row, left to right: specimens 2, 4, 5, 7, and 8; bottom row, left to right: specimens 11, 12, 13, 14, and
4.0 Conclusions and Recommendations
This study performed two tasks, as follows: (1) established a physical specimen baseline for surface
characteristic and visual appearance of IR patches after exposure to 25 cycles of home laundering; and
(2) developed accelerated laundering test procedures for IR patches. Home laundering was conducted
in accordance with CO/PD-06-05A, which used AATCC Test Method 150 and produced test specimens
with surface characteristics and visual appearance listed in Table 3 and diagramed in Appendix C. These
test specimens exhibited tolerances with respect to base material exposure, creasing/bending without
surface breakage, and edge curling in contrast to absolute surface/visual performance requirements
stated in the purchase description. The resulting test specimen performance in the areas of surface
characteristics and visual appearance established a baseline for 25 cycles of home laundered IR patches.
Once the study established a home laundering baseline for analysis of test specimens, trials were
executed in accordance with AATCC Test Method 61-2013, or variations of it, to develop a five cycle
accelerated laundering procedure for IR patches in order to reduce laundering time by approximately
80% and lower laundering cost nearly 75%. Test specimen preparation requirements (Section 3.1.2, and
Table 11 under TMET Work Order Number 14412, Part 5) established accelerated laundering procedures
that produced test specimens which had surface characteristics and visual appearance similar to the
home laundering baseline.
The accelerated laundering procedures for IR patches can be defined by three modifications of AATCC
Test Method 61-2013, which includes an elimination of some specimen preparation procedures,
reduction of liquid volume from 150 mL to 50 mL, and a decrease in the maximum oven drying
temperature from 160 °F to 120 °F. These recommended parameters, as also outlined in Table 11, were
validated by several other entities. Base cloth swatches with the sewn-on test specimens that were
provided to Precision Testing Laboratories, the Navy Clothing and Textile Research Facility (NCTRF) and
the Defense Logistics Agency Product Test Center (DLA-PTC). These three entities laundered the samples
according to AATCC Test Method 61-2013, Table I, Test Number 2A procedures except the total liquid
volume was set at 50 mL instead of 150 mL (Table 11) and visual examination of the samples matched
the samples from the TMET laundering tests.
When approval is granted from Product Manager Soldier, Clothing and Individual Equipment (PdM SCIE),
IR patch end-item developer and Defense Logistics Agency, Troop Support, specification manager,
technical data changes are recommended for CO/PD-06-05A to incorporate accelerated laundering
procedures described in Table 11 and detailed in Appendix F.
Appendix A
Home Laundering
Laundering Procedures from Purchase Description, Patch and Brassard, Identification, Infrared
Retroreflective, CO/PD-06-05A, dated 10 November 2011:
4.6.3 After launderability (Type I only). Measure the initial coefficient of retroreflection on five (5)
test specimens at the perpendicular orientation as specified in 4.6.1. The laundered specimens shall be
prepared in accordance with and laundered in accordance with After laundering, re-
measure the coefficient of retroreflection for each of the test specimens. If any test specimen fails to
retain a minimum of 50 percent of its initial coefficient of retroreflection requirements for home
laundering, the sample unit shall be considered a failure. Laundry specimen preparation (Type I only). Five (5) Type I specimens shall be stitched
to a cloth prior to laundering Cloth and stitching requirements are listed in Table VII.
Cloth, weight, oz/sq. yd (min) 6.0
Cloth, dimensions, sq. inches Approximately 2160
Specimen placement Randomly placed on cloth with a 3-inch
minimum from edge
Stitching Box stitch, 8 (± 1) stitches per inch, standard
301 lockstitch, seam type SSau-4 Laundering (Type I only). Type I specimens shall be laundered 25 cycles in accordance with
AATCC Test Method 150 using AATCC 1993 Standard Reference Detergent WOB (without optical
brightener). Wash, permanent press cycle, 140°F and rinse 80°F, 10 minutes agitation time using 66
grams AATCC detergent without bleach, dry permanent cycle for 40-45 minutes.
4.6.4 Sewability (Type I only). The basic material shall be capable of being sewn per ASTM D 6193
with a standard lockstitch 301 per seam type SSau-4 (boxstitch).
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Appendix B
Home Laundering Observations
Table B-2. CeJay Engineering Test Specimens
Table B-3. Infrared Tools Coefficient of Retroreflection (RA) Test Specimens
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Appendix C
Home Laundering – Surface Characteristics Baseline
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Appendix D
IR Patch – Accelerated Laundering Sequence
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Appendix E
Table I – Test Conditions of AATCC Test Method 61-2013
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Appendix F
Proposed Changes to AATCC Test Method 61