Thyristor Homework
Thyristor Homework
Thyristor Homework
Mechanical Engineering
Topic: Thyristor
Group: I4-GIM2(Mechanic)
Student: ID:
1. BUNLEANG Bunly e20160022
2. CHEAM Pochhoung e20160059
3. CHHUM Rotheanith e20160091
4. CHROEUN Sokay e20160112
5. CHUOT Khavy e20160115
6. EM Socheat e20160133
7. ITH Sovanrith e20160214
8. LAY Lyhour e20160310
9. LY Limhorn e20160359
10. MORM Setheavechea e20160410
11. NY Sengthay e20160449
12. PHENG Menghour e20160492
13. RITH Chhenglai e20160541
Academic Year
2019 - 2020
Topic: Thyristor
I. Device description:
Thyristors are a class of semiconductor devices characterized by 4-layers of alternating P and
N material. Four-layer devices act as either open or closed switches; for this reason, they are most
frequently used in control applications.
a. 4-layer diode: The 4-layer diode (or Shockley diode) is a type of thyristor that acts something like
an ordinary diode but conducts in the forward direction only after a certain anode to cathode voltage
called the forward-breakover voltage is reached.
b. SCR (Sillicon-Control Rectifier): The SCR is the most widely used thyristor. It can switch very
large currents on and off. The SCR had its roots in the 4-layer diode. By adding a gate connection, the
SCR could be triggered into conduction.
c. Diac: The diac is a thyristor that acts like two back-to-back 4layer diodes. It can conduct current in
either direction. Because it is bidirectional, the terminals are equivalent and labeled A1 and A2.
d. Triac: Basically, a Triac can be thought as two SCRs connected in parallel and in opposite directions
with a common gate terminal. Unlike the SCR, the triac can conduct current in either direction when
it is triggered on, depending on the polarity of the voltage across its A1 and A2 terminals.
II. Operation:
A thyristor is a special type of diode that only allows current to flow when a control
voltage is applied to its gate terminal. Although this appears to be nothing more than a voltage
controlled switch the following should be noted: In the presence of forward current it will not
turn off even after the gate voltage has been removed. The thyristor will only turn off when the
forward current drops to zero. In a DC (Direct current) circuit this makes the device almost useless
except in certain particular safety (crowbar) protection applications.
By suitable timing control of the gate voltage a crude power controller can be
designed to, for example, control the heating level of a simple resistive heater.
III. Application:
The main application of thyristors is to control high power circuits. They find applications
in power supplies for digital circuits. AC & DC motor speed controllers consist of thyristors. Thyristor
is used in various applications such as: light dimmers, variable speed motor driver, AC motor light,
welding machines etc. Moreover, it is used in controlling high power electrical application. Some
thyristors are used in fault current limiter and circuit breaker. Fast switching speed and low conduction
is possible in ETO thyristor. Thyristor are also used as light dimmers in television and movie theatres.
Specially, they are used in photography for flashes, in burglar alarms. in electric fan speed control and
in car ignition switches.
Thyristor can be used as the control elements for phase angle triggered controllers, also
known as phase fires controllers.
IV. Advantages and disadvantages:
1. Advantages:
- Take less time to operate
- Thyristor need less power
- Thyristor can be applied a large switching frequency
- Easy to obtain the transfer function
- Thyristor switches can be applied into robot operations
- Due to less space requirement, the design process is really easy
- Can be used as an oscillator in digital circuits
- Can be connected in parallel and in series to provide electronic control at high power
- It can be used as a protection device like a fuse in power line
- Low cost
2. Disadvantages:
- Not suitable for high power
- In AC circuit, thyristor need to be turned on each cycle
- SCR takes time to turn on and off, this causes delaying or damaging in the load
- Cannot be used for higher frequencies
- Not much use in DC circuit, as the Thyristor cannot be cutoff just by removing the gate
- Low efficiency
- Reverse blocking capability of voltage is less than forward blocking capability
V. Formulation:
1-Phase Thyristor Converter Waveforms:
1 T
P = Id [T ∫0 vd dt] = Id Vd = 0.9Vs Id cos α
Average Power
- electronic devices. 9th edition Thomas L. Hloyd