by Masimba Musodza
The Rastafarian movement, from its inception, has always challenged the
established (i.e. Western) interpretation of the Bible without necessarily
rejecting the Bible itself, a point that has been noted but not understood
by critics and analysts. However, in searching for alternatives to this
established interpretation, or in trying to counter accusations that
Rastafari is no more than a poor copy of the very same Judaeo-Christian
traditions it denounces, or because of a dearth of Rastafarian scholarship,
many Rastafarians are now also beginning to articulate this Hyksos
"The semitic-aryan-hyksos felt yet another set back when they were defeated
and expelled from Jerusalem by Nebuchanezzer's army. That expulsion
signalled the formation of Zionism. Unable to regain the land by military force,
the hyksos sought out to sell their fraudulent survival story in an all-out effort
to gain foreign support in their NEW claim of a Palestinian region of the Sinai
Peninsula territory that they had NEVER claimed before. Reason being, their
ambition was always to re-enter Kemet. The semitic aryan-hyksos (israelites)
then, without merit or justification designated the territory that they had
previously occupied in the Sinai Peninsula theirs. Re-naming it "Juda" And it
was that lie that ultimately laid the foundation for Judaism. From "outside" the
territory of Juda, the hyksos classified themselves as "the hebraic tribe of
Judah. Now they (Semitic Aryan Hyksos) were set. A "new" identity:
Hebrews/Hebrew Israelites/Jews. Their fraudulent survival story was called
"the torah or pentateuch" or 1st five books of the bible: genesis, exodus,
leviticus, numbers and deuteronomy. If you define the term "torah" down its
"root" meaning, you will find that it is DEFINITE Kemetic originated.
Torah=hebrew-"harah" which carries the root Ya Ra(h)Kemetic
Ya="instruction"/ Kemetic Ra="sun". Therefore Torah actually means: Kemetic
instruction from the Sun God. In fact, the biblical term "genesis" means the
Genealogy of Isis. The Jews, proclaiming to be "children of God" when the truth
is, they are the actual SEMITIC ARYAN-HYKSOS whose lineage, origin, and
legacy begins and ends with CRIMINALITY, BARBARISM, and DECEIT."
So writes one Jah Wise Equality on his Rebelution blog. He also proudly
displays the Lion of Judah flag on his profile. He doesn't state where he
got the meanings of those words he cites, or if he is actually conversant
in any language other than English. Nor does he bother to explain how he
concluded that the Hyksos were Semitic and Aryan at the same time,
when the two peoples are different. In fact, advocates of Aryan identity
and supremacy also advocate hatred for Semitic people.
Who are these Hyksos? They were a people who invaded Egypt from the
Middle-East in the 17 Century B.C.E, and created what is now called the
Fifteenth and-according to some scholars-the Sixteenth Dynasty. The
Egyptians called them Heka Khawaset-Foreign Rulers. They were a
warlike nation, introducing in to Egypt the chariot. Their reign overlaps
that of the indigenous Pharaohs, who retained control of upper Egypt and
were based at Thebes until Pharaoh Khamose was able to overthrow the
Hyksos and claim all Egypt. The Hyksos were driven out. According to
historian Manetho, they went on to build the city of Jerusalem. It is from
this account that the theory that the Hyksos were in fact the Israelites is
founded. What has kept it alive however is not corroborating historical
sources, but the subsequent history of the Jewish people's relations with
other nations. In other words;antisemitism.
"Furthermore, the purpose of these lists was to cover the walls of a sacred
room in which the reigning Pharaoh (or other worshiper, as in the case of Tenry
and his Saqqara list) made offerings or prayers to his or her predecessors,
imagined as ancestors. Each royal house had a particular traditional list of
these "ancestors," different from that of the other houses. The purpose of these
lists is not historical but religious. It is not that they are trying and failing to
give a complete list. They are not trying at all. Seti and Ramesses did not wish
to make offerings to Akhenaten, Tutankhamen or Hatshepsut, and that is why
they are omitted, not because their existence was unknown or deliberately
ignored in a broader historical sense. For this reason, the Pharaonic king-lists
were generally wrong for Manetho's purposes, and we should commend
Manetho for not basing his account on them" Verbrugghe and Wickersham,
quoted on Wikipedia.
Breasted, Rohl and even Isaac Newton are among the scholars who have
questioned the accuracy of Manetho's Kings-list.
If, as I assert, the narrative of the Exodus in the Bible is fact, then we
should be able to find corroborative evidence in Egypt's history.
Furthermore, as we all agree with other sources that the Hyksos did in
fact invade Egypt, then the Bible must mention them if the argument in
its favour is to hold water.
The Admonitions of Ipuwer or The Dialogue of Ipuwer and the Lord of All,
a manuscript dated to the Middle Kingdom (the time of the Hyksos) has
been held up as such corroborative evidence. It is a lament of a series of
cataclysmic events that have, at the time it was written, wracked Egypt
leading to a collapse of all law and order. The following are some
interesting quotes from current translations of the papyrus.
Indeed, the river is blood, yet men drink of it. Men shrink from human beings
and thirst after water. Forsooth, that has perished which was yesterday seen.
The land is left over to its weariness like the cutting of flax. Forsooth, the
children of princes are dashed against the walls. What they make are tents, just
like the desert folk. Destroyed is the doing of that for which men are sent by
retainers in the service of their masters; they have no readiness.
Now when his Majesty of Ra-Harmachis fought with the evil-doers in this pool,
the Place of the Whirlpool, the evil-doers prevailed not over his Majesty. His
Majesty leapt into the so-called Place of the Whirlpool.
If these Egyptian sources support the Exodus story that the Israelites left
amidst chaos and upheaval, can we find the Hyksos in the Bible? We can.
As the Israelites entered Palestine, they did in fact encounter a people
they called the Amalekites. Nowadays, we tend to think of the Biblical
Amalekites as a band of marauding tribesmen, but the Israelites were
certainly afraid of them enough to prefer wandering for 40 years in the
Wilderness before they could claim Palestine. In later books, such as I
Samuel 15:5, we find references to a "city of the Amalekites". No,
contrary to popular perception, the Amalekites were a huge nation, large
enough to invade Egypt, which was a super power of its day.
According to the Bible, the Amalekites had a King named Agog. Later,
during the time of Saul, their king is also called Agog. The Egyptian
records speak of an Apop I and II, the latter being the last of the Hyksos
Pharaohs. The possibility of a spelling error on the part of the Hebrews is
likely; the characters for g and p in older texts are similar.
The Israelites were aware of the oppression of the Egyptians under the
Hyksos. Attention is drawn to the original Hebrew of Psalm 78:49. In the
preceding verses, an account of the Plagues is given, then we have:
He cast upon them the fierceness of his anger, wrath and indignation, and
trouble, by sending evil angels among them.
Wouldn't this then paint a more accurate picture of history? The anti-
semitic pseudo-historians masquerading as "Rastafari" on the internet
would rather propose a wild theory, and grope for evidence to support it.
Their search sees them scouring the pages of pseudohistorians,
cryptozoologists and ...White Supremacists. As Rastafari, is this how we
are to approach any subject in our quest for knowledge? Is this what we
are to teach our children?