Indium5.5LT Solder Paste: Product Data Sheet
Indium5.5LT Solder Paste: Product Data Sheet
Indium5.5LT Solder Paste: Product Data Sheet
All information is for reference only. Not to be used as incoming product specifications.
Form No. 98434 R7
Printing Reflow
Stencil Design: Recommended Profile:
Electroformed and laser cut/electropolished stencils
produce the best printing characteristics among stencil
types. Stencil aperture design is a crucial step in
optimizing the print process. The following are a few MP
general recommendations:
• Discrete components — A 10-20% reduction in stencil
aperture area may significantly reduce or eliminate
the occurrence of mid-chip solder beads. The “home
plate” design is a common method for achieving this
• Fine pitch components — A surface area reduction is
recommended for apertures of 20 mil pitch and finer.
This reduction will help minimize solder balling and
bridging that can lead to electrical shorts. The amount This profile is designed for use with Indalloy #281 and can
of reduction necessary is process dependent (5-15% serve as a general guideline in establishing a reflow profile
is common). for use with other alloys. Adjustments to this profile may be
• A minimum aspect ratio of 1.5 is suggested for necessary based on specific process requirements.
adequate release of solder paste from stencil
apertures. The aspect ratio is defined as the width of Heating Stage:
the aperture divided by the thickness of the stencil. A linear ramp rate of 0.5°-1°C/second allows gradual
evaporation of volatile flux constituents and prevents
Printer Operation: defects such as solder balling/beading and bridging
as a result of hot slump. It also prevents unnecessary
The following are general recommendations for stencil depletion of fluxing capacity when using higher
printer optimization. Adjustments may be necessary based temperature alloys.
on specific process requirements:
• Solder Paste Bead Size: 20-25mm diameter Liquidus Stage:
• Print Speed: 25-100mm/sec A peak temperature of 25°-45°C (175°C shown) above the
• Squeegee Pressure: 0.018-0.027kg/mm of melting point of the solder alloy is needed to form a quality
blade length solder joint and achieve acceptable wetting due to the
• Underside Stencil Wipe: Once every 10-25 prints formation of an intermetallic layer.
• Solder Paste Stencil Life: >8 hrs. @ 30-60% R.H. &
22-28°C Cooling Stage:
A rapid cool down of <4°C/second is desired to form a fine
Cleaning grain structure in the solder joint. Slow cooling will form
Indium5.5LT is designed for no-clean applications, a large grain structure, which typically exhibit poor fatigue
however the flux can be removed if necessary by using a resistance. If excessive cooling (>4°C/second) is used, both
commercially available flux residue remover. the components and the solder joint can be stressed due to
Stencil Cleaning: This is best-performed using an a high CTE mismatch.
automated stencil cleaning system for both stencil and
misprint cleaning to prevent extraneous solder balls.
Most commercially available stencil cleaning formulations
including isopropyl alcohol (IPA) work well.
Compatible Products
• Rework Flux: TACFlux 055
This product data sheet is provided for general information only. It is not intended, described which are sold subject exclusively to written warranties and limitations
and shall not be construed, to warrant or guarantee the performance of the products thereon included in product packaging and invoices.