Solomon Blended Fertilizer NPS, 2019
Solomon Blended Fertilizer NPS, 2019
Solomon Blended Fertilizer NPS, 2019
Potato is the fourth most important crop and consumed all around the world and is one of the main
favorite vegetable in Ethiopia. However, the national productivity is very low as compared to the
potential of the crop. One of the main reason for low productivity is low soil fertility. Hence, a field
experiment was conducted from 2016-2018 with 9 combination of nitrogen, phosphorous and sulfur
fertilizers arranged in randomized complete block design with three replications to assess response of
potato to these rates. The application 110-19.74-50.8 kg∙ha N2/S2 /P2O5 fertilizer delayed days to
flowering and maturity by 8 and 11 days at Darark and 10 and 14 days at Dabat. However, it increased
plant height and number of stems per plant, which may positively contribute to increased
photosynthetic area. The application of these fertilizers advanced marketable tuber yield by 153% and
the total tuber yield by 86.6% relative to unfertilized plants. Furthermore, the partial budget analysis
data showed that the highest net benefit and marginal rate of return (4453.6%) was obtained from 110-
19.74-50.8 kg ha . Therefore, the current study results is indicative that potato can grow well and
provide better yield at Dabat, Dabark and similar agro ecology by using 110-19.74-50.8 kg ha N2/S2
/P2O5, respectively.
Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is the fourth most through time and has contributed greatly for millions of
economically important crop globally and the first among Ethiopians. Hence, it is among the major crops of
root and tuber crops (FAO, 2016). It is among high Ethiopia. North Gondar is one of the major potato
yielder crops in short duration of time (mostly < 120 days) production zones in north-western part of Ethiopia
and nutritionally; it is source of energy, minerals, vitamins (Gebremedhin et al., 2001; Adane et al., 2010).
and dietary fiber (Mulatu et al., 2005; Lutaladio and Though Ethiopia has a favorable climate for potato
Castaldi, 2009). Potato was introduced to Ethiopia in production, national productivity (13.45 t/ha) is very low
1859 by the German botanist Schimper (Gebremedhin et (CSA, 2016). Among the limiting factor, low soil fertility is
al., 2008). Its production has increased considerably a detriment to sustained agricultural production and
Author(s) agree that this article remain permanently open access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License 4.0 International License
Fantaw et al. 55
productivity in Ethiopia (Tamirie, 1989). The average 2005). Sulfur deficient plants had poor utilization of
nutrient depletion in highlands of Ethiopia, like the nitrogen, phosphorus and potash (Nasreen et al., 2003).
present research area, much more than the lowlands In the study area, farmers utilized inorganic fertilizers
(Henao and Baanante, 1999). This is due to the reasons for increasing potato yields like Urea as a source of
that the area receives high rainfall, creates high runoff nitrogen and Di-ammonium phosphate (DAP) as a source
and high soil erosion, fixation of phosphorus and leaching phosphorous since these are the only fertilizers
in respect of nitrogen and potassium. Also poor culture of commercially available in the local market. Currently, the
the farmer for nutrient replacement through application of Ethiopian government introduce blended fertilizer for the
micro and macro nutrient, absence of nutrient study and similar agro ecology which has sulfur, nitrogen
recommendation specifically for those areas considering and phosphorous. However, there was no appropriate
the soil and the agroecology are another challenge. fertilizer rate recommendation for potato crop in the study
Potato has shallow and inefficient rooting system area. Therefore, the study was undertaken to assess
(Munoz et al., 2005) and crops absorbs huge amount of responses of potato to Nitrogen, Phosphorous and sulfur
nutrients from soil per season (Trehan et al., 2005). fertilizers combination and identify economically feasible
Fertility status of soil, type, amount and time of fertilizer fertilizer rate for potato production in the rainy season.
application has great influence on yield and quality of
potato production (Westermann, 2005). Nitrogen,
phosphorus, potassium and sulfur are among the MATERIALS AND METHODS
elements that are essential for potato production.
This study was conducted at Dabat and Dabark District of North
Nitrogen is an integral component of many compounds Gondar Administrative Zone during 2016-2018 main cropping
such as chlorophyll, nucleotides, alkaloids, enzymes, seasons. Belete (CIP-393371.58) potato variety, obtained from
hormones and vitamins and these are essential for plant Holeta Agricultural Research Center, Holeta, Ethiopia, with a
growth processes (Brady and Weil, 2008). Nitrogen is a medium tuber diameter of 40-45 mm were planted on flat land at
valuable nutrient for plants and plays an important role in the beginning of the main rainy season (June). The study area has
tuber size development but overdose of nitrogen lowers a clay loom soil which was plowed 3 times using Oxen.
A total of nine treatment combinations of nitrogen sulfur and
the tuber dry matter (Zelalem et al., 2009). Adequate phosphorous (Table 1) were arranged in randomized complete
amount of nitrogen has a positive impact on quality and block design with three replications. Prior to planting, representative
yield of potatoes. Likewise phosphorus influences plant soil samples were taken using an auger from the top 0-30 cm and
metabolism through its role in cellular energy transfer, combined into a composite sample. Samples were analyzed in the
respiration and photosynthesis (Grant et al., 2001). The laboratory using the standard procedure for each of soil pH, organic
carbon, total N, available phosphorus, cation exchange capacity
application of appropriate rate of phosphorus fertilizer
(CEC) (Table 2).
increases the tuber yield of potato, however the response Sprouted tubers in the diffused light store (DLS) were planted by
will be negative if applied beyond the optimum rate hand in rows 75 cm apart and with 30 cm between plants within
(Sharma and Arora, 1987). rows, each experimental plot was 9 m2 in size. Blocks were
Sulfur is one of 16 essential nutrient elements and separated by 1.5 m. All of the phosphorus and sulfur, half the
fourth major nutrient after NPK, required by plants for nitrogen was applied at planting and the remaining nitrogen applied
at 45 days after planting. Urea (46%N), blended fertilizer (39%N2,
proper growth and yield as it is known to take part in 18% P2O5, 7% S2) and triple super phosphate TSP (46% P 205)
many reactions in all living cells (Sud and Sharma, 2002). fertilizers were used as sources of nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorus.
According to Klikocka (2004), the content of sulfur in There were 4 rows/plot for each treatment. Data were collected
potato tubers is on average between 0.7-2.0 g kg and its from the middle 2 rows; the outermost rows and terminal plants
-1 were borders. Earthening up and weeding were each carried out 3
uptake ranges from 18 to 40 kg ha . Sulfur enhances
starch synthesis in tubers and it is a component of times by hand during the growing period.
Data were collected on phenological and growth parameters
proteins and many enzymes (Lalitha et al., 2002). It such as days to 50% flowering and maturity, plant heights, number
increases the resistance of this cultivar of potato to of stem per plant and yield parameters like total tuber number,
environmental stress and plays an important role in marketable and unmarketable tuber number, marketable,
protecting the plants from pests and diseases (Klikocka, unmarketable and total tuber yields (t ha-1) and average total tuber
56 J. Hortic. For.
Table 2. Chemical properties of the soil of experimental sites taken before planting.
weight. Data were checked for constant variance and normality and kg ha P2O5 fertilizer gave the maximum plant height,
over year combined data were subjected to analysis of variance 70.16 and 64.2 cm while the shortest (47.83 and 42.73
using SAS Version 9.2 statistical software (SAS, 2008). Treatment
means were compared using LSD value at 5% significant level.
cm) was found from untreated plant, respectively. Here,
Partial budget analysis was employed for economic analysis of the fertilizer application resulted in a difference of 22.3
fertilizer application using a technique described by CIMMYT and 21.4cm height respectively as compared to the
(1988). It was carried out for combined tuber yield data. The untreated potato (Table 3). It is true also for the overall
marketable tuber yield data was adjusted by bringing down 10% to combined result that revealed 48.3% height increment as
minimize plot management effect by the research or to reflect the compared to untreated plants. The probable reason for
actual farm level performance. To estimate the total costs, mean
market prices of Urea and NPS, DAP, Cost of fertilizer
increment in plant height might be due to more uptake of
transportation and labor for application of fertilizer were taken from N2 during growth period resulting in increase in cell size,
market assessment at the time of planting and market price of elongation and enhancement of cell division which
potato tubers was taken after harvest. ultimately increase the plant growth. The result goes in
line with those of Zelalem et al. (2009) who had reported
significant height difference (10.5 to 24 cm) and resulted
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION from application of NITROGEN and phosphorous
fertilizer. Results of the present experiment are in
Phenological and growth parameters agreement with the finding of Sharma et al. (2014) who
had reported that plant height increased with increasing
The results of analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that
fertilizer levels of nitrogen and phosphorus. Also, Mojtaba
NSP fertilizers influenced the days to 50% flowering and
et al. (2013) reported a significant and 23.82% plant
maturity. The application of 110-19.74-50.8N2/S2/P2O5
height increment due to increasing the level of nitrogen
kg/ha at Dabark site delayed days to flowering and -1
rate 0 to 150 kg-ha .
maturity by 8 and 11 day, respectively as compared to
The number of stem per plant was significantly affected
unfertilized treatment (Table 3). A similar fertilizer rate
by the application of fertilizers (Table 3). The highest
when used at Dabat, delayed flowering and maturity by
number of stems were recorded from application of 110-
10 and 14 days respectively. Over all combined result of -1
19.74-50.8 N2/S2/P2O5 kg ha and 110 kg N2/ha with 90
both location and year revealed that application of the
kg/ha P2O5 at Dabark and Dabat, respectively whereas
same treatment prolonged the flowering and maturity
the lowest number of stems were from untreated plants.
period by 9 and 12 days respectively as compared to
The result of overall combined data showed that an
none treated one followed by application of 110kg/ha N2
application of 110 kg N2 with 90 kg/ha P2O5 resulted in
with 90 P2O5 kg/ha. This is due to the fact that, increased
the maximum number of stems followed by 110-19.74-
concentration of nitrogen fertilizer can increase the -1
50.8 N2/S2/P2O5 kg ha . This might be due to the fact that
nitrogen uptake and this increase contributes to have
fertilization application encouraged more number of
excessive haulm development for staying longer duration
independent stems. According to Jamaati-e-Somarin et
(Mulubrhan, 2004). Such research findings were reported
al. (2009) increasing nitrogen level up to 110 kg/ha
previously by Zelalem et al. (2009) where the application
increased the stem number; however further increases
of phosphorous and nitrogen fertilizer significantly
nitrogen fertilizer level did not affect it any more. Singh et
delayed days to 50% flowering and maturity. Similarly,
al. (2016) and Melkamu and Minwyelet (2018) reported
Israel et al. (2012) and Melkamu and Minwyelet (2018)
that nitrogen with sulfur fertilizer resulted in a significant
reported that application of nitrogen, phosphorous and
and maximum number of stem per plant.
sulfur fertilizer showed significant effect on prolonging of
time of flowering and maturity.
Plant height was significantly influenced by the NPS effects on yield components
application of fertilizers (Table 3). The two years
combined analysis of the experiment in Dabark and Number of marketable, unmarketable tubers and total
Dabat areas showed that application of 110 kg N2 with 90 number of tubers were influenced significantly by the
Fantaw et al. 57
application of different level and type of fertilizer increased the number of marketable tuber by from 0 - 60 kg P2O5 ha increases marketable
(Table 4). The two years combined analysis of the 127%. The maximum total number of tubers/plant tuber number by 56.36 and 19.2% respectively as
experiment at both location and the overall were recorded from untreated plants for all cases compared to control. Similarly, Singh et al. (2016)
combined result revealed that the maximum but the minimum number of total tuber at Dabark reported that application of 180 kg N2 along with
number of unmarketable tuber was recorded from was from application of 110-45 kg ha N2/P2O5 50 kg S2 increase the number of tuber by 43%.
unfertilized treatment followed by application of 55 while 90 kg/ha P2O5 for Dabat. Rosen and Bierman (2008) reported that
-1 -1
kgha N2 with 45 kg ha P2O5 whereas the It is clear that the increase in number of application of phosphorus fertilizer had significant
minimum number of unmarketable tuber was marketable tuber with increase in applied contribution to increase total tuber yield and total
recorded from 90 kg ha P2O5 for Dabark and 110 nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorous was associated number of tubers per plant as compared to
kg ha N2 for Dabat. with decrease in the number of the small size unfertilized.
On the other hand, the maximum number of tubers and increase in the weight of individual
marketable tuber for overall combined result and tubers. This could be probably due to the fact that
Dabat area were recorded from application of marketable tuber number increases at higher NPS effect on potato tuber yield
110- 90 kg/ha N2 /P2O5 while 110-19.74-50.8 kg/ha nitrogen rate because nitrogen can trigger the
N2/S2/P2O5 for Dabark area. The raise in the vegetative growth for more photo-assimilate The application of different type and rate of
application of N2 0 to 110 kg/ha with 90 kg ha production while phosphorous enhanced the fertilizer significantly influenced the marketable,
P2O5 increased the number of marketable tuber by development of roots for nutrient uptake. unmarketable and total tuber yield (Table 5). The
122% at Dabat (Table 4). Increasing the rate 0 to According to Israel et al. (2012), application of result of the two years combined analysis of the
-1 -1
110-19.74-50.8 kg ha N2/S2/P2O5 at Dabark nitrogen from 0 -165 kg N ha and phosphorus experiment in Dabark areas showed that a
58 J. Hortic. For.
Dabark ( combined, 2016-2017) Dabat ( combined, 2016-2017) Combined result (over location-over year)
N2, S2, P2O5 kg/ha respectively
a f a a f a a e a
0-0-0 13.58 3.63 17.21 13.86 3.81 17.68 13.72 3.72 17.45
dc de de def cdr c cde c e
0-0- 90 6.23 5.68 11.91 4.53 6.2 10.73 5.38 5.94 11.32
d bc 6e d e c cde bc de
55-9.87-25.4 4.85 6.91 11.7 5.4 5.63 11.03 5.12 6.27 11.47
cd ab bc f ab c de a cd
110-0-0 6.2 7.63 13.83 3.71 7.51 11.23 4.95 7.57 11.53
b e b b f b b d b
55- 0-45 9.86 5.21 15.08 8.95 4.23 13.18 9.4 4.72 14.13
c bc bcd de bcd bc cd b c
55-0- 90 6.8 6.83 13.68 5.26 6.71 11.98 6.05 6.77 12.83
cd a bcd ef bc bc dce a c
110-19.74-50.8 5.38 8.25 13.63 4.88d 7.13 12.01 5.13 7.69 12.82
cd cd e c de b c bc cde
110- 0-45 5.13 6.48 11.61 7.2 6 13.2 6.16 6.24 13.40
d ab cde ef a c e a cd
110-0-90 5.06 7.73 12.8 3.85 8.46 12.31b 4.45 8.10 12.55
CV 21.44 14.64 11.6 20.24 13.38 10.91 19.58 14.04 11.35
Mean 7.01 6.48 13.5 6.4 6.19 12.59 7.45 6.33 13.05
LSD 1.76 1.11 1.84 1.61 0.97 1.61 1.13 0.72 1.2
UMTN = number of unmarketable tuber; MTN= number of marketable tuber; TTN= total tuber number.
*Significant, **highly significant, LSD =least significant difference, means followed by the same letter(s) are not significantly different.
Dabark ( combined, 2016-2017) Dabat ( combined, 2016-2017) Combined result (over location-over year)
N2, S2, P2O5 kg/ha respectively
a e d f a d d f a f e e
0-0-0 6.65 12.4 19.05 26.48 7.13 11.96 19.05 26.24 6.89 12.15 19.05 26.36
ab cd c cde f b c bcd bc d c bc
0- 0- 90 5.58 19.75 25.33 48.03 4.11 21.88 26b 54.73 4.85 20.81 25.66 51.38
e bc c bcd bcd b bc c c cd c b
55-9.87-25.4 3.5 22.53 26.03 49.47 5.55 21.95 27.5 56.38b 4.52 22.24 26.76 52.92
cde b c de ef b bc bcd c c c bc
110-0- 0 4.21 23.35 27.56 45.15 4.16 22.86 27.03 54.51 4.19 23.1 27.3 49.83
bcd d d f ab c c e b e d d
55-0- 45 4.73 16.65 21.38 31.69 6.45 18.18 24.7 41.93 5.59 17.41 23.0 36.81
bc c c e bc c b cd b d c c
55- 0-90 5.18 20.08 25.26 41.66 5.96 21.73 27.7 52.28 5.57 20.9 26.48 46.97
bC a a a def a a a c a a a
110-19.74-50.8 5.15 30.26 35.41 58.99 4.46 31.37 35.5 67.59 4.8b 30.74 35.55 63.29
e b c bc cde c bc de c cd c bc
110 0-45 3.7d 23.73 27.43 53.1a 5.28 22.18 27.46 47.62 4.49 22.95 27.45 50.36
de a b ab def a a ab c b b a
110-0-90 3.61 27.95 31.56 55.64 4.73 28.32 33.01 61.07 4.17 28.11 32.29 58.35
CV 21.5 12.27 9.79 12.43 18.3 11.6 9.23 12.34 20.58 12.07 9.44 12.68
Mean 4.7 21.85 26.56 45.59 5.31 22.24 27.34 51.3 5.01 22.05 27.04 48.44
LSD 1.19 3.14 3.05 6.64 1.14 3.02 2.98 7.44 0.86 2.16 2.08 5
UMTY = yield of unmarketable tuber; MTY= Yield of marketable tuber; TTY= total tuber yield;AWtT= Average weigh of total tuber. *Significant, ** highly significant, LSD =least
significant difference, means followed by the same letter(s) are not significantly different.
Fantaw et al. 59
a minimum unmarketable tuber yield was recorded from minimum average weight of tuber at both locations was
application of 55-9.87-25.4 kg/ha N2/S2/P2O5, while the obtained from unfertilized treatment. The overall
maximum unmarketable yield was measured from combined result reveal that application of 110-19.74-50.8
unfertilized treatment (Table 5). On the contrary, the kg/ha N2/S2 /P2O5 provided the maximum average tuber
-1 -
lowest marketable tuber yield (12.4 t ha ) was recorded weight (63.29 gm/tuber) followed by 110-90 kg ha
1 -1
from untreated and the maximum marketable tuber yield N2/P2O5. Moreover, application of 9.87 kg ha S2 with
-1 -1
(30.26 t ha ) was from application of 110-19.74-50.8 kg 55-25.4kg ha N2/P2O5 doubled the size of average tuber
ha N2/S2 /P2O5. Similarly, at Dabat site a maximum weight as compared with unfertilized plant. The current
unmarketable yield (7.13 t ha ) and a minimum result is in conformity with the work of Israel et al. (2012)
marketable tuber yield (11.96 t ha ) were recorded from who reported an increase in nitrogen and phosphorous
untreated plant, while the maximum marketable tuber fertilizer revealed significant contribution to increase in
-1 -1
(31.37t ha ) was from 110-19.74-50.8kg ha N2/S2 /P2O5. total tuber yield and advanced to get larger average tuber
This indicated that as the rate of fertilizer increased the weight. Similarly, Barczak et al. (2013) reported that
size of the tuber increased which might be due to sulfur fertilizer contributed for a significant increment of
initiation of more vegetative growth that resulted potato tuber yield through enlarging tuber weight during a
production of more photo-assimilate to be translocated to three-year research.
the tubers and decreased the number and yield of
unmarketable tubers (Grant et al., 2001; Nasreen et al.,
2003; Brady and Weil, 2008). Partial budget analysis
The overall combined data showed that increased level
of nitrogen and phosphorous fertilizer from 0 to 110 N2 As indicated in Table 6, except treatments combinations
with 90 kg ha P2O5 increased the marketable yield by of 0-0-0, 55-9.87-25.4, 110-0-0 and 110-19.74-50.8 N-S-
131% (Table 5). Moreover, addition of 20 kg sulfur over P Kg ha , all the other treatments were dominated. This
this (110-90 N2 /P2O5) raised the marketable yield by means the net benefit that was obtained from these
153%. Similarly, the overall combined result revealed that treatments was lower than the net benefit obtained from
86.6% total yield increment was due to increase in the the treatments with lower variable cost and there was no
application of 0 to 110-19.74-50.8 kg ha N2/S2 /P2O5 proportional increment in the net benefit with increase in
followed by 69.5% from application of 110 kg N 2 with 90 variable cost.
-1 -1
kg P2O5 ha . Even application of 9.87 kg ha S2 with 55- The partial budget analysis revealed that application of
25.5 kg ha N2 P2O5 increased the total yield by 40.47%. nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorous fertilizer gave the high
The probable reason for increased in tuber yield with gross profit, net return and marginal rate of return
increasing sulfur levels might be attributed to its role in compared to the control. The highest net benefit (134,500
better partitioning of the photo-assimilates in the shoot birr/ha) and marginal rate of return (4453.6%) were
and tubers (Sud and Sharma, 2002). Another probable obtained from the combination of the tree nutrient
– 1
reason might be due to addition of phosphorus which application at the rate of 110-19.74-50.8N-S-P Kg ha
– 1
enhances development of roots particularly lateral and followed by 55- 9.87- 25.4 N-S-P Kg ha which had
fibrous rootlets which in turn contributed in nutrient 2264.8% marginal rate of return. The results showed that
–1 –1
absorption, photosynthesis and general physiological the rate of 110 Kg ha with 90 Kg ha were dominated
– 1
processes. According to the report of Mahmoodabad et (D) by 110-19.74-50.8N-S-P Kg ha indicating that the
al. (2010) and Sharma and Arora (1987), increment of former level and composition of treatment was less
nitrogen fertilizer rate resulted in more tuber yield but profitable than the later. The fertilizer rates of 110-19.74-
-1 –1
excessive rate of nitrogen (250 kg ha ) and decreased 50.8 N-S-P Kg ha was proved to be the superior and
the total number of tubers per unit area and yield, since economically viable for potato production that can be
high amount of nitrogen encourage vegetative growth recommended for farmers in the area.
more than tuber growth.
The present investigation is in line with those of Singh
et al. (2016) that reported application of nitrogen and Conclusion
sulfur fertilizer resulted a significant increment on
marketable and total tuber yield. Similarly, Sharma et al. The two-year and two location research showed that the
(2011) reported that application of sulfur fertilizer resulted application of nitrogen, sulfur and phosphorous
significant differences on yield and raising the level 0 to significantly increased the potato tuber yield as compared
45kg/ha increased total tuber yield per plant by 32.55%. to the control. Application of 110-19.74-50.8 kg/ha N2/S2
Also, Zelalem et al. (2009) reported similar response of /P2O5 fertilizer delayed days to flowering and days to
potato with application of nitrogen and phosphorous maturity by 8 and 11 days at Darark and 10 and 14 days
fertilizers. at Dabat, respectively. However, it had positive and
In the present study, the type and rate of fertilizer significant effect to increase plant height and number of
significantly affected average weight of a tuber. The stem per plant, which may have positive contribution to
60 J. Hortic. For.
Table 6. Partial budget analysis data for the combined fertilizer rate.
Treatment Cost
Average Adjusted Cost for Total Marginal Marginal
combination Gross field cost of Fertilizer Marginal net
Yield yield fertilizer variable Net Benefit variable rate of
(Nitrogen-sulfur- benefit Fertilizer application benefit
(Kg/ha) (Kg/ha) transport cost cost return
phosphorous) (Labor)
0-0-0 12150 10935 54675 0 0 0 0 54675
55-9.87-25.4 22240 20016 100080 1650 180 90 1920 98160 43485 1920 2264.8
55- 0- 45 17710 15939 79695 2248 240 110 2598 77097d
0-0- 90 20810 18729 93645 2300 240 120 2660 90985d
110-0- 0 23100 20790 103950 2625 300 150 3075 100875 2715 1155 235.06
55-0- 90 20900 18810 94050 2849 300 150 3299 90751d
110-19.74-50.8 30740 27666 138330 3300 360 170 3830 134500 33625 755 4453.6
110- 0- 45 22950 20655 103275 3346 360 180 3886 99389d
110-0- 90 28110 25299 126495 3398 330 170 3898 122597d
Price of UREA=1050 birr qt-1; NPS =1100 birr qt-1; DAP= 1150 birr qt-1; Field price of Potato = 500 qt-1; d=dominated.
increase size of photosynthetic area. Moreover, and the participating farmers for their cooperation Central, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
overall combined result revealed 153% increment in the project. 2016
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The authors are grateful for the contributions of Recommendations: An Economics Training Manual. 7:146-156.
Completely revised edition. D.F.Maxico. Jamaati-e-Somarin S, Hokmalipour S, Shiri-e-Janagrad M,
the University of Gondar of funds and facilities to
Central Statistical Agency (CSA) (2016). Agricultural sample Abbasi A (2009). Vegetative growth of potato (Solanum
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and Dabark district Agriculture office, the experts Agency, The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia nitrogen fertilizer. Journal of Biological Science 4(7):807-
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