Regras - House Rules
Regras - House Rules
Regras - House Rules
All Psiads
Character Creation Character Creation
Path: All characters gain one free dot in Aeon Trinity Mode Dots: Gains three points to assign in aptitude
Division Minerva Society Path. modes and one point to any aptitude mode.
Extra Experience Points: All characters gains 20 XP to Extra Attribute Point (Step 6): Can trade the extra
expend. attribute point per one extra dot of Psi.
Characters start with a number of languages based on
their Intellect and Culture or Humanities level.
With Intellect 3+ the character gets an extra language
in character creation and with 5+ gets one more
language. In addition, the character gains a number of
languages equal to half of the Culture or Humanities
(whichever is greater) rounded up. If the character has
Mega-Intellect multiply the languages starting total by
the Mental scale value.
The maximum amount of languages a character can
know is: (Intellect + Culture or Humanities) x Mental
Powers in General
Each +3 Enhancement provided by powers
(Inspiration, Gifts, Psionic Powers, Mega-Edges, Quantum
Powers, Superiors Powers and Super-Science) considers
the Scale of +1 to everything, except for Enhancement
bonus. (In Study)
Psionic Powers
Auxiliary Mode Combination: All Psions can combine
the effects of Auxiliary Modes freely, but don’t gain the
benefits of Aptitude Combination when combining alone.