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Senior Writing
19 October 2020
How do you look at police brutality? Make the world a better place! Police brutality is using an
unnecessary amount of force by a police officer on a person. Brutality can range from assault to
torture to murder. Do you feel safe when an officer approaches you? The brutality can be
As the brutal rate goes up, there are many ways we can prevent the abuse of police
powers. Recruiting more female police officers because they are less likely to be involved in
excessive force or shooting incidents. Women rely more on communication than using force on
one another. The way officers are trained plays a huge part in most incidents. Some departments
may provide training for officers, the majority do not offer it, usually due to budget limitations.
If the officers aren’t properly trained, they may tend to act out causing them to shoot first when
dealing with difficult situations or people. It is important each officer is trained the exact same
way, so that way if they are ever in a hostile situation they know what to do for safe and secure
reasons. The departments are not training their officers enough in the emotional stage of force.
When is it the perfect time to use deadly force? “In the United States, the use of deadly
force by sworn law enforcement officers is lawful when the officer reasonably believes the
subject poses a significant threat of serious bodily injury or death to themselves or others”
(Deadly Force). Officers are required to wear cameras on their vests for footage and safety.
Some departments are increasing the number of tasers and decreasing the number of automatic
guns. “It is intended to help officers see that "force can be the last option, not the first
choice”(Smith 1). Communication is key and that could avoid a lot of violence. There's a
difference between someone using a gun and when they should use a gun.
Is police brutality only happening to one race? Most of the brutality encounters are
among blacks but not necessarily towards blacks. Most Americans look at it as if every officer is
racist, but some officers are just doing what they are taught and protecting themselves and
others. If a policeman feels threaten by you with a probable cause they are taught to use
self-defense. As some of the footage is leaked out to the media, you can never forget it. Once the
footage is posted, it will forever be seen. Structural violence is people of color. Lately, the world
has been looking at the police departments as if it’s dealing with structural violence. Officers
have felt threatened by African Americans because they are racially profiled. When coming
across African Americans, they go for deadly force before actually communicating with the
world. As we look and hear about the incidents that took place around the world, we look at it as
a burden. Although police brutality occurs all around the world, you will likely hear about it in
the U.S.A. With the increased social media posts, that’s how movements and protests come
along. How do you look at police brutality? Make the world a better place!
Dudley, William. "Issues in Society: Do Police Abuse their Powers?" , 2017. SIRS Issues
Pinizzotto, Anthony J. "Restraint in the Use of Deadly Force." FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, 06
Smith, Mitch. "Mayor of Chicago Announces Measures to Curb use of Deadly Force.." New