Suicide Assessment (Final)
Suicide Assessment (Final)
Suicide Assessment (Final)
February 1, 2011
BSN-4B Grp. # 33
Suicide Assessment
This step lays out helpful information on suicidal patients and interviewing them.
Level of Risk
Low - no to some suicidal ideation, no plan
Moderate - ideation, vague plan, low on lethality, wouldn't do it
High - ideation, plan specific and lethal, would or wouldn't do it
Highest risk group has suicidal ideation (thoughts of killing self), a plan (any plan so long as it is definite
and detailed is high risk), high lethality (guns and walking in front of busses are more serious than
overdosing on Tylenol and slashing wrists), few inhibitors (few reasons not to kill self), low self-control
(especially drinking or using drugs - can decide not to kill self but fail to act to reverse events and
accidentally kill themselves)
Regardless of theoretical basis, key element is a positive and sustaining therapeutic relationship
Recommended (primarily from clinical consensus)
• To target issues
– Denial of symptoms
– Lack of insight
• To manage high risk symptoms
– Hopelessness
– Anxiety
Effective treatment in high risk diagnoses
– Depression
– Personality disorders (use of D.B.T.)
Family Intervention
This is best if there is high support and low impulsiveness in the client. The clients agree with you to
contact their family. They stay with the family member until the suicidal thoughts have been addressed
in treatment, and the family is briefed on who to contact for help in an emergency. The family also takes
an active role to remove drugs, guns, or other means of suicide from the home, and promises 24 hour
This is best if there is little family support, or mental illness, substance use or impulsiveness. Try
voluntary admission, but use involuntary if needed.
Consumer:__________________________ CID#:___________________
Strengths :
Needs :
Preference :
DIRECTIONS: Assess the risk of the client in each of the following categories and add the points. If the question does not apply,
use zero.
Has the client ever attempted No attempts Previous thoughts, no Has attempted; hospitalized or
suicide? attempt; thoughts of E.R. care
Has a family member ever Rumored, but never Distant family member or Immediate family member or
attempted suicide? disclosed clearly friend loved one
Does client have a suicide Vague, fleeting thoughts, Frequent thoughts; Frequent or constant thoughts
plan? but no plan occasional ideas about a with a plan; giving away
plan possessions; expresses will to
die and has written a suicide
Is client isolated socially Begun to alienate family Alienated many family Socially isolated; alienated all
without friends? and friends and friends
Does the client have a history None Within last six months Recent, within last month
of self destructive behaviors
(self mutilation, accident prone,
Has client sustained a recent Loss, which is not Recent death of friend or Death of a spouse, parent, child,
loss? (job, friend, loved one, significant to client yet is pet, demotion, money significant other; loss of job;
home, status) within three still a loss, job change, crunch, serious illness financial disaster; terminal
months? minor job problems, poor illness
Is the client willing to making a Willing Willing with some Not willing
no harm contract? reservations
Is client compliant with Takes as prescribed Takes infrequently Has discontinued meds